19x02 - Paris, Puppies, and Pranks

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Keeping Up With the Kardashians". Aired: October 14, 2007 - 2021.*
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Reality series of the Kardashian family featuring Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and the rest of the Kardashian/Jenner clan personal and professional lives.
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19x02 - Paris, Puppies, and Pranks

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Keeping
Up with the Kardashians...

Four or five months ago,
Scott, Kimberly and myself...

We came up with this Kris
Jenner paparazzi prank.

I'm thinking,
I dress up like her.

We have a paparazzi
take photos of me.

Yes, that's the money!

- Hello?
- There is someone trying to shop

unflattering photos of you,
I guess

going through trash
over by the Kylie office.

I've never gone
through trash in my life.

The first set of
photos weren't that believable.

So now the plan is to
get her belligerently drunk

so she can't really
remember what she did.

As soon as my mom gets home,
we'll get all of her stuff

and I will be in the
Kris Jenner outfit.

It's all gonna match, spot-on.

Hop up in there, Khlo.

Yeah! I think puke.

Let me text these to you.

Yeah, that's you.

I mean, it's not you. My bad.

Do you ever think that
your daughter gets dressed up

like you and we do
really weird things?

She dresses up like you at
night and I follow her around!

- We're crazy!
- I cannot believe

that we pulled off
a prank like this.

I mean,
this prank is gonna be one for the books.

Wow. Wow!

You dress up in the
middle of the night like me?

- Yes!
- We've been doing this since October.

there was another time you were driving

"your black Rolls-Royce"?

And you were very upset
because it was black, not gray.

- A gray Rolls-Royce.
- Tracy, my car is black.

Let's start there.

Yeah, they said that I was
throwing trash out the window.

- That was also us.
- And climbing through the trash.

Could you believe that
was the first time we pranked you

and you told us that you don't
carry anything on your being.

There's nothing ever on
my being to throw away.

we heard. We were with Tracy.

It was unbelievable.

What is that?

Throwing up.

That's Diet Coke, actually.

Does Tracy know that it was you?

- Everybody knows.
- That it was you?

Yeah. We'd steal your clothes,
dress up like you,

we'd hire an art photographer,

and we knocked
it out of the park.

everything is to prank you.

So, I wasn't really drunk
enough to get out of the car

- and pee at a liquor store?
No. -We just love you

so much. All this
attention went on you for...

- since October. Like, five months.
- Yeah.

- Oh, my God.
- It's all you, buddy.

I hate you.

These little b*tches

got me so good,

thinking that I was losing my
mind and I'm a sloppy drunk.

I am not a sloppy drunk.

Kim was in
on it. Christy was in on it.

Tracy. The whole
crew was in on it.

We almost had
to get TMZ in on it.

- Rob was in on it.
- Everyone's in on it.

I can't believe
the amount of people

that they really
got involved in this.

This was the all-time craziest,
perfect prank.

So I think, now you call Kim,

because she doesn't
know that you know.

So we can mess with her now.


This prank is so elaborate.

It's taken months and
months and months,

multiple times of me
dressing up like Kris Jenner.

- Not easy work.
- Why are we just gonna throw it away right now?

- No. No chance.
- Let's keep it going.

- She doesn't know that we know.
- She doesn't know that we know.

- That she knows.
- She doesn't know that we know that she knows

that she doesn't know.

- Mm! Giddyap! - Yeah!

- KKW, you're up next.
- You're going downtown.

- - Oh, she's calling.

- Oh! We got... - Okay.

- Hey, what's going on?
- Hey.

I'm just in the
middle of a sh**t.

Okay, sorry, I'm just so,

so upset because Christy
sent me these pictures

that TMZ sent her and
they're gonna release 'em.

They have pictures of
me in a trash dumpster

and then peeing in
the middle of the street.

- What were you doing?!
- I think I must have blacked out

after I had dinner...

It's not funny,
Kim. This could ruin my entire career.

They have pictures of me
peeing in the street.

Mom, I love... - Kim.

Hold on. Let me...

You're cutting out.

She's like "ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!"

Hey, hey, hey!

I haven't seen you in a long time,

- Surprise!
- Hi, guys!

Let me tell you
that I didn't know

- the Jennster was coming!
- Hi, baby!

-Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

- The Jennster.
- You look stunning.

- My God.
- You look so much better in person.

