10x04 - No Retreat

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Keeping Up With the Kardashians". Aired: October 14, 2007 - 2021.*
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Reality series of the Kardashian family featuring Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and the rest of the Kardashian/Jenner clan personal and professional lives.
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10x04 - No Retreat

Post by bunniefuu »

[upbeat music]

[Kim] Oh, my god. Bruce has no sense of reality.

He was wearing jeans that were to here, like, to here.

So he didn't mean for them to be cropped and bell bottom.

It's just how geeky he pulls them up to here.

And I swear to God he had Spanx on, Manx.

Everyone in this family wears [bleep] Spanx, except for you.

I don't, ever.

But I am saying the key to no stretch marks and a flat stomach,

after you have a baby, is a waist cincher.

I told it to everyone. I have people thanking me.

Wait, I swear, I think I saw something on your stomach. Something red.

-Yeah, I have a red dot, that? -No. Kourtney, stand up.

-Hmm. -Stand up.

[Kim] Kourtney.

-[Kourtney] What? -Kourtney. Kourtney…

Oh, my god, Kourtney, I'm gonna cry for you.

This is, like, my biggest fear of life. You have a stretch mark.

-What?! Isn't that a sleeping mark? -[Kim] No.

[Kourtney] You're such a liar.

[theme music]

[upbeat music]

-[Khloé] Come here! -[Princess] Dad…

Oh, shoes on my counter is perfect.

[Khloé humming]

That's some item you got there.


I mean, it's across your face.

Is it religious?

-No, it's not religious. -Something you found in Bollywood?


[Khloé] Did you see Rob here? I heard him a second ago.

Is he home? I'm sure P would love to see him. Want to look around?

[Khloé] We're gonna go to Bob's room.


Where's Bob? Bob! Bob?

-He just leaves his TV on… -[Scott] What's he chomping on?

[Khloé] A quesadilla. He makes Angela make him every day.

Look how he just leaves.

I just feel bad, like, at this hour, he leaves the house,

-but, like, where could he even be going? -[clanging]

Ooh, he has a whole drawer of gushers, man.

Rob lives with me, but he'll sleep all day and he'll kind of sneak out,

at some point, and just leave, and then I don't see him all night,

'cause I'm asleep, like a normal person.

Like he needs Magnums. Get over yourself.

I do understand where Rob is with not wanting to be seen.

-[Khloé] We are going to lunch. -[Malika] Come with us.

-Negative. -[Khloé] Why not? Why? What are you doing?

-[Khloé] Come to lunch with us! -No.

If you're out, and photographed and everybody rags on you,

and talks [bleep] about you,

it only gets you kind of into this deeper, darker hole,

and you just don't want to be seen anymore.

-Oh, my god. Look at that. It's like a… -It's like a b*mb shelter! It's crazy!

-[Scott] Let's get out of his room. -[Khloé] Yeah, what if he comes in…

[upbeat music]

Full stretch. I got it.

-Go! Morning! -Beast it up. Beast it up.

[Gunnar] Fifteen.

-[Malika] Oh, hi, see-through. -[Gunnar] Harvest moon.

-That ass is out. -[Gunnar] Harvest moon.

[Khloé chuckles, squeals]

So, G, how much did you miss me?

I just started to, but then, you walked in.

[Malika] I thought you were going to tell me tears.

[Gunnar] There were tears earlier. All right, you're here.

I know you're kind of out of breath, but I'm sure you can listen.

You have a little bit of a fiasco going on with your DASH Dolls.

Broya was telling me.

Malik and Khadijah have been spending more and more time

at the DASH store on Melrose.

It's become more of, like, a sorority house than a workplace.

DASH employees, we call them the DASH Dolls,

are starting to get very high school to me, very Mean Girls-ish.

It's, like, Durrani doesn't get along with Jessica.

Why? Everyone's mad at you, Durrani! Everyone's [bleep] mad at you.

[Durrani] Don't ever [bleep] talk to me, ever again!

If she gets in a fight with Jessica,

then Durrani doesn't come to work the next day.

[Khloé] They could all be friends, but when you get to work, you get to work.

They all have to learn how to work together.

We're thinking of taking them on a retreat or like a DASH boot camp or something.

When you're at my store, you need to act as you're working for us.

And this is our brand and you need to represent us appropriately.

Drive and hold. Yep, stay on the heels.

This has got to be the most interesting machine you have here.

-[Gunnar] Boom, hold. Hold. -[Malika] Amazing.

[Gunnar] Hold. Love it.

[upbeat music]

-[Kendall] Hello. -[Jonathan] What's up?

-What's up? -[Jonathan] Super model.

