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01x10 - Caved & Confused

Posted: 11/01/22 07:27
by bunniefuu
Did everyone vote for Best New Artist?

The Teen Pics Awards

are the most important thing
we'll vote for in our lives.

[TV playing indistinctly]

I texted so many votes
for Ricky Angelo,

my thumbs are cramping.

Not a problem.

Hey, girls. Wassup?

Ooh, the Teen Pics Awards are on.

Biggest night of the year, am I right?

[remote clicks]

Why'd you pause it?

Don't you wanna see if Ricky Angelo
wins Best New Artist?

He's got that "Concrete Rain" song
everybody loves.

Concrete Rain...

Uh, Dad, you might wanna
take that show on tour.

First stop, the kitchen.

Oh, right. Message received.

You girls have fun. [chuckles]

[TV playing indistinctly]

Sorry about my dad.
He can be a little bit--

[singing] Snack refill...

Dad, what happened to "message received"?

I thought the message
was to get you more chips.

Why would I have coded that message?

You want me to stay
in the kitchen. Got it.

[singing] Loud and clear...

[TV playing indistinctly]


They're about to announce
Best New Artist.

We're a little behind,
so nobody look at their phones.

[TV playing indistinctly]

Ricky Angelo won!


[theme music playing]

Like father, like daughter
We don't always agree

But looking at you
Is like looking at me

The more things change
The more they stay the same

Like father, like daughter
from different times

Taking all the best
From your decade and mine

The more things change

The more they stay the same

The more they stay the same

Dad, I've been thinking about last night.

Before you say anything,

I want to apologize
about that whole Ricky Angelo thing.

Not cool.
I mean, we all knew he was gonna win.

He is Ricky.

But still, not cool. [chuckles]

-Apology accepted.

But, you know, I think it's time
I have my own place to hang.

-What do you think about the basement?
-All the way in the basement?

But the living room is so much cozier.

It's got the couch, the big TV,
your favorite dad.

See, that's kinda the problem.

We can totally get a bigger couch.

Dad, don't get me wrong.

We'll still have our time together.

I want it to be separate
from my time with my friends.

Tell me about it.
When me and my college crew roll through,

you're all in my face,
"Do you all want nachos?"

and I'm like, "Dude, leave me alone."

I mean, make nachos, but then beat it.

[laser zapping on TV]

-Do you have to do that now?
-[laser zapping on TV]

I can't hear my game.

I'm sorry, when would be a good time
for me to wash your clothes?

-Maybe between : and : .
-[laser zapping on TV]

I was being sarcastic.

You know those confuse me.

Can you at least pause your game
and help me with the laundry?

Sorry. Can't pause.

-[laser zapping on TV]

-[console beeps]

You can play again, between : and : .

Hey, Leo. What's that weird metal thing?

It's a robot. The future is now, Max.

A robot?

Don't they just beep and boop?

Not this one. It destroys things.

-Like what?
-Other robots.

I'm in.

Robot rumbles are the hot new thing.

At least according
to Robot Rumble Magazine.

Hey, I got an idea.

Why don't we add a hammer?

Let's deal some damage.

That's awesome.

We can crush other people's robots

and other people's dreams.

What do you think
of yellow for the walls?

It's a bold choice,
but I think we can pull it off.

I can't believe we're gonna
have our own girl hang.

Wow. I was picturing
a place for girls to hang in,

not a place where someone was hanged.

No wonder my grandma always said,
[hoarsely] "Never go in the basement."

Oof! Pretty bad, huh?

I wouldn't blame you
if you changed your mind.

There's always plenty of room
on the upstairs couch.

Well, there's also plenty of room
on this couch.


Oh, hey, remember,
Hot Shot Chef's on tonight.

Sorry, I can't.
We've got a lot of work to do down here.

But, honey, that cooking show
is our tradition.

We haven't missed an episode
in eight seasons.

Why don't you just record it
and we'll watch it together tomorrow?

Okay, but I'm making sliders.

Olive, where are you going?

You heard the man. Sliders.

Come on, Olive, all we have to do

is clean out some boxes, the cobwebs,
and whatever that big black blotch is.

That's moving.


Yo, Bucky, Ray-Ray. What's good?

Not you, fool, at robot rumbles.

I'm working on my trash talk.
Was it good?

