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04x08 - The w*r for Dimension X

Posted: 10/31/22 06:00
by bunniefuu
Ahh We share a mutual enemy.

Raah! The Triceratons are formidable, but if we combine the forces of our two races, we could eradicate them from the galaxy.

You'll find it valuable to have great warriors like the Salamandrians on your side.

What? Are you people cra-zy? We Kraang invade other planets for one reason to get away from the Triceratons not fight 'em! By avoiding this fight, you bring dishonor to your species.

Rokka Rokka! 'Cause that's the Kraang's main concern honor.

Puh-lease! Have you seen the Triceratons? Those guys are huge! My advice, sister get as far away from them As possible.

And find a nice planet to mutate.

You disgust me, you soft, pink coward.

Hmm I wonder if I can live with that.

Why, yes.

Yes, I can! Come, Y'Gythgba.

- We'll find others.

- Perhaps we can ally ourselves with the Turtles again.

What? An ally of a Turtle is the enemy of Kraang Subprime! Hah! So I have this incredible place you guys can all hang out and talk about honor and courage and stuff! It's called my dungeon! Teenage Mutant Ninja T The evil Triceratons have invaded Earth.

They brought with them the invincible Black Hole Generator that swallowed the entire planet.

My brothers and I escaped, saved by a mysterious robot called the Fugitoid.

Now we're trying to stop the Triceratons any way we can.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroes in a half shell, turtle power Leonardo's the leader in blue Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is the fellow who has a way with machines Raphael's got the most attitude on the team Michelangelo, he's one of a kind And you know just where to find him when it's party time Master Splinter taught 'em every single skill they need To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroes in a half shell, turtle power Okay, okay, focus, Mikey.

This is basic stuff.

Donnie, are you seriously trying to explain black holes to Mikey again? It's a waste of time! Whatever.

I can do science stuff.


I'm great at dancing the robot.

The robot dance isn't science.

It is when I do it.


Beep-bop, bope-bop.

Speaking as a robot that's actually pretty good! Black holes suck in everything.

Not even light can escape a black hole's gravitational singularity.

- Why not? Beep-bop, bope-bop.

- Because they're infinitely dense.

So they're just like you, Mikey.

Good one! I don't get it.

All right, enough goofing around, ninjas.

We gotta stay focused.

We need to find the next piece of the Black Hole Device before the Triceratons do.

So, Fugitoid, why do you think the Utrom can help us? Because the Utrom are the ones who separated the Black Hole Generator pieces and scattered them across the universe to keep them safe.

Plus, visiting the Utrom means getting to go back to Dimension X! Whoo-hoo! I still feel bad about having to leave April and Casey back on the ship to guard the other fragment.

They seemed pretty mad.


I bet they're over it by now.

Projecting the portal.

Yes! Back in Dimension X! Why, hello, Scatterpillar.

How's it going, little Squeebles? Mmmm Hey, there, giant Kraang worm! Aah! Ah, yes, bros.

The circle of life.

I hate Dimension X more than I hate space! The sooner we find the Utrom, the sooner we leave.

Professor? Oh! Me? Yes.


Uh, um according to my scanner, the Utrom are uh this way.

Uhh! Dimension X is muh messing with my scaaan sc-scanners.

Oh, great.

That's great! - Now what? - I got the answer right here, dog! Mmm.

Calm down, Raph.

You knew it was coming.

Calm down.

Don't worry.

Savage Mikey's got this, dudes.

Follow me! Huah! Dimension X tip number 23 never put a mushropod between your toes.

It could try to eat 'em.

Learned that one the hard way.

Why would we ever stick anything in Dimension X between our toes? Uh whoa! - Ow! - Oh! Mikey, why'd you stop? Because we're here.

What? I don't see anything! Duh, Raph.

That's the point.

A cloaking dome! Brilliant.

Huah! Ow.

Oof! Whoa! Now, that's a headquarters! Who are you? How did you find our secret base? And why did you throw a rock at my head? Bishop! Good to see you, old friend! Professor Honeycutt! Good to see you.

Despite your strange, robotic body and your very large head.

Thank you.

I think.

But I need the attention of the full Utrom council.

- Please.

- Anything for you, Zayton.

This way.

Dude, those neck breathing thingies you guys got are cool! Shh, Mikey! Professor and Turtles, allow me to present the sacred high council of the Utrom Pawn, Rook, and Queen.

Whoa! They look just like Irma and Miss Campbell.

The Council acknowledges the Professor and the Turtles.

Utrom, these Turtles are protectors of Earth.

They have fought the Kraang and are worthy of your help.

The Utrom are already aware of the Turtles and all of the good they have done for the planet Earth.

So why didn't ya help us before? Because Earthlings cannot always be trusted! You are an irrational species.

Still, you should know the truth about the Utrom.

For millions of nextons, the Utrom all had individual personalities.

Then one nexton, an Utrom scientist named "Kraang" discovered the mutagen of the Kraathatrogon Worm.

Kraang Prime was born, becoming deranged in the process.

He used his horrible psychic powers to overcome millions of Utrom, turning them into sl*ve-copies of himself! And so, the Kraang were born.

There were many Utrom who resisted Prime's control, but now less than 100 exist.

What happened to your race is a tragedy but perhaps you can help us avoid another one.

We were able to get one of the pieces of the Black Hole Generator, but we need the others.

It's the only way to save Earth! You found one of the pieces? - No, n-n-n-no-no! - Bad bad, bad! No one should have such power! We took pains to hide the pieces in the safest parts of the galaxy! Safest? The first piece corrupted the entire race of Aeons! - What? - Impossible! No way! Sacre b-b-b-bleu! Utrom, I have a plan to destroy the Generator once and for all.

