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01x13 - Dude, Where's My Car Wash Money?

Posted: 11/01/22 07:48
by bunniefuu
[Sydney] There she is!

Give it up
for our next school treasurer!

Woo! Olive's in the house!

Bup-bup-bup. Don't jinx it.

I haven't gotten it yet.

Don't worry, you will,

especially after I give
the student council

my "why Olive is amazing" speech.

-Oh, don't forget to--
-Hey, if I cry, I cry. No promises.

Sorry, Syd. I just want
to be treasurer so badly!

-Let's do it!
-Yeah, let's do it!

We've got this! I'm so pumped!

-Olive, why aren't you moving?
-I'm pumped, but my feet are terrified.

All right, everyone, remember,

this weekend is
our fund-raising car wash.

The money we raise is going
to change people's lives.

Ours! We're getting an ice cream truck.


And not just any truck.

We're getting 'Scoop, There It Is'.

-[class gasping]
-'Scoop, There It Is?'

They name all their flavors after rappers.

I'm so excited to try
Kendrick La-marshmallow.

Okay, now it's time to elect
a new student treasurer.

We'll take open nominations
from the student body.

I'd like to nominate Olive Rozalski!

She's the perfect candidate for this job.

-Okay, then.
-And why is she so perfect?

Oh, there's more.

Olive is hard-working, responsible,
and a straight-A math student.

I mean, this girl likes her numbers.

Seven's my favorite, but I love them all.

And as a member
of the Emergency Preparedness Club,

Olive is no stranger to school service.

Remember when
that water fountain exploded

and everyone slipped? [laughs]

No, you don't,

because Olive put up
that 'Caution, Wet' sign.

She slipped on her butt,
so we wouldn't have to.

It only hurts when it rains.

So, in closing, the only choice
for treasurer is Olive Rozalski!

Woo! [clapping]

Okay. Anyone else want to run?

No one? Olive, you're treasurer.

[gasps] Olive, you did it!

No, we did it.

I would just like to thank
all of my opponents.

You put up a heck of a fight.

-Olive, no one ran against you.

I know, but I already
rehearsed my speech.

[theme music playing]

Like father like daughter
We don't always agree

But looking at you
Is like looking at me

The more things change
The more they stay the same

Like father like daughter
From different times

Taking all the best
From your decade and mine

The more things change

The more they stay the same

The more they stay the same

Hey, girls, how was the car wash?

Did you raise enough money,
Madam Treasurer?

I'm not really at liberty
to discuss the exact amount,

but let's just say
this belt bag is pretty full.

Of bucks!

Now all I have to do is take it
to the bank first thing tomorrow.

I get to fill out a deposit slip.

I'm just knocking down
life goals left and right.

Well, all I can say is it's a good thing

you have such a trendy, fashionable way
to hold that money.

We get it, Dad.
You gave her the belt bag.

Just make sure
the store name faces out,

and if you refer a friend,
you get a free bike horn.


-Hey, girls.
-Tough day at school, Grandma?

I had to lug my books from one end
of campus to the other.

I passed the same
sad pigeon eight times.

By the ninth time,
Benny was rolling his eyes.

That's right, I named him.

-[bell dings]
-Oh, our smoothies are ready.

Be right back.

B-T-Dubs, congrats on being treasurer.

You must be supes excited.

Yeah, this girl's first elected office.

Glass ceiling shattered.

[both] Shatter.


Oh, I am so sorry!

It's okay. Now I know why
it's called Blueberry Surprise.

Let me get you guys
some paper towels.

Don't worry, I'm sure
we can smooth this over.

Too soon?

Sorry the smoothie got all over you.

It's okay.

I was wondering what this shirt
would look like in blue.

Now I know. [laughs]

The main thing is,
the money's safe and dry and...

Gone? Oh my gosh, Syd,
the money's gone!

What? How can that be?

Wait, this isn't even my belt bag.

-How do you know?
-Because it's got a compass,

snake repellent, and pencils.

And you know I only use pens.

Okay, somebody must have grabbed
your belt bag by mistake.

I'll check inside the store
and you can check outside.

-Got it.
-What are you doing?

Getting the snake repellent.

The way my luck's going,
I'm going to need it.

It's time for hot lava disc toss,

where the ground is lava
and the disc is a UFO,

being tossed around by two giants
who also happen to be robots.

