15x15 - Stacking the Deck

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Keeping Up With the Kardashians". Aired: October 14, 2007 - 2021.*
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Reality series of the Kardashian family featuring Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and the rest of the Kardashian/Jenner clan personal and professional lives.
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15x15 - Stacking the Deck

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪

KOURTNEY: Oh, my God, people
are going so crazy.

KIM: They hate me. They hate me.

KOURTNEY: People hate Kim
from her comment on the show.

SCOTT: What?
KIM: Thanks for posting.

SCOTT: Why, what's the problem?

KIM: I... We got into a fight.
I said, "You're the least"

exciting to look at."
KOURTNEY: No, she didn't say

it to me, she said it to...
KIM: No, Khloe.

Yeah, she was walking...
SCOTT: Yeah, I remember that.

KIM: Yeah, and I go... no, it
was to Khloe and my mom... I go,

What I meant is you're the most

People think that is like I

said, "k*ll your mom."
KOURTNEY: No, but people are

like, "I've been abused by my
family for years, and I know"

that it's very hurtful."
KIM: I knew they would do

this to me.
I-I knew it would happen.

SCOTT: Yeah, but I feel like
anything you say, you got to be

careful. ]] KOURTNEY: But I...

No, it was... It's...
Let's not justify it.

SCOTT: It was very mean.
Why? But that's your sister.

KOURTNEY: Yeah, but...
SCOTT: You say bad things

about her, too.
KIM: All right, all right,

let's not rehash.
KOURTNEY: But I'm saying, and

then somebody...
SCOTT: You call her a porn

star every time I talk to you.
KOURTNEY: Yeah, right.

Somebody just wrote, um, this
thing, like, "You should thank."

Kim for your career."
SCOTT: I do all the time.

KOURTNEY: And then I was...
SCOTT: I swear.

KOURTNEY: But I was gonna
write back and say, "If it"

wasn't for my personality and
being funny, then our show

"wouldn't exist." (Scott laughs)

SCOTT: For sure, without you,
this whole thing would be dead.

(Kourtney laughs) ♪ ♪

KANYE: This room is, like,
the vibe for how all houses

should be.
And I'm feeling like the

couches should be, like, real
big (bleep).

(laughs) KIM: So, I saw on the

schedule that you're going to
Paris for Virgil's show.

KANYE: Yeah, I just think...
I complain about people that

I've done business with missing
important moments of mine and

missing important moments of
ours, so I can't do the same

thing to Virgil.
Like, this is my brother.

You know, I got to be there for
him for this moment, no matter

I don't care if we just got into

an argument right then.
If we're family and we're

brothers, I have to be there.
KIM: Virgil Abloh is one of.

Kanye's oldest, best friends.
They have worked together for

over a decade.
Grew up in Chicago together, and

he is now the art director for
the Louis Vuitton men's.

KANYE: I mean, Virgil just
put in the most time.

You know, away from his family.
We're-we're brothers.

We interned at Fendi together.
We learned how to design on.

Photoshop together.
We used to always make this joke

that somebody shrunk our JPEG
because we... the-the designs

always stayed as JPEGs.
They never, like, became real,

actual clothes.
And, you know, I remember when.

Virgil showed me the designs
with the stripes on the back,

the Off-White stripes.
Those stripes definitely earned

him his stripes, I'll tell you

KIM: Virgil has his first
Louis Vuitton fashion show

coming up in Paris, and, you
know, Kanye's just super excited

for him.
KANYE: I don't want to put

any pressure on you to go to

I know that was really hard the
last time you were in Paris,

I just think for the culture,

for Kim K. To show up to the
first black designer at Louis.

Vuitton's show who was the best
man at my wedding... just, the

world would just really love to
see you there.

Be surprised to see you there
and love to see you there.

But it's just no...
there's no pressure.

KIM: I have to think about it.

♪ ♪

KHLOE: Look what I got.
KENDALL: It's huge.

KHLOE: I like to do, um, you
know, different types of

workouts. ]] KRIS: Oh, my God.

I think you get in right here in
this hole.

KHLOE: I don't know.
What the (bleep), I just get in?

KRIS: I think you just have
to kind of jump in.

KENDALL: Wait, I'm getting in
the other side.

KHLOE: This is so cool.
(Kris laughs)

KRIS: All right, have a race!
KHLOE: Wait!

KRIS: On your mark, get set...

KHLOE: Wait! ]] KRIS: Go!

Come on, come on, Khloe!
KENDALL: You bitch!

(Khloe shrieks) KRIS: Come on.

KENDALL: It's so hard.

KRIS: Come on. Let's go.

Run! Run! (Khloe shrieks)

KENDALL: How the (bleep)...?

This is so hard.
KRIS: Oh, Kenny, I'll come

help you.
KENDALL: It's really hard.

KRIS: Help her. (Laughs)


It's really hot. (Khloe exhales)

We'll give her the sunny side.
KHLOE: Yeah.

KRIS: It was exhausting just
watching you ladies.

