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05x16 - The Frankenstein Experiment

Posted: 11/01/22 05:14
by bunniefuu
Must not dally.

Must not dawdle.

The Master will be angry, he says.

"Hurry, Igor," he says.

The experiment.

The experiment.

Always with the experiment! [GRUNTS]


What's this? Fog? But from where? Ah! Who-who are you? A baron? A c-c-constable? A Count.

Count Dracula.

And you, my small, round, rotund friend, are Igor Fritz Radev, assistant to a very brilliant man.

Wha-what are you? How do you know such things? - Because I told him.

- Ah! I, Savanti Romero! Demon! Keep away from me! We are all demons, aren't we, Igor? So it is best you know your place amongst the monsters.





Wh-what do you want from me? We need your master's experiment.







Now we're talking.

Yeah! I've got an idea! [GROANS]

Aw, sewer apples! Booyakasha! [ALL YELL]

Where are we? Oh, no.

More castles? We're in Germany in the year 1818, and that, Turtle companions, is Frankenstein's castle.

Aw, man.

Frankenstein? We got to take on Frankenstein too? [GROANS]

Not just that.

We got to save Raph and turn him back to normal.

Not to mention the Time Scepter is running super low on power.

And there it goes.

Come on, team.

Let's get to Frankenstein's castle and stop Savanti, and then we'll figure out how to get home.

Or not.

And then we're doomed.





I get to drink some real blood tonight, right? I mean, rats and spiders are one thing.

I need some sustenance.

Indeed you will feast tonight, Raphael, when the time is right.

It's about time! You're holding me up, Dracula.

Seriously, man.

I have monsters to recruit and worlds to conquer.

Do not irritate me, demon.


What's this? Renet and those disgusting Turtles followed me again.

They won't give up, Savanti.

We have to destroy them quickly! Send me, Master.

With my knowledge and the Mummy's magic, we'll annihilate them! Very well.

t*rture them.

Torment them.

Make them suffer slowly.




Aw, man.

We've been walking all night.

Are we at the castle yet? No.

Whoa! You guys see what I'm seeing? It's a miracle of nature! Mikey! Ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo! What the Flin Flon? Who's messing with me? Who stole my tree pizza? Come out and show yourself! What the heck are [SCREAMS]



What are you guys screaming Huh? [SCREAMS]



- Savanti Romero? But but no! [ALL SCREAMING]


t*rture them with your magic, Pharaoh.

Make them suffer.

That's not it.

That won't work.

Think, Frankenstein.

Think! What are you missing? It's not the synthetic blood.

It must lie in the rejuvenation formula! Master, I have returned with the needed anatomy.

Excellent, Igor.

I must finish the rejuvenation formula by tomorrow's eve, for that night, the heavens will produce the greatest thunderstorm Germany has ever known, and with the power of lightning, I will give my creation the spark of life! You mean, if you can finish the rejuvenation formula, Master.


Perhaps I can help.

The formula I can't solve it.

Then allow my friend, the aging, ugly, foul, disgusting, but brilliant Professor Protarious, to help you.


I've heard of you, Professor.



Let me demonstrate the future of science.


My dear man the formula! It all makes sense now! [GRUNTING]




No! No! Not you too, Karai! [SCREAMS]

Ah! Stop! I don't want to be a turtle vampire! I hate blood! [SCREAMS]


Get away from me! I'm super serial! [LAUGHING]



No! Wait! I defeated you! You can't be the real Pizza Face! [BELCHES LOUDLY]

Dudes, it's the Mummy! He's using magic to mess with our heads! [HISSES AND SHRIEKS]

Mikey's right! It's all an illusion! Fight it! You're not real! Ah! My head! You fools! Don't you understand? It would be easier if you'd let me drain a little blood.

We'll both get something out of it.

I'll become a full vampire, and you will be my servants.

Wait, what do we get out of it again? Don't you see? We can rule together! That's not you talking, Raph.

Fight it, Daddy-O! If you won't join me, then you will be destroyed! [SHRIEKS]


Aw, man.

If only the Time Scepter was charged up, I-I'd zap 'em here and kick their monster butts back to Transylvania.

Come on, we got to get to Frankenstein's castle while it's still light out.

What about Raph? I don't know, man.

Unless you or Renet come up with some bright idea, Raphael may be lost forever.


Um, greetings, Mr.


We, uh, need to see the doctor right away.

These four boys have, um, green warts all over their bodies.

Ooh! Agh! Okay.

Hurry, then.

The Master is busy but always willing to help the afflicted.

Master, you have visitors.

I'm sorry, I'm quite busy - and can't accept new [GASPS]

- What in the name of science are you? Whoa.

Take it easy, pal.

Yeah! I'm known as super cute in many circles.


