10x08 - Buggy Boo

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Keeping Up With the Kardashians". Aired: October 14, 2007 - 2021.*
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Reality series of the Kardashian family featuring Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and the rest of the Kardashian/Jenner clan personal and professional lives.
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10x08 - Buggy Boo

Post by bunniefuu »

[Kim] Previously on Keeping Up with the Kardashians…


[Khloé] Scott is being so selfish right now.

And the fact that Kourt's so far along and pregnant,

it's just not okay to do to someone.

[Kourtney] The doctor said the baby's coming early.

Don't know if I could even rely on you to be there.

Maybe I just need to wrap my head around the idea that he isn't going to be here.

I can't deal with the stress.

[conflicted music]

Our new baby boy, Reign Aston Disick, was born on December 14,

and we feel so blessed and so excited to welcome him into our family.

[upbeat music]

[Khloé] Hey.

-How'd you get up here like this? -[Khloé] Do you have a new brother?

Come here! Give me a hug. Up!

[playful music]

[Khloé] Ooh, I like this dance.

Kourtney has been hibernating ever since she gave birth to Baby Reign,

and I cannot wait to see him.

He's so cute and chubby and I just want to see him.

Lord, how's life as having, like, a five-person household?

-[Scott] No difference. -[Khloé] No?

[Scott] I mean, people keep, like, just writing me emails and calling me

and congratulating me like this is my first child. And, yeah, it's nice.

-But I know what it's like to have kids. -Normally, that's a nice thing to do,

-to congratulate you. -Yeah, I don't wanna be bothered.

'Cause, then, I have to write them back, which is annoying.

[Khloé] Scott is now telling me what an inconvenience it is

to write back to people who are congratulating him.

I know he's been going through a really tough time,

but this is definitely not the way to handle the situation.

You think I wanna take the time to write you back "thank you"?

[theme music]

[energetic music]

[Kim] Kanye and I tried to move a couch last night.

Us, together, we could not even lift it one inch off the ground.

We were like, what is going on?

Isn't it weird when you had your own place, like, by yourself,

the strength you have to move furniture when no one's around?

Yeah, for sure.

Like, I feel like I finally have my own space.

Unpacking all these boxes

and seeing stuff I haven't seen in a year and a half makes me so happy.

[Kim] How did I survive in Mom's guest room downstairs

-with me, Kanye, and the baby… -[Khloé] I don't know.

…for a year and a half?

I'd never move back home, ever.

I just, I don't know why we didn't rent a house.

[Kim] Like, past a year was like a nightmare.

Those last six months was really hard.

We finally moved into our new home, and it is so exciting.

[Kim] We have been living in a one-bedroom room at my mom's house,

sharing this tiny closet,

and so it feels really good just to have our own home.

I am so happy with the house. It's just, I don't want anyone to see it until…

-Fully decorated. -[Kim] Yeah, fully decorated.

-That's how I felt about here. -I just want, like, a perfect house.

[Khloé] Robert threw a party here last night.

-Major whores. -Ew, really?

-Someone threw up in my house. -What?

Like, he won't leave the house or see us hardly,

but he'll have parties and see other people?

[Khloé] Yep.

His life is so bizarre.

[upbeat music]

Mom, I really wanna put an offer on this house.

[Kris] Yeah, but let's just figure out how much work needs to be done first,

because you're the one who said you want this to be a good investment.

-[Kris] Yeah. -This would have to be painted,

-you know, white. Everything white. -[Brian] Right.

-Whole house painted, done. -[Kylie] Wait, why?

Because it's yellow.

-I like this color better than white. -Okay.

-[Kris] We'll pick a color. -Cool.

I have found the perfect house,

and I think you just know,

when you're buying a house, when you go into it,

if it's the one or not, and I just felt like this one was really the one.

[Kylie] Wait, so what were you thinking about in here?

This floor stays wood and everything painted white,

-and change the door handles. -Okay.

And suddenly, you have a kick-ass, gorgeous office.

'Cause this'll be like… Haven't you seen those homes in, like, Architectural Digest

when everything is white, and then the dark wood floor?

Like, you could do that gray fur carpet in here.

I just found out a couple weeks ago that Kylie really wants to move out, ASAP.

Are you gonna have a new place pretty soon?

Yeah, I think I wanna start looking, like, this week.

Oh, my goodness.

So the second I turn 18, I'll be all moved in and ready to live in my house.


[Kris] Kylie reminded me that she has a lot of projects she's been working on,

and she really wants to take that money and invest in some real estate.

I think, sometimes, Kylie is really underestimated,

because she's really a bright kid,

and I just wanna be here for Kylie every step of the way.

My suggestion was she does a…

like, a pole here, and then maybe…

-[Kylie] Curtain? -…curtains.

