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06x05 - Toadie the Conqueror

Posted: 11/01/22 09:00
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

Dashing and daring

Courageous and caring

Faithful and friendly

With stories to share

All through the forest

They sing out in chorus

Marching along
as their song fills the air

Gummi Bears

Bouncing here
and there and everywhere

High adventure
that's beyond compare

They are the Gummi Bears


Magic and mystery

Are part of their history

Along with the secret
Of Gummiberry juice

Their legend is growing

They take pride in knowing

They fight for what's right
in whatever they do

Gummi Bears

Bouncing here
and there and everywhere

High adventure
that's beyond compare

They are the Gummi Bears

They are the Gummi Bears!

[Dunwynians] Hail King Igthorn!

Hail King Igthorn!

Ah, how I've dreamt
of this moment, Toadwart.

At last! Dunwyn is mine!


What in blue blazes?

Uh-oh, looks likes
a party crasher!

No, no! Not you
Gummi Bears again!

It's not fair!



Dukie, wake up!
You're dreaming!

Always that same nightmare!

How can I sleep

when I can't even
conquer Dunwyn
in my dreams?

There's just no rest
for the wicked!

Toadie help bleary-eyed boss
go night-night.

Read Dukeums
a bedtime story.


Oh, well, it's better
than counting ogres.


"Once upon
an ancient time...

the fearsome Prince Elfrick
conquered many great armies

and plundered
mighty kingdoms.

The secret to his power

was a suit of magic armor

that made him
invincible in battle."

Magic armor, eh?

"And to this day
the enchanted suit lies

in the Red Marble Crypt
of the Nether Region."


Where did you say
that armor was?

The Red Marble Crypt...

I know that place!

I played knights and ogres
near there as a boy!


With that suit of armor,

King Gregor's forces
will be unable to defeat me!

Victory will be mine!

But Your Sleeplessness,
this is just a fairy tale.

Fairy tale my eye!
That armor exists
all right.

And we're going
to find it!


With this Ancient
Gummi Telescope I found

we can learn
all about the heavens.

Will we see stars
and planets and comets?

Yeah, if we ever
get it outside!

Try moving it
a little to the right.

[strained grunts]

Uh, I mean the left.

O-or maybe it should go...

Oh no, it's stuck!

Hmph! What'd you expect
with Zummi in charge?

Now, now, Gruffi!
I know what I'm doing...

Yeah, sure!

You're a natural
born leader!

Now, give me
a hand here.

We've gotta
tilt this end up

and angle it
through the doorway.

Gruffi, wait!
Don't force it!

Come on Cubbi, pull!


Look out!


Cubbi, Gruffi,
are you all right?

Wow, this telescope's more
powerful than we thought.

I can see stars already!

Yeah, now that
the ceiling's
not in your way!

What in Great Gummi
is going on?

Thanks to Zummi,
the roof fell in!

But it's not my fault!

Oh yeah?

You're the one
who got it jammed
in the doorway.

But Gruffi,
you're the one who tried
to force it through!

Well, okay, so maybe
it was my fault too.

These supports are made
out of iron wood.

And those trees only grow
in the forest of Glynwiddie.

That's five days' journey.

I'd better pack a lunch.

And I'll help
gather up your tools.

Please, Zummi.

You've helped
enough already!

I'm still not sure
we ought to leave Zummi
in charge of cleanup.

Oh, lighten up, Gruffi.
He can do it.

We've just got
to give him a chance.

There's nothing
to worry about.

I'll take care
of everything.

You won't recognize the place
when you get back.

That's just what
I'm afraid of!


I know the hidden door
to the Nether Region's
around here somewhere.

If it hidden,
how we find it?

Why can't you mushbrains
ever use your heads?

Uh, okay!


Good work, men!

Treat yourselves
to a double ration of slop
for dinner tonight.

-Ooh, goodie, goodie!
-Um, yummy.

Onward, troops!

Follow... meee! [echoing]


Some days blind loyalty
bad for Toadie's health.


[ogres screaming]

-Where Dukie go?

But this nifty mud!
Wanna make pies?

Your name's going to be mud
if you don't get off me!


Now, move it!
We don't have all day!

But we not finish
making pies.

Toadwart, can't you
light a fire under these
half-baked half-wits?




Where do we start, Zummi?

Um, let's work our way
out from the corners.

Or should we start
from the doorway?

I wish we could just
make this mess disappear!

Now why didn't
I think of that?

"Vuman-umish... numow!"

Where'd it go?


Would you believe
the kitchen?

