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01x04 - Outings

Posted: 10/31/22 15:53
by bunniefuu
Previously on
Let the Right One In...

Do you want me to get
any pain meds?

Dad tried painkillers on me
and they don't do shit.

Honestly, the only time
I haven't been in pain is...

When you were feeding.

I k*lled someone today.

This man was
about to k*ll my partner.

I shot him over and over.

He barely even felt it.

Taking a life...

takes a piece of your soul.

I'm sorry.
Raised Catholic.

What's your story? Zeke said
this used to be your kitchen.

Zeke was the owner,
I was the chef.

Couple of weeks
before we opened,

I had to step away.

There's something
I got to do tonight.

There's a chance
I'll get caught doing it.

Sounds like
you might need a lookout.

Tense music

Was he at least a bad dude?

He had a son.

Maybe you can get
out of this with magic.

No! Please! Help!

Did someone hurt you?

Who did this?

You need
to stay away from Isaiah.

Tell your little boyfriend
to suck my...


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Sure you're gonna be okay?


The restaurant's
gonna be slammed.

I might not be home
until very late.

That's perfect, 'cause
I was gonna invite a bunch

of high school kids over,
throw a party,

buy a keg.

That is not funny.

Dad, relax.

Okay? Isaiah's stuck

doing homework tonight,
and I'm just gonna watch TV.

Okay, call me

if you need anything, all right?

I love you.

Love you, too.

And shall find my peace

My all in all

You are the bread of life

Dear Lord, to me

Your holy word the truth

That rescues me

Give me to eat

And live with you


Teach me to love

Your truth, for you

Are love

O send your spirit now

Dear Lord, to me

That He may touch my eyes

And make me see

Show me the truth made plain

Within your word

For in your book revealed

I see you, Lord

You are the bread

- Of life
-The body of Christ.

- Dear Lord
-The blood of Christ.

To me

Your holy word the truth

- That rescues me...
- The blood of Christ.

Menacing music


Would you like to come inside?

Oh, um...

You're very welcome here.

Thank you.

Not tonight.

Melancholy music

Suspenseful music


How'd you get out there?

Uh, it's not that big of a jump.

Are you nuts?
You could have fallen.

- Want to go to the movies?
- What?

My dad's working all night
tonight, and I've got money.

Uh, I don't...

I don't really feel
like going out.

You okay?


How'd you get in here?

I flew.


Isaiah, baby, you can tell me
when you want company.

You don't have
to sneak Eleanor in.

Sorry, Mom.

this is my partner, Ben.

He's gonna watch you
for a few hours tonight.

Wait, what about Miss Dee?

Canceled last minute. Again.

Ooh, we're gonna have
so much fun.

What do you say the three of us

order some pizza
and watch the Knicks on TV?

We're not really
that into sports.

Oh, cool. Cool, cool,

- cool. Uh, we could...
- Okay, uh, Ben?

- They're good. Come on.
- Okay.

I'm freaking terrible with kids.

You're fine.

But if you want to score
some points with Isaiah,

get him a Hawaiian pizza.

You mind if I wash that atrocity

down with some of this?

Yeah, you're welcome
to take that bottle home,

and help yourself.

You can take all the rest
of that shit home, too.

Can I say something
without you getting pissed?

You gonna try
to talk me out of going?

You're getting treated
like a hero

'cause you are a hero.

That guy m*rder*d
at least five people.

Don't do that.


There is no evidence suggesting

he k*lled anyone
outside of that sewer.

Yet, apparently,
we're happy letting the press

run with the story,
"We got the guy,

and the city's safe again."

If you hadn't
pulled the trigger,

he would've slaughtered us both.

It was a good k*ll.

Why did he attack us, Ben?

The guy was on something.

They ran a tox screen.

There was nothing
out of the ordinary.

Yeah, well, maybe he was on
something they didn't know

to test for. All I'm saying

is that they swept it
under the rug.

That's not
even what's bothering me.

What's bothering you?

That after 12 years

of stellar work on the force,

they only start sending gifts
when I put a b*llet

in a Black man's head.

Thanks for watching Isaiah.

Try not to scratch.

- But it hurts.
- I know.

Why is the pain getting worse?

I'm working on it. I promise.


This is to take your mind
off the pain.

You're sure it's secure?

Oh, yeah.

This little guy's
not going anywhere.


I know, buddy. Just a pinch.

So far so good, right?