Thank you. I appreciate that.

I'm debating between a
lychee martini and a mango.

Get a lychee martini
because I got a mango

- and I got a grapefruit on ice.
- What? Okay, bitch.

I want you to try the thing on the rocks.

No. Just drinking water tonight.

- Mom, just try it.
- No, just...

No, no, no, no.

I've told Khloe and Scott,
under any circumstances,

do not tell anybody that
I know about this prank.

So I'm just going to
t*rture Kim a little bit

and really make her believe
that I think I'm an alcoholic.

I know she's gonna crack,
I just know it.

Do you guys have
the flavored sake?

- Kim.
- I just want my mom to try it.

Kim. Stop.

Mom is not drinking.

The prank must
really be getting to her.

But I feel like we just have to,
like, keep it going

'cause it's so good.

Just keep it going, it's fun.

- I just want to see, like, where this could go.
- Okay.

- Oh, wow.
- Where should we sit?

- Family! -Hi, honey.
- Can I sit here?

Hi, Lord.

By the way,
Kanye's doing a show in Paris

if anyone wants to go,
it's, like, really cool,

like, half the team flew
to Japan to get this fabric

and this and it's,
like, a whole thing.

- So, I'm sure it'll be insane.
- I'm down.

- I'll be there. -Okay.
- I mean, he'd love it.

Kanye's fashion shows are always this,

larger-than-life experience.

They're not like a
typical runway show.

They've always been

really beautiful places.

And he loves Paris so much,

so to go back and
have a show there

during Fashion Week is

gonna be such an
amazing experience.

Wait, have you guys heard

about this new virus?

I've never heard... Yeah.

- Yeah.
- So, sh... is it too scary

just to be there? - KYLIE: No.

- No.
- It is a little

bit scary just
thinking of traveling,

because there's talk
of the coronavirus

circulating and it's...

no one really
knows a lot about it.

concern around the world

over a mysterious
strain of coronavirus

as the number of
cases and fear grows.

But, as of right now,
Fashion Week is still on.

And I talked to so many friends
and people that are in Paris

and everyone feels
super comfortable,

so I'm really excited.

do you have a picture of Bridgette?

- We have a new puppy.
- What kind of dog?

- It's a poodle. - You know,

my father had a standard poodle.

- Stop. - Named Clyde.

- Stop it. - Yeah.

He was obsessed with
this dog. Before I was born.

Aw... I would have
done a Bonnie and Clyde.

Bridge, are you a spoiled brat?

- Hey. Hey. -

- Hey. Don't bite me. Don't bite me.
- Hey!

- Don't bite her.
- -She is so cute.

We are now dog
parents. We got a rescue.

I never had a dog before.

But we're doing it together

and I'm happy about it.

Just long as Kris understands
that she has to be a part

of the "take care
of the dog" team.

She got to pick up
the sometimes.

How is everything?

Oh, everything's just dandy.

Why, what's up?

Nothing, I was just... I
was just trying to go to bed

in a few minutes and, um,
we have the new dog,


Well, I didn't know the
name. Her name was Bridgette.

Ow! Bridgette,
she's got sharp teeth.

I wouldn't exactly call
myself a dog person.

I don't know what it is about this puppy,

but it really grabbed my heart.

And who knew how
excited Corey would be.

It's really cute. He
really loves Bridgette.

Okay, you're biting me.

You're biting me.

coronavirus appearing to look

more like a global pandemic.

At LAX, SFO and JFK,
screening is underway.

At the moment,
there has not been any talk

of restricting air travel,

but there are so many unknowns
that could change quickly.

Man, this is scary.

Everybody in the world is
talking about coronavirus.

- I mean...
- Family chat alone.

Right. Could scare somebody.

It's all of the links.

MJ to Mom, everyone. You're...

"They're shutting down Paris."

I think Fashion Week's
gonna get shut down.

That's what Mom says. So,
I'm like,

- "So why are we going in?"
- Yeah, and can't be...

- It can't be good.
- My thing is, I'm all good,

but then they said
they're gonna...

Mom says they're gonna shut
down the airport. She's like,

"If you go and they
shut down the airports

you're gonna be away from
True for God knows how long."

- Oh, my God.
- I'm like, "Well, then, I'm not going."

Well, my thing is, too,

Kourtney says she's
gonna take Penelope.

