10x17 - The Last Straw

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Keeping Up With the Kardashians". Aired: October 14, 2007 - 2021.*
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Reality series of the Kardashian family featuring Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and the rest of the Kardashian/Jenner clan personal and professional lives.
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10x17 - The Last Straw

Post by bunniefuu »

[Kim] Previously on
Keeping Up with the Kardashians…

-I think you should be in the game too.
-[Scott] Sounds fun. I'll talk to him.

I will obviously be taking a finder's fee,
and I'll be taking my equity.

I'm not too sure I'm comfortable

with the way that Scott's
positioning himself.

Kim's getting everything,
and we're kinda left in the back seat.

The headlines are, like,
not nice right now.

[Kim] I'm reading the Vanity Fair article.

There's just no reason to bash my mom.

[Kris] I wish I never met this man.

-[Khloé] I can't go there.
-What, you're still feuding?

We got a new feud going on.

-[Scott] What's the new feud?
-She wouldn't apologize to my mom.

[upbeat music]

[Khloé] This is so cute.

Oh, my god, you look so cute.

[Khloé] That's what you do in fittings?
Our fittings are so different.

-[stylist] This is cute with the hat.
-Got to feed my model sister.

-[stylist] Don't feed the model.
-I get to feed my model sister.

-[stylist] Models can't eat.
-She eats. She eats burgers and [bleep].

[phone ringing]

-[Kendall] Are these pants?
-[stylist] Mm-hmm.

-[Kris] Hi, baby. I love you.
-[Khloé] I love you too.

It looks so pretty and nice.
You're definitely living the good life.

-[Kris] Wait. Can you see this?

It's called a camera phone. I can see it.

[Khloé] Yes, girl!
You get your martini on!

[Kris] I'm just trying to relax
and get my head together.

I don't know if you can hear
or see what's going on…

Yes, again, it's a camera phone.
I can see and hear everything perfectly.

-[Kris] Awesome!
-[Khloé] I'm at Kendall's house,

and I'm watching her do a fitting,
and I see her cute little butt cheeks

hanging out of these cute little
leather shorts, and I'm very envious.

-[Kris] Tell Kendall I love her.
-She could hear you.

[Corey] Khlo, I love you!

Hi. I didn't know you were there.

I was wondering
where the hell you've been.

Khloé, you're really the S-H-[bleep]-T
double hockey sticks.

[Khloé] I'm the MVP. This has been real.

-[Kris] I love you.
-Love you too.

[Khloé] Cheers! Have fun!

-[Kris] I love you, Kenny.
-[Kendall] Love you.


-[Kris] Got to go!

[Khloé] I didn't know Corey's there.

When did he get there?
Thank God I didn't say anything crazy.

[theme music]

[vibrant music]

[Kim] These are so pretty.

-This fabric is divine!
-[Khloé mumbles]

Oh, my god, I went
to this facialist yesterday.

You're gonna die.

[Kim] It's these pulses
that exercise your whole face

so it tightens your whole neck,
and then your whole face.

If you put a pulse here,
literally, my shoulder went…


It was like… Then you do it here.

My mouth literally
was Kourtney's mouth, like…


-Why does it do that? How do you do that?
-Like, you can't control your face.

My whole mouth was literally to here.
It was Kourtney's face times ten.

I got to do it.

Wait, so did you see…
I got to pull this up.

Did you see Bruce's tweet
that he did, talking about Mom?

Caitlyn! Caitlyn's tweet.

Sorry. Hold on. Let me… search.
Okay, so this is what she said.

[Kim] "Reading the Vanity Fair article
reminded me

of the love and good times
Kris and I shared for so many years.

I wouldn't trade that time for anything!"

Exclamation mark.

"Reading the article" made her…
reminded her of that?

-Well, I told him just…
-Or is that the part that she left out?

-That was the part.
-[Khloé] So why didn't she say that?

[tense music]

Why wouldn't she call Mom
and say she's sorry herself?

I don't know.

That… you can really talk
to Caitlyn about.

I don't really care to.

I think that Caitlyn should have
a personal apology to my mother.

My mom isn't gonna read the tweet.

I just don't think that's a very
sincere way to apologize to somebody.

I just don't wanna be in, like,
a negative environment all the time.

I don't want to, like,
always be fighting with her.

No one else cares to, like,
argue with her, so why do I?

-[Kim] Yeah.
-I don't know this person anymore.

Bruce is gone, and I don't know Caitlyn.

Simple as that.

[Kim] Yeah, they definitely
have way different personalities.

They are… just polar opposites.


Like, genuinely, they're two totally
different people. And as they should be.

