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06x11 - King Igthorn: Part I

Posted: 11/02/22 06:51
by bunniefuu
Dashing and daring

Courageous and caring

Faithful and friendly

With stories to share

All through the forest

They sing out in chorus

Marching along

As their song fills the air

Gummi Bears

Bouncing here and
there and everywhere

High adventure
that's beyond compare

They are the Gummi Bears

Magic and mystery

Are part of their history

Along with the secret

Of gummiberry juice

Their legend is growing

They take pride in knowing

They'll fight
for what's right

In whatever they do

Gummi Bears

Bouncing here and
there and everywhere

High adventure
that's beyond compare

They are the Gummi Bears

They are the Gummi Bears

After six bone-weary
months of traipsing

through deserts,
swamps, and bogs,

we finally found the forest
we've been searching for.

[Toadie] Looks like
something else found it first.

And that something
is exactly what I want.

Now, do you all have
those bottles I gave you?

[Group] Yup.

Well don't just stand
there start rotting.

[group chants]

Faster you flat-footed fools.

Our quest is almost finished.

Uh, what we looking for?

Don't know.

But when you find it tell me.

I'm not worried
do you keep intrepid

Toadie will not rest
till job is done.


[curious music]

Good work you found him.

[Toadie] Toadie
always aim to please.

Quick, grab him.
Don't let him get away.

Come here you doddering dolts.

[Ogre] I'll get him.

Ah, you blasted...


At long last, I did it.

I found the infamous Bigtooth.

[pleasant music]

[Cavin] This
Monarch's Day Parade

is gonna be the best one ever.

[Cubbi] Hey!

[Cavin] Hold on Cubbi.


[Calla] Cubbi! Cavin!

How do we stop this thing?

I don't know.

But if we don't do something
fast we're gonna end up in...

[Both] Drekmore.


Come on, we gotta get
outta here before Igthorn

and his ogres find us.

Hey, where is everyone?

I don't believe it.

Drekmore is empty.

Looks like you were
right little cubster.

Iggy and his ogres
really did fly the coop.

I never thought
I'd see the day.

Do you know what this means?

Yeah, we'd better
get out of here

before Igthorn comes back.

But don't you see Gruffi?

Igthorn may be gone
for good and if he is,

we won't have to
live in fear anymore.

Just think of it.

With peace right
around the corner,

the Great Gummies can
finally come home.

All right, let's celebrate.

Not so fast kiddo.

Troubles don't just
vanish into thin air

and neither do ogres.

I say we wait to celebrate.

[pleasant music]

I still can't believe
it's been a whole year

since Igthorn left.

Now I'm sure it's safe
to send a message asking

the Great Gummies to come home.

Cubbi, Sunni,

you promised to help me
set these traps, remember?

Well, I...

But Gruffi, with Igthorn
gone, there's no need for traps.

We don't have to
be afraid anymore.

That's why we're inviting
the Great Gummies to return.

What makes you so sure
Igthorn's not coming back?

What makes you so sure he is?

After all, he's been
gone for a year.

So what?

You just can't do this.

Well sure we can Gruffers.
It's easy.

Artie will fly to Ursalia
where Sir Thornberry

can use the gummi scope
to send Zummi's message.


Oh, what's the use.

This is great.

Can we tell Cavin and
Calla the good news?

Better yet, since
tomorrow is Dunwyn's annual

Monarch's Day Parade, why don't
you spend the night there?

[Both] Yipee.

Don't look so glum Gruffi.

With Igthorn gone it's time
to give peace a chance.

Those dummy Gummies
don't stand a chance.

Ha ha.

Once I unleash this
little bug-eyed beauty,

their home will be
nothing but sawdust.

Only one problem
your forgetfulness.

We don't know
where Gummies live.

I know that your
meddling little mushroom.

Now, where is a Gummi
when you need one?

Huh? What's that?

[Zummi] What a
magnificent sight.

Zummi, what do you
think you're doing?

I'm practicing my fireworks
to welcome the Great Gummies

when they arrive.

This way they'll be
able to find the glen

in case they forgot where it is.

Yeah, and the whole world
will know where it is too.

But Gruffi, soon we'll be
able to come out of hiding.

Just because Igthorn's
gone doesn't mean it's safe

to mix with humans.

You can dream all you want.

I'm going to set traps.

Now don't bumble
this toad wart

or I'll let Bigtooth
loose on your wooden head.

I will not fail
dear dubious Dukie.

Success is my middle name.

Hmn, since these fireworks
are for the Great Gummies,

I'll have to make
them really great.


Oh my.

That was a good one.

What we do now Dukie?

We don't do anything.

Once our little friend
eats those bears

out of house and home
they'll come running

right into our arms and
then we'll get their recipe

for gummiberry juice.

Even if we're to
squeeze it out of them.

What smells so good?

Must be this hot plum pudding.

It's part of the special feast

I'm planning for
the Great Gummies.

Care to sample some?

Oh sorry Grammi but
I'm too excited to eat.

The Great Gummies will be
here before you know it

and I want to clean
up the library.

Yeah and I'll clean
up this plum pudding.


Mmm-hmm, guess I was
hungrier than I thought.


Finally, my tribute to the
Great Gummies is finished.

Feast your eyes on
a work of beauty.

A work of wonder.


A work of... What?

Shh, listen.


What's that?


[Grammi] Thanks a lot.

Hey, what's going on here?

I always thought the Great
Gummies built things to last.

They did.

They just didn't make
them termite-proof.

We've gotta stop
that pest before it
devours the whole glen!

Don't worry,

I'll clobber him so hard
he won't know what hit him.


He went that way.

Just a little more
straightening up

and the library will
look better than ever.





My stars, what's going on?

