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06x06 - Zummi in Slumberland/A Recipe for Trouble

Posted: 11/02/22 05:52
by bunniefuu
Dashing and daring

Courageous and caring

Faithful and friendly
With stories to share

All through the forest
They sing out in chorus

Marching along
As their song fills the air

Gummi Bears

Bouncing here and there
And everywhere

High adventure
That's beyond compare

They are the Gummi Bears

Magic and mystery
Are part of their history

Along with the secret
Of gummiberry juice

Their legend is growing
They take pride in knowing

They'll fight
For what's right

In whatever they do

Gummi Bears

Bouncing here and there
And everywhere

High adventure
That's beyond compare

They are the Gummi Bears

They are the Gummi Bears

Oh, my. This is terrible.

I know I had that shrinking
spell around here somewhere.

It's no use!

Grammi said to use elbow grease
on these old shoes.

But I think it would take an
ogre's elbow to make them shine.

Well, maybe I can help.

I've got a spell that'll make
them shine so bright,

they'll glow.

[chanting spell]

[wind gusts]


Oh, my stars.

I wanted it to glow,
not snow.

What are you planning to do

with all of these gummipeppers,

Build a castle?

Oh, Gruffi,

just think of all the goodies
I can make with these.

Stuffed gummipeppers.
Gummipepper pie.

Gummipepper jam.

Yum. Good thing we got them all
picked before the first frost.

[wind gusts]


Uh, maybe I spoke
too soon.

[wind gusting]

Zummi, what's going on in here?

Well, you see, I...

made a blizzard.

Can't you just find a spell
to stop it?

I had one, Gruffi,
but it blew away.

Ah, well, here it is.

Right under my nose.

[chanting spell]

It worked!

Yeah, but look at this mess.

I'm sorry, Gruffi.

Forget it, Zummi

Right now, we've got
to get some shovels

and straighten up
this place.

Maybe someday you'll get
your head straight.

Oh, Gruffi's right.

If only I didn't mix up
my spells.

Well, I'm not going to let that
happen again.

I'm going to memorize
all of them.

Now, let's see.



No, no, that's not right.

Oh, why can't I remember
the shrinking spell?

Because you're working too hard,
Zummi dear.

You can't think on
an empty stomach, you know.

And my gummipepper loaf will
give you real food for thought.

[croaks and coughs]

I-- I guess if it tastes this
bad, it must be good for you.


I ate so much brain food,

I ought to know my spells
in my sleep.


[mumbling spells]



Nah, must be dreaming.


Come back here.

[all chattering]

[Grammi] My goodness,
what's happening there?

Where's Zummi?
Maybe he can stop this.

-[Grammi & Sunni] Zummi?
-[Zummi mumbling]

[Grammi & Sunni]



Whoa! Oof!

Uh-oh. Heads-up!

[all scream]

My, what happened here?

Let's just say what goes up
must come down.

I wonder who's behind this.

Maybe it was some kind
of goblin.

Yeah, they're always
up to no good.

I'd better study my spells
even harder now,

so next time I'll be ready
for his dirty tricks.

Dirty is right.

It's bad enough cleaning up
after these bears.

Don't need some
pesky goblin too.

Don't worry,
if he comes back tonight,

we're going to be ready.

I'm not taking
any chances.

I'm setting traps.

There's still no sign
of that mischief maker.

-[metallic snap]

[Grammi yells]


Gruffi Gummi,
what is the meaning of this?

Uh, I was trying
to catch that goblin

with his hand
in the cookie jar.

Well, you're going
to catch it from me

if you don't
get me loose.

Hang on to your curlers,



[loud crash]

One thing's for sure.

I don't know if your traps
work on goblins,

but they certainly work
on Gummi Bears.

[birds tweeting]

[Zummi yawns]

I can't believe
we stayed up all night.

Yeah, and all my traps caught
was one grumpy gummi.

Two, remember?

Honestly, Gruffi,
I'd rather take my chances

with that goblin.

Those traps are hazardous.

Well, that goblin's not going
to catch us napping again.

This is w*r.

