15x11 - The Lord & His Lady

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Keeping Up With the Kardashians". Aired: October 14, 2007 - 2021.*
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Reality series of the Kardashian family featuring Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and the rest of the Kardashian/Jenner clan personal and professional lives.
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15x11 - The Lord & His Lady

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪

KHLOE: Cool. Kourt.

KOURTNEY: Oh, cool.
STYLIST: You look amazing,

love. ]] HAIRSTYLIST: So good.

KOURTNEY: I'm wearing that
pink blazer over there, hanging.

KHLOE: Oh, pretty.
(phone buzzes)

Mom. KRIS: Look, I'm on the .

KHLOE: Oh, my God.
KOURTNEY: She wanted to get

there early, I guess.
KHLOE: I know, but I wanted

to get there a little...
I don't want to be there late.

KRIS: I mean, knowing you,
I'm shocked that Kourtney's

there. I'm so proud of her.

KHLOE: No, I'm at Kourtney's

KRIS: Oh. (Laughs)
KHLOE: Kourtney's...

KRIS: Well, there you go.
KHLOE: You know.

KOURTNEY: I'll be ready in
five minutes.

KHLOE: Today is the day of
my shower, and I had been

planning this baby shower for
forever, so it's just really

And I have about a week before

I go back to Cleveland, and
I'll be there permanently until

the basketball season's over and
we come back.

But right now I am so ready to
enjoy my baby shower.

The only thing I have left to do
is to get Kourtney out of the

(bleep) door.
KRIS: See you there,

tootsies. ]] KHLOE: Bye.

Okay, Kourt, I love you.
STYLIST: Are you leaving?

KHLOE: But we're going.
Can't be late to my own shower.

STYLIST: You're all set.
KOURTNEY: Glasses or no

glasses? ]] KHLOE: Why not?

I think you look so (bleep)...
I'm so sorry.

I'll give you a dollar.
You look so cute.

♪ ♪

KOURTNEY: We're going to your
baby shower, Khlo.

Here it is. The Hotel Bel-Air.

KHLOE: Hey, did you know this
is where I met Tristan?

PENELOPE: I know that.
KHLOE: You do?

KOURTNEY: How do you know?
Oh, my gosh.

KHLOE: Hello. (Gasps)

Are you kidding me? Oh, my God.

It is to die for.
KOURTNEY: Khloe's baby shower

is one of the most magical,
beautiful baby showers I've

ever seen.
KHLOE: Like, Tristan's gonna

die when he sees this.
KOURTNEY: It's like walking

into this wonderland of pink
everything, and everyone's

dressed in pink.
Khloe just really had this

vision and made it all come to

KYLIE: Oh, my goodness.
Is this not the cutest thing

ever? ]] KHLOE: Where's Stormi?

KYLIE: It's huge in there.
KHLOE: It's, now I'm...

She's hu... Don't scare me.
I'm so afraid to push it out.

KYLIE: No... MARIA: Was it hard?

KHLOE: No, I was with...

MARIA: Really?
KHLOE: Kylie literally was...

KYLIE: It was the easiest
thing ever.

KHLOE: Like, they were like,
"Push," and she was like this:

"Did I do it?"
MARIA: Oh, my God, that's

amazing. ]] KHLOE: I know.

KIM: Ooh, so pretty.
There's honestly nothing like

your first baby shower.
Just to be able to celebrate

with everyone that you love.
And we have been waiting for

this moment for so long.
I'm just so excited for her.

KHLOE: Oh, my God.
You look so different.

KIM: I know, don't I look so

KHLOE: You really do.
KIM: I'm like, "Aah."

MARIA: I love how calm you are.

KHLOE: Really, I am calm?
MARIA: Yeah, your demeanor is

so calm.
KIM: Grandma, do you want to

help pick a name?
MJ: Oh, I like that.

KIM: True, your grandfather.
MJ: My grandpa... uh, your

grandpa. ]] KIM: No. Bob's dad?

MJ: Your grandfather.
KIM: Bob's dad?

MJ: Yes, he's your real

KIM: Okay.
Um, what... what name was it?

MJ: He's your real... T-R-U-E.

KIM: No, but... Oh, T...
His was T-R-U-E.

MJ: Uh-huh. I love that.
KRIS: Should we sit down and

if anybody wants to eat...
KHLOE: Yeah.

KRIS: I, for one, am starving.

KHLOE: Okay.
KRIS: I'm getting low blood

sugar. KHLOE: Okay, whenever you

want to eat. Jesus.

Please sit with her.
Please sit with her.

CICI: I'm sitting with her.
Oh, yeah.

KHLOE: Holy (bleep).
I'm so happy with how it turned

out. ]] MJ: Be careful with this

here. (Laughs) Be good.

KHLOE: That's how we got here.

MJ: All right. Okay.
KOURTNEY: Look how beautiful

this room is.
KRIS: Hi, everybody.

KRIS: And welcome to KoKo.

Thank you so much for coming.

Um, get a few tears out of the
way, and then I'll roll into

this, 'cause I always cry.
It's so silly.

But, um, I just want to say that
out of all my kids, I worried

for a second about whether or
not Khloe would have a baby.

And it's such an amazing

KHLOE: Thank you.
KRIS: Uh, we are beyond

excited and thrilled to welcome
another... my ninth grandchild.

(all cheering)
That's a lot of people.

That's a lot of human beings.
KHLOE: It's Andrea's first

granddaughter. ]] KRIS: Andrea!

Tristan's mom... ]] WOMAN: Yay!

KRIS: Is here with us today.

ANDREA: I am so happy and

excited for my daughter.
I don't have a daughter.