-Not really.
-[Leo sighs]

I knew I couldn't pull it off.

Okay, let's rumble!

-Come on, Kevin!
-[robots noise]

I named our robot "Kevin."

[robots noise]


[robot noise]

[ornaments shatter]

Oh, no! My mom's Christmas ornaments.

Do you think they're okay?

[shards clinking]

Looks like somebody
just got on Santa's naughty list.

We cannot let my mom find out
we're rumbling down here.

She'll k*ll me!

[Judy] Max, what's going on down there?

Nothing! Nothing at all!

Be back in five.

You let me handle her.

So, doing the laundry, huh?

What gave it away?

[forced laughter] You're so funny, Mom.

You know, I've been thinking,
you work so hard.

It's time I step up
and start doing the laundry.

Oh, Max, you already do
so much around the house.

-I do?
-No, I was being sarcastic.

Help me with this one, would ya?

No problem.

It's so heavy. I wonder what's in here.

Oh, just a bunch of broken stuff.

Look at this place.
We've barely made a dent.

Maybe my dad was right.

[both sigh]

It's just too much work.

We're never gonna feel comfortable
down here.

[chuckles] Why you tickling me?

I'm not tickling you.

-Gross! Gross!
-Ew! Ew!

Whoa, this place is awful.

Now you know why I always told you,

[hoarsely] "Never go in the basement."

I'm not touching any of this.

Yeah, we were just about to give up, too.

Who said anything about giving up?

Just because I don't wanna
fix this place up

doesn't mean someone else can't.

The struggle is real,
but it doesn't have to be ours.

Then whose will it be?

It's time to call reinforcements.

Good old Benjamin and Jackson.

Is that a cleaning company?

No! Those are dolla, dolla bills!

I'm gonna pay someone
to glam this place up.

Grandma, I cannot let you do that.

-I want to.

I'm doing this for all of us.
I need a hang, too.

Especially with my two favorite girls.

This is awesome! It'll be our girl cave.

It's gonna take a lot of work.

I'm exhausted just thinking about
what other people have to do.

[chuckles] What is tickling me?





And for the selfie wall,
I'm thinking all flowers.

Do you think you can handle that, Don?

[sighs] Sydney.

I know you only think of me
as an industrial cleaner,

but I also happen to be the fourth
best handyman in Southeast Portland.

Pardon my braggin'.

-Don, what are you doing here?
-Ask the boss.

Sydney, you're the boss?

You can call me Miss Reynolds.

Or not.

We're turning the basement
into our girl cave.

Wow! Is that a refreshment station?
Who's paying for all this stuff?

-Who's to say?
-Is it you?

You cracked the case.

Wow. That looks like
a great spot for a nice recliner

for when I'm down there.

Actually, that's where we're gonna put
the fur-covered yoga ball.

Trust me, it's important.

Okay, I will let you two carry on,
because I've got a date with my daughter

for Hot Shot Chef.

Oh, sorry, Dad, I can't.

I made plans with Olive
to go couch shopping.

The old couch was... alive.

Just keep recording them
and we'll catch up later.

But we're gonna catch up
in time for the finale, right?

Of course. I promise.

Okay, well, uh...

It looks like you guys have this
under control, so, keep up the good work.

But if you have any questions
I'll be right out there.

On the big couch.


Leo. What are you doing?

My mom didn't tell us to iron anything.

We either do it right,
or we do not do it at all.

Are we gonna rumble or what?

Chillax. I gotta do laundry
to keep my mom from coming down here.

[Judy] What's keeping that laundry?

I'm out of bras!

That's what that is?


What are those sketches?

Thinking of turning
the garage into a dude den.

Seriously, Max?
You're building a dude den?

Yes. Maybe.

No, I'm just bored.

Syd and I are supposed
to be catching up

on Hot Shot Chef right now,
but she bailed on me again.

Why don't you watch it without her?

I can't do that. It's our tradition.

That would be like
Arbor Day without... the arbor?

I don't even get why you two
like watching that show.

Most of the time, you're just yelling
at the contestants

-and calling them boneheads.
-Snarking is the best part.

We snack and snark. Snark and snack.

But more importantly, we do it together.

I hate to tell you, Max,
but as Syd gets older,

you're just gonna have
to get used to flying solo.