You want me to do it?

You enjoy torturing animals?

Of course not.

And if your drug works,
it should be painless, right?

Festive music


Hey, you like that?

That kid's
Arturo Sandoval's son.

Yeah, or maybe his cousin.

That's quite a suit.

What? Oh. This little thing?

Come on, now.

Uh, color's a bit subtle.

Were they sold out
of canary yellow?

Subtle ain't the theme tonight,
my brother.

Check this out.

Oh, wow!

You'd think it was
the second coming.

Oh, you only get one chance

to celebrate
a tenth anniversary.


Oh, uh...

Might we be of service, milady?

Oh, thank you.

It's stuck.

Thank you.

- I got it.
- Thanks.

So, you, uh,
ready for the feast?

Oof. Been saving
my appetite all day.

Aha. Yeah, I was telling
Tanya that tonight's menu

is a kind of greatest hits.

Some of the best dishes
we've ever made.

Mm. I plan to gorge myself.

And then work it all out
on the dance floor.

Uh-huh. Well, now,
you know my man here can move.

- Uh, no.
- Oh, is that right?

Ah, it's-it's been a long time.

Maybe I can help you
shake off the rust.

Thanks for the help.

- Sure.
- Thank you.

- Excuse me.
- Yeah.

What the hell was that?

It's called flirting.

Did you put her up to this?

No. No.
I don't pimp out my staff.

Uh, but I'm not above

so you better have your ass
on that dance floor.

Ah, one thing
I forgot to mention.

Where have you been?

Uh, you said you didn't
need me here until...

That was before he added
one of your dishes to the menu.

Can't have a greatest hits
without your enchirmolado.

Everyone, kitchen, please,
can I have your attention,

just for a second?

All right.

Tonight is all about
honoring the past.

So I just want to take a moment
to recognize this restaurant's

founding executive chef.


Mm. Oh, my.

All right.

Get back to work, everyone.

You better start cooking

if you want to serve
that dish before midnight.

- Yes, Chef.
- Welcome back.

Thank you.

- Welcome home. Mm.
- Thank you, brother.

Thank you, man.

You sure you're okay?

I told you, I'm fine.

Are the bullies back
or something?

You know you can talk to me,

No one's messed with me
for, like, two weeks.



I have nightmares.

That they will.

If anyone ever tries
to hurt you again,

tell me, okay?

I could help.


I just can.


are you sure you don't want
to go see a movie?

There is this really cool thing

tonight at Tannen's,

but if my mom caught me
sneaking out...

She won't catch us.

You trust me, right?

Good night, Isaiah.


You're leaving already?

Yeah, I think I'm just gonna
go ahead and go to bed.

Yeah, he's calling it a night,
so I'm heading home.

You sure you want
to turn in this early?

I ordered Hawaiian pizza.

I'm sure.

Good night, Mr. Ben.

Good night.

Uh, could you watch from
the doorway and make sure I get

in my house safely?
I live just down the hall.

Oh, yeah. Sure thing, kid.

So how long

have you and Isaiah's mom
been partners?

Almost five years now.

She seems like
she's super good at her job.

She's the best.

Oh, uh, well,
this is me right here.

Have a good night.

Quiet, tense music


Is this Claire Logan?


Dr. Logan, this is John Roach.

We met at your dad's funeral.

I'm the attorney
handling his estate.

Yeah, I'm...

I'm sorry
I haven't called you back.

I've been trying to reach you
for several days.

There's some pressing issues
with your inheritance.

If it's about my father's money,
it can wait.

I will call you tomorrow.

Claire told me not to scratch,

but it feels like worms are
crawling all over me.

Let's try some more of this.

Is it better?

Yeah, a little bit.

You're a shitty liar.

Okay, well, it f*cking hurts.

Well, not for long.

Your sister just had
a big breakthrough.

And you're gonna be
feeling better in no time.

Low, dramatic music

I sing because

I'm happy

And I sing because

I'm free

His eye is

On the sparrow

And I know

He watches me

An interesting shot.

Now, don't miss, dude...

Hey, buddy?

You sure you don't want a slice?

Shit. Sorry.


Upbeat music

Is the white chocolate and
poblano ready for the crema?

Poblanos are roasting,
and I'm on chocolate now.

All right. Too thin.

Those need to be
three-quarter slices.

Do my eyes deceive me,
Danielle, or is that a chef?

I'll tell you
after I taste his dish.