But, um, when I'm... when I'm
texting Khloe, I always put,

"To my daughter."
KHLOE: That's so sweet.

ANDREA: Ladies and gentlemen,
we thank so much for this day.

It's a blessing for Khloe and

KRIS: Thanks for being here.

KHLOE: Aw. Hello.

TRISTAN: What's going on?
You look good, this is nice.

KHLOE: How are you?
Babe, isn't it so pretty?

TRISTAN: This is really nice.
KHLOE: It must be raining out

there. TRISTAN: You showing even

more today.
KHLOE: I know, it just keeps

getting bigger and bigger.
TRISTAN: I like it, though.

Yeah, you look really good.
KHLOE: Thank you.

ANDREA: Oh, you like it?
TRISTAN: Yeah, you look good.

I heard you k*lled the speech.
Kendall said you k*lled the

speech, it's all they talked

KIM: We were all crying. Hey.
KHLOE: I am in awe.

I literally feel like I'm

There's no way that this is
real and that this shower's for

And I'm so thankful for every

person that has helped with

My baby shower team, Mindy Weiss
and Jeff Leatham, knew exactly

what I wanted, and I couldn't be
more blessed.

ALIABADI: Congratulations.
KHLOE: Having Tristan's

family here and Tristan being
able to come to the shower, it's

absolute perfection, and I love
every minute of it.

Babe! ]] ALIABADI: Tristan!

He's such a gentleman.
KHLOE: He's so cute, I know.

ALIABADI: But he's so good.
KHLOE: It's hard...

ALIABADI: He reminds me...
My husband's like that.

KHLOE: It's hard to be mad
at him.

ALIABADI: Right. Come, come.

KHLOE: He said okay. ♪ ♪

KYLIE: I'll make cinnamon
streusel muffins.

KOURTNEY: Do you want me to
help you?

KYLIE: Sure.
KOURTNEY: This is what you

do? You make boxed things?

KYLIE: Well, you know, um,
they got rid of their

cinnamon cake.
Remember Mom used to make that

cinnamon cake? KOURTNEY: Stop.

KYLIE: And drizzle...
KOURTNEY: The coffee cake.

And drizzle cinnamon.

I tweet them every day.
You don't see my tweets?

KOURTNEY: I bet Kim is
probably horrified.

KYLIE: Horrified.
So, they replaced it with this.

KOURTNEY: This looks nothing
like it.

KYLIE: Nothing.
KOURTNEY: And then we need

two eggs.
I'm so excited for all of our

stuff coming up.
KYLIE: I'm so excited.

KOURTNEY: We have our sh**t.
KYLIE: I know.

I haven't done anything in a
long time, so I'm a little

You know, my body is not, you

know, what it used to be.
I'm just getting, like,

comfortable with my body again.
A lot of us women go through

But it is a shock to the system

to... just... see your body,
especially at such a young age,

change so drastically and just
not be the same size.

I got to get in there.
KOURTNEY: I'm only gonna have

two bites so I don't get sick.
KYLIE: That's a huge bite.

Oh, my God. Ew.

"I'm gonna have two bites."
Takes the whole thing.

(Kourtney laughs)
KOURTNEY: That could be the

best dessert I've ever had. ♪ ♪

KIM: Welcome to my condo.
LARSA: Ooh, I love it.

KIM: I figured it's, like,
the perfect location to have my

office. ]] LARSA: Yeah.

KIM: So I don't have a ton
of people in my house.

These are the plans.
So, like, here, you'll walk in.

There'll be a round table with
just little stools.

This is the master, and I'm
gonna make it a bedroom so I

could film YouTube tutorials
sitting, like, looking in your

bedroom, kind of?
LARSA: So cute, yeah.

Super personal.
KIM: You know, one day I can

maybe give this apartment to one
of my kids.

If they'd want to, like, live in

LARSA: Totally. How's Chicago?

KYLIE: She's good.
LARSA: She's so cute.

KIM: She's so cute.
LARSA: And she's still so

good, right?
KIM: The best baby ever.

LARSA: How do you keep
getting lucky with all your

Like, you're supposed to have

one bad kid. ]] KIM: I know.

LARSA: Like, doesn't sleep,
or it doesn't eat.

Like, your kids are all so good.
KIM: Yeah, Kanye wants to

have more, though.
Like, he's been harassing me.

LARSA: How many more?
KIM: He wants, like, seven.

He's, like, stuck on seven.
LARSA: Okay, he needs to name.

Seven... ]] KIM: Yeah.

LARSA: And, like, lighten
up on the kid situation.

Seven kids is crazy.
KIM: That's crazy.

I could never, especially in,
like, the world we live in.

I feel like the world is just so
different now than when I grew

up, so I've been kind of
hesitant about having more kids,

just because it literally keeps
me up at night, thinking about

how my kids will survive in a
crazy world like this.

All this... sh**ting after
sh**ting that goes on.

LARSA: Yeah.
KIM: Just, like, the worry

that you have.
LARSA: I hear you.

It's scary.
And people have been trying to

kidnap you, rob you, take you.
So that kind of plays into all

that. ]] KIM: All that stuff.

Lately, there have been so many
devastating school sh**t.

The most recent sh**ting was in
Parkland, Florida, and that was

just... I don't know, it just hit
so close to home.

As a parent in general, the
thought of bringing your kid to

a school and having them not
come home because of a senseless

sh**ting is something that
definitely consumes me a lot.

It's like, every day, there's
something so traumatizing that

just makes you not feel safe.

We're gonna go to this march for
g*n v*olence in Washington,

D.C., and we're gonna take North
and, hopefully, it'll be

meaningful to her.

