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01x03 - Rapture

Posted: 10/31/22 16:37
by bunniefuu
I'm Isabelle.

I'm Olga's niece.
She's the queen,

which makes me a princess.

Do you know
I was in love with you

when I was a little girl?

Come on!

Come on. Ha!

Yes! Finally.

Saw the sign about the room.

You can't be doing that business
here in my building.

I don't do that anymore.

I have a son.

What's his name?


Colin ran off with the teacher.

You're not sending
that man after him.

Mr. McGregor is very discreet.

- I know what he does.
- No, you don't.

- You don't know what he does.
- I know what he f*cking does!

Your wife kidnapped my son.

If you know anything,
just tell me,

and I'll do whatever I can
to protect them both.

I want to see Olga.




Joan Sunday,

LAPD. Is this the residence
of Olga Desnain?

Olga is incapacitated.

What's your name?


Johnny? Do you like cars?



You say, "Yes, I like cars."

Yes, I like cars.

Do you like this car?


Yeah, sure.

I mean, yes.


Burt, pull over. Please.

Do you know how to drive?

Uh, I'm 15.

That has nothing
to do with my question.


No, I-I've never.

But I-I could.

- You can.
- Okay, I...

I mean, yeah... I mean, yes.

Burt, get out, please.

Yes, ma'am.

Drive me.

Uh... where?

Wherever I tell you to go.

But, for now, go straight, huh?


Start the car.

Now drive.


Go faster.

Vas-y, plus vite.

Even faster, Johnny.

C'est ça.

Tense music

"Call Me" by Blondie

Color me your color, baby

Color me your car

Color me your color, darling

I know who you are

Come up off your color chart

I know where you're coming from

- Call me
- Call me

On the line, call me

Call me any, anytime

- Call me
- Call me

I'll arrive, you can call me any

Day or night, call me

Cover me with kisses, baby

Cover me with love

Roll me in designer sheets

I'll never get enough

Emotions come

I don't know why

Cover up love's alibi

- Call me
- Call me

My love, call me

Call me any, anytime

- Call me
- Call me

I'll arrive, call me

Call me for some overtime

- Call me
- Call me

My love, call me

Call me in a sweet design

- Call me
- Call me

Call me

For your lover's lover's alibi

Call me


The other day was, uh...


Maybe you and me should talk.

You know, like, real talk.


It's so f*cked-up that...

- I feel like I want to cry.
- Mm.

But she was my f*cking pimp.

No, I'm good.

What do you mean you're good?

Y-You're not gonna toast
our dear departed?

No, as I said, I'm good.

What are we calling her
now, anyway? Mentor?



Bad bitch.




f*ck you, Olga. f*ck you.

Slow, sentimental music

So, uh...

- I guess, condolences?
- Yeah.

Yeah. Who'd want
to k*ll Olga, Julian?

Same people who k*lled
Janet Holmes?

- You're the detective, right?
- Yeah.

Yeah, so why don't you tell me?

Okay. On my way over here,

I was thinking how
the so-called queen

gets taken out
just a couple days

after her best boy, you,

- gets out of jail.
- Right.

That's a little cozy
for my taste, Julian.

You think someone
wanted revenge?

Some police work.

You know, when you ran out
of that diner so quick

because you thought that Olga
had hired Finnegan

to k*ll Janet Holmes,

remember that?
And now Olga's dead.

I didn't do it, Detective.

Where were you
the night she was k*lled?

I was walking.

- You were walking.
- Yeah.


Just... around.

- Alone?
- Yeah.

No one to corroborate?

Answer when I call you,
day or night.

Don't make me chase you, okay?

What? Was I too mean
the other night?

Is that why you won't
come back to work?

'Cause I was mean?

Hey, Isabelle,
can I ask you something?

Do you remember Lisa Beck?


Lisa Beck.

She was young. I...

I brought her in.

Remember that thing
happened to her?

You know,
in the bathroom upstairs?



Jesus, hadn't thought
about that for a long time.


For some reason I just...

you know,
I remembered her today.

Tense, ominous music

For some reason.


You know, what I remembered

for some reason today... first job.

Guy named Hank.

250 pounds of smelly Russian.

Olga sent him back
to one of the rooms,

and she asked me to meet him.

And at that point, I...
I thought I was her daughter.