I don't even know why I said that.
It kind of explains itself.

What's the matter?

We wouldn't have to be
making up stupid games

if my mom would
just buy me Alley Fighters .

Who needs a video game?

We can use our imagination!


That's like one step
away from homework.

Hey, boys.

Mom! I know you said
not to stand on the furniture

and throw things in the house,
but, this is different?

That's okay. No big deal. [sighs]

No big deal?

Who are you, and what have you
done with my mom?

Max, remember I told you all
about that coworker's wedding

I was really looking forward to?

-Not really.
-No, of course you don't.

Well, I'm listening, Mrs. Reynolds. Go on.

My date, Ralph, canceled on me.

He fell off a ladder.

Okay, so he's in a full-body cast,
but we can still work around it!

-So go alone.
-No way.

Ever since the divorce,
I have spent every wedding

sitting at a table alone,
watching other ladies' purses

while they dance.

Sure, I go through them
for candy, but I'm still alone!

-What's wrong with that?
-The woman wants to dance!

Then she will.

Mom, you're going
to the wedding with your son.

You? You don't even
know how to dance.

I'll teach him.

Teach Max? This Max?

I can teach anyone.

I even taught
my uncle's cat how to cha-cha.

That cat is now a dancing machine.

What do you say, Mom?

Max, this is the nicest
thing you've ever done.

What do you want?

I don't want anything
except for you to be happy.

[gasps] That's so sweet!

I'm going to leave before
you say anything and ruin it.

Can you believe she
thought I wanted something?

Yes. What do you want?

Alley Fighters !
She's got to give it to me now.

Man, if I didn't really
want to play that game,

I'd be outraged.

Any luck? Please tell me
you had some luck.

At this point, I'm accepting lies.

Sorry, Olive, it's not here.

Why don't we check out the feed
from the store's security cameras?

-Maybe we can see what happened.
-Great idea, Dad.

Bicycle, bicycle, bicycle

Bicycle here, bicycle there
Bicycle shorts, pick up a pair


-Take that out of my head.
-Take that out of mine!

Okay, moving along.

Oh, wait, this might be it.


Oh, I am so sorry!

Olive, that lady has
the same belt bag as you!

[gasps] Look, while we were cleaning up,

she got them mixed up
and grabbed mine!

Dad, please tell me you remember her.

I do. I sold her a bike earlier.

-Her name was Sharon.

I remember everything about her. She was
going on a bike trip across the country.

No credit cards, no phone.
Absolutely no way to reach her.

Dad, that's not good!

I know, that took
a disappointing turn at the end.

I'm sorry, Olive.

That means all
the money's gone for good.

Oh, no! My first week as treasurer,
I lost the school treasury!

What am I going to do?

-What am I going to do?
-Olive, try not to freak out.

Okay. [repressed screaming]

Better let it out.


Whoa! Nice, Grandma!
I just have one question.

What is that?

Pretty sweet whip, huh?

I got tired of lugging all
those heavy books across campus,

so I bought this baby.

They call it the 'Luggage Buggy'.
I call it 'Whee!'

-Look out! Runaway Grandma!

Want to take it for a spin?

For ride-able luggage,
it's faster than you'd think.

A pickup at a red light
was gunning his engine.

I smoked him!

Maybe later.

I'm kind of focused on finding
a way to help Olive raise

the money she lost.

I feel you. I wish I could help, Noodle.

But between college
and building our girl cave,

and, well, this bad boy,
I'm kind of tapped out.

Why don't you ask your dad?

I already did. He used big words like,

cash flow, overhead, and mortgage.

The only word I understood was no.

I'm sorry, Noodle.

I'm sure you'll think of something else.

Anyway, I got a class in .

I hope this baby can handle stairs.

[Judy] Out of my way, old dude!

What was that thing
and why was my mother riding it?

It's cool and it's Grandma.
Enough said.

Hey, Syd, how you doing?

I can't stop thinking about Olive.

She's so stressed out
about what happened.

I know, it's hard
to watch a friend struggle.

Dad, she's always been there for me.

I wish I could be there for her.

If only there was a way I could
just come up with the money.

Well, right now she has
the most important thing she needs.


Thanks, Dad.

You ready to dance?

If it gets me Alley Fighters , I am.