But Gruffi, this goblin won't
be stopped by ordinary armor.

I know.

I'll give it some magical

I'm sure I can find the right
spell in the Great Book.

Yeah, if you stay awake
long enough.


Here it is.

A spell to make armor strong.

[chanting spell]

Now what?

It's that goofy
goblin again.

The nerve of that goblin,

using our very own gummi armor
against us.

Grammi, Cubbi, stay back!

I got to find Zummi.

He's our only hope.

Zummi, this is no time
to take a nap.

Gruffi's being att*cked
by a suit of...



What's that?

Zummi, you've been chanting
spells in your sleep.


I have? Oh, my stars!

Zummi, get this bucket of bolts
off my back!

[muttering spells]


Armor. I've got it.

Zummi, I don't have time
for this.

[chanting spell]

Okay, goblin,
come on out.

The goblin's right here,


That's right.

He's been casting spells
in his sleep.

I can't understand it.

Maybe you've just
been studying too hard.

Or eating too much
gummipepper loaf.

Oh, this is horrible.

The last spell didn't even stop
when I woke up.

Great, now what do we do?

Well, I know an old gummi
home remedy for sleep-talking.

Hush-a-bye soup.

But the broth needs to simmer
for hours.

Then we'll just have to take
turns keeping Zummi awake

till it's ready.


I'm so tired I can hardly
keep my eyes open.

Maybe you need a little
midnight snack to perk you up.

Always works for me.

Oh, I guess
it couldn't hurt.

Now don't fall asleep.
I'll be right back.


These gummipeppers
have turned me into a monster.

Turned into a monster.

[mumbling chant]


Boy, you must really
be hungry, Zummi.

I could hear your stomach
growling all the way down the--


Zummi, wake up!

We got big trouble!




[monster snarls]

I've got to get
to the Great Book.


It's no use.


It would have to be
a hot pepper.

Think, Zummi.

You've been studying so hard,
you must remember something.

I know.

Maybe my snow spell
will cool off that hothead.

[chanting spell]


[wind gusting]

Now I'll cut this big shot
down to size.

[chanting spell]

You did it, Zummi.

You remembered
your spells.

Without looking
at my notes.


Thanks to my hush-a-bye soup,

Zummi won't have
any more problems.

From now on,
he'll sleep without a peep.

Let's hope so.

But I, for one,
am not taking any chances.

[muffled speech]


Dinner's ready!

And it's your favorite.

Stinkweed stew.

Say, what's going on here?

Oh, this is yummy.

[Sunni] Yeah, pass me
another piece of cake.

Save some for me.

[Gruffi] This beats
Grammi's dinner any day.


But, Grammi,
it's not what you think.

Oh, yeah?
Then where'd this come from?

I brought it
from Dunwin Castle.

But why, pumpkin?

I fixed plenty of food
for everyone.

You see, Grammi,
it's just that, well...

That stew of yours,
uh, it sort of...


I see.

Don't feel bad, Grammi.

Your stinkweed stew
isn't nearly as bad

as your bitterroot brownies.

Or your carrot
and sauerkraut pie.

I get the picture.

You think I can't make
a decent meal.

Well, I'll show you.


Maybe they're right.

Why not try something new
for a change?

Like this special
surprise soup.

[bottle clanks]

Now what else
do I need?



Grammi, are you all right?


I must have added
too much pepperroot.

I'll say.

Ahem. Here.

Try my new biscuits.

They're as light
as a feather.

Yeow! Oh!

More like a ton
of feathers.

There, there.

Maybe you'd rather have
one of my sweet rolls.

Here, hold this pan.



Talk about getting wrapped up
in your work.

Very funny.


And I just know
you're going to love

my new, improved
spicy stew.


I hope you don't mind
my saying so, Grammi,

but maybe you should
just give up.


I know what
the problem is.

Yeah, you can't cook.

No, you old foof.

A cook is only as good
as her ingredients.

I need to find some new
herbs and spices.

Herbs and spices indeed.

I need something different,

A taste sensation.

Strange. Never noticed this part
of the forest before.

Say, what's this?

It smells...



Oh, it's just what I need
to spice up my cooking.