♪ ♪
KYLIE: This is gonna be, kind

of, my first photo sh**t, and
it's kind of hard and

KHLOE: I'm leaving L.A. and,

when I come back, I'm bringing
back a baby.

Here we come.
That's (bleep) crazy.

♪ ♪
KOURTNEY: When she makes

pasta... ]] WOMAN: Uh-huh.

KOURTNEY: You boil the
water and you put salt all in

it. No olive oil.

WOMAN: Okay.
KOURTNEY: Then when you're

done... ]] WOMAN: Yeah.

KOURTNEY: She has to stir
it while it's cooking.

WOMAN: Okay.
KOURTNEY: Every two minutes.

Stir it. Check it. Stir it.
When it's done, she has to make

sure there's no white on the

WOMAN: Okay.
KOURTNEY: But she can't

overcook it.
So she has to time it to what

the box says. ]] WOMAN: Okay.

LARSA: You listening to her?
KIM: Write that all down or

tell her now before you forget.
LARSA: You're like a chef

these days.
Very meticulous about your

pasta. ]] KIM: Yeah.

So, Kanye told me he was taking
North to school today, and he

was explaining to her, you know,
that we're gonna go to this

march for g*n v*olence in
Washington, D.C., and we're

gonna take her and how, like,
he grew up and how dangerous the

neighborhood was in Chicago.

KIM: Kanye is from Chicago,
and he always talks about the

g*n v*olence.
And with everything that's going

on in the world, we just wanted
to do something and be a part of

something that we both really
believe in.

If we just speak up and get
things done, I think we can

change the world for the better.

KIM: Yeah.
Hopefully it'll be meaningful to

her. ♪ ♪

KHLOE: My sisters and I are
sh**ting a Calvin Klein

And the fact that I am gonna be

the first visible pregnant
person sh**ting for Calvin Klein

is really major.
And this is actually my last day

that I'm allowed to travel.
So I can't miss my flight

Or else I'm stuck in L.A., and I

have to have my baby in L.A.
MASON: Fat Amy.

(Khloe laughs)
Fat Amy's in there.

KOURTNEY: Hey, Khlo, come here.

I think you have... KHLOE: What?

KOURTNEY: A pee stain.
KHLOE: I do? I do.

MASON: Did your water broke?
Your water broke.

KOURTNEY: I'd rather tell you
in here than when you go out

there. KHLOE: Yeah. What do I do

about it?
SCOTT: How do you see that?

KOURTNEY: Let's get you a new

KIM: No, let's just blow-dry it.

KOURTNEY: No, you'll just see

KHLOE: Why would I want to
wear pee-stained underwear?

Can't we just get a new pair?
We're at a Calvin Klein sh**t.

I think they could afford it.
Don't tell them I peed in their

SCOTT: It's just... it's...

MASON: KoKo peed in her

SCOTT: ♪ KoKo peed in her
Underoos. ♪

MASON: Khloe peed in her

SCOTT: Hee-haw! Hee-haw!
Marty, open that door.

KOURTNEY: Everyone outside...
everyone outside is laughing!

SCOTT: No. No! Let me see.

KHLOE: No, they're not.
(indistinct chatter)

(chuckling, chatter)

KHLOE: Let me see.
KYLIE: My body?

KHLOE: Yeah. ]] KRIS: Wow!

KOURTNEY: Kylie, you look

KHLOE: Kylie, you look amazing.

KYLIE: I'm still .
KHLOE: And your belly button

is back to normal!
KRIS: Me, too!

KHLOE: I'm right now.
So if you want to (bleep) play

this game...
KOURTNEY: I am not kidding...

You look insane.
KHLOE: Kylie, your belly

button went back to normal.
That gives me so much...

KYLIE: It's just a little...
It's a little... it's, like,

KHLOE: No, it looks great.

KYLIE: This is gonna be, kind
of, my first photo sh**t after.

And doing, like, my first few

fittings and getting back into
it, it's kind of hard and

KHLOE: Kylie, your body looks

(bleep) crazy.
KYLIE: It just doesn't.

KOURTNEY: No, it does.
KIM: Kourt, Khloe, they're

waiting for us. ♪ ♪

KHLOE: This is my final
hurrah in California.

I'm ending it at a Calvin Klein
campaign with my sisters.

Not too shabby. ♪ ♪

KOURTNEY: I am really excited
for Khloe to finally experience

She's seen all of us go through

it, and it really changes you so

KIM: We won't see her until
she has her little baby girl.

So, you know, it's, like,
obviously so fun that we get to

all spend this last day

But I'm definitely gonna miss

KHLOE: Give me a hug.
I'm not gonna see you.

KYLIE: That's crazy.
KHLOE: Don't worry, babe.

It's just a couple months.
You won't even know.

And then I'll bring back a baby.
And you'll come and bring.

Stormi. Don't cry.

Don't "cwy."
KYLIE: (clears throat) I am

gonna bring Stormi, you know

I am gonna bring Stormi.
KHLOE: Yeah. Do whatever you

want. Whatever you want.

Um, we're in the middle of a
heartfelt moment.

I feel like you're sabotaging

(Khloe laughs)

KHLOE: Okay, I love you.
I'm leaving L.A. and, when I

come back, I'm bringing back a

That's (bleep) crazy.
But exciting.

But crazy. ♪ ♪

Here we come.
Everything's going well.

So I feel a lot better.
Sleepless nights, but

everything's working out. ♪ ♪

SCOTT: Looks like we are back
up and live.

For the longest time, I've
always wanted to go to Cleveland

to see where Khloe lives.
And I feel like now is the time

to bring the podcast back.
Looks like a b*mb hit this

place. ]] KHLOE: I like it here.

KIM: Are you ready to march

NORTH: I'm ready.
KIM: I'm so sorry for your

loss. ]] LORI: Thank you.