But how dare he tell us
before he transitioned,

"I'm the same. I'm this, I'm that…"
Like, "Bruce is always gonna be here."

Can I see Bruce for a second?
'Cause I don't know who this person is.

[Kim] Yeah, but, you know, it's how…

she wants to live her life, and…

[Khloé] Right, and she can,

but she doesn't have to live her life
at the expense of bashing other people.

-A 100%, and that's why…
-So live your life, and do you, honey,

but if you want us all to support you,
don't bash the people we love

when you hurt a lot of other people.

[Kim] Khloé has really known Bruce
her entire life.

He's always been a father figure to her,
and it's really hard on her.

I feel sad for Khloé. A lot has changed,
and you can't deny that.

I just think that you and Caitlyn
need to just, like, talk.

-Just, like, to express how you feel.

I don't mind talking to her, but, like,
it's not a real relationship anymore.

[troubling music]

[upbeat music]


[Khloé] Hi.

[toy rattles]

-Can you darken this?
-I don't like when you darken it.

[Khloé] Oh, my, god… I'll do it by my…

Khloé, you look
so much prettier like this.

-Ten thousand times prettier…
-[Scott and Khloé] Than what?

…than when you darken it.

-[Scott] What does she darken?
-Everyone, get off my [bleep].

-What does she darken?
-This little mole on her face right here.

-Oh, and it makes guacamole?
-Yeah, and I'm like, "Why?"

-She likes to accentuate.

[Khloé] So, on Sunday, when I
was calling Mom to FaceTime her,

she was, like, wild, having the best time.

-[Kourtney] Yeah.
-All of a sudden, she, like,

turns the phone, and Corey is with her.

-She flew Corey out.
-[Kourtney] No way.

They were sitting outside,
pooling it up, like, looking all…

She had a martini with three olives,

and turns the phone,
and he was like, "I love you."

-[Scott] He's pretty nice.
-[Kourtney] He is the nicest.

He is so nice. He doesn't do anything.

[Khloé] Corey is my mom's friend, I guess.


-Who are you smirking at?
-Just this guy I met in Spain.


My mom was just
in a 20-plus-year marriage,

and I feel like I just want her to just
think wisely about what she's doing

before she gets hurt.

He treats your mom pretty good.
Like, he talks a…

-[Khloé] Does he?
-Yeah, he, like, talks about her like

that's his baby girl.

-She's a baby girl? I'm a baby girl.
-[Kourtney] Yes!

No, he said, "How did this little girl
push this little girl out of her,

and six of them?"

-[Scott] I kind of like him.
-[Kourtney] I like him too.

I think there's a really good chance
he's not gonna turn into a woman, either.


[energetic music]

-[tires screech]

Scott has a nightclub appearance in Vegas,
and I don't always come with him,

but he wanted me to come, and so
I decided to invite a bunch of friends

so we can make it a fun night out for us.

[Court] Where do we want to get lunch at?

[Kourtney] We could go to the pool party.

Is this the naked pool?

You guys, no pressure.
Whatever you guys wanna do.

-Are they completely naked?
-No, I think you can just go topless.

[Court] Good thing I brought my pasties.

Yeah, I brought the pasties
for my little sausage.

There was a girl last time
whose whole vag*na was literally out.

She would, like, grind down,
like, on a pole,

like, down to the floor, and, like,
her whole crotch would come out.

Her dress, like, went up over her hips.

And Scott went on the mic and was like,

"See this girl over here
with her vag*na out!"

She never realized
that Scott was talking about her.

[lively music]

I've been to this place before, guys.
Court, I pumped in here, remember?

-Pump! Pump it up!

How long is it gonna take
you b*tches to get ready?

-'Cause I got to start my time commitment.
-Five minutes.

Five minutes? Starting now!

[lively music continues]

Man, are we ever gonna get the [bleep]
out of here? Let me get all cigarettes.

-Is that the last one?
-All right, guys.

-[Scott] Are we going?
-[Kourtney] Yeah.

Damn, look. I feel like a promoter tonight
with all these b*tches.

A promoter?

Yeah! Like, I'm bringing
all the girls to the club.

-Oh, yeah.
-Well, I guess I am the promoter

-in some ways.
-Is that a real cigarette?

No, this is the new fake kind.

[chill music]

Where do we want to sit?

I think I'm gonna have some tea.

I need some caffeine, guys,
just to, like, pump up the jam.

These are the sickest wings ever.

They just pull off.
I'm obsessed with these things.

No, you literally need
to have, like, a commercial.

Wait, did you, um, ever text Kim
about the video game?