-[Kim] How are you? -[Kendall] Good.

-How'd your sh**t go today? -Good.

How do you not feel that? It looks like there's glass in your eye.

-[Jonathan] What? -There's, like, plastic in your eye.

-There's not plastic in my eye. -I swear. Look up.

[squeals] It's an eye booger. I don't like it.

[Kedall] Ew! Why are you sticking your finger into your eye?

-[Jonathan] Oh, my god. -Moms can do everything.

[Kim] I complained so much about how much I hated being pregnant,

and I never thought I would be begging to be pregnant.

Trying for baby number two is just not, like, fun, like baby number one.

Like, I'm literally, like, "I'm ovulating in five minutes!"

-And I'm, like, "Get over here!" -[Jonathan] Yeah.

It's crazy because I had such an easy delivery

but right after you deliver,

like, the baby lives in this sac, the placenta,

then you kind of give birth to that, and it just kind of comes out.

Mine went right back in me… [deep inhale]

…'cause it was stuck to a part of my uterus, that it grew into,

so the doctor was like… [gasps]

…and, like, put his arm in me, to here,

and he had to scrape it off with his fingernails,

-to get it off of my inner lining. -[Jonathan grunts]

We have been trying to have a baby, now, for almost a year,

and they say if you've been trying

for a certain amount of time and it hasn't happened,

then there's usually something wrong,

so I'm gonna go back see my fertility specialist

to figure out what's going on.

What I could do, but I'm so not this person, is having a surrogate.

Doesn't a surrogate kind of freak you out, though?

Totally, 'cause what if they're like a lunatic?

I'm gonna have to have security around them full-time.

What if they run off with my baby

and go raise my baby in a different country?

I would only do that if I couldn't carry another one.

[upbeat music]

[Kris] I just hope I could go out there and do a good show today.

-Do you know all the hosts? -[Kris] Yeah.

Did Nicki Minaj really smash the windows of her boyfriend's car?


-Whoa! -[phone ringing]

[Kris] Hey, Matt.

Did Rob say what is was for or he just told you to get him cash?

Have you been going to one place to deliver this money, or is it?

How can somebody need this much cash every week that never leaves the house?

I don't even spend this much cash every week.

Yeah, okay, thanks, Matt. Bye, honey.

Could you see if you could get Rob's business manager?

Rob hasn't been in the best head space, lately, for sure.

[Kourtney] Hey, Rob, I try to FaceTime you all the time because your niece asks…

-[Rob] I don't like to look at my face. -[Kourtney] I know.

But your niece likes to look at you.

[Bruce] I didn't even know you were back here.

I was just getting ready to leave, and I say, "Where's Rob?"

and he says, "I think he's here, he's in the back."

[Rob] I just want my family happy.

You've been running from yourself from my point of view, Robert.

You've been running from all of these feelings.

I've gotten a few reports that he's been spending a lot of money,

and locking himself up in his room a lot, and not really coming out,

and I'm just worried about what's going on.

[Kat] It's Michelle.


Good, good, good, good.

So, listen, I'm really struggling with all this cash that Rob keeps wanting.

Um, and I know he wants some more today.

I think that, you know, give it to him, in case he really does owe somebody money,

but there's something going on here, and I'm not stupid.

As a mom, it breaks my heart to see Rob going through what he's going through.

He's kind of stuck in a really bad place, and I just want to help him get out of it.

I just want you to know that, um, something crazy and serious

is gonna go down with your brother because I just got word,

and I'm just gonna tell you this, and I don't want you to be impatient,

because you tend, you tend to be impatient,

so I don't want you to say he's got a problem.

[Kris] He just asked Matt to go get him more cash.

You know, but I can't take it anymore, you know?

And I just kept thinking it was going to go away,

and he was going to figure it out on his own, but he's not,

so I just think that, we have to, as a family, do something immediately.

[vigorous music]

-Hi, guys. -[Bruno] Good morning.

-Hello. -[Bruno] How are you?

-I can't even move anymore, or sleep. -[all chuckling]

Both my kids are, like, in my bed all night.

Then I go, "Everybody, move to the sides," and then they come back.

We're gonna start with kids, and then we've got the new fall directions.

-Oh, cool. -[Lisa] This is a big group.

So feel free to edit down. We did lots of tops.

First one is this top here.

I'm not allowed to really have an opinion on kids' clothes, but barf.

I think it's cute.

And then, this great little dress and this fun poncho.

[Kim] Oh, really cute. I really love that.

Hey. Did you just land?

And then, that's pretty much our only short sleeve in the collection.

[Kim] Sorry, one second.

