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06x08 - Once More, the Crimson Avenger

Posted: 11/02/22 06:33
by bunniefuu
[theme music]

Dashing and daring

Courageous and caring

Faithful and friendly
With stories to share

All through the forest
They sing out in chorus

Marching along
As their song fills the air

Gummi Bears

Bouncing here and there
And everywhere

High adventure
That's beyond compare

They are the Gummi Bears

Magic and mystery
Are part of their history

Along with the secret
Of gummiberry juice

Their legend is growing
They take pride in knowing

They'll fight
For what's right

In whatever they do

Gummi Bears

Bouncing here and there
And everywhere

High adventure
That's beyond compare

They are the Gummi Bears

They are the Gummi Bears

"Hold it right there or I'll
slice you into ratatouille,"

said the Crimson Avenger.

And then he gave the villain
an uppercut, and a lower cut,

and a paper cut.

Hey, cut it out, Milton.
We're trying to play marbles.

I think he's marbles.

There's no such thing
as a Crimson Avenger.

You'd better not let him
hear you say that.

Milton, haven't you gone
to the market yet

to get me
that sack of sugar?

Well, you see, Mom,
I was just--

I know, you were just
going on again

about that maroon marauder.

Crimson Avenger.

Whatever. Now go on,
before it gets dark.

Yeah, and say hi
to the Crimson Avenger.

[both laugh]

He does exist.
You'll see.

I hope they're still open.


Is anybody in there?

Help! Robbers!

My glasses!

Stop! Come back
with my sugar!


This looks like a job
for the Crimson Avenger.


Now, if you'd kindly

hand over
that stolen sugar.

With pleasure.

-Who is that little masked man?

I do not know,
but why wait to find out?

Hey, come back here.


Au revoir,
you silly little man!

I know my glasses
are around here somewhere.

Kid, look out!

Oh, here they--


Hey! What's the big idea?

Try to be more careful
next time, kid.

You were almost squashed.

I was?

Wow! The Crimson Avenger!

Wait'll the fellows
hear about this.

Cubbi, where on earth
have you been?

Sorry, Grammi,
but there was a hold-up.

Uh, I mean,
I was held up.

I told you I was going to teach
you and Sunni

how to bake marplenut cookies
tonight, and you're late.

Now, I've already whipped
the egg yolks for you.

Just add a dash of cornstarch.

I'd rather be catching crooks.

No, Cubbi,
that's too much.

Your cookies will be harder
than Gruffi's head.

Oh, they'll be fine.




Nice going, Cubbi.


Now you'll have
to start all over.

I guess we'll need
more eggs, right?

Maybe I should get those
for you, Cubbi.

Oh, it's all right, Grammi.

I got them.



You got them,
all right.

All over your face.

[both laugh]

Very funny.

They wouldn't
laugh at me

if they knew I was
the Crimson Avenger.

[Camembert] What do you mean
there was a small problem?

Well, you see, monsieur,

there was this silly
little masked man, and he--

I do not want to hear
about small problems.

Do you think I am
le petit fromage?

No, no, no.
I am le Grande Fromage!

I think big. I act big.

I am big!

Oui, oui.

You are the biggest.
The biggest.

Soon, we shall have
all the ingredients

for my biggest plan yet.

A plan that will make us all
rich beyond dreams.


And as for your silly little
masked man,

do not let him
interfere again,

or I will fillet you
and you.

You know, you two really
shouldn't have laughed at Cubbi.

I know, Gruffi.

I just couldn't
help myself.

Hmm, some bears
have no self-control.

Hey, look, I found some more
eggs in the storeroom.

Oh, great, Cubbi.

You going to scramble them
for us?

Very cute.


Not as cute as you
in an apron.

That's not funny.





[coughs and sputters]

Now that's funny!

[all laugh]

I don't have
to put up with this.

I'm going to go find
some action.

Of course, it would help
if there were some action.

-[cow lowing]

That sounds like a cow
in distress.

They're stealing cows?


Oh, no.

It's that silly little
masked man again.

Milton, I know you're excited
about meeting your hero,

but it's way past
your bedtime.

Sleep tight, dear.

[cow lowing]

Mother, look, it's him!

The Crimson Avenger!

I know, I know.