Anybody home?

[nervous gulp]

We found creepy crypt,
o Morbid One,

but where's
Elfrick's armor?

[Igthorn] Aha!
It's in there!

My one-way ticket
to Gregor's throne!

In a moment
that magic armor
will be mine!

[ominous bellow]
Over our dead bodies!

[all] G-g-ghosts!

Bah! You spectres
don't scare me!

I can see
right through you!

Defy the Guardian Spectres
at your peril!

thr*aten me,
will you?

Ogres, attack!

Uh-uh, nope.

This not in
job description.


If you numbskulls
don't deal with them,

you'll have to deal with me!

Since Dukie
put it that way...



Dukie right!

Nothing to these ghosts!

Wrong, insolent one!


Excuse me, Dukie,

but maybe we better
come back some other time.

No, you sniveling runt!
Now's our chance!

It's mine! All--

How am I supposed
to fit into this?

Maybe it not made
for someone with
big head, Dukie.


It's no use!

Only a miserable
shrunken shrimp

could squeeze into
that metal mini-suit!

How do I look?



The small stinky one
wears the armor!

We must get it back

before he learns
how powerful it is!

Go on, Toadwart.

Show them what
that magic armor can do!

B-but Your Heartlessness,
are you sure it works?

No, but we're about
to find out!


-En garde!


Oooh, lookie!

Magic armor make
Toadie invincible!

We cannot win!

All is loooost!

Well done, Toadwart!

With my brains
and your brawn,

we'll knock Gregor off
his high and mighty throne

and put me on it!

[Igthorn] Hear me, Gregor!

My greatest warrior
challenges you and your
entire army to combat!

Good heavens!
Has Igthorn gone daft?

Don't worry, Sire,

my knights will soon teach
that rusted ruffian a lesson!

Surrender, varlet!

[knight screams]

Nice day for swim!

Jump right in,
water's fine!

Really, Gregor!

Is that the best
you can do?

By jove!

Raise the drawbridge at once!

Not so fast, Kingy!

Time to pay toll!

My word!

What kind of wizardry
is this?

Seize him!


Give it up, Greg.

Your loss is my domain!

You can't just
barge in here and
take over, Igthorn!

I won't stand for it!

Well then, maybe
you'd better sit down...

in the dungeon!

My men will escort you!

You blaggard!

Flattery will
get you nowhere.

But I will accept
this token of
your friendship.


You in big trouble,

Not for long, you oaf!


Ah, yes, there will be
dancing in the streets,

now that I am
King of Dunwyn...

Thanks to you,
dear Toadwart!

It's an honor
to serve you,
o' Grateful one.

Of course it is!
Now, feed the troops.

Then start
shining my boots
for my coronation!

Yes, Your Imperiousness!

I'll feed the troops
and shine your--?

Wait a minute!

Toadie get a bum deal.

Especially after
all the things I've done
for my dearest Dukie,

above and beyond
my job description.



intrepid Toadie
just knocked the socks
off enemy knights.


I deserve a promotion!
And a paid vacation!

Don't let that magic armor
go to your head, bolt-breath.

I masterminded this victory!

Now get busy!


Wowee! Not even a dent!

Ooh, you'll pay
for that, Toadwart!

No, you will!

Toadie the Conqueror
not take orders from
ungrateful Dukie anymore!

Yaaaaa...! Ooof!

I'll rule Dunwyn
all by myself!

What?! You can't!

And who's gonna stop me?

[Ogres] Not me! Uh-uh! No way!

Then throw naughty Dukie
in dungeon with ex-king!

Okie-dokie, Toadie!

No! Stop!

Unhand me,
you traitorous turncoats!

I've got to find
the Gummies.

They're our only hope!

[Cubbi] Wow!

Those clouds look
close enough to touch!

[Zummi] That's because
the magnifying lens on this
telescope is so powerful!

[gasps] Fire!

Quick, flouse the dames,
er, douse the flames!

Zummi, use your
water-making spell!

Uh, which one?
For a river?

-A lake? I've got it!
-[both] Rain!

"Brum-ing rum-ain num-ow!"

[thunder rumbles]

What started
that fire anyway?

The magnifying lens

must have focused the heat
from the sun's rays
onto that branch.

[Calla] Zummi!

[panting] Something terrible
has happened!

Oh no, what else
can go wrong?

Toadie conquered Dunwyn!

[all] Whaaaaaaat?!

This is all fault,

If you hadn't kicked me out
years ago I'd be king!

But now that presumptuous
piece of furniture

is ruling in my place!

