10x15 - It Feels Good to Be Home

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Keeping Up With the Kardashians". Aired: October 14, 2007 - 2021.*
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Reality series of the Kardashian family featuring Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and the rest of the Kardashian/Jenner clan personal and professional lives.
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10x15 - It Feels Good to Be Home

Post by bunniefuu »

[Kim] Previously on
Keeping Up with the Kardashians…

[Khloé] Trying to pack for Armenia.

It's always been in our plans
to go to Armenia one day.

It was super important to my dad.

You, me, North, and Kanye
are gonna rule that town.

[upbeat music]

[Khloé] They're so excited
to have Kim here.

[Pascal] We should move
because people are getting wild.


My own security
should not leave me behind.

People still treat me
as if I don't know what's going on.

I've been spending
a lot of time with Dad, actually.

-[Kylie] But I don't wanna hurt Mom.

-[Kim] How are you feeling?
-[Kris] I'm a little sad.

My mom is having a really emotional time,
dealing with Caitlyn's transition.

I had such a [bleep] day yesterday.

[Armenian music]

-Mama. Mama.

[Kim] Mm. The yummy food.

-[Kara] Oh, good, it's lavash.
-[Khloé] Thank you.

-[North] Mama!

[Khloé] Oh, my god, Kendall's
on the cover of Harper's Bazaar?

-[Kim] Let me see.
-[Khloé] Kimberly, she's a real model.

Being in Armenia,
I miss being with my sisters

and I see my mom posted a picture

of Kendall gracing the cover
of Harper's Bazaar.

I wish she was here, but I just miss her
and she's just some big supermodel.

[line ringing]

What up, ho? Wait.
You're on the cover of Harper's Bazaar?

-[Kendall] Yeah.
-Ken, good job.

-Congrats, K.
-Thanks. How's Armenia?

It's insane. It's so much fun.
Look at the homemade la…

Oh, wait, I'm gonna show Kendall.
You know the lavash we eat at home?

-[Kendall] Mm-hmm.
-[Khloé] Look. You're gonna die.

-[Kendall] What?
-[Khloé] Watch.

And they put it in this hole,

and look, that, that's the lavash,
then watch.

-[Khloé giggles]

-This is, like, fresh lavash.
-What? This is insane.

[Khloé] I know.

[theme music]

[Armenian music]

[bell tolls]

[engine rumbles]

-[Arpi] Look at the cross in the mountain.
-[Kim] What?

-The church is a part of this whole thing.
-[Kim] Oh, wow.

Mount Ararat, that we drove by,
that huge mountain,

that's in the Bible,
where it says Noah's ark landed.

[vibrant music]

[Kim] For the last day
of our trip in Armenia,

I heard that there is
this amazing monastery in this cave,

and it's really special to go to,

and I'm really excited
to go with the whole family.

[Arpi] Hi, sir. Father.
This is Kim Kardashian-West, Mr. West…

-[priest speaks Armenian]
-…and Khloé Kardashian.

-[Kim] Say hi, Northy.
-And this is North. Say, "Hi."

In order to go into the church,
we usually cover our heads.

-[Khloé] You guys, this is crazy.
-Oh, my god, it's so pretty.

[speaks Armenian]

[Arpi] This was built in 1215,
and this is the main area

where they, uh, they used
to do celebrations.

I can tell that Kanye is loving

this bishop's whole getup
that he has going on.

I mean, I wouldn't be surprised
if I see this in Kanye's next show.

Kanye's smile is literally contagious,

so when I see him
grinning from ear to ear,

I mean, I start smiling,

and now, this bishop is gonna think
I'm either flirting with him,

or making fun of him,
and that's just awkward.

At some point,
in the 14th and 15th centuries,

this was a music school.

And until today, people continuously sing.

[Arpi] They would like to perform for you,
so that you would hear the acoustics.

[chorus singing]

-[Kim] Thank you.

[North moans]

We're gonna light a candle, Northy.
Look. We're gonna light it.

[Kim] Let's put all of ours together.


[Kim] It's been so amazing
to have Kanye with us

while we get to know more
about our culture, our history.

I just feel so blessed.

So the next part of our trip
is heading to Jerusalem to baptize North.

[Kim] Okay, let's go. Let's go, Bubba.

[solemn music]

[lively music]

-[Kendall] Hi.

[Kendall] Hi, Mase.

Oh, you're not gonna be here
for our DASH party.

