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01x03 - Broken Glass

Posted: 10/31/22 15:52
by bunniefuu
Previously on
Let the Right One In...

Ladies, gentlemen, and...

Can't hear you!

Excuse me!

Do you need a volunteer?

Tell them
you're gonna make me disappear.

I don't know how to do that.

Trust me.


Yo, that's
some Houdini shit right there!

Do you think I could borrow it?

Borrow what? My car?

Yeah, but I'll bring it back.

What do you need it for?

I'm gonna get a text
with an address.

There's gonna be a guy there.

I think he might lead me

to a creature like Ellie.

What are you doing here, sir?

- I drive for a living.
- A chauffeur?

I'm thinking you need to
find out who owns that car,

and if that man was lying to me.

Yes, sir.

You think the k*ller
was on something?

We've got a witness,
claims he saw someone

with glowing eyes.

I assume you found no weapons

at the crime scene.

You're saying all this
was done by hand?

We're done here.

- Isaiah's father?
- Mm-hmm.

Intense music

You okay?

When your brother gets hungry,

he's not always himself.

My brother is seizing!

He's not seizing. He's starving.

- Peter, no!
- Help me, help me...

Stop! Stop, stop!

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Hey. Why are you whispering?

My mom thinks I'm asleep.

Are you in a bathtub?

Yeah, but there's
no water or anything.

You sleep in a bathtub?

I don't do
a whole lot of sleeping.

- Isaiah?
- That's my mom. Bye.

What are you doing?

- No.
- I'm sorry, honey.

You said you would stay,
you promised.

That's before I knew
the woman next door

was a homicide detective.

- Isaiah's mom?
- Yes.

We don't need to leave the city.

We just need to find
another place to live.

What about Isaiah?
I can't see him anymore?


The faster we do this,
the less it'll hurt.

So go grab whatever you need
to carry with you

- for the next few days.
- Where are we going?

- Motel.
- Of course we are.

Look, honey,
it's only temporary. Okay?

I'll find us another apartment

and come back here
and get the furniture.

I don't care about
the furniture!

Keep your voice down.

I finally have a friend here.

I-I know, honey,

but we've only stayed alive

by knowing
when it's time to run.

Well, I don't want to run

- It is not up to you.
- Why did you even bring me here?

Enough, Ellie!
These walls are thin.

Why am I even alive
if I can't do anything

but hide and be alone?!

You need to lower your voice!

You can't take away
my only friend!



I'm not going anywhere.

And if you make me leave,

I'll just wait
until you fall asleep,

and I'll walk out into the sun.

Slow, dramatic music

Get the f*ck away from me.

Who was that man?

The less I tell you,
the safer you'll be.

But I promise you
no one will ever miss him.

You said you stole
from blood banks.

We tried everything.

There is no other way.

Intense music

You f*cking liar! Wake up!


f*ck you!



You awake?

This is not very mature.

Got to go out, okay?

I love you.

Hey, I thought I heard you.

Look, the kids had
such a good time last night,

I was hoping you and Eleanor

might want to
come over for dinner.

Uh, that-that's very kind,
thank you.

But I'm afraid
Eleanor has food allergies.

Oh. I'm sorry.
Is it peanuts, or...

Oh, to almost everything.

She can only eat at home.

Well, that must be hard.

But thank you
for the invitation.

Well, food or no food,
we'd love to have her over.

I mean, what she did

at the talent show
last night was just...

Talent show?

She didn't tell you she went
to Isaiah's talent show?

Oh, no, yeah, sure. Of course.

Isaiah's in a bit of
a rough patch right now.

His dad went AWOL on him,

- and...
- I'm sorry.

Yeah, no, what, um...

what I'm trying to say is that

Eleanor's friendship means
a whole lot to him.

And it means a lot
to Eleanor, too.

Then maybe we should
exchange numbers.

So we can set up play dates

without me having to chase
you down in the hallway.

There you go.

Okay... great.

Now you have mine.

Tense music

I haven't told Peter yet.