Therefore, I don't want to go

and then my kids at home

sit with a house
nanny for three days

- or possibly three years.
- Yeah.

We're staying home, baby.

Kanye is my family

and I will do literally anything

to support him,
but more and more cases are coming out

in Europe every single day,

and I don't want to
potentially get sick.

I don't want to risk

getting somebody else sick.

And there's talks that

travel might be banned,
and if we go to Paris,

we might be stuck there,

and I can't take that
risk with my daughter.

I love Kanye so much
and I want to support him...

We could write Kanye
and tell him that...

we had fair
reasons of not going.

It wasn't anything
about him or the show.

That's the only reason
we wanted to go.

I might be overdramatic, but

there's just so
much uncertainty,

I don't feel
comfortable traveling.

We're just so happy to be here.

I want to take her
to Palm Springs.

I want to take her
to a Lakers game.

What? Looks like I
have some competition.


She's number one,
and you're... Kris.

Are you insane?

This is a little cuckoo.

The whole vibe has
been off because of...

Things seem to be

escalating with coronavirus.

People have been really,
really nervous.

I thought you
were gonna be like...

Yeah. I know. I almost did.

We just got to Paris,

which we're really, really

excited about.

But there's been a lot of talk

about coronavirus, and

Fashion Week getting cancelled,
so we've been

communicating with all
of our contacts in Paris,

people from Kanye's team,

but with everything going on,
no one knows yet.

I feel like we need hand
sanitizer before we...

I just... I really hope that
Kanye's show still happens.

We really weren't coming

to, you know,
do the social Fashion Week stuff.

It was just more about
supporting Kanye and his show,

and then, you know,
really spending time with the girls.

how lucky are we? We're in Paris

at my favorite place here.

So look. This was me and
Northie last time we were here.

That's me and Northie this time.

How big did she get?

And guess what. You brought
the same Yeezus T-shirt.

You have to wear it.

That's what she should
have worn with her outfit.

- That would have been cool.
- She should wear the same...

Oh, churros,
girls. Your churros are here.

Oh, thank you.

Dip one in there.

- Ooh, Northie. Wow.
- Nutella's good.

Yeah, eat one side,
and then eat the other side.

- Num, num.
- Those churros are happening.

Just eat one spoon of Nutella,
and I...


But I had a boyfriend.

There it is. We're
going right over there, guys.

We're gonna be so close to it,
you're not gonna believe it.

All right.

Hi, guys.

Mom, you look like Mary Poppins.

It's so cold!

Look at the river!

Oh, my gosh!

Where's this horse?

- You want to sit on it?
- Mine is soaking.

I sat down on a soaking horse.

I sat down on a freezing horse!

Ha, ha.

- - It's in a bag on the ground.

- It stuck to my skin.
- Who goes to church

- in latex? -

We do.

I literally feel like I pulled
a muscle in my joint.

Fashion Week is always

super crazy and fun and hectic.

- - And I really didn't have

a lot of outfits picked
out. I had no time.

Luckily, I text

Olivier from Balmain

and told him how amazing
those latex looks were,

so he sent everything
over yesterday to the hotel,

and I'm just praying to God

the second latex
look will fit me.

Wait. Your hip... Oh.

Did we rip it?

- No. -

I was planning on wearing

the latex look to the Balenciaga show,

Kanye's doing Sunday
Service right before that,

so I have to go

in full latex to church.

I am so thirsty.

You're gonna need electrolytes.

This is a sport, actually, of...

Wait. You guys,
I... Now I need the coat with the gloves.

I'm gonna be fully boxed in.


Have a needle and thread?

This is like...

me as a housewife washing dishes

- in my gloves. -

- I do have to pee.
- Yeah.

- Oh, my God.
- But you're gonna have

to hold it until, like, 2:00.

Is that tight enough?

You can do tighter.

My screen time was
down nine percent.

- Genius.
- Hey, you know we're late, right?

I know. I know.

Yeah, I probably have to
work tomorrow a little bit.

Hi, baby.

How's it going?

Where's the trainer?

She says that we
can start. She'll pop in.


we have a dog trainer
session to help Bridgette get

some manners and kind
of some house training.

We can start.
Kris'll be down soon.

Kris was

so excited to bring
the dog home,

but now I can't even find her

when it comes to doing the
lesson with the dog trainer.

Let's take turns calling her,
and after

she comes,
we sing and then change locations.