I told her. I'm not just gonna say yes
to the standard terms.

It just doesn't make sense. I told her
I got to negotiate with the people.

I'm not just gonna say yes
to the terms that you guys did.

I mean, it's not worth it, or the money.

You probably deserved
a trillion times more.

[Kourtney] Kim mentioned to me

that she wants Scott
to be a part of her video game.

I really don't ever like to get involved
with Scott's business deals,

and, you know, this whole issue
with Kim and Scott, I just,

I don't want to get wrapped up in it.

[Scott] I got to discuss it.
I'm not just gonna say yes to it.

-I got to at least try to counter.
-Yeah. Yeah.

I mean, I don't even know
what the game really is.

-[Kourtney] Are we ready?
-[Scott] Yeah, we got to go.

[dance music]

-[crowd screaming]
-[camera shutters clicking]

[DJ] Make some noise
for Scott Disick right now!

[crowd screaming]


[upbeat music]

[birds chirping]

[Kim] Oh, my god, that's so cool.

Is this real fur?

I might rent an apartment
in Beverly Hills,

a one-bedroom just for glam purposes.

[Khloé] Like, I go to Gunnar's,
come all the way back here,

go all the way back downtown

'cause Kendall and I
are going to a basketball game.

You're really getting back
into the swing of things.

I've been going to basketball games
all this year. I like basketball.

-[Khloé] We're going… Kendall wants to go.

Look, you know,
there's nothing calculated.

People go to basketball games.

Not you, not your type of person.
You go to photo sh**t in the Met Ball.

-Like, I'm a different person.
-Basketball games are fun.


-They've got good candy.
-[Khloé] Yeah, I can't eat that.

[Kim] So, Scott just got back to me,
and he wants more money than you.

And I was like, "Oh, come on, Scott."

I invited Scott
to be in my video game app.

I wanted him in the game. He's the father
of Kourtney's kids, he's family.

[Kim] But he's demanding
more money than Kourtney got,

and just he has all these crazy demands.

-I was like, "Scott, not a chance."
-[Khloé] I was, like, go get him a number.

This is so different,
but on my 1 OAK deal, he was in…

He was missing in Aspen, and he claims
he did my 1 OAK deal, and he didn't.

[Khloé] And Scott still invoiced.

-I said no. This is what he…
-[Kim] No. He's insane.

No, and I had to give him the commission.
And, like, he was in Aspen.

A part of me just feels like I need
to cut Scott out of the game right now,

just because it's becoming too dramatic.

-I'm just… It pisses me off.
-No, he's insane.

[bright music]

-Thank you!
-Right here, ma'am. There you go.

-Thank you.
-[man] Welcome back, Corey!

I'm so excited to see what's going on.

[Kris] I'm really excited to be home.
I get to see my kids.

So I'm going over to Kylie's
and help her move in to her new house.

I feel like it's Christmas,
and it's not even my house.

-I'm excited for Kylie.
-[Kris] I know.

Her house is gonna be really dope,

and it's so good that she's
right by her big sisters.

Corey is such a great guy,
and the kids really like him a lot.

[Kris] But I'm a little nervous
to see their reaction

when they see Corey's with me.

Everyone can yell at me at the same time,

and we'll just get it over with
in one fell swoop.

Then I can go home and have a vodka.

[lively music]

That looks great there.

You like? Lower?

[Jeff] We could even put
a table back there.

-Like, a skinny table.

-So you can have candles and stuff.

-Okay. Okay.
-Skinny table.

[Kylie] Today is such a big day.

I'm moving in.
The house isn't quite ready,

but it's a huge step
and we're moving in a lot of stuff.

I know that I have to wait till I'm 18
before I can officially move in,

but seeing all this furniture come in
is really getting me excited.

[Khloé sighs]
She takes everything of mine.

These are my knobs from my glam room.
The exact knobs.

These are the knobs from my closet.

Hi, guys. This does not look like a house
ready to move into, Kyles.


-[Kourtney] Does it?
-I mean, we're working on it.

[Kylie] I don't know if I like the brown.

I feel like it might be
too manly or something.

You just need to, like,
wait a sec. Let it breathe.

-Move your eyes. Blink.

[door closes]

-[Kris] Hi.

-What's all this about?
-[woman] Going in the guesthouse.

-[Kris] My Mason!
-[Khloé] You guys are back?

I missed you!

First, my mom doesn't tell any of us
that Corey is meeting her on her vacation.

And now, on Kylie's move-in day,
Corey is with my mom?

-[Kris] How are you?
-[Kylie] Hey. Hey, Mom.

-[Kris] Are you so excited?
-[Kylie] Yeah, wait.

