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04x09 - The Cosmic Ocean

Posted: 10/31/22 06:00
by bunniefuu
Leonardo, what is it that troubles you so, my son? Sensei.

We've faced defeat before, but we've always managed to fight back and overcome it.

This is different.

We've got one chance to save the Earth.

If we don't get the second piece of the Black Hole Generator, we've lost everything.

And it'll be on me.

You must not give in to despair.

You all must remain diligent to save the Earth.

But, Sensei what if we can't? You must hold on to hope.

And with that hope, you must lead by example.

You are all truly worthy heroes.

And no matter what may come, you have all made me very proud.

Hai, Sensei.

So, um, where's Leo? Or should I guess? He's in the holo-room, talking to the simulator again.

Maybe it's not healthy talking to a hologram of Splinter all the time.

I mean, I miss him too, but Leo just needs him right now more than ever.

He'll be okay.

In a way, he is talking to the real Splinter, at least your memories of him.

The simulator is psychic, and can respond It's not the same thing, Fugitoid! Hey, how's it going, Leo buddy? Everything cool? Huh? - Leonardo, you've arrived just in time! - For what? My friends I present to you The Cosmic Ocean of Varuna! - It's so beautiful.

- Whoa.

A vast interstellar liquid nebula in a region of space unlike any other in the universe.

Here, within its depths, lies the second fragment of the Black Hole Generator.

So what are we waiting for? Let's do this! Time to get me some Turtle revenge and nab me that piece of Black Hole Generator.

This gonna be fun! Teenage Mutant Ninja The evil Triceratons have invaded Earth.

They brought with them the invincible Black Hole Generator that swallowed the entire planet.

My brothers and I escaped, saved by a mysterious robot called the Fugitoid.

Now we're trying to stop the Triceratons any way we can.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroes in a half shell, turtle power Leonardo's the leader in blue Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is the fellow who has a way with machines Raphael's got the most attitude on the team Michelangelo, he's one of a kind And you know just where to find him when it's party time Master Splinter taught 'em every single skill they need To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroes in a half shell, turtle power Here we are.

Do keep in mind that I have no idea whether our computer systems will work or if we can even survive once we enter the nebula.

Here we go! - Wait a second! - Hold up, Fugitoid! Whoa! Everyone, hold on! Yeah! All right! Whoa! Varuna is the home of the Daagon Ancient beings and allies of the Utrom, who have been entrusted to protect the second Black Hole Generator fragment.

Let's hope they did a better job than the Aeons.

Wow! A complete ecological system bigger than any ocean on any world! Hmm.

Huh? Look out for that crazy electric seaweed! No need to fret.

I'll have us through in 2 minutes and 20 seconds! Ooh! Fugitoid, I know the Daagon are the Utrom's allies, but can we really count on them to help us? The Daagon are an ancient, noble, honorable amphibian race.

So I hope so? Uh greetings! We would like to talk to you about Ow! Whoa-ho-ho! Back off, mer-dudes! Stop, my Daagon friends! This is the sigil of the Utrom! Oh! Whoa! Wow! Whoa! Whoa.

Who enters the realm seeking audience with Hiidrala, Supreme Ruler of the Daagon? Uh Greetings, Supreme Ruler! My name is Leonardo.

And these are my companions.

What up? Ow! We come bearing the sigil of the Utrom! We seek the fragment of the Black Hole Generator that you have in your possession.

You may rise.

Thank you, your Majesty.

The Utrom entrusted the fragment to me, giving Hiidrala ultimate say over it.

Are you truly worthy to claim a device of such devastating power? Who among you is leader? You? You are a mere child.

How are you worthy? We may be young, but we've fought huge battles, saved whole planets, and on top of everything else, we saw the destruction of our world! We've been given a second chance to save Earth.

We're gonna destroy the Black Hole Generator.

Ha! It cannot be destroyed! Why do you think it was hidden away? If you keep it, the Triceratons will find it.

They'll tear your kingdom apart to get it.

If you desire the fragment, you must face Cthugga, an ancient beast that obeys only me.

If you are indeed worthy, it will sense this and let you take it freely.

If you are not, it will devour you whole.

As long as we're swallowed whole and not chomped to pieces, - I think we're cool, dudes.

- Huh.

Been there, done that.

- We can take this Cthugga.

- Let's do this! Understand me when I say Cthugga is one of the six cosmic monsters you do not want to mess with! Man, I wonder what the monster's gonna look like? Hmm.


Probably not.

Yep, that's it! Gotta be the one! Mikey, you're so good.

What do you guys suppose it means to be truly worthy? We all have good, noble hearts.

That has to count for something.