This guy's my favorite.

Can I please have a volunteer?

Come on up here, young man.

Excuse me. Sorry.

What's your name?


take any card you'd like.

And because that's your card,

I'd like you to sign it.


- Okay.
- May I have your card?

The Ace of Hearts.

It's kind of a lonely card,
don't you think?

Let's fix that.

I want you to think
about someone you miss.

Could be a grandparent
who passed,

or a best friend
who's moved away.

And I want you to imagine
their name appearing

on the card beside yours.

Are you ready for the two of you
to be together again?

And this card is yours to keep.


His pain is getting really bad.

And there's a skin,
I don't know what you call it,

- growing underneath his skin.
- It's scar tissue.

- Is it a problem?
- It can inhibit

future healing entirely.

Are you saying he's gonna
look like that forever?

There's a regimen I need
to start him on

but it begins with debridement,

and right now Peter can barely
stand to be touched, so...

what do you think's gonna happen
if I put a scalpel

to his raw, exposed flesh?

So that's why you've been

working on this painkiller
day and night.

So what's the problem?

You tested it on the chimp,
and it worked.

- We have no idea if it...
- You torched its arm.

And it f*cking smiled at you.

It nearly went
into cardiac arrest.

I give this to Peter,
and his heart

could explode out of his chest.

But thank you
for getting his hopes up.

I really appreciate
the guarantee.

Would it help if you tested it
on a human subject first?

You're not hunting
another victim.

I meant me.

I'm not joking.

Just 'cause it worked
on a chimp...

My dad's cure worked
on animal subjects

before Peter burst into flames.

You're not your dad.

I've seen you do in weeks
what he couldn't do in years.

I'll bet on you.

Hit me with it.

- It's good.
- Good is not great.

Then it's great.

Oh. Come on, don't hold back.

Uh, technically, it's excellent,

but enchirmolado's
something abuelas fight over.

Like whose version is better.
It needs a special ingredient.



Maybe urfa.

What part of Mexico
are you from again?


I did a study abroad in Oaxaca.

Oh, really? You spent
a whole school year there?

Semester, actually.


Least that was the plan.

Ended up staying a bit longer
than I expected.

- How much longer?
- Diez aƱos.

- What?
- I used to tease my daughter

she should drop out of school

and cook instead.

You actually did it.

I take it she didn't follow
in your footsteps?

Nah, um...

she always had her sights
on the stars.

Well, I wish my dad had
your attitude.

When he found out I planned
to drop out, he flew to Mexico,

ready to drag my ass home.

Oh. I bet.

But then he
got there, and he said,

"I've never seen you
so happy in my life."


"I guess you're doing

what you're supposed to do."

It must make him very proud

to see who you've become.

I hope so.

I know it.

Before we go home,
can we make one more stop?

Now? But it's already so late.

It'll be quick. I promise.

Come on.

Excuse me.

Can I talk to you a second?

Yeah. Excuse me.

I just wanted to thank you.

What you and Danielle
did for me tonight...

Oh. Come on. No.

All we did was have you

make some food
our customers want to eat.

No, that's-that's
not all you did.

And you know it.

You gave me a taste of the life
I never got to have.

But I don't get
to have that life

until Ellie gets to have hers.


You're going home.

I can't be cooking

and dancing while she's...


I, uh...

Yeah, I get it.

I didn't come back to be a chef.

I came back here to find a cure.

No, no. No, I said I get it,

but if you're taking off,
let me grab your gift.

You already gave
it to me, brother.

That was
our start-of-shift gift.

This is your end of the night.


I almost blew this one up
to hang out there tonight,

but, uh...

seemed a little private
for that.


Remember that?

It's-it's the day
we bought this space.


- When did you take it?
- When you weren't looking.

It's beautiful.

And it's a beautiful frame.

You know, I never understood

why people put priceless photos

in five-dollar frames.

But I like that shot 'cause
of how happy Eleanor looks.


You still don't get it.

She's looking at you.

I believe you're gonna
find a cure.

Now, I doubt
that it's gonna happen tonight,

but, uh...

if the opportunity
presents itself,

I think I've made it clear
that I'll be by your side.

But if you want Eleanor

to believe there's
still a good life ahead of her,

it might help her to see you

lead a good one now.

Your call, brother.

Gentle music

Oh, I'm so sorry.

I-I-I thought everyone had gone.

It's not bad enough I got

to bury my son
under the cover of night?