I was gonna say, do you even want to come?

No, I leave whatever day the 17th is.
I think that's Sunday.

[Kourtney] Do you ever
get homesick when you travel?

Oh, my god. No, I used to,
when I was, like, a kid.

I didn't even wanna sleep over
at friends' houses.

-[Kourtney] So you leave Friday?
-I come home that night,

and then I leave again that night.

[Kourtney] Wait, where
do you go on the 17th?

To Vegas, for Billboard.

I know that Kendall
has been working a lot.

Caitlyn transitioning
isn't some kind of common thing

that our family is going through,

so I just really wanna check in
with Kendall, and see how she's doing.

Thank you.

-[Kendall] The other night…
-[Kourtney] Yeah?

…Kylie texted me, when we
were all at Mom's, and she was like,

"What are you doing tonight?

Can I come out to the city? Can I come
and hang out with you or whatever?"

[Kendall] I was like,
"No, I leave tonight."

And she was like,
"You're never around anymore."


[Kendall] I'm home for, like, a day
and then, I go to Brazil.

[Kendall] My life,
I basically live on a plane.

When I get, like, a minute off, I don't
really know what to do with myself.

It's kind of weird for my family
to, like, not have me around as much,

but at the same time,
with what's going on at home,

I really only want to worry
about my professional life.

-[Mason] I eat the rest!
-You're gonna eat all of that?

-You're gonna eat all that?
-I'd like to see you try.

Oh, my god, that's really hot.

-[Kendall] Why wouldn't you warn me?
-[Mason laughs]

[Armenian music]



[Kanye] Armenia, how you doing tonight?

[cheering, whistling]

I was about to go to bed
when Kanye came up with this idea

to give a free concert
to everyone here in Armenia.

[Kim] So he wakes me up,
I'm in sweats with no makeup on,

and we rush over to this park,

and there must be
thousands of people here.

Are y'all having a good time so far?
Make some noise!

[all cheering]

Everybody in this joint, come on!

I need everybody out here
to start jumping up and down.

Soon as the beat drop. Are y'all ready?
Yo, play it back!

-["Touch the Sky" plays]
-Hit 'em!

♪ I gotta testify ♪

♪ Come up in the spot, looking extra fly ♪

♪ 'Fore the day you die ♪

♪ You gonna touch the sky ♪

♪ Jump, jump, jump ♪

♪ Jump, jump, jump ♪

♪ Jump, jump, hey! ♪

♪ Back when they thought pink polos
Would hurt the Roc ♪

♪ Before Cam got the shit to pop ♪

♪ The doors was closed ♪

♪ I felt like Bad Boy's street team ♪

♪ I couldn't work the locks ♪

♪ Now let's go ♪

[Kim] I see Kanye notice this fan
that jumped in the water.

I could tell what's going on in his mind,
so I know he's gonna try something crazy.

♪ A hip-hop legend
I think I died in that accident ♪

♪ This must be Heaven! ♪

♪ 'Fore the day you die ♪

♪ You gonna touch the sky ♪

♪ Hey! ♪

You can really feel
the excitement in the air.

[Kim] It's such an amazing thing

that he's doing
for everyone here in Armenia.

I think they just appreciate it so much.


[Kanye] That's what my wife said!
"Feels good to be home!"

"Feels good to be home!"

[upbeat music]

[rain pattering]

[Khloé] We are leaving Armenia.

And now we are off to Jerusalem
to get Baby North baptized.

[Kanye sighs]
I didn't even have to dry the clothes.

Could have gone from the lake
straight into the rain.

I saw the video. It looked great.
I just wasn't invited.


-[Kanye] Yes, you were.
-No, I found out from your post.

[Khloé] I'm irritated with Kim.

I wasn't able to make
that wonderful free mega-concert

because no one told me about it.

I mean, it's one thing
when, like, security forgets me.

It's like, "Jeez, whatever."

It's another thing when my own sister
forgets to invite me.

It looked awesome.

[Armenian music]

[Kourtni] What happened to your thumb?

I, like, fell in the lake,
and it was, like, bleeding.

So, it was a little rock star injury.

[Khloé] Did you get stitches
or just a Band-Aid?

It's a Band-Aid.
I hope I don't need stitches.

-[Khloé groans]
-[Kim] All right, guys.

We're on our way to Jerusalem
to baptize North in the Armenian Quarter,

which is such a dream of mine.

