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06x16 - May the Best Princess Win

Posted: 11/02/22 07:17
by bunniefuu
Dashing and daring

Courageous and caring

Faithful and friendly

With stories to share

All through the forest

They sing out in chorus

Marching along

As their song fills the air

Gummi Bears

Bouncing here and
there and everywhere

High adventure
that's beyond compare

They are the Gummi Bears

Magic and mystery

Are part of their history

Along with the secret

Of gummiberry juice

Their legend is growing

They take pride in knowing

They'll fight
for what's right

In whatever they do

Gummi Bears

Bouncing here and
there and everywhere

High adventure
that's beyond compare

They are the Gummi Bears

They are the Gummi Bears

[upbeat trumpet music]

[horse galloping]


Your Majesty, I
bring an urgent message

from King Jean-Claude.

Jean-Claude has invited
us to a summit at his castle

on a matter of
outmost importance.

Tell your king my daughter
and I will arrive tomorrow.

Yes, your Majesty.

Do I have to go
with you, father?

I can't stand that
awful princess Marie.

You don't have
to like her, Calla.

But you must try
to be nice to her

for the good of both kingdoms.

It's your royal responsibility.

Oh, Gruffi, can't we
go with you to Ursalia?

We can clean this stupid
old storeroom anytime.

Then why didn't you?

You had all week.

Yeah, I know but--

Sorry, we're taking these
tools to Ursalia today.

You three have to stay here
and finish your chores,

so get to work and
stay out of trouble.

[All] Yes, Gruffi.

Ah, fooly.

This is no fun.

Oh, it won't be so
bad if we work together.

Tummi's right.

All it takes is a
little hard work.

And a few sandwiches
to keep up our strength.

Come on, Cubbi, let's get
some while Sunni gets started.

It's not fair.

Why do I get all the.

[Sunni screaming]

[Sunni groaning]

Oh, that does it, I quit.

Hey, Sunni, we're.


Where did she go?

I know how you feel, Sunni.

I get some pretty
rotten jobs too.

And some gorgeous clothes.

Oh, I wish you were
going with me, Sunni.

So do I.

I never get to go anywhere.

[Tuxford knocking on door]

[Tuxford] Princess Calla.

Quick, hide.

We've come for your
luggage, my lady.

But I'm not ready yet.

Oh, I'm sorry, your Highness,

but the ship must
sail with the tide.

It's the king's orders.

[Sunni groaning]

Looks like I'm
going after all.

Oh dear.

Hi, Calla, have
you seen Sunni?

We've been looking
all over for her.

Yes, she's in that trunk,

and they're taking her to
the royal sailing vessel.

Uh oh, Gruffi said
to stay out of trouble.

We gotta get Sunni back.

Don't worry, Sunni,
I'll get you out of this.

A fine day for
sailing, isn't it Calla?

Oh, yes, father.

Better lock this up.

We're about to cast off.

Anchors away.

Great, Sunni shipped out,

and we're up the river
without a paddle.

Maybe not, look.

Well, she's a little battered,

but she ought to be sea worthy.

If the winds stay with us, sir,
we should reach Jean-Claude's
castle just after dark.

And that wouldn't
be a moment too soon.

[Servant] The ship
approaches, my Lord.

So, such jellyfish Jean-Claude

needs Gregor to fight
his battles, huh?

Well, he will regret the day

he crossed the Marquis
de Bouillabaisse.

Blow that boat out of the water,

or I will chop you into gabacho.

[Men] Yes, yes.

He certainly has
a short temper.

That's not all that's short.


Rock ahoy.

[sailors screaming]

Hang on, men.


[Sunni] Hey, what's going on?

Calla, let of of that
trunk before it's too late.

No, I have to save it.

[Calla screaming]

I've got you.

[sailors yelling]

Courage, men.

We've steered through
worst obstacles than this.

[dramatic music]

They're moving out of range.

Maybe Jean-Claude's
little helper, Gregor,

got away this time.

But next time he
will not be so lucky.

Welcome, King Gregor.

I trust you had a bon voyage.

What happened to you, Calla?

[Marie giggling]

You look like a wet hen.

It's not funny, Marie.

Someone att*cked us.

We were lucky to
escape with our lives.

So, the Marquis
de Bouillabaisse has

The Marquis de Bouillabaisse?

Oui, I called you here
because that little shrimp

is planning to
invade my kingdom,

and if he succeeds, yours
will surely be next.

Good heavens, we must
find a way to stop him.


But first, you will
be our guest for dinner.

Of course you will want to.

[Marie sniffing] Phew.

Freshen up.
You certainly need it.

This is your room.

[Calla] Uh, it's beautiful.

But of course,
what did you expect?

Well, she sure hasn't changed.

[Sunni] Calla,
let me out of here.

Sunni, I almost forgot.

Are you alright?