I thought I was special.

So I said, "No.

No way, I'm not doing this."

Then she hit me.

Slow, dramatic music

Come on.

Do you trust me?

- Yes.
- Okay.

Mr. Kaye, come on in.

Mr. Banks, John Henderson.

Class of '95.

I remember you well. Sit.

How have you been?

You know, sir, ups and downs.

Yeah? Please,

I'm all ears.

Sir, I came here today to talk
to you about Lisa Beck.

She took her own life

while she was a student here.

I remember.

It was a tragedy.

It is those tragedies
that keep me up at night,

not the success stories,

the tragedies.

What, is it too much?

Mr. Banks,
can you give me any information

on her? Anything at all?

Who are these people?

Friends. They're my friends.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

All right, let's have some fun.

Intriguing music

- Nothing yet?
- No.

If I'd heard anything,
I would have let you know.

He'll be back. Don't worry.

You're a bit casual
about our son

being kidnapped by a pedophile.

Oh, Michelle,

he wasn't kidnapped.
He ran away.

He'll be back.

He's in love with her.

That colors everything
a new shade.

What if he doesn't come back?

They will find him
and bring him home,


I was surprised
to hear from you.

You meant what you said before?

I help you find them,

you'll protect Elizabeth?

I'll do everything I can.

She's never done anything
outside the lines before.


Dated Elizabeth for six months
before she even kissed me.

But I still love her.

You know?

Still wanted her
to come home to me.

That's a printout
of her recent transactions.

She charged a motel room.

Tense, dramatic music

Staring at that photo
won't make him magically appear.

I'm so f*cking hungry.


I want a hamburger and fries
and a milkshake.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Well, I can get that.

- Well, wait, maybe I should go.
- No, I got it.

Order 19. It's ready.

Two number fives
and two milkshakes.

Thank you.

Doesn't he have a key?



Where is he? Where is he?

He's not here.

Tense, dramatic music

Call him.

Tell him to come back
here right now.


Call him.

- No.
- Now.

Tell me where he is.

Slow, suspenseful music

Fast-paced, dramatic music

Hi, honey.

Aw, go home to mama, baby.

if you could go ahead and 86

the Caesar off that...

Okay, this is for,
uh, table five, right?

Yeah, table five.


- How are you ladies?
- Hi.

- Hey.
- Everything okay?

I know, I get it.

- I can't do it alone.
- I get...

Listen, we... we'll figure
something out, all right?

Just... Hey.

J, you got experience
in the kitchen, right?


Can you chop, dice,
and julienne?

Two out of the three.

Two out of three ain't bad.
Okay, we will get it done.

He's got experience.
Hey, J, put those glasses down.

Come here for a second.
We can make this work.

Trust me. Just show him
what you need to do.

This is on you
if this doesn't work.

- Come here for a second, Julian.
- There's a pallet

of onions in the back. Diced.

Easy peasy.

Easy, right?

- Right, easy.
- We'll get it done.

Promise, man, easy.


What's going on, Lizzy?

Not much.


I just wanted to say thank you.

Thank me for what?

- That album.
- Ah.

No, I'd never seen that before.


You, uh...



You know, when Irene moved in...


I did not think
we would be friends.

Why's that?

She was older.
She was... intense.

But when she got sick...

I don't want to say
it was a good thing,

but it-it brought us closer.

How so?

As scared as I was,
I was there for her.

- Oh, shit.
- Hey.


Friend of yours?

- Something like that.
- Special delivery.

You know, Lizzy, I, uh,

I'm really sorry for your loss.

No, don't be.

Hey, look, I was the lucky one.

How so?

I got to spend that time
with her.

That's a really good way
to look at it.


- Enjoy your day.
- You, too. Excuse me.

- This is, uh...
- Excuse me, ma'am.

- Bye, Lizzy.
- Bye.

Bye, Lizzy.

- Bye, friend.
- Now, what are you doing?

How... What... How do you
even know I live here?

Man, I know everything.

Wh-What-what is,
what is this shit, man?

This shit?
These are your clothes.

- Clothes?
- Yeah, that's right.

Here it is.

Oh, wow.

Oh, wow, a fern.

A Buddha. You got books?

Well, uh, now that the, uh,

tour is over,

let's get ready for tonight.

