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06x09 - The End of Democracy

Posted: 11/07/22 15:14
by bunniefuu





"Throughout his life..."

No. "Throughout his career,

Frank Landau brought
Illinois Democrats together.

During the Bush years,
the rise of extremism.

And now he's brought us
together one last time".

Was that a grimace?


It looked like you winced.

No. A tear in my eye.

You really didn't have to do this.

I'm home for two weeks, I'm
going to spend it with my wife.

I will find you a drink just
as soon as we get there.

Don't worry about it.

I'm not going to say a word.

Keep going.

"On issues like Roe v. Wade and...

the NRA,

Frank always had
his heart in the right place".

- "Frank..."

Who was that?


Nothing, it's just a client.



GPS: Please make a U-turn when safe.

He still hasn't called? Neil Gross?


- Do we know where he is?
- We think Fiji.

But he should've been
back last Thursday.

Do we think he's found another law firm?

GPS: Please make a U-turn when safe.

Well, Chumhum has
no outstanding litigation,

so my guess is he's playing the field.

He'll be at the memorial, right?

Frank Landau's widow invited him.

All right, so, let's just corner him

and make our last pitch.

GPS: Please make a U-turn...

No, I won't! You f*cking think

I'm in f*cking Baltimore.

My God.

GPS: You have arrived.
Please park where safe.

[GROANS]: Okay.

♪ ♪


What if we left?

Right now?

I mean, I made an appearance.

People saw me.

Well, we haven't even gone inside.

I know, but I can...

I can feel the judgment from out here.

Why would they judge you?

I'm a Gold.

And Frank Landau's
family didn't invite my dad.

They probably blame me.

Blame you because an anti-Semite
wants to m*rder a Jew?

Who said it had to make sense?

Wait a minute, stand over there.

- Why?
- Zev, just do it.

- Oh, my God.
- ZEV: What?

It's not me. Come on, take my arm.


Who was that?

- Marissa.
- No, the guy.

JAY: I don't know. Her boyfriend?

So, is he here?

Neil Gross?

No, not yet. His second-in-command is.


There are two other firms on the hunt.

Colvin & Marcy.

Oh, I know them. Smaller.

And Russell Carton & Associates.

- Oh, that's a good one.
- LIZ: Anything else?

Gross is buying up land in Puerto Rico.

- Why?
- JAY: No idea.

Okay, all right, so, when we see him,

let's just all text each other. Okay?

How long do we have to stay?

Memorials not your scene?

Small talk is not my scene.


Want me to rescue your boyfriend?

He's not my boyfriend.
He's my Krav Maga instructor.


Hey, Zev? Your fiancée
wants to have a word.

Were you getting lonely, "dear"?

She wanted a drink.

You really come alive at memorials, huh?

It's when I'm happiest.

I'm grabbing a drink. Want anything?

An Old Fashioned.

Tell me if you see Ben-Baruch.

- He's coming here?
- A long story.

So we're getting married, huh?

In Carmen's mind. She's
particularly melodramatic today.

JAY: No drinks?

Then you have a few minutes.

For what?

Jay, what are we doing?

You don't have to do this,

but there are people who need us.

What are we talking about?

Something bigger than all this.

CARMEN: Who's that?

JAY: A way to help our community.

Jay, I'm not you. You
want to better the world.

I want to better my life.

They have money.

RI'CHARD: It's not just that
we want Puerto Rico's law school

to have national stature,
we also want students

and faculty engaged in the community...

Look, nothing's been decided yet.

We're still considering you.

Do you know when Neil is arriving?

Unfortunately, he's been
called away to Beijing.

We'll arrange a call.


Do you find swearing helps?

All the f*ckin' time.

We need to get him on the phone.

I've been trying. He won't pick up.

How many will we lose
if we lose Chumhum?

- Half of tech. clients.


We're about to begin.
Please move into the Great Room.


BUCK: I know my rights!
You have no idea...

- GUARD: Hey.
- Hey! Hey.

I want my lawyer. I know
my rights and I want my lawyer!

Stand up. Back against the door.

f*ck you.