KHLOE: Yeah.
KRIS: Well, I just got a call

from Shelli, and she said she's
doing an event at the Forum,

and she wants to put together
this huge poker tournament and,

um, do it along with the City of
Hope, so all the proceeds will

go to the City of Hope.
They do a lot of cancer

research, and I think that this
is such a near and dear cause

to my heart and, I know, to your
heart, so I just think it would

be a really nice thing for us to

KHLOE: I don't know how to
play poker.

KRIS: I don't know how to
play poker, either.

She's been asking me to play
poker with her for years.

You can just sit there and look
cute, sweetie.

KHLOE: Oh, well, that's easy.
I have never played poker

before, but given the cause and
that my Auntie Shelli is asking,

I will do anything for her.
I find it to be an honor that we

are even asked to be a part of

KENDALL: All right, y'all.
I'm totally down, I'm very in,

but I have to go.
Muy importante.

KENDALL: Bye. KRIS: Bye, Kenny.

Have a good day.
KENDALL: You, too, beautiful.

KRIS: Love you.
KHLOE: Won't it be sort of

embarrassing if, like, all of
us... what is it, five of us or

four of us... that if we go and
then we don't even win and don't

know how to play...
Like, that just makes...

That's the only thing that makes
me a little uncomfortable.

KRIS: Well, Shelli also said
that she's happy to make sure

that we have a tutor or a coach
or a teacher.

KHLOE: Great.
I'm ready to learn.

Let's raise some money.
KRIS: Let's go get it!

KHLOE: Let's raise some money!

KRIS: Yeah! ♪ ♪

KOURTNEY: No, hurry, hurry!
(Penelope shrieks)

PENELOPE: Help her! Mama!
MASON: Mama!

KHLOE: Get out of the way. Okay.

KOURTNEY: I'm okay.
Let's push KoKo in instead.

KHLOE: Wait, but are they all
gonna cry if I do this?

I don't...
PENELOPE: Yeah, we'll cry.

KHLOE: No, you're not gonna cry.

MASON: Oh, Mama!
KHLOE: She wants this.

I can't do it. Oh!

Oh, my God.
I wasn't watching what...

KIM: So, I think I'm gonna go

to Paris and go to the Louis
Vuitton show.

KHLOE: Oh, my...
That is, like, that's really

major on your part.
KIM: Yeah. Even though I'm

nervous, I think, like, it's
really important to Kanye to go.

I feel like it's, like, the
right thing to do, like, for.

Virgil even though, like...
KHLOE: And I think it's

important that eventually you
have, like, to go back, and it's

like, what better time?
KIM: And it's so quick.

We're only gonna go for a day.
KHLOE: How do you feel now?

KIM: I mean, I think it's,

KHLOE: It's time.
KIM: I definitely want to be

there to support Kanye and
Virgil, but the last time I was

there, you know, obviously,
like, a horrific experience for

me. REPORTER: It was the middle

of the night when five masked
men broke into the TV star...

REPORTER : Scary situation
for reality star Kim Kardashian.

REPORTER : $ . million and

a ring worth $ . million.
KIM: You know, I'm going

really cautiously, and I think
going for such a short period of

time definitely helps me

But I guess you never know what
could happen.

HUANG: As you know, we've
been doing ultrasounds to kind

of make sure that we have plenty
of eggs to harvest.

KOURTNEY: I'm coming to the
doctor to start the process of

freezing my eggs.
HUANG: See the dark circle

here? ]] KOURTNEY: Mm-hmm.

HUANG: Okay, so here's one

KOURTNEY: Only one?
Maybe it's just not the best

KIM: I hope that I can start

to remember all the magical
things about Paris and why Kanye

and I fell in love with it here.
There's so many people, so much

paparazzi. (Paparazzi clamoring)

I'm just, like, hypersensitive
to this right now.

HUANG: Hey, how are you?
KOURTNEY: How are you?

HUANG: Hi. Good to see you.
KOURTNEY: Good to see you.

HUANG: How have you been?
KOURTNEY: I have almost

started the process of freezing
my eggs a few times, and the

timing is finally... feels right
with my schedule, and so I'm

coming to the doctor to get a
checkup to make sure that

everything looks good to start
the process.

HUANG: As you know, we've
been doing ultrasounds to kind

of make sure that we have plenty
of eggs to... to harvest.

And so some months you'll have
more, some months you'll have

We want to get a month where you

have more. Okay? KOURTNEY: Okay.

HUANG: 'Cause if we do this,
I want to make it worthwhile.

So we want to get... I would say
for you, knowing kind of what we

know about you, five to ten.

HUANG: Okay? 'Cause if we
can get five to ten, even as you

get older, these will stay

Okay? So we'll take a quick look
right now.

HUANG: All right?

So, you're gonna feel a light
touch, okay?

Sorry about that.
A little bit of pressure.

That's it.
So, we're gonna look at the

right side first, okay,

See the dark circle here?

HUANG: Okay, so, here's one

All right, so on this side, just
that one, okay?

KOURTNEY: Only one?
HUANG: On the right side.

So, here's where more follicles

See this right here?

HUANG: That's your left ovary.