Yeah, but it's no fun riding
in the baggage compartment.

Oh no.

Look what you've
done to my gown.

I'll never get these
wrinkles out by tonight.

But it's not my fault.

Oh, you're right, Sunni.

I'm sorry, I'm
being a royal pain.

Well, you're not the only one.

Whoa, isn't this great, Tummi?


But I don't know how much
longer this will hold together.

Look, land-ho!


Make that water-ho.

Run for your life.

[Cubbi coughing]

Maybe we'd better
swim for it instead.

[Tummi] Yeah, 'cause if
we don't find Sunni soon,

we'll really be sunk.

But Calla, I always sneak
into fancy banquettes at Dunwin.

We're not in Dunwin
anymore, Sunni,

and I'm going to have
enough trouble with Marie.

I don't need to
worry about you too.

[Gregor] Calla, aren't
you ready for dinner yet?

Coming, father.


I didn't come this far
just to miss all the fun.

[suspenseful music]

Look, Calla's trunk.

Psst, Sunni.

She's gone.

Don't worry, Tummi.

She's gotta be around
here somewhere.

But finding her in this place

is like looking for a
gummiberry in a haystack.

Shh, someone's coming.

[Guard] Keep a sharp eye out.

You never know when that sharp
Bouillabaisse will strike.

They're gone.


It's locked.

Oh no, at this rate
we'll never find Sunni.

Calla's so lucky.

And then, so I said to them,

"Let them eat cheesecake!"

[everyone laughing]

Didn't I tell you, Gregor?

She is one of a kind.

Indeed she is.

Oh, brother.

Would you care for some
raspberry mousse, my dear?

It is Marie's favorite dessert.

[Calla] Why, thank you.


[pot breaking]



You clumsy!

I'm so sorry.

I don't know how that happened.

This is an outage.

Just look, my
clothes are ruined.

Oh, please, papa.

Do not be coarse.

Some princesses just aren't
used to such fancy dinners.

I suppose you're right.

But we mustn't let
this spoil the evening.

May I dance with your daughter?

If I may dance with yours.

Oh, with pleasure.

[soft cheerful music]

Oh no.

My, what a lovely
tapestry, your Majesty.

Ah yes, it has been in
the family for generations.

Psst, Sunni.

Come, we must
finish our dance.

Oh, ouch.

Oh, oops.

Let us rest for a moment.

Your shoes are k*lling me.

Please excuse me, I must
be tired from my trip.


Ha, and she calls
herself a princess.

Did you see how
snag Marie looked?

I did nothing tonight but
step on everyone's toes,

thanks to you, Sunni.

I'm sorry.

You should be sorry.

Uh, I wish you weren't here.

But I thought you
wanted me to come.

That's before I knew
how much trouble you'd be.

Well, there's more
to being a princess

than just picking
the right fork.

So tomorrow, I'll show Marie
who's top princess around here.

As you can see, King Gregor,

we cannot leave any
front unprotected.

Not only is the Marquis de
Bouillabaisse a scoundrel,

he is a master of
military strategy.

Do not worry, my good man.

My kingdom is at your disposal.

I will do whatever
I can to help.


We have much to plan.

First, we must--

Excuse moi, papa.

Calla and I are going riding.

-It could be very dangerous.

Oh sil vous plait, Papa!

What harm could
an itsy bitsy ride

We won't go far, I promise.

Well, if the take the guards.

And as long as you and
Calla are very careful.

Why, then of course,
you may go, my dear.

Oh, thank you, papa.

You are the best father
a girl could ever have.

[Jean-Cladue sighing]

How can I refuse her
when she asks me like that?

Can I stow away
in your saddle bag?

No, you've caused
enough trouble already.

I command you to
stay right here.

Out of the way.

I wish Calla would
get off her high horse.

[horses galloping]

Well, I know when
I'm not wanted.

I'll just find my own
way back to Gummi-Glen.

Charming, isn't it Calla?

This is where I
practice my jumping.

Oh really?

Well, then let's see
how good you are.

-Tres bien!

That's child's play.

Why don't we test our skills
at cross-country riding?

But I promised papa
we'd stay close to home.

What's the matter, Marie?

Afraid you can't keep up?

Uh, we will see who
is afraid, you little.

I'll show you.

Hey, wait for us.

Sacre bleu!

We've lost them.

The king will
arrest us for this.

It's no use, Cubbi.

This door won't budge.

That's okay, Tummi.

One more shirt and
we're home free.

This will be a piece of cake.

[Tummi] I wish it were.

Come on, we
don't have all day.

This is horrible.

How can we tell the king
that we lost the princess?

Uh oh, hurry up, Tummi.

We got company.

Let's go.

Cubbi, Tummi.

What are you two doing here?

Looking for you.

Well, I was just leaving.