Fine. You don't want your call.

Wait, wait, wait. Get back here.

Hands. Show me hands.

How am I gonna make
my call with no hands, huh?



I know my rights. You're
not holding my receiver for me.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Shut up.

You have no f*cking idea
who you're dealing with.

Attorney/client privilege.

Back the f*ck off!


♪ ♪


Good job.


♪ ♪


Stanley, Berkeley & Associates.

Mid-level firm.

Five partners. Mostly criminal defense.

In The Loop. White shoe.

What she said.


Stanley, Berkeley & Associates.
How may I help you?

John Lincoln. Right away.

May I tell him what this is regarding?

No, you may not. Just
tell him it's Buck, squad eight.

One moment.

You're a new-hire.
John Lincoln is at lunch.

He asked you to just handle
the prep for the bond hearing

before he gets there.

But if he's a white supremacist,

is he gonna want
to work with someone Black?

- No.
- CARMEN: So... ?

It's up to you.

Not yet. You gotta make him sweat.

Your name is Carmen Alden. Say it.

- I'm Carmen Alden.
- And you're a bit harried.

John keeps shoving
too many cases at you.

You're eating a salad
in the conference room

- with other associates.
- This is what it looks like.

I know. I interviewed there.

They didn't want me.

Good. Use your memory of it.

You're out the door to meet him now.

Walk as you talk. Okay?

This is Carmen Alden.
Who is this please?

Who are you?

CARMEN: Mr. Lincoln's associate.

He's at lunch, but he asked me
to prep for your bond hearing.

No, I don't know you, lady.

That's okay. Mr. Lincoln
briefed me on your needs.

This is bullshit.
He's supposed to be available.

CARMEN: And he will be.

But Mr. Lincoln knows
that if we don't jump

on this right now,
the police will be thrilled

to keep you in there over the weekend.

You unfortunately chose
a Friday to get arrested.

Get me someone else there.
I wanna talk to somebody else.

CARMEN: Look, I don't
have time for this.

Okay? I have other cases.
Call again on Monday.

No, no, wait, wait.

I need out today.

Understood. I'm minutes away.

If you get any harassment,

tell the guard on duty that
"John has your number".

Now sit tight. And don't
tell anybody anything.

You understand?

Keep your f*ckin' mouth shut.

- RENETTA: Okay.
- I believed you.

- What's your size?
- My size?

RENETTA: Clothes. Your size?

- Six.
- We need you in work attire.

No. Let's play it like
I was going to a funeral.

RANDY: I think work attire
would be better...

Actually, she's right.
Let's stick closer to the truth.

Okay, we've got minutes
to prep you. Let's go.


Good afternoon.

If you don't recognize me...


Uh, hello?

Good afternoon.
If you don't recognize me,

I'm the new head of the DNC,
I'm Johnny Elfman.

And this is how the midterms
are going for me, so far.


Some stairs. In Georgia.
I fell down the stairs.

Time has not been very good
to the Democratic Party.

The Supreme Court.
Republican obstructionism.

School sh**t.

There are more children
k*lled every year

from firearms than cancer,
and the NRA still doesn't care.

And now here we are,
gathered today over the loss

of Frank Landau,
a man who truly cared...

- Whoa.

A man who truly cared.

- We'll be hearing from friends...


We'll be hearing from friends
and admirers of Frank.

So, please, wipe away those tears,

and let's remember
what Frank always told us.

Who is he?

A client.

ZEV: I recognize him from Tel Aviv.

- He's a criminal.
- Okay.

Let's not get
too confrontational, hubby.

After graduating from Yale, I struggled

with nepotism and small-mindedness.

And I'll never forget the
words that Frank offered me:

"You can beat anyone
if you put your mind to it".

And that's all I needed
to become the top lawyer in D.C.

And one of the
most eligible bachelors

under in the D.C. area,

according to Law Life magazine.

Frank used to say to me,
"Dan, I know that you,

Daniel Grey, are the
future of this party".

That was Frank.
He had that kind of vision.