So, on this side you have about

KOURTNEY: When the doctor
tells me that I have five

follicles, I'm kind of shocked.
Why am I even doing this when I

have five?
Should I come back another month

when I might have more?
Like, maybe it's just not

the best time.
HUANG: In two years, five is

gonna be down to three or four.

HUANG: And then a few years
later, it's gonna be down to one

or two.
You decide, uh, and I'll help

you with that decision.
KOURTNEY: Okay, thank you.

♪ ♪

KRIS: I don't know how to
play poker, and I don't think

you guys know how to play cards,
so I don't want to go in...

KIM: Well, I know how to play
cards; I just don't know how to

play poker.
KRIS: What kind of cards do

you know how to play? KIM: Gin.

KIM: I'm, like, a master gin

player. ]] KRIS: I drink gin.

Anyway, Shelli set us up with
some pros to teach us all how to

play poker so we don't totally
humiliate ourselves while we're

at her tournament. Oh, my gosh.

Oh, this is so serious.
PHIL: Ready to learn some

poker? KHLOE: Yes. I'm excited.

KRIS: Hi. ]] LIOR: Hello!

KIM: How are you?
KRIS: I've never done this

before... I'm really scared.
ANTONIO: No one here is a

professional poker player except
for me.

KRIS: I have definitely got
the best pro.

He's a three-time world

There's no way the girls are
gonna come close to winning when

I've got this guy in my back

KHLOE: What's the most money
you've ever won?

PHIL: Over a million dollars
a couple times.

KHLOE: What?
Listen, Phil is (bleep) legit.

He has bracelets.
That's kind of like (bleep)

trophies, I guess, in another

KIM: So, do you play gambling
games or not really?

LIOR: I am actually not...
I'm not allowed to.

I'll show you why in a second.
KIM: I've heard that in poker

you're not necessarily playing
your cards, you're just playing

the other people.
So for me, I decided to meet

with a mentalist.
KRIS: A mentalist is gonna

teach you how to play poker?
KIM: Yeah, he does all these,

like, card tricks and stuff.
Why wouldn't he be... you know,

tips? ]] KRIS: Poof, it's magic.

KIM: You're gonna totally be
my secret w*apon.

LIOR: So, a mentalist can
influence people or read people.

So, forget about the game,
forget about the rules because

they're gonna teach you the

KIM: Mm-hmm.
LIOR: In poker it's all about

understanding how the people in
front of you think...

KIM: Mm-hmm.
LIOR: And understand if

they have good hands or bad

PHIL: You're only gonna play,
like, my top ten hands.

That's pocket aces, pocket
kings, all the way down to

sevens... ]] KHLOE: Okay.

PHIL: And then ace-king
and ace-queen.

And fold everything else.
That's extreme, but if you play

just those ten hands...
KHLOE: Okay.

PHIL: Then I think you
have a great chance of winning.

KHLOE: I actually appreciate
Phil's method of teaching,

because I don't really have the
brain capacity to hold onto all

this other mumbo jumbo (bleep).
LIOR: I'm going to show you a

few techniques.
When we get asked questions, our

eyes move sometimes.
So if you're looking at me, up

to the right: Telling the truth.
KIM: Okay.

LIOR: Up to the left...
I make something up.

I'm lying to you.
KIM: Good to know... I'm gonna

ask Kanye some questions.
LIOR: Ah, very good.

KIM: It is so crazy that you
can just find out so much from a

person just by little things
that they do.

LIOR: It's all about lying,

KIM: Scheming... LIOR: Scheming.

KIM: Yes. LIOR: And do this.

KIM: I got it. LIOR: You got it?

KIM: I'm a pro already.
LIOR (laughs): You're a pro.

ANTONIO: Get something going.
You could even go all in.

KRIS: You want me to put all
my stack in there?

ANTONIO: That's what I would do.

KRIS: Okay. All in.
ANTONIO: She's all in.

ANTONIO: Aces and fives.

KRIS: Oh...! MAN: Nice hand.

ANTONIO: You took him down.
KRIS: Wow! Yeah!

I feel really confident that I
know the rules, I know basically

how to play the game now, so I
definitely feel like I've got

one up on the girls. High five.

ANTONIO: You get the money.
KRIS: High five, guys. Whoo!

(Antonio laughs) ♪ ♪

KHLOE: Cute. What's its name?


KHLOE: Mary? Or Barry?

KHLOE: Mary. Can I hold Mary?
What's the other one's name?

KIM: Jesus? ]] PENELOPE: No.

KHLOE: And it doesn't bite?
PENELOPE: It doesn't, but

when they start to shake, you
can give it to me.

KHLOE: Oh, no, what does that

KOURTNEY: So, I just went to.

Dr. Huang. ]] KIM: Yeah?

KOURTNEY: And he said I only
have five follicles.

There may be one or two that
he's not seeing...

KIM: Why don't you risk it
and try to get pregnant on

your own?
KOURTNEY: Well, no, I don't

know if I want to.
KHLOE: Yeah, I was gonna

say, slow your roll.
We're not encouraging that to

KOURTNEY: This is just for

security. ]] KIM: Yeah.

KOURTNEY: What do you guys
think? Just do it?

KIM: I'd say do it, and get
those five to seven.