I'm trying to get ahold of Kanye

'cause I just came from my fertility doctor,

and they need me to go into surgery

to kind of clear out something in my uterus.

I feel like this doctor that I saw today

was so… like told me every worst case scenario.

And I was sitting there, like he's like,

"Okay, and then, when you have your baby, this will be your last one

because the problem is your placenta grew onto your uterus,

so when you have another baby, that placenta will go right to that hole,

and then, we'll have, you know, a team of doctors waiting…

right there to remove your uterus

and put you into emergency surgery 'cause you can't bleed too much."

And I'm like, "Okay, this is a little much."

Let's… You know, I was, like, sitting there, like, just like crying.

Like, wait, you have to remove my uterus?

When I was pregnant with North, I used to tell everyone,

"There is no amount of money that anyone could pay me

to go through this experience again."

And now, there is nothing more on this Earth

than I would want than to be pregnant again.

So I just was like, "Oh, my god."

[dramatic music]

[insects chirping]

[Kim] Mase?

-Hey! -[Kris] Hey!



The other night, I wrote Rob a letter,

and I put it under his door at Khloé's house.


And just said, like, "You're not in this alone.

Like, we want to do whatever we can to help you."

[Kim] And he never responded to me.

So I wrote him a long email. He didn't respond to that either.

[Kris] A friend of mine told me about a guy,

and he has a whole team that he works with, and I called him.

But I feel like if I don't help him do something drastic, that he's gonna die.

The most important thing in my life, to me, is my children.

[Kris] I'm Kris. Come on in.

This is somebody who can help dissect the situation

and figure out exactly what's going on.

Thanks for coming. I really appreciate it.

I've planned this meeting without Khloé because Khloé's a little protective of Rob

and I'm not sure if she'll think this is a good idea.

I have a son. He was the star of the track team in high school.

[Bruce] All right, Rob!

[Kris] He was the star of the basketball team.

[announcer] Number 23, Robert! Robert Kardashian!

He took on Dancing with the Stars,

couldn't put two steps together, and came in second place.

He was always someone who was very athletic

and he's gained over 100 pounds in the last year.

[serious music]

I'm sorry.

I don't… I don't talk about it very much, so it's very upsetting.

Um, he doesn't wanna participate, he doesn't go out of the house.

He's missed Christmas. He missed Kim's wedding.

I mean, he obviously has some kind of depression and--

[Kris] He's very depressed,

but I think what happens is he knows what he's supposed to do

and every single day, he treats the next day like a Monday.

So he's gonna get better tomorrow,

he's gonna start tomorrow, he's gonna work out tomorrow.

He is the king of excuses.

Everyone's been overcompensating for him since my dad died 'cause he was 16.

I don't know if because he has it so easy,

but then, also, at the same time, with what he's going through,

I don't want him to feel even more alone.

I'm the only one that's, like, really tough with him,

so he probably, like, avoids me the most.

[man] If he has everything handed to him, why would he change?

Kim, I think what you were saying about you set limits and are tough on him,

and there might be other people in the family

where he knows, if he goes to them, he's gonna get what he wants.

-Mm-hmm. -He knows what buttons to push for you.

Yeah, he does.

[man] I mean, we could bring someone to the house to help him get stabilized.

Bring meds in and make sure he's comfortable.

We can pull some resources within 24 hours.

Yeah. It's just like you're waiting for this horrible thing to happen,

and there's nothing you can do about it.

We can't guarantee he'll take the help, but we can give it our best shot.

[forlorn music]

[upbeat music]

[Kim] This is gonna be the wheelbarrow competition.

-Ooh, I want a donut! -We are gonna tie the donut now.

[Khloé] Let's do all chocolate,

-so we can have the glaze. -I'm too short for this, though.

[Malika] Oh, my god. These were supposed to be round donuts. Who got these?

-[all laughing] -Inappropriate.

Today is the DASH Dolls retreat,

and Khloé's doing such a good job setting up.

I'm so proud of her. It looks amazing.

-Bite. -I have a photo sh**t.

-I have a photo sh**t. No. -Come on.

I don't want to ruin our day and start bringing up Rob,

and you know how that went. Now's not the right time to bring it up.

By the way, this is a really good idea, Khlo.

I think it's cute, and I think it's gonna help the girls bond.

-No! Get out of my way! -No!

-No, we already called it! -No! I'm getting this room.

We already called it!

[overlapping yells]

I got it, Nazy!

-So, Doll. -Hi.

Who dropped you off? Wait, did your sister drop you off?

She drives me everywhere.

-It's so embarrassing. -You don't wanna get your license?

-[Stephanie] I just failed the written-- -Wait, study.