And now I got
to face his k*ller, too?

I meant no disrespect.

I-I can remove that
if-if you want me to.

Exactly how'd my boy die?

I know nothing more
than what the TV's told me.

I, um...

He was coming fast and-and...

And I got off three sh*ts.

The only one that stopped him
was the head shot.

He really k*lled
those people in the sewer?

Yes, sir.

But I believe your son was
on something

when he...

Do you know if he'd taken any...

- Don't you dare interrogate me.
- No, I-I didn't mean to...

My boy was getting
back on track.

You hear me?

Yes, sir.

He even started going to NA.

Six months clean.

I was there
when they gave him his coin.

It's a hard thing.

Loving someone
with this affliction.

Where did Xavier go to NA?


I still have some questions.

And I think your son

and everyone in that sewer
deserves the truth.

Eleanor, what are we doing
in Queens?

We're almost there.

Almost where?

It's just, it took
a long time to get here,

and it's gonna take
a long time to get back.

And if my mom finds out what...

What is it?

It's where I grew up.

Gentle music

I don't think anyone's home.

You don't know that.
We should go.

Let me just see if they
left the window unlocked.

Wait, Eleanor, don't!

Menacing music

You have to go in first.


- And invite me in.
- Why?

You just do.

No way.


I have to go inside.

I haven't been back
since my mom died.

Okay, fine.


Yeah, come in.

Okay, you saw it. Can we go now?

There's just one more thing
I want to see.


Tense music

lighthearted music

Is that the clearest night?

Come on.

- What?
- Keep sleeping, love.

- Go.
- I'll get the formula.

Intense music

Whoa. I can't make that.



I think someone's broken in.


That's it.

We're all in.

Great service, everyone!

Come here.

I want to show you something.

You like it, Ma?

They put their foot
in this, girl.

The flavor just won't quit.


Abuelas the world over approve.

Your presence has been
requested on the dance floor.


Where are you gonna cut me?

I was thinking your arm.


Use the soft flesh on
the underside of my upper arm.


There's more nerve endings there
than probably anywhere else.

It's the best place
to inflict maximum pain.

I'll be measuring
your vitals, but...

if you're able, tell me
everything you're experiencing

in your own words,
so I can record.


You ready?

It's working.

My heart's racing.

That's to be expected
right before the upsurge

of dopamine and nor epinephrine.



I can hear you breathing.

Oh, you stopped.

Your heart's beating...


Now faster.

And I can smell your sweat.

Tense music

I'm moving on to phase two.



That's as deep as I would need
for debriding.

If you can't feel any pain,
that means the drug is...

All right.

Uh, next up.
Do you want to share?


My name is Quint a and...

I'm an addict.

Uh, I started using
about two years ago.

The first time I got high,
it was...

It felt so good.

But every time after...

dramatic music

Remember as you go,

one day at a time.

Take tonight as a blessing.

Hi. Welcome.

You're a new face. Jason.

Hi, Jason. I'm Detective
Naomi Cole with the NYPD.

I have a few questions
about Xavier Andrews.

Oh, I'm not involved
with anything X was into.

I'm not investigating you,
but you did know him.

He came to group every day
for six months, until he didn't.

In any of your meetings,
did Xavier ever mention...

Anything that X said in group
is confidential.

You a priest?

I'll ask that
a different way. Um...

I am wondering if you've heard

about any new narcotic
on the streets.

Not recently.

But, uh,
it wouldn't surprise me.


You may have noticed
that tonight's group

was sparsely attended?

And that-that's unusual?

Yeah. Midnight is
our most popular time.

Yeah, that's
when my ex-husband used to go.

Yeah, it's, uh, usually
when the cravings are the worst.

So when people stop coming...

Well, when it's one
or two people, you hope maybe

they just don't need it anymore.

But when it's several people,
you begin to worry

that your group's been targeted.

I'm sure you're aware of this,

but dealers like to set up shop
outside of meetings.

Easy prey.


How many people have you lost?

In the last few weeks,

more than half my group
has disappeared.

Zeke wasn't lying.

You can dance.

Yeah. Uh, I still have
a few moves in me, yeah.

My mom's already home.
I know it.

If she were home,
she would've called.

We're good.

Suspenseful music

So let me get this straight.

You took Dad's painkiller
and made it not suck?

That's right.

And it's gonna let me carve
away all this nasty-ass

scar tissue,
so you can heal up proper.