[Kim] I know Khloé's still upset
from last night,

but I texted her,
and she just didn't respond.

So I'm just not gonna feed
into any other drama.

[festive music]

[Khloé] It's so beautiful.

[calm music]

Being in Jerusalem, in such a holy place,
is very calm and spiritual.

[Khloé] I decide I'm not gonna let
that concert ruin my trip.

I'm gonna put my feelings aside and focus
on why we are here, to baptize North.

I'm gonna channel my inner holiness
and move on.

-[priest] Welcome. How are you?
-[Kim] Thank you for having us.

[priest] Welcome, welcome.

Kanye and I have always
talked about baptizing our daughter,

and when I mentioned
that we were gonna be in Armenia,

which was really close to Jerusalem,

I think he, you know, thought
there's no better place

than in the Armenian church in Jerusalem.

-Hello. Welcome to Jerusalem.
-[Khloé] Hi.

Please, have a seat.

-Is this your first visit to Jerusalem?
-[Kim] Yes, yes.

These are the Armenian cookies. These are
with, uh, nuts and these are with dates.

Oh, you want cookie?
What do you say? Say, "Thank you."

[North] Thank you.

[Patriarch] How about you?
Why don't you try it?

Help yourself, please.

-I'm a big mess when I eat.
-Try it. You'll like it.

[Kanye] I don't want to get dirty
before she gets baptized.

[Kim] We'll take some on the way out.

I'm just gonna take the whole plate,
and I'm just gonna go like this.

-That'll happen, sure.
-[priest] We are ready.

[Kim] Okay.

[crowd cheering]

[Khloé] Wow, this is so pretty.

[solemn music]

[Kim] We are baptizing North

in the oldest Armenian church
in Jerusalem, the St. James Church.

[North babbles]

[Kim] North, are you excited?

I'm just really excited

that I'm gonna be able to baptize
my daughter while I'm pregnant.

It's just an experience
that we'll never forget.

[priest] It gives us
profound happiness that North West

is going to be baptized

in the most ancient
Armenian church in Jerusalem.

We are now going to start the service.

[solemn music]

I feel really blessed
that I'm a part of this experience.

I'm honored
and just completely over the moon

that I get to be Baby North's godmother
and witness this.

[Kim] Bubba, look.
You're gonna go in the water.

[priest singing]

[North babbles]

[Kim] Good job.
Good job, Northy. You're all done.

[all singing]

I think this is probably

the most meaningful trip
I've ever been on,

going to my homeland in Armenia,
and then Jerusalem.

[Kim] I am so glad we got
to really realize this dream of our dad's.

I really wish the whole family
could be here, but I think that it's okay.

Like, we'll be able to share
all these pictures and video

that we're taking and share the way

that she was baptized
in the Armenian culture.

-[priest] Congratulations.
-[Kim] Thank you so much.

[priest] Congratulations.

[festive music]

[Khloé] Tell me if you know
what the Tower of David is, which one?

-[Kim] I do not. That tower right there?
-This one.

[Kim] That's pretty cool.

I just want to know where Jesus walked,
and take those paths.

-I think all over here.
-But he wasn't, like, up here.

-No, he wasn't on this balcony.
-I want to walk on, like, his same path.

Well, I don't know
if that stone is still there.

All right, let's go.

Our trip has been
just absolutely incredible.

It's time for us to leave,
but I feel like I've learned so much.

And that is
a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

I will never forget.

-[Khloé] Is Yeezus ready?
-[Kim] Yeah, let's go grab them.

[man] We hope you enjoyed
your stay at the David Citadel Hotel.

-Thank you, guys, it's been so awesome.
-Thank you.

[merry music]

[Kris] I am so nauseous.

-You know, I'm a lit… I would love…

I don't need a whole life story.
Just yes or no.

-Yes, a little baby one, thank you.
-[Scott] Drink? Okay.

That was a…

I was gonna give you a whole thing
about how I was so nauseous--

-That's a lot.
-I'm making a piece of toast with avocado.

-Does anyone want one?
-You eat the blandest food--

-[Scott] Ever.
-[Kourtney] It's delicious.

-And she tries to expect me to eat--
-How is that bland?

With some little sea salt and olive oil?

She wants us all
to get on her gravy train.

You just reminded me
I have hard-boiled eggs.