Mom, date whoever you wanna date,
but I find it interesting

that you downplay your relationship.

-[Khloé] How was your trip?
-[Kris] It was so good.

It feels like, literally, forever.

And then you ended up going
with your boyfriend?

First of all, the fact
that you're not correcting me

that he isn't your boyfriend

is you're finally admitting
you have a boyfriend.

I'm not going to admit anything.

-I am not on trial here.
-You're not saying you don't.

He's so great.

[upbeat music]

-[Scott] Hey, boys!
-[Benny] What up, guy?


Got some ice.

Call your father. Tell him you're
not gonna be home for supper.

We'll go down for dinner
in, like, ten minutes.

-[Benny] Mm-hmm.
-We'll eat, and then we'll go to the club.

[Scott] I'm back to Vegas,
doing an appearance at 1 OAK,

and I'm bringing all my guy friends.

And, of course, Kourtney's not thrilled,
but she never is.

You know, it's the story of my life.

You know, she doesn't really like
some of my occupations.

It's never easy, but Daddy's
got to bring home the bacon.

-All right, guys, let's do it.
-[Benny] Are you serious?

-Yeah, let's go.
-You got to explain these things, man.

-Come on. Let's go, let's go!
-All right.

All right, to the club!

[foreboding music]

[women screaming]

[camera shutters clicking]

[foreboding music continues]

[DJ] Ladies, the Lord is in the building.
Make some noise for him!

[dance music]

-What up, Las Vegas? What's going on?
-[crowd screaming]

Las Vegas, let's buy some drinks!
Let's [bleep] go!

[ominous music]

[tense music]

[camera shutters clicking]

Wait, I'm not in it.

[shutter clicks]

[phone ringing]

-No, it needs to be a square.
-I don't think any of those were good.

[Kourtney] Hi.

-[Kim] Is that one okay?


-It's the only decent one of all of us.

Wait. What did he say?
Sorry. Khloé was talking too loud.

-[Kourtney] Yeah.
-I was talking too loud.

[Khloé] So what's our meeting about today?

Just listen, and let me
tell you if it's good or not.

-[Kourtney] Okay. Bye.

-[Khloé] Hey, what's going on, Kourt?
-Um, not much, player.

Yeah, what's going on over there?

Chris was just saying that, um, Scott
kept calling him, but he wasn't answering.

I don't know.

Scott has gone out of town
for an appearance

and has gone on a crazy… bender,

and so, at this point, all of his friends
are just kind of keeping me in the loop.

[phone ringing]


Yes. He said to me… He said…

He called Megan, and he asked her
to get him a plane to Anguilla,

and then he wanted to fly from Anguilla
to his 1 OAK appearance on Friday.

And Megan said, "I actually can't
do anything for you. I'm so sorry."

'Cause I told her… she cannot.

[Kourtney] How would he lose his wallet?

[Kim] Not your problem.
Not your [bleep] problem.

Every time you're gonna pick up
the phone, he lost his wallet.

-He needs an airplane, he needs…
-No, I'm not dealing with it, Kim.

I don't know what's going on with Scott.

I mean, he lost his wallet,
he needs a plane…

[Kim] If I were to take a guess, it's just
Scott, like, partying and being an idiot,

and Kourtney is just cleaning up
after his mess again.

-You guys ready to go?
-It's fine.

[tense music]

[bright music]

[birds chirping]

[Mason] Mommy!

-Are you gonna sleep on the couch, Mase?
-[Mason] Oh, yes.

I'm gonna get some funky funky.

-You're gonna get funky on the couch?
-[Mason] Yeah, and jump on it.

-[Kim] So, in regards to my video game…
-Was the guy making it happen, or what?


[Kim] For you guys, if you want it, but…

I mean, I just feel like…

I'm not really, like, proud of, like,
Scott's actions lately, and I feel like…

I don't want him to be in my video game.

[Kim] I just don't feel like
I want that energy in the game.

Like, what is he gonna do?

Go and, like, around and party
and club with everyone?

[tense music]

[Kim] You know what I mean?

I'd rather just, like, take a step back
for a second, at least for now.

[uneasy music]

I don't know.
I'm just not feeling it right now.

And that's okay.


[serious music]

[door closes]

-[Caitlyn] Hi, babe.
-[Khloé] How are you?

-I'm wonderful.
-Let me see your purse.

Oh, don't get jealous. Donatella Ver…

-Versace sent it.

[Caitlyn] It's not on the market yet, but…

It's not on the market?

-Neither are the glasses.
-You don't say "the market".