Put them back like that, so, like, two hooks here,

and so you see this cute little room, and there's just shelf after shelf,

and this is accessories.

-[Brian] Okay. -Purses and…

-[Kylie] Yeah. Mm-hmm. -So, like a little store.

-[Brian] Very cool. -[Kris] We are so smart.

-[Kylie] I think so too. -[Kris] Okay. I'm done.

[uneasy music]

[bottles clinking]

-[Khloé] Scott… -[Scott] What?

[Khadijah] [bleep] a duck, bro.

[Khloé] What are you doing? You just had a baby.

[Scott] Everybody's mad at me.

[dramatic music]

[Khloé] Um…

So, Lord, what is your plan for the day?

Why? Y'all trying to go clubbing?

[Khadijah] Um, I need to remind you that it is 11:00 a.m., not p.m.

No clubs are open.

But I do suggest, like, a shower.

-[Scott] I'll go home right now. -You're not allowed there.


Scott has, apparently, had a wild night last night,

and Kourtney has made it very clear

that he is not allowed to go home when he is… like this.

He was up very wild last night.

[Kourtney] It's ridiculous. This is what happened last time.

Like, I've set this boundary that he just can't come here in this state.

I 100% want to respect Kourt's wishes,

but I also don't know what to do with Scott.

[Khloé] She wants to call the police on you.

She wanted me to call the police on you, so…

unless you want that to happen…

-[Scott] She said that? -Yeah, plenty of times.

-She said I couldn't go home? -No, yeah, you can't.

And she will have you arrested if you go home.

[tense music]

[Scott] Yeah, I'm gonna go home.

-Where are you going? -[Khloé] Nope, nope.

Nope, nope, nope. Excuse me.

Yeah, I'm gonna go home.

-No. -No, you're not.

[Khadijah] If you take a shower, have a nap,

have some food, maybe you could go home.

I can't go there?

If you sober up, you're allowed to go there.

-Until then, you got to chill. -[Scott] Okay.

[Khloé] What are you chasing the high for?

Like, where are we going? This is, like, a boring day.

That's a good point.

[Khloé] It's not like anyone else is raging with you.

-There's not a party going on. -This party is… It's…

Isn't it boring? Why don't we simmer down…

You're right.

…and chill?

Scott, in this condition, is not easy to handle.

I think I have a lot of patience for people,

especially in these situations, and this is a hard one.

[phone ringing]

-[Khloé] Okay. -[line ringing]

-Is he getting up? -[Kourtney] Hello?

-Hi. -[Khadijah] I hope not.

-[Kourtney] Hi. -I'm with Khadijah, here on speaker.

We finally both wrangled him into his room.

[Khloé] He's just not really slowing down, but…

[Kourtney] Yeah.

-Oh, hi. -Hi.

-[Khloé and Khadijah] Scott's here. -[Kourtney] I'm sure he is.

I thought you were gonna lie down, Scott.

Can I come home?

[Scott] You're not allowed to come here in that state of mind.

I love you, and by the way, I know I've made you sick.

-I know I've made you sick. -[Khadijah] Can we go…

Can you go to bed?

Scott, I just don't think any of this is, like, going anywhere positive.

[Khloé] Give me the phone.

Stay here.

This is what he does when he comes home?

-All right, I'm done. I'm going home. -[Khloé] What are you…

-No, you're not. -I'm going home.

-She doesn't want you to come home. -She don't want me to come home?

[Khloé] Shut up! You, [bleep] ass [bleep]! Shut up.

-Kourt, I gotta call you back. -Can we sit and talk for a second?

Scott is determined to walk to his house.

-[Scott] All right. -No.

At this point, I feel like there's nothing else I can do.

He is on a mission, and there's really no stopping him.

I don't give a [bleep] about all this.

I don't know what else to do.

-[Khloé] Where are you going? -[Scott] My [bleep] house.

-[Khloé] Hello? -[Khadijah] Scott, wait, wait…

[Scott] I don't need this [bleep]. Hey!

-[Khadijah] No, no, no, no, no. -[Khloé] Scott.

All right, I'm calling Kourtney.

[upbeat music]

-[Bruce] Khloé! -[Khloé] Yeah?

-[Bruce] Oh, there you are. -[Khloé] Hi.

-[Bruce] How are you doing? -I'm just so tired.

-I'm stealing a cookie. -Of course, that's what they're there for.

[Bruce] When I was talking to you the other day, you sounded down.

[Khloé] When?

The other day, we were on the phone and we're talking, you just didn't…

-You were like, "I'm working so hard." -It wasn't… had anything to do with me.

-[Khloé] Scott went, like, ballistic. -Why was he going ballistic?

He's got the life of Riley.

The life of who?

It's kind of a saying, "the life of Riley."

[Bruce] It's like, you're living this great life.

Why don't we change it to "the life of Scott"?