Never underestimate
the little fellow, Igthorn!

I certainly don't!

Life under your rule
would have been bad enough!

I shudder to think
what kind of king

that runt of yours will make.

[woman] That tyrant
is unbearable!

He's everywhere we look!

And he's taking
everything we've got.

[Gad] All hail King Toadie!

[glumly] Hail King Toadie.

Hail King Toadie.

Ooh, I love it when
they call me that!

[clears throat]
Now down to business.

Hear ye, hear ye!

King Toadie hereby
commands loyal subjects

to stoop to his level.

From now on all Dunwynians
will walk on their knees!


-What are two laughing at?

I order you to...

go jump in the moat!

[both] Okey-dokey, Toadie!

I like being King.

See? There it is.

That's the armor
Toadie's wearing.

I'm afraid it's protected
by extra strong magic!

I'm not sure
any of these spells
will work against it!

There be something
you can do, Zummi.

You're the only one
who can save Dunwyn.

Well, then we'd better
start by, uh,

trying to free your father
and the knights.

I sure hope Zummi
knows what he's doing
this time!

-Uh-oh, someone's coming.

Hurry! We can hide
behind Great Uncle Gilwyn.


Mm, Toadie loves royal
bedtime snackie!

Ooh, lookie!
Painting has feet!


Someone's trying
to pull the ermine
over Toadie's regal eyes.


[Calla] Oooops!

-[Sunni] Run, Calla!
-Gummi Bears!


-No, Zummi! Run!

Keep going!

Get them!
Get those Gummi Bears!

Psst! In here!

Knock, knock.

Oh, yoo-hoo!


Gummies get away for now.


I'm afraid as long as Toadie's
wearing that armor...

he's invincible!

I can't believe
he never takes it off.

Doesn't he ever
get hot in there?

Hmmm, not as hot
as he's going to get!

Being king has great
fringe benefits--

like having footstool
of my very own!

Me want new job.

Understanding Toadie
can easily arrange that.

You are now court jester.

Make me laugh...
or else!


Hear ye, hear ye!

All loyal subjects
must kiss my royal foot!

[groaning in disgust]

[Cubbi] Pee-yew!

Toadie's latest order
really stinks!

Well, the Mystery Knight
oughta clean things up.

I hope so.

Good luck, Zummi.

-[Toadie chuckles]

Tomorrow I'll make
them kiss both my feet!

[Zummi] Not if I can help it!

Who dares mock
Toadie the Conqueror?

The secret
Defender of Dunwyn!

And I hereby challenge
you to a duel.


Maybe you haven't heard
of my reputation!

You gonna be sorry!


Mystery knight
bounce like Gummi Bear!

Gummi Bear!

Hey! No fair!
Fight like a knight!

This is terrible!

I can't get a beat
on that little pest!

He's moving around
too much!

-[Zummi] Oh, dear!

Better give up!

Not while I still have
a spell up my sleeve!

I'll make your
suit of armor expand
and fall right off you!

"Umex-pummand num-ow!"

Oh no!
It didn't work!


Oh, yes, it did!

Face it! Toadie's tip top
banana around here!

You're right!

Please, o great
and merciful Ogre,

spare this poor
worthless Gummi.

I might consider it,

if you grovel
some more...

Hoo boy!

All this exercise
is getting tepid Toadie
awfully warm.

Oh no!
I'm burning up!


[Zummi] If you can't
take the heat,

get out of the armor!

Now to free Calla
and the King!

I'm hot, hot, hot!

[Toadie yelping]


So long, King Toadie.

[Toadie] Whoooaa!

The last of the ogres
is gone, Sire.


Then there's only
one more rotten apple
to kick out of Dunwyn.

Farewell, Igthorn!
And don't come back!



Life-saving Toadie
at your service,
dear Dukie.

Thank you,

You little ingrate!

This is all your fault!

You ruined my dream!

We all make mistakes,
O Forgiving One.

I promise
I'll make it up to you.

I'll be your
faithful footstool,

your most adoring doormat,

You'll be lucky if
I let you be my doorstop!

[breathing heavily]

Now that we've got
the Ironwood,

I can fix
that support beam.

Thanks, Gruffi,
but I already patched it up.


I found some magic armor
that fits perfectly.

The beam's
as good as new.

You did that, Zummi?

Oh, he did
more than that!

[Calla] Oh, Zummi!

I almost forgot
to give this to you!

I proudly present
this medal of honor
to you, Zummi Gummi...

for leading Dunwyn
to freedom!


[theme music playing]