10x09 - Lip Service

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Keeping Up With the Kardashians". Aired: October 14, 2007 - 2021.*
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Reality series of the Kardashian family featuring Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and the rest of the Kardashian/Jenner clan personal and professional lives.
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10x09 - Lip Service

Post by bunniefuu »

[lively music]

[Kim] We should take a selfie.
I haven't taken one with you.

Oh, I'm on the cover saying I'm sleeping
with Kendall this week.

-Did you see that?

-You didn't see this magazine?

[Scott] Look at this.

[Kim chuckles]

-It's just absurd. Look at this.
-That is ridiculous.

It looks like we're leaving
a late night getaway.

[Scott] It was midday having lunch.

I don't understand
how it's legal to print this [bleep].

Somebody called me middle-aged
the other day.

Really? When is middle age?

I don't know. They were like,
"The middle-aged father of three."

I was like, "Holy [bleep]!
I'm a middle-aged father of three?"

-You're just 30.
-[Scott] I'm 31, but, yeah.

That's young. I feel like
middle-aged is like 40.

-That's like a lot to deal with.
-It's a lot.

Yeah, it's… I'm like…

Do you think people
are prettier these days?

Yeah, of course.

You can go pimp your ride
anywhere in town.

-[Kim] Yeah.
-Walk in, ten minutes later,

-you're prettier.

Back in the day, nobody could do this.
I mean, imagine before fake boobs.

-[Scott] How long ago was that?

-When did fake boobs start?
-[Scott] I don't know, but thank God.

-Knock on wood.

Saggy old boobs hanging to the ground?

No, thanks. I'll pass.
Keep it moving, ladies.


[theme music]

[vigorous music]

[Khloé] So, because I have,
like, stretch marks and cellulite,

he does a little more for me.

You don't have stretch marks.
I'm sure. That's okay.

-God is fair.
-"God is fair."

[Khloé] When you
are photographed all the time,

it's natural to have insecurities or want
to change certain things about yourself.

My god, what are you doing, you guys?
You look so pretty today.

-What about me? My turn.
-You look amazing.

-Did you darken your hair?
-No. She pulled it back, and I hate it.

No, no, no. It was just that picture.

I know. Everyone thought
my hair was darker.

[Kim] Yeah, we were talking about it.

-What are you guys doing?
-[Khloé] I wanna get my whole butt.

The stretch mark and the cellulite laser
that we're doing on my butt.

I know, I don't really have
anything to do.

-No. 'Cause I got a tan,

-so I can't really do much.
-You're just here to enjoy the ride?


-Hello? Hi!
-Hi. How are you?

-Nice to see you.
-How are you?

-You too. How are you?
-Good to see you. Good.

-[Simon] So, are we ready for this?

[upbeat music]

Khlo, I got you a dress.

I see, like, your ass is so huge,
I just don't know if it'll fit your ass.

Do I give it to Kylie
or do I give it to you?

-[Simon] Excuse me. We are working here.
-[Khloé] What do you think we're doing?

We're trying to make it smaller.

[Kendall] Wait, what? That is so cute.

-[Khloé] It hurts.
-Is it good?

-[Khloé] It stings like a mother!

[upbeat music]

I just looked right into the light.
Is it gonna do something to us?

[Simon] I've been looking at it
for the past ten years.

-Nothing happened.
-[Kim] Okay.

[Khloé] Whenever you guys
wanna go, I'm good to go.

-[Simon] Perfect.
-[Kim] Yeah.

[Khloé] Thanks.

[vigorous music]

[Kim] Do you wanna know
something life-changing?

-Let's hear it.

In-N-Out just opened up
right down the street.

In Calabasas.

[Khloé] You know, I've never had
In-N-Out before, right?

-[Khloé] I don't eat red meat.

I don't care.
You'll have the cheese fries.

And the grilled cheese.

-I didn't even know they had cheese fries.
-[Kendall] Wait, wait, where did it open?

I don't know. It's the talk of Calabasas.


[Kim] Look at Kylie and Tyga out.

Look at Kylie's lips.
It's changed her life.

[Kendall] The lips are just…
She got a little crazy.

-No, but they changed her life.
-[Kim] They did.

-Okay, guys. Sure, at first, right now…
-[Khloé] I want her lips.

[Kendall] You've seen them in person.

When she first got it done,
they were great.

They were fine. They were perfect size,
and they looked natural.

-[Kim] I mean, that? Come on!
-Well, she's also grown into her face.

[Kim] You know, if she made
her eyebrows a little thicker.

-[Kendall] Yeah, you can see it--
-And she knows how to put on makeup.

-[Kendall] She's grown up, guys.
-[Kim] Yeah.

[Kim] Kylie has always been so insecure

about her lips
since she was a little girl.

And I think, over time,

she decided she wanted
to plump up her lips a bit with filler.

And I get that.
I mean, we all have insecurities.

I just want Kylie
to stay strong and positive.

-[Khloé] The lips, they changed her life.
-You know what the problem is?

She still draws her lips way over.