KIM: You know, if you're

never gonna make more than

KOURTNEY: I've put it off so
many times.

The timing is finally right.
It just feels right, so I think

just having that option really
gives me peace of mind.

KHLOE: Did you get that note
from the HOA?

KIM: No.
KHLOE: That they found...

they said... they just have a
picture of a turtle, and it

said, "We found a turtle.
If anyone owns it..."

I'm like, what if it's a wild
turtle from the Commons or

KIM: How would you even be

able to identify your turtle?
KHLOE: That's my point.

♪ ♪

COREY: Call Kylie while
you're over, will you?

KIM: She's gonna be there.
COREY: She gets in L.A.

tonight. ]] KIM: Yeah.

She already left.
I think she went to Cannes

KRIS: What time is the show?

KIM: : .
KRIS: You're a really good

friend. ]] KIM: I know.

KRIS: I mean, you'll go back
to a place where...

you're not the most comfortable,

But it's a good putting your toe
in the water, don't you think?

KIM: Mm-hmm.
KRIS: Like, you'll go,

you'll... ]] KIM: Yeah.

I have so many special memories
in Paris.

KRIS: Oh, my gosh.
Kim, it's beautiful!

KIM: Cutie!
KOURTNEY: They didn't say "I

do" yet. ]] KHLOE: Say "I do"!

(humming "Here Comes the Bride")
KIM: I hope that this trip...

will just be so good that I can
start to remember all the

magical things about Paris and
why Kanye and I fell in love

with it.
KRIS: I love you so much.

I'll be praying for you.
(horn honking)

KIM: Yeah, like, how far are
you from the show?

Can you honk?
'Cause he's just talking to a

guy. ]] KANYE: Go around him.

Please go around him.
KIM: We are running so late.

It's taking forever.
I really hope that...

we make it on time.
KOURTNEY: I've been so

up-and-down emotional, 'cause
I've been doing the sh*ts for

the egg freezing.
It's, like, crazy.

I feel like I want to jump out
of my skin.

I hope that going through all of
this is worth it.

I-I can't take it.

♪ ♪

KIM: It's kind of nice
landing this early, before the

city's up. ]] KANYE: Mm-hmm.

A lot of bike shops out here.
People ride bikes a lot out

There's, like, bike shop after

bike shop.
Or maybe it's just, like, the

bike district.
See? Another bike shop.

Another... That's one.
That's a bike shop.

That's not a random statement
I'm making... I literally just

saw ten bike shops.
Is this the bike district?

KIM: Mm-hmm.
KANYE: Look at this.

KIM: Maybe. Oh, wow.

KANYE: That's such a fresh

(Kim laughs)
Wait. What hotel are we at?

Alexander or Laurent?
KIM: Mm, no.

No more staying at small hotels.
You know?

KANYE: Yeah.
KIM: Being here in Paris,

honestly, it's, like, really

But I'm not trying to focus on
anything negative.

♪ ♪

KIM: Maybe, like...
I like this hoodie.

Should I get Kanye and see if he
has any opinions?

WOMAN: I think so.
He's right here.

KIM: Oh. Didn't see you.

I think no to this.
KANYE: What about this?

KIM: Sure, you can try that.
So, the Louis Vuitton show is a

men's show, so it is hard, and
slim pickings of clothes, 'cause

I have to wear men's clothes,
but Virgil sent over racks and

racks of clothes for me to
choose from.

I do like this, though.
WOMAN: That kind of looks

cool, yeah.
KIM: Even if you're not,

like, walking in a show, it's so
important to be wearing

something from the collection.
KANYE: I like the, um...


KIM: That's cute.
You know, you-you...

It's all about the look.
Like, you have to look good if

you're sitting front row at a
Paris fashion show, especially

for Louis Vuitton.
I love this, like, from the

front, but it's too risky.
I either like the turquoise

with, like, a bike short, or I

KANYE: I like the turquoise
the best.

KIM: Yeah. Yeah.
(phone whooshes)

♪ ♪

KHLOE: Phil is taking me to,
like, a legit big boy poker

in, like, some back alley, some

smoky little lair.
Like, it's a little... I don't

know... sketchy, but I'm into all
of it.

I'm really into it.
I have Scott with me.

Hi, everybody. ]] MAN: Hey.

KHLOE: It's very, very
serious, actually.

PHIL: $ . MAN: It's $ .

PHIL: $ to go.
Are you also gonna stake him in

this game and give him $ , ?
MAN: He didn't want to play.

I just offered.
SCOTT: I'm not looking for

any money.
KHLOE: What happens if I

don't have enough money... you
just put it all...?

PHIL: That's okay. You can
put it all in.

KHLOE: I'm all in.
PHIL: Okay, Khloe, I have a

pretty big hand. Ace, king. Oh!

KHLOE: What a (bleep)

PHIL: Wait, hold on.
MAN: That's a bad guy.

KHLOE: Yeah, he is such a d*ck.

MAN: He's a bad person.
KHLOE: I was so excited for

my little (bleep) hand, and you
(bleep) me.

PHIL: Okay, this is what I
want to say.

