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06x12 - King Igthorn: Part II

Posted: 11/02/22 06:57
by bunniefuu
Dashing and daring

Courageous and caring

Faithful and friendly
with struggles to share

All through the forest
they sing out in chorus

Marching along as their
song fills the air

Gummi Bears bouncing here
and there and everywhere

High adventure
that's beyond compare

They are the Gummi Bears

Magic and mystery

Are part of their history

Along with the secret
of gummiberry juice

Their magic is growing

They take heart in knowing

They'll fight for what's
right in whatever they do

Gummi Bears bouncing here
and there and everywhere

High adventure
that's beyond compare

They are the Gummi Bears

They are the Gummi Bears

[crowd chattering]

Long live King Igthorn.

[Subjects] Long
Live King Igthorn.

Good people of Dunwyn, after
years of valiant struggle

I have finally freed you
from the tyrant Gregor.


Why if my hands were free I'd.


And you can all show
your undying gratitude

by filing my royal
coffers with gold.

And if they refuse?

Then my super strong ogres

will show them the
error of their ways.



See, they can hardly wait
to start paying tribute.

Uh oh.

[loud crashing]

Oops, looks like
Gad ran out of juice.

But there's plenty more

where that came
from, right Toadwart?

Actually there's
only four barrels left.


Trusty troops were thirsty.

Oh better go back to
Drekmore and get some more.

After all, we've
got to make sure

the men keep up their strength.

Oh boy, now that
Dukems is Kingems,

lowly Toady will
really get somewhere.

Yeah, Drekmore.

Oh dear, Igthorn is king.

And he's got the great
book and the other Gummis.

Things could get any worse.

[electricity zapping]

A Gummi Scope message.

Oh no, that means the Great
Gummis are on their way.

I've got to warn them,
they can't come back now.

Maybe the Barbics can help me?

[Gusto] Looks like
we've painted ourselves

into a corner, hey Gruff?

Yeah, too bad that termite

doesn't have an
appetite for iron.

No kidding.

This time we bit off more
than even he can chew.


Sunni, Cubbi, where are you?

I, I can't believe it.

[Cubbi] Calvin, down here.

Hang on, I'll dig you out!

Oh I thought
we'd never get out.

We're not safe yet.

The castle's crawling
with Igthorn's ogres.

Then we better get some help.

Come on!

Gruffi, Grammi, Zummi,
where is everybody?

And how did this happen?

Grammi worked so
hard sprucing up

our home for the Great Gummis.

Now we don't even have a home.

What do we do now?

I don't know, Cubbi
I just don't know.

Not only has Igthorn
got the other Gummis,

he's got the Great Book too.

Just like a human.

We must attack and
free our fellow bears.

To attack now
would be madness.

I mean even you Barbics are no
match for super strong ogres.

I suppose you
have a better plan?

Well uh, a few of
us could sneak in

and take the prisoners right
from under their noses.


He's got a point, Ursa.

Very well, Gritty
and I will help.

I knew I could count on you.

But we can't go until I've
signaled the Great Gummis.

Hurry, Sir Thornberry,
we've got to warn

the Great Gummis
before they leave.


Why, they haven't
even got here yet.

Careful, you've
got a screw loose.

So, that's never
stopped me before.

No I meant.


[crashing loudly]

Oh my stars, this is terrible.

You're telling me.

You just run along, Zunni,

I'll fix this dang
blasted contraption.

You've got to help him, it's
a matter of life and death.

Don't worry, two bird
brains are better than one.


Now this is more like it.

I knew becoming king would
be a golden opportunity.

And as long as this
juice keeps flowing,

my power will keep on growing.

Faster Ming, our beloved
Kingy wants more juice.

I never thought I'd
be cooking for Igthorn.

Well at least we
got plenty to eat.

And plenty of berries
to grease our chains.

Hey that tickles.

But these ogres
won't be too tickled

when we give them the
slip, so let's hurry.

Uh oh.

The only thing getting
out of here is juice.

Tummi, that's it.

We'll hide in this
empty juice barrel

and let the ogres take us out.

Okay men, seal 'em up.

[loud banging]

Uh maybe this wasn't
such a good idea.

Hey Cubbi, how can you be
sure Grammi's in Drekmore?

It's just a guess.

But how else would Igthorn
get all that gummiberry juice?

[Ogres] Heave ho, heave ho.

