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06x01 - Patchwork Gummi

Posted: 11/01/22 08:38
by bunniefuu
Dashing and daring

Courageous and caring

Faithful and friendly
With stories to share

All through the forest
They sing out in chorus

Marching along
As their song fills the air

Gummi Bears

Bouncing here and there
And everywhere

High adventure
That's beyond compare

They are the Gummi Bears

Magic and mystery
Are part of their history

Along with the secret
Of gummiberry juice

Their legend is growing
They take pride in knowing

They'll fight
For what's right

In whatever they do

Gummi Bears

Bouncing here and there
And everywhere

High adventure
That's beyond compare

They are the Gummi Bears

They are the Gummi Bears

Prepare the royal coach, milord.

It's time for my annual tour
of the peasant's village.

Unhand that cookie,
villainous varmint.

Who's a varlet?

Tummi, watch--

Hey, can't you play
somewhere else?

Sorry, Sunni.

Well, I was here first, and--


Look at this.

It's make a perfect
royal cape.

-Or a neat drawbridge.
-But I found it first.

-Did not.
-Did too.

-[Cubbi] Did not. Did not.
-[Sunni] Did too. Did too.

Now, now, what's all this?

Oh, my stars! Stop!

Don't you realize
what this is?

It's just an old quilt, right?

This is no ordinary quilt,

This is the Great Quilt
of the Ancient Gummis.

Zummi, are you sure
this is the Great Quilt?


You see, it's really a patchwork
of Gummi history.

Each square documents

our ancestors' greatest

Wow. Do you think I could ever
earn a patch?

Listen, sweetie,

to earn a place on it,

you've got to do something
really special.

Like helping others.
It's a great honor.

Well, it's much too beautiful
to keep in a dusty old trunk.

We should hang
it in the main hall.

On the south wall.

Oh, not on the south wall,

The light's much better
on the north wall.

I say we hang it
on the south wall.

No, the north wall.

-South wall!

-[Gruffi] South!
-[Grammi] North!

Maybe you'd better put it
back in the trunk

till they decide
where to hang it.

Too bad I have
to put this away.

I bet Calla would love
to see it.

In fact, I'm sure Zummi won't
mind if I showed it to her.

And, besides,
I'll bring it right back.

Calla's going to be
so impressed

when she sees the--

I've got to go back
and get it.

Oh, what a day.

Oh, I'll be lucky
if this junk brings enough money

to buy a loaf of bread.

What's this?


Maybe this old rag will bring
a penny or two at the market.

Oh, no. I've got to stop him
before he sells our quilt.

[King Gregor]
I beg your pardon, Lady...

Lady Bane.

I said I'd like you to help me
find the Gummi Bears.

Gummi Bears?

Ha! Preposterous.

My dear lady,
I'm afraid no one

has seen a Gummi Bear
in years.

Well, I have.

And if you help me
find them,

I'm prepared to make it
worth your while.

Madam, this is absurd.

I have a kingdom to run.

What? You dare refuse me!

Sir Tuxford, please escort
this unfortunate woman

outside immediately.

With pleasure, sire.

You'll pay for this affront,

You and your puny kingdom
will feel the sting

of my revenge.


Just you wait.

[door opens and closes]

Fresh fish!

Get them while they're fish.

Come on, come all,

to buy the finest quilt
in all of Dunwyn.

See, Calla? Over there.

If he sells our quilt,

Gruffi and the others
will throw a fit.

Don't worry, Sunni.

I can buy it back
for you.

Just wait here
while I get some money.

-[rapid hoofbeats]

Hey, watch where
you're going!

Fools. Can't you go
any faster?

Faster! Faster!

The sooner I'm out of this
miserable kingdom, the better.

Wait, my Gummi medallion.

This means Gummi magic
is close by.

Where can it
be coming from?

[indistinct chattering]

You want it,
I got it.

The finest quilt
in all of Dunwyn.

[Lady Bane]
That's it.

Stop the carriage!

-[tires screech]

You there.
I'll buy your quilt.

-You will?
-Lady Bane!

What's she doing here?

Excellent choice, milady.

I've got the money, Sunni.

Now, let's buy
that quilt.

Oh, you're too late.


Maybe not.

Excuse me, ma'am,
but I'd like to buy that quilt.

Just name your price.

It's not for sale.

But you don't understand.

See, it's an old
family heirloom.