I don't wanna fly solo.
This pilot needs a copilot.

I feel like I'm losing mine.

I know it isn't easy.

It was easier for me
because you were... you.

But it's just part of being a parent.

You're right. She's growing up
and I gotta learn to let go.

I get it.

How do you think I felt
the day you moved out and went to college?

I threw myself on your bed
and cried for hours.

-No, I was being sarcastic!

Okay, fluffed, folded, and delivered.

Now let's see what these
mean machines can do.

Let's rumble!

[Judy] Laundry in the hole!

Holy schnikes!

Oh, no. You guys gotta do more laundry?

It would go faster if you guys helped.

But you promised we'd rumble.

Sorry, Bucky,
we gotta tumble before we rumble.

Ladies, welcome
to your brand-new girl cave.

[screaming excitedly]

You were wearing earplugs?

Not my first girl cave.

Oh, my...



Wow, this is so...


I wish I got paid by the "wow."

Check out the selfie wall.

This place is even cooler
than I imagined!

And this furry ball
is even cooler than I imagined!

-[camera clicks]
-Look at that.

-[both] Refreshment station!

Holy schnikes!

Look at this place.

Swings. A flat screen.

Whatever that is.

Man, you're never gonna wanna
come upstairs again.

I know, right? Isn't it awesome?

Yeah. Awesome.

Dad, can I have
some friends over tonight?

It can be a cave warming.

[Olive] That's a great idea!

And we could watch that Ricky Angelo
musical Doo-Wop Days.

Oh, we could dress up
like they did in the ' s.

Tonight's the finale of Hot Shot Chef.

You promised you'd watch it with me.

Oh, my gosh, I forgot.

Well, just record it.
We can watch it tomorrow.

Syd, it's a live event.
You know what happens.

The minute you leave the house,

some guy runs up to you in jogging pants
and tells you who won.

It's happened.

You can have your party tomorrow night.

Tomorrow night?
This place will already be old.

The flower wall might be dead by then.

[Don] Actually, they're fake.

But they look pretty realistic, right?

Not the time, Don.

Dad, what's the big deal?

What's the big deal?

If we don't watch the finale,
we won't watch next season,

or the season after that, and before
you know it, all the chefs will grow up,

open up their own restaurants,
and we'll never get to see them again.

But, fine. If you wanna
have your party... go ahead.

Did you hear that?

He's letting us have a party! [squeals]

[doorbell rings]

Hey, girls. You ready to Doo-Wop?

You know it.

[all] Ah!

You girls ready to girl cave?

-You know it!
-Let's go!

[door closes]

Whoa, are those for us?

No, actually I made them
for the Hot Shot Chef finale.

I'm watching it solo.

Oh. Okay.

That's cool. I'm glad you're watching it.

I'm gonna go to the cave now.

[Judy] Wait for me, Syd!

Hey, Grandma, you look boss.

Quit eyeballing this classy chassis
and let's blow this pop stand.

-Let's go downstairs.

[knock on door]

Hey, Don, what's going on?

Uh, final bill for your mom.

Just make sure she's sitting down
when she opens that.

Just kiddin'.


Sorry, didn't realize
you're having a party here.

That? No, I'm just watching
the finale of a cooking show.

Hey, do you wanna join me?

Uh, sorry, I mostly just watch shows
where they fix up houses.

Or hunt for ghosts.

But I do have to say that spread
does look pretty tempting.

-Have a seat.
-What's this?

-Fish skin crostini.
-That was close.

Oh, wow!

Look how cute Ricky Angelo
is in a leather jacket.

You can just tell
he's one of those bad boys

who's actually a good boy,
except when he's bad.

Which is good!

I messaged him.

If he blinks twice, it means he loves me.

Oh, he blinked twice! He loves me!

Yeah, you're as good as engaged.

This is perfect.

We got our girl cave,
our Doo-Wop Days, our Ricky Angelo.

This is way better
than sitting with your dad

and watching people debone fish.
Right, Syd?

Yeah, way better.

I don't get this show at all.

Is that guy making a candle?
Who eats a candle?

It's not a candle. It's foie gras
made to look like a candle.

Is that a remote or is that food
made to look like a remote?

No, it's a remote.

Good. Can we change the channel?

[doorbell rings]

I got a pizza here for Sydney.

I'll text her.