-I'm expanding my lunch today.
-Oh! Well, don't… don't over…

-Don't go nuts. That's lunch and dinner.
-Yeah. Now you're getting really crazy.

-[Scott] You're gonna explode.
-[Kris] Yeah, maybe.

I don't think that your piano
looks great in that room anymore.

-Maybe I'll just take it back.
-[Kourtney] Why?

Mm-mm. Mason takes lessons on it.

You're gonna use the grandson card?

[Kris] I'm really having
a tough time lately,

so I really wanna start focusing

on doing really positive things
in my life.

I've decided to take piano lessons,

because Kim's taking lessons and I thought
maybe we could do it together.

It could be a really cool
little bonding thing.

-[Kourtney] If you can play me one song…
-[Kris] Okay.

…I'll have the conversation.

-[key plays]
-[Kris] Can you play a song?


What are you gonna play?

Wait, I haven't done this
in a really long time.

I know that my mom
is going through a hard time,

and I'm sure that she would love
to use this as one of her distractions.

I love her and she can come
to my house anytime and use my piano.

-I'll play a song for you. Excuse me.

[Kris] I'll give you $100 if you can play
"Mary Had a Little Lamb."

[Scott] All right, watch out.

["Mary Had a Little Lamb" plays on piano]

-I'm, like, a self-taught genius, guys.
-I think I owe her money.

[Scott] This girl is no joke.

[chill music]



-I should get this removed, huh?

-[Khloé] That bump?
-[Kendall] Yeah.

-How do you have to remove that?
-[Kendall] Surgery.

I didn't realize that the Billboard night,
like, when we're doing all that press

and everything, like,
that's the same night that…

-I know.
-…the Special comes out.

Bruce's interview on Diane Sawyer
came out recently,

and the "About Bruce" special
is about to come out this week.

[Khloé] Our emotions
are incredibly raw in this special,

and I think it's high anxiety
for all of us.

Kendall's been all over the place.

I think keeping herself busy
and occupying herself is good,

but I also think you do have
to address your problems.

-How are you dealing with everything?
-[Kendall] I'm all right.

-I feel like it's a process.
-[Khloé] For sure.

It's something
to get used to for sure, but, um…

[Kendall] The only thing is,
I haven't met her, so…

I haven't either.

[Khloé] I think that's a process as well.

Yeah, well, it's also
a "letting go" thing.

It's, like, when you
officially meet her, it's like,

-he's gone, yeah.

I think that's what I'm holding onto.
That's why I've taken so long to meet her.

At this point, Kendall and I
have not met Caitlyn.

[Khloé] I just feel, like, we all
have to do things in our own time.

I mean, this is hard for all of us,

but Kendall says,
as soon as she meets Caitlyn,

she's gonna feel like
Bruce is gone forever,

and I think that's really hard
for her to understand.

-How's Kylie handling things?
-She's, like, fine. I don't know.

I feel like she gives
that "I don't care" attitude,

but, like, she does care.

-She definitely cares.
-[Kendall] Yeah.

I just think it's easier to, like,
kinda suppress your emotions,

-and just be like, "Whatever."
-Yeah. Totally.

[energetic music]

-[birds chirping]
-[piano playing]

-Hey, guys.

Hey, P.

[Princess moans]

Penelope's gonna sit with me

-and watch her lesson.

-That is, like, a true piano jacket.

[Kris] Wait, is Kim coming to this lesson?

[Kourtney] I don't think so.

[dramatic music]

I can't believe Kim flaked,
today of all days.

I really thought that we'd have a chance
to hang out a little bit and talk.

Right now, Kim is the easiest person
for me to talk to

because she's at a really good place
in her life, and she's really grounded.

She's just my sounding board.

And I think that, today,
I really needed a sounding board.

[energetic music]

I'm so excited for some frozen yogurt.

I asked Kim to come meet me today.

We really haven't had Kim and Kylie time,
so I just want to catch up with her.

-Um… Thanks.
-[Kim] You look cute.

So, I'm kind of nervous about Billboard.

[Kim] Why?

Because the episode comes out,

and I'm just not ready to do interviews
or be asked about it or anything.

But Kendall will be there, so…

[gentle music]

First of all, all you have to say is just,

"I'm not ready to answer any questions
until, uh, you know, you watch it."

Don't say it, like, cheesy, like,
"You're gonna have to tune in."

You can just say, "You know what? Just,
you know, watch it and see for yourself.