And she still goes,
like pouts it out in photos.

[Kendall] You know, Kylie's lips,
it's not permanent,

it's not gonna stay there forever
if she doesn't want it to.

And if it makes her feel better
about herself, then why not?

I just don't want her to take it too far.

'Cause she's a beautiful girl,
and I don't think she needs anything.

She has the best body.
Like, I would k*ll to have her body.

Kim, you're the body person, so you need
to talk to her. You're just like the guru.

[Kendall] She's gonna be like,
"I can live my life however I want.

And if that's what I'm feeling,
then that's what I'm gonna do."

[upbeat music]

[Scott] You ready, bud?

-Hey, guys, how are you?
-Hi. Nice to see you.

-Nice to meet you.
-[Kourtney] Hi. How are you?

-This is Mason.
-Hi. How are you?

-He's gonna look at furniture with us.
-So, guys, what's going on today?

Um, just trying to find some stuff
to fill this house up.

Recently, I've been doing really well
with developing properties in Los Angeles.

[Scott] Basically, we need to fill up
a 5,000-foot house.

I hit a small road bump.

My interior decorator
ended up leaving to move to Europe.

So I thought I'd bring Kourtney along
for some furniture shopping

'cause, you know,
the girl's got a good eye.

I mean, I've seen the house,
and I know what needs to happen.

-All right, so let's… Be my guest.
-[Kourtney] Okay.

-This is a cool chair, doll.
-Pretty comfortable.

-[Kourtney] For the master.
-Yeah, that's cool.

-[Kourtney] Scott? Right?
-[Scott] I like these marble tables.

-I like this a lot.
-[Mason] It's bum bum.

[Scott] Thank you.
I appreciate that coming from you.

Oh, doll. You'd like these.
Come look. That could be cool.

-Really cool. Bigger squares?
-[Scott] Yeah, also.

That's more like ours.
All right. Shall we?

[Scott] Hello, Mason.

-Shall we, Mase?
-Shall we?

I feel like we could be like
the ultimate, um, design team.

Like you could buy the houses.
I could design them and fix them up.

Why don't you just have me help you?
You would be really lucky.

-[Scott] I'm sure I would be.
-You would be very lucky

-to have my expert opinion.
-Yes, you're not kidding.

-You're not kidding.
-And my expert taste.

[Kourtney] So we picked the couch.

I mean, yeah, I think the couch
is a pretty good one.

[Kourtney] Okay.

I would want the chairs
to be a little modern,

if I did a wood table,
you know what I mean?

-[Mason] I want to tell you a secret, Mom.
-[Kourtney] Yes?

-Is that they would kinda have to like…
-When are we gonna go home?

Soon. Let's keep it moving.

[energetic music]

Kim, when we last met,
you gave us a lot of inspiration,

uh, things that you want to see
on this new experience when we launch.

[Raphy] Um, so over
the last several weeks,

we have created these boards,

which we hope, um, really capture
everything you told us.

Everything from photography
to color palettes.

-Are you asking me to pick one?
-No. We, we…

-Okay, good. Because it's really hard.
-[all laughing]

I'm gonna relaunch my website soon.
My website's a little dated.

[Kim] I just have to completely redo it
in order to stay relevant.

We wanted this to feel sexy.
And we want it to feel, um, like you.

[Raphy] Of course, this is not
to suggest the way the website will look.

-I like it, though.
-Great. We're really pleased with these.

I just think this really captured
what we're looking for.

And it's like the beauty space,
the fashion space.

-And just overall fun lifestyle.
-[Stephanie] Yeah, totally.

So it inspires me to now like,
"Okay, we need to go take more Polaroids!

We need to have content!"

This makes me really excited to have this
whole experience for people to really see

and really feel what my personality is.

Right. Very Desirable place to come to,

you know, be inspired
by the things that you're inspired by.

[Kim] I have to really reinvent myself
through my website.

I wanna do really cool, fun, artsy things.
I can't wait for it to launch.

I definitely want mine to have
a different feel than my sisters'.

And a different, like, vibe and look and…
No hate, no shade.


Just… I want them all
to be equally as good.

Yeah, I love the references in it.
I think it takes it to another level.

[pensive music]

Love it.

[upbeat music]

[overlapping chatter]

-[paparazzi] Marvelous.
-All right. Ready?

[Kim] Kylie just launched
her first solo project,

which is her hair extensions,
and I'm so proud of her.

[camera shutters clicking]


[upbeat music]

-Looks nice.
-[Kylie] What?

Congratulations. This is really nice.
I'm really like proud of you.

-I mean it.
-[Kylie] Yeah.

This is one of the first things
you're, like, doing out on your own.

Are you excited? Are you nervous?

I'm so excited. I think
it's gonna be awesome.

My followers and stuff
know that I'm just crazy

and change my hair so much.

So it'll be cool for them
to change it with me.

I'm so proud of her.

It's really scary
to do things on your own.

All my babies are just getting older.
I can't handle it.

-I love you!
-[all laughing]


-You got to get out of here?
-I do.