And I really, really hope

she'll get it together,
'cause we have to do this together.

That's why we got the dog.

So I'm still looking for Kris

to show up to a lesson.

- I - want you to be the sun

and the moon for her,
as well as Kris.

- You can move the task.
- No, I would just...

I don't know what's
going on here.

- Where's Kris? All right, let's go.
- Like that.

- I'm focused. I'm focused.
- Yeah. All right, so,

I want the moment she hears your voice,

she stop whatever she was doing,

and she's coming,
looking for you.

Can you train Kris?

- Are you ready to do something new?
- Yeah.

- Or should we wait for Kris?
- Let's wait for Kris.

- What is Kris doing? - Okay.

She was supposed
to have been out here

since the beginning, and...

- -I don't want
to be a single parent.

She got to come be a team.

I'm gonna leave, babe.

I got to go see my mom.

I feel really bad about

not helping with Bridgette today,

I'm so busy and so exhausted.

I just can't. I've got to leave!

That's got to get done now!

So it's looking like,


Kris is too busy to join,
and it kind of leaves me

as a single dad.

The stress of the fashion show.

that they pushed back all the things

- because of corona. - Mm-hmm.

- Oh, that is so stressful to me.
- Mm-hmm.

Because of the coronavirus,

we weren't even sure that
this show would happen.

things are still being sewn and

clothes still shipped in.

My God, it's so...

Me, North and P, at 4:30 a.m.,

- put on North's song...
- You guys woke up?

No. We've been up since 4:30.

- You, too?! - Yes.

- We put on... we put on
North's song -What, girl?!

At 4:30 in the morning
and danced on the bed.

Me and North had a dance-off.

- No. Like red buttons.
- Red buttons.

Kanye's bringing
Sunday Service to France.

He does have so
much on his plate

with the Yeezy Show,
but I think Sunday Service

is just as important to him.

So he's so excited
to bring it to Paris.

- Why? - My outfit is so tight.

- Does it hurt you, Mommy? - No.

This is a coronavirus...


No one can get in here.

How are you?

Sunday Service is at this
beautiful historical monument

that's just this
stunning cathedral.

And it's just such a big moment,

'cause he loves Paris so much,
so to come back

and have this beautiful
service for the first time,

it's really special.

Kanye's bringing
the gospel to Paris,

and I'm so excited for
everyone to experience this.

The service is amazing.

It's so beautiful

just to see it here,

and with all

of the Parisian crowd
that's there watching,

and all of Kanye's peers,

it was so magical.



Hi, Bridgette.

My favorite person on the...

- planet. - Wait. We're supposed

to be going out to lunch, right?

I know, but I wanted to bring the baby,
because she

- should be at lunch with us.
- Do they even allow pets?

they are today. We're gonna talk to them.

'Cause we can't go
nowhere without Bridgette.

Kris is the one that wanted a dog,
but I'm doing,

like, 99.7%

of all dog duties.

So what I think I got to do now is,
all this attention

that I used to give Kris,
I think I got to just...

give it all to Bridgette.

So maybe this could
actually get her attention,

and she'll start giving
me a little support and help

on the parenting side.

Bridgette, let me get your door,

my little sweetheart.

Come on, pumpkin.

Come on.

- Hi.
- Hey, what's up, man?

My name is Ricky.
I'll be at your service.

- What's up, Ricky?
- Hey, Ricky.

Do you have, like,
some good organic,

just grilled chicken?

- Yeah. - Could I just get,

a little grilled chicken breast?

For my little sweet
little daughter.


- Cheers. - Cheers, babe.

Good health, more wealth,

and lots of love,
right, Bridgette?

Bridgette's so happy to be here.

I want to take her
to Palm Springs.

I want to take her
to a Lakers game.

- What? - I'm gonna call Patek

and I'm gonna see if I
can get her a watch made.

Are you insane?

Yeah. I mean, no.

I'm insane for her.

Looks like I have
some competition.


No one...

comes before Bridgette.

There's Bridgette,
then the world.

She's number one, and you're...



Corey really thinks

that he's Bridgette's dad.

Like, for real.

We're at a restaurant,
and he's ordering her organic chicken.

And bringing her everywhere.

I don't even know what to think.

I'm not sure if this
is amazing or...

a little...



We're gonna have
to leave Kourtney.

Tell her sorry,
we're leaving her.

