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06x17 - Wings Over Dunwyn

Posted: 11/02/22 07:23
by bunniefuu
Dashing and daring
courageous and caring

Faithful and friendly
with stories to share

All through the forest
they sing out in chorus

Marching along as their
song fills the air

Gummi Bears

Bouncing here and
there and everywhere

High adventure
that's beyond compare

They are the Gummi Bears

Magic and mystery a
part of their history

Along with the secret
of Gummiberry juice

Their legend is growing
they take pride in knowing

They fight for what's
right in whatever they do

Gummi Bears

Bouncing here and
there and everywhere

High adventure
that's beyond compare

They are the Gummi Bears

They are the Gummi Bears

[Grammi] Dum de
dum de dum dum dum

There you are, Grammi.

You said you'd mend
this shirt days ago.

Sorry, Gruffi, but I had to
finish these wiggle worm pies.

The Fantail Zephyrs
are comin' back

to Trailwing Mountain today,
and I always greet them

with a welcome home treat.

Yum, what's cookin', Grammi?

Tummi, those pies
are for the birds.

Yuck, you're not kiddin'.

Why don't you help me deliver
'em, and when we return,

I'll bake you a special--

Listen, Grammi, you've
got much more important

things to do.

But these birds are important.

Gummies have always used
the feathers they shed

to stuff our cushions
and comforters,

and that's nothin' to sneeze at.

Besides, there aren't
very many zephyrs left.

Your shirt can wait,
but my friends can't.

I hope you've cooked up
something special, Toadwart.

I'm so hungry, I
could eat a dragon.

Fear not, oh ravenous one.

Taste bud tickling
Toady has prepared

a special gourmet dinner.

There's mealy mush cocktail,
hot and stinky soup,

filet of shoe leather.

This slop isn't
even fit for an ogre.

That's funny, I just
fed it to the troops

and they loved it.

Well, I don't.

Now bring me something else.

Sorry your finickiness,
but that's all that's left.

Find me something
decent to eat,

or I'll be having Toady
a la moady for dessert.


Keep your eyes open, men.

Dukey's dinner is
around here somewhere.

Mmoo, looky, little bunny.

Just what the Dukey ordered.

[fast paced music]

[thump] Ow.

[Ogres] Ooh, big birdies.


Wowee, if I catch one,
Dukey is sure to give me

big promotion, or
maybe even a drumstick.

-Good catch.


No fair, Toady have all the fun.

Whoa, ooh that smarts.



He he he, Toady up a tree.

Trembling Toady be up a
tree of a different kind

when Dukums finds out
his dinner got away.

Grammi, couldn't we stop
for just a little snack?

But, Tummi, we're here, look.

[gentle music]

Can you imagine anything
more wonderful than that?


Be patient, Tummi.

These birds must be famished
after their long trip.

Yeah, I know the feeling.

Welcome home, my
fine feathered friends.


Now don't worry, dear, there's
enough food for everybody.


I can't understand it.

They've never acted
like this before.

Land sake.

She's laid an egg.

No wonder the poor dear
didn't wanna be disturbed.

Come on, Tummi, let's
hurry back to the glen

and get some more food.

We've gotta make sure
this mama-to-be keeps

[Tummi] What about me?

[Duke] You
nit-witted knick-knack,

you didn't catch a thing?

I did net big birdie.

Then where is
it, feather brain?

It got away.

Mini-muscle Toady

couldn't help it
birdie strong as ox.

Ox, eh?

If my ogres could tame these
birds, we could sweep down

from the skies and
conquer Dunwyn.

Sounds like a dandy idea.

Just think, I could have
my very own army in the air.

An ogre Air Force.

Toadwart, we're going on a
little bird-napping expedition.

Y-Y-Yes, your flightiness.

But this time, I'm
supervising it myself.

Look at that wingspan.

These birds'll work even
better than I thought.

Okay, men, let's round 'em up.


Try again you
hopeless half-wits.

Okie dokie, Dukie.

Me show birdies who's boss.



Somebody give
that airhead a hand.

Zoot throw birdie for a loop.


You blunderers.

The only thing you'll
ever catch is a cold.

Just keep your eye on the bird.


-Okie dokie.
-Okie dokie.



Birdies no match for my Dukey.

Was there ever any doubt?

Oh dear, what's happened?

Looks like there was a
terrible flap around here.

Only something very serious
would make that mama bird

leave her egg.

Well, if its real mama
isn't here to keep it warm,

then I'll just have to fill in.


Something pinched me.

Oh no, you broke it, look.


Aw, isn't he the cutest
thing you ever saw?

I think he likes
you too, Grammi.

I wonder if the other
birds'll be back soon?

Maybe we should
take him home with us.

Good idea, Tummi.

We'll just have to raise
him the best way we can.

For all we know, he might be
the last fantail zephyr left.

Rock a bye birdie

In Grammi's lap

Under that load the
rocker will snap

Oh, Gruffi, you don't know
gummi beans about lullabies.

Yeah, but I know about
furniture, and this big baby's

gonna bust that chair.

No he won't.

Look, this is no
place for that bird.

He's nothing but trouble.


What did I tell ya?

Just look what you've done.


Now look what you've
done, you big bully.

Come back little zephyr.


Oh, there's Grammi's
little precious.

[giggles] And it looks like
this early bird's found a worm.

Hey, this is a workshop,
not a playground.


Keep your blasted wings
off my stuff, you turkey.


Serves ya right.

Maybe we'd better take the
little guy outside to play.

Good idea.

Maybe we'll get lucky
and he'll fly away.