What do you mean?

What do you mean?
W-We going out, baby.

Yeah, and that is why
I brought you

a little housewarming gift.

- Ta-da.
- Nah, man.

What do you mean, "Nah"?

This is the Balenciaga
of cocaine.

That's not for me, Ren.

Oh, yeah, that's 'cause
you were inside

with that bad prison shit.

This comes out
of a platinum vial,

not out of some
Hells Angel's assh*le.

No, thank you.

- Okay. All right. f*ck it.
- Yeah.

But it's still here for you.

So, let's decide
what we're wearing tonight.

Ah, you're gonna put
this shit on, right here.

- No.
- What do you mean, "No"?

I mean, what...
Eh, why would I do that?

Why wouldn't you do it, man?
Put the shit on.

I'm not putting it on, Ren.

It's a,
it's a f*cking costume, man.

- I'm not doing it.
- Costume?

- Yeah, I'm not doing it.
- No, no, no, no, m*therf*cker.

This is not a costume,
that is a costume.

The whole black T-shirt,
black jeans,

"Look, I just got out of prison."

I'm so dark and I'm so brooding,

"I'm so angry.
Life is so bad."

Stop being
a little bitch, all right?

That's your costume.

Look, do you think

that when Clark Kent goes
into a telephone booth

and puts on his Superman shit,
flies up in the air,

and saves people,
that he's thinking to himself,

"This is just a costume"?

f*ck no.

He's thinking,
"This is amazing." Why?

Because he can do shit
that nobody else can do.

- Okay.
- All right?

Tonight, you, me, Isabelle,
old Marquis, the old villa...

Yeah, I don't know.


Look, selfish,

if you're not gonna do it
for yourself, do it for Olga.



They... will...

k*ll... you.

Stay away!

Spacy music

Tense, somber music


Oh, God.

I walked in the room,
and there...

there she was.
Her neck was broken.

Colin's things

were just strewn
all over the room, and I...

I just started cleaning it up.

Why the f*ck would you touch
anything in the room?

I don't know.

Richard, we have
to call the police.

Absolutely not.

Why not?

A dead woman in a motel,
and your son

- was the last person with her.
- He didn't do it.

Tense, dramatic music

Richard, if you contact
the authorities,

Colin becomes
the primary suspect.

So what do we do?

Did anyone see you there?

- Michelle.
- Mm... God. I don't know.

The cleaning woman,
another guest, a passerby?

I don't know.



The manager.

The manager gave me
the room number.

Can you tell me which room
Elizabeth Shannon house

is in, please?

Intense, ominous music

¿Estás bien?

No te preocupes.

Guy Dubois, 53, of Sherman Oaks.

And Olga Desnain, 64.

Some of you might remember she
was the self-appointed queen...

back in the '90s.

The early-aughts,
she was the Westside Madam.

Remember? Anyone? Yes. Right.

So, we went into the house,
nothing unusual.

We got forensics coming in,
hopefully we get lucky.

And now back to your
regularly scheduled programming.

Okay, we got something
in from Panorama City.

Elizabeth Shannon house,

37, white,
found with her neck broken

in a motel called The Costello.

Broken mirror
in the bedroom and...

this photograph found
next to the victim's head.

We're working to ID
the couple in the photo

and any connection
the victim may have

to either party.

That's all the news
for today, g*ng.

Let's go catch some bad guys.

Thoughtful of you
to provide lollipops.

- I don't got time for...
- Yes, you do. Trust me,

you have time for me.


some high school teacher
was f*cking young boys

in the room you provided her?

The f*ck are you?

Hi, Chris.

Who the f*ck are you?

Well, I'm a lot of things,
but today

I'm your benefactor.

Do I know you?

No, you don't.

Don't open it here.

You're about to get
some very bad news.

I'm told that these cards
have no limits.

When you get home, open the bag.

It's self-explanatory.

Start with,

I don't know, $100,000.
See if that goes through.

It refills itself every month
and keeps the peace.

One condition, though.

That offer only stands
if you agree

you saw nothing
out of the ordinary,

and with that price
you give me your security tapes.

You understand?


No one knows your wife
was a pedophile.

I think you'll agree
we should keep it that way.

Tense, dramatic music


Hello. Hi.
Is-is that Mrs. Stratton?