[Stephanie] No, yeah, I'm studying now, obviously,

but the first three times that I took it, I just I didn't study.

-[Nazy] You took it three times? -Yeah. But I'll pass my fourth time.

[both laughing]

Based on the report that I got from Malika and Khadijah,

[Khloé] Stephanie is kind of having the hardest time

fitting in with all the DASH Dolls.

All the girls need a lesson or two on how to behave.

We are gonna get those b*tches into DASH Doll shape.

Welcome to the DASH retreat. Guys, no talking [bleep].

So, basically, the reason why we wanted to do this retreat

is because Kourtney, Kim, and I have been hearing

that there's a lot of issues at the store

with how you guys are communicating with each other.

If you get into fights or whatever, or date the same people, who cares?

That's your private life. At the store, it's still a business.

In the real world, you have to be able to separate the two.

And it's just time I think that we get all of our [bleep] together.

Let's start with the first one.

A lot of these obstacle courses

that we're having the DASH Dolls do on this retreat

is trust building or communication skills.

-Wait, are those helmets? -[Missy] Helmets?

[Khloé] We basically want the girls

to push one another around in a wheelbarrow, blindfolded,

and they have to verbally communicate where to go

and trust their other partner

as to that they're steering them in the right direction.

Once you get to the end, as a team, with no hands,

you have to pick up your team member to eat the donut.

So you have to trust your partner.

Whoever eats the donut first, you get the money.

Remember, a lack of communication costs money.

And if you guys don't communicate, you guys cost the store money.

Come on.

[giggling] Oh, my god!

On your mark, get set…

[blows whistle]

-Go to the right, right, right, right. -Left, left. A little bit left.

[Missy] Yeah, you're doing real good. Okay, now go straight. Go straight.

-Okay, go straight. Now go straight. -Go straight.

Communicate, guys!

We're losing, we're losing. Go ahead, just run through, run through.

-[Stephanie] Run, run, run! -[Durrani] Run, run, run, run!

[Taylor] We're going over!


[Durrani] Oh, my god!

Okay, now!

[Khloé] Don't use your hands! Don't use your hands!

You can't use your hands! You guys are ejected!

Eat the [bleep] donut!

Don't be cute! [bleep]! Eat the donut!

I'm too short! Can you finish the donut, please?

-It's gluten, I know. I'm sorry. -No, I don't wanna eat gluten.

-Well, you got to help her, Jess. -You stabbed my face.

The DASH Dolls do not know how to work together at all.

-[whistle blows] -I have some bad news!

You guys are disqualified, 'cause you guys used your hands.

You guys didn't cross the finish line, so you guys win anyway.

-[whooping] -[Kim] You guys look like a hot mess.

[Khloé] You guys don't listen. That's the part of team building, listen!

[Malika] But didn't they also knock over the head?

And they also didn't finish with the wheelbarrows!


[Khloé] Oh, my god, these girls have so much to learn!

I thought today was really fun. I'm sorry, it's so cold.

My sisters and I are leaving the girls here at this DASH Dolls retreat.

-I'll see you guys tomorrow. -Thank you!

I just want everyone to get along and hopefully really connect on this trip.

[upbeat music]

So there's a lot going on that I want to catch you up on.

-[Kris] Let me just start. -You match your blanket.

I know.

Let me just start with the fact that I'm really, really worried about Rob.


I talked to this guy that came highly recommended.

And he seems to think that everything I described about Rob was textbook.

And that he could come with all the proper people and help him,

but do it at home.

But because Rob lives with you, it would have to be done at your house.

I just feel like you guys always do this stuff, and, like, never inform me

or really give me an opportunity to have, like, an opinion.

I just acted as fast as I could because the opportunity presented itself.

So, now you guys want to now have an outsider come in

and ambush Rob and basically ambush me.

Neither you, nor Kourtney, nor Kim

have even, like, attempted to see him for numerous days in a row.

Do you even know his daily routines?

Do you know anything? No, 'cause you guys aren't there.

I just think my mom and sisters

are missing a major gap of attempts to help Robert

before this drastic step is taken.

I think you guys are going from, like, A to Z.

And that's where I feel like he might get pretty agitated.


Because he's gonna be like, "Where's this coming from?

You guys haven't even had a decent conversation with me about this."

I call him on a daily basis. I get rejection on a daily.

[Kris] We're all trying in our own way.

I actually expect a little pushback from Khloé because it is her house.

But Rob's been living there and nothing is really changing.

So, I'm praying that Khloé's on board, and that she'll help me out here.

If you allow us do this in your house…

You guys love just to throw this [bleep] on me.

He'll be in his whole side of the house,

and there's somebody that's just tending to him.