I think we answer every question."

[Kim] I totally sympathize with her.

She's 17, she doesn't want to have
to answer these types of questions,

but Kylie is there with Kendall,

and they'll know how to handle it
together, and they'll be a good team.

[Kylie] I guess I just still don't believe
that, like, everybody knows.

Like, when people ask me
about it or talk about it,

I still feel like we all have been like
kept our mouth shut for so long.

I know. Obviously,
everyone's gonna try to ask,

-but Kendall will be right there with you.
-[Kylie] Yeah.

So you guys, like,
can play off of each other.

That's how Khloé, Kourtney, and I did it.
Like, Kourtney never likes to talk,

but if Khloé would get, like, stumbled
on something, then I would jump in.

Or if I wasn't in the mood,
they would jump in, you know?

-But you shouldn't be nervous at all.
-[Kylie] Mm-hmm.

I put too many sprinkles in.


[upbeat music]

[Kris] I actually learned two songs today.

Why does everyone want to take
piano lessons since I take lessons?

[Kris] Because it's fun.
And I did a really good job.

Are you gonna say one word about the fact
that you didn't show up? It's so rude.

You text me, and you think that I
can just show up. I have a full day.

I think you just forgot.
You have, like, selective memory.

[Kris] And I think
when it's important to you,

you do everything you need to do,

but when it comes to me
and the things that mean something,

you just kinda forget about it.

[Kris] I thought we would both enjoy it,
and it would be a way to bond.

[conflicted music]

[camera shutter clicking]

[Kris] This is gonna be a fun ride

if you guys are just gonna do
your selfies for two hours.

How many more minutes?

[driver] Now maybe, like,
five miles, five miles to the exit.

-Oh, five miles. Oh!
-[driver] Yes.

-That's not bad at all.
-[driver] I'm doing 85, 90.

-There's no traffic.
-Got it.

No, I'm just so nau… I'm just asking.
I was just super nauseous.

[Kim] I feel bad that my mom thinks
that I flaked on her,

so I decided to take her out
to one of Kanye's concerts,

and I think it could be
what she needs right now.

[scanner humming]

[upbeat music]

Get ready for Kanye West!

[crowd cheering]

["Black Skinhead" plays]

-♪ For my theme song ♪
-♪ Black ♪

-♪ My leather black jeans on ♪
-♪ Black ♪

♪ My by any means on ♪

♪ Pardon, I'm getting my scream on ♪

Listening to Kanye's music,
it's always wild fun.

[Khloé] I'm excited to see my mom
at a Kanye concert.

I just want her to hang out
and just let loose.

♪ If I don't get ran out by Catholics ♪

♪ Here come some conservative Baptists ♪

♪ Claiming I'm overreacting
Like them black kids in Chiraq bitch ♪

♪ Four in the morning, and I'm zoning ♪

♪ They say I'm possessed, it's an omen ♪

♪ I keep it 300, like the Romans ♪

♪ Three hundred b*tches
Where's the Trojans? ♪

♪ Baby, we living in the moment ♪

♪ I've been a menace for the longest ♪

♪ But I ain't finished, I'm devoted ♪

♪ And you know it, and you know it ♪

[Kris] I feel bad,

but I'm not really
in the concert, party, happy mode.

All I really wanna do is put on my pajamas
and crawl into bed and be by myself.

♪ I'm doing 500, I'm outta control ♪

♪ But there's nowhere to go ♪

♪ And there's no way to slow ♪

♪ If I knew what I knew in the past ♪

♪ I would've been blacked out
On your ass ♪

[crowd screaming]

[indistinct chatter]

-Good? You need anything?
-I'm good.

-Are you good?
-[man] Great.

[ice rattles]

[Kris] Did you find
any friends to talk to?

[Khloé] Yeah, there's people
out there, but, you know,

I don't know why we drove
an hour and a half

to sit in someone's closet.
I have a better closet at home.

My mom is tucked away
in a back dressing room

instead of going out into the stands
and enjoying some music.

I just want her to be present
and in the moment.

I'm really trying to do everything I can
to pull her out of this funk,

and nothing is working.

[active music]

Okay, we only have, like, 20 minutes.

[woman] I feel like these are more
of our gangster vibe.

[man] You have a gangster lash?

[Kylie] I'm getting ready
for the red carpet,

and Kendall is nowhere to be found,
so I'm a little nervous.

I, like, really might faint.