Who is this?

Yeah, can you see me?


Yes, hi, Joan Sunday. LAPD.

Thank God.

I'll be right down.


I'm so glad you're here.


I know this is
a, a delicate situation,

but-but I just think
it's so much better if...

If what?

Didn't my husband call you?

No. Why would he call me?

Well, there must be some mix-up.

Is there?

I'm sorry, why are you here?


Do you recognize the man
in this photograph?

Dramatic, ominous music

I know it's sensitive,
Mrs. Stratton.

- No.
- No?

I don't.

Take a minute.
Looks like, maybe,

a fundraiser
or a bachelorette party.

I need to talk to my lawyer.

You're free to do that,
but you should know

this photograph was found in
a motel room in Panorama City,

a crime scene.

A m*rder*d woman.

This was on the floor.

You weren't there
by any chance, were you?

No. God, no.

And you don't recognize
this man?

You see, Mrs. Stratton,
I could use some help...

figuring out how that photo
came to be in that motel room.

If not, I'm just gonna have
to investigate your family.

The man...

in that photograph, uh...

Uh, he's, he's a prost*tute.

Is that so?

I was stupid back then

and, uh...

a little lonely.

- I used him a couple of times.
- Used him?


Yeah, I took him to a party

with some girlfriends
of mine, and...

well, they all got
a big kick out of it.

Uh, we all took
photographs with him.

So, just between us girls,

you like a little rough trade
every now and again?

- You go to a seedy motel...
- No.

I've never been
to a place like that.

It was two times.

He's a prost*tute, like I said.

I sure would like to know

how that photo got
in that motel room.

Wouldn't you? I'll be in touch.


Wistful music

- Hey.
- Hi.

- Hi.
- Sorry to be waking you.

Yeah, I could see the advantage.

Have you had food yet?

What is this? What is it?

What in the world?

- What is that?
- You just have to open it.

Open it?

- Mm-hmm.
- All right.

Nothing but the best.

Slow, wistful music

Oh, my God,

it's totally f*cking hideous.

You want me to wear this?

I want to be a tourist with you.

A tourist?

Let's go to the beach.

You want to go to the beach?

- Yes.
- Yeah?

Yeah. Will you?

- Can we be from Kansas?
- Yes.

- Yeah?
- If you put this on.

How about an accent?

Think they'll believe us?

Yeah. You sure
you don't want to stay here?


Last night in the armpit

of the armpit of the Valley,

a high school tutor got her neck
broken in a cheap motel.

No suspects. No witnesses.

Today, at the precinct,

I see a piece of evidence
that they brought back,

and it's a photograph.

It was a photograph
of you, Julian.

f*cking you.

You're like the Where's Waldo

of f*cking crime scenes.

I don't think I understand.

You know who you were with?

I... I don't know,

but I imagine you're gonna,

you're gonna tell me,
right, Detective?

Michelle Stratton.

How do you know her, Julian?


Yeah, I...

can't say that I do.

Well, she sure knows you.

Said that she, uh,
used you back in the day,

couple of times, once or twice.

Took you to a few parties.

Does that sound familiar to you?
Does that sound right?

Was she your client, Julian?



Yeah, she... um...

she-she used me a couple
of times. Yeah, she was a...

she was a client.

Listen, I don't know

what the hell
you gotten yourself into.

This is a, this is a mess, man.
I would never

f*ck around with people
that powerful.

I don't know what you're doing.

Dete-De-Detective, I got to go.

- Really, Julian?
- No, I-I...

Don't f*cking hang up...

tense, ominous music

Well, she sure knows you.

How do you know her, Julian?

She said
she used you back in the day.

Couple of times. Once or twice.

Was she your client, Julian?

"Work" by Charlotte Day Wilson

It's gonna take a bit of work

Oh-oh, work

Now that you're here

Whoa-oh, work

'Cause people come and go

But I think you should know

That I

I think this will work





It's gonna take a little time

But with you by my side

I won't let go

Till I've got what's mine

'Cause people come and go


But you should know

That I, that I

I'll take it slow





It's gonna take a bit of work

Oh-oh, work

Now that you're here

Whoa-oh, work

It's gonna take a bit of work

Oh-oh, work

Now that you're here

Whoa-oh, work