-Can you hang for a second?
-Yes, I can.

All right. So, I mean,
you're branching out

into this beauty, fashion business.

Um, a couple of weeks ago,

people were, like, talking a lot
about your lips.

So tell me about, tell me about them.

It's the first time anyone has asked me
about my lips. It's kind of weird.

[Kylie] I just don't want
to talk about my lips.

It's just an insecurity of mine.

So it makes me feel
a little uncomfortable.

So I just want to…

[troubling music]

A couple of weeks ago, people
were, like, talking a lot about your lips.

[Kylie] My lips are just
an insecurity of mine.

So it makes me feel
a little uncomfortable.

-Tell me about, tell me about them.
-I just want to…

Let's just stop.
Let's get over the subject.

Say whatever you want, yeah.

Thank you so much.
Good luck with all this.

Thank you.

-This is awesome. You should be proud.
-Thank you. Thank you.

[troubled music]

No one's ever asked me about my lips.
My heart literally dropped.

-They were like…
-They asked you?

Yeah, they were like, "So all
this lip talk. How do you feel about it?"

And I was like, "Uh…"

Kylie decided to plump her lips.

And I don't think there's
anything wrong with that.

I think if you've done something,
though, it is right to cop up to it.

If you avoid the question,
you're gonna look like a liar.

I'm not ever gonna deny
or confirm anything.

[Kylie] Okay, that's too much.

They're all here to trip us up.
So it's good you're just doing your thing.

-Just be aware, darling.
-Just be aware.

[upbeat music]

[Scott] Let's do it.

We're changing the front and the color.
It makes it much more contemporary.

Scott and I both love interior design,

so I'm really excited
to work together on this.

[Scott] She's gonna try
to decorate the interior.

-We'll decorate the exterior.
-Let's do it.

After having the baby, I think this
is the perfect first thing to dive into.

-Look at this view today. It's beautiful.
-I can see the water. Forget about it.

[Kourtney] This little square of the wall,

-this is unnecessary.
-I've never been up here.

-This yard's really beautiful too.
-It is, buddy.

Then imagine if this whole thing
was gone, you know?

-Um, what…

-Can I show you something?
-[Scott] Yes?

-What if you got rid of this whole wall?
-Ha, ha. Is that a joke? Is that a joke?

[Kourtney] 'Cause this hallway
is so narrow, and you don't need it.

[Scott] Kourtney's been
in this house for five minutes,

and she's already
knocking down multiple walls.

Changing hardware, changing doors.

[Kourtney] This door has to go.
It's super annoying.

I mean, by the time she gets done,
I'll be losing money.

They kind of built the closet weird.
No drawers, no shelves.

We can upgrade that. Some of the stuff
they used, though, is really cheap.

My house, did you… You probably
didn't notice, but it has no moldings.

But then, it has like a line,
like, that goes in.

Yeah, like shadow lines?

-That's expensive. You don't want that.
-What's shadow line?

Literally, it goes straight flat,
and then there's an indented line in.

We could potentially do that.

It's gonna take additional, like,
taking off the molding, patchwork,

-different things like that, but…

I know Kourtney is good
at decorating, and I like her style.

[Scott] But, I mean, listen,
this is supposed to be a business project.

So I'm on the fence now of her taste.

It's just maybe a little
too expensive for me.

This chick is crazy.
My designer over here.

-Yeah, she has good taste.
-[Scott] Yeah, not for here.

[wobbly music]


[vigorous music]

[man] Can you shake it out
backwards a little bit?

I'm doing a photo sh**t today
for Remix that I'm so excited about.

[Darren] You want to just rest it,
hanging on your shoulder blades.

[camera shutter clicking]

[upbeat music]

[camera shutter clicking]

Hey, guys. It's Kylie.
And check out my new sh**t for Remix.

[Darren] Perfect.


[upbeat music]

You have to tell me if I talk too fast.

Because New Zealanders talk
at, like, 100 miles an hour.

And we just… People get lost.

[Steven] You're obviously
the youngest of the family.

What do you want people to know
about Kylie Jenner as your own woman?

I'm about to turn 18.

So I feel like now's the time

where I want to for sure
start doing a lot of my own stuff.

[Kylie] So I think this year's
gonna be a good year for me.

[Steven] What's a normal day like for you?
What's a normal day for Kylie Jenner?

If you're not doing photo sh**t.
That sort of thing.

-How do you spend your day? Yep.
-Well, I'm still in school.

So I'm homeschooled.

So I meet with my teacher, like,
every day, I'm not doing anything.

Um, and then, I don't know, I like to just
surround myself with a lot of friends.

When we asked our Remix readers
what they wanted to know from Kylie,

is they just said,
"She has the most amazing lips.

Tell us her secret.
How does she get these beautiful lips?"

[Kylie] I have temporary lip fillers.

It's just an insecurity of mine,
and it's what I wanted to do.

I'm just not ready to talk
to reporters about my lips yet.

Because everyone always picks us apart.