Oh, won't Gruffi
be surprised

when he tastes this.

[rooster crows]

[all snoring]


Oh, no!

Wake up, Gnorm!

We've overslept!

We can't oversleep.

Gnestor always sneezes
when it's time to wake up.

Gnestor, Gnestor,
are you all right?


Sure, Gnemo.
I never felt better.

If he's not sneezing,

that means something happened
to our...

Gnome roots!

See? I told you.

It's gone.
Our gnome root is gone!

Who could have done
such a thing?

How are we going to explain this
to the Sluggard?

Explain what?

Nothing, Mr. Sluggard, sir.

I hope nothing has happened
to my gnome root.



What could possibly
have happened to it?

Because I want gnome root
for dinner.



Dinner? Tonight?

No problem.


See you for dinner.

That's it.
We're moving.

We'll change our names.
He'll never find us.

Calm down, Gnemo.

Once Gnestor gets
within a mile of the stuff,

he'll start sneezing
his head off.




This smells heavenly.


What's that?

I don't know.

But it smells
good enough to eat.

I hate to admit it,

but that stuff
smells delicious.

Ah, didn't think I could do it,
did you?

You did it, all right.

Look out!

We're getting closer.
I can feel it.


-[Gnemo laughs]

Did you hear that?
He sneezed!

Yeah, and I...



Wow! We must be
right on top of it.


[all screaming]

Ew, look at this mess.

You really ought to be
more careful

with what you cook,

Well, maybe you'd be happier if
I didn't cook anything at all.

An excellent idea.

Have it your way,
Gruffi Gummi!

Oh, come on, Grammi.


Uh, maybe we'd better
start cleaning up.

See? The nose knows.


Knock it off, or those thieves
will know we're here.

Oh, my stars.

We'll never clean up
all these bubbles.

We're just lucky
Grammi's cooking

didn't cause more trouble.



-What was that?
-Get them!

[Gummis scream]


Ha-ha! We bagged those lowdown
root-napping thieves.

But, look, they've ruined
all our gnome root.

Ooh, that's awful.

We've come all this way,

and we still don't have
anything to feed the Sluggard.

Oh, yes, we do.

Come on.

Grammi, Grammi,
come quick!

Cubbi, I just cleaned
that floor.

But some funny-looking guys
just kidnapped the others.

-And they're gonna feed them

to something called
the Sluggard.

We'll see about that.

I'm going to serve that Sluggard
a meal he'll never forget.

Please, this is all
a big misunderstanding.

I'm sure if we reason with
this Sluggard fellow, he'll--

Where's my dinner?!

Right here, Mr. Sluggard, sir.


What's this?

Gummi Bears
are much tastier

than plain old
gnome root.

Well, they'd better
be tasty,

or you guys are going
to be my dessert.

I hope we're not too late
for dinner.



Hurry, Cubbi. This way.

Don't eat me.
I'm nothing but fur and bones.


It's not nice
to eat with your fingers.


Here, this will stick
to your ribs.

Grammi, am I glad
to see you.

Good thing I made this stew
extra strong.


Care for a biscuit?

Don't mind if I do.

I don't believe it.

[Sluggard whimpering]

That bully won't be picking
on anyone for a long time.

But what about those guys?

Please don't hurt us.

We don't have any more
gnome root, honest.

I don't want
your gnome root.

You don't?

Of course not.

I shouldn't have taken it
in the first place.

Is there any way
to make it up to you?

Well, could you teach us
how to make this stuff?

Yeah, we could use it
against the Sluggard.

So he'll never show his
slimy face around here again.


At least my cooking's
good for something.

Poor Grammi.

Can't we do something
to cheer her up?

Okay, okay.

You know, Grammi,

all this excitement
has made me kind of hungry.

I sure could go for a bowl
of your stinkweed stew.

-You could?

-[Tummi] Yeah.
-[Sunni] Me too.

Sounds great.

But wouldn't you rather
I made some of that fancy food,

like Sunni got from Dunwin?

No way!

It's best to stick
with what you know.

Yeah. And it's a lot
safer too.