The best way to talk
about Frank is to talk

about myself and the successes
we had at the AFL-CIO.

When Frank chose me to lead
those negotiations,

he knew he chose a leader.

And frankly, no pun intended,

lead, I did.

TV REPORTER: In our breaking
headline story this hour,

reporting live from Washington, D.C.

Although information
is not yet available,

in a second apparent leak,

the conservative majority
of the Supreme Court

decided to overturn gay marriage.

In what appears to be
an initial draft decision,

the Court assets that gay marriage

does not enjoy privacy protection.

Oh, Jesus.

been unable to confirm

this leaked document's
authenticity, but the...

We're opening early.

TV REPORTER: "Even though
this Court's earlier ruling

on abortion concluded
it would have no impact

on gay marriage, we changed our minds".

The draft opinion cited Creetin Spencer,

an th century
Thessaloniki judge who wrote:

"Smote me not thy heed,
sleepeth not with thy brethren".

After the Supreme Court's decision

to reverse Roe v. Wade...

There's not enough whiskey in the world.

TV REPORTER: ... to offer a preview

of the Court's potential rulings

suggesting the right-winged
controlled Court

may return to the issues
of contraception access

and marriage equality.

This one hurts.

- Taken from us too young,

he hadn't even turned yet.

I believe in the future
of the Democratic Party.

Please remember to turn off your phones.

What's going on?

Gay marriage.

ELIZABETH: I believe in tomorrow.

I believe we're coming back.

MINISTER: And now for our final speaker.

A friend who worked
with Frank for two decades.

Ms. Diane Lockhart.

Diane Lockhart.

Is she here?


Diane. Your speech. Come on.

You okay?


♪ ♪


Hello. Here we all are.

Every Democrat that
tried to do something.

We came to bury
Frank Landau, not to praise him.

And it looks like we're gonna bury

the Democratic Party instead.

Because let's face it, folks.

We're f*cked.

Thank you for sharing.

If we could all bow our heads.

♪ ♪

Here's to democracy
and your life's work.

NEIL: I liked your speech.


I saw your speech. I liked it.

- All words?
- .

I tend to count words
in my mind. I'm not proud of it.

I thought you weren't coming, Mr. Gross.

I wasn't. But I had a dream last night.

About what?

It was about the end of the world.

It's hard to make money
at the end of the world.

DIANE: Maybe you could
sell seat cushions.


That's what I always
liked about you, Diane.

You said exactly what you thought to me.

Well, I'm going home.

What should we do about it?

About my going home?

No, the end of the Democratic Party?

You're f*cked, so now what?

I so don't give a shit anymore.

Yeah, you do. That's why it bothers you.

Burn it all the f*ck
down and start over.

I can't think of any other way.

You mean square one?

Yeah. We have to rethink everything.

Why didn't we create
a Federalist society

back in the ' s?

Why didn't we groom our own judges?

Why don't we go on the attack
when a judicial seat opens up?

Why didn't we get
rid of the Electoral College

and this f*cking filibuster?

We're the majority,
and yet the minority rules.

- Really?
- Keep going.

The superdelegates,
they either have to go away

or fall in line behind a candidate

that's not years old.

And we have got to invest
in younger candidates

who-who have the energy
and the passion to rebuild,

to reinvigorate, and
to actually rebrand the...

No, stop... God, stop me.

- sh**t me.
- NEIL: Why? Why?

Oh, it's a habit. It's a tick.

Feeling hopeful, and then imagining some

optimistic scenario.

Hell, let's do it.

What does that mean, "do it"?

It means all your ideas,
everything you just said,

let's do it.

Do it how?

No, I'm going home with my NRA husband,

and hydrating so that I don't
have a hangover tomorrow.


Diane, do you know what I'm worth?

My guess is a lot.

$ billion.

Unlike my billionaire brethren,

I have not bought rockets,
or Twitter, or Mars, or Lanai.

I am looking around for how I can

help the world with my money.

Okay. And how do you plan to do that?

I want to buy the Democratic Party.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

This is the white supremacist
group, the Michigan Army.