Claire Bear
gonna put Humpty-Dumpty

- back together again?
- Don't do that voice.

You know I think it's creepy.

I don't know why you want
to change the way I look.

I'm smokin'.

You're a nightmare.

Chicks dig scars.

You look like a wound.

Plus, you'll still have
plenty of scars

even if I can put you
back together.


Thanks for not giving up on me.

Your heart's supposed
to start racing.

Trust me.

It's gonna work.

You okay?


Feels kind of nice.

...time and time again,

they simply don't know how...

See? I told you
we wouldn't get caught.

You okay?

You're cold.


Your skin, it's ice-cold.

Oh, sorry.

It's just 'cause
we were outside.

I should go.

Don't want to get busted now.


I saw the marks on your door.


At your house.

They were from 2002,

and four and six.

How old are you?

I'm 12.

Same as you.

This is weird. I got to go.

Out the window?

Normal kids don't jump

out of windows.

You walk barefoot in the snow.

You're super fast and strong.

Your eyes glow.

And you don't eat anything.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

- What are you?
- I'm your friend.

Then why are you lying to me?

Dramatic music

If I tell you something,

you have to promise
you won't tell anyone.


I really am 12.

But I've been 12 a long time.

My eyes glow
'cause I can see in the dark.

And there is one thing
that I can eat.



What do you say we take
this party somewhere else?

I would love to.

But I-I... I can't.

Your asking has

made my year, though.

I promise.

I guess I'll settle for that.

- Have a good night.
- Good night.

You're an idiot
for turning that down.


- Is Zeke still here?
- Yeah.

By the booths.

- Good night, Chef.
- Night, Chef.

Oh! Hey. Get your ass in here.

I want you to meet

my new favorite patron.

Uh, sorry,
what'd you say your name was?


Have we met?

I don't think so.

Uh, check out the ink on my man.

Now that's-that's beautiful.

Huh? Uh, what's it say?

- Quoquo modo necessarium.
- Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

"By any means necessary."

- Ah.
- You speak Latin.

Catholic school.

Yeah, it was sort
of the motto for my unit.

Uh-huh, my boy here
was in the Marines.

- Army. Special Ops.
- Uh, my bad.

All good.

- Hey, join us for a drink.
- I-I got to run.

Yeah, tradition's tradition.

Sit your ass down.

We used to always

close out every perfect service

with a nightcap.

Yeah, Zeke was telling me
how you just came back

after, like,
what, ten years away?

Oh. What else did he tell you?

Uh, nothing. Uh, here we go.

Uh, to...


Both old and new.


You sure we haven't met?

I-I swear I-I've seen your face.

Uh, I mean I've been here
most of the night.

- Mm.
- And that, uh,

enchirmolado thing you made...

That's, like,
the best dish I ever tasted.

Yeah? Thank you.

What part of Mexico you from?

- I grew up in Mexico City.
- Mm.

Uh, it was nice meeting you.

- I got to grab my gift.
- Mm-hmm.

Can you let me in your office?

Uh, yeah. You know, I didn't
realize it was locked.

Yeah. Uh, pleasure chatting,

my friend.

You mind not telling a complete
stranger my business?

Oh, relax.
I didn't tell him shit.

And would you mind not spoiling
a beautiful night

with your paranoia?

It was a beautiful night,
wasn't it?

- Oh, yes, it was.
- Mm-hmm.

Glad to have that dude back.

Good to be back.

I was trying
to be clever back there.

But my boss says I'm
a better hammer than a scalpel.

You met him.

Told him you were a driver.

That's why you know my face.
I was parked behind you.

Okay. Please, let him go.

He's got nothing to do
with this.

You were driving his car.

He loaned it to me as a friend.

And when he helped you
move a body?

Oh, f*ck.

Oh, hey, maybe I am clever.

'Cause I wasn't sure there was
a body in that duffel.

Now I know.

Strange thing is,
a dealer of mine went missing

not far from there.

You're gonna tell me
who you are,

and why you lied to my boss,

or after I k*ll you,
I'm gonna k*ll your friend.

Intense music

Start talking.

"Man" by No Money Kids

My mother don't want a man

'Cause she loves and trusts
in Jesus Christ

She don't want to see me
with my friend

'Cause I'm in love
in a chain g*ng

Yes, I'm a man

Yeah, I'm a man

Yeah, I'm a man

Yeah, I'm a man