'Cause Scott has…

Kind of does anything he wants to do, right?

Yes. I was babysitting Scott

because the whole night, he was drinking alcohol.

-I thought he stopped drinking. -Every day, it's different.

At 6:00 a.m., a security guard brought Scott here

'cause Kourtney doesn't let him go to their house when he's, like, crazy.

It was just… such a draining experience.

Kourt, like, kick him out of the house or what?

He ended up around, like, 3:00 in the afternoon leaving here.

He's gone again.

Ever since Scott left my house, he's been MIA,

and it's been a few days now.

Kourtney never knew he left. He left without telling her.

Everyone's worried about you,

and the only person that you're worried about is yourself.

It's pretty sad.

It's not okay.

It's not okay. If you're gonna do stupid [bleep] like that,

I'm not letting you in the house. You sleep outside on the front lawn.

You can't be doing that.

[upbeat music]

[camera shutters clicking]

[Kendall] Can I get the chicken wrap, please?

-Can I get a blueberry muffin too? -Don't do that to me, Kendall.

[Khloé] I'm not allowed to eat a blueberry muffin.

Can I get pulled chicken with a side of veggies?

-[server] Yeah, sure. -I would love that. Thank you so much.

-So you're leaving tomorrow for Paris. -No, I leave on Friday.

Oh, you leave on Friday for Paris.

[plate clanks]

-They're blueberry, right? -[server] Yeah.

[playful music]

Is it good?

[hums excitedly]

Shut the [bleep] up.

So, you know, Kylie has been looking at houses,

and I think she found one in Calabasas.

-I know. -It's too much work.

-What is there to do in Calabasas? What? -[Khloé] I live there.

-And you get, like, a nice, big house. -I know, but I wish I had a condo…

-But if I was younger, I never would. -Exactly. Exactly.

I was about to do the same thing. Ended up moving out here.

-So much more to do. -So much more. You guys have social lives.

-If you lived in Calabasas, you'd never. -Exactly, exactly.

[Kendall] I think Kylie getting her first house is amazing,

and I think she's just really excited

to be able to have her own house and live on her own,

but there's just a lot that goes into it.

That was, like, the thing that surprised me when I bought my house,

and I hope she understands.

-[Kendall] It's a lot of work. -[food clacks]


[fast upbeat music]

Oh, my god. This is too good. It can't be, like, healthy.

[Khloé] It's all protein.

-[Kim] It's only five grams of protein. -Hey.

-[Khloé] I like it. -I ate perfect in New York.

You would've been so proud of me.

-[phone ringing] -Hello?

-[David] Hello? Hey, Kim. -[Kim] I'm with Khloé right now.

-[David] Hi, guys. -Hi, gorg.

[David] So I told him I was coming here, he said he was coming here,

and it's been four days now, right?

This is not one of those situations where, "Oh, [bleep], I got [bleep] up,

and then I, uh, I sobered up, and I realized I got [bleep] up,

and okay, I'm cool now for a week." You know what I mean?

He needs help, he needs help.

[Kim] None of us have really heard from Scott

up until I get a call from one of our mutual friends,

saying that Scott is in Aspen.

You know, I always give Scott the benefit of the doubt,

but in this case, I think Scott's just way out of line.

I don't even know what to do.

[David] The good news is that they are gonna get a plane now,

within the next hour, and get him out of here.

So, yeah, go talk to him, and then call me.

-[David] Okay, I'll call you. -[Kim] Okay, bye.

So he just, like, up and went to Aspen?

He ended up not even telling Kourtney he left.

[Khloé] She just texts me.

She goes, "I'm not sure what to do. He's flying home tonight from Aspen."

"He basically said he knows he can't be a good partner. Blah, blah, blah."

So what do I say to her?

[Kris] If it was me, I'd probably have him come home,

stay in the bedroom downstairs

until he gets it together and we can figure it out.

[Kim] Scott has had a really hard year,

and I understand that it's different this time.

Like, his parents aren't here.

But, as a man, he's got to grow up,

and he's got to be there for his girlfriend.


[gloomy music]

[rain pouring]

[Kim] We're going out.

You're gonna sh**t a video with Daddy.

How fun.

This is so exciting.

[Kim] Kanye is sh**ting a video for his song, "Only One."

It's really a song that he realized is his mother singing through him to him,

and Spike Jonze is sh**ting this video just on his iPhone.

I think it's such a cool concept, and I know it's gonna turn out so amazing.

[Kim] I wonder if she needs me over there.

[Stephanie] She'll just run to you.

♪ As I lay me down to sleep ♪

It's so crazy how she, like, loves to be outside.

[Kim] She, like, loves the rain, loves everything about outside.

♪ How you doin'? ♪

[Kim] Aw, look at how cute she looks.