They're strategically provoking
a race w*r in Chicago.

They fired the sh*ts at our firm.

This is the man you're
going to meet. Buck Burns.

He was on his way
to the historically Black

college campus of Wilson
Clayman with a fertilizer b*mb.

What do you need?

Names. Any operations.

The smallest piece of information helps.

Our intelligence is like a mosaic.

CARMEN: It would help if
you could be more specific.

We really don't...

Who put that b*mb together?

And what happens
when you're done with him?

What do you mean?

Are you k*lling him?

No. But we'll keep him
out of circulation.

How do you do that?

With great dexterity.

He will be well fed.

He will be given meaningful work.

Access to worthy books.

And a social scene that
encourages a more fruitful path.

RENETTA: We're not K*llers, Carmen.

We're the good guys. We're the defense.

Come with me.

We'll be watching,
but if you feel yourself

in danger just say,
"I gotta call the office".

- Understand?
- Yes.

Your cell phone.

- What?
- Give me your phone.

- Oh, damn.
- What?

Ben-Baruch. Give me one minute.

Be quick.


Where are you? Have you
abandoned me here?

CARMEN: I had to rush out.
And now I have to ask a favor.

Where did you rush to?

Everybody's flirting with my plus-one,

even though they think he's my fiancé.

Thank you for that, by the way.

I don't have much time, Marissa.

I forgot, I was supposed
to meet Ben-Baruch

at the memorial to introduce him around.

MARISSA: Now you want me to?

Please. Do you see him?

No. But I did earlier.
What does he want?

CARMEN: I don't know.
I think political influence.

Just apologize for me.
I had to rush off.

Okay, but you owe me.

CARMEN: Oh, yeah.
Make it something good.


- Ready?
- Yes.

And remember, he's a dangerous man.

So be wary.

- RENETTA: Mm-hmm.
- Wary but calm?


Why do you need a lawyer at all?

If it's a fake police station,
why not a fake lawyer?

The real is always better,
don't you think?

Then why not your lawyer? Him.

Mr. Elkin has been targeted
by the Michigan Army.

They have a photo of him.

And you too, Jay.

Just get us the information we need.

That's the best way to stop them.


But you can't just buy
the Democratic Party.

Oh, sure I can.

They-they want a savior,
I want the country to work.

And it's not just the money to me.

The country needs to survive
for my money to mean anything.

And the country will only
survive if there is balance.

So, just think of me as a counterpart

to Rupert Murdoch.

Neil, we live in a polluted body politic

where facts don't matter anymore.

You'd have to cut through
all the lies on Facebook.

No. I'll just buy it.

- Buy what?
- Facebook.

Mark is tired of the headaches.

He might put it in play.

Look at all those fireflies.

Aren't they beautiful?

I guess I just don't understand
what you're thinking.

I mean, what are your actual policies?

Well, why don't you tell me
what I'm thinking.

I just heard you up here
in front of the Democrats

saying that what
they were doing was f*cked.

Well, I agree. So, what should they do?

You just said to me out there,

why not burn down the Democratic
Party and start over?

Well, here I am!

Mr. Moneybags to make it happen.

I don't want to dig a tunnel under L.A.

I want democracy to work.

So, let's do it.

TV REPORTER: Legal experts
believe that states

will outlaw gay marriage outright

and others will require
some kind of union certificate

granted by a judge.

Said certificates will require
meetings with probationary

marital observers to establish...


They don't care about k*lling
children out of the womb.

Who the hell needs an AR- these days?

When did Republicans
go from crazy to evil?

A beer please.

I know you, don't I?

No, I don't think so.

The NRA protest.

We chained ourselves to the doors.

No, no, I don't think that was me.

You were so nice.

You kept me from getting pepper-sprayed.

This is the man I told you about.

At the "March For Our Lives".
He kept the police off me.

How did you get inside the building?

Did you break in with the earlier group?

No. I was heading out to lunch.

Headed out? What do you mean?

I work with the NRA. Thanks.

Nice meeting you.


Is that Jay?

No, it's Diane. She's
back in the Great Room

talking with Neil Gross.