I thought that you
would want to do it.

Stay the hell away
from my brother.

I should've warned you.

Dad should've warned me.

Where is he?

Did he die alone?



When you were...


...could you hear me
calling your name?

It's hard to explain.


The room gets brighter,
and I-I can...

I can hear
heartbeats and breathing.

It's like I'm not in control,
but I don't even care,

'cause when I start to drink,
it feels so good.

Sometimes people try
to fight back, but...

- It doesn't hurt.
- No.

It's better than that,
it feels good.

I like when they fight back.

Peter, it's not you.

It's the virus.

It's hijacking your brain,

incentivizing you to feed

by flooding you with dopamine
and nor epinephrine...

But the virus is me, right?

What are you talking about?

Dad said it's not just
in my cells,

it's in my DNA,
which means it is me.

f*ck Dad.

What I saw in there is not you.

Are you okay?

Do you want me
to get any pain meds?

No. Dad tried painkillers
on me and they don't do shit.

Honestly, the only time
I haven't been in pain is...

When you were feeding.

Tense music

If I get shot today,

and the ambulance
wants to bring me here,

please tell them Mount Sinai.

I was born here.

I'm f*cking with you.

But quit acting like
the Bronx is the Wild West,

- Mr. Forest Hills.
- Hey, when I was a kid,

Forest Hills was not
"Forest Hills."

Mm-hmm, and I'm sure
you kept it real.

It was not bougie.

On my block we had
two nail salons,

a fish market,

and an ATM that only gave out
ten-dollar bills.

We're here to talk
to Christina Delgado.

Morning, Detectives.
We spoke on the phone.

Ms. Delgado is
on a lot of pain meds,

so she might be a little erratic
when you're speaking to her.

But she is conscious and stable.

And you said it was unclear

if the attacker used
a w*apon on her?

Well, she didn't think so,

but he must have used something
because, uh... Look.

How could anyone use
their bare hands to do that?

Hi, Christina, I'm Naomi.
This is my partner, Ben.

We're homicide detectives.

Do you mind if we ask you
a few questions?

Can you remember what happened?

He was so strong.

I tried to fight him,
as hard as I could, but...

when I hurt him...

...he started laughing.

Do you remember
what he looked like?

His eyes...

they were all shiny.

Like cat's eyes.

What else do you
remember about the attack?

I don't know.

I blacked out.

And when I woke up,
he was standing over me...

...and then he was just gone.

Like magic.

He disappeared.

I'm so afraid
he's gonna come back again.

- He won't.
- No...

- You're safe here.
- I want to go home.

I want to see my daughter.

- I'll go get the nurse.
- No, I don't want the nurse!

I want to go home!

- Why can't I feel my hands?!
- Shh.

What did he do to me?

Tense, suspenseful music

pulsing, somber music

Am I all covered up?

I don't want my doorman to see
me in last night's outfit.

No one will ever know.

Uh, what are you doing Saturday?

I thought that we were
just having fun.

Uh, yeah, but, uh,
we can have fun on Saturday.

Oh, it's, uh... my car.

You know,
if you hang on a second,

I can give you a ride home.

That's okay,
my Uber's here already.

But thank you for ordering me
a Black, by the way.

Very classy.


Get home safe.

- Girlfriend?
- Uh, no. Just a friend.

- Her dorm doesn't have a curfew?
- Dawg, f*ck you.

No, she's an accomplished woman.

- She's a dancer...
- Oh.

Ah, no. Not that kind
of dancer... You know what?

None of your damn business.
My keys?

I need to ask you
for one more thing.

Oh, great.
No problem.

Gave you a car, job...
W-What else you need?

My condo?

Get your ass inside,
I'll make you breakfast.

Yo! That's the magician.

That was mad cool
what you did last night.

- How'd you do it?
- A magician never tells.

Up top!

And you were out there trying
to trash talk him and shit?

He made y'all look stupid.


Omelette aux fines herbes,
a little pomme rosti

and, for
the pièce de résistance...

