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01x15 - There's Something About Zach

Posted: 11/01/22 08:00
by bunniefuu
Everyone, before I cut the ribbon,
there's something you should know.

We're gonna kick butt
with this science fair project.

-Oh, yeah!

Four friends united for science.

To the Dream Team!

I still prefer the Four Amigas.

Let it go, Emmy. We already voted.

Hey, Syd. Chloe had to quit.
Can you fill in at the smoothie counter?

Sorry, Dad. But the Dream Team's
gonna be busy

building a roller coaster
for the science fair all week.

We're using it to measure
transitional kinetic energy

controlled for mass,
speed, and resistance.

Yeah... I didn't understand
at first either.

Reminds me of the projects
I did when I was a kid.

Like putting a nail in water
and watching it rust.

Yeah, yours is way better.

Hey, guys. Just a heads up.

Next week is midterm exams,
so I'll be up in my room studying.

Aren't you cutting it kinda close?
You've had all semester to study.

Thanks, Professor Fun-Buster.

Waiting 'til the last minute is
what all us students do. Right, girls?

Actually, we've been planning
this project for months.

Alright, then it's what
this college kid does.

Anyway, if you don't
see me for a couple days,

shove some food under my door.

Quesadillas or pancakes work best.

Okay, guys.

Time to cut the ribbon now.

Drum roll please...

[imitating drum roll]

Wow. I was expecting more from that.

Oh sorry, forgot!


Wow, I was expecting more from that too.

[theme music playing]

Like father, like daughter
We don't always agree

But looking at you
Is like looking at me

The more things change
The more they stay the same

Like father, like daughter
From different times

Taking all the best
From your decade and mine

The more things change

The more they stay the same

The more they stay the same

[gasps] Oh my gosh.

Zach Thompson.

What is the coolest kid
in school doing here?

And he's heading our way. Act casual.

-How's this look?
-Like you're about to get a flu shot.

-Hey, guys.
-Zach. Hi. Hello.

You're here. Hello.

[giggling nervously]

I just filled out a job application
for smoothie guy.

You? Working here?

Syd's dad is the owner.

He is? Could you put in
a good word for me?

We'll put in a bunch of words.

Big ones, smart ones,
good looking ones.

Cool. Thanks!

Could you imagine
Zach Thompson working here?

We'd get to see him every day.

And not just when we wait
in the hallway at : and :.

[both scream excitedly]

Did that mouse get in here again?

I caught him and drove him to the park.
He must have found his way back.

Listen, Dad.

We have a recommendation
for someone for the smoothie shop.

Zach Thompson.

He's a leader. Captain of the swim team.

And what about his people skills?

Everyone at school likes him.


Sounds like you girls are pretty
impressed with this Zach boy.

-Where did that come from?

I'll tell you what. Let me think about it.

What's to think about?
He's Zach Thompson.

If my dad was a twelve-year-old girl,
he'd hire him in a heartbeat.

We got Space Assassins!

I can't believe we got it!

I can.

You ripped it out of the other kid's hand.

-Ready to blow up some aliens?

What's going on?

You're supposed to be doing your chores.

You know the rules.

Chores, homework, bed.

Dinner might be in there somewhere.

Mom, have you ever thought
about getting a hobby?

Max, you're my hobby.

And the great news is,
I don't have to pay for lessons

and I still keep getting
better and better.

Now, do your chores.

Fine. You've made my life miserable.


Don't worry.
He's a good kid. He'll straighten out.

Guys, I just found out.

Mr. Ramirez has decided to make
our science fair projects

fifty percent of our grade.

Alright, we've got four more days.

Nobody panic.

Let's just meet up at my house
right after school and get to work.

No one can stop the Dream Team.

-Emmy, don't say it.
-What? I'm over it.

[coughing] Four Amigas.

Hey, Syd, Olive.
I've been looking for you guys.

I got the job at the cafe.

That's "tan-fastic."


Well, you guys made it happen.
I owe you one.

[giggling nervously]

[both squealing]

Never forget, you are the heart and soul
of the smoothie-making operation.

-You watched my training videos, right?
-Yes, sir.

I wasn't expecting a rap.

Thank you, Zach.

I got my mind on my mangoes
And my mangoes on my mind

Welcome aboard.

Look at him
in his Reynold's Rides T-shirt.