Good talking or bad talking?


He wants us to help him

buy the Democratic Party.

Mr. Baruch?

Hi, I'm Marissa Gold,
Carmen's associate.

She got called away. So,
she asked me to help you.

Hi. How are you?

- What's your name?
- Where's Carmen?

She got called away.

So, she asked me
to introduce you around.


I'm not the B team, sir.

Do you want an introduction
to the head of the DNC or not?

How do you know the head of the DNC?

He's a friend of my father's.

Yes, please introduce me.

Diane, there you are.

I bumped into Neil Gross.

And we're talking
about remaking the party.

You don't have to pretend, Diane.

I knew your partners would join us.

That's what the smell of money does.

Well, we want to be involved

with whatever you're
interested in, Mr. Gross.

I want to talk to the DNC
about buying them out.

Good. We can work up a proposal.

- Set a meeting for next week.
- Oh, no.

I want to talk to them now.

Elfman is here, right?

Yes, but I don't think
this is the best time.

You don't think the death

of the Democratic Party
is the right moment to talk

about buying the Democratic Party?

It just seems better
to be well-prepared.

Elfman is not Frank Landau.
You have to win him over.

I'm not worried about winning him over.

- Why's that?
- Well, if he

says "no" I reveal
all the data I have on him.

JULIUS: I'm sorry, what?

I have their search histories,
their email histories.

Everything from Chumhum.

Oh, boy. Clutch my pearls.
I've offended you?

See, these are the tactics
the Republicans have perfected.

You want Manchin to vote with you

instead of being a perpetual cock block?

Show him what I have on him.

He will lead the charge
on overturning the filibuster.

You want to blackmail other Democrats?

My God, it's like
you're all driving Buicks.

I just gave you
a solution to your problem.

A problem that could
solve abortion rights,

a-and g*n control,

and health care, and
yet you guys hesitate.

Okay, here's my formalized proposal.

Get some balls or get out.

Hi, how are you doing?

Marissa, nice to see you.

How's your dad?

MARISSA: Hating D.C.

Yeah, sorry about that.
Things have gotten strange.

Um, have you met Ben-Baruch?

He's called the crypto king of Tel Aviv.

It's nice to meet you.

Did you know Frank long?

- Who?
- The one we're mourning.

Oh, no, I didn't.

I'm here actually to set up
a dark money PAC

- for the Democrats.
- JOHNNY: Really?

BARUCH: $ million in initial funding.

Well, that's great news.

We could use all the help
we can get these days.

My ex-fiancée threw away
my hard drive in a fit of rage

and now I need it back.

I don't think I understand.

I need you to excavate
the city landfill.

[LAUGHS] Me personally?

No, you politically.

I have $ million in Bitcoin
sitting in city landfill

next to baby diapers and puppy chow.

Mr. Baruch, we'd be happy to help you

get the paperwork started

on a rezoning order.

It'll take some time, but
that's the best we could offer.

I'm offering you $ million
in dark money.

Yeah, and again, we'd love
to help you with the paperwork.

Are you f*cking serious?

If this was the RNC, they
would drain Lake Michigan.

Well, we're not the RNC.

f*cking holier-than-thou bullshit.

Let's talk to the Republicans.

Uh, wait a minute. We can work this out.

- Let me just talk... [GASPS]


♪ ♪

Okay, let's go now, dear.

- [GIGGLING] Come on. Hurry up!
- ZEV: Go, go, go, go, go!


MARISSA: Oh, my God.

MARISSA: We have to get out of here.

ZEV: Wait, wait, wait.

I can't drive.


MARISSA: Oh, my God.

You have to put on your seat belt.

Oh, my God, you are
a mess of contradictions.

You're hitting people
and taking their g*ns,

but, "Make sure your seat belt is on".

Do you want to get married?


We should get married. Look at the road.

We've known each other for three weeks.

My parents knew each other three days.

Yeah, and they probably
plowed their fields with oxen.

- Here.
- What are you doing?

What... No, no, no, no, no. [LAUGHING]

I'm sorry. I don't understand English...