Oh, my God,
it starts in literally 20 minutes.

I am freaking out.

I didn't come all this
way to miss his show.

Will you drive as
fast as possible?

Oh, my God, why are we so late?

Breaking news tonight,
the spread

of coronavirus is having
a major impact overseas.

Italy is reporting
over 1,600 cases,

with 34 deaths.

South Korea is urging their
entire population to stay home.

The Louvre in Paris
has been shuttered.

- Hi. How are you?
- Good. How are you?

- How long have you been here?
- Just two days.

The whole vibe has been off anyway,
because of...

- Yeah. - Mm-hmm.

I mean,
Khloe and Scott didn't come

because of coronavirus.

Scott was the first
person to reach out to me,

"I really want to be there for him.

This is so cool."

And then anxiety sets in

and reality sets in,
and then, like,

- it's always right before,
- My anxiety...

- he cancels.
- I almost walked off the plane.

was this a last-minute thing, to come?

Pretty... Like,
maybe for a week and a half,

it's been going back and forth.

Because the virus

is so unknown,
and you hear it just spreading,

we didn't know if the fashion
show was gonna happen.

So our plans kept on
changing every day.

And, you know,
of course I'm disappointed

Khloe and Scott didn't come,

but I completely understand.

I just need one thing to,
like, set me off, you know,

as being like, "Oh, never mind,
it's not meant to be."

It's a sign. - Yeah.

I thought you were gonna be like,


I know. I almost did.

Things seem to be
escalating with coronavirus.

In Milan, there was an outbreak.

And so people have been really,
really nervous,

especially to go to
Paris Fashion Week.

The vibe seems a little bit off,

but I think it's pretty
safe as long as we're

being as careful as we can be.

And it seems that Kanye's
show is going to happen.

Which is really exciting.

What should we wear
to the show tomorrow?



- Just kidding. - Yeah.

Service clothes. This
whole show is designed

- for the service industry.
- That's cool.

I don't even
know what the vibe is.

I can't even think
what I even have.

I'll look at your outfits.

- Not as fancy as that Versace look.
- Yeah. No, no, no.

Everybody's very
excited about tomorrow.

- Oh, really?
- Yeah, everybody's looking

for, like, a P.R.,
a contact, somebody.

I'm like, "I don't know."

It's causing a good commotion.

The Yeezy Show,

it's, like, a small little show.

It's just invite-only.

So hearing people are
all trying to find ways

to get invited, that makes me

so excited for it.

My flashback is,
when you met Kim, when you did

- your second show in Paris.
- And I didn't know where

to go, 'cause I didn't know anyone,
and I came by myself.

And I was like, "You guys,
I don't know what to do.

I want to get him a cake to celebrate.

"Don't they have,
like, a Ralphs here?

We should get him a cake
for... for after the show."

- Oh, my God.
- No one had a cake.

No one has, like, cake here.

It was just, like,

little pastries in a box to go.

And he called me and was like,
"Where are you?"

And I was like,
"I don't know anyone.

I don't know what to do.
I left with these two girls."

We kidnapped her.

- Oh, my gosh. - Literally.

- We have to think of the end of this prank.
- Oh, my God.

What we could do,
if we really want to get her,

is call her in Paris and say
that I made a reservation

at a rehab in Palm Springs.

Stop it. Okay, let's call Kim.


Hi. So,
I just wanted to tell you

that I had Matthew call around

to a couple different,
like, rehab...

- You want to keep this on?
- Yeah...

- Kim? I'm telling
you - KIM: Okay...

that I'm going to rehab.

Okay? I have to go to rehab.

- So what I was...
- I don't think you need rehab.

I blacked out and climbed into a trash bin.

- Kim? Kim! - She...

She muted it.

She doesn't know what to do.

"You guys,
Mom called me and told me

she's checking
herself into rehab."

She just said,
"She can't go away to rehab, guys.

"I feel bad she's
having sleepless nights

over this, should we tell her?"

No, we're keeping this going.

Oh, my God.

Mom is freaking out.

She was like,
"These pictures..."

Wait, so how did you guys
even show her the photos?

- I don't know, I wasn't there.
- Oh.

And I just was, like,
laughing 'cause I as like, "Mom."

She was like,
"I was in a dumpster."

But now she's saying she's
gonna check herself into rehab.

Oh, my God.

