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01x12 - Little Shop of Reynolds

Posted: 11/01/22 07:41
by bunniefuu
Dang, girl! You made this smoothie?

If my dad didn't own this place,
I'd actually pay for it.

Hey, Mr. R. Where's the girl
who usually makes smoothies?

Chloe? She texted me. She has the flu.

If she looks anything like her emoji,
I may have to replace her.

You're working nonstop.
Why don't you take a break?

I can't sit down.
I gotta prep for the big sale.

Oh, right. That's this weekend.

Yup. It's always the weekend
before the River Road Bike Marathon.

And this year, we "reaaally" need it.

What do you mean, "reaaally" need it?

I mean, sorta need it.

I mean, who needs it? Not us.

Dad, I'm not a kid.
Just tell me straight up. What's going on?

If we don't do well on this sale,
we may have to close.

What? Why would you tell that
to a little kid?

Syd, we'll be fine. It's just,
online shopping has made it really hard

on all the neighborhood stores.

Oh my gosh, this dress is % off!

Woop! Woop! Add to cart!

What'd I miss?

Oof, is it suddenly hot in here?

-Dad, you okay? You don't look so good.
-No, I'm fine.

Is it suddenly cold in here?

I think you might be sick.

Oh, no, no, no. I cannot be sick.

Is it possible to be hot from the waist up
and cold from the waist down?

Oh, it just switched.

I'm sure it's nothing to worry about.

Oh, no, I touched him!
Where's the hand sanitizer?

[screaming] I'm contaminated!

[theme music playing]

Like father, like daughter
We don't always agree

But looking at you
Is like looking at me

The more things change
The more they stay the same

Like father, like daughter
From different times

Taking all the best
From your decade and mine

The more things change

The more they stay the same

The more they stay the same

-Morning, Grandma!
-Morning, Noodle.

Why are you making breakfast?

Where's the old dude with the apron?

Dad was feeling a little
under the weather yesterday.

He's probably sleeping it off.
He's a fighter.

[moaning] Mommy, I'm not feeling well!

Well, that was a fast fight.

Oh, brother.

When your father gets the flu,
he turns into a five-year-old.

[moaning] I do not!

Mommy, I have ouchies in my head
and yuckies in my tum-tum.

It's called nausea, and it's spreading.

Dad, I'm so sorry you're sick,

but who's gonna run the sale?

No one. I'm canceling it.

What? You can't. You said the store
could close if it's not a big success.

Hey, maybe Grandma and I can run it.

That's too big a risk.

I always order a hundred extra bikes,
and if we don't sell them all,

we'll lose all the money and then
I'll definitely go out of business.

But, Dad, let us try--

Sorry, Syd. My mind's made up.

[moaning] Mommy,
the backs of my eyeballs burn.

Will you blow on them?

I'm sorry you have to see this, Syd.


Hey, Leo. Wassup?

I'll tell you wassup.

-I just got the worst possible news.

My dad hired a girl to work here.


It gets worse.

He wants us to be "gentlemen."

He said, and I quote,

"Your days of armpit farts are over."

What about real farts?

You don't think I asked that?

[sighs] You know what we should do?

We should ice her out.

Yeah, give her the cold shoulder.

She'll be gone in a day.

Hi, you must be Leo and Max. I'm Haley.

Haley! Welcome aboard.

I was just saying how excited
I was about you joining us.

I was even more excited.

Okay if I take my break now?

I'm kidding!

[overdone laughter]

-You're so funny.
-I thought she was funnier.

I can't believe my dad's
canceling the sale.

What's gonna happen to the store?


-Grandma, what are you doing here?
-I had to get away from your father.

What kind of a grown man
doesn't blow his own nose?

Don't worry, I can still
keep an eye on him on the Daddy cam.


Where are you? I need soup!

Wow. I'm being raised by that man.

Hi, do you know if there's
someone here who can help me?

Actually, I'm the owner's daughter.

I guess I can help you.
What are you looking for?

A mountain bike for my daughter's
thirteenth birthday.

Well, I know this one's popular.

It's got heavy duty shocks
and a light aluminum frame.

-I don't know...
-It comes in pink.

I'll take it.

Really? I think I just sold you a bike.

And I can ring you up.

May I also recommend

a matching helmet with built-in speakers,

biofeedback hand grips,
and a bike computer?

Well, I don't want to spoil her,

but that boat's sailed. Ring it up.

Our mechanic
will have you road-ready in minutes.

-Syd, yes, Syd!

Will you please mount
these items on this bike?

Be happy to.
I'll have it done in three minutes.

Three minutes?

Sorry, two minutes. I don't need a break.


Grandma, did you see that?

I just sold that woman a whole bike!

And I upsold her
a bunch of overpriced accessories!

Reminds me of when
this store first opened.

I used to do everything around here.

I even dressed up
as a dancing gorilla out front.

I did not date a lot that summer.

Syd, every time I try
to make myself a smoothie,

someone takes it and leaves me money.

How rude. Here's bucks.

You know what?