And he told me he wants you
to get some rest.

Good night, Milton.

I've got to thank him
for saving my life.


Hurry, Jean-boy.

Once we load these stupid cows
onto the ferry,

we are home free.

-[Cubbi] Don't count on it.
-[both gasp]

Now, drop that Guernsey.

-[both] Never!
-Then taste the fury

of six inches of carved wood,

[grunts and snorts]


Hey, Crimson Avenger,
look out!

Not now, kid. I'm--



Maybe wearing a red cape
isn't such a hot idea.

Bon voyage,
you silly little masked man.

[both giggling]


I'm tired of being
laughed at.

Aw, don't worry,
Mr. Crimson Avenger, sir.

You'll get them
next time.

You always do.

I do?

Sure. Like that time you made
Duke Igthorn eat his hat.

Aw, that was nothing.

You should hear about the time
I stopped those trolls...

[bull huffing]

Sugar. Cornstarch.

Milk. Excellent.

Now for the final

But, monsieur,
it might not be safe.

Oui, oui.
The Crimson Avenger--


I should crush you
like raspberry éclairs.

But, no.

I will crush that silly
little masked man myself.


Boy, I thought that bull
would never fall asleep.

Can you tell me another story,
Mr. Crimson Avenger?

Huh? Huh? Can you?

Not now, kid. It's late.

Uh, by the way, thanks for
helping me out back there.

Oh, sure.

Help! My eggs!

They're stealing my eggs!

[chickens clucking]

[Jean-Luc laughs]

It is easier than stealing
quiche from an infant, no?

[both gasp]

Careful with those eggs, fellas.

You wouldn't want
to drop them.

You again.

Looks like I get
the last laugh this time.

Do not be so sure.


Who are you?

I am Le Grande Fromage.

The Big Cheese?

The biggest.

I would like to introduce you
to my good friend.

Meet le cheese slicer.

Oh, yeah? Well, meet...

uh, the sword with no name.

En garde!

[both grunt]

[swords clashing]

There he is. See?

Watch the Crimson Avenger make
mincemeat out of that crook.


So you can fence.

But can you fence?

But of course.


Looks like your hero
is losing.

He's not.



My mask!

That's not fair!

He had yolk in his eyes.

And now he's got
egg on his face.


I can't let them
see my face.

Come back here
and join your fellow chickens,

you silly little man.


Come back, Crimson Avenger.

Come back.

So long, Crimson Avenger.

Some hero he was.

At least now I'll have plenty
of time to learn how to cook.

Pour the sugar

Don't forget the cornstarch

Stir it up
So we can get rich quick

Milk the cows
And beat the eggs

Be bad guys
And make the dough

Make the dough
Be bad guys

Be bad guys
Make the dough

We cannot make
milk chocolate...

Without the milk.


And now for the most important

The tasty stuff we brought
all the way from home.

-Ooh, la, la.
-Ooh, la, la.

It is time to see the fruits
of our labor.

[machinery chugging]

[whistle blows]

Voilà. Chocolate coins!


Très brilliant, no?


Uh, Cubbi, don't you think
you've made enough cookies?

What's one more when you're
having as much fun as I am?

I'm really worried
about Cubbi, Grammi.

He just hasn't
been himself.

Well, I've got just the thing
to cheer him up.

[door closes]

Cookies, anyone?

Oh, Cubbi, dear.

Look what I knitted
for you.

Your very own
Crimson Avenger costume.


Land sakes.


There, there, pumpkin.

No one meant
to make fun of you.

I feel so foolish.

Well, you're not foolish.

You've just got to believe
in yourself.

It's hard when no one else
believes in you.

I do.

Say, why don't you go
to Dunwyn

and return this spool of thread
to Calla for me.

The fresh air might do you
some good.

Yeah, sure.

The Crimson Avenger's got to
come back and get those crooks.

He's just got to prove
I'm not wrong about him.

Settle down, Milton.

It's tax day,
and good King Gregor

needs everyone's help
to keep the kingdom running.

Is everything ready?

-[both] Oui.

Now it is time for
the not-so-rich to get richer.

-Excusez-moi, kind sir.

But I am Monsieur Camembert,

chairman of the king's

to preserve the integrity
of the Dunwyn treasury.