You have to go like this…

Like, little.

[tense music]

[crowd screaming]

[tense music continues]

-[man] Excuse us, folks.
-Are you gonna say hi to Kendall?

-[Kylie] Oh, hey, guys.
-[Kendall] Where are we going?

[Kylie] I feel like I'm part of the crew.
I just wanted to fit in.

[man] Come on over, girls.

It's kinda weird, 'cause Kylie and I
usually do carpets together,

but I'm actually with H&M and Balmain,

and I really only wanna worry
about that right now,

'cause that's what I'm here for.

Am I not supposed to?
Should I not take a photo with her?

Yes, you can. One picture.

[camera shutters clicking]

I totally understand that Kendall
has these work obligations,

but I'm getting super nervous and anxious
about doing these interviews.

I really wish Kendall
was gonna be with me.

I have, like, a few seconds
before I faint.

[tense music]

Kylie, one time!

[overlapping yells]

I told them no questions about your lips

and if they started talking
about your dad to move on, so.

[overlapping yells]

-Wait, no. Now I feel too sick.
-No. You'll be fine.

No, I feel like I can't really breathe.

-No, I don't want to.
-You can't now. Like, you're right there.

I'm just gonna go now.

Of course, I step up
to do my first interview,

and my stomach literally drops.

[Kylie] It's too much. I can't do it.

[overlapping screams]

[upbeat music]

[Kim] I love your house.
Thank God this rug is in now.

-[Kylie] I know.
-[Kim] So, how did Billboard go?

So, Kendall ditched me.

[Kylie] She was supposed
to do the interviews with me.

And I was just like, "I don't know.
I don't know. I can't do it. I'm sorry."


-And I just, like, walked off.
-Oh, my gosh.

[Kylie] I was looking around
for Kendall, and she wasn't there.

I just didn't know what to say.

Well, I feel like Kendall
just probably assumes

that you're so independent anyway.

I don't think she purposely ditched you,

and she was there
with, like, H&M, you know.

-[Kim] You know, that kind of sucks.
-Yeah, she was doing her own thing.

I was just, like, in the moment.

-[Kim] Yeah.
-And I had a little attack.

[Kylie] Me and Kendall
have grown up like twins almost,

so with everything
that's happening with my dad,

I really wish
that Kendall was there with me.

I just feel like Kendall's mostly there
for me, but I really needed her this time.

[Kim] Yeah, you
were literally by yourself.

[problematic music]

[serious music]

[women screaming]

[shutters clicking]

-[Khloé] Thank you. Aww, don't cry, babe.
-Thank you so much!

-It's a dream come true to meet you.
-For me too. Thank you.

My mom signed me up to make an appearance
at this BookCon event,

even though my book is not out
for almost six to eight more months.

But I've been trying to be nicer to her,
'cause I know all the stress she's under.

-[Kris] Hello?

-[Kris] What are you doing?
-[Khloé] I'm at BookCon.

[Kris] I'm so confused,
though, I really am,

why we're doing BookCon
when we don't even have a book yet.

Yeah, that is a very great question

that me, Kim, Kourtney
have all been wondering,

but, you know, I go off
of my manager's, um, advice,

-and what she tells me to do.
-[Kris chuckles]

-[Kris] Okay.
-Mom, how are you feeling?

[dramatic music]

[Kris] I do not know
what's going on with my arm,

but I have this situation
where I cannot use my right arm.

-[Khloé] That's weird.
-[Kris] Yeah.

What are we gonna do
to make Kris Jenner happier in life?

[Kris] You know what would make me
really happy, to be honest?

A girl's night out.

[Khloé] I have noticed my mom,
she's been in a funk and a fog lately,

and I want her to get back to her happy
Kris Jenner that I know her to be.

Why don't we go back to Casa Vega
and get some sh*ts in us?

[Kris] Okay, deal.

Well, have a good, um,
book-whatever you're doing.

Okay, thank you. I appreciate it, manager.
You're great.

Since I know you don't know what I'm doing
over here 'cause I don't either.

[Kris laughs]

[lively music]

[Khloé] Oh, my god, just put it
on my [bleep] mouth, and I can go.

Khloé, we get it, you're hot.

[Khloé] Kendall, shut up.

I don't come on the cover
of Vogue and say that to you.


All the girls in my family have been asked
to be on the cover of Cosmo.