CAMERON KASKY: Look around.
We are the change.

KIM: I knew hearing these
kids speak was gonna be really

emotional, but I didn't know
that it was gonna be so

inspiring. (Cheering)

KIM: I definitely feel for.

My body changed so much during

my pregnancies.
So I know her struggle.

I know what she's going through.

♪ ♪
SCOTT: Khlo?

Khlo-ver. ]] KHLOE: What?

SCOTT: You know, for the
longest time, I've always wanted

to go to Cleveland to see where
Khloe lives.

But I just didn't know if there
was really anything to do there.

KHLOE: Scott. ]] SCOTT: Yes.

KHLOE: What the hell are we
gonna do together?

I've been bored.
All I do is sit and do nothing.

SCOTT: Podcast. KHLOE: Yes!

If we get back to our podcasting

SCOTT: (bleep) yeah.
Baby got pod.

SCOTT: A long time ago in the
Hamptons, Khloe and I had a.

The Lord and truthfully I

miss it. The Lord and His Lady.

KHLOE: And we're legit in a tub.

SCOTT: Uh, I have a life
jacket on just in case things

get, uh, tough in here.
We're coming to you from the

bay. ]] KHLOE: From the bay.

SCOTT: In Long Island.
KHLOE: Uh-huh.

(Scott and Khloe screaming)
KHLOE: Oh, my gosh.

(Scott screams) ]] SCOTT: Bitch!

(Khloe laughs)
SCOTT: You know, I feel like.

Khloe's probably pretty bored in
Cleveland, so I figure, now is

the time to bring the podcast

Looks like we are back up and

KHLOE (with British accent):
The Lord and The Lady.

Next, we're gonna take

SCOTT: Oh, here's the rd
Street Deli I've heard about

that has an amazing pastrami

KHLOE: Corned beef and rye.
SCOTT: There you go, fella.

Looks like a b*mb hit this

(Khloe laughs)
And they forgot to clean up.

KHLOE: I like it here.
The Lord and the Lady are

officially back on the air.
Scott and I, no matter what, we

will always just jive.
We're two jive turkeys, and we

just get it together.
SCOTT: We're a jiving turkey.

(Khloe laughs)
When that pod comes out,

we just know how to cast.
KHLOE: We do.

SCOTT: Should we see if
anybody wants to be on our

KHLOE: Oh, hi. How are you?

SCOTT: You want to be on our

WOMAN: Okay.
SCOTT: How are you feeling

today? WOMAN: Good. How are you?

SCOTT: We're good.
How are you? What's your name?

TANISHA: Good. Tanisha.
KHLOE: Are you guys from.

WOMAN: Yeah, we're from.

SCOTT: Do you love it here?

WOMAN: Yeah, we do.
SCOTT: You would want to move

if you could?
TANISHA: Well, I'm from New.

York. ]] SCOTT: There you go.

Where are you from in New York?
TANISHA: Uh, New Rochelle.

KHLOE: He's from New York.
SCOTT: I'm from New York as

Would you move if somebody came

down and said, "Hey, we're
willing to move you for free to"

a nicer place"?
WOMAN: Uh... yeah.

SCOTT: Okay, thank you.
TANISHA: It's for free.

Hell yeah.
KHLOE: Who's gonna say no to

that? SCOTT: If somebody loved

where they were.
If somebody asked to move me

from New York City at the time
for free, I'd say no.

KHLOE: Oh, okay. SCOTT: Hello!

KHLOE: Hello. (All laughing)

♪ ♪

KIM: Are you ready to march

NORTH: I'm ready.
KIM: Do you know what we're

marching for?
NORTH: For the families.

KIM: For the families, yeah.
And for all the kids in the

schools, for g*n v*olence.
Kanye and I are at the March for.

Our Lives rally in Washington,

These marches are happening all
across the country, and I really

have always advocated for better
g*n laws and g*n control, so I'm

really happy that we are
supporting and being a part of

something that's really

I'm so glad we brought North.
DEMI LOVATO: Hi. How are you?

(indistinct chatter)
KIM: We get to hear her sing

today, boo. Demi's my favorite!

MILEY: What's up?
How are you? Good to see you.

Hi. What's up, honey?
DEMI: How are you?

MILEY: What's up?
(applause and cheering)

(applause swells)
CAMERON KASKY: My name is.

Cameron Kasky.
Welcome to the revolution!

(applause and cheering)
It is a powerful and peaceful

one of, by, and for the young
people of this country.

Since this movement began,
people have asked me, "Do you"

think any change is going to
come from this?"

Look around. We are the change!

(applause and cheering)
KIM: Hi. How are you?

It's so nice to meet you.
ILAN: I'm Ilan Alda.

My daughter was Alyssa.
KIM: I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry for your loss.
ILAN: Thanks for your

support, coming out here.
This is my wife, Lori.

KIM: Hi. How are you?
I'm so sorry for your loss.

LORI: Thank you.
(applause and cheering)

KIM: I can't even imagine,
you know, as a parent.

ILAN: That was my daughter.
KIM: Oh.

SPEAKER: Everyday sh**t.
CROWD: Everyday sh**t.

ILAN: And we're creating a
non-profit foundation, just

about making schools safe.
KIM: Yeah.

ILAN: So my kids, your kids,
all of these kids can go to

school and just be safe and be

KIM: Absolutely.
CROWD: Everyday sh**t.

SPEAKER: Are everyday problems.

CROWD: Are everyday problems.
SPEAKER: We're tired of being

forced under the rug.
KIM: So they're telling a

story. ]] NORTH: They are?