Um, well, the color, everyone thinks
I use like one certain color.

[Steven] Mm-hmm.

So I use like six different colors
all the time. So, yeah.

I wanna admit to the lips, but people
are so quick to judge me on everything.

So I might have tiptoed
around the truth, but I didn't lie.

-It was so nice to meet you.
-Thank you. Nice to meet you.

[lively music]

Mason was talking a mile a minute today.
He was very excited.

I ordered him pizza last night.
He takes a bite, he's like, "Oh, yeah!"

[imitating Mason]
Ooh! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!

And he's like, "Ah!"
I go, "What are you doing?"

He goes, "Oh, it's just so good."

Does Kourt not let him have pizza?

No! I just don't think that we order pizza
a lot, and he loves it.

It was fun last night. We did that.

I took Kourt to one of the properties
that I bought that I'm gonna sell.

-How many houses are you flipping?
-As many as I can get my little hands on.

One of the houses in BH
needs to get furnished,

and I had a designer.
He kinda flaked out on me.

-So Kourt was kind of the next best thing.

-So Kourt's doing your furniture shopping?

-Mixing business with pleasure?
-It's kinda like two [bleep] and no bitch.

I don't know if it's a good idea.

Two [bleep] and no bitch. I think
she is a bitch, and you're the [bleep].

That's only one. I don't want…
I don't want another [bleep] involved.

-What? Where's the other [bleep]?
-It's not around. It's not here.

You guys both, you know,
don't spend enough time together.

[Scott] I think we spend
too much time together.

I just don't know if we're gonna clash
about some of the furniture or style.

And I don't wanna get
into a fight with her

like I would regularly argue
with a decorator.

-[Scott] And then, it's like, you know…
-Well, I think you know her taste.

-It's good, really good. Yeah, amazing.
-She has, I think, incredible style.

She's so good at interior design.

I always say that's what
she should be doing.

[Khloé] You guys
are obviously gonna argue.

'Cause that's what… It's frustrating.

But you just have to do it
in the right way.

-You think?
-Yeah, I think it will, like, be fun.

-So I think you two together could really…
-Could be a power couple.

You guys are obviously gonna…
You're not gonna sign a contract with her.

-Oh, no, I'm gonna need her on a retainer.
-She's gonna charge you a pretty penny.

I'm sure you just like
got to [bleep] lick her down there,

and she'll do it for free.

-Got to liquor her down? Lick her down?
-[tongue clicks]

-[Khloé] Mm-hmm.
-Like in downstairs?

Yeah. Do you not do that?

Well, after all the kids
came out of there,

it's kind of weird now, isn't it?

Ugh! I am over… I don't want
to talk about it anymore, actually.

Yeah, no, I'm pretty sick
to my stomach about it.

Yeah, I don't wanna talk about it anymore.

[upbeat music]

-[Kim] Can we finish up hair there?
-[stylist] Yeah, yeah, yeah.

-You're 99.9% done.
-Okay, cool.

-[Kim] So I'll drive with Stephanie.
-[Mario] I'll follow.

[Kim] We have to, like,
top secret get out of here.

Like, if anyone follows us,
we're, like [bleep].

So I'm trying to create original content
for my website.

I met this photographer
who does these really cool fun pics

out in the desert with paint.

[Kim] So I'm gonna sneak away

and do a really cool,
top-secret nude sh**t.

I think it'll just be so much fun.

I'm gonna, like, literally lay down
in the back of Stephanie's car.

-So no one follows.
-We'll see you there.

-I'm so nervous.
-It'll be awesome.

[Kim] They're gonna so know
this trick, then.

It's kind of ridiculous that I'm hiding
in the car, but, you know.

You got to do what you got to do.

If any paparazzi follows,
these pictures won't be exclusive.

This will be a little tricky.

[thrilling music]

[Kim] And you'll just tell me like
what position to be in.

-I'm very directional.
-Okay. Perfect. I like that.

-[Kesler] Very directional. Yeah.
-[Kim] Makes it easy.

[Kim] Are we gonna need
more baby oil than that?

[Kesler] No.

The last sh**t I did,
I had like half of this.

Yeah, so, I mean,
I'm relaunching my website soon.

And I just wanted, you know,
some original content for it.

And then, cool stuff to in…
just cool stuff to put out there.

[Kesler] Cool, cool. Yeah, the stuff
we're sh**ting today

-is gonna be very edgy. Cool.

[Kesler] Um, it's more like
the Helmut Newtons.

-Black and white, rich tones to it.
-Yeah, yeah.

We're probably gonna do most
of your stuff hair slicked back.

[stylist] Hair slicked back.
You want it now?

[Kesler] Okay, so this
is the white paint idea, okay?

This is what it's gonna
look like in color, okay?

-That's what ours is gonna look like.
-[Kim] I love that. Cool.

-[Kesler] Cool? Okay.
-I have psoriasis just in a few spots.

And on my stomach that I'm sure
we can cover up. Or if not, we'll…

But it's like… I'm insecure about it
when I sh**t.