He's not gonna be running around having a party.


-You have no idea, do you? -I actually don't.

And maybe that's why I'm so lost. It's very frustrating.

[Khloé] Mm-hmm.

Let's try it.

[upbeat music]

-Oh, my god. Oh, my god, I'm freezing! -[Jessica] Oh, my god, I'm so cold!

-[squeals] -[shivers]

-[Malika] Pneumonia, b*tches! -[all whooping]

[Khadijah] We're gonna have celebratory drinks first. Sorry, Steph.

-[cheering] -I feel really bad for Stephanie at times

because she's so much younger than the other girls.

She is underage.

-Cheers! -[all] Cheers!

That's good. That's got potential. Let's have some fun!

So Never Have I Ever, but if you have done it, you have to drink.

Okay, never have I ever

hooked up with one of my friend's men.

You never have? Then don't drink.

Never have I ever joined the Mile High Club.


[woman] Never have I ever had a threesome.

-Drink it. -Really? I'm the only one?

-[cackles] -Never have I ever had a one night stand.

I say we drink it!

I knew it! I knew what I was doing! I knew it!

I was, like… I was, like…

[Malika] You're out, Steph?

When you see someone isolate themselves,

do you ever feel like maybe I should just go talk to them?

Stephanie, I just feel like she doesn't, like, she just sits back,

and, like, even if I try to have a conversation with her,

she's just like I don't know.

To me, like, when I watch her in the whole circumstance,

like, I watched it tonight,

it was just almost like she was in a shell, and she just crawled into it.

And she looked around, like, "Oh, my god, everybody's talking and having fun."

Why we're here is to make sure that we pay attention to what she can do.

-Mm-hmm. -So, when we see her go into her cave,

let's try to pull her out, and find out what her strong suits are.

-[screams] -[splashes]

[Jessica] assh*le!

[overlapping yells]

Melody, [bleep] you! It's burning my eyes!

-Jiggle your butt for us! -Jiggle your butt!

-[Melody] Okay. -[whooping]

[Jessica] Yeah!

[upbeat music]

There's gluten-free pizza right there.

-Will you sit with me? -Sure.

-Why does your hair look different? -[Stephanie] It's curly.

[Melody] It looks good. Why don't you leave it like that?

-[Stephanie] Really? -Yeah, I really like it.

[light music]

I'm noticing some of the girls, like, pull Stephanie along and help her out a bit.

Maybe this retreat is gonna really work.

[Malika] Guys!

I hope that you guys have the most incredible evening.

Bond, talk to someone you normally wouldn't talk to, make a friend.

-We'll see you guys tomorrow. -You guys be good.

[bright music]

-[Leigh] So, let's talk about you. -[Kris] Okay, well…

I'm just, I'm just in a really, like, emotional place today

because Rob's in such a bad place.

I cry myself to sleep literally every night, worried about him.

It's breaking my heart.

And I feel almost guilty because I can't fix that.

[Leigh] Is the idea that these people in your family

can actually feel hurt, but still be okay?

Is that something you can wrap your brain around?

It's the running from pain that causes the bigger…

Yeah. I think I'm very well-equipped

to deal with anything that is thrown my way in life and business.

But when it comes to really personal things

that I deal with my heart and my soul, I have a much harder time.

You're someone who likes control.

And you're good at it in many ways,

but when it comes to deep emotional pain, it's scary to imagine

-that you cannot control. -[Kris] It is scary.

But the more you fight that emotion, the more it's gonna fester and grow.

-It's not easy. It's just… -No.

It's like… And I just wanna be there for everybody else,

and I don't want them to see me get like this.

If you keep running in the same direction at the same speed…

you will continue to crash.

I need some ice cream.

[both chuckle]

[upbeat music]

[whistle blows]

[Bruce] You're late!

Where have you been? The girls are inside. They're getting ready to go.

Okay, I can hear you! I can hear you without that.

-Can you hear me? Are you sure? -[Khloé] I'm not deaf like you.

-I can hear myself. -Yeah, exactly.

Let's go get the girls, and we'll explain what they got to do, and let's get it on.

[Bruce] Kourt, you're fine. You just sit there.

Let's get it on!

It is day two of our DASH Dolls retreat.

And I call in Bruce to help us,

so that Kim and Khloé can participate in the activities

because it shows the DASH girls that we're not afraid to get down and dirty too

when it comes to our business.

-[Kourtney] Mason would love this. -[Bruce] I know.

All right, girls, let's get this thing going.

-Kourt? -Yeah?

So, he's starting his first round of medication.

Obviously, I want Rob to be better. I miss my brother.

[Bruce] First of all, we need the team captains down here.