We can totally run this sale.

We've got Grandma, our seasoned veteran.

Hunter, our crack mechanic.

[Hunter] Ooh-rah!

And now Olive workin' the blender.

We can save the store.

But how are we gonna convince your dad?

Easy... we're not gonna tell him.

Do you really think
we can do this without your dad?

You mean this guy?


I need you!

Yeah, I think we got this.

Grandma, I did an online invite
for the sale.

Check out how many responses I got.

Wow, I should have you do
my online dating app.

Dad, you really shouldn't be
walking around the house

in those really quiet slippers.

I can't sleep. I had the worst nightmare.

Was it about your son
being a toddler again?

Oh, wait, that was mine.

It was all so real.

I dreamt the sale was going on.

But when I got there,
everything was going wrong.

Also, my high school basketball coach
was yelling at me.

He said,
"Reynolds, you run like a lazy duck."

Which is weird, 'cause he was a chicken.

Whoa, that is crazy,

especially the part about the sale.
Where'd that come from?

At least, it reminded me to cancel
that big shipment of bikes.

That could've sunk the store right there.
I'm gonna call Hunter to have him stop it.

Dad, no! I'll call Hunter for you.

You need some rest, go back to sleep.

And if you see your coach,
give him a quack, quack for me.

-Give me another word.

Elbat. See?

I can do any word backwards.

-Give me another one.

Give me another one.

[dance music playing]

Hello. [chuckes]

What's with the dancing?

What do you mean?
That's how I always enter a room.

-Cool moves.
-Thank you.

Hey, looks like the change machine's
out of quarters.

Sounds like a job for the new girl.

It's so obvious. You like Haley.

-And I like Haley.

Again... duh.

-So what do we do?
-It's already done.

The lady loved my dancing.

Fine, you may have won the battle,

but the w*r has just begun.

Well, in that case, bombs away.

Yo! Hit it.

[dance music playing]

The sale tomorrow's gonna be crazy,

so I just want to check that we're ready
for it. Grandma, how's the register?

Got the card reader for the kids
and cash for the old farts.

-How we doing on smoothies, Olive?
-These guavas look like quitters,

but the mangoes came to play.


Tomorrow, if people want a bike
that's not on the floor,

you're gonna have to assemble it.

Are you ready to put together,
like, a hundred bikes?

Better question: are those
hundred bikes ready for me?

And here's the answer: they're not.

I like your can-do attitude. Ooh-rah!

-That's only for Marines.

All quiet on the Dad front?

He's napping in his pillow fort.

Just like the old days.

-[Max] A-ha!
-[girls screaming]

I can't believe you're putting on
the bike sale when I told you not to.

Dad, I'm so sorry we didn't tell you,

-but we can handle it.

Where's the sign advertising
same-day assembly?

Over there.

Where are the bike horns?

-By the register.


Why is it so bright in here?

I adjusted the lights
so the bikes would seem extra shiny.

Oh, that is a good idea.

Dad, you've always been there for us,

so for once let us be there for you.

Okay, Syd. I believe in you.

Thanks, Dad. We won't let you down.

Now, can you point me
in the direction I came in?

I do not recall how I got here.

What's cooking, Mama Bear?

-What stinks?
-I put on cologne.

With what? A fire hose?


-She's here.

My coworker, Haley. I invited her over.

You know, just to talk
about work and stuff.

Well, you won't be needing a chaperone.
The cologne will do the work for me.


Hey, Max. Thanks for inviting me over.

Haley, what's up? Come on in.

Hey, buddy!

Leo? What are you doing here?

Leo asked if he could come too.
That's cool, right?

Of course it's cool.

[quietly] So not cool.

I brought us something to eat.
You guys like sushi, don't you?

Like it? I love it!

Not as much as I do!

Look. Raw fish.

So raw!

-After you.
-No, after you.

I thought you loved sushi.

I do, that's why I'm smelling it.

Any man of the world knows
you have to smell it before you eat it.

So go ahead, eat it.

So good.

Like a fishing trip in your mouth.

Leo, you're not eating.





Hey, you guys haven't tried the octopus.

[both] Mmmmmmmm!


Hey, Grandma. Happy sale day!
How pumped are you?


Oh, no.

No, no, no.
Those are your unicorn pajamas.

You cannot be sick.
The sale starts in an hour!


[nasal voice]
Oh no, that's your unicorn pajamas.

If you're sick and I'm sick,

that means Sydney's the only one
left to run the sale.

Being in charge of a huge sale at ?

How cool is that? Am I right?

Don't worry, sweetie. We'll just cancel.

No matter what happens,
we've got each other and our health.

[coughing] Well, we've got each other.

No, Dad. I've gotta do this.
I'm not gonna let you lose your store.

And besides, with a little tea and honey,
maybe you'll bounce back.

[both groaning]

Or maybe you won't.

Thanks for shopping at Reynolds Rides.

Hunter, bike going out!

Copy that.

Follow me, ma'am. Stay close.

Hey, guess what?
I already sold five bikes.