Okay, first thing
you need to do is get loose.

-Are you showing off?
-Oh, you'll know when I'm showing off.

Now, let's start
with a simple box step.

Watch me.

It goes, one, two, stop.

One, two, stop. One, two, stop.

-Okay. Looks easy enough.
-Now let's do it together.

One, two, ow!

One, two, ow!

One, two, ow!

Forget it. I can't do this. I'm done.

What? You can't quit!

How are you going
to dance with your mom?

I'll just drag her around
the floor a couple times,

bow, and hit her up
for the game on the ride home.

Well, on behalf of your mother,

we're very disappointed in you, Max.


-Pizza's here!
-Iggy, I didn't order a pizza.

And I don't have a pizza,
so we're even. See you later!

Iggy, wait!

You're here to buy my bass.

Whoa, you're the Sydney
who's selling the bass guitar?

I was expecting to meet
someone from Australia.

No, I think you're thinking
of Sydney, Australia.

I was? Why?

I don't know why.

Wow, so we're both really confused.

Iggy, listen to my words.

I'm the one selling the bass.

You responded to my ad about buying it.

-There it is.

I know, isn't it beautiful?

My dad got it for me when I was six,
because I loved music,

and I've been playing it ever since.

I hate to sell it,

but a friend of mine
really needs the money.

Bummer. But one man's bummer
is another man's awesome.

So, awesome!

Little known fact,
besides delivering pizzas,

I also play in a band.

Let me guess, The Pizza Slices?

Whoa! They've heard of us in Australia?

You know what? Sure.

I'm asking for it.

Whoa, that's crazy!

That's exactly how much I brought!

I think the universe
is trying to tell us something.

That we agreed on a price over the phone?

No, that's not it.

Iggy, this bass means a lot to me,

so promise me
you'll take good care of it.

I won't let it out of my sight.

-Iggy, the bass!
-Oh, right.


What's going on? You used
our emergency emoji code!

A mermaid, a sh**ting star,
and two peanuts. Two peanuts!

I went out a window,
I didn't have time for the door.

Oh, it's not really that big of a deal.

I just happened to find your belt bag
with all of the money.

-What? How? When? Where?

Sorry, the only one of those
I remembered was when.

I don't get it.

I thought the lady
who took it went off the grid.

She did, but then she
realized she had the money

-and returned it to my dad's store.
-How is that even possible?

People get off the grid and then
on the grid. I don't know her life.

What's with all these questions?

Thanks, Syd. You totally saved my life!

We're just lucky
that lady brought it back.

I'm so thankful there are honest people
like her left in the world.

-What are you doing?
-Counting the money.

I want to make sure
she didn't take a taste.

-Hey, Syd!
-Hey, bestie!

How cool is it that you
got the money back?

Yeah, life is full of surprises.


How did this get in here?

Got me, but why are you
so surprised to see your bass?

-I don't know.
-[yelling] I'll tell you why!

Because you sold it
to bail out your best friend,

and it's beautiful!

I don't know what you're talking about.

Oh, don't stand there pretending
you're not the best friend

a girl could ever have!

I'm sorry? You're welcome?

This is a very confusing moment.

Sydney, I figured out
you sold your bass to Iggy,

and I bought it back.

But how did you know?

The first clue was that this belt bag

doesn't have a ketchup
stain inside like mine.

Second clue, upon seeing
your room yesterday,

I noticed your bass was missing.

And the third clue is that
I happened to order pizza

when Iggy showed up
with your bass on his shoulder.

Upon further reflection, I didn't really
need those first two clues.

Olive, this is so sweet,
but why did you do it?

Now you're going
to be in so much trouble.

Because there's no way
I could let you sell your bass.

I know how much it means to you.

But you mean more to me than my bass.

Yeah, but this is my mistake, not yours.

And I couldn't live
with myself if I was the reason

you had to give it up.

A hug plane's coming in for a landing.

Permission granted from the tower.

Olive, wanted to remind you
to bring the money

for the ice cream truck
to student council tomorrow.

Can't wait! [laughs]

I'm going to be the most
hated person in school!

Syd, I know you're
feeling down about Olive,

so I made you a smoothie
with some extra cherry cheer-up.


I guess nothing could put
a smile on that face right now.