Oh, your grandmother's biscuits.

Come on, now.

Oh, wow.

Don't tell me you're not hungry.

I... No, it's just that, um...

I really don't eat
like this anymore.

Oh, I see what this is.

You don't think you should be
able to enjoy food

because she can't.

So what do you eat?

Uh... just, you know,

a lot of energy bars
and smoothies.

Oh, God.

It's not too bad.

There's this protein powder...

Honestly, come on, man. Uh-uh.

You need to stop talking
and-and eat your food.

Wow, where'd you get
the Sevruga caviar?

Oh, we did a little catering
for some Wall Street assholes.

I kept the leftovers.

Is that a smile I see?

- Wow.
- Oh.

Brother, I'm f*cked.

There's a cop
who lives next door.

You moved in next to a cop?

That's not the worst part.

There's something
I got to do tonight.

It's not that.

I'm taking care of loose ends,

and there's a chance
I'll get caught doing it.

So maybe don't do it.

Then I'll definitely get caught.

This cop, she knows
I have a daughter.

If I get arrested,

I need you to go get Ellie
and bring her here.

All I'm asking is
you give her a place to hide.

And then what?

Oh, no, she won't be hungry
for a long time...

Look, I won't k*ll for her.

- I'm not asking you to.
- So, what?

Am I supposed to let her

- fend for herself?
- No.

- Does she know how to do that?
- No!

She never has
and she never will.

She's not a monster.

So, then, I'd have
to be the monster.

- Does she know you found me?
- No.

If I tell her, I know
she'll want to see you, so...

And I want to see her, too.

I want to see my goddaughter.

Gentle, tranquil music

When I saw the ambulances
on the shoulder

I didn't even think of
pullin' over

I pieced it all together
late that night

And I know you don't
remember calling me

But I told you even then

You looked so pretty

In a hospital bed

I remember you said

You were scared

And so was I

What if it happened to you
on a different day?

On a bridge where there wasn't
a rail in the way?

Or a neighborhood street
where the little kids play?

Or the Angeles Crest
in the snow or the rain?

What if you weren't alone,
there were kids in the car

What if you were remote,
no one knows where you are

If you changed anything,
would you not have survived?

You're alive, you're alive

You're alive

So I've made all the burial

Arthur's cemetery plot
is already paid for.

Just thought you'd want to know.

You can stick him in
a potter's field for all I care.

He was your father.

Some of us don't get one.

What exactly did my dad
have on you?

Excuse me?

You're his henchman,
he must've had something...

- I'm not a henchman.
- Yeah, no.

I'm sure you fancy
yourself a soldier.

I saw your tattoo.

I served my country,
yeah, in ways you can't imagine.

And when I came home,
I struggled.

Your dad took me in.

It was an honor to serve him.

I saw what you do for my dad.

There is nothing
honorable about it.

Can I help?

Make sense of your dad's...

You have a lot of expertise
in pain management?


I'm good, thanks.


you said before that you used
to donate blood for Peter?

- Yeah.
- Would you do it again?

He just fed.

I'm aware.

It's not for that.

Will you do it?

Of course.

I work for you now.

Mr. Johnson asked me
to come get Isaiah.

Okay. Go ahead.

Do you know why
Mr. Johnson wants to see me?

Am I in trouble?

You want an ice cream sandwich?

They keep it locked up,
but Manny found the key.

You can have one...

...if you tell me
how you did that trick.

I can't.

A magician never tells.


I don't know how I did it.

He wants me
to believe that shit.

- It's the truth.
- Why you lying to me?

I swear I don't know
how she did it!

Maybe you can get out of this
with magic.

No, please! Help!


Can you come out?

- What for?
- Someone wants to see you.

Gentle, lighthearted music

How's my girl?

- You got bigger.
- Mm.

It's muscle.
It's all muscle.

Yeah, right.

Oh, look at you.

Looks like you got yourself
a little nest in there, huh?

- It's cool, right?
- Mm-hmm.

Check it out.