Do you say… Okay, not… Not in the--

-Like, not in stores yet.
-It's not in stores yet, neither are…

-Yeah. You don't say, "on the market".
-She also sent the…

-Those are cool.

I'm an aviator girl, but these are very…
I could see MJ wearing these.

Like, they're very like chic,
like Jackie O.

[Caitlyn] Yeah, yeah, exactly.

But, um, enough of that.

We really haven't had
a chance to sit down and talk

after you sent me those
really kind of… tough texts.

[Khloé] Caitlyn and I have been texting,

and we both agreed
that we should have a face-to-face

and just have a conversation

as to everything
that's been happening lately.

Kim said that you said they were tough,
and Kim read all of them.

And then, she was like,
"These really weren't that tough."

I just said, like, we don't care
what you're doing,

like, meaning, like, we don't care
if you want to transition.

We want to support you
and be there for you.

But we don't think that that entails
you speaking negatively about my mom.

In our opinion, you don't need
to even mention our mom.

Let's focus on the actual cause here,
and let's not drag my mom through the mud.

I would think you would come
from a place of more compassion,

especially when you have
two young daughters

who are greatly affected by it.

And that was really my premise
for the text messages.

And that when you tried to tell me
that I don't know what I'm talking about--

Because you don't know. You don't know.

[Caitlyn] I'll be very honest with you.
If she would have been okay with me…

Okay with you transitioning
and still being married to her?

Not so much even transitioning,
just living with it.

She would just have to be okay.
Instead, I constantly had to hide myself.

I wasn't able to talk about it.

Then once I got out to Malibu
and we went our separate directions,

I said, "Here I am, at my age,

and I got the same problems I had
when I was ten years old."

-[Khloé] Mm-hmm.
-"What the hell am I gonna do with this?

Am I gonna continue to hide?"

[Caitlyn] I'm sick of that.

[Caitlyn] Once I got out to Malibu
and we went our separate directions,

I said, "Here I am, at my age,
and I got the same problems I had

-when I was ten years old."
-[Khloé] Mm-hmm.

"What the hell am I gonna do with this?
Am I gonna continue to hide?"

[Caitlyn] I'm sick of that.

I didn't think it was like
a hatchet job on your mother.

-I have no… no issues with her.

You know, we took our break, and…

She was happier, I think,
and I was happier.

Yeah. I think you guys
are both way happier.

-This is what should have happened.
-[Caitlyn] Yeah.

Honestly, I wish she would call, you know.

[Khloé] Well, tell her that.
'Cause I think you guys…

-I'd have her out to the house.
-[Khloé] I think it's very weird.

I could not imagine
having a child with someone

and not having some sort
of relationship with them.

I really appreciate Caitlyn for saying

she is sorry for how the article came off
and that was never her intention.

[Khloé] And that's a huge step
in the right direction.

And I'm not gonna fight
over the same thing

over and over and over again.

[Caitlyn] I don't have
any issues with her.

-I had 23 great years.
-[Khloé] Well, good.

Bruce and I have always had
an awesome relationship,

and I really want my relationship
with Caitlyn to be great, as well.

And that's gonna take some time,
and there's gonna be, you know, energy

that needs to be put into that.

There's a lot
of miscommunication, I think,

'cause our channels of communication
have dwindled a lot.

So many people in this family…

[Khloé] Yeah, but you could do…
Have you ever done group texting?

Oh, god. Group texting?
You think that's the way to go?

I mean, if you have an important dinner,
you could just send a text one time,

and you say, "Hey, dinner."

-How do I… how do I do that?
-Let me show you.

So, Messages.

-That little box right there…
-Okay, hold on.

-That's where you text.
-I'm gonna get my…

-Your phone's right here.
-[Caitlyn] In my, uh, Donatella Versace…

-[Khloé] You go to that button.
-Okay, button.

Wait a second, now what… Who did…

[Khloé] We have group texts
going on all the time.

Yeah, I know. All right, I love you.

I love you.

[upbeat music]

-What made you fly Corey out to your trip?
-Because I missed him.

-[Kris] So he came out for the last week.
-That's good.

[Kris] And we really had a good time.
Yeah, it was fun.

[Kourtney] Scott's in France.

-[Kris] What's he doing there?
-He just went with Shaul on their boat.

-[Kris] Wow. When does he come home?
-No clue.

[uneasy music]

Okey dokey.

Scott, he'll be amazing
for, like, three months,

and then he'll go out of town,
and then, just go off the deep end,

and I don't really hear from him.

And I just don't know if it's a pattern
that I can continue with.

I just focus on myself these days.


-And my children.
-Oh, that's a positive attitude, I guess.