KIM: 'Cause their friends
maybe died, or their family

members died from g*ns.
NORTH: From g*ns?

KIM: Yeah. That's not okay.
That's why we're here, is to

tell everyone it's not okay to
k*ll people with g*ns, right?

NORTH: Right.
KIM: I knew hearing these

kids speak was gonna be hard and
really emotional, but I didn't

know that it was gonna be so

I think I finally feel like
there's a little bit of hope in

this world if kids like this are
our future, and I hope that.

North one day remembers that her
dad and I brought her here.

And I hope that she just
remembers that she was a part of

something positive that was
happening to change the world

for the better.
YOLANDA: My name is.

Yolanda Renee King,
granddaughter of Martin Luther.

King and Coretta Scott King.
(applause and cheering)

(Kim whoops)
My grandfather had a dream that

his four little children will
not be judged by the color of

their skin, but by the content
of their character.

I have a dream that enough is

(applause and cheering)
And that this should be a

g*n-free world, period!
(applause and cheering)

Will you please repeat these
words after me?

Spread the word!
CROWD: Spread the word!

YOLANDA: Have you heard?!
CROWD: Have you heard?

YOLANDA: All across the nation.

CROWD: All across the nation.


YOLANDA: Are going to be.
CROWD: Are going to be.

YOLANDA: A great generation.
CROWD: A great generation.

YOLANDA: Now give yourselves
a hand.

(applause and cheering)

SCOTT: Yo, I'm here today
learning CPR.

(whooping) ]] KHLOE: Scott, shh.

This class I'm actually really
invested in, and Scott is not.

SCOTT: Bah! KHLOE: Oh, my God.

KIM: Today, I am meeting with
several kids from the March for.

Our Lives movement.
CAMERON: people died at.

Stoneman Douglas, but die
every single day.

KIM: So, what do people do
after the march to actually


♪ ♪
KHLOE: Have you ever done

CPR? ]] SAVAS: Yeah.

KHLOE: You have?
I've never done it.

SAVAS: You know you have to
break their bones and (bleep).

KHLOE: What? Break?
SAVAS: Yeah, in order to

perform it. I swear to God.

KHLOE: That's scary.
SCOTT: Getting ready for a

KHLOE: I just think it's good

learning CPR for just life.
What is this? GoPro?

SCOTT: These are GoPros.
KHLOE: Yeah, but for what?

SCOTT: For the cast, so when
you're vibing, you're like, "Yo",

I'm here today, learning CPR in
a beanie."

KHLOE: But what's the
difference from this?

SCOTT: Now you have visual.
KHLOE: You're stepping it up.

SCOTT: I'm upping the game.
KHLOE: Okay.

SCOTT: Holy, we've got a.

CPR'er, people.
Come on in. I think I'm choking.

KHLOE: Tristan is on the
road, but I am so excited to

take the CPR class with Scott.
I really want to learn this

If, God forbid, anything happens

to anybody, this is actually a
class that could be useful for

our futures.
SCOTT: It's definitely pod

worthy. Hi. How are you?

LORI: I'm Lori.
Nice to meet you.

My son Shane, daughter Chloe.
SCOTT: With a "C"?

CHLOE: Yeah, with a "C."
LORI: With a "C."

We're not as unique as that

WOMAN: You have a plug nearby
that I can...?

SCOTT: Somebody plugged it in
here, if you know what I'm

talking about.
KHLOE: Oh, be quiet.

SCOTT: Got a little baby
popping. (Whooping)

KHLOE: Scott, shh!
LORI: Well, this is gonna be

fun, I can see that.
SCOTT: You ain't kidding.

Look at all those beautiful

You got a mixed baby in there?
LORI: They look kind of

SCOTT: Look at the package

on this one. ]] KHLOE: Scott!

LORI: Once the baby is a year

LORI: It changes to child.

KHLOE: Okay.
LORI: And from eight up, it's

an adult.
SCOTT: My son's an adult!

KHLOE: Don't be a distraction.

LORI: You come across your
baby, and it looks like

something's wrong.
You have to check for a

response. ]] SCOTT: Huh. Bah!

KHLOE: Oh, my God.
LORI: If the baby is not

breathing, and there is no
response, you start compressions

immediately. Okay. Um...

KHLOE: You're draining.
Like, honestly, I'm exhausted.

I will apologize for Scott.

SCOTT: Please don't.
KHLOE: Okay.

I love Scott, and I love hanging
out with him, but I really want

to learn how to give a baby CPR.
Like, this class I'm actually

really invested in, and Scott is
not, and he's hamming it up for

the podcast, probably more than
usual, but it's (bleep) annoying

right now. ]] SCOTT: Baby.

LORI: You're gonna seal your
mouth around the baby's mouth

and nose and blow.
Way too much, Scott.

SCOTT: I got him, though.
LORI: Back off on that.

SCOTT: He's back. ♪ ♪

KIM: Hello. ]] JACLYN: Hi.

JAMMAL: Nice to meet you.
KIM: Hey, nice to meet you.

ARIEYANNA: Arieyanna.
KIM: Hi. Nice to meet you.

ARIEYANNA: Nice to meet you.
KIM: Today I am meeting with

several kids from the March for
Our Lives movement.

After going to the march, I was
super inspired, and I just want

to meet them and see how they're
getting the word out, because

if there's any way that I can
help out, I would love to.

I appreciate what you guys are

And I always see people tweet
about something they feel

passionate about or something
that they feel like is wrong in

the system, but then nothing
really happens.

So, what do people do after the
march, or, like, what do they do

to actually help? You know?
JACLYN: Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Marches just spread awareness,
and people need to learn,

actually, how to activate that.
JAMMAL: Parkland was, like,

an anomaly in a case where...
of how fast people mobilized and

how fast, like, it gained
national attention, and, then,

there's communities every day
who just don't have that voice.