♪ Storm ran out of rain The clouds are movin' ♪

♪ I know you're happy ♪

♪ 'Cause I can see it ♪

I feel like I should hide.

Like, if she sees me, she's gonna, like, run to me and slip in the mud.

Let's hide behind the bush.

♪ And look at all that he gave you ♪

♪ You asked for one and you got two ♪

[Kim] It's so special to have North in a video with her dad.

I'll peek out again. Ooh!

And I think she looks so beautiful.

♪ Hello, my only one ♪

[Kim] I feel so blessed that we now have our little family.

It's, like, so amazing that this is my life.

♪ Hello, my only one ♪

♪ Remember who you are ♪

♪ No, you're not perfect ♪


Hey, cutie.

You did so good in Daddy's video.

[playful music]

[upbeat music]

-[insects chirping] -[Kim] Are you cleaning out?

Wait, what are these from?

Looks like you literally hand-made this.

Khloé, this you don't need.

-Come on, come on. -[Khloé] I agree with that.

You need to have, like, cool sequiny things.

[Kim] This one looks cheap too.

You know what you could do is go through my dresses,

-'cause I agree I don't need all that. -Okay.

Do you know that Kylie is going into escrow on her house?

-Stop. She really got it? -[Khloé] Yeah.

-Well, in escrow. -[Kim] No way.

She's just, like, so advanced in some areas,

but it's like, run a whole household.

[Khloé] You literally have to get, like, gardeners, you have to get a pool man.

You have to pay, like, estate tax.

I don't think she understands, like, we have to pay H.O.A. fees, like…

I definitely had to learn what to expect

when I got my first house. I'm still learning.

And Kylie's definitely gonna need a cheat sheet

as to what goes into owning a house.

[Khloé] I think Kim and I are the best ones to give it to her,

'cause Kim and I have definitely had to learn the hard way

with some of our houses.

I just think I need to teach Kylie how to do this stuff.

Like, we all have to learn to prove to Mom that she can do it.

Yeah. I mean, I'm down. I'll help her too.

Like, I just need to make sure she even knows how to do her laundry.

[Kim] Mummy for Halloween?

Do you want it for a mummy costume, seriously?

You want it.

It's just, like, horrendous.

[lively music]

[Kim] You gotta get rid of these cookies, Khlo.

[Khloé] I don't eat them!

Like, you're mad 'cause you ate three today? That's your [bleep] problem.

-Get some self-control. -I don't have it.

Well, that's not my problem. I want decorative [bleep] in my house.

-When a guest wants [bleep] cookies… -I wish I could buy self-control.

[Khloé] The rebel's back!

The last time I saw you, why I oughta…

He was at my house throwing liquor everywhere.

[Kim] Oh, my god.

Scott just got back from this wild weekend in Aspen,

and he looks better after sleep,

and I realize that we need to help out in any way that we can.

[Khloé] So, how was Aspen?

I heard it was wild, from numerous people there.

It was a debacle.

[Scott] I mean, I went out to dinner with all these kids

that randomly were there from New York.

Like, all my Syrian friends were there, so I went out to Nobu the first night.

[Kim] Do they think you're just a lunatic?

-Most people do, yeah. -[Kim] Do they, like--

But it's getting to the point it's not that cute,

so, my god, I just wanna calm down. Beautiful town, though.

-Do you remember? -[Scott] Yeah, first day.

We should really go there.

-Do you think they will have you back? -No.

I would just die if I were Kourt, just for the fact, you have a little baby.

How did she act when you came home? Were you on punishment?

It's super bizarre to me that she's even speaking to me, to be quite honest.

I just think, at this point, she's just feeling bad for me and herself.

And I feel bad for everybody too.

Obviously, like, this is not what I wanted to be doing with my life, but…

everything's taken a turn. I mean…

But you have such a good life.

You have three of the most beautiful kids.

I get it. Everything sounds perfect.

You know? It just doesn't feel good inside.

[dramatic music]

[Scott] It's just hard, and it's a struggle, and…

You know, obviously, I can't blame it on my parents forever.

Either I need to make a life for myself or, you know.

I used to get so upset with Scott. I used to hold everything over his head.

[Khloé] Right now, though, I just wanna help him

and get him to a comfortable place.

I have a family and all these things.

I can't just be like, "Oh, my parents died.

That's sad. I hate my life." Like…

[Scott] You know, it's ridiculous.


It's [bleep] hard, though.

[upbeat music]

Damn, Gina, you looking fly and [bleep]…


-[Khloé] Guess what I heard. -Huh?

-Do you guys know what "freezing" is? -[Kim] No.

It's, like, a form of witchcraft,

and I heard some people around us are doing it.

You write down names, and you, like, put them in the freezer,

and you, like, freeze them. It's like doing voodoo to you.

