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04x10 - Trans-Dimensional Turtles

Posted: 10/31/22 06:01
by bunniefuu
Oh! Hello, Michelangelo.

I'm surprised you're still awake.

Isn't it the middle of the night? - Or whatever you call it in space? - No time to rest now, Mikey.

There's one last piece of the Black Hole Generator left, and we got to find it.

Can't we just destroy the pieces we already have? What are the Triceratons gonna do with one stupid piece? Well, what if they figure out a way to replicate the technology, Raph? Donatello is right.

The machine must be destroyed.

Every last piece of it.

Um, what's going on, Professor? It seems to be some kind of hyperspatial trans-mat trying to hone in on four targets.

You four! Well that's not good.

Ugh! Where Where are we? I think I speak for everyone when I say Holy Sewer Cakes! Teenage Mutant Ninja The evil Triceratons have invaded Earth.

They brought with them the invincible Black Hole Generator that swallowed the entire planet.

My brothers and I escaped, saved by a mysterious robot called the Fugitoid.

Now we're trying to stop the Triceratons any way we can.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroes in a half shell, turtle power Leonardo's the leader in blue Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is the fellow who has a way with machines Raphael's got the most attitude on the team Michelangelo, he's one of a kind And you know just where to find him when it's party time Master Splinter taught 'em every single skill they need To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroes in a half shell, turtle power How is this possible? Where are we? Oh no, dudes.

I think we're in Pittsburgh! The world is so flat, I can't even see my own butt! - Donnie, explanation? - We're possibly in some kind of alternate dimension.

Huh? Whoa - They're - Us? No way! He's got a blaster.

Get him! - Aw, nuts, it's not a - Take 'em down.

- We don't want to fight you.

- Well, then you shouldn't have pointed a laser at us.


Who sent you? The Triceratons? Get off of me, you crack-shelled imposter! - Ow! - Totally radical! You're just like me, dude! - Cowabunga! - Booyakashaa! I'm trying to tell you! This isn't a w*apon.

It's a portal projector! Oh, yeah? Well, how do we know you're not a Kraang? That's why we brought you here Krang! He's causing trouble in our dimension, and yours too.

Krang's like trying to destroy both our realities, dudes! We just don't know how.

You got to believe us! That's why we called on you poseurs I mean, Turtles for help.

Did I say poseurs? Oops.

Poseurs? You guys don't even fight with your weapons! And what's up with the initials on your belts? Lame! I think I'm gonna like putting some more cracks in this imposter's shell.

And you, gappy why do you sound so weird? Me sound weird? Heard yourself lately? Hey, hey, hey, hey! Come on, guys! Take it eas Whoa! It's him! He found us! So, you've allied yourselves with your dimensional counterparts, eh? It's Krang! Whoa.

What's with the gross man-baby body? This will be the last time I have to look at you disgusting Turtles! The Kraang are letting me go home.

I just have to make a few amends, and Dimension X, - here I come! - Not so fast, Krang! Hyah! Ugh! Wow, this is just lame.

Booyakasha! Ugh! My Dimensionizer will wipe out all of your worlds.

Oh, great.

Now we're stuck in this dimension - probably forever.

- I still have my Portal Ray the one I brought you here with! All we have to do is hone in on Krang's dimensional coordinates, and yes! Wait, what? How does that even work? - That doesn't make sense! - Come on, guys! Yes! We're back in New York City! I can't believe we're back in the past! Dudes, look at us.

We're like, more solid or something.

What's going on, Donatello? Well, we came from a two-dimensional reality into a third dimension.

It's like science fiction! Hey guys, uh, now that we're in a new dimension Pizza Time! Far out! Whoa! - You can't do that, dudes.

- Why not? Because we live in secret here.

We have to live in the shadows, like, you know, real ninjas.

Come on team, let's find this Krang before he blows up the planet.

- So how are we gonna find him, Donatello? - He's close.

As long as Krang is carrying portal tech, I can track him like Michelangelo sniffing out pizza! Ohh, he's talking about you.

I keep getting us all confused, bro.

I think I found him! Up there on the Channel 6 building! I see him.

It looks like he's planting some kind of b*mb.

Probably the Dimensionizer thing! Okay guys, here's the plan: the Donatellos will disarm the w*apon.

Everyone else take down that creep! - Turtle Power! - Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up with the "Turtle Power" for a second.

You don't give orders to my team, okay? I'm the order guy.

This guy! - Ooh! - Ugh! I'm the order guy.

Aww, not now.

Not when I was about to unleash my master stroke! Keep away from that Dimensionizer, freaks! Holy Chalupa! Great.

Now we have to deal with an even bigger idiot.

Grab it and go! Raphael, heads up! Give me back my Dimensionizer! Mouth missiles! Look out, Mikey! Thanks, Michelangelo.

Whoa! Leonardo! Hold on, Leos! Let's take this giant gross Krang dude down! Stop it! Annoying reptiles! It doesn't matter.

You'll never disarm it in time! Real Raph is on it.

Ugh! Well, at least we have his Dimensionizer thing.


Looks like some kind of anti-matter w*apon.

If this thing goes off, it could wipe out our entire dimension.

We got to defuse it back at my lab, now! - Whoa.

- Whoa.