- I just made that.
- Hmm.


Maybe I'll get you to do
one for me someday, huh?


Your dad tells me
you've got a new friend.

Yeah, he's super nice and funny.

- Oh.
- Not like most people.

Are most people not nice?

Eh, not the ones we meet.

Everything okay?

Yeah. Yeah, no.
He's just not texting me back.


Ah, he's at school.

A teacher probably asked him
to put his phone away.

And most boys
are bad at texting.

Isaiah's not.

So much scarring.

I'm gonna have to go through
the dorsal vein this time, okay?

Slow, somber music

I never said thank you.

How did she seem to you?


Why do you think you might
get caught tonight?

If I tell you,
you're an accessory.

Oh, just say it.

I have to move a body.



Sounds like
you might need a lookout.

Christina was att*cked
right here.

And the only other witness
says the perp fled... that way.

Makes no f*cking sense.

Mm-mm. Christina said
he just disappeared.

Got to love that morphine.

- Oh, no. Come on.
- Oh, yeah.

Go grab the crowbar
from the trunk.

I got my J's on.

- Your what?
- OG, baby.

I cannot believe the captain
lets you wear sneakers.

I told him I had
plantar fasciitis.


Well, you're welcome to just go
down wearing your socks.


Suspenseful music

Man-Manhattan North Homicide
to Central.

Go, Manhattan North Homicide.

I have a 10-54.

Hmm. I have a 10-54,
multiple DOAs,

in the sewer tunnels underneath

Craven and Leggett?

Have the precinct
concerned 85 me.

I'll need the patrol supervisor,
and notify the medical examiner

and crime scene.

Also, Central,
send ESU to my location

for an evidence search.

Copy, Manhattan North Homicide.

Hey, set up a perimeter
and work your way back.



Hands on your head!

Police! Freeze!

Intense, dramatic music

Oh, thank God.

Please tell them...

...I want to go to Mount Sinai.

You are such an assh*le.

You see his eyes?

- Yeah, I did.
- You shot him.

But he kept on coming.

I know. I know.

But he's dead now.

Did you still want me
to come over?

Okay, sure.

'Cause I heard you come in,
then you never texted me.

How'd your phone get broken?

It doesn't matter.

If you don't want to
see me, that's okay.

- I could go.
- No.


Can you tell me
how you disappeared?


At the show last night.

Oh, it's hard to explain.


It wouldn't make sense.

I thought you were my friend.

- I am your friend.
- You have to tell me.

They're gonna keep asking and
I'm not gonna know what to say.

What happened?

Did someone hurt you?

Gentle, intriguing music

Who did this?

So Dad did a bunch
of brain scans on you,

but for some reason

he never did one
while you were feeding.

Yeah, he didn't
stick around for the feedings.

He used to go to a hotel.

Of course he did.

Well, I'm interested
in that euphoric response

you were having, and we might be
able to recreate that effect

with compounds
from your own bloodstream.

You're up.

And if we combine that
with an opioid

to attach those proteins
to your nerve cells...

maybe we can do something
about your constant pain.

- Really?
- Well...

don't get too excited yet.
Right now it's just a theory.

And as far as which opioid,

actually, something like
Dad's shitty old drug

would have been ideal.

- I can get that for you.
- No, you can't.

He stopped making it
when the FDA banned it.

We still make it.

What the f*ck
are you talking about?

Me and your father.

And my crew.

You're a f*cking drug dealer?

Your father
was bankrupt, Claire,

and this equipment isn't cheap.


let's see if we can make it all
worth something.

Tense, intriguing music

Where you been, man?

Excuse me?


- You ain't the guy.
- No, no, no. I'm...

I have no idea
what you're talking about.

- Then where is he?
- Listen, I'm no...

He hasn't been here
in the last couple of days.

Listen, man, I ain't nobody,

and if you keep moving,
we won't have a problem.

- I need my shit, man!
- No, wait, wait a minute...

- I need my shit!
- Hey. Hey, hey, hey!