[Khloé] It's, like, a form to, like, freeze them

so they're stuck in a place of, like, torment because, like, whatever.

I'm like, "Why would anybody do that?" Don't [bleep] freeze me.

I'll freeze you back. That's so rude.

No voodoo [bleep] can tear us down.

[Kim] That's what Michael Jackson used to always say.

Really? Maybe I'm reincarnated Michael Jackson.

Okay, Kylie, so you're moving into your house soon.

-Mm-hmm. -Having a house is a huge responsibility.

A huge responsibility that I don't even think that you realize.

[Khloé] Do you know how to do your own laundry?


[conflicted music]

[Kim] Do you know anything about credit?

-Not really. -Do you know how to iron?

-[Khloé] What? -Kylie.

-[Khloé] Mom used to-- -No, seriously?

[Kim] I cannot believe you don't know this.

Here's things that you need to think about.

Yeah. You need to take notes.

Earthquake insurance. We live in California, that is a must.

Flood insurance, fire insurance, especially up here.

[Khloé] There was a flood in my house.

I came home, the whole thing was flooded. My pool table room.

[Kim] Homeowner's association fees.

HOA fees could be, like, 1,000 bucks a month.

If you hang something, it has to be bolted down to the walls.

[Khloé] You have to have them earthquake-proof.

You have to have rattlesnake fencing for your house for your dogs.

-You need to have a really good gardener. -Set up electricity.

Kim and Khloé have made me aware that it's a little tough to own a home,

and I really hope I'm not in over my head.

Here's a list. Mom's not gonna do all of this for you, so…

You know, I think this is really important.

[Kim] There's a lot more we can add,

but I think it's really important that you start to do those things

and realize the responsibilities of having a house.

I agree.

[upbeat music]

-[insects chirping] -[line ringing]

-[Kourtney] Hi. -[Khloé] Hi. How's everything going?

[Kourtney] You know…

-Same old situation, different day. -Yeah?

[Khloé] Are you good with Scott going to Pismo and everything?

[Kourtney] Um, yeah.

I think it's good for him to do, you know, positive things.

[light chuckle] Yeah. Me too.

[Khloé] After talking with Scott,

I think he definitely needs some family bonding behavior,

so I've invited Scott to go drive dune buggies

with Bruce and I in Pismo Beach.

Why do you think he's acting the way he is?

[Kourtney] Honestly, I don't know.

You know, and I do feel bad,

but I feel like a lot of it is, like, he thinks this is his destiny.

-Certain things run in his family… -That's an excuse.

…his life, and I'm like, "You have so many blessings."

[Khloé] I know.

Ever since Scott has returned home from his bender,

he's been really depressed,

and I feel so incredibly bad for Kourt

because I know she loves her family, I know she loves Scott,

and I think she's at such a loss as to what to do with him

that she's willing to try anything.

I just feel like I don't know what to do anymore.

[exciting music]

[Khloé] We need to put "Kardashian Beauty" on here.

-Who's paying you for this? -[Bruce] I got people.

-[Khloé] Okay, what are you doing, buddy? -[Bruce] We're leaving.

I am going to be on a wonderful road trip with Bruce.

Scott was supposed to be a part of our long road trip,

but he is driving up to Pismo Beach on his own

because he did not want to be stuck in a car with Bruce for that many hours.

-Isn't this exciting? -Totally.

We're going to Pismo Beach, Khloé,

and it's gonna take us 2 hours and 11 minutes of wonderful conversation.

-Aren't you excited? -Yeah.

How often do we get 2 hours and 11 minutes with nothing to do but talk?

[conflicted music]


Tell me when you get done, so we can…

Bruce, you have two and a half [bleep] hours. Relax.

[Khloé] Seriously.

[Bruce] We're getting closer.

[Khloé] Yes, we are.

You're missing everything.

-No, I've seen grass before. -Look at these trailer parks.

[Bruce] A whole town went by.

That you never even looked up and saw.


And you missed it.

I'm okay with that.

-I'm not. You missed that chicken. -I'm not okay with smelling…

-See that chicken back there? -I'm not okay with smelling this tuna.

Okay, Bruce, this is getting ridiculous.

[Bruce] It was a huge chicken.

You smell like [bleep].

[upbeat music]

[phone ringing]

[Kris] Hello?

-[Kylie] Hey, Mom. -Hey, Kylie.

[Kylie] Do you have a second to talk?

Yeah, but aren't I gonna see you in five minutes?

[Kylie] Um, well, I was talking to Khloé and Kim the other day or whatever,

and, um, they were just telling me all this stuff

that's making me second-guess the house.

[tense music]

And making me feel like this is a very big deal.

I don't know if I can handle it.

Kylie, first of all, you can handle anything that you set your mind to.

Let's start there.

Second of all, every single one of your sisters

has gone through this process, and it's been a great learning experience.