KIM: Yeah. I mean, Kanye
would talk about Chicago all the

time and how he grew up, and I
just am like, "This is crazy."

Like, this can't be."
ARIEYANNA: Being from, like,

the ghetto or, like, the West
Side of Chicago, and you don't

really... even if you're living
in it, you don't really truly

understand it till you see it.
Like, I always hear the

g*nshots, but it didn't become,
like, really real to me until

I was walking down the street
trying to go to the store, and I

saw yellow tape and blood on
the sidewalk.

♪ ♪

JAMMAL: It's different when
you go up to someone and it's

like, "I've lived through this,
like, I've lost friends, I've"

"lost family to g*n v*olence," so
it's, like, taking, I guess, our

experiences, like, to their
front doorstep and letting them

know that, like, communities
like Chicago, Baltimore, L.A.,

like, they face this every day.
CAMERON: people died at.

Stoneman Douglas, but die
every single day, and we don't

talk about that. ]] KIM: Mm.

It's just, it really, really
sucks to live in a world where

it's just, there are so many
sh**t, like, every day.

CAMERON: % of people want
universal background checks.

Like, for you to buy a g*n,
they'd need a background check.

Over % of the NRA membership
wants that, but they block it

every year. ]] JAMMAL: Yeah.

JACLYN: Mm-hmm.
CAMERON: Like, you can't get

% of people to agree on
anything, right?

KIM: Yeah.
CAMERON: Like, literally

anything, but we agree on that.
KIM: I one billion percent

believe that we need stricter
g*n laws.

We need background checks.
You shouldn't be able to walk

into a store and buy a g*n.
And to hear that the kids have

met with people numerous times
and nothing's been done is

just so sad.

So, realistically, is there
anything, or is that cycle just

gonna always be there?
Like, what would it take?

JAMMAL: It's about, we have
to start choosing people who

represent us and elect them into

KIM: You mean people with
some morals?

JACLYN: This is the only

place in the world with this
raging epidemic.

Clearly, it's preventable.
People in between the ages of

and , if they all got out
there and voted, they would make

the decision that election.
CAMERON: What we're trying to

do is to make voting more
ingrained in pop culture, more

ingrained in its being cool.
KIM: I still don't know

(bleep) about voting.
I literally only know the

president election every four
years, and that's it.

KIM: So when people say,

like, "Get out and vote," like,
what is there to vote on?

CAMERON: Every two years, we
have the opportunity to

completely reshape the House of
Representatives and a lot of

the Senate, and so, this
November , there is going to

be an election in America that
can solve g*n v*olence.

KIM: Kanye always says he
wants to have more kids, and I

was like, "I just can't."
Like, there's... our world

is so (bleep) up, and then we
were there, I was like, wait a

minute, I feel like the whole
next generation is so together

and is gonna change the world,
and, like, we can have another

one. We'll figure it out.

But I was so inspired, and I

just, I felt like...
it was so...

just powerful.
Like, it literally gave me hope.

Seeing these kids taking up
their time to talk about issues

that are so important, I think,
is just so selfless and so great

of them.
I honestly feel like there's so

many adults out there that can
learn a thing or two from these

kids. JACLYN: Your vote is your

voice. And your power.

KIM: Oh, totally, I'm voting
in this...

No, I'm voting this...

I'll make my entire family vote.
Thank you guys so much.

CAMERON: You're in this fight
with us, so...

JACLYN: Thank you.
SCOTT: Khlo, let's cast!

KHLOE: I'm so tired.
Can we do this later?

SCOTT: Do you really want to
bring a child into this world

with this kind of energy?
KHLOE: No! And that's why I

need to take a nap.
SCOTT: Podcasters, this is

what it's like dealing with a
pregnant woman.

KHLOE: Don't make me throw
this at your face and chip your

tooth. ]] KYLIE: Say no to that.

Nothing in my closet fits me.
I feel like my hips have just

spread. ]] KIM: Curves are hard.

KYLIE: Some people, they're
just body shamers.

♪ ♪
SCOTT: You put the baby all

the way up here? So far?

WOMAN: You'll work off that
baby weight just coming up...

SCOTT: This is adorable.
KHLOE: Isn't it cute?

SCOTT: Oh, my God, this
baby is gonna come into a very

nice place. I love it.

It feels super, super cozy and

I could live in here.
KHLOE: It's like a peaceful

pink cloud.
SCOTT: To me, it looks like a

sweet, tender, loving of
peach cream ice cream pie.

KHLOE: Well, it's pink.

KHLOE: Is it not pink to you?
There's a pinkish hue.

SCOTT: (bleep) hue.
(Khloe laughs)

KHLOE: That was a good one.
Have you been down to my room?

SCOTT: Mm-mm.
KHLOE: Do you want to go

check that out?
SCOTT: (bleep) yeah, I do.

We've definitely been getting
our pod on, and in my eyes, it

should keep going and going and
going and going.

There's other stuff to catch.
KHLOE: Oh, my God.

SCOTT: So, some thoughts here.

KHLOE (groans): Hold up, let
me lay here and you just tell

me. ]] SCOTT: Okay, so. Let's go

over this.
First of all, the vents being

painted different colors as the
walls and then the lights,

I mean, it's crazy.
Fan, by the way, is horrific.

KHLOE (laughs): Tristan's
gonna love this.

SCOTT: Having a television on
a wood stand, also crazy when

you have all these beautiful

KHLOE: So, where would you
put the TV?

SCOTT: Projector over the top
with a hidden box, then sync a

screen into here, -foot
projector, HD K.