Oh, my God. I can't drive like this.

I'm thrilled you want to help.

We'll set up a dark money PAC.

Take a page out of the
Republicans' playbook.

Neil is looking for
a fundamental redesign.

Not just a way to donate.

What does that mean? "Redesign"?

It means, this is ,
and I'm buying you out.


Jesus, Neil.

You think running
the Democratic Party is easy

because once upon a time you
created some computer software

that helps a person figure out

who the f*ck played Captain Marvel?

You may know ones and zeroes...
and voters don't speak math.

We're not for sale.

DIANE: This isn't just a buyout.

He has big ideas
to reinvigorate the voters.

RI'CHARD: And cash
when it's needed most.

Have you written any of this down?

Have you done any of the research?

Do we even know the districts
that we could win

and the ones we've lost?

I mean, Jesus Christ,

this country is in real f*cking trouble

and you want to play king for a day?

f*ck off.

I'm buying Fox News.


Oh, come on, is this necessary?

Hey, gently. Gently.

Jesus, knock off this Homan Square shit.

Come on, take the hood off, assh*le!

You try that again with him

and you'll have a lawsuit so fast,

you won't know what hit you.

Now get the f*ck out.

You, too.



Well, I'm Carmen Alden.
We talked on the phone.

Your bond hearing
should be in a few hours.

But I just need to get
a few details straight.

Were you driving
the van for someone else?

You know, it would help
our bail argument

if the fertilizer wasn't yours.

I can't tell you how to testify,
but again, I can probably

get you out if the van
belonged to someone else.

Are we having some
problems here, Mr. Burns?

I'm not talking to you.

That will make this difficult.

You're f*ckin' Black.

Where's Big John? Where's Chuck?

Which Chuck? 'Cause
I've got three of them.

BUCK: f*ck you. Go back
to the sh*thole you came from.

Fine by me. I have other things to do.

But did you think about it, really?

Did you think there might be a reason

that Mr. Lincoln sent
you a Black lawyer?

It's Chicago.

The courts, they just kiss the
ass of a Black lawyer like me.

And you're going
in front of Judge Gellar,

he's one of the angriest BLM
ass-lickers on the bench.

And you think
John Lincoln argues for you,

you'll get out on bail?

Or this face?


Have fun in jail over the weekend.

But if you end up in Homan Square...

- don't cry on my shoulder.

We're done.

Why would you defend me?!

Because, why do you think?

Money. I'd defend the devil for money.

I have defended the devil for money.

Do you know Oscar Rivi?

Top crystal dealer in Chicago?

I got him off.

And do you know why? For money.

Now, I don't care who
he hurt or who he f*cked.

It could have been my mother.
But my job is to get him off.

My job is to get you off.

You know, I grew up
with a father who only cared

about causes, and he bankrupted us

with his marches and his door knocking.

And I got dragged
around from door to door

for Jesse Jackson and all that crap.

Is this all true?

I don't know.

Doesn't matter.

You see, the point isn't the end.

The point is the expertise.

The point is winning.

That is why I'm here
because I want to win.

But if you don't care, f*ck you.

Either way, I'm getting the money.



We're done, Buck.

BUCK: Wait!


Okay. I don't know if I trust this guy.

Come back in ten minutes.

Don't you dare listen
by the door, you assh*le.

I know how you work.


Okay, help me out.

I need details for the bond hearing.

How do you buy Fox News?

With money.

How much?

It's current worth is $ billion.

I can become a majority
owner with $ billion.

- And you'd be willing to do that?
- Yes.

The Republicans
will just find some other

network to call their own.

Well, sure, if you turned
Fox Democrat overnight.

But you don't do that.

The thought is to start
curbing its excesses.

To make Fox more reliably
conservative... not radical.

Still, the nuts will just
flee someplace else.

Maybe. There's a certain
period of whack-a-mole.

Always is.

Mr. Gross has promised
a massive investment in the DNC.

years, three presidential cycles.

And he's already heavily
investing in Puerto Rico.

- The st state?
- Of course.