Six if you count the one built for two.

Oh! I do a smoothie built for two!

[whispering] It just has two straws. Shh!

Thanks for helping, Olive.
We're kicking the sale's butt.

Oh, we're kickin' it. You the woman.

No, you the woman.

Excuse me.

I'd like to buy this model
in a -inch frame. Do you have it?

Yup. No problem. Our expert assembler
will have it done for you in an hour.

Miss, I'd like these larges in a medium,
these mediums in a small,

-and these smalls--
-Extra small?

I was gonna say blue.

Got it.

Does anyone remember who was next?

Oh boy.

Don't waste your time. She's not here.


Give it up. She's not into you.

No, she's not into you.

-Oh, yeah?

Wait. This woman's tearing us apart.

There's only one way to settle this.

-Arm wrestling?
-Is there any other way?


Maybe we should just ask Haley
who she likes.

Nah. What does she have to do with it?

Ready? Go.

You know I'm gonna win this.

And then I'm gonna take Haley out.

Oh, yeah? And go where?


I don't know.

Where would you take her?

Uh, I don't know.

What do girls like?

Flowers and holding hands?

I don't think I'd be comfortable
holding hands.

-Me neither.
-You know what?

I don't think I'm ready
for a girl to like me.

Yeah, this is moving way too fast.

Well, we're gonna have
to let Haley down easy.

I'm management. I'll handle it.

Hey, guys.

Haley, I'm not sure you're aware,

but we have a strict company policy

that we don't mix work and romance.

Just wanted to make that clear
before any lines are crossed.

Cool. I mean I can't imagine
any two people

in this arcade being romantic, can you?

Here's your receipt. No, no, no.
This is your receipt.

Well, you know what you bought.
You guys can figure it out.

Hi, I need to return all of these.

The tags are missing,
and I have no receipt.

-Okay, this--
-You're a dear. Thank you.

Miss, I've been waiting
two hours for my bike.

It's coming.
Thank you all for your patience.

I'll get to everyone as soon as I can.

Hi, maybe you can help me.

My racing club is doing a marathon,
and all of our bikes got stolen.

Do you have these in stock?

Fifteen expensive racing bikes?

I mean bikes?

Let me check.

Yes, I'll have our mechanic
put them together.

Oh, they're not assembled?

We have a training ride this afternoon.
I might have to go someplace else.

No, no, no, no. Hunter can have them
assembled in a few hours.

He can do it standing on his head.
Seriously, I've seen him.



I just sold bikes.
Now, this is gonna put us over the top.

-All you gotta do is assemble them.
-That might be an issue, ma'am.

What? Why?

I seem to have broken both of my hands.

Oh my gosh! What happened?

I slipped and broke one.

Then I got so mad I punched the wall
and broke the other.

I'm so sorry. You must be in so much pain.

Yes, ma'am. Permission to scream?


Thank you, ma'am.

Hunter, you should really
have that taken care of.

Please go to the hospital.

Yes, ma'am. Ooh-raaahh! Gah!



-Olive, you gotta help me.
-I'm kind of busy.

No, no. It's urgent!

Hunter had to leave. We got to put
all the bikes together ourselves.


Lid first, Olive. Lid first!

[panting] Olive, you got a store
full of customers. We gotta hurry.

But we're never gonna assemble
bikes in two hours!

You don't know that.
It's just a very good guess.

Here's the first one
out of the assembly line.


How heavy was that bow?

I'm sorry,
I'm gonna have to cancel my order.

Mine too. I can't wait any longer.

The service has been horrible.

I should've shopped online.

Wait! [panting]

I know things have been...

kind of a disaster today, and I'm sorry.

You see, my dad's home with the flu.

And this sale is so important
for us to stay in business,

that I thought I could handle it.

Crazy, huh?

But this is a family business,

and I would do anything to keep it going.

My dad's given his life to this store,

to this community.

So please, don't leave.

Your dad once fixed my bike

when every other store
tried to sell me a new one.

He stayed open late one Christmas

so I could buy presents.

He let me return the same
bike shorts seven times.

I guess we can train
in a gym for a day or two.

I can wait for the bikes.

And I guess I can wait too.

I don't have much going on in my life.

I'll take four more mediums
when you get a chance.

Thank you. Thank you so much!

[crowd murmuring]

You did it, Sydney. You saved the store.

No. We did it.

Thanks, Olive.

We make it look easy, don't we?

-No, we don't.
-Not even close.

-Morning, Mom.
-What, no "mommy"?

[baby talk] Looks like my big boy is back.

And we're both feeling better.

Yeah, I just can't get over
what a hero Syd is.

Doesn't surprise me at all.
Syd can do anything.

She gets that from my half of the family.

We're the same half of the family.

There's my rock star!

Oh no, that's your sick robe.

I didn't give you the flu, did I?


Let me get you some orange juice.

Gammy, I need soup for my tum-tum.

Okay, Noodle.

Where was this compassion when I was sick?

You're annoying. She's my Noodle.

[man] Oh yeah.