Get your grubby paws
off my--


-You're a Gummi Bear!


Sunni, run!

Stop that Gummi Bear!

Gummi Bear! Gummi Bear!

Sunni, duck.

[Troggles snarling]

Calla, this way.

[both grumbling]

Idiots! You let them get away!

-Get away! Get away!
-Get away! Get away!

Oh, never mind.

Just get me home.

I must examine this quilt

Great. Now what am I
going to do?

[Lady Bane]
Ah, I was right.

This is a genuine Gummi

And soon, I shall unlock
its secrets.



Ooh, good shot.

Now me try.

[Troggles groan]

Who dares?



[both exclaim]

Since my horses
are gone,

you gorillas are going
to take me home.

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[both grunt]

Never argue
with lady.

Yeah, we take you home.

You clods.

You're going
the wrong way.

Uh, uh, uh. This shortcut.

We home now.

Fools. I wanted to go
to my home, not Drekmore.

Drekmore is home.

Oh, well, this will have to do.

I can't wait any longer
to study this quilt.

Then, after I draw him out,

we'll attack his flank
and knock him off.

Not a bad plan, eh, Toadwart?

So there you are,



She's back.

My dear Lady Bane,
what a pleasant surprise.


I knew you couldn't resist
my charms for long.

Don't touch me, turnip.

I have important business
to attend to.


So make sure
I'm not disturbed.

Nobody treats my Dukie
like that.

-Don't you get it, Toadwart?

The woman's mad for me.

She's just playing
hard to get.

Ooh, very hard,
Your Smittenness.

I was right.
It's all here.

Gummi history.
Gummi tradition.

Gummi good deeds.

Ah, and Gummi magic.

Now we're talking.

If this quilt is as powerful
as I think it is...


Don't be shy, my sweet.

See what your Iggy-poo
has brought you.

Posies for my pretty.

And I've got something
for you too.

[electricity crackles]

[thunder rumbles]

You're so right, my pet.
They did need a little water.


It works!

Now, I'll teach Gregor
the price of mocking me.

[thunder rumbles]


I will unleash all
the forces of nature on Dunwyn.


[all gasp and chatter]

::. --] ::. line:%,start
Dukie's dream boat
seems mighty peeved.

Nonsense. I love these little
moods of hers.

Look, Sunni. Ogre tracks.

Oh, no! That means Lady Bane
is in cahoots with Igthorn.

And she's probably
taken the quilt to Drekmore.

Oh, I never should have taken it
out of Gummi Glen.

[wind gusts]

Sunni, look.

[thunder rumbling]

Quick, Calla!
Over here!


Boy, that was close.

But it's not over.

[both scream]

[both screaming]

Sunni, look!

Oh, no!

This is just hopeless.

Maybe not,
if I can just--


My juice!

[Sunni screams]



Hold on!

I've never seen
a storm like this.

[Sunni] Yeah, and it's heading
towards Dunwyn.


[King Gregor]

Could this be nature's doing?

Or something far worse?

Sire, we've looked

but we haven't been able to find
Princess Calla.

Then we must keep looking.

I shall not rest
until my daughter is found.

Grammi, Gruffi,

we can't find Sunni

That's not all
that's missing.

The gut is quon.
Uh, the quilt is gone.


According to
the Great Book of Gummi,

the quilt has magical powers.

And it could be very dangerous
if it fell into the wrong hands.

We've got to find
that quilt.

Calm down.

I'll check and see
if she's outside.

That storm almost had a mind
of its own.

And I bet I know
whose mind it is.

Lady Bane's.

Maybe we should go back
to Gummi Glen

and get the others.

But what if there
isn't any more Gummi Glen?

Or Dunwyn.

This is all my fault.

So I've got
to undo this mess.

Not without me, you won't.


How can I write out my list
of demands for Gregor with this?

Oh, Iggy-poo!

Coming, my pet.

Get me another quill,

Your wish is my command,

And don't call me

Hurry, Toadwart.

We mustn't keep
the dear lady waiting.

Why not?

Livid lady is ruining
home sweet home.

Ah, who needs this dump when
I have Dunwyn waiting for me.

Dukie shouldn't count his
kingdoms before they hatch.

-Ah-ha. Found one.

It's about time.

Would milady care
for anything else?

Why, how thoughtful
of you, Duke Igthorn.

[Toadwart laughs]

Looks like Toadie
not the only

piece of furniture
around here anymore.