Today is the day
we pay our taxes, no?

Uh, no. I mean, yes.

I've got my share right here.

Our committee's purpose

is to keep the money in
the treasury clean and shiny.

We Dunwynians must take pride
in our treasury, no?

Well, no, not really--
I mean, yes. Yes, of course.

Then all that we ask
is that you exchange your old,

dirty coins for new,
sparkling clean ones

that you would be proud to have
in your fine kingdom's treasury.

But my money's
not so dirty.


What in blue blazes is...?


Hey, that is clean.

You see, mon amies.

Taking money
from these people

is as easy as chocolate pie!


Step right up, my good man,
and help contribute

to our kingdom's welfare.

By Jove, I must say,

these are the shiniest taxes
I've ever seen.

But, of course, you want
to preserve the integrity

of your treasury,
you little slice of cheesecake.

Of course I do. Here.


I know I've seen that windbag
someplace else before.

My money! My money!

It's melting!

Oh, mine's melting too.

What kind of trick is this?

Merci, but I really
must be going.


Oops. Just my little
cheese slicer.

I knew it! That's the man who
defeated the Crimson Avenger.

He's a crook.

Now, now, Milton, this is
no time to start playing games.

-[Milton] But, Mother...
-[people shouting angrily]

Looks like there's a problem,
all right.

But what could I do
to help?

They'd just laugh at me.

If only the Crimson Avenger
were here.

I guess I'm going to have
to catch those crooks myself.

Milton. Milton, come back.

I want my dirty money back!

I want it back, I say!

Please, everybody,
stay calm.

There's absolutely nothing wrong
with your money.



I say!


I did not plan on it
being such a hot day.

Our cover, she is blown,
mes amies.

So let us vamoose!

Hey, there they are.

The thieves
who stole the--



Now you believe us, don't you?

[angry shouting]

This looks like a job
for the Crimson Avenger.

Too bad he's not around

Help! Help!

Milton, my son!


Easy now, madam.

What seems to be the problem?

My son, Milton.
He's been kidnapped.


Three men grabbed him and threw
him in the back of a wagon.

He said, "If only
the Crimson Avenger were here."

Maybe that can
be arranged.



Hold on, kid.
I'm coming.


This is perfect.



I've got him now.

That's the last one, Hans.
Take them away.

Oh, no.
This isn't what I had in mind.

Good thing those fools
didn't cover their tracks.


Now I'll never find Milton.

Just my lousy luck.


You're a genius, Milton.

So, we shall return
to our country when night falls.

And the boy?

This will be an exciting

for him to travel.


Hold it right there,
vile villains.

The Crimson Avenger!

This is preposterous.

Get rid of him at once.

You heard the Grande Fromage.



Looks like they're in
the money now.

En garde!

This time, le cheese slicer
will show no mercy.


Au revoir, Avenger.

You can't escape.

Get him, Crimson Avenger.

You can do it.

Surrender, hooligan.

Or face the consequences.

Ha! I will chop you into pâté

and spread you on crackers.

Don't get your hopes up,

Oh, I hope this works.




How's that for sweet revenge,



You think that mere chocolate
can stop me?

Not at all.

But chocolate that's a little
heavy on the cornstarch will.

No, no, no!
Not that!

No! No!

Ha. Grammi's cooking lessons
came in handy after all.

Crimson Avenger,
you're the best.

Well, uh, yeah.

I guess I am.

I'm sorry I started
to doubt you.

But I thought
you'd given up.

You had every right
to doubt me.

I almost let everybody down.

But you never lost faith
in me, Milton.

You believed in me,
and helped me believe in myself.



It's too bad the Crimson Avenger
wasn't around

when Milton really
needed his help.


Oh, my poor Milton!

We'll take care
of everything, madam.

You wait here.

Ha-ha! Huh?

Here's the counterfeiters.

And here's the stolen money.

Courtesy of
the Crimson Avenger.

By Gregor,
he's done it again.


He's really here.

Wait'll I tell my dad.

Oh, darling,
I'm so glad you're safe.

Thank you,
Crimson Avenger.

It's all in a day's work,

Wait. You forgot this.

Keep it, my friend.
It's a gift.

[all] Wow!

[theme music plays]