Look watching Toady right
on time with juice delivery.

See, I was right?

We've got to stop them.

Yeah, this is
one load of juice

Igthorn will never
get his hands on.

Ready Sunni?

You bet.

[loud crashing]




[rocks clacking]

[thudding loudly]

Naughty Gummis
spoil juice run.

Get them!


Too bad you didn't save
some of that juice for us.


We're almost at Drekmore,

that's where I left
Grammi and Tummi.

[Gummis] Run!



Tummi, Sunni, they're alright.

But they won't be for
long unless we do something.

[air swooshing]



What happened?

Look, it's Zummi
and the Barbics.

Uh oh.

Bears play too rough.

Hey, wait for me!

That'll teach 'em
to mess with Barbics.

Boy are we glad to see you.

But where's everyone else?

[Grammi] Help, help,
get us out of here.


[Zummi] Grammi, Tummi,

we were just on our
way to save you.

Well we thought we'd
save ya the trouble.

Where's Gruffi and Gusto?

Igthorn's holding
them prisoner in Dunwyn.

Oh, I'd like to teach
that Igthorn a thing or two.

But I'm afraid I've taught
him too much already.

Don't give up yet, Grammi.

Calvin can help us
free Gruffi and Gusto.

But you have to go
back to Drekmore

and destroy the juice factory.

Back to Drekmore?

But we just got out.

What took you
so long, Toadwart?

And where's my juice?

So sorry, oh Forgiving One,
but tardy Toady was ambushed.


I'll ambush you, you sorry
excuse for a throw rug.

[laughing and yelling]


[tongue buzzing]

Oh what do I have to do to
get some respect around here?

The people will never accept
you as king while I'm alive.

Then perhaps you'll have
an unfortunate accident.


[Gad] Yo ho, Dukey.

What now?

Company coming.

Company, what company?

Why those are Gummi boats.

Ah, Gregor and his bear buddies

must've sent for their friends.

The moment those bears
come into my kingdom

we'll blast them
to kingdom come!

It's no use.

By the time we dig
out of this place

we'll be a couple
of old gray bears.

Hey hey cool your fur,
Gruff, we've got visitors.

[Ursa] Be careful, Gritty.

Ah, stealing keys
from this blockhead

will be as easy as
taking honey from a cub.



[metal rattling]


More Gummis?

[Ursa] Zummi, you take
care of the prisoners,

we can handle this ogre.


Come on, we've gotta
help Ursa and Gritty.

Ixnay, Gruffamundo, doesn't
look like they need it.

Now that all the
Gummis are free,

we've gotta save King Gregor.

Well you can count us out.


Gritty's right,
we've done our part.

And now we're going home.

But you can't leave now,
our friends need your help.

Barbics don't help humans.

Oh but what about
the Great Book?

I know you sent for
those Gummi ships, Gregor.

So don't play dumb with me.

Yeah, that's my job.

You've lost your
mind, Igthorn.

I can't believe you actually
think Gummi Bears exist.

Of course they do.

How else do you think
you've been able to foil

my brilliant schemes
all these years?


Have you ever heard of
anything so ridiculous, Father?

Think it's funny do you?

Well then, what do
you think that is?

A book.

Not just any book, a Gummi
book with great Gummi secrets.

Here, see for yourself.

[electricity zapping]


Wouldn't it be easier to
show them Gummis in dungeon?

Excellent idea, Toadwart.

Come, I'll show you
who's out of their mind.

[snoring loudly]

Who would've thought a Gummi

would look so much like an ogre.

Wake up you numbskull.


Where are the prisoners?

Uh, not here.

I can see that.

Well there'll be plenty more
bears where we're going.

Please, you must
stay and help.

Let the humans solve
their own problems.

They're no concern of ours.

But you don't understand.

Forward men, we must
greet that Gummi fleet

with open arms and
loaded catapults.

Aye aye Dukey, eh Kingy.

Triumphant Toady
can't wait to see

those Gummis faces when we.


And just where do
you think you're going?

To fight alongside you,

oh wondrous and
courageous leader.

Guess again, Toadwart.

You're staying here to look for

those missing Gummi prisoners.

You see?

No one's safe with that
tyrant Igthorn around.

Not us, not the Great
Gummis, not even you.

You're, you're right.

I guess the human's problems
are our problems after all.

So let's go out and put a
cramp in old Iggy's style.