[Kylie] So I was really excited, but they're talking about money,

all the work and all the stuff.

Your sisters are probably worried because you're so young,

and they didn't do it quite as young as you.

You've gotten a major head start, especially financially.

And they didn't have that same opportunity,

so they were a little bit older.

-Maybe they're worried about that. -[Kylie] Yeah.

I think that what you're doing is really responsible, really a good idea.

Besides the fact that we're gonna have a ton of fun while we're doing it.

Maybe you'll really love to do this, and you'll start,

you know, buying and selling homes.

Who knows what it could lead to. You know?

[Kylie] Yeah.

I think one of the reasons that I want Kylie

to buy this house so badly

is because I feel like it's a really good investment,

and it's something that she'll be so thankful for years from now.

Just know that I'm here to protect you, sweetie.

I'm not here to let you fail or make a bad decision, you know what I mean?

[Kylie] Yeah.

I'll see you in a few minutes, okay? We're gonna have so much fun.

-[Kylie] All right, I love you. -I love you too.

[bright music]

[Khloé] You know, Scott is meeting us there.

Now, what's the deal with Scott?

-I don't know. Why don't you talk to him? -What do you think I should say to him?

I would… It's not what you say, it's how you say it.

I think I would just say it like,

"Hey, I notice you've been… not around as much at the house.

Like, is something going on?"

Say exactly what you said to me.

[serious music]

[Bruce] Let's get something to eat and go ride!

[Khloé] Okay.

Here we are at the Madonna Inn. Let's go find the Lord.

-Scottie. -[Scott] Hello.

What a miraculous restaurant.

Have you ever been in a car for almost two and a half hours with her?

I've been in a house with her for two and a half years at a time.

Why did you want to stay in Santa Barbara last night?

It's just a three-hour drive here.

I just felt like once everybody went to sleep in the house,

I would just get on the road, 'cause I like driving at night better.

But why would you want to sleep alone and not with your…

-I don't sleep with Kourtney anyway. -[Khloé] But why don't you?

She sleeps with the baby, in the baby's room.

[Khloé] So does Kourtney know you slept out last night?

[Scott] Yeah.

Instead of doing that, wouldn't you rather be, like, home?

I think, for a really long time,

I've struggled with going back and forth from drinking and not drinking

and going out and partying and not partying.

And I came up here

hoping to kind of relax a little bit and take some time off.

So the last thing I want is to hear some big lectures.

[bright music]

[engines rumbling]

All right, we're getting into the play park here.

-[Scott] Oh, wow, cool. -[Khloé] I'm excited.

-I'll take it off and bring it over. -[Khloé] Hi.

We'll take this back path and head south down the beach.

I am actually so excited to go dune buggying.

Scott and I are renting our dune buggies, and, of course, Mr. Bruce Jenner

has to bring his own custom dune buggy and show off.

I think this is gonna be a lot of fun.

[engine starts]

Oh, there we go.

[Scott] Look at Bruiser, he's ready to go.

[man] Whenever you guys are ready, you guys can fire up.

Bruce has a roof on his.

Scott, we need a roof on ours.

[Scott] Let's do it!


[thrilling music]

Buggies out in the desert are, like, so much fun to drive.

You got to be careful

because you don't know what's on the other side of the hill,

but it's amazing how quick they go. Anybody can drive them.

[engine rumbles]

[brakes squeak] [Scott] It's got 20 horsepower.

[Bruce] Take mine for a quick ride.

[Scott] I'll go with you. I don't mind. I don't need to drive.

I'll just hang with you.

[Bruce] Are you having fun, babe?

Mine doesn't go as fast as yours, but I tried.

I know because you went all the way through, that's all you need. Good job.

[active music]

I got to say, this is actually quite fun, and I kind of needed this.

Definitely not gonna feel guilty about this tomorrow,

and it's like a breath of fresh air.

-[Khloé] That was so fun. -[Bruce] Wasn't that fun?

-I did pretty good for my first time. -[Scott] You were ballsy.

Oh, yeah, Khloé, you were going for it.

I can't believe you did that big banker one.

-[Khloé] Yeah! -You just hit the throttle on that one.

-Yeah. That's as fast as it goes. -[Scott] Right.

-[Bruce] Yeah, those things… -[Scott] Most people would be nervous.

-Hey, how are you guys? Oh, wow. -Oh, we'll "come and take it."

-[Scott] Stop. Dude! -[Khloé] That's what their flag says.

"Come and take it."

-Who is that person? -They're just rednecks.

[line ringing]

[Scott] I'm gonna hit up that chick I'm seeing.

Hey, buggle. What are you doing?

[Kourtney] Just feeding Reign.

Mase is sitting with me, watching Dora and Penelope's helping Grace make soup.

Let me say hi to Marty.