Khloe, you played this hand

KHLOE: Okay, thank you.
PHIL: I told you to play

ace-queen, you played ace-queen.
You hit an ace, and you got all

the money in.
KHLOE: I did everything I was

told to do by Phil, and I still
(bleep) lost, but I did lose to

the pro... Phil.
PHIL: So, I mean, this is the

perfect storm for you, except
you just...

KHLOE: You were better.
PHIL: You just happened to

run into ace-king.
KHLOE: The more and more that

I play poker, and the more
comfortable I get, and, like,

understanding what's going on
here, I actually really enjoy

this game.
Um, I think it's fun, and I

think I could be really good at

SHELLI: I just told Phil
that-that you told... that-that

you're... that you told me how
great he was and that your, um,

advice was to cheat and not get

KHLOE: Yes, basically.
That's what I'm gonna do.

Someone just hand me cards under
the table.

I'll have Scott on the floor.
♪ ♪

WOMAN: Let's go.

MAN: Is she gonna walk out
and get papped on?

WOMAN: Yeah, there's a lot of
paparazzi outside.

KIM: I'm gonna have to, like,
take pics there.

Then you'll have to wait till
we're done.

Where's our security?
KANYE: It's, uh... just...

KIM: Babe, where's our security?

MAN: Kim, tell us. KIM: Huh?

(indistinct chatter)
KIM: This cannot be

happening. (Elevator bell dings)

(indistinct chatter) Whatever.

We just need security, like, out
of the room and out to the car,

oh, my God. ♪ ♪

FEMALE VOICE: Going down.

(horn honking)
KIM: Yeah, like, how far are

you from the show? Can you honk?

KANYE: Go around him.
Please go around him.

KIM: Yeah, I want to go in.
KANYE: Or we could get out

and walk to it.
DRIVER: I think it's better

to wait.
KIM: We are running so late.

It's taking forever.
I really hope that we make it on

time. KANYE: We can get out here

and walk it? ]] KIM: Yeah.

(chatter, shouting)
There's so many people, so much

Just reminds me of everything

that went on the last time I was

I'm just, like, hypersensitive
to this right now.

(overlapping shouting, chatter)
Let's just go. Kanye, let's go.

Kanye, let's go.
(shouting, chatter)

KIM: Who do we have here?

Oh. Oh, hey.
Guys, I'm gonna say this is a

really (bleep) proud moment of
my life.

KOURTNEY: What do you think
about this?

(Kourtney laughs)
KRIS: Have you been working

with your poker pro?
KENDALL: There's poker

I have never played poker

before, not even for fun, so I'm
gonna have to just really wing

Maybe hope for beginner's luck.

Okay, I guess we're done.

(horns honking)
(overlapping crowd chatter)

(chatter, screaming)
KIM: It definitely is a crazy

rush to get there, but we made
it just in time, and it's really

important 'cause this is such a
big deal.

WOMAN: Please? MAN: Kim, please?

MAN : Please.
MAN : Kim, straight here.

(overlapping shouting) ♪ ♪

KIM: The show is so amazing.
Everyone came out to support.

The clothes, the bags.
The bags are like to die for.

Everything just looks so good.
(cheering, applause, whistling)


Kanye and Virgil have
the sweetest moment, and they're

both crying, and, like, all of
our friends were crying.

It's just such an emotional day.
The fact that Virgil's come this

far... it's just...
It's like a symbol, like, that

just, they made it, like, they
did it.

They're, like, taking over the
fashion world when everyone told

them they couldn't do it.
(indistinct chatter)

♪ ♪

KRIS: Look at my girl.

KRIS: You're amazing.
(horse snorts, whinnies)

Kendall, if this modeling thing
doesn't work out, you could be a

horseback rider.
(Kendall laughs softly)

Like a real pro.
KENDALL: Your commentary is

insane. ]] KRIS: What?

KENDALL: I said your
commentary is insane.

Good boy.
KRIS: Have you been working

with your poker pro?

KRIS: Your poker teacher.
KENDALL: There's poker

teachers? No one told me.
KRIS: Well, do you know how

to play poker? ]] KENDALL: No.

KRIS: Then what are you

KENDALL: I don't know.
I've never played.

What do you mean, what am I

I didn't know anyone was getting
a coach.

Yeah, what the (bleep)?
I can't believe they all have

someone that helped them and
taught them and, like, no one

told me.
So that's pretty... annoying.

KRIS: Auntie Shelli was
supposed to organize for

everyone to have a teacher.
KENDALL: So you're blaming it

on Auntie Shelli?
KRIS: It's coming up really

soon. Like, days away.
KENDALL: That's cool.

Well, now I'm nervous.
I have never played poker

before. Not even for fun.

So I'm gonna have to just really
wing it.

Maybe hope for beginner's luck.
I think I'm sitting next to.

Cameron Azoff, so I'll just talk
to him the whole time.

KRIS: You know, this is,
like, a serious tournament.

KENDALL: You're a serious

Um, it's for charity though.
It's a win-win situation, right?

KRIS: It's a win-win.
And you're just as cute as a

Yes, you are. Yes, you are.

KENDALL: Have you heard-heard
from Kim?