Yeah. Anything you want me to know,
just let me know ahead of time.

I have psoriasis.
There's nothing I can do about it.

So there's no reason
I should ever feel uncomfortable.


[Kim] So, to make myself feel better,

I lay out all my insecurities
before I start a sh**t.

Just in hopes that no one
will really be focused on that.

I just wanna do fun, like artsy things.

[Kesler] We're gonna focus mostly
on front like half-body sh*ts.

Side, face, shoulders,
and some of your upper back.

I just wanna capture really cool moments
and have some really great sh**t.

And, you know, be nude
and do all this cool stuff.

[Kesler] Beautiful. I love your skin.
So nice and even. Beautiful.


-[Stephanie] Oh, it's so dope!
-[Kesler] Beautiful.

Try to keep your chin up. Nice.

-You're doing great.
-[Stephanie] Amazing.

-[Kesler] Chin up, look away.
-[camera shutter clicking]

[Kesler] Turn your body towards me
a little more. There you go. Perfect.

[Kim] God, if a paparazzi
was here, I would die.

[Kesler laughs]

[upbeat music]

-[Scott] Are we wearing the same boots?
-[Kourtney] Yep.

-[Scott] Oh, you should take a pic.
-They're not exactly the same.

-Oh, then get the hell out of here.
-Mine are a little bit more high fashion.


I'm a guy. I don't need
to wear super high.

-"Super high"?

So I have some design ideas
ready to show you.

-What do you mean? For the house?

-It's ten o'clock at night.

-Since when…

That's all you do at night,
is look on your computer, and…

Yeah, this is chill time.
You work for me right now.

A regular designer would not
come over here and bother me

about interior decorating
at ten o'clock at night

nor would I let that happen.

You're lucky that I'm
gracing you with my ideas.

Listen. I agree, I am lucky, but I think
we need to set some boundaries.

Nine to six, you could come
to me with ideas.

"Nine to six"? You're not
even up until eleven o'clock.

Perfect. Eleven to five.
Your window just got smaller.

How do you like that? You see,
it was like this, and went like this.

Do you want me to go in the other room
right now and email these to you?

Sure, and I'll look at them
tomorrow at 11:00 a.m.

-And I'll get back to you before 5:00 p.m.
-No, you won't.

You're gonna be so excited
of what I have to show you.

Oh, I love you, I'm so excited.

But you have to remember
this is chill time. This is wind down.

This is not time for me to start thinking

about what kind of sofa and what kind
of armchair I wanna put in the house.

And what kind of photography
I wanna put on the walls and molding.

Okay. Just what do you think about this?

Okay, that's pretty cool. We still need
to create some boundaries here.

This is not time
for design meetings. It's late.

[Scott] I worked all day, I'm tired.

She's crossing over into hours
that are not for me.

I don't need her waking me up
at two o'clock in the morning,

spraying me down with a boob, saying,
"Wake up! I found a chair for the house."

I need some professionalism.

So are we cool? Like, are we in agreement?

A, B, C, D, E, F, G.

[Kourtney] I have to go.

What the heck does
"A, B, C, D, E, F, G" mean?

-It's just a phrase I like to use.
-Is that a real phrase?

-It means the conversation is over.
-You've said this before?

-You've never heard that phrase?
-No. Have you?

Yes. That means the convo is done.

-If you say "A, B, C, D, E, F, G"?

"G," goodbye.


-"A" for ass [bleep].

-All right, hey, I love you.
-[Kourtney] See you.

Hit me tomorrow at 11:00 a.m.
I'll be ready to design.

-[Kourtney] Okay.
-Ta-ta for now.

[upbeat music]

Hi. What did you do today?

Hi. Wait, hold on.

You have psoriasis
on the top of your head.


Should we take a picture and show you?

I haven't had psoriasis ever on my head.

Shut up, really?

-Do you see, in the front?
-Oh, no, that's bronzer.

Oh, is it? Okay.

Last night, they asked Lisa Rinna

on Watch What Happens Live
who has her lips done.

And, at times, they were like,

"Do you think Kylie Jenner
has had her lips done?"

She's like…
She was like, "I wouldn't say yeah."

He was like, "Is that a yes?"
She was like, "I mean…"

I mean…

I need to have a serious talk with her

to school her on like
really what to say, you know.

[Khloé] You know, with Kylie,
she's trying to avoid

all these covers of magazines or TV shows.

It's not healthy, it's not good for her.

Hopefully, in time,
I think she'll become more confident

with things that she is doing.
She'll start to own what she does more.

I did an interview in Australia, and I was
like, "Kylie lines her lips really high."

[Kim] And that's really
what she was doing at that time.

And so now, I feel like I look like a liar

because I, you know,
would totally be honest.

-I can't lie if someone asked me.
-You know I would never lie.

I'm gonna say, "Of course."
I'm gonna say, "Come on.

Of course, she got them plumped up.
What do you think happened to her?"

Totally. It's obvious. You know?

Kylie has to be bold and proud.