A Democratic one.

And how will you work with
the Biden administration?

I won't. He served you well
in but the brand is tired.

You need someone fresh,
the stakes are too high.

- Okay, I see where this is going.
- NEIL: You do?

Yeah. You think you're
the next Michael Bloomberg,

a guy with too much money
who thinks he's the answer.

- Are you done?
- No. I'm not, thank you.

Why don't you go start your
own political party, Mr. Gross.

I know about your brother's mistress.

What the hell are you talking about?

You're the king of oppo research.

You know exactly what I'm talking about.

Do you know what Republican candidate

k*lled a classmate in ?

I do.

You know what Supreme Court justice

has a child porn problem? I do.

The Democratic Party
doesn't play this game.

Oh, course it does. And if it
doesn't, it sure needs to start.

Do you know how I know all your secrets?

I own Chumhum.

We have . billion
active users every month.

I have records of all their interests,

and their biases, their secrets.

And, for the right cause,
I'm willing to use them.

- You're a dangerous man.
- Oh, yes.

Good thing I have a friend
over in the Justice Department.

Maybe I'll give him a call.

Oh... All right, go for it.

I'm sure Merrick Garland
will hop right on it.

You know, I don't think you
realize, Mr. Elfperson,

the Trump years have turned
everything on its head.

And the Democratic Party
is still acting like we're

all sitting around sipping
toddies with Tip O'Neill.

Just one big happy political family.

Diane, we need to talk.


I think he's going to say "no".
And that's why I need you.

Need me? To what?

To run the Democratic Party.

Yeah, my backup plan
is a hostile takeover.

Kick Elf-guy out, and put you in.

I... Sorry, I don't, I don't
know what to say to that.

It doesn't really matter.
You'll eventually say "yes".

And then you will need
to talk to your husband.

- My husband?
- Yeah. You need to keep him in line.

Or, uh, divorce him.

- Excuse me?
- The interests of the party

supersede any family concerns.

Just tell him you can't
see another school sh**ting

without sh**ting yourself.

Tell him his work with
the NRA disgusts you.

Oh, look, here's his answer now.

I want you to step in for Elfman, Diane.

And you'll need to deal
with your husband first.

- Well?
- No. I don't trust you.

NEIL: Is that your final answer?

We can't just run you, sir.
We have a seniority system.

We have Biden. We have
Kamala. We have Bernie.

And they'll all lose.

It's better than some tech billionaire.


I'm not talking about myself.

God, no.

I have a candidate.

One who is sounding out both parties.

He's dropped everything,
he's on his way here right now.

Who? Who is it? Who's on his way here?

Dwayne Johnson.

The Rock.

Like Peter.

Are you serious?

Like a f*cking heart attack.

Upon this rock, I'll build my party.

♪ ♪

I'll get the bail set.
But don't talk to anyone here.

Anyone in the cell next to you
is just trying to f*ck you.

I need Chuck to help me
with my girlfriend.

If she doesn't get rent
this week she'll be kicked out.

You tell Chuck Pearce
that if he doesn't help,

I'm turning on him.

Understood. Get ready.

The hearing should be in an hour.

And you'll be out of here.


♪ ♪

Chuck Pearce runs oil refineries

in Oklahoma and is the chief
financier of the Michigan Army.

Senator Kiersten Judd of Mississippi

is their second largest donor.


Good work, Carmen. Good leads.

Where are we, Jay?

Done. Their bank accounts are drained.

Good. The Michigan Army
officially bankrupt.

Let's get rid of these guys.

BUCK: What the f*ck are you doing?

What the... ? What the f*ck? Come on!

What are you doing? Where are we going?

Who's that?

Frank Landau's assassin.

BUCK: Where are you taking me?

You can't do this without me
talking to my lawyer.

MAN: Where are we going?
Hold on. Stop. Stop.


- Where are they going?
- Antarctica.

- Is that code or something?
- Nope.

We have a private jet
bound for Antarctica.

Some of our donors
built a facility there,

with private cells
for white supremacists.

Every day they can look out on white.