It's really stressful. I, like,
literally have anxiety.

I don't know what to do.

Khloe wants to
keep this prank going,

and I just feel so bad
because it's now getting mean.

But I guess her and
Corey were fighting,

'cause he really did
stop at a liquor store.

- Is he in on it?
- I have no idea.

- I don't know anything about it.
- That's what I don't know.

And I don't know how I
even got roped into this.

This was not my prank.

But if they want
to keep it going,

I'm not gonna ruin it for them,
but, like,

my mom can't go to rehab.

We're not gonna
let her go to rehab.

- Mm-hmm.
- And, like, just the stress of the fashion show.

Like, that they pushed
back all the fittings yesterday

- because of corona... all of that is so stressful to me.
- Mm-hmm.

No matter what kind of fashion show,
who it is,

like, it's always pretty
hectic right before a show.

But because of the coronavirus,
we weren't even sure

that the show would happen,
so things are still being sewn

and clothes still shipped in.

With Kanye,
everything kind of really gets dialed in

up until the last second,
so he's pretty calm about it.

- He always gets it done.
- I know.

But I get so nervous for
everyone 'cause I wanted

the show to be so
perfect that I just have this

like, nervous energy.

Oh, my God, it stresses me out.

It's always something.



Anything to drink to start?
Water? Sparkling water?

- Um, no ice and flat, bottled.
- Mm-hmm.

But you have such a
sparkling personality.

I know. Well,
it makes up for the flat water.

- Yes. - Yeah.

Yes. So, how you doing, baby?

You know,
I told you we got the new dog.

Yes, can't wait to meet.

She is the cutest thing,
but Corey

took the dog to lunch
with us the other day.


It's adorable,
but unless you're me.

I'm like, "Yoo-hoo.

- It's me."
- You're not jealous

of this dog, are you?

I don't know...

- Okay. - What's happening.

You cannot be jealous of a dog,
by the way.

Bridgette is cute,

but she's not Kris Jenner.

I just want my boyfriend back.

As much as

I love Bridgette,
I'm just so used

to getting all of
Corey's attention when

we're together,
but Faye is probably right.

It's really silly for me to
be jealous of Bridgette.

Corey's gonna calm down
pretty soon. You watch.

And you don't have to
be jealous of Bridgette.


Hold on. This is my mom.

I'm checking
into the Betty Ford clinic.

- Yeah.
- Wait. Mom.

- This has all been a prank.
- What?

Are you out of your
mind? Are you crazy?

This is a prank,
and I'm at the Betty Ford Center?

I feel awful.

I don't even know what to say to you,

I'm so sick of this.

Talk about a prank gone wrong.

Hey, I want to sit over here.

Okay, let's wait. Where's P?

Let me sit over
here right in this...

Are you doing more?

- Yeah. - Yeah.

Let me help you. In the back?

We're gonna have to
leave Kourtney. I'm not...

Yeah, tell her, sorry,
we're leaving her.

It starts in literally
20 minutes.

Kanye's show is just about to start,
and it's really important

to him for his show
to start on time.

And I don't want to be
the reason why it's late,

so I literally

will leave Kourtney. Oh, my God.

- Kourtney, we have to leave.
- Okay.

I didn't come all this
way to miss his show.

You want to get some vibes
and listen to some North music?


No? You don't want to?

When are you gonna
debut it to the world?

You girls are so beautiful.


Why do we have to turn, Mommy?

I don't know.

Can you drive as
fast as possible?

We're literally pulling up.

- Yeah.
- We were here already,

and we just circled.

The show starts in,
like, three minutes.

I am freaking out.

do you want to just get out?

Paris traffic is already crazy,

but Fashion Week,
it's even more intense.

Our driver keeps
circling around.

Like, we have to get out.

We have to walk into
the show. It has to start.

We're pulling in. - Okay.

Just go.

- Yeah.
- Okay. Let's go, Boo-Boo.

We're late.

Okay, there's Daddy.

Yeah. Where do we go? Hi.

Look at my hair,

- how long it is. - Mm-hmm. Yes.

Where do you want us to go?

We made it

just in time, the show is just
about to start. We are not late.

I'm getting a little
nervous about coronavirus,

but I'm trying not to panic and

just enjoy the show.

Hey, Northie,
come on. We got to go up.

- Where's North?
- She went with Kanye.

Look, it started.