-You got to keep it real.
-[Kim] I need to talk to her.

[upbeat music]

There's not one pic of me on the fridge.

-Hi, Ky.

-Norm! I didn't know you were coming!
-Oh, you took your hair out.

-I noticed, but I forgot to tell you.
-[Kylie] It goes back in tomorrow.

-I've just had it for too long.
-You're so used to the other?

Well, guess what?
I got you a hood dress from online.

-[Kendall] [bleep] you! What about me?
-[Kylie] Oh, wow.

Do you wanna wear it today?
Kendall will start wearing it.

[Kylie] Now I can't wear it.

Yeah, you can. You'll wear it differently.

-I ordered you a ton of stuff.
-All right.

-[Kim] Norman.
-[Kylie giggles]

[rapid shaking]

-I think you look amazing.

Like amazing.
Like, I'm loving the short hair.

-Will you, like, bank a couple selfies?
-I love the short hair, right?

-Will I what? Yeah.
-Just bank a couple selfies.

I did my makeup so fast.
I'm just not feeling myself.

-Your lips look amazing.
-[Kylie] Really?

-Kendall said they were too big yesterday.

-Are you talking about her lips?

[Kim] I don't want you to get, like,
carried away. Lips aren't permanent.

But, like, if they ask about your lips,
like, own up to it.

I don't know why you guys
are even freaking out

or talking about this, though.

-No one needs anything.

Everybody's beautiful.

No, I think if something
makes you insecure,

and you've been feeling that way forever,
who doesn't wanna look amazing?

You only have one life,
and what I've realized

from what all of us have gone through
is do what makes you happy.

To an extent. I mean, I don't want you
to, like, you know, go crazy.

[Kim] But, like, own up to it.

I always tell Kylie,
we've all had our own insecurities

and there's nothing to be ashamed of.

It's just handling it the right way.

If someone asks you about your lips,
just be honest.

Just tell them it's really
not that big of a deal.

You guys don't need
to worry about this so much.

[Kim] I worry about it
literally all the time.

It is so hard. Like I literally…

Did you see the picture
I posted today of me and Kourtney?

Everyone thinks like she got her butt done
and her hips done and all this stuff.

I'm like, "No, I'm legit
20 pounds heavier."

But it's important to me
'cause I like what I look…

You do realize who you are, right?

Like, you do realize that you're,
like, one of the hottest.

-[Kendall] Like… But you know that.

-No, I'm serious, but you know that.
-No, I'm so insecure lately. Seriously.

-Well, I feel like everyone is.
-Just with my weight.

Just with my weight.
I cannot leave the house without Spanx.

[Kylie] We have all eyes
on us all the time.

So especially for me at my age
trying to find myself,

it's hard to not let it affect you.

Having older sisters with some
of the same insecurities as me

helps me a lot and makes me feel
like it's okay.

Just make sure you keep everything subtle
and don't go overboard.

And I'm always there,
if you want my opinion.

-As of now, I'm good. But thank you.
-[Kim] Cool.

[upbeat music]

-[Kourtney] Whoa! Look at that lady.
-What the heck?

[Scott] She's got a pillow
behind her head,

the visor, and she's got a thing
on the steering wheel.

Is she kidding me? What is she, a horse?

Are you…
You got to take a picture of that.

That's the sickest thing
I've ever seen in my life.

[Kourtney] Oh, god.

Oh, my god! She's got a fake dog!

She's got a fake dog
in the passenger side!

-Well, how do you know it's fake?
-Do you see it? Just look at it! [bleep]!

-I see, but pay attention to the road.
-That is amazing!

Wait, what would she need a fake dog for?

So she can go in the HOV lane?
She is k*lling it!


[Kourtney] Are you excited
to go to the store?

-The furniture store?
-Look at some rugs?

I thought we were shopping
for couches and chairs.

We can shop for it all, but I…

So you have a main focus
of only rugs today?

-I wanted to show you some rugs.
-Oh, okay. All right.

On the way, there's a frozen yogurt store
that we could stop.

Why don't we just call Meg and tell her
to pick it up, bring it to the house?

-No, I want it now. It's on the way.
-I totally understand,

but you're not pregnant.
You're not craving things anymore.

I actually am. When you're breast-feeding…

Oh, you got to be kidding me.

-I crave things when I'm breast-feeding.
-You have an excuse for everything. Stop.

-We gotta go to the furniture store.
-It's right on the way.

It doesn't matter if it's on the way.

It's still gonna be 20 minutes with you.
You're indecisive.

You're gonna walk in the store.

You're gonna say, "Should I get vanilla?
Should I get chocolate?

Should I get a swirl? Should I mix?
Strawberry, banana, pineapple."

I don't know. It'll be 20 minutes
no matter how you cut it.

We're not going into this yogurt store.
We're going right to furniture shopping.

[Kourtney] I thought one of the benefits
of us working together

was, like, we can still have fun.

And I don't know why
he's taking this so seriously.

[Scott] The GPS is set
for the furniture store, right?

-Not the yogurt place?