[Sydney] My last name's on that shirt.

In some cultures,
that would mean we're married.

Hey, if it isn't my first customers.

Here. I just whipped up
a batch of banana pineapple.

So? What do you think?

[strained] Yum.


Great. Enjoy.

Ew. Blegh.

[gagging] Yuck!

How could something that tastes so bad
be made by something so beautiful?

If he makes smoothies like this,
your dad's gonna fire him.

He can't sack Zach!

What if we stay and teach him
how to make smoothies?

Sophia and Emmy are meeting us at my house
in an hour to work on the project.

We'll tell them an emergency came up.

It's not that big a lie.

You tasted those smoothies.

Hey, guys. We are so, so sorry

that we had to bail
on the science project yesterday.

It's not like you wanted to.
You had an emergency.

Is everything okay at the cafe?

It's fine. We can't get into details.

The authorities are still sorting it out.

But that's all behind us now.

So, let's meet up
at my house right after school.

Now get in here.

[all] Go Dream Team!

Just so you know, I was saying
something else in my head.

There's my favorite girls.


Are you kidding?

Without you teaching me
how to make smoothies,

I would have been fired.

Who knew you had to peel mangoes?

Fruit, am I right?

Hey, why don't you girls
stop by the store this afternoon?

I wish we could,

but we have a really important school
project that we have to work on.

Too bad. I was gonna name
some smoothies after you.

You were?

Oh, Zach. Don't be silly.
You don't have to do that.

-No, no. Name them. Name them.

-Cool. See you later.
-[giggles nervously]


I gotta find a way
to get Mom out of my hair

so I can have some fun.

Maybe if you picked up after yourself,

you wouldn't have this problem.

Buenos días, mis amigos.

Tomas! ¿Cómo está?

Ah, muy bien, muy bien.

Tomas needs some change.

Okay short stuff, let's hit it.


Hi, Mrs. Reynolds. This is Tomas.

He owns the Spanish restaurant next door.

He doesn't speak English.

[enunciating] Hello, Tomas.

Es un placer conocer a una mujer
de tan obvio encanto y gracia.

Tomas says it's a pleasure
to meet a woman

of such charm and grace.

Well, tell Tomas that he's
a very charming man himself.

Ella dice que tú también

eres un hombre muy encantador.


-Are you watching this?
-Watching? I'm in this.

Leo, if we can get them together,
she'll be so distracted,

it'll be goodbye chores
and hello Space Assassins.

-Get him to ask her out.
-Sí, muchacho.

¿Qué tal si invitas
a la señora Judy a una cena?

Ah, ¿quieres ir a cenar conmigo?

-He'd like to take you to dinner.

Oh. Well...

I like dinner and I like him
so sounds like an easy yes.

Or should I say "sí."

Here we go.

One "Syd-berry Sensation"
and one "OMG Olive."

'Cause it's got orange,
and mango, and guava.

And you're Olive.

[both] Thanks, Zach.

Oh, and what about Emmy and Sophia's?

Here you go.

I don't know them,
so I put in fruits I don't know.

-Hi, Mom.
-Hi, Ms. Taylor.

Hello, girls. Dylan says hi.

I'd have you over to babysit again,
but then I'd have to have a social life.

Hello. Can I help you with something?

Mr. Reynolds, this is my mom.

Oh. Thanks for hiring Zach.

-He's pretty excited to work here.
-Well, I'm lucky to have him.

He's smart, dedicated, punctual.

The moment I met him, I thought,
"This kid's got a good mom."

Well, if you need something,

Zach could always share
his friends and family discount.

Or, who knows?
You could be a friend. Of the store.

You have a nice smile. I'm coming!

Zach, I just came from a conference
with your math teacher.

You missed two assignments
and got a C minus on your last test.

I know, I'm sorry.

And you have a debate to get ready for.

We agreed
if you don't keep up your grades,

and all your activities,
you can't keep this job.

[Zach] But I like this job.

We don't always get what we want in life.

Oops. Where did that come from?

Bye, girls!

Does your mom really mean that?

She'd make you quit?

Why would she do that to us-- you?

She thinks I'm doing too much.

But it's just school, the swim team,

volunteer work, the debate team.

Wow, that is a lot to juggle.

Oh, juggling club,
yearbook, water ski club.

Water ski club?