KHLOE: No, you're lying.
You're just listing out letters.

SCOTT: Swear. I have it in my

(Khloe laughs)
Honestly, it's not so bad.

You just need new furniture,
new paint, new floors and a new

bed. (Khloe laughs)

KHLOE: I think I'm gonna,
like, gonna go into early labor

because of you.
Honestly, when I'm around you,

I'm telling you, I am
hysterically laughing, but I'm

afraid my water's gonna break.
SCOTT: So, is this a nice way

of telling me to get the hell

(both laugh)
KHLOE: You're kind of at risk

for my baby.
SCOTT: You're making me laugh

so hard, but get the (bleep)
out of here.

KHLOE: You might have to
leave, 'cause I really gotta go

to sleep.
I am nine months' pregnant, and

I am just exhausted.
So being around Scott, it seems

a lot more challenging on my

SCOTT: You realize I've been
around pregnant women before.

KHLOE: And you realize I have
the best energy and personality

than any pregnant woman you've
been around.

SCOTT: Or just in general,
but yeah.

KHLOE: Yeah. Kourtney was,
"I'm pregnant, and I'm not doing

this, this and this."
She was very limited.

SCOTT: That's her unpregnant.
KHLOE: Yeah. Very hormonal.

SCOTT: Eh. I didn't really
talk to her much.

It was probably the better

Have you felt this thing?

KOURTNEY: What about that
other plant?

SCOTT: This (bleep) is, like,
real heavy.

KOURTNEY: That means you
got to start going to the gym.

(Scott grunts) ♪ ♪

KYLIE: Say no to that.

KIM: Ky. Hey, don't be scared.

KYLIE: We're getting rid of

KIM: Why?
KYLIE: All the old stuff that

KIM: Is there anything fun?

I feel like I might find some
gems in here.

KYLIE: Like, nothing in my
closet fits me.

KIM: You're looking, like,
really skinny.

KYLIE: Thank you.
I'm getting rid of stuff that

I just feel like is never gonna
fit me, like, I know I'm not

gonna fit into, like, a jean
ever again.

And after the sh**t, I'm just
feeling a little insecure.

I feel like my hips have just
spread for life.

KIM: To the point of no return.

KYLIE: Yeah. Like, my
favorite jeans, they're never

gonna fit me again.
KIM: I know. Curves are hard.

It's just figuring it out.
KYLIE: I feel like some

people don't get it.
Like, some people are like,

"Oh, my God," just body shamers.
KIM: Trust me, I get it, but

the pressure to snap back, like,
it took me a good six to eight

Once I got there, I was like,

okay, I'm never leaving.
I think this should go in the

yes pile. ]] KYLIE: Okay.

KIM: I will tell you this.
Double Spanx it up and get out

of the house.
Like, you just have to do that.

KYLIE: I know. I never...
I never cared for Spanx.

Like, I never... (Kim gasps)

Now I get it.
KIM: Yeah, I literally would

wear, sometimes, I'm not joking
you, three pairs of Spanx.

KYLIE: Yeah.
KIM: Just to get out of the

And I know it's, like, really

early and Stormi's so little,
but, like, you just have to roll

with it, you know?
You just have to, like, be

confident, get some things that
make you feel good about

yourself, and find your balance.
KYLIE: No, I agree. Thanks.

KIM: Word from the wise.
KYLIE: Honestly, you do

inspire me a lot.
If Kim can do it, I could do it.

KIM: (laughs) K, let's go
play basketball.

KYLIE: Okay.
KIM: You'll go crazy if you

sit up here all day.
KYLIE: I would love to beat

you in basketball.
KIM: I definitely feel for.

I mean, I gained so much weight.

My body changed so much during
my pregnancies.

So I know her struggle.
I know what she's going through.

But honestly she looks so
amazing and she just has such a

good sense of style, she'll
figure out a way to start

dressing herself and adapt to
her new body.

♪ ♪
Ready? Go.

♪ ♪
Why aren't I getting any?

I never play basketball.
KYLIE: Ah! (Laughs)

KIM: Dude... I suck. ♪ ♪

SCOTT: Khlo! ]] KHLOE: What?

SCOTT: Khlo, let's cast.

Here she is, coming down.
Khloe K.

KHLOE: What are you doing?
SCOTT: We're about to cast.

KHLOE: Right now?
SCOTT: I mean, time's

Sun's almost down and I want you

to be able to get a good night's

I'm leaving town tomorrow.
KHLOE: I was in bed, just

relaxing. I'm so tired.

SCOTT: Tell your listeners
how tired you are.

Sit down.
KHLOE: Can we do this later?

SCOTT: You don't seem tired.
KHLOE: Scott, seriously?

I'm so exhausted and wiped out
and I don't know why you just

won't let the pod breathe for a

SCOTT: Listen, you can
breathe on your own time.

I'm here and I'm here to pod.
Luckily, you don't have much

longer, Khlo.
A couple more weeks and that

baby will be in the streets.
KHLOE: Okay, so what...

SCOTT: But let's talk baby
names before we're done.

KHLOE: Okay.
SCOTT: How involved is T-Dog,

Tristan, the melting pot, on the
name process?

KHLOE: But, you know...
SCOTT: I don't know.

KHLOE: The words aren't
coming out.

He's actually really involved.
SCOTT: That's nice.

SCOTT: That's very nice.

KHLOE: Scott, can we just do
this a little later?

SCOTT: So let's get serious.
I do want you to get your bed

rest, but we started this pod
and I don't want to ruin it.

How about you give me a solid
minutes of good energy and you

go take a -hour nap?
KHLOE: Scott.

SCOTT: minutes.
KHLOE: I don't have good

SCOTT: Do you really want to

bring a child into this world
with this kind of energy?