[Tummi] Good, 'cause we've
gotta get back to the Glen

before Gruffi does.

Come on, Marie, I'll race
you to the top of the hill.

But Calla, that hill
is almost straight up.

It is too dangerous.

Not for an expert rider.

Uh, that brat.

I will show her.

[horse neighing]

Come on, slowpoke.

Let's go that way.

Wait, Calla.

The current, it is
much too strong.

I never let a river
stand in my way.

[horse neighing]

[Marie screaming]

[Marie coughing]

Ha, who's the wet hen now?


Oh my, hang on, Marie.

I'm coming.

Calla, please help me.

[Marie coughing]

Look what you have
done, you little fool.

I've got you.

And I've got you.

The Marquis de Bouillabaisse.

At your service.

In fact, I'm in your debt.

You are just the bit I need

to make that jellyfish
Jean-Claude surrender

without my lifting a finger.

Jean-Claude, we have a
little matter to discuss.

I have nothing to discuss
with you, Bouillabaisse.

Seize him.

Not so fast.

I think these will interest you.

Majesty, Princess
Marie's handkerchief.

And Princess Calla's.


What have you done
with our daughters?

Nothing, yet.

But you have better
surrender by tonight,

if you and Gregor want to see

your pretty little
princesses again.

Au revoir!

You should have seen
your fathers' faces.

They will take the better right.

By nightfall,
Jean-Claude's kingdom

will be in the belly
of Bouillabaisse.

And if not, you
will be in the belly

of my precious piranhas.

Oh, they've such a big appetite
for such little fellows.

Ta-ta my little pets.

Bon appetit!

[princesses groaning]

This is all my fault.

I took a foolish risk just to
prove I was better than you.

It is my fault too, Calla.

I did not treat you very kindly.

It's gonna be a long
swim back to the Glen.

Well, maybe Calla
could help us.

Forget it, Cubbi,
she's no friend anymore.

Shh, we gotta be careful.

There's humans around here.

Who cares?


Those are like the horses
Calla and Marie were riding.

I've got a feeling something
fishy is going on around here.

You're right, Sunni.

Calla's in big trouble.

We've gotta help her.

Even if she did
hurt my feelings.

But Sunni, if we
try to untie Calla,

Marie will see us too.

Maybe, but it's the only way.

[Marie gasping]

A Gummi Bear.

Sunni, why are you here?

I couldn't let
you down, Calla.

No matter what.

I don't deserve
a friend like you.

I cannot believe she is real.

Yes, she is.

And without her help we'll
never get out of here.

So you can't tell anyone ever.



[Bouillabaisse] Be careful.

Quick, take cover.

Pardon the disturbance,

But tonight I am holding
a victorious celebration.

Now let's prepare
the first course.

Oui, oui, marquis!

Listen, I think I know
how we can turn the tables

on this little bigmouth.

[Calla whispering]

Eh, excuse me, your
soon to be royal highness.

I am so sensitive and these
scratchy ropes are so rough.

Couldn't you take
them off, please?

And take a chance that my
prize catch will get away?


Don't be silly.

We could never escape from
someone as clever as you.

[Bouillabaisse laughing]

So true, my little goldfish.

So tell me, what was the
greatest battle you ever won?

There've been so many.

[Marie] Oh, I want
to hear about them all.

[Bouillabaisse] Well,
my very first victory.

We gotta work fast, guys.

Help me loosen these tent ropes.

Then, after we surrounded
Lord Halimet's men,

I fileted them into tiny pieces.

Then there was the time the
Duke of Macrois challenged me.

Oops, how clumsy of me.

My precious pets.

Come back here,
you little vixens.

Let it rip, boys.

What is going on?

Guards, stop them.

You won't get
away from me, girls.

Surrender or feel
the bite of my sword.

If anyone's gonna
feel a bite, it's you.

[guard screaming]

[horse neighing]

Upsy daisy.

Thank goodness, I thought
we would never get away.

You won't, you
little barracudas.

Come on, let's stop
old blabber breath.

It is no use, girls.

I'm about to reel in
the catch of the day.

[Bouillabaisse screaming]


Cubbi, Tummi.

You're here too?

You mean there
are more of them?

Calla, Marie.

Are you alright?

Yes, father.

And we brought you a
little surprise package.

[Gregor] Bravo, Calla.

Now to round up
the Marquis' men,

and end this matter
once and for all.

Oh, guess I'm pretty glad you
came along after all, Sunni.

And I'm glad we're gonna get
home before Gruffi gets back.

A million mercis
to you, King Gregor.

We never could have beaten
that villain without your help.

Or should I say,
your daughter's.

Thank you for
my present, Marie.

Pray tell, what is it?

Oh, we cannot tell.

It is a secret.

Come back soon, Calla.

We make a great team.

And so do we.

Right, Sunni?


[cheerful music]