Bicycle, bicycle, bicycle

Bicycle here, bicycle there

Bicycle shorts, pick up a pair



Now I just have to go
apologize to a few customers.

-Hey, Noodle!

Grandma, I didn't know
suitcases travel in packs.

My squad liked my ride so much,
they decided to get their own.

You should've seen us
doing laps around the quad.

I'm telling you,
other people were so jelly,

we could charge
for rides on these things.

Grandma, you just gave
me an idea how to help Olive.

Really? Spill.

Okay squad, take five.

Charge your batteries,
we're going to take the freeway back.

Mom! What's going on?

Why'd you move the furniture?

I thought we could practice
our dancing for the wedding.

Really? Now?

Come on, it'll be fun!

And, Max, I can't tell
you how touched I am

that you've been taking
dance lessons with Leo,

just to make sure that I have good time.

That's Max, always thinking of others.

-Shall we?
-Uh, okay.

One, two, ow!

One, two, ow!

One, two, ow!

-Sorry, Mom.
-It's okay.

We're just looking for our rhythm.

That's going to be one long search.

Max, you forgot
our many, many lessons!

Here, let me remind you how it's done.

May I?

[classical music]

Leo, you are amazing!

I'm only as good as my partner.


Wow, Mom, you're really good!

Thanks, Max.

I forgot how much I enjoy this.

You know what, Mom?

You should go
to the wedding with Leo.

What are you talking about?
I'm going with you!

But you deserve to go
with someone who can really dance.

Like Leo.

-I don't even know if Leo--
-I'd love to!

Great! I'll go get my dancing shoes.

One, two, three. One, two, three.

Max, that was a really
nice thing for you to do,

but how are you going
to get Alley Fighters now?

I'm not.

My mom looked so happy
dancing, it made me realize

there are some things
in life more important

than a video game.

-What's gotten into you?
-I don't know!

Maybe these are the changes
that the gym teacher

was talking about in health class.

Okay, you're next.

I can't believe how many people
want to race these things!

We're going to have enough
money for Olive in no time!

Thanks for letting us turn
your shop a suitcase speedway, Dad.

My pleasure, Syd. Look how
everyone loves these things!

Suddenly, my gas-powered recliner
doesn't sound so stupid.

No, it still does.

Sydney, what's going on?

And why are those people riding luggage?

I came up with a way to get
your ice cream money back.

And the best part is,
no one will ever know that you lost it.

-Hey, guys!

Whoa, looks like you
started the party without me.

Yeah, I know it's not
an actual party, Dave. Relax.

What are you doing here?

I asked Dominic to meet me,
so I could tell him what happened.

Olive, we're about
to make the money back.

Sorry, Syd,
but I've got to tell the truth.

Dominic, I've got a confession to make.

I lost all the money from the car wash.

You what?

I can't believe it! Do you know how bad
this is going to make me look?

I mean you look, but mostly me look.

I know, it was really irresponsible.
That's not who I am.

But the fact is I lost it,

and I don't deserve to be treasurer.

No, you don't.


Dominic, you should know

that not only did Olive make
back the money that she lost,

she doubled it.

-She did?
-I did?

Wow, now we have enough
money to also get a taco truck!

Do you know how great
this is going to make me look?

I mean, you look, but especially me.

I would like to re-nominate
Olive Rozalski

for student council treasurer.

Welcome back, Olive!

Now, I'd like to take a spin on one
of those cool suitcase thingies.

Dave, get a picture
of me putting a helmet on.

Safety first, kids.

Well, Madam Treasurer,
looks like you're back in office.

Thanks, Syd, for everything.

Airplane's coming in for a landing.

We had a little bumpy
weather, but eventually--

Just hug me!

Wow, Mom, you look great!

You don't even look like a mom!

I know there's a compliment
in there somewhere, so, thank you.

So, uh, Leo here yet?

No, I told him not to come.

What? After all this, you're not going?

Oh, I'm going. With you.

Why would you want to go with me?

I'm a horrible dancer.

Because you're my son,

and that means more to me
than how well you dance.

But I step all over your feet.

Got it covered. Steel-toed boots.

Now hurry up and get dressed.

And by the way,
I'm getting you that video game.

Thanks, Mom!

But wait, how did you know about that?

Leo gets very chatty when he dances.

[man] Oh, yeah!