Do we go to the same school?

If I don't get a B on tomorrow's
math test, I'm so out of here.

[gasps] I could tutor you.

Numbers are my jam.

It's true.
At her third grade birthday party,

we played "pin the tail on the equation."

It was even more fun than it sounds.

And I can help you prep for the debate.

You could come over to my house.

-When you off?
-At :.


Thanks, guys. This means so much.

But Sydney,
what about Emmy and Sophia?

If we bail on them
again today, they'll k*ll us!

We won't have to. It's : now.

If we rush home, we'll have
two and half hours with them

before Zach comes over at :.

Did you hear what you just said?

Zach is coming over.

To your house.

[gasps] I'm never gonna
wash my house again.

My house is so jealous.

Okay Leo,
we get a whole night of game time

while my mom is out with Tomas.

She should come with a controller
because I am playing her.

Mom, what are you doing home?
You guys were supposed to be out longer.

It wasn't working.

We sat there over dinner
staring at each other in silence.

And he's a really loud chewer.

Leo, we gotta save this.
Quick! Get them to like each other.


¿Qué piensas de la señora Judy?


Ella es muy bonita.

Dos ojos parecen como dos piscinas de luz

iluminadas por la Luna.

What did he say?

He said you are beautiful

and your eyes are
like two pools of moonlight.

Really? Tell him, "Right back atcha."

Ella dice que eres un hombre guapo
con ojos conmovedores,

y claramente tienes
una profunda sabiduría

sembrada en ti.


Are you sure that's what I said?

Let's just say, you're back in business.

Whoa. Would you look at the time?

It's almost six o'clock.

What's happening at six o'clock?

Nobody's happening.
Nothing's happening.

I'm just a little pooped.
Aren't you pooped?

-Supes pooped.
-We could use a break.

Sure, ten minutes?

-How about 'til tomorrow?
-Okay, tomorrow works for me.

But it's Thursday,
the science fair is on Saturday,

and we're nowhere near done.

And it's % of our grade.

My hands sweat just saying that.

I'm just thinking,

it might make things easier
if you guys do the poster

and we'll use that time
to finish the roller coaster.

So we'll work separately?

You know Emmy, when you say it,
it just makes sense.

Thank you?

-So we'll catch up tomorrow.
-Absolutely. Tomorrow. Catching up.

-Us. Bye!

[both sigh]

Okay, tonight we'll tutor Zach,
and then tomorrow night after school,

we'll work doubly hard
and finish the roller coaster.

Couldn't be simpler.

Zach's gonna be here
any minute. Tooth check?

-All clear.

[doorbell rings]

[both] Zach!

Hey, guys.

Zach. Come on in.

To my house.

Which is where you are.

Thanks for doing this.

No worries.

Why don't we start
with some debate prep?

What's the topic?

School uniforms.
I'm arguing against them.

Okay, here's some pros:

School uniforms keep people
from spending money on clothes

and you don't have to pick out
what to wear every morning.

Can't argue with that.

No, no. You're supposed
to argue with that.


You can get back to that.

In the meantime, let's have
some fun with algebra.

Am I the only one
whose adrenaline is pumping?



Uh, here is my last math test.

Wow. That's a lot of red.

Zach, I'm not gonna lie to you,
this is gonna take a while.

A long while.

A really long while.

How about some pizza? I'll got get a menu.

You guys are the best.

Hey, I'm having a party at the bike shop
for the swim team winning regionals.

You guys wanna come?


Me and Olive?

At your party?

Yeah. It's tomorrow night.

I usually have it at my house
but the cafe is such a cool place.

Tomorrow night?

There's something we're supposed to do.

Yeah, there is.

Oh. You've been so great to me.

I thought you could kinda be my dates.

Wha--? Guh...


That's Olive for, "We'll be there."

[giggles nervously]

This place looks awesome.

We look awesome.

And when we're done here,
we'll work on the roller coaster,

and it will look awesome.

So, girls. Great party, huh?

Dad, don't take this the wrong way but...

I can't be seen with you tonight.

Don't worry.
No one will notice me. I'm a ghost.

[makes spooky noises]

Well, in that case, can you go
scare the other side of the store?

[makes spooky noises]

Hey, there's my dates.

How sick is this party?

So sick. The sickest.

So sick it should be in the hospital
and may not make it through the night.