The honks is the soundtrack.

No way.


It was so funny.

When we were in his
design studio where

all the fittings were happening earlier,
I kept hearing

this honking sound that he
was listening to, and I didn't

realize until the show
started that the honks

were the soundtrack to

the fashion show.

And it was so cool

to see it all come
together and to see

just on this beautiful,
like, landscape,

with these huge, giant screens

up against the building so
people on the streets could see

the models and what
they were wearing.

Ooh, ooh, ooh!

What is happening?

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!

I had no idea
what the fashion show

was gonna look like in itself,
but then

when Kanye asked North,
like, "Do you want to sing?,"

I just... The nerves
that I have now...

You know,
I see her at Sunday Service,

but to do something on her own,

in front of all these
people for the first time...

She's never even been
up on a stage and practiced.

So to see her up there,
my nerves are just, like...

I honestly start crying

'cause I'm just...
I'm happy for her,

but I'm so nervous for her.

So you know my name is Northie.

I'm so proud

of how confident she is.
She obviously gets that from

her dad, and it just makes me
so happy that she's not afraid

to try anything. That, to me,
was so much fun to see.

You know, she's just so fearless,
and I love that

about her,
and I'm such a proud mom.

Yay! I love you, Penelope!

Yes, I love you!

One, two, three!

Thank you.

I am so proud of you.

Thank you.

stop. Everybody back up!

Everybody stop!

Oh, my God. I started... I was,
like, literally bawling.

everything that's been going on

with coronavirus,

I think it was really...
just really so cool.

Kanye was still
able to do his show,

and then to see North, you know,

have no fear and just
get up there and do that

was really, really cool.

You girls put on hand sanitizer.


Oh, my gosh,
my performer needs some water.

Of course. That's what I
have for Dad right offstage.

The trip to
Paris was really special.

I just love having
these memories

with the girls,
now that they're a little bit older

and can remember it.

To me, that's what life's about,

is creating these
memories together

and letting them see
different parts of the world.

I think the fashion
show was amazing.

When Kanye says he
wants to do something,

he makes it happen, and...

he's wanted to come back
and do a fashion show,

and he did it in a big way.

And we'll always
have these memories.

They'll never forget it.

And that means a lot to me.

You know,
I've got responsibilities, darling.

I've got to take care
of my little puppies.

We're home. Are you ready to...

What you want to do,
you want to play,

or you want to eat?
What do you want to do?

- You want some treats?
- Yoo-hoo!

- Hi, babe. -



Yoo-hoo! Hi, babe.


Faye's right.

Can't be jealous of
Bridgette. It's sort of silly.


if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

You're so cute, but...

- what's going on?
- Well, you're making me

a little jealous with that dog,

and I thought
that the only way...

look, I bark...- -

...that you would
pay attention to me

is if I dressed up like a dog.

And then you'd
pay attention to me.

I'm trying to do what
makes you happy.

No, what happened is

you brought this onto us,

and I'm fully in.

I just would like it
if we do it together.

I thought we was
gonna do this as a team.

I didn't know I was gonna
be a single black father.

I got to say,

it was very, very, very hard

- to do this, but I just wanted to teach you a lesson.
- Oh.

So that's why you were
being so insane the other day.

Yeah. I mean, at the end of the day,
there's nothing

more important than you

co-parenting this cute
little puppy with me.

We got to do this together.

I need to
remember that the puppy

is important, too,
and you're important, too.

So, I'll try to be better.


Babe, I feel so bad that
you had to go all the way

through these
measures to think...

Maybe you should see
what I have under this.

What? - Yeah.

That's right. Fight back,

It's been a "ruff"

and Mommy needs a belly rub.

Bridgette, we'll be back in 20

- to 25. -

So, how was Paris? The show

- looked amazing. - So good.

I just could not get over North

and grabbing the
mic and getting up

- and doing a full performance.
- Oh, my God.

- Because there was no prep time, I'm, like, thank God.
- Right.

- I would've been a nervous wreck.
- You would've asked her

- weeks ago.
- I would've been like, "Are you sure?

- Have you practiced? Are you this? Are you..."
- I don't think

- he would have done it.
- You know, I would've freaked out.

She was there,
and I was like, "I can't believe

- she's up there."
- The best, too, was

- the shout-out to Penelope.
- I know.

And she gives her
a point. She's like...