The only thing that's been hard is that
I feel like, when I wake up, I feel sick.

That's how… I feel pretty much every day.

[dramatic music]

-[Kris] Hey, Kim.
-[Kim] Hey, Mom.

-What shoes are those?
-[Kim] These are Céline.

I got 'em in Paris.
This is my Dalai Lama look.

'Cause I'm going to see
the Dalai Lama on Sunday.

-[Kris] What are you eating?
-A chicken enchilada.

-[Kim] Do you want one?
-[Kris] No, thank you.

-Hey, Chog. Can I call you right back?
-[CiCi] No, no, no, no.


[Kim] Wait, hold on. I'm putting you
on speaker. My mom's here.

Scott, front and center, Daily Mail,

arms around a girl, laying down together,

-with their arms around each other.

-[CiCi] Yeah. Yeah.
-That piece of [bleep]!

[CiCi] Laying down! Laying down!
They're laying down together!

[Kris] Hold on. Here it is.

"Exclusive, Scott Disick
gets very hands-on with brunette stylist

while Kourtney Kardashian
looks after the kids in L.A."

-It's just embarrassing.
-Look at this one.

These pictures of Scott with some girl,
feeding each other food,

it's disrespectful.

[Kris] I think I've often
made excuses for Scott,

and it's just getting tougher and tougher.

[CiCi] We've all stuck up for him
one too many days too long. It's over.

He took the yacht and the jet
and the women in Saint-Tropez

over Kourtney and the three kids.

He just showed his worth.

[Kris] I feel bad for Kourtney.

-It's got to be really hard.
-Yeah, but maybe, you know, it's time.

[chiming music]

-[Kris] Hey, Kim.
-[Kim] Hey, Mom.

Nice dress.

[Khloé] Oh, my god,
that's Kim's after-baby dress.

[Kim] I know.

Well, it's my everyday dress.
Thanks for the hand-me-down.

"Joyce and Larry Crane's anniversary.
12:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m." Fancy.

"Girl night with Sheila.
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m."

[Khloé] You only allotted three hours
for girls' night with Sheila?

How do you not know you want to get crazy
and spend more time with her?

Because we watch The Bachelorette,
and then I go to bed.

And then, you say
you got to go 'cause it's 7:59?


You are a friend.

[Kris] I didn't realize
how much I loved to be by myself.

I've realized that I
really crave it sometimes,

where I want two or three days to myself,

and then I miss Corey
and I want to be with Corey.

I've realized I don't want to get married,

but I really have a lot of fun with Corey
and I love being with him.

What if Corey said, "I wanna get married,

and it's either marry me
or we have to break up."

He said, "I don't want kids. I love you,
and I feel that way about you."

[Khloé] My mom's been downplaying
her relationship with Corey for so long

that I'm now realizing her and Corey
have a way deeper relationship

than my mom wants to admit to.

And, you know, she needs to speak up

and say, you know,
"I like this guy. This is my man."

So let all of us embrace that.

But when you're downplaying it, it's hard
for us to be on the same page as you.

-Do you guys say you love each other?

You're such a little cutie.
You should have someone that loves you.

I literally probably have too much sex.

[sensual music]

Okay, I never asked you
how much sex you have.

I'm exhausted.

Okay. That's… This is too much.

-Seriously? Like…
-[Kris] Okay.

-[door opens]


-[Kris] Hi, gorgeous.
-I'm gonna eat my lunch in here.

Oh, my little… Ooh, my little cutie.

Mom told me she's had more sex now
with Corey than she ever has had.

[Kim] Good for her.

What are you looking at,
how wide this shirt makes me look? I know.

[Kourtney] No, I wasn't.

-Whoa. Complex.
-[Kim] But if you say so.

[phone ringing]

[Kourtney] Ugh, my phone
doesn't really work in here.

It's a good ringtone.

-[Chris] Hey.

Well, when's the last time
you talked to him?

[tense music]

I'm trying to, like, eavesdrop
on her conversation a little bit.

Mason sent him a text
at, like, nine o'clock at night.

[Kourtney] And then, today,
he wrote me at 1:30,

and said, "I wanted to tell you
to tell the kids I love them,

and anything that's ever comes up bad
about me wasn't their fault."

I don't think she knows where he is.

[Kourtney] I talked
to my therapist this morning,

and she said to see if the rehab place,
like, has an interventionist.

The interventionists
are usually like bounty hunters.

Like, they're usually really good
at getting people to go.

[tense music]

Okay, bye.

[phone clacks]

[Kourtney] That was Chris.