That went dark.

So, I'm saving a dance just for you guys.

-You wanna dance?
-With us?

We'll be waiting right here.

Or we can follow you around.
Whatever's more normal.


We're with Zach.

We're his dates.

I know.

Oh, I gotta go say hey to my boy Stu.

He gave up a trip to Hawaii
so he could swim regionals with us.

We won because Stu
sacrificed for the team.

Yo, Stu!

That doesn't apply to us, right, Olive?

Not even close.
Now can we change the subject?

[phone chiming]

It's Emmy and Sophia.

They texted us a photo of the poster.

Wow. It looks amazing.

What are we doing here?

We should be at home working
on our part of the project.

I know.

-Hey, guys.
-Ready for that dance?

Sorry, Zach.

But we need to build a roller coaster
by tomorrow morning.

Cool. Wait, what?

Can you believe my mom and Tomas
have been gone for three hours?

They keep going like this,

I may never have
to leave this couch again.

And they didn't even
need me to translate.

Guess I taught them
the language of love.

Plus, I gave your mom
Spanish flash cards.


Estos últimos días han sido
los mejores de mi vida.

Leo, what did he say?

He says the last few days
have been the best of his life.

Oh, tell him I feel
the same way. Even more!

Ella se siente igual.

Why is he getting down on one knee?

-Max! He's giving her a ring.

I think he's proposing.


I blame myself. I'm too good at this.

¿Me darías el honor de unir

nuestras vidas en matrimonio?

Leo, is he asking me to marry him?

-Tell him yes!

This can't be happening.

It's all my fault.

Voy a cuidar a tu hijo
como si fuera mi hijo.

Wait. There's more. He wants to adopt you.

Max Keith Reynolds Guerrero

Ramos Castañeda de la Vega.

That's your new name.

What? N-- No.

Please. I can barely spell my own.

-Stop! Stop! Stop!
-Okay, okay.

I think we've tortured him enough.

Wait, what? You were messing with me?

-So, you're not--
-No, of course not.

I'm not gonna fall for some guy

just because you want me
out of your hair.

Turns out the only thing
Tomas and I have in common

is knowing what you were up to.

¡Qué cómico!

He thinks it's funny? I feel so used.

¡Me siento usado!

Oh, and Max, nice try.
But you're never gonna get rid of me.

You could be a -year-old man
and you still won't be rid of me.

Oh, yeah? Like that's gonna happen.

Once I leave this house, I'm gone!

Okay, Olive.
I'll fire up the hot glue g*n.

I'll get the extra ice cream sticks.

What are you guys doing here?

Your grandma let us in.

We got suspicious
when you didn't answer our texts.

You guys have been acting weird.
And now we know why.

You guys haven't done
any work on the project.

Okay, before you get upset,
we have a really good excuse.

Okay, let's hear it.

First, Chloe quit the smoothie shop

-and my dad hired this guy.
-He did.

-And his smoothies were awful.
-They were.

-And then there was math tutoring.
-That was me.

-And a debate on school uniforms.
-That was her.

-He had this party and we were his dates.

Oh, and you left out
the most important part.

The guy was Zach Thompson.

Zach Thompson? Why didn't you say so?

That makes everything okay.


-I'm glad you under--
-Of course it's not okay!

This is half our grade.

So, basically you abandoned our project
so you could hang out with a boy.

You're right.

We did.

And we're sorry.

Not only did we
drop the ball on the project,

we let down our friends.

But please, let us make this right.

Olive and I will finish
the roller coaster.

And we'll stay up all night if we have to.

It'll go quicker if there's four of us.


You guys made a mistake,
and friends forgive friends.

Thanks, guys.


Hands in.

One, two, three...

[all] Four Amigas!

Yeah, you're right, Emmy. That was better.

I still can't believe
our project only got second place.

I know. How did we lose
to a solar-powered electron microscope?

Anybody can come up with that.

Hey, science girls.

Whoo-hoo! I'm free.
Mid-term exams are over.

I've already forgotten
everything I've learned.

Congratulations. Next stop: finals!

Way to be a buzz k*ll, Olive.

Here we go, ladies.

One "So Fruity Sophia"
and one "Lemmy Emmy."

[both] Thanks, Zach.

Do they remind you of anybody?

No one I know.

[man] Oh, yeah.