[Kim] It's a really big deal
'cause this is an anniversary issue,

it's a collector's item,

and they're only printing
a certain number of copies.

-Thank you for having us on.
-Are you kidding me?

I think this is our third sh**t together.
I can't stop looking down here, actually.

-What's the matter with me?
-They told me more skin, more skin.

Well, it's Cosmo.

Cosmo was my first big magazine
that I ever did.

-And I had a publicist that I worked with,

that said, "So, like, what do you want
your career to be?"

And I said, "I just wanna be
on the cover of Cosmo one day."

And she looked at me and goes,
"Kim, let's be realistic.

You're never gonna be
on the cover of Cosmo."

-[Joanne] How amazing.
-And I was like, "Okay."

-The 50th anniversary!
-The 50th anniversary and 3rd Cosmo cover.

-To many more.
-And now I got

-all my family members on the cover.
-To many more, Kim.

I know, it's fantastic, it's fantastic.

And it really is like air traffic control
getting you all together.

[upbeat music]

[Kendall] I can't, um,
do my own solo thing.

[Khloé] Why not?

[Kendall] 'Cause I guess
it's, like, a conflict

with something that I already have.

I heard Cosmo's not happy about it,
though, but Mom handles everything, so…

I understand my mom is really overwhelmed
and she's dealing with a lot.

[Kim] The Caitlyn situation
is causing so much anxiety

that she's been all over the place lately.

It keeps getting worse, and I just feel
like something needs to change.

So I have no shot, at this point,

-of having Kendall on a front cover.
-Kendall on a single…

The problem, if you will,

was the contractual obligation
she has with something else.

[tense music]

I have a job to do.
And I need to deliver that for Joanna.

So if we can't provide
your fans/our readers

with what we promised,
we're kind of at an impasse.

[tense music]

[tense music continues]

If we can't provide your fans/our readers
with what we promised,

then we're kind of at an impasse.

What if we made the Kendall cover
one of the subscription covers,

so every subscriber would get it,
but it's not on newsstand?

[tense music]

Let me go call him right now
and run that idea past him.

-[Liz] I need it in writing!
-[man] You'll get it.

-I need it in writing before we start.
-We'll sign it in blood.

The option is this.
We're gonna do US only,

subscription only,
and it's the three girls.

-Khloé, Kendall, and Kylie.

-[Kris sighs]


I am just happy
my mom figured something else out.

[Khloé] But this is not like her.

-[Kris] This is a very stressful job.

I don't know how you've done it
all these years.

Me either.

[joyful music]

[photographer] Okay. sh**ting. Yes.

[Joanna] So interesting,
seeing them all together,

-'cause you see all the DNA, don't you?
-[photographer] Beautiful. Yes!

And they're all so beautiful,
each one individually.

[Joanna] They're all outstanding.

Can I be on this side?

[Kylie] I'm still kind of upset
that Kendall ditched me

at the Billboard red carpet event,
but I don't want to bring it up here.

You better Photoshop me
if I'm next to these skinny b*tches.

-[camera shutter clicking]
-[photographer] Beautiful. Kendall, great.

[serious music]

[Kylie] Did you get
my color coordination email?


[Kendall] We do that all the time,
and we don't even try.

I know.

Did you have fun at Billboard?

You didn't do any interviews, right?

[tense music]

No. I was about to do an interview.

And before the interview starts,
I'm like, "Oh, no!"

"Oh, no! I can't do it, I can't do it."

-And I just, like, walked off. No.
-[Kendall] You didn't do it?

-[Kylie] Mm-mm.

I always see my older sisters
sticking together

and sticking up for each other,
so I just wanted that with Kendall.

I totally understand
you had your [bleep] going on.

I just felt like I really needed you.

[tense music]

[tense music]

I totally understand
you had your [bleep] going on.

[Kylie] I just felt like
I really needed you.

[Kendall] I agree with you and I'm sorry.

And I think that, next time,
we will communicate better.

With everything
that's happening with my dad,

it's definitely gonna take
a little bit of time

for everyone to get used to everything.

Hopefully, Kendall and I
can just be there for each other

when we're having a hard time.

[Kendall] I mean, I know you're,
like, really independent,

but I think I just have to remember
that you're, like, my little sister and…

-You have to take care of me.
-Got to protect you sometimes.

-Yeah. You have a responsibility.
-[Kendall] Yeah. Totally.

Remember when you liked me and you
would follow me around everywhere?