Even at this DASH Dolls retreat,

Rob typically would be at this sort of stuff with us.

So this is all really upsetting.

All right, we have an obstacle course and an endurance run.

[Bruce] Each team is gonna get a lane.

You have to pick up all the clothes along the way.

Then, you have to hang everything up on a hanger,

and push that rack all the way to the top of the hill.

Then that will be the winner of the final competition.

Are your teams ready? Khloé, are you ready?

-[Khloé] Yes! -On Kourtney's whistle, you will go.

[Kourtney] Ready? Set?

[whistle blows]

[Melody] Go, go, go, go.

Grab the T-shirts! They're here! Grab the T-shirts.

-[yelling] -[Khloé] Grab all of them!

[Bruce] We have a very, very tight race going here.

-[Nazy] Where's Durrani? -[Khloé] You'll be okay.

-Oh, my god. -[Malika] You guys are so [bleep] slow!

Now, we are gonna count the outfits. Make sure you got 20.

Khloé's team, they have 20!

Khloé up the hill with an enormous lead.

[active music]


[rack rattling]

[Bruce] Yay!

[Kourtney] Khloé! I underestimated your team.

-[Bruce] …15, 16, 17, 18, 19… -[Durrani] I don't work out!

[Jessica] Oh, my god.

All 20 did make it to the top! Khloé's officially the winner!

Yeah, we y'all win!

[Bruce] The winning team gets, uh, 500 for each member.

I hope you all had a good time, so we could all work together as a team.

Kourt, your Team DASH is ready.

Yep. Let's hope.

[Kim] All the DASH Dolls seem to be doing really good.

Everyone really bonded and enjoyed the time together.

-[phone chimes] -Kourt.

The hottest mess.

[Khloé] Rob wants to leave.

Okay, girls!

[Bruce] Khloé, you better listen to this.

I'm trying to be as in the moment as I can,

but, of course I got some wild text from my brother,

basically complaining about people being there.

I don't know if Rob's making things up

and is just finding any excuse to get out of sitting with these guys.

[tense music]

Hey, Rob.

So, I told them to not go in the room,

and I said for Angela to pick, to wake you up.

[Khloé] They're just trying to help you.

Can you please just take this medicine?

It will make you feel so much better, I promise you.

Like, do you know what a blessing this is to have people in your home doing this,

and you're not in, like, a strange place?

But, Rob, it's 21 to 30 days of your life. You've had 2 years.

[uneasy music]

Well, are you feeling like [bleep] right now?

Well, it's not normal. You're right, it's not normal,

but it's not normal that you are refusing, like, the… It's, like, the most best help.

Like, it's the most top-of-the-line help you could ever get.

[sighs] It's not the wrong… So what the right…

So you tell me, what would be the right way if someone could do it?

Okay, but what's the right way?

'Cause you leave every facility we take you to.

So what's the right way?

Do you think, like, it's fair to do this to me, though?

Like, I've been through this how many times? I am involved.

Do you think it's fair I did this for years

and now, you're gonna do this to me too again?

Like, I can't do this anymore to people.

It's not fair that you guys do this to me all the time.

It's not [bleep] fair. [sniffles]

Just accept the [bleep] help.

It's not fair that you guys do this to me all the time.

It's not [bleep] fair. [sniffles]

Just accept the [bleep] help.

Okay, so if there's no help needed, then what then what is this for?

[line disconnects]

[troubling music]

-[Kourtney] What happened? -I just really need to go home.

[Kim] What is going on?

-Are you still on the phone with him? -[Khloé] No, he hung up on me.

[Kim] Did he wake up?

Yeah, he woke up, obviously. I was talking to him.

He's saying he wants them to leave or something?

[Khloé] He said he's locking himself in his room, he hung up on me,

and he doesn't need this help and he'll just leave, he was ambushed,

he didn't know what else to say.

I said, "Yeah, but try it." So he said, "But this isn't the right way."

And I said, "So why don't you tell me what the right way is."

He said, "Not this." I just said, "It's not fair."

We just need to say, "You're kicked out of the house, you're cut off.

Your bank accounts and your credit cards are closed, you do not have a dime."


-I can't kick him out of my house. -Yeah, you can.

[Kim] That's what you have to do.

[troubling music]

[Khloé] Well, I don't know.

So, Kim, are you gonna tell Mom to tell Elizabeth to cut off all of his money?

I think that's probably the smart…

-What does he need to buy anyway? -Yeah.

I pay for all of his bills, he lives at my house,

he gets food from me, and he drives my car.

So either way, his money should be taken out.

[tense music]

How many selfies do you think you take a day? Just curious.