He just said that he's, like,
hysterically crying,

and saying, like, "I love you. I don't…"

Just, like, being, like, suicidal talk.

[Kourtney] Then, he's like, "I've never
heard him do that ever. Like, cry."

The guy from the rehab said, "Just call
911, if you think something, you know?"

"You don't want to be sorry
and have not called 911."

[Kim] Yeah.

[Kourtney] As time goes on,
Scott seems to just get worse.

And, you know, I wanna be mad, but, then,
I also worry about just Scott's safety.

And, you know, he definitely
has a problem that he has to deal with.

And so it's hard. I feel like my emotions
get, like, all over the place.

Chris was like, "If they go in,
do they arrest him and take him to jail?

Or do they, like, take him to the rehab?"

Like, he just doesn't want
to get him put in jail.

But that could be the best thing for him.

That's the biggest wakeup call of all,
to be thrown in jail

with no alcohol, no nothing, no pillow.

[Kim] No one to bail him out.

You know?

Kourtney sees a lot of things
that she wasn't aware of before.

[Kim] And I think she's done
everything she can to help Scott,

and that's just
what's really heartbreaking.

[Kris] A lot of people, they see
this behavior and they're thinking,

"Ugh, I just don't want to ever
be in this situation."

It's always the same.

[uneasy music]

[upbeat music]

Hi, Keekles. Let me see.
Oh, my goodness. So gorgeous.

I feel like we should go somewhere.

-Doesn't this make me look bigger?
-[Malika] No.

The way you're sitting,
you do look like you have massive hips,

but it doesn't look like that
when you stand.

-But you haven't seen me standing.
-I did. I FaceTimed you earlier.

-Cheers to "20 Questions."
-To "20 Questions."

I invited Corey to dinner tonight,
and I invited Malika.

[Khloé] Malika is great
at asking questions.

She asks, like, from a way
where someone doesn't feel att*cked.

Yo, it's not my fault
that I'm tardy to the party.

[Khloé] I know nothing about Corey.

So now that I see my mom
taking him on vacations

and hanging out with him more,
I wanna get to know Corey.

Thanks for inviting me to dinner.
I'm excited to be with my…

-The coolest crew.

[Corey] Don't jump down on me too hard.

You know, we wouldn't be good daughters
if we didn't, you know, just sit you down

and see where your head is.

-Whenever. I'm ready anytime y'all ready.
-Have you ever been to jail?

No. I ain't Mr. Perfect.

-[Corey] None of that type of stuff.

But no trouble that's a disrespect
or a threat to another human.

[Corey] But don't [bleep] with me.

[Malika] You and I
are basically the same age.

Have you always been attracted
to older women?

Since I used to hit
on my second grade teacher.


[Corey] But there's not even
an age factor, just a connection.

-Do you want to get married?
-[Corey] I don't think love is measured

by that piece of paper,
because I know people

that are not married
that are strong as hell.

-[Khloé] So you don't want kids?
-It really does not matter because…

Listen, I've raised some kids in my time.

-[Khloé] Who have you raised?
-My nieces and nephews.

So if I don't have kids and the love
is still strong and we got the friendship,

like the current situation I'm in,
then I'm cool with that.

-Yeah. Actually, her shop is closed.
-[Corey] Yeah, that's what I'm saying.

-So I'm not gonna miss out…
-I think he knows that.

When you met my mom at that party,
like, what made you want to go up to her?

She had on this nice-ass dress
and she was looking good.

I waited till she, you know,
was kinda off on her own.

I came up and we started talking.
We started talking.

Then I asked her to come up onto the stage
and dance. So we started dancing.

-But then, other people…
-Oh, so that was the move.

-"Do you want to dance?"
-[Corey] Lou was talking…

-Oh, I like that she danced.
-She loves to dance.

We liked the song. Then I just tried.

I said, "You're beautiful.
I would love to get to know you."

-[Corey] And it went from there.
-Oh, my god.

[Malika] I like to see
the way you light up

when you talk about her,
though, that's cute.

-That's a pretty big smile, you know.

[Khloé] I want whatever
makes my mom happy,

and if Corey makes my mom happy,
then that's what I want for her.

[Corey] I love that woman.
She's gone through a lot of stuff.

My thing with her is, I just want
to bring her genuine happiness.

[Khloé] Kim has heard you guys
have sex before. Did you know that?

Oh, my god, she was so scared.

-That could've been the washer and dryer.
-No, it was upstairs. She heard it.

But you know she had
that new washer and dryer put…

-Stop. Just let it go. We know what's up.

[serious music]

-[birds chirping]
-[piano playing]

One, two, three, four.