How's she doing in Paris?
I'm so annoyed I'm not there.

KRIS: I think it's a little
emotional for her.

But she's good.
She was having a good time.

KENDALL: I'm sure she's fine.
She's a boss.

(horse snorts)
Okay, I guess we're done.

♪ ♪

LARSA: Boo bear!
STEPHANIE: Why, hello.

KOURTNEY: Hi, guys. I was
gonna ask which glasses you

like better.
LARSA: I like the ones you're

wearing. ]] KOURTNEY: Really?

LARSA: Yeah, they're so cute.
With your yellow.

KOURTNEY: How are these?
LARSA: No, I like those.

KOURTNEY: These? LARSA: Uh-huh.

KOURTNEY: What do you like,

LARSA: I liked the yellow for

a second till I saw those.
KOURTNEY: I've been so, like,

up-and-down emotional, 'cause
I've been doing the sh*ts for

the egg freezing, and it's,
like, crazy.

I feel like I want to jump out
of my skin.

Like, I'm so crazy.
Like, I just... I-I can't take

it. LARSA: I feel like it does

make you emotional.
Like, when I did it, I was

KOURTNEY: But I have all

these... ]] LARSA: Oh, my gosh.

LARSA: That's a lot, Kourt.

I feel like you're not doing it

STEPHANIE: They just look
like-like puncture bruises.

KOURTNEY: The injections
themselves really weren't a big

deal, because I have a really
high pain tolerance.

But I think everything was just
really heightened, and, like,

some days I would feel, like, so

You know, it's just, like, very

So that, I think, is the hard

I was standing up in the
bathroom, and I was like, "I

just want to come out of my

And Younes is like, "What, you
have, like, anxiety?"

But I don't get it."
And then he thinks everything's

about him.
So then I'm like, "No, this has"

nothing to do with you."
LARSA: Right. It's like

your body's just responding.
And they're upping up your...

They're upping up your hormones,
so it's making it twice as

crazy. KOURTNEY: I mean, I feel

I just cry myself to sleep every

night. STEPHANIE: Yeah, that's

totally normal.
KOURTNEY: Honestly, I don't

know if I'm gonna have more

I just feel like it's just for,
like, safety.

I hope that going through all of
this is worth it, because, you

know, I really don't want to put
my body through this again.

The emotions of it all are just
a lot.

KIM: Today is the big day of
the tournament.

ANNOUNCER: Good luck, everybody!

Shuffle up and... deal!

KENDALL: I don't know if I'm
doing this right.

MAN: I'm all in.
KIM: I'm a little nervous

going all in.
It's such a risky move.

♪ ♪
KHLOE: Go, Bayside!

KOURTNEY: Thank you.
KHLOE: My sisters and I are

going to Saved by the Max, and
it's basically a pop-up

restaurant, like they had in
Saved by the Bell.

It's just a dream come true.
KIM: It's like we're at the.

Max, you guys. ]] KHLOE: Right?

KIM: I'm so Kelly Kapowski.
KHLOE: You are, and our

waiter's name is Zack.
And it's really his name.

KIM: Really?
I bet they make them have those

names. KHLOE: How was... Paris?

KIM: It was so good.
Like, honestly, I'm so glad we

went. Like, he had to be there.

It would've been weird if...
KHLOE: Oh, my God, when I saw

the video online...
KOURTNEY: Of them crying.

KHLOE: Of them crying and
hugging, I think it made

everyone cry and, like, want
a best friend.

KIM: And I think they just...

KHLOE: It was the cutest

KIM: But it was, like,
literally, for, like, a good

seconds, they were hugging and
just crying.

Yeah. And it was just so fun.

KHLOE: How was your anxiety?
KIM: For a second, I was,

like, um... I was so stressed out
over my security of, like, just

the movement of everyone.
But other than that, it was

Like, I didn't really have a lot

of anxiety. ]] KHLOE: Good.

KIM: I don't think I'll ever
really forget my experiences in.

Paris, the good or the bad.
And I think that's okay.

Like, it all, you know, has
made me who I am.

And thinking about it, I feel
like I could go back and I could

spend more time and feel safe
and comfortable.

KHLOE: Zack used to be so hot.

KOURTNEY: Can I see?
KHLOE: Hold on. Let me read

it. ]] KOURTNEY: Is that recent?

KHLOE: No, it's not recent.
He's, like, years old now.

KIM: He's, like, basically
our age.

KOURTNEY: I think he's my age.

(Khloe laughs) ♪ ♪

KRIS: I wanted to help my
girlfriend raise money for the.

City of Hope, but I forgot to
tell her I didn't know how to

play poker. (Laughing)

♪ ♪

KIM: Today is the big day of
the tournament.

I don't think I'm gonna win, you
know, the hundreds of people

playing at each table, but I do
hope that... my sisters and my

mom... that I could be the winner
out of the fam.

KHLOE: I think that
Kimberly's actually gonna be

really good at this game.
She's a really good bluffer.

Kendall, you look so cute.
KENDALL: Don't I look like

poker? ]] KHLOE: (scoffs) Sure.

KENDALL: Like, if poker were
an outfit.