Remember, men, any ogre who
can break one of these birds

will get a special reward.

Toadwart, go set an
example for the men.



Ride 'em, Toady.

Toady not meant to fly.

Nice work, Toadwart,
I knew you could do it,

with the proper motivation.

Faithful Toady
always aims to please.


My plan is working perfectly.

Once I have these
birds under my control,

I'll take Dunwyn under my wing

whether Gregor likes
it or not. [laughs]


Here, big fella,
come and get it.

There's nothin' to it, see.

Just flap your wings.

Cubbi, what on
earth are you doing?

Teaching him how to fly.

Oh no, he's much too young.

But, Grammi.

No buts, the poor
baby might get--




He did it.

Land sakes, I
haven't felt this proud

since Cubbi took his
first baby steps.

I just wish we could
find his real family.

Well, Tummi's been
checkin' the woods every day.

He's bound to find something.

Here birdies, here birdies.

Whoa ho ho.

Down to earth Toady
cannot take this.

Nonsense, Toadwart,
it's the only way to fly.

Right men?

-Uh huh.

Wait'll Grammi
hears about this.

Igthorn's got
the other zephyrs?

Great gummi, we've
gotta free them.

Huh, why should I risk my
neck for a bunch of silly birds?

Because you'll
have to answer to me

if you don't, Gruffi Gummi.


Alright, I get the point.

I'll do anything to get rid
of that overgrown gander.

Now take good care
of my little snookums

You can count on us, Grammi.


Poor little guy.

He misses Grammi already.

Maybe a snack
will cheer him up.

Good idea, Cubbi,
he'd probably like that.

Yeah, and if he
doesn't, I will.

[suspenseful music]


Here, big fella, we
got you a nice pile

of pickled peppers.

Hey, where'd he go?


There they are.

The poor things.

We gotta get them
outta that nasty cage.

I can't believe
I'm doing this.

Oh quit your belly-achin'
and give me a lift.


What are those blasted
birds squawking about now?

Hurry, Grammi, feathers'll
fly if Igthorn catches us here.

I got it.


You can go home
now, shoo, shoo.

What's the matter?

You don't have to
be afraid of us.

Ah, but what about me?

[Gummies] Igthorn.

Swell, now our gooses
are really cooked.

You monster,
let my birdies go.

Your birds?

Ha, they're my Air Force now.

And with these beauties, I'm
gonna bring Gregor's kingdom

to its knees.

Humph, your hair-brained
plan will never

get off the ground.

Take our guests to the
tower where they can witness

my glorious
departure for battle.

Oh, this is terrible.

We'll never bounce outta here.

Wave goodbye to the
future king of Dunwyn.

King Gregor will
never know what hit him.

[Grammi] And we're helpless
to do anything about it.

Gregor and his knights'll be
sitting ducks for Igthorn,

and all we can do
is just sit here.



You little rapscallion,
how'd you get here?

Oh, maybe he can
fly us out of here.

No, Zummi, he can't
carry all of us.

Grammi, wait.

Hold on to your hat, Gruffi.

See that rope, darlin'?

Fetch it for Grammi.

Good boy.

See, Gruffi, he's become
quite a little Grammi's helper.

Yeah, yeah.

You two follow
as fast as you can.

I'm going to Dunwyn to stop
Igthorn before it's too late.

Onward, men, to
winged victory.


[guards yell]

Sir Tuxford, what's
the meaning of this?

We seem to be under
some sort of attack, sire.

Surrender, Gregor.


Have you got rocks
in your head, man?

No, but you will.


Tuxford, duck.



Courage, men,
return their fire.

Ah ha, missed me.

Now get a load of this.

Swamp gas. [coughs]

Take cover, men.

I say, Igthorn
always did fight dirty.


Ha ha, look at
those cowards run.

But I'm not runnin'.


[Toadwart] Lookie,
Gummi lady get loose.

Keep up the attack,
Toadwart, I'll handle her.

Right-o, your a-sarge-itude.

Meddler, you
haven't got a prayer.

Ha ha ha, your
gummiberry juice won't

do you any good up here.

I've finally got you
where I want you.

That's what you think,
Mr. High and Mighty.


Quick men, cover my flank.

Uh oh, don't fail
me now, darlin'.

Grammi, down here.

Thank heavens, reinforcements.

Come on you bullies,
catch me if you can.

Huh, oooh.


Me got you now.


You imbeciles, stop them.

High flying Toady not
go down without a fight.

Free ride over.



Oh well, what do you know?

This bundle of
feathers saved my fur.

Cursed bears, I'll
slice you to ribbons.

That's what you think.

Hold still, blast you.

Temper, temper.




[laughs] Looks like we've
got this battle all sewed up.

Keep firing, men.

Whoa, we better
get out of here

before someone gets skewered.

Let's go, Zummi.

Oh, couldn't I
Just walk instead?


Well, I think we've finally
got them on the run, sire.

Well done, Sir Tuxford.

Don't feel bad, Dukey.

You're right, Toadwart, if
despots were meant to fly,

we would never been given
clay-headed clods like you.



Just look at
those two. [sniffs]

It's enough to bring tears
to an old bear's eyes.

A few more stitches and this
cushion'll be as good as new.

Grammi, I thought you'd
be off bright and early

visiting those birds.

Well, I figured it was
high time to catch up

on my other chores.

Yeah, but what you
did for those birds

was pretty important too.

I'm glad we helped them.

Ow, too bad they can't help me.

Oh, but they can.

Try restin' your achin' bones

on this nice, fluffy
fantail zephyr cushion.

Ah, now that's just
what the doctor ordered.

[happy music]