I wasn't taking one. I was using it as a mirror.

[Kris] Oh!

Do you remember the days that I used to have your picture next to my bed?

No. I never had my picture next to your bed.

[Kris] Yes, I did.

[Khloé] Do you want an update on your son?


[Kris] Yeah. I mean, tell me exactly what happened

'cause I still don't understand.

I mean, those guys were at the house.

-[Kris] How many? -Like, six different people.

[Khloé] He was really overwhelmed.

And so Rob was like, "I'm gonna go to my room."

And Rob stayed in his room and never left his room one time.

[tense music]

I mean, I don't know how it works. I'm not a therapist, I'm not a doctor,

but I do know that we've got all the resources in the world,

and yet he doesn't access.

So I think that now what we have to do is everyone back off.

Everyone licks Rob's ass and does whatever he says,

and it's just, at some point, you just have to give it up.

[Kim] We all make his life so easy.

"Okay, we'll drive you round with a chauffeur,

so no one has to look at you."

We had a chef on standby, a trainer.

"We'll send people to run out and buy you socks and underwear."

Like, this is pathetic.

We're not gonna cater to him anymore, but it has to be all of us.

[Kris] The other way to look at it is,

he's got something that maybe he can't help himself.

No, he's still competent to where he can ask for help when he needs it.

Kim is always the one to take a real tough-love approach to anything

that's serious going on in our family, and it's always worked for her.

But, for me, this is my baby boy,

and I wanna do anything I can to help him bounce back.

So it's hard for me to just let go.

He needs help. He's not gonna come out of this all by himself.

-He's just not. -But he's not gonna come out of it with us

handing him everything with a silver spoon.

-I don't know how to get him help. -We go in and we say,

"You are cut off financially not taken care of whatsoever,

so either go now or accept our help."

We've done every other way.

There's no other way to do it.

[vigorous music]

-Do you have full makeup on right now? -Mm-hmm.

[Khloé] Kim's gonna go to her Paper magazine appearance.

-Did you have to show your vag*na? -Totally.

[Kim] So exhausting. I woke up at 4:00 a.m.

-At 4:00 a.m.? -Mm-hmm. I had to go to the doctor.

[Scott] Are you okay?

-[Kim] Got surgery tomorrow. -What?

She has to have surgery on her uterus to get her placenta out of her.

They have to go and cut it off, so he said I can only have one more baby.

[dramatic music]

They won't know until they have the surgery

if she could have another baby.

So he's like, "You should look into a surrogate."

You know, I was like, "I don't wanna do that."

I spoke to Kanye about, you know, just what our next plan should be

and there's one more procedure that I can do,

that would potentially make it easier for me to get pregnant,

and I'm gonna do it tomorrow.

[Kim] Hopefully, this is something that the doctor can fix,

and we can just move on from this kind of complicated chapter.

I'm just so annoyed that my kids are gonna be so many years apart.

I'm three-and-a-half years younger than you,

and five years younger than Kourt.

I know, but I didn't even talk to you until, like, a couple years ago.

-That's true. -[Scott] Really?

-[Khloé] Never. -Never. I did not know them. Literally.

I feel like you could have the one we're having in two weeks.


I mean, just out of respect.


[upbeat music]

-[Kim] What is it, a splinter? -[Khloé] No, I don't know.

[Kim] It's been in there, and I can't, with my nails.


[Kim] Got it.

[Khloé] Ayayay!

[phone rings]

[heavy sigh]

Yes, Robert. What do you want now?

More money? A check? A car? My soul?

[Rob] Uh, I really can't use Angela in the morning?

No, Rob, sorry. They have, um, a prior commitment.

[Rob] It's a [bleep] half day.

So, if it's just a [bleep] half day, why don't you figure it out?

[Rob] You're just making it all difficult for everybody.

I'm making it difficult.

Rob is asking to use my housekeeper.

And, you know what, normally, when he asks for things, we all make it happen,

but I'm practicing tough love, and he has to do some things on his own.

[Rob] You don't… I'm not inconveniencing you.

No, you are because you're slowing down my daily process.

[Rob] You gotta tell me if it's a yes or a no.

If it's a no, then I have to figure something else out.

-[Kris] Stop stressing him out. -I'm stressing him out?

Why don't you call your mother, who helps you with everything?

You're frustrating him.

Aww, I'm making something where he has to plan, Mom?

[Khloé] I'm so sorry I'm frustrating your 50-year-old son.

Rob? You are… No… [shushes]

Why do you let someone stress you like that?

This little one literally flicks his little [bleep]

and allows him to do whatever.

I think this is just all coming together so quickly, but I think that he…

-What an enabler! -You are an enabler.