[Kourtney] Do you wanna come here and say hello? No.


Tell him I'm not happy about that.

-[Kourtney] Okay. -[Scott] Okay, I love you, bye.

[vehicle ticking]

[Khloé] Freakin' put this on Instagram. Hey, everyone.

[camera shutter clicks]

Scott, what's my caption?

-[Khloé] Threesome. -[Scott] No.


-Two in the front, one in the back. -[both laughing]

-[Scott] Did you put it? -My caption for this picture…

-Is? -What I'm titling it is

"two in the pink, one in the stink."


-In the sink? -Oh, my god. I'm so sorry.

[Bruce] Yeah, all right, let's go get something to eat. Come on.

I'm hungry.

Oh, my god, I haven't had chips and guac in so long.

-God, you shoved that thing in there. -[chuckles]

-I had years of practice. -[laughs]

One of the few things you don't want to hear

to come out of the mouth of your daughter.

I meant eating tacos.

Oh, this is awkward.

Did Kourt tell you about Mase

trying to do a dance party for Rob but, like, was so shy?

[Khloé] And then, P was, like, slowly rocking it out. But he got jealous.

So, then, then he started doing it.

[Bruce] Auntie Khloé is great, but…

-[Khloé] I love her. -It's important that their dad's around.

[Bruce] The other day, when we were over at the house,

we kept looking for you, and you were, like, gone.

I go, "Where the hell did Scott go?"

Kourtney didn't even know, but I guess you had left.

Do you do that a lot, just vacate the premises?

Try to, yeah.

[uneasy music]

[Bruce] Do you have this great urge to get out of the house?

I don't know.

You know, I definitely go in and out of…

happy and dark places in my life, and…

I wish that I could be a little bit more consistent, and…

I wish it was a little bit easier for me to be under control, but it's not, and…

You know, it's something I've always wanted to change.

It's just not as simple as people think.

[tense music]

You have this great urge to get out of the house?

Yeah, I always have an urge to get out of the house.

I just want you to know, because, you know, I've had…

-You've been through it all. -When you're older, or you're my age,

the most proud thing I am about my life is the great kids I've raised.

Yeah, no, I know that you've been through both. I mean…

-And you missed some times. -[Bruce] I've been through everything.

With the other boys, and now you know how important,

but at least you're making it up now, which is awesome.

[Bruce] Bottom line, that's what life's all about.

-Kind of that next generation. -[Scott] Yeah.

[Bruce] You know? And that's important stuff.

And the little tidbits you can give them to help them make them a better person.

And you never know when those times were… are gonna come

that you can do that, so you got to be around all the time.

'Cause as time goes on,

and the kids start growing up, it only gets more and more difficult.

I get it. I wanna be there.

And the kids are old enough. They know now, you know?

[Scott] You know, I definitely realized that…

this is one of the times that Kourtney needs me the most,

and I want to give her everything that she deserves.

It's just been a very big struggle with my own stuff, and…

I wish I could throw it out, but I can't, but I'm gonna do everything I can

in order to get back to where I need to be.

And I really just want Kourtney to be happy,

because she deserves that.

I thought it was gonna be, like, way crazier with three kids,

so that's why I was running out the door, 'cause I was scared.

But now, I realize, it's not so bad.

And it's not just what you do. It's just being there.

-Right. Right. -[Bruce] Like, Dad's here. You know?

[Scott] I mean, if it's only two and a half hours to get home,

better I get home tonight than wake up tomorrow, hit traffic.

[Khloé] Yeah. I'll ride home with him.

You're gonna leave me just like that? You can't take another ride with me?

-No. -Is that what you're trying to say?

-You didn't enjoy our ride up here? -[Khloé] Do you wanna drive me home?

-Scott can take you. -You could drive… Oh!

-[Bruce] Yeah. Bye. -See how easy that was?

-[Khloé] Bruce? -What?

-Two in the pink, one in the… -[Scott laughs]

Sink, or whatever you said. I don't know what you said.


-No, you're right. One in the sink. -She's just so crazy.

[upbeat music]

-[birds chirping] -[pan clanks]

[Scott] Hey, doll.

-[Kourtney] Hey. What are you doing here? -How you doing?

-I came home last night late. -[Kourtney] How was it?

Did you go dune buggying?

Well, we rented, like, some little ones, me and Khloé and Bruce.

And, I mean, it was fun. We had a good time.

[Kourtney] That's nice. I thought you were staying longer.

[Scott] You know how Bruce is.

He was telling me that I need to be home more.

And I did realize that, why am I gonna waste time

spending a night in the middle of Pismo Beach with Bruce

when I could be home with you and the kids?

So I was like, forget it. I'll just drive home now

-than stay another day and waste time. -That's nice.

[Kourtney] It's really hard because Scott

goes through super high highs and then really low lows.