Back so soon? You just left to patrol the city.

Sensei! - Is everything all right? - Definitely, Master Splinter.

It's It's just really amazing to see you.

Hmm? Whoa, dudes! This lair is rockin'! Check out that pinball.

Totally radical! What did we tell you guys about waiting outside? What is going on here? Someone, explain.

Now! Wow, your Splinter is kind of strict.

- And tall, too.

- Donatello? Yeah, um, they were transported here from an alternate dimension, Sensei, along with this w*apon we have to defuse.

Like, ASAP! Cowabunga! - Booyakasha! - I call dibs on pinball.

Okay, don't we have a little anti-matter w*apon - to deal with here? - Eh, the Donatellos will take care of it.

Lighten up a little, man.

Leonardo, I would like to speak with you in the dojo.


My son, you have a lot of explaining to Leonardo? Why are you so sad? Well, I'm not sad, Sensei.

It's It's hard to explain.

There's There's something I need to tell you.

It's just this will sound crazy.

The present isn't really the present, Sensei.

We're actually living six months in the Donatello! - What is it, Donnie? - We checked out the w*apon.

This is bad, guys.

This is really bad! The w*apon is linked to two other identical bombs.

And they're rigged to go off in nine minutes! - So where are the others? - We believe at least one of the bombs is in your dimension.

They're gonna nuke our world, bros.

Totally bogus! That's not gonna happen.

You guys helped us, and now we're gonna help you.

Donnies, uh, what do we do? Well, we attuned my Portal to track down the other Dimensionizers.

And the first one - is here.

- Whoa, dude.

There it is.

On top of the same skyscraper, but in your Dimension.



Do what needs to be done.

All right, team.

Let's do this.

Turtle Power! Enough with the "Turtle Power" already! Let's just go.

Good-bye, Sensei.

Oh, no.

And I was having such a great day.

Okay, not really.

Hands in the air, Turtle freaks! We got you surrounded.

I hacked your stupid portal and brought you here.

Why? Because I'm awesome! - Kraang Subprime? - No, Megan Fox.

Oh, I forgot you're the dumb one.

- Hey! - I said hands in the air! Subprime, you blithering idiot! I told you not to bring the Turtles here! Where the heck is "here" anyway? You are in my domain now, mutants.

The Technodrome! You did good, cousin! We banished you 'cause you're a screw-up, but you made up for it! Welcome home! Well thank you, Subprime.

Just wait until the rest of my plan unfolds! We're going to blow those Turtles to smithereens! We already deactivated one of your Dimensionizers, Krang! And we're gonna deactivate the rest! Turtle Pow oh.



Get him? Get the portal back! We only have five minutes to disarm two more bombs! Leave this to the real Raphael! You gonna sh**t another fire hydrant at them, or what? - Where the heck did you get pizza? - Give me a break.

Whoa! Back off, ugly Kraang dude! Waah! - Got it! Heads up, D! - All right! Back to our home dimension.

Whew, finally! Back in the real world.

Now let's just keep it from blowing up.

On it.

Huh? Anywhere you go, we follow, freaks! - We did it! - Two Dimensionizers down! No matter.

There's still one left in the Primary Turtle Reality.

If those Turtles are destroyed, then so are all of you.

Donnies, get to the third reality.

There! Wow! What kind of dimension is this? Krang said this was the Primary Turtle reality.

Maybe it came before both of our worlds - Channel six must be this way.

- Cool then.

Let's go.


It's the Prime Turtles.

Uh, hi, there.

We are ninja Oh.

No time to explain.

Move, D! There it is! Gah! Ugh! See you in another dimension.

Come on, guys.

We're good to go.

Aw, yeah, we outtie! You can't escape so easily, freaks! - Oh, no.

We're back here? - Ugh! Ha! Welcome back, heinous reptiles.

You're not going anywhere as long as I have this baby! I can hack your portal all day long.

Oh! Aw, Kraang.

It's over.

We stopped your little scheme.

We deactivated all of your Dimensionizers.

- You're finished.

- That's right, pink dude.

You can't blow up our realities anymore.

Blow up realities? You've been trying to wipe out dimensions we've been trying to mutate for thousands of years?! Are you insane?! Well, you did say wipe out the Turtles at any cost.

This is why I banished you to Two-Dimensional Earth in the first place.

Because you're an idiot! A moron! A dingleberry! So you know what?! - I'm kicking you back! - Oh, no.

Not again! I've had enough Turtles for a millennium! Let's take this wad of chewing gum down.

With pleasure.

I got your back, bro! Nice move, Raphael.

- I've had enough of this dweeb.

- Turtle Power! That's not good.

What are you doing? Oh! Aw, yeah! A little Hacky Kraang, Michelangelo? Put me down, you maniacs! Gah! Booyakasha! No! I hate black and white! Well that wasn't such a chore now, was it? Leonardo.


- For everything.

- No, thank you.

Without your help, all of our realities would be doomed.

Come on ninjas.

Let's go home.

Feels great to be back home.

Hey do you guys see that? Whoa, dudes.

A giant freaky worm! I bet that pesky Shredder and Krang are behind this! - Ugh! - Cowabunga! - What the - Whoa Um, I think things just got really bad, bros.