- Is he gonna get out?
- No, you go to him.

Oh, my God. Is this guy serious or not?

This is The Rock. How did
you think this was gonna work?

Trump came down an escalator.

Why can't he roll up in an Escalade?

JOHNNY: Because we're not them.

And when we try
to be them, it backfires.

Look, don't waste his time, okay?

Either take it seriously
or we just drop the whole thing.

Fine. Can't wait to hear
his thoughts on trade.

RI'CHARD: Now what?

Now we just wait.

And now, Diane, you have
some thinking to do.

What was that about?

As a backup plan, Neil wants
me to run the Democratic Party.


Are you... You're kidding?


Is that something
you would even want to do?

I honestly don't know.

But we need a radical change.

And Neil has
the resources, the contacts,

and the, and the guts to do it.

And despite everything
that's happened, I...

I still want to believe in this country.

Oh, God, I still want to
fight for it. I really do.

Well, I... I'd be sad to see you go.

Come on, Liz. You don't need me.

Except as a drinking partner.


- Besides, you have Ri'Chard.
- Yeah.


he's turning out to be a
better partner than I imagined.

I don't know, maybe... maybe we can

become the largest firm in the world.

Oh, if I run the DNC, you'll
always have our business.

This is either the stupidest
night of our lives...

Or the best.

I'm feeling it.


That most dangerous feeling...


Yeah. There's only one problem.


He wants me to figure out Kurt.

The NRA.

Oh, God.

Right. That's awkward.

In more ways than you can imagine.

Is he all right?

♪ ♪

I think we can see a way
to making this work.

He had some fascinating
and inspired ideas.

What happened to your crutches?

Oh, he laid his hands on my ankle.

W-Where did he go?

Oh, he had an appointment.

NEIL: Ah, one more thing.

We need to accommodate
his sh**ting schedule.

First he needs to tell
the Republican Party "no"

and then he is signed on
to do Scorpion King .

He wants to do both.

Of course the presidency
would be in first position.

♪ ♪

- Hello!
- CARMEN: Hey!

We have the witnesses!

- You made it!
- We did.

I thought you guys were joking.

- We were.
- Then we weren't.

JULIUS: All right. You kids ready?

Marissa Gold, do you take Zev Beker

to be your lawfully wedded husband?

I do.

Zev Beker, do you

take Marissa Gold to be
your lawfully wedded wife?

I do.

I now pronounce you husband and wife.


♪ ♪


KURT: Your client again?

No. The RNC.

Did you give them money in my name?


"Dear Mr. and Mrs. McVeigh,

Thank you very much
for your generous contribution

to the Republican National Committee".

It's a form letter.

They're mailing us MAGA hats.

Don't say I never gave you anything.

Kurt. This isn't working.

What isn't?

You and me.

Why not?

You know why not.
We have nothing in common.


Every time we talk,

it's a minefield
of political frustrations.

Not for me.

Then you're a better person.

Diane, I-I haven't changed.
You knew what I believed in.

Yes. But the world has changed.

The right wing has changed.

I mean, these school sh**t.

I lie awake at night, and I'm thinking

I can't believe what you believe in.

You seem so sane,
and yet these people...

Ted Cruz. Marjorie
Taylor Greene. Boebert.

Diane, we've always stayed away
from all that kind of stuff.

Well, I can't anymore.
I... I just can't.

Have you met someone?

No. No.

Not in the way that you mean.

In what way then?

There are just people that I talk to

who think the way I think.

About politics, about
literature, about music. I'm...

I'm tired of shutting off
that part of myself.

Don't make this
about politics if it's not.

It is about politics.
And it is about beliefs.

And our beliefs are
seriously not aligned.

So, there's no room for love?

I don't... I don't know. I mean...

Yes, there's always room for love.

But that just feels
so inconsequential next to...

Next to everything that's going on.

So, what then?

Well, I mean...

You go to D.C. for your convention.

I stay here. And that's it.

We barely live together now.

So let's just continue that way.

And then, I mean, that's it.


What are you doing?

Getting an Uber. Goodbye.






♪ ♪