[Kylie] Good times.

[uplifting music]

[Caitlyn] You come down,
I'll show you this part of the house.

What you said you liked
was a lot of suits.

[Kim] Yeah.

[Malika] Bruce had some really good stuff.

[Kim] Maybe I'll take something
for my mom.

What is something you, like,
wore on a date with my mom?

[Caitlyn] Ooh!

Don't they both have that leather jacket
or is it another one?

[Kim] This one?

Caitlyn might use that motorcycle jacket.

[Malika] That would be
really cute for Caitlyn.

I am at Caitlyn's, and I see that all
of Bruce's clothes have been packed up.

[Kim] I know my mom
has really been struggling

and it's really been hard for her,

so I think that giving her
these clothes of Bruce's

will bring some closure to her
and maybe comfort her a little bit.

[Kim] This is a nice suit.

-Oh, this is my wedding suit!
-[Caitlyn] I was gonna say it.

-That's your wedding one.
-[Kim] I'm taking this.

[Caitlyn] You take it, yeah.

-This is a fab memory from my wedding.
-[Caitlyn] Sad?

-Oh, fab. I was like, "Sad?"

I was going, "It wasn't sad."

This is for me, Kendall, Kylie.
I'm taking something for everyone.

[Kim] Which one is, like, a classic Bruce?

-[Caitlyn] Worn all the time?
-Anything striped is classic Bruce.

-[Caitlyn] This one right here.
-[Kim] Yes. The girls said that one.

-I think you literally wore this weekly.
-All the time, yeah. That was…

-[Kim] Oh, this one, I feel.
-[Caitlyn] Yeah.

[Kim] And I'll keep these, so you can take
them back at any time, if you would like.

-[Caitlyn] If I ever go back?

I know that would be really important
probably to the girls and even my mom,

to have some things
that are just have such history

that it'll just be
really special for them,

and all these Bruce memories will come up
in just a really positive way.

-Yeah. That's all you need.
-[Kim] All right, that's all I need.

-[Kim] Thank you. I'll see you later.
-[Caitlyn] Love you!

[Kim] Love you!

[warm music]

-[Kim] I wanted to give you these things.
-[plastic crinkles]

[Kris] Kim, don't hurt yourself.

Caitlyn let me take this.

[Kim] This still has the tag on it,
this Gucci jacket.

Yeah, I bought him that.

[Kim] But these shorts,
I felt like every vacation…

-Ah! There's this…
-[Kim] Ew! Ew! Ew!

[object clacks]

[Kim] Don't step on it, Mom.


-[Kim] There's spiders in it.
-Maybe this is an omen.

I have all the other stuff too.
Did you not get it?

Yeah, but I haven't gotten…
I didn't have the nerve to open the bag.

[Kim] I thought this suit is, like, a…

This is a David Rickey jacket
that I know you guys got in Malibu.


[Kris] It makes me really sad.

[Kim] You can use the handkerchief
to wipe your eyes.

[Kris] No, it's okay.

I think going through something
like this is…

[deep inhale]

…difficult because the whole thing
is something

I've never dealt with before.

And I realize that I still have
a long way to go

before I can process all of this
and understand it.

[Kris] And seeing these clothes

and realizing that Bruce
has thrown them out

makes it real.

This he wore
on our Burberry Christmas card.

[Kris] Yeah.

Long time ago.

-[Kim] And this Prada suit.
-It smells like him.

[Kris] How did you remember
all this stuff, Kim?

[Kim] Just anything that I thought
would remind you of him.

Like this polo velvet,
I felt like you would like.


I thought Kendall, and Kylie,
and Khloé and all the kids

could each take whatever polo shirt
reminded us of him.


[Kris] All right, I'll hang it all up
and let the kids go through it.

-Thank you.
-[Kim] You're welcome.

Don't cry.

-Don't cry.
-It's just crazy that he's gone.

-But he's not.
-[Kris] Yeah.

No, he's not.

He's gone.

[dramatic music]


-[Kim] On the next episode…
-Caitlyn text me today for the first time.

[Khloé] I said, "I'm not supporting you.
You don't support us."

I just don't want you to look bad,
I don't want my mom to be hurt.

I think everybody is so oversensitive.

Lamar is in the hotel.
If you are ready to go, then let's go.

[Kris] I said to him,
"Don't bring me into your article."

I think this is just so shocking.
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