- Stop it. Stop that.
- Hey! Don't touch me!

Put the bag in the trunk!

- We're going.
- Don't touch me!

Don't touch me!

Where is it?
I can smell it!

Ah, I can smell it.
Where is it?

Where is it?

Help! I'm being att*cked!


No, come on!
Let's go, brother.

We got to go!

Christ. Shit! f*ck!

Slow, dramatic music

Was he at least

a bad dude?

I hope so.

I honestly don't know.

All right.

He had a son.

I try not to think
about their families.

What it's like for them to...
go on living.

I will never ask you
to do that for Ellie.

You understand?


And if anything happens
to me or Ellie...

I want you to have this.

Gentle, plaintive music

It's the names
of the people I've k*lled.

Intriguing music

Hey, I'm here to get Ellie.

Come on in.

I was texting her,

but she's pretending
not to see it.

Would you maybe want a drink?

Thank you, I can't.

Something happened today.

I don't, I don't want
to talk about it.

I just need a distraction.


That's good.

It's for me.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

Oh, God, that's terrible, right?

- It's fine.
- I just told them to give me

something that costs $20.

Oh, well, you can use it
for cooking.

I'm not a good cook.

I'm sure that's not true.

I am not a good cook.

I actually feel bad for Isaiah.

I wish I could make him
something halfway decent.

It's not that hard.

- Oh, thank you.
- No, I-I mean,

there are steps you can take.

I bet everything you need
is right in this fridge.

I'll take that bet.

- May I?
- Please.

You're right.

I told you.

No, don't look
in the crisper drawer...

Oh, wow.

Might be time to say goodbye.

I bet you at least
have some pasta?


Oh. Here.


Salt... olive oil,

and garlic.

Everything you need to make
spaghetti aglio e olio.

It's as easy as mac and cheese
but a hundred times better.

Wait, I want to write that down.


It's okay.

I k*lled someone today.

I can't talk about an open
investigation, I just...

I have never seen anything...

This man...
was about to k*ll my partner.

And he came at me, and...

I shot him over and over and...

He barely even felt it.

It sounds like...

you saved your
partner's life, huh?

Then, why does it feel
like this?

Taking a life...

...takes a piece of your soul.

I'm sorry.
Raised Catholic.


Then we're both f*cked.

If you ever want to talk
about it, I'm here.

Gentle, contemplative music

Is that...?

Every photo of Dad I could find.

I'll strike the match,

but I thought
you could light it.

And it didn't occur to you
that starting a bonfire

where I burned alive
might be triggering?

I thought it would be cathartic.

I'm sorry.

For a genius,
you are so g*dd*mn gullible.

You're messing with me?

You should see your face.

You should see yours.

f*ck you.

Pulsing music

From here on out...'s you and me, okay?

All right, m*therf*ckers,

I'm about to share
a secret with y'all.

It's about how to boost anything
from the corner store.

Watch this.

I stuck this beef stick
up my sleeve,

took it right off the counter.

It's like magic.


Shit. You can't just run up
on people like that.

You're the girl from the show.
Isaiah's freaky little friend.

You need to stay away
from Isaiah.

- Or what?
- You heard me.

Don't ever touch him again.

Why? You gonna f*ck me up?

Tell your little boyfriend

to suck my...


"Blood Bank" by Bon Iver





Well, I met you
at the blood bank

We were looking at the bags

Wondering if any of the colors

Matched any of the names
we knew on the tags

You said,
"See, look it, that's yours

Stacked on top
with your brother's

See how they resemble
one another's

Even in their plastic
little covers"

And I said I...

Know it well

That secret that you know

That you don't know how to tell

It fucks with your honor

And it teases your head

But you know
that it's good, girl

'Cause it's running you with red

Then the snow started falling

We were stuck out in your car

You were rubbing both my hands

Chewing on a candy bar

You said, "Ain't this just
like the present

To be showing up like this?"

As a moon waned to crescent

We started to kiss

And I said I...

Know it well

That secret that we know

That we don't know how to tell