But we can't leave
without the Great Book.

It's our most powerful w*apon.

Fine, you can do all
the book hunting you want,

but we're going after Igthorn.

I'll stay with you, Zummi.

Good, maybe you can
help free the knights.

You can count on me, Zummi.

Good luck everyone,
we're going to need it.

Nuts, looks like Gummis
made a clean get away.

And cranky Kingy not
gonna like that at all.

But I bet he'd like it if
talented Toady could open that.

Uh oh, I've gotta work fast.

[fireworks booming]


Where did pretty
colors come from?

[loud ringing]

Now to find a spell
to get me out of here.

Hold it right there,
Gummi, that's Kingy's booky.

No it's not!

[loud thudding]

[Toadwart] Gotcha now.

Ah, here it is.

Boomook famind bumears.

[dramatic music]


I wanted the Great Book to
help me find the others,

but this isn't exactly
what I had in mind.

Not what slippery thing
that Toady had in mind either.



Forward, men!

Oh if it's not one
thing it's another.

[dramatic music]

We're too late.

Those Gummi ships will be
easy picking for Igthorn.

Not if Zummarino
gets to 'em first.

[Zummi] Oh dear,
I've got to hurry.

sh**t down that Gummi.

[Zummi] Stop, stop.


[Zummi] It's a trap, go back.

Keep firing, men.

I want to send those bears
to the bottom of the sea.

[Zummi] Please
turn around, hurry!

Ha ha, the old
Zummster did it.

He saved the Great Gummis.

I just hope he
can save himself.



[loud splashing]



Zumm Zumm?

Is he?

Sometimes we have to
make sacrifices, friend.

That's why we must carry
on where Zummi left off.

By Gumm you're right.

Hey chuckleheads, wanna
play catch the Gummi?

[Ogres] Hey, Gummi.

Get Gummis now.


[liquid gurgling]

Ready little bucko?

Bon appetite.

[buzzing loudly]




Come on, slow pokes.


[crashing loudly]

Stop playing around
you, Gummi Bears?


Tactfully Toady hate to
be bearer of bad news,

but naughty knights get away.


[horses clopping loudly]

Come back here you cowards!

Looks like the tide is finally

turning against you
mindless baboons.



[Tuxford] Sire,
are you alright?

Tuxford, take care of Calla,
I'll take care of Igthorn.

I should've gotten rid
of you ages ago, Gregor.

But this is as
good a time as any.

I don't suppose you'll
return my crown peacefully.

Forget it, old man,
it's not my style.

Then it's time I taught you
some manners, you bluggard.

[metal clanging]

[yelling out]

And now if you'll
kindly return my crown.

You want your
stupid crown, here.


Oh you haven't seen
the last of me.

Red berries, green
berries, blueberries.

Hey, aren't you
two finished yet?

There, I think we've loosened

enough gears to spin
Igthorn's wheels.


Good, now let's see what
happens when we speed things up.

Red berries, green
berries, blueberries.

Red berries, green
berries, blueberries.

Hey, come back here!


[splashing loudly]

[upbeat music]

[whirring loudly]


Uh oh.

[buzzing loudly]

Long live King Gregor.


[Subjects] Long
live King Gregor.

Too bad Zummi couldn't
be here to see this.

Yeah, poor Zumms.

If only he.



Look what the tide brought in.

[Gruffi] Zummi, you're alive.


Oh what, what happened?

Did the Great Gummis escape?

Yup, everything's
just fine thanks to you.

Once we get a fresh
supply of gummiberry juice

we'll turn Gregor's tin
soldiers into scrap metal.

[rumbling loudly]


[rumbling loudly]

No, I've lost
everything, Toadwart.

My troops, my castle.

Why just yesterday I sat
on the throne of Dunwyn.

And now all I have left is this.



Cheer up, oh pessimistic one.

You still got me.


[Grammi] I'm so proud of you,
Zummi, I could burst my apron.

Yeah, you might say you came
through with flying colors.

Yes, but I learned an
important lesson too.

We can never drop our
guard against evil.

I just hope the Great
Gummis will forgive me.

Look everybody, a message.

[Cubbi] What does it say?

Sorry we had to turn back.

But we look forward
to coming home soon.

Imagine that, we'll finally
meet the Great Gummis.

[Zummi] Yes, and what
a day that will be.

[upbeat music]