KHLOE: Uh, more like if
Twister was an outfit.

KENDALL: Okay. Right.
KRIS: Hi, guys.

I love when the family all gets
together and does something fun

and competitive.
Are you nervous?

KENDALL: No. I just don't
think I'm gonna do very well.

KRIS: No Negative Nellie.
What's your strategy today?

KIM: Just... I'm gonna be me.
Hey, guys.

KHLOE: You... I hate you so

I've never seen a body like this
in my life.

I think Kim's entire life
strategy is just distract,

distract, distract.
No, Kim, you look unreal.

KRIS: Let's go, guys.
KHLOE: Oh, my God, shh.

And mine is patience.
Patience, patience.

ANNOUNCER: All right,
tournament players, it is time

to start playing poker, which is
what you came down to do.

KHLOE: Are you a legit poker

MAN: I've played before.

MAN: I'm here just for fun.
KHLOE: Okay.

I feel really confident with the
little system me and Phil have

going on. ANNOUNCER: Shuffle up!

KHLOE: I'm gonna be patient,
do everything I'm told, get

other people drunk, and collect
that money, honey.

♪ ♪

MAN : I'm all in in the dark
for charity.

DEALER: Really? MAN : Yeah.

MAN : All right, I'm gonna
go all in blind.

KHLOE: Relax.
MAN : Wait a second.

KHLOE: Everyone...
DEALER: Got five all in.

KHLOE: Everyone's really wild
at this table.

PHIL: Okay, hold on.
Five all ins on the first hand.

These folks are rebuying.
MAN : Six all ins!

PHIL: They're here for charity.

KHLOE: Oh. No, the real is
you guys are all men.

You guys are having a d*ck
measuring contest.

You all are like, "I have..."
MAN : I'm not in this

tournament to win. KHLOE: Yeah.

KIM: All right. MAN : Wow.

DEALER : All in.
MAN : Oh, yeah.

DEALER : All right,
everybody, turn 'em over.

Oh, wow. ]] MAN : No!

ANNOUNCER: Okay, folks, if
you want to rebuy, it's your

last chance.
KIM: I got to step it up.

I got to get some better cards

So, the first round is over.
And in the second round, you

can't buy any more chips.
So, if you go all in and you

lose all of your chips, you're

You cannot buy in anymore.
KRIS: Khloe, can I borrow

some money?!
KHLOE: No, it's about

charity! Buy the (bleep) in.

KIM: It is time to get serious.

May the best woman win.

KRIS: I got some more money,

DEALER : Flip your cards over.

Okay, you've got a queen.
King with an ace!

(laughing, whooping)
DEALER : Turn 'em over,

MAN : Oh, Khloe. Ship her

the chips! (Khloe whooping)

DEALER: He's bet $ , .
DEALER: He's putting all in.

KRIS: Oh, he's so bad!

CASEY: All right. Hey.
WOMAN: You better not take

her out, Casey.
KRIS: It's all right.

PHIL: Okay, Kris Jenner
is all in. Kay, Kris Jenner.

The board: Jack, eight, eight,
three, four.

Jack, eight, eight, three,
four, with three diamonds.

Kris Jenner has...
a pair of jacks with a nine

And this gentlemen has three

eights. ]] KRIS: Oh...

PHIL: Wah, wah, wah.
KRIS: I'm kind of

disappointed that I got knocked

I didn't expect to win, but I
would have liked to have stayed

in a little bit longer.
KIM: Yeah.

KRIS: Just ran out of money.
PHIL: Oh, wait a minute,

Kim is all in.
Like mother, like daughter.

Kim, if you go out this hand,
you outlasted your mother by one

hand. Okay.

The board is nine, seven, four,

Kim, show us what you have.
Kim has a pair of deuces.

KIM: I'm a little nervous,
I'm not gonna lie.

Going all in is such a risky
move, 'cause my cards were not

good. I was totally bluffing.

PHIL: Against a pair of nines
with an eight.

Kim needs a deuce.
There's two deuces.

She needs a king.
There's three kings.

KIM: The crowd's around my
table, everyone's watching,

everyone's looking.
This is, like, the crucial

I'm either in or I'm done.

PHIL: Last card, please.
She needs a king or a deuce.

MAN: We got to get a king for

(cheering) ]] PHIL: Oh, my God!

It's a king!
KIM: That's so exciting.

This is so crazy.
I literally thought I was done.

Yes! (Lively chatter)

I really needed a specific card
to win, and I got that card.

MAN: What a row they have at
that table.

KHLOE: Who won? Kim won?
MAN: Yeah.

KHLOE: She has no idea what's

It's my sisters and I, neck and
neck at the end.

Stakes are high.
DEALER: Minimum bet now is

$ , guys. ]] KENDALL: Raise.

DEALER: Player's all in.
MAN: Good luck, Khloe.

I'm all in.
DEALER: Player's all in.

KHLOE: Okay, don't be a d*ck.
KIM: I'll fold.

I am quickly running out of

I keep getting dealt really bad
cards, and I hardly have any

more chips left.
MAN: Lock it up. Uh-oh.