KHLOE: No, and that's why I
need to take a nap.

KHLOE: And if you would let

me take a nap, there would be
much better energy, but you're

not letting me take a nap, and
I'm at my wit's end, and...

SCOTT: Podcasters, this is
what it's like dealing with a

pregnant woman.
Get ready, people. (Laughs)

KHLOE: Don't make me throw
this at your face and chip your

SCOTT: I don't want a chipped

KHLOE: Stop talking in the

(bleep) mic, it's so stupid
at this point.

SCOTT: Why do you keep
putting the mic up, then?

KHLOE: 'Cause I'm (bleep)
used to it, 'cause that's what

you had me doing.
SCOTT: And so am I.

KHLOE: You know what, if I
had the energy to storm out of

here, then I would have five
minutes ago.

SCOTT: You can't storm
because you're too big to swim.

KHLOE: But I have the energy
to waddle my fat ass out of

here, so that's about to happen.
SCOTT: Ladies and gentlemen.

KHLOE: You're so (bleep)

SCOTT: The Khlo-ster is out.
KHLOE: This was supposed to

be fun; It's not fun.

♪ ♪

SCOTT: Khlo-ver. KHLOE: Yeah?

SCOTT: I'm in a chill mood.
I come bearing gifts.

I want to apologize for getting
a little too crazy and getting

you too anxious.
KHLOE: Thank you, Scott.

SCOTT: I kinda just felt like
we did our podcast in the.

Hamptons. ]] KHLOE: Right.

SCOTT: So it sounded fun,
like it would give us something

to do in Cleveland, but now I've
come to terms that not only is

it annoying, it's

I thought you were bored, but I
see that you probably just need

some time to relax.
KHLOE: I mean, honestly,

the first day I had a ball.
I was just so tired.

And, like, instead of being
chill about it, you're like,

come on, we gotta get this, we
gotta hit this.

And I'm like, what? What?
Who are we really recording for?

SCOTT: I'm not sure.
I don't know.

I came here to see you 'cause
I love you and I'm sorry.

KHLOE: Thank you, Scott.
SCOTT: It was fun while it

lasted. ]] KHLOE: Uh-huh.

(Scott laughs)
There were significant

memories made here, and I'm
very grateful.

SCOTT: This wasn't the most
perfect visit, but I feel like

you're still gonna miss me and
want me back once you're back in

KHLOE: Scott, I miss you just

thinking about this.
SCOTT: Thank you.

KHLOE: I miss you right now
and I'm right next to you.

SCOTT: I know the feeling.
I'm right there with you.

I got you a little something.
KHLOE: Oh, my God.

SCOTT: Because that's all I
can do now.

KHLOE: Oh, my goodness.
SCOTT: A nice little pic for

you to have.
KHLOE: Oh, Goobercy.

SCOTT: Little Goobercy.
KHLOE: Oh, Goober. (Kiss)

This is a very sad photo.
This was the day she died.

This was at the hospital, when I
was, like, putting her down.

I love the idea. I love...

SCOTT: I can't believe it.
KHLOE: That you thought

about me.
You got me a frame and you

printed out a photo of me and
Gabbana, I love that.

I'm just gonna switch the
timeline of the picture.

SCOTT: Aw...
KHLOE: Only because it's a

little too raw for me.
SCOTT: I had no idea.

KHLOE: Yeah, that was my last

SCOTT: Wow. I don't know what

I was thinking.
Kris was like, the black and

white looks more serious.
KHLOE: It was very serious.

SCOTT: Yeah. I am k*lling it
out here in Cleveland.

KHLOE (laughing): Yeah.
SCOTT: This is not my town.

All right, I'm gonna get back to

I love you, Khlo-verfield.
I'll be back for the delivery,

don't worry. KHLOE: Oh, my God.

SCOTT: Okay, love you, call
me if you need anything.

KHLOE: Love you. Thank you.

♪ ♪

KIM: Are you so excited?
KYLIE: I'm actually kind of

KIM: Oh, you'll be fine.

I was thinking, like, to do a
full, like, ' s thing, but.

Kendall, like, shot me down and
said that was so lame.

Kylie and I have a collab
coming out soon for Kylie.

Cosmetics, so we have our
campaign photo sh**t together.

And I hope this will get Kylie,
like, back into her, like,

mindset of just feeling sexy

Kylie is a beautiful, amazing
mom, and I just want her to feel

confident in that.
'Cause she really does look so

good. ♪ ♪

(photographer speaking


Gorgeous. ♪ ♪

KIM: Mario, are they good?
MARIO: Huh, yeah.

KYLIE: Yeah, these are cute.
The photos turned out so

amazing, and at the end of the
day, I'm not gonna let me

feeling a little insecure about
my new body get in the way of

how confident I really do feel.
I just feel way more powerful

than I ever have and also now
I have a little girl looking up

to me.
So I want to be the best person

that I can be.
Come on... I need you.

What T-shirts?
KIM: We'll put on two white

tees. ]] KYLIE: Yeah.

♪ ♪

PHOTOGRAPHER: Wow. So beautiful.

♪ ♪

Gorgeous. The water looks cool.

KYLIE: Oh, these are really

KIM: Oh, good.
KYLIE: It's everything.

Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

SCOTT: You excited?
KENDALL: I don't know.

SCOTT: Today is the day that
we are going to jump out of a

perfectly good airplane.
There's no turning back now.

(phone chimes) (Kendall gasps)

What's the problem?

Stop. ]] KIM: Hey.

KRIS: What the (bleep) is that?

KIM: She's literally gonna go
into labor over this.

KRIS: We should've come last
night; I knew it.

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