We can get in this way,

Now's our chance.



-What was that?
-It wasn't my fault, Dukums.

It was...

...a Gummi Bear!

-Gummi Bear?
-Gummi Bear?


You fool.



Hey, let go.

Put me down.

Well, well,
what have we here?

Not only do I have
the Gummi quilt

and a Gummi Bear,

I have King Gregor's daughter.

Daughter! Daughter!

Igthorn, take my list
of demands to Dunwyn at once.

With pleasure, my dear.

I'll make King Gregor
an offer he can't refuse.


[thunder crashes]

And after you turn over
the entire kingdom to Lady Bane,

you will crawl
on your hands and knees

and beg for her forgiveness.

This is preposterous.

My answer is no.

Let's not be so hasty, Greg.
However, if you don't care

to ever see your lovely
daughter again...

[King Gregor]


Now, where was I?

Lady Bane wants
all your gold and silver,

and the crown jewels,
of course.

Next, she wants...

Huh, that's odd.

She forgot to mention
my name.

Speculating Toadie
spot a trend here.

I'm sure it's just an oversight,

You've won, Igthorn.

Lady Bane can have
whatever she wants.

As long as Calla's safe.

According to the medallion,

the quilt is this way.

Come along, Greggy.


Look who's here.

[Zummi, gasps]

In here, Zummi.


I knew somebody
Lady Bane and I

would make beautiful
mayhem together.

Ah, we were meant
for each other.

Look at her demands.

That woman's obviously
playing you for a sap.

She wouldn't.

She couldn't.

But what if she is?

Then she will regret it.

No one makes a fool
out of me.

He's so good
at doing it himself.

Oh, dear.
If Lady Bane's involved,

Sunni could be in worse trouble
than I thought.

Especially if that witch
has our quilt.

Make yourselves
comfortable, boys,

while I have a chat
with our dear Lady Bane.

I hope Dukie's heartthrob
is in a receptive mood.

Don't worry, Toadwart.

Once I turn on
the old Igthorn charm,

she'll be eating
out of my hand.

How can she resist me?

Where is that dolt Igthorn?

He should have been back here
hours ago with Gregor's crown.

You'll never get away
with this.

And who's going to stop me,
little bear?


[jewel humming]

Honey, I'm home.

What took you so long?

It takes time to conquer
a kingdom, my dear.

Then you were

Need I say more?


But we do have one
itsy-bitsy problem.

It seems my name was missing
from the demands.

I'm sure it was just
a minor mistake.

Oh, that was no mistake.

But you are!

How can you say that after
all we've meant to each other?

I wouldn't share dirt
with a clod like you.

You can't throw me out.

This is my cast--


Love is so fickle.

What a glorious day.

I've won!

-Won! Won!
-Won! Won!

This is horrible.

I'll say.

Gruffi. Sunni.

What are you doing here?

I should ask
the same of you.

We can talk
about this later.

Get slow.
I mean, let's go.

But the quilt.

Going somewhere?

Yeah, lady.
Out of here.

I beg to differ.

[all yelp]



Let's see if you're
lightning-quick, lady.

What in blue blazes
is going on in there?

A wild pajama party?

-[electricity crackles]
-[Igthorn] Ow!

Maybe we should
come back later.

[body crashes]


Get that bouncing bear,

or I'll turn all of you
into footstools.

Footstools. Footstools.


[Lady Bane]
You bumblers.

Look what you've done.

Oh, no. I've got to save
the quilt.

You little meddler.


That's what you get
for touching my things.

It's safe.

[Lady Bane]
But you're not.

That quilt's magic
was meant to be mine.

Oh, no!

[electricity crackles]

What's happening?


You can't do this to me!



See what happens
when you cross me?


Dukie really in the hot seat
this time.

I guess I made
a mess of things.

Oh, well, maybe I can help,

with a little Gummi magic.

[chanting spell]

It worked.

Everything's just as beautiful
as it was before.

No thanks to me.

I can't wait to free Father
and tell him that Lady Bane

has had a sudden
change of heart.

Land sakes! Look.

Congratulations, Sunni.

You've earned a patch
on the Great Quilt.

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You're a Gummi legend.

I am?

Now we've got to put this up

so everybody
can see it.

Here's a good spot.

Mm, oh, not enough light.

This would be much better.

Wait, wait, wait.
This is perfect.

Oh, then again,
I think over here would be...