And, you know, I don't always know what to do,

but I know that I don't wanna leave somebody

when they're at their lowest.

And it's always gonna be a constant struggle.

No relationship is perfect.

But Scott is an amazing father to our kids,

and I am going to be here to support him during this struggle.

So, what's the plan for today? Should we go pick up Mason?

Yes, that would be fun. He would be excited.

Well, come give me a hug.

[merry music]

-[Scott] Hello. -Hi. Welcome home.


[bright music]

-[Khloé] Is that fish? -[Kim] Yeah.

Ugh, will you please put the lid on that if you're not eating it?

-[Scott] Is it salmon or sea bass? -[Khloé] It really smells [bleep]…

You've been with somebody

with a [bleep] that smells like straight-up cod?

[Khloé] You smell like cod.

So, I was in a car ride yesterday, and I chose to go with Bruce.

-Oh, yeah, how was Pismo Beach? -Unlikable.

I had fun.

It was 2 hours and 20 minutes, the drive.

It wasn't 2 hours, 20 minutes. It was 3 hours.

So, Bruce decides to eat a foot-long tuna sandwich

-the entire car ride with the windows… -Ew!

-That is the worst thing ever. -With the windows rolled up.

-That's so rude! -[Scott] It's so rude.

I was like, "Hmm, who should I ride home with on the way home?"

Scott, right? It will be way easier of a car ride.

So I have no idea what was up Scott's ass…

-Don't make it sound like a… -Literally…

…three hours of being fully interrogated.

[Khloé] "So, what's going on? What's happening with Khadijah and Bob?

Wait, so Bob's starting a hedge fund? So does he change the kids' diapers?

Does he take them to school and, like, does he actually play with them

or, like, does he just put them in front of the TV?"

"I don't know, Scott! Ask Bobby!"

Then he's like, "So what's going on with French?

How does he get at his house every month?

Do you hear he was looking at a house in Calabasas? It's really weird."

Then he's like, "So what does he do?

Like, how many more albums does he have? Like…"

You're the worst person to talk… She was trying to use her phone.

That's basically what it is. I was trying to have a conversation with my sister.

-But how funny was it? -Is that weird?

Weren't we hysterically laughing?

Yeah! Then she would be, like… She would get mad that I asked too many questions.

She'd be like, "Please, please, please, please!

Give me five minutes. Give me five minutes.

Can I have five? Can I have five?" I was like, "I'll give you four."

[Scott] She'd sit for one minute without questions, she'd be like,

-"I'm ready again." -[Khloé cackling]

If you go to dinner or lunch with her, she's like, "Oh, got to go. Bye.

I'm going to Pilates and a workout class, then I got to meet Gunnar,

then I got to go to an appearance, then I got to go to New York,

then I got snowed in."

And I'm like, "Dude, you know, that's a lot."

-I'm busy. -[Kim laughs]

[upbeat music]

Wouldn't it be so cool if North and Reign got baptized in Jerusalem?

-That would be incredible. -[Kim] I know, right?

I'm gonna find out the baptism site of Jesus Christ.

Oh! "This is the official website of the baptism site of Jesus Christ,

where 2,000 years ago, Jesus came to be baptized by John."

I want a guy named John to baptize North.

I'm sure we can find you a John. How did Kanye's video turn out?

Did you see it? Can I show you? This was right in the back of our house.

♪ I talked to God about you ♪

[Kim] This was all shot on an iPhone.


-[Khloé] Who shot it? -Spike Jonze.

♪ You know I never left you ♪

[Kim] It's so cool to have these memories of North being so young

and being in a video with her dad.

♪ Hello, my only one ♪

We can look back and just have these moments to last forever.

♪ Till the sky knows your name ♪

I think it's so cool.

Did you know what Kanye told Kourtney?

-What? -[Khloé] Like, how I got him those boots?

[Kim] He loves them.

It was like, "Kourt, do you know what an honor that is?"

'Cause he went and bought a second pair of the boots.

-It means he really likes it. -Oh, no. He went and met with the designer

and was like, "You have to custom make me these in every color," and the guy did.

-I was like, "It's a big deal." -[Kim] And he walked into the store.

And they were like, "The guy who wears the boots is here!"

And now, they're rereleasing the boot because of that.

He is one of a kind.

[Kim] That was such a good gift.

-[Stephanie] So dope! -[Kesler] Beautiful!

[Kim] On the next Keeping Up with the Kardashians…

-What are you doing, you guys? -[cackling]

We could be, like, the ultimate design team.

[Scott] This is supposed to be a business project.

I mean, by the time she gets done, I'll be losing money.

You being the decorator just doesn't work.

-Look at Kylie's lips. -[Kendall] She got a little crazy.

People were talking a lot about your lips. Tell me about them.
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