You're that dude from that place, right?

Yes, Iggy, we met at the concert.

Oh, then I'm thinking
of someone totally different.

Hey, Iggy, you're into food, right?

I love food. Pizza's my favorite.

I also like mini pizzas,
bagel pizzas, pizza bites,

calzones if you open 'em up.

Great. Then I think you'd like
this cooking show I'm watching.

Are they making pizzas?


They're making some right now!

Iggy, that's a commercial
for the pizza place you work at.

That's you in the commercial.

I knew that dude looked familiar.


Rupert, you can't yell at a souffle
and not expect it to fall.

Rupert made it to the finale?

In the first episode,
he lit his chest hair on fire.

[both] You bonehead!


Well, the girls are probably
waiting for this pizza.

You and your new friends enjoy the show.

[TV playing indistinctly]

That reminds me, Max,
I should probably be headin' out, too.

I just remembered...
I don't want to be here.

-Oh, we can leave?
-[door opens]

That's great, because I have
five more pizzas to deliver.

I didn't wanna be rude.

Pants comin' out.

Pants getting ironed.

Bucky going home.

I came here to rumble,
not to fold laundry.

Don't worry, we're almost done.

There's not one piece of clothing
left in this house to wash.

[Judy] Drapes in the hole!

That's it. We're out.


Leo, can you believe them?

You're going, too?

Yup. I used to love ironing.

Now you've ruined it for me.

Come on, guys!


See you at school Monday.

I left you a pair of khakis on the dryer.

Where are your friends going?

Uh... Oh, them?

They, uh, don't wanna hang here anymore.

Oh, no.

That doesn't mean your robot battles
are over, does it?

What? You knew?

I knew before you knew,
that's how good I am.

Wait. So you just used me
to do your laundry all week?

Yeah. You really thought I needed
your baby clothes cleaned?

That's what those were.

Whew. I thought I shrank all my stuff.

It was a win-win.

You finally helped me out
with the laundry,

and I got you back
for hiding something from me.

That's not a win-win.

It is for me-me.

[' s music playing on TV]

Don't you love the way
Ricky slicks back his hair?

Man, I wish I was Ricky's comb.

Let's not make it weird, Emmy.

What I don't get is why Mandy's dad

won't let her hang
with the Purple Ladies.

She just wants a little freedom.

Yeah, maybe Mandy
and her dad have a tradition

that she regrets breaking.

Just spit balling.

-What's the matter, Noodle?

I really wanna watch
Hot Shot Chef with Dad,

but I don't wanna bail on my friends.

Don't worry, Noodle, I got you covered.

Sydney, you are sick!

I need you to go upstairs right now!

No, Grandma, I feel fine.
But you know best.

Oh, my gosh, Ricky Angelo's
taking off his leather jacket!

[girls screaming]

So where is everyone?

Uh, they had to go, which is fine.
They weren't into it.

Yeah, not everyone gets it.

Huh. So Rupert's finally eliminated?

Yeah, you just can't cause two fires
and expect to stay in the game.

So, Glenda's gonna use fish eggs
as sprinkles on the trout ice cream?

Didn't they do that in season two already?

Oh, yeah, season two.

That was the season you lost your tooth
on the avocado brittle we made.

Yeah, I wish I didn't swallow it.

I had to leave a kernel of corn
for the tooth fairy.

I miss watching this with you, Dad.

Me too, kiddo.

But, hey, you're growing up,

which means less time with Dad
and more time with your friends,

and I totally get that.

Yeah, but I should've thought
more about your feelings.

I didn't realize how much
watching this together meant to you.

Or to me.

Hug time?

-Bring it in.
-All right.

[man on TV] It's Rupert!

Rupert was the mystery chef all along.

-Oh, no.
-Rupert won?

I thought he was disqualified!

This is why you can't miss
a minute of this show!

And I never will.

[man on TV] ...Hot Shot Chef returns.

[' s music playing on TV]

I'm so glad I didn't miss
the final dance number.

I'm so glad Ricky and Mandy got together.
What a roller coaster!

The ' s rock.

[gasps] Let's stay up all night

and write to our boyfriends in the Navy!

Wow, Dad, I didn't know you have
those kind of dance moves.

-He's horrible.
-I know...

but so lovable.

[man] Oh, yeah.