KHLOE: (bleep)
MAN: Queen on the river.

KHLOE: (bleep)
I did everything Phil taught

me, but it's just not my game.
I'm out of the tournament.

Kim, Kendall... win, win, win.
DEALER: $ , to call.

KENDALL: So, what does that

I just get it?
DEALER: Means you just get

it. ]] KENDALL: Cool.

My sister and my mom, who went
and got experts, are dropping

like flies, and I'm still here.
KIM: Go all in.

DEALER: Player all in!
PHIL: Okay, Kim...

show us your hand, Kim.

♪ ♪
PHIL: Eight-nine versus

Kim's a two-to-one underdog.

Give us the flop.
It's a really good flop for

the king-queen.
Tyler is in really good shape

here. It's over.

Kim is going to bust out.
Kim... Kim, thank you so much

for coming to the City of Hope.
Let's give Kim Kardashian a

round of applause, please,

KIM: I didn't win the entire
tournament, as... I don't know

if any of us really expected
that we would...

PHIL: Kendall, you outlasted
big sis.

KIM: But we raised half a
million dollars and, you know,

just being all together and
trying something new that we've

never done before, and knowing
that it's giving back is just a

fun way to spend our weekend.
KRIS: Can take it off my

bucket list. ]] KIM: Really?

KRIS: Yep. PHIL: Mother.

PHIL: Last one standing.

KENDALL: I'm not surprised
that I'm the last one standing.

It's just what they get for not
including me and not getting me

a teacher, too. Thanks, guys!

Bye, guys. Bye. (Cheering)

♪ ♪

KOURTNEY: It is the morning
of my procedure, and going under

anesthesia always makes me
really nervous, so I am hoping

that all goes well and that, you
know, I get the most eggs out as

possible. LARSA: Ooh. Boo bear.

How you feeling?
KOURTNEY: A little anxious,

LARSA: You're gonna go under,

so you're, like, scared, you
have three kids...

LARSA: Like, that's the part

that's scary to me.
Like, whenever I've been put

under, it's, like, my kids,
like, oh, my God, what if I

don't wake up? KOURTNEY: Yeah.

Don't say that to me now.
LARSA: Oh, sorry. Sorry.

That was not the vibe. Sorry.
I didn't mean it like that.

NURSE: That's normal.
You're gonna do great.

LARSA: I feel like it's so

fast, right?
NURSE: It's so fast, and

it's, like, the best nap you've
ever had.

It's just like, "Oh, that's good
sleep, I don't want to wake up."

NURSE: Yeah. That's what most

of our patients say.
LARSA: Yeah, it's like a good

night's rest.
KOURTNEY: Yeah. I need it.

NURSE (laughs): Yeah.
We all do when it's this early.

LARSA: Yeah, totally.
NURSE: Ready to go, so I'm

gonna walk in with you.
If you, uh...

KOURTNEY: So, I get up?
NURSE: Step down on that

side. All right, perfect.

And we'll have you go out to the
waiting room, and then we'll

take good care of her.
LARSA: Okay.

LARSA: All right, bye.
I love you.

KOURTNEY: Bye. ♪ ♪

KIM: Who do we have here?

Cutie. Oh. Oh, hey.

Guys, I'm gonna say this is a
really (bleep) proud moment in

my life.
In Macy's, giant-sized cutouts

of every family member.
KOURTNEY: What do you think

about this? (Laughs)
KIM: Wait, so, how was your,

um, how was your retrieval?
How many did you get out?

KOURTNEY: I got out seven.
KIM: That's a lot.

That's exactly how many I got

KOURTNEY: It is? KIM: Yeah.

KOURTNEY: I got out eight,
but two they said weren't good,

and then they incubated them,
and they got one out of the two.

So I got seven.
KIM: Oh, that's amazing.

The procedure was much easier

than I thought, so I'm really
happy about that.

I mean, I just feel good.
Like, life is good.

I have the insurance if I want
to have kids, or maybe I'll

never use them.
But I think it's just nice to

It's something that, like, gives

me peace of mind and I don't
have to worry about, and I think

it was all worth it, and I'm
just happy that it's done.

KIM: Wait, was it easier than
you thought it was gonna be?

KOURTNEY: Way easier.
Way easier than I

thought. ]] KIM: That's amazing.

KOURTNEY: So, I don't think I
need to do it again.

KIM: Definitely, you don't
need to do it again.

You don't need that many.
KOURTNEY: No. If anything...

KIM: %. You don't need
any more.

KIM: I'm really proud of.

Kourtney taking the real steps
to freeze her eggs.

But I think it's just, like, all
really symbolic.

Making good decisions and moving
forward and putting herself and

her own happiness first.
Let's take a pic by mine real


KIM: Like this? Is this my pose?

Oh, but I'm like this.
MAN: Got it.

KIM: Cool.
On the next episode...

KANYE: What? Put 'em here.
I'm the one and only Kanye.

West. (Ringtone playing)

KIM: Hello? What?

Right now.

When he gets ramped up, he can't
control what he says.

You know, Alice Johnson, the
only person that could get her

out of prison would be the

We have one shot to plead our

Alice, you're out.
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