No! But I'm actually standing my ground, and she's, like "You're frustrating him."

-I don't know why I'm in this family. -Seriously.

'Cause I gave birth to you.

That's still to be proven.

[lively music]

I can't believe Kendall, today, did three fashion shows for Chanel,

for Karl Lagerfeld at the house in Austria

where they shot The Sound of Music.

That's my favorite movie of all time,

and here she is, modeling in that same very room.

That's where the had the show.

Isn't is crazy, like, Kendall's, like, such a big model?

[phone ringing]



Khloé doesn't want you there anymore, today,

'cause I guess you've been saying some really disrespectful things to her,

so I don't know what's going on with the two of you,

but you can't talk to people in a really bad way, Rob.

She's been through a lot.

[Kris] She hasn't really said much, except that you guys are feuding.

I didn't say I believed anything. I was just gonna…

With so many children, there's always a lot going on,

and I get stuck in the middle, at one point or another, on a daily basis.

And, you know what? I'm bound to hit a breaking point.

Okay, I'm gonna give you some advice. I need you…

Okay, Rob. Rob! Just listen to me for a second!

Just, just… Okay, but I'm on my way to the doctor with your sister.

I've got to do this. It's an urgent matter.

I'm not crazy! I'm chilling! I was fine!

[tense music]

Rob, just listen to me for a second!

Just, just… Okay, but I'm on my way to the doctor with your sister.

I've got to do this. It's an urgent matter.

I'm not crazy! I'm chilling! I was fine!

One thing I've always noticed about Kim, she's always so calm, cool, and collected.

No matter what she's challenged with, she never asks for help.

Although Rob is my baby, and I will always be so worried and concerned about him.

Today, I want to stay really focused on Kim,

so I can be there when she needs me.

Okay, I've gotta go. I'm gonna go, okay.

Why don't you just go over to my house? Kendall's room is empty.

And there's turkey chili in the fridge. I just made it.

Okay, I'm fine. I just have to take your sister to the doctor.

[upbeat music]

-[Huang] How are you? Good to see you. -Good. How are you?

-Hi. -And this is Mom. How are you, Mom?

-I'm Kris. How are you? -Hi. Nice to meet you.

We're basically looking inside the uterus today,

so if you have retained placenta, I'm going to take it out, okay?

Because, if you think about it,

anything that's in the uterus that shouldn't be there

is gonna get in the way of you getting pregnant.

-Can I still get pregnant? -Yes, you can still get pregnant.

Um, but it does expose you to risks, you know, during the pregnancy.

[Huang] If I can't guarantee that,

and surrogacy is the only way to give you that nice, healthy pregnancy,

and a healthy baby, we'll talk about that.

I'm gonna do everything I can to clean it out,

and, and keep your uterus as perfect as possible,

but still do what's safe for you, okay?

There is nothing more on this Earth

than I would want than to be pregnant again,

and to go through that experience.

I would pay any amount of money to make, you know, that happen for me.

[Kim] And to have a surrogate, to me, is really scary.

I don't want one. I don't want that to be my reality.

I just, obviously, like, my last resort

-would be to have a surrogate. -[Huang] That's our very last resort.

As much as I hated being pregnant, and I complained every step of the way,

and joked that I would want one, I don't really want a surrogate.

The last thing I want to happen is your mom to be watching

when, uh, you're bleeding and having that difficult delivery.

Your safety and your health of the pregnancy is very important.

I know your wishes, but I also want you to have a healthy pregnancy

and a healthy delivery, okay?

-That's the ultimate goal for me. -Thank you.

-[Kris] Thank you. -[Huang] You're welcome.

I wouldn't dare ask anyone to do that for me.

Kourtney probably would do it.

Yeah, but it would be so annoying if I couldn't carry my own baby.

Yeah, that would be kind of heartbreaking.

[Kris] Kim's surgery worries me.

I was in the delivery room when Kim gave birth to North,

and I saw what was going on in there,

and was actually worried after she gave birth,

and the condition of her, her uterus,

and how that was gonna affect any future pregnancy.

[nurse] You can never give a baby too many kisses.

[Kim] On the next Keeping Up with the Kardashians…

-Is Kylie here yet? -Kylie isn't coming.

She said she's on strike.

I've been having such a tough time connecting with Kylie.

-Mom, how's she doing? -I legit don't care.

[Malika] Road trip!

Malika has been acting distant towards me.

-Malika, look! You're over it? -[Malika] No.

I'm not used to being upset with Khloé.

I didn't wanna feel like someone could come in between our relationship.

-You let someone do that. -Because you thought it was okay.
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