Frankenstein, these young men are, um, suffering from turtle toe shellitis.

It's really rare.

Can you cure them? Cure them? But these people are turtles.

I can't cure turtles.

Doc Frank, we heard you're doing experiments to bring the dead back to life.

How would you know this? Because we're from the future, Doc.

We're mutants and time travelers.

Um, Leo, can I talk to you for a second, please? Ah! We can't reveal we're time travelers or alter major events in any way, remember? Come on, dude.

Get with the program! It would be an honor to help the esteemed Dr.

Frankenstein on this reanimation project.



Donatello, you are the best assistant I've ever had.

I'm quite impressed with your knowledge.


Thanks, Doc.

I want to ask you about your synthetic blood too.

See, I've got this friend, and it might help him.

All right! Time to hoist him up.



Yes! Yes! Give my creation life! [ELECTRICAL WHIRRING]





The lightning scarred him, Master.

My perfect being, ruined! Fa Fa Father? Father? No.

You are a monster, an abomination! No, he's not! He just wants love.

Your love.

It's cool.

My name's Mikey.

You're Frank.


Say it with me.

Fa Fra Frank.

Well, I must thank you for helping the good doctor.

Now I don't have to do any work.

I just have to recruit the most powerful being the world has ever seen.


I'd like to think that I am the most powerful.


Frankenstein, if you please.

Destroy the Turtles! [YELLS]

Frank, it's me! Mikey! Your new pal, remember? [GRUNTS]


Frankenstein, why? He's under Dracula's control.

Yes! How easy you are to sway.

Like sheep.

Pitiful mortals.


Snap out of it, Doc! [YELLS]

Come on, Frank, it's me! Leave me alone! [GLASS SHATTERS]


I'm fine.

I'm fine, Donatello.

I'm alive.

Not for long! Now Savanti Romero has all of the monsters under his command.


Not my creation.

My friend, do not harm the Turtles.

It is these wicked monsters you wish to destroy! Yes.

Bad men! Rawr! Rawr! Frank will smash! Stay back, monster! Stay back! Ah! [YELLS]


Frank! Come back! It's too dangerous up there, dude! [THUNDER ROARS]

Oh, it's dangerous down here too.

Good-bye, Igor.

Thanks for the help.


Give me my Time Scepter, girl.

It will make my monster invasion so much easier! Too bad it's out of power, but it still makes a sweet w*apon! [GRUNTS]

Renet! You cannot escape me! [YELLS]

You need more training, Leonardo.

Oh, I've been practicing, Vlady.


Ah! Not good enough! I am the Lord of the Undead! The King of Wallachia! No one has ever defeated me! [GRUNTS]


Whoa! Whoa, whoa! Good doggy! No biting, now! Yeow! Hello brother.

Yeow! You're not going anywhere, Donatello! Hey, Leo, I could use a boost! On it! [GRUNTING]




Ah! Ah! Hmm.

If I mounted the Time Scepter to that primitive antenna, I wonder if I could recharge it.

Give me the scepter, neophyte! [GASPS]


Groovy! Oh, no, you don't! [GROWLS]

Frank! Come back! Frank! [GROWLS]

It's too slippery for your big feet, bro! Frank monster.

Frank knows what Frank is.


You are my creation.

I am sorry I called you a monster.

You are my son! And I want you back.


I can help you with the doc's synthetic blood! I never said I wanted help! I'm sorry, Raphael.


No! Get back! Back, evil one! Keep it away from me! Keep it away! Yah! No! [GROANS]

Ah! Please, my creation! Come back! - Mm - I promise to take care of you! Out of my way! [GRUNTS]



- Help me! Doc, hold on! [GRUNTING]

Little fool.

Monster, come with me, and no one will see you as a freak.

We creatures of the night shall rule! [GRUNTING]

Yes! Phew.


Now, to kick some [GRUNTS]


Ah! Oh, no! [expl*si*n BOOMS]



Is everyone all right? We're okay.

I think.

Yeah, except the lab got trashed.

All of the doc's synthetic blood is ruined.


I thought we could use it to save Raph.


We'll think of something else, D.

At least he's back with us.

My My creation.




Maybe not, Doc.

The Time Scepter says he's still out there, somewhere, along with all the other monsters.

But hey, at least I got the Time Scepter partially charged up again, which means we've got one last shot at stopping Savanti and Dracula.

Put some garlic on Raph.

We're going back to the future.

Fools! You can't stop the Master.

He's recruiting Frankenstein's monster as we speak! You've already lost! [HISSES]


Frank alone.

No friends.

No family.

Frank lonely monster.

You don't have to be alone anymore.

I'll see to that.

For you can join my monster army and rule a world that now forsakes you, my friend.

- Oh friend? - Yes! Just look into my eyes.


Come, my monsters.

The future awaits!