- What hit us? - It's ramming us again! Brace yourselves! Oh, no! Armaggon! Yes! He's like my favorite bad guy ever! The hull's been breached! Arming defensive systems now.

He's too fast, dudes! Oh, my! We're beginning to take on liquid.

Activating the forward drain! Leo! Well, well, well.

What do we have here? Looks like the whole entrée! Huh? One more step, and I chomp this chump's head clean off! All right, kiddies, put your little weapons down on the ground now! I been spying on you Turtles a long time, and ol' Armaggon knows what you're up to.

What are you talkin' about, Finhead? I know you got the first piece of the Black Hole Generator.

And now you're gonna get me the second piece.

Is that a great plan or what? Oh, bleep.

Well, Dregg, not only did I get me some Turtles; I got the first piece of your Black Hole toy! Excellent work, Armaggon.

You've most certainly redeemed yourself for all of your past screw-ups.

You know what? I'm quadruplin' my fee.

You arrogant Aww, snap.

It cracks me up when the bad guys bust on each other.

- Totally.

- Not the time.

All right, get this hunk a junk moving.

Stupid bossy shark.

Fascinating! An entire planetesimal system in the depths of an oceanic nebula.

The wonders of the universe never cease.

Will you two nerds shut up already? We're here.

The Cave of Cthugga.

Armaggon, the only way we can get the piece is to prove we're worthy.

Yeah, and with you on the ship and holding Leo hostage, I'd say we now fall into the definitely-not-worthy- to-face-Cthugga category.

I'm the one calling the sh*ts here.

So move! I'm sensing a huge, powerful presence inside.

Getting closer.


Now would be the time to retreat! Whoa! Well, at least we know we're not worthy! You wanna survive this? You gotta let my brother go! Fugitoid, we need more speed! I'm giving it all she's got, Captain! Sorry, I couldn't resist.


I'm gonna be seasick.


The ship's gonna be torn apart! It's gone.

Phew! What a rush, eh, Turtles? Really got my heart goin'! Take him to the dungeon! Busted! Looks like it's off to aquarium jail! Thanks, Captain.

Hey, wait.

How did you know we were in trouble? As soon as Armaggon h*jacked the "Ulixes," I secretly sent out an S.



knowing that the honorable Daagon would come to our aid.

Leo, ya can't blame yourself.

There's no way Hiidrala will think we're worthy now! You can kiss that piece of the Black Hole Generator good-bye.

I will not allow criminal scum to desecrate my ocean paradise.

You will pay for your crimes, Armaggon! And you You have all failed.

You could not even stop this vile thief, much less pass the test.

That ain't fair! Please, Supreme Ruler, give us another chance.

Insolent fool! Explain to me what it is you find so funny! I'm laughin' because Reinforcements are here.

Oh, no.

Lord Dregg.

Hiidrala! You have something I desire.

And I intend to take it.

Hand over the Black Hole Generator piece, or I'll start filleting you one by one! Lord Dregg.

I know who you are: lowlife gangster and wretched fiend! I am ruler of Sectoid 1! My consumption knows no end! You will give me what I desire, or I and my children shall feast upon you all! You will have to face me first, bug.

You're gonna have to go through us too! So be it! Vreen! Attack! Take 'em down! Daagon, to battle! Huh? Payback time, you puny half-shells! Shut your jaws or I'll shut 'em for ya! Yeah, you heard him, Arma-goon! Bring it! Dudes! He's snacking on me! Whoa! Huh? Wha! Donnie! Hiyah! Insolent insect! You will pay for that! Now it ends! No! Huh? Mikey! Let us go, ya freak! Aww, yeah.

That was awesome! Whoa! What the heck? They just stopped fighting? The Vreen are a hive mind.

They can't function autonomously.

They need Dregg.

How are you, Leonardo? A little shell-shocked.

Ugh But I'm okay.

Are you hurt, ma'am? I am unharmed thanks to you.

You all fought to protect our kingdom.

For that you have our deepest gratitude especially mine.

Leonardo, your actions validate the truth of your words.

The second fragment of the Black Hole Generator is yours.

Supreme Ruler I don't understand.

The Guardian was only a test.

I have kept the second fragment contained in the palace vaults ever since the Utrom entrusted us with its safety.

And now I entrust it to you.

If you claim you can destroy this infernal machine, then the Daagon honor you.

Thank you, Your Majesty.

All systems are fully functional.

Thanks for the repairs, mer-dudes! Keep it real up in the field, yo! Two fragments down.

One to go! So, Professor, can you really destroy the Generator fragments? That's the plan.

I just need to figure out how to do it.


That was one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen.

I'm actually gonna miss it.

Well, I'm not gonna miss Bughead and Shark-Mouth.

That's for sure.

Vengeance will be mine!