We've gonna little,
uh, big trouble.



Wow, that tiny guy has a
bigger appetite than I do.

Uh oh.

The ceiling.

Run for it.

[exciting music]

Wait, we forgot
the Great Book.

Got it.

[exciting music]

[Gruffi] What a waste.

[Tummi] Everything we've
worked so hard for destroyed.

Well at least we're all safe.

Wait, where's Zummi?


Whoo, that was close.

Thank goodness I
saved the great book.

Did I hear you say great book?


I thought you left?

Missed me, did you?

So tell me, just what
makes this book so great?

Could it by chance contain
great gummi secrets?

Like maybe your
secret juice recipe?

I never said that.

No, but you said enough.

But Gruffi, you
can't go back inside.
It's too dangerous.

Yeah but if Zummi's still
down there he'll need our--

[Zummi] Help!


Glen sakes it's Igthorn.

[Tummi] He's got Zummi
and the great book.

See, I told you
finding Drekmore empty

was too good to be true.

What'll we do now?

We'll free Zummi
that's what we'll do.

Right Gruffarino.

I'm with you all the way.

[both yell]

Gruffi, Gusto.

Are you all right?


We'll dig you out.

No, you've gotta
save poor Zummi.

Well, all right
but be careful.


Ha ha, the recipe for gummiberry
juice will soon be mine.

All I have to do
is break this lock.


I wouldn't do that
if I were you.

Oh really and just why not?


That's why not.

[Grammi] Psst, Zummi.

Grammi, Tummi.

Thank heavens.

Now's our chance.

Let's get out of here.

Wait, we can't leave
without the great book.


For goodness sake Zummi,
hurry before Igthorn--


So, this book really is magic.

First I had one Gummi
and now I've got three.

Give it back Igthorn.

Of course I'll give it back.

After you tell me how to
make my favorite juice.

And if I refuse?

Then I'll destroy you
and your precious book.

You wouldn't.

You couldn't.

Oh really?

Toadwart, it's feeling
a bit chilly in here.

Why don't you light a
fire for our guests?

Certainly, old
warm-hearted one.

[gasps] No. Stop.

You win, Igthorn.

I'll cook your juice.

I had a feeling you would.

[Gruffi] Ready?

One, two, three.

After you, Gruffamundo.

No, after him.


Stir right, then left.

Then, bang.

Right, left, bang.

Got it.


You've got your juice,
now give us the book.

Not so fast.

First we need a
little taste test.

I was afraid of this.

Not you, toad brains.



Tummi, no.

Don't worry Grammi,
it's just a little--


Whoa, Grammi.

Hold on Tummi dear, it
won't last much longer.

I knew you'd pull
a trick like that.

So unless you want your
buddies boiled in berries

you'd better make
some corrections fast.

All right.

It's not four handfuls
of red berries it's six.


Now, let's try this again.

Not bad.

Not bad at all.

Aha, it works.

I can't believe it.

That recipe was our
greatest secret.

Not anymore.


Now that I have the
secret of the juice,

my ogres will grind
Dunwyn to dust.


[Toadie] Good news,
oh my big one.

Our new factory has the
juice quota right on time.

You'll never get
away with this Igthorn.

[Igthorn] Oh yes I will.

Thanks to you.

I never thought I'd see
the day when Gummi's secrets

would be used
against our friends.

Get to work, Gummies.

How could I have
been so foolish?

To think we were rid of Igthorn.

And then to have told
the Great Gummies

that it's safe to return.

Oh, what have I done?

Hey, no talking on the job.

Oh, if I was as
big as those g*ons

I'd cut them down to size.

Tummi, that's it.

I can shrink those
ogres so small

even their super
strength won't stop us.

Here we go.

Shrumink dumown!

[Both] Huh?

Oh my.

Look Grammi, the
spell backfired.

Hey where old Gummi go?

Zummi, run.

You've got to get to
Dunwyn and warn the humans.

[Ogre] Where is he?

Whoo, that was close.

Now if I could just
find that spell.

Ah, here it is.

Grunow umup!

Here Gummi, Gummi.

Where are you?

Okay buddy, brunch is over.


Take that and that.

And that.

Nice job Gruff,

but I don't think that termite
needs any help from you.

Hmn, I don't see you
doing anything to stop him.

Now, now, patience


Here you are little fella.

Hope you left enough
room for dessert.



I don't believe it.

Now what?

Don't tell me we've
got more termites.

No, not termites.

Just a bunch of big pests.

What's Igthorn up to now?

Come on.
Maybe he'll lead us to Zummi.

[crowd cheering]

[royal music]

This is great.

You can see the whole
parade from here.

[crowd screaming]

What in heaven's name?

Sire, we're under attack.


Close the gates.
Man the catapults.

Look who's back.


[Guard] Fire.

Oh boy, we play catch.

Look out.

[crowd shouting]


Cubbi? Sunni?

Where are you?

[royal music]


Like, what's wrong
with this picture?

Somehow those ogres got their
hands on gummiberry juice.



Gummi Bears.

How dare they get in my way?

So, you want to bounce, do you?

Mine, mine, ooh, mine.

Hey, what hit me?

I did.

Now, put these bears
in a nice safe place

while Toadwart opens
the gates to Dunwyn.

That gate can only
be opened from inside.



Forward men.

Let nothing stand in your way.

I did it


Calla, duck.


Not so fast princess.

Ugh, Igthorn.


It's King Igthorn now.


Relax Greg, you won't
be needing this anymore.

For at long last,
Dunwyn is mine.

A ha, a ha ha.

Oh no, I'm too late.

Now thanks to my carelessness
all our dreams of peace

have become a nightmare.

[Gummi Bears theme music]