I know you don't lie, so I'm asking you.

Is it the furniture store
or the yogurt place in the GPS?

-It's a little yog and frozen…
-Come on!

We have a time schedule to stay on.
It's not on the way!

If it was on the way,
you wouldn't have to put it in GPS!

It would be on the side of the street,
and we would stop.

-Where's the furniture store?
-It's on the right.

-We've obviously gone out of our way.
-It's on the right.

-Get in the right lane.
-No, no, I'm not going!

I need a little crunch.

But I don't know what that should be.
Let me see what's up here.

Do you think my crunch should be Oreos?

[Scott] Ugh! This is unbelievable.

If Kourtney's gonna be professional,
she can't be asking for froyo breaks.

This would not be okay,
if I was paying somebody.

This is becoming just way too messy.

The professional and relationship
is crossing over.

And that's exactly
what I didn't want to happen.

I don't really know what I'm gonna do
because I do need her.

But I don't need this whole situation.

-This is ri-doo-culous.
-[Kourtney] Thanks for stopping.

[lively music]

[Kim] Ooh!

-That shot is so nice!
-[Kourtney] You mean Brian Bowen Smith?

-I need to show you a picture.
-[Kourtney] What is this from?

-From my desert sh**t.
-With Brian or no?

-No, no. This guy Kesler. I'm gonna like…
-Ooh, that's cool. Love that.

[Kim] So we'll do, like,
a whole story in black and white,

and then, we did them all like in color.

I'm gonna use these,
like, all for my website,

so I can have all original content.

So that, like, my website
has, like, the coolest images.

So we'll do, like a whole story in black
and white. I like how raw that looks.

I am so excited of how this turned out.

Social media has always played
such an important role in my career.

It's really important that I have
original content for my website

and that we keep the fans interested.

Is that where you went
when you disappeared that day?

I did disappear, and do yo
even know what we did?

-We went to KFC on the way there.

-On your way to a photo sh**t?
-[Kim] Can you believe it?

[Kourtney] I'm all for the way home,
not for the way there.

I thought it was just, like, chicken.

I didn't eat, like, the potatoes
or anything like that, you know.

-Just fried greasy bucket of chicken.

And then, we went
to In-N-Out on the way home.


[upbeat music]

-[Kim] Kylie!
-[Kylie] You look so cute!

[Kim] Oh, my gosh, you look so sexy.

-[Kylie] Wait, so I love this short.
-I really cut it. You do?

-You really cut it? No, you didn't.

-[Kim] Yeah. How else would I have it on?
-Short hair really does make a difference.

You're making me want it back.

You're actually not making me
want long hair back.

-This is like…
-Wild. You're also like a mom.

But it's… Don't start with the mom hairdo.

-[Kylie] You look like a mom.
-This is… I do?

[Kim] Today, Kylie has her big interview
with Teen Vogue.

So I'm stopping by to let her know
that if she needs anything, I'm here.

And I'm just gonna kind
of hang out and support her.

All right, so really quick before I go.

If they ask about your lips,
what are you gonna say?

"Hey, Kylie, so tell me.
Have you ever done your lips?"

[suspenseful music]

[tense music]

All right, so really quick before I go.

If they ask about your lips,
what are you gonna say?

"Hey, Kylie, so tell me.
Have you ever done your lips?"

[suspenseful music]

Well, I feel like, in the past,
I always said no.

No one asked me really
about my lips specifically.

But, yes, for about a year,
I overlined my lips.

And it was a really
big insecurity in my life.

So, yes, I've plumped them up.

-Just say that. Like, be you, be funny.
-You think?

-Yeah. Do you want me to sit in?
-I got this. I think I got this.

It intimidates me that people
are so quick to judge me on everything.

-[Kim] All right, I'm gonna go.
-All right.

But if my sisters can own up
to their insecurities, then so can I.

-[Amy] I'm Amy from Teen Vogue.
-Hello. Kylie.

-[Amy] You look amazing.
-Thank you.

-Actually, can I take that side?
-You want this side, Kylie?

-Do you want this stuff?
-[Amy] Oh, yeah, thanks, Kylie.

So here we are to talk about
your Teen Vogue cover sh**t.

I have to start by asking you
about your style and your look.

You have been voted
the most stylish Jenner/Kardashian.

I can see where people say that

'cause it seems like you have
a lot of fun experimenting.

I think I'm, like, a little edgier
and darker than Kendall's style.

Or whatever. But I just like
to play around.

I change my style so often, I feel like.
I'm like punk one and super girly.

I like to have fun with it
'cause I'm young.

I heard you're good
at doing your own makeup.

-Yeah, I love to do my own makeup.
-[Amy] How did you learn to do it?

I feel like I get…

Since I was way younger,
I've gotten my makeup done so much

that I've learned so many tips
and what to use and just how they do it.

So the girls reading the magazine
wanna know your thoughts

about how to deal
with pressure and haters.

[Amy] I mean, everybody has moments
where they feel insecure.