- - Yeah.

- Hold on. This is my mom. Hello?
- Hey.

I'm just filming.

Okay. Hold on,
guys. I have to step away for a sec.

I've been waiting for Kim

to get home from Paris

so I can really take this
prank to the next level.

I drove down to Palm Springs.

Yeah. And...

Right now? - KRIS: Yeah.

They said they have
to take my phone,

and I said, "Oh, my God."

So you're the only one I'm calling.

And I just want to tell you,
I think it's the best thing

to do for me, for my soul.

I've got a problem,
and I've got to deal with it, and...

It'll be fine. You know,

- I don't have to go to a bunch of...
- Okay. Okay.

So is this all over the pictures

and your drinking
and all of that?

Kim, I blacked out.

I don't remember
being in a garbage can.

Wait, Mom.

I have to talk to you.

This has all been a prank.


You did not black out.

That was all Khloe in those pictures,
dressed up as you.

This has been an ongoing prank for,
like, months.

Are you out of your mind?

Are you crazy,
Kim? Are you crazy?

This is a prank,
and I'm at the Betty Ford Center?

You know, I always knew Kris

is a jack-of-all-trades,
so I figure, you know,

she can pull off
pretty much anything,

and she's doing this
exceptionally well.

I mean,
she's the next Meryl Streep.

Mom, I feel awful.

- This was Khloe and Scott.
- You feel awful?

- No, that's not Khloe, Kim.
- This is up.

It looks exactly like me.
That's me in the trash can.

Mom, I swear to God. I'll
send you all the photos.

She's at a rehab center.

I know. That's
why I'm telling her.

- It's all up.
- I'm not gonna... I'm not gonna

- let it go on and on.
- But you did this.

- I did this? I feel awful.
- So figure... Help her.

I don't know what to
say. This wasn't my idea.

- Kim, this is ridiculous.
- Kim, I'm in a rehab center

in Palm Springs.

I'm, like, freaking the out.

I know that she mentioned
she was gonna go to rehab,

but I didn't think
she'd actually do it.

I don't even know what to say to you,

I'm so pissed.

Talk about a prank gone wrong.

You guys,
my mom is going to k*ll us all. She just

checked herself into the Betty
Ford Center over the photo,

and she called me
as her one phone call

before she had to give
up her phone for 30 days.

So I had to tell her
that it was a prank,

and she's cussing me
out and screaming at me,

and I don't know what to do.


She sounded like she was about
to have a nervous breakdown.

What do I do?

I text everyone

that has been involved in the prank,
and, like,

cussing them out, telling them
I will not take the fall for this.

Prank's gone wrong.

Oh! -

Ha-ha! Ha-ha!

- Just got back from rehab.
- Did you know

- she was gonna...
- It was great. I feel


- You k*lled that.
- It makes me never want

to get into a dumpster again.

Kim was like, "Oh, my God."

I didn't even plan this prank,
so why is it on me?

Why do I have the
stress and the anxiety?

- I didn't plan this prank.
- 'Cause you were the only...

- You were the only one left.
- You were the only one left.

- I hate you.
- That was epic.

I am in such shock because

I totally fell for it. I had no
idea that she was in on it.

My mom's acting
skills are amazing.

And I'm just like...

feel like such a piece of.

I can't believe that I was the
one that got pranked in the end,

when I didn't even plan this prank,
so, I don't want anything

to do with pranks.

I... This was so wrong.

- She really was...
- Oh, my God. I believed it.

- Wow. That was amazing.
- If we all got,

like, quarantined,
we would have a lot of fun.

we would do what we do every night.

'Cause we would just
play pranks on each other.

Every day,
we're basically quarantined to each other.

God. Back to the drawing board.

What are we gonna think of next?

Good. That was really good.

You're welcome, everybody,
for the entertainment.

- That was good.
- Happy Thursday.

I hate you all.

North wants tarantulas.

my God. Don't come any closer!

Oh, my God! I swear I think
that one's gonna jump at me!

I can't handle that one.

I'm going to the White
House with three women

that have just been
pardoned so we can put a face

with an issue,
a face with a crime.

Two weeks
ago they were in prison.

Now they're with Kim
Kardashian at the White House.

I don't feel like this is what

a normal 36-year-old feels like.

What are the symptoms
of coronavirus?

I sure hope that there's
nothing seriously wrong.
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