-[Olympia] One, two.
-One, two.

-[Mason] Three.
-[Olympia] Uh. Yeah. Three, four.

-[Kourtney] Are we going to the ESPYS?
-[Kim] I feel like we should.

-But not walk the red carpet.
-She's not even doing the carpet.

[Kim] Like, I know this sounds crazy.

I don't know, I just feel like
we need new male energy.

I just feel everyone has to just realize
what's not good for them…

[dramatic music]

…and move in the right direction
of just having a positive life.

I'm just literally on the verge
of, like, a mental breakdown.


[dramatic music]

[Kim] My heart breaks for Kourtney,
but it's time that Kourtney

doesn't have that toxic part
of their relationship in her life.

It's not a healthy way to live,

and it's not the life
that Kourtney should be living.

I think you have to just
really try to move on.

[dramatic music]

I'm just literally on the verge
of, like, a mental breakdown.


I think you have to just try to move on.

It's just, like, I can't believe
that this is what's…


…what my life is at right now, you know?

I've worked so hard to, like,
keep this family together.

It just makes me sad for the kids,
but it's, like, it's better off.

He's not… being a good partner to me.

[Kourtney] I could never rely on him,
depend on him for one single thing,

and I don't want to, like,
show my kids that that's okay.

-[Kim] Hey, Mase.
-[Mason] I have piano right now.

You do? Oh, my god, can you show me?

[Kim] Come here. Let me see your piano.

[Scott] All I care about
is you being happy. I love you.

-What made you stay in bed all night?
-I missed you. I'm too lonely by myself.

-[Kourtney] Oh, my god! My water broke.
-Let's get this baby on the road!

I'm gonna be a father.

-And we've got a girl.


-[Scott] How you doin'?
-[Mason] I missed you.

-Another one. Another one.

I love Scott, but I've been dealing
with this for so long.

This is definitely not good for me.


[gloomy music]

-[Scott groans]
-[Kourtney] You need to face the facts.

If you want to die, then you
can continue to act this way.

Nothing I can say to you.
I'll be out of here.

It's just stressful, like, how much
we've fought, like, over all these years.

Are we gonna spend
the rest of our life doing this?

At this point, I'm really just trying
to focus on me and the kids

and make them the priority.

-[piano playing]

I didn't want him to see you crying.

[Kim sighs]

[lips smack]

I mean, I just think you have been
going through this for years.

Obviously, you'll always care about Scott.

And he'll always be my family.

You can't live the same life
that you've been living.

It's been, like, eight years.

No, I can't do it anymore.
Like, my mind is completely made up.

-It is?
-[Kourtney] Yeah.

I know that, like, him just staying here,
nothing would change.

But are you guys gonna, like,
fully break up or is--

Yeah. No. I mean, I told him that.

God just, like, opened my eyes
and was like, "You need to move on."

[Kourtney hums]

Well, I really think
you're doing the right thing.

Like, I truly, in my heart of hearts,
think you're doing the right thing.

I need it… to be done.

[suspenseful music]

[Kim] Next season on
Keeping Up with the Kardashians…

-[Kourtney] I'll have wine.
-[Khloé] Kourtney's lettin' loose!

[Kris] She's coming back, everybody!

This is the best shape
you've ever been in.

-They want you to do the cover of Complex.
-[photographer] So hot.

-Can you wet the nipples? All over.
-[spray hisses]

-She's arrived.
-I'm back!

-[Kim] Chin up a little bit.
-[Kris] Oh, that's good.

Don't copy every pose I'm doing,
stick with the one pose I gave you.

I don't know what
I would do without you, guys.

[Caitlyn] Thank you
for being so understanding.

-Should we hold hands?

We can shake up the paparazzis
if we leave together.

[Kris] Love you. I really do.

-[Khloé] Woohoo!

Girls family vacay!


Kylie invited Tyga.

[Khloé] Listen. I get it.
I would rather be with a man too.

[Kylie] Babe!

-[Kris] Is that Kylie's name?
-What, here? Oh, yeah.

I was really looking forward
to this trip to hang out with you.

Once you have preeclampsia,
you are at risk for having it again.

[Kim] They saw more fluid
than normal in my placenta,

which could mean I have diabetes.

James and Lamar, they ran

-into each other in Vegas yesterday.

-Did you sign the divorce papers?
-In the next few days, it'll be done.

[dramatic music]

It breaks my heart to see her in pain.

It's been a really hard time,
going from, like, having all of you guys

to having nobody.

You forget what happened
when you're on a binge.

I [bleep] up! I made the worst decision
I could have ever made in my life.

[suspenseful music]
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