Yeah. I don't know. I feel like I've heard
the worst anyone can say about me,

like, over and over, every day.

My self-esteem definitely, like,
wasn't good at a point, I guess.

And especially having, like,
the most beautiful sisters.

I don't know, just, like, do
whatever makes you feel good.

-And try to be as confident as possible.
-I think you do that.

I think you definitely show
a lot of confidence

-in your clothing and your beauty.
-[Kylie] Yeah.

[Amy] And I think just going through
that age is just, it's so difficult.

[Kylie] Yeah, it really is.

-[Amy] It's so nice talking with you.
-Nice talking to you.

Although this reporter didn't
exactly ask me directly about my lips,

I feel ready to just stop tiptoeing around
the truth, and let go of my insecurities.

Well, you seem like you have
a lot of fun with your look.

[Amy] So beauty maintenance
doesn't bum you out?

It does. It's a lot to be a girl.
It's so much to be a girl.

My 16-year-old daughter's
a big fan of yours.


[upbeat music]

-[bell chimes]
-[Scott] Kourtney.

I'm gonna need to speak
to you downstairs in the office,

if you could come down, please.

-[Kourtney] Hi.

We should have a dinner party.

[Scott] That's what you're thinking about?

Ooh! This chair is much lower
than I imagined.

So I just feel like this whole…

You being the decorator,
this thing doesn't work.

[tense music]

-Doesn't work for what?
-[Scott] Doesn't work for us.

And it's starting to affect
our relationship and our life.

Mixing all this work and pleasure

has made it more complicated
and more annoying and just frustrating.

You're bothering me at 11 at night

about things that I'd rather discuss
during the day.

And it just… Nothing of it
is what I thought it was gonna be.

If you were a regular decorator
that I was paying an hourly fee,

wouldn't be busting my balls,
wouldn't make me stop for yogurt,

wouldn't make me stop
'cause I gotta pump their breasts.

You, of anyone,
should understand my requirements.

I do! As a partner in life.

Not as a person who's trying
to make some money.

So if I was working for someone else,
you would think it was okay for them

to get rid of me and fire me
because I had to pump?

[tense music]

[Kourtney] You, of anyone,
should understand my requirements.

-I do!
-So if I was working for someone else,

you would think it was okay for them
to fire me because I had to pump?

If you were in the car with a person,

and you were trying
to decorate their home.

And you were like,
"Do you mind stopping? I want some froyo."

[Scott] That's not tolerated.

[heavy sigh]

All I'm trying to say is I could see this
only getting worse and not better.

And that scares me.

'Cause I don't want it to affect
our real life and our relationship.

[Scott] Obviously, this is not a hobby,
it's not fun for me.

This is something I'm taking on
as a daytime business deal, to make money.

You know, for you, it's more
of a hobby, and I get it.

But I really need somebody
who I can just pay

that'll deal with it
during the day, and get it done.

Okay. Well, that's disappointing.

In general, it was nice
to have a common interest.

This whole thing
is only giving me anxiety.

It really could've been a great thing,
Scott and I working together,

if he was willing
to work around my schedule.

[Kourtney] But we have to do
what works best for our relationship

and for the sake of our family,
and it's just not worth it for me.

You wanna have fun. That's…
There's other times for that.

Well, then, you're not the partner for me.

I am, when I'm outside of the office.

But inside? It's only
about money, no pleasure.

And, to me, I actually
take enjoyment in this.

So I will have to buy
my own houses and flip them.

-And I'll be your competitor.
-We'll have a flipping contest.

[Kourtney] I may buy the houses
that you're looking for.

And because people like me more,
they're gonna give me a better deal.

-Whatever you wanna do.
-Gonna give you some motivation.

-A run for my money, you might say.
-See you on the flip side.

Hoo-hoo! Get out of here.


I love you, even though you're not
the right businessperson for me.

[Kourtney] Sure, pal.

[upbeat music]

Let me know if you like this.
And then, we'll do tighter.

-[man] Okay, go.
-[Giampaolo] Okay, here we go!

Yes, yes, you look
perfect, perfect, perfect.


[rock music]


[Giampaolo] Kylie, you're gorgeous!
Let's get tight in here, you guys.

[Kylie] Can I see it?
I need some inspiration.

-That is cool.
-You're gorgeous.

[Giampaolo] Ready, g*ng? Last shot.

Maybe lean on the…

[Kylie] We are sh**ting
for Teen Vogue, the cover.

And it is a mix
between Mad Max meets Teen Vogue.

And it's so fun.

Okay, ready. Can we have music again?

-[exciting music plays]
-[camera shutter clicking]

What is this?

[Giampaolo] Okay, got it.

I feel like the other music
made me want to do a cover sh**t.

Get her that music.

[lively music]


[Kylie] Growing up in the public eye,

I would back out on things
because I wasn't comfortable.

And now, I feel comfortable enough
to face some of these things

that I was insecure about before,
and it feels good.

[Giampaolo] Yes, yes, yes,
perfect, perfect, perfect!

-[all yelling]

Way to go!
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