Impossible! Zee Heart of Darkness cannot be destroyed! Utrom, we must discuss this.

The High Council has reached a decision! Great! We are officially opening discussions on the topic of helping you.

The debate shall last for the next 100 nextons.

What? But we need your help now, not 100 "whatever-ons" from now! Utrom, please We've come from the future! The Triceratons find all the pieces and destroy Earth! We saw it happen! Oolong, that Black Hole thingy is the only chance we have! Ya gotta help us! Pleeeassse? Perhaps we can Oh, no.

So the long-hidden Utrom base, revealed to us by none other than those miserable Turtles.

How awesome has Kraang Subprime's day become? Waaaahhh! Enough with the savage yells! Don't diss my sweet yell till you try it! Ohh! How I've waited for this, Subprime.

You stole my body.

She was my creation! Aw, my heart bleeds for ya.

Hah! A-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-hhhh! Your Majesty.

Let me go, Subprime.

Queen! So long, morons! I'll be taking a parting gift.

Let's go, dude! No! I think you'll like your accommodations, Queen.

And by like, I mean you will totally hate! Ahh hah hah hah! Thanks, bro.

Come on, stay close.

Argh how did we lose her already? I would know such fury anywhere.

Raphael! Mona Lisa? Whoa is that your girlfrie aah! Dude, keep it down.

They'll hear.

What are you doing here? I didn't think I'd ever see you again.

- Mmm.

- Mm.

Come on, people.

No time for kissy-face.

We're on a mission to rescue the Utrom Queen, remember? Utrom Queen? The Utrom and the Kraang are one in the same! We thought they could be trusted, but we found out the hard way.

Kraangs and Utrom are not the same, Sal Commander.

Trust me on that.

We only work with the good guys.

Good Kraang? You expect us to believe in such a thing? Rokka Rokka! We tried to trust the Kraang, and it landed us in prison.

How can we trust the Utrom? I was skeptical at first too, Mona.

But these Utrom they helped us.

You pathetic Utrom are nearly extinct, while we Kraang are totally awesome! Have I mentioned your tiara is lame and not awesome? Because it is! My forces are on their way as we speak, ready to rescue me and destroy your SubCommand Center! Ooh, look at you.

You got real serious, didn't ya? Whatever.

Like we're scared of a few Utrom You idiots stay on the lookout.

Affirmative, Kraang Subprime.

That which is called the lookout Kraang will stay.

Now, Queenie you're gonna spill all your Utrom secrets.

Understand? I move to instate Parliamentary procedure 43-dash-296.

Guys! No more discussions! We need action! No discussion.

Parliamentary Procedure Utromdroids prepare! Whoa! Now we're talking! Yeah! So where's the rest of 'em? Now might be a good time to tell us where the Black Hole Generator fragments are located just in case, you know, something happens.

Fight by our side, survive this siege and we shall see.

So are you guys gonna help save the Queen or what? As I've said, we will not aid the Kraang.

And as I've said, they're good Kraang.

Mona, I wouldn't do anything that would hurt you.

You know that.

I doubted them before, Commander, even when you insisted otherwise.

But now I trust Raphael with my life.

I believe him.

Yeah, boy! Ugh! What's with you two? All right, Queen! You will tell me everything you know about the Black Hole Generator! Never! I'll never tell! Then it's time for a little t*rture! Aaaahhh! I can't believe I'm saving a Kraang! It's the four of us against one of you, Subprime! Ohhh, ohhh, I'm so scared! Look at me, I'm quivering! Not really.

' Cause I got me a Dracotroid! - Yah! - Aah! Aaaahhhhh! Mikey! I've always wanted to watch a Turtle get eaten by a Dracotroid.

Need a little help? - Utrom? - I knew my Utrom would find us.

Yeah, that's right.

You can always trust a Turtle and the good Kraang to pull through.

Dracotroid do what you do best! - Aah! - Ohh! Aah uh! Aah! Huah! Oof! Nice work, Sal! Booyakasha! Booyakasha, indeed, Michelangelo raaah! This has gotta be the most pathetic sight ever.

Oh! - Rah! - Ah! It pains me how far you've fallen, Knight.

That name means nothing to me! I am now Kraang Subprime! - Aah! - Ha ha ha hah! Oh! Haaah! Uh, this might not seem like the time, but about those Black Hole Generator fragments This may be our last stand! I will tell you, Professor.

The next piece of the Generator is Oh, that's always the way, isn't it? Yaaah! You've learned some new moves since I last saw you! Whoa! I could teach them to you - one-on-one.

- I would love that! You used to be our greatest hero! You were a true brother.

Oh, for the love of Kraang! Everyone hates complete subservience to Kraang Prime until they try it! You are a traitor, Subprime And you will fall! I can't hold on much longer! Aah! - Aah! - Mona! Aaaaaaah! Maybe Dimension X isn't so bad.

You all right, Bishop? Yes.

Kraang Subprime is finally defeated.

Whaa hah hah hah hah hah! I may be a traitor, but at least I'm not a loser with a totally stupid face.

Huh? What? Aww, give me a Kraanging break! Kraang! Initiate that which is known as retreat! - Utrom! - Utrom! Utrom! I have to admit, I was wrong about your species.

There are, indeed, good Kraang in the ten Dimensions.

You mean Utrom, bro.


And I have seen unparalleled bravery today.

Does this mean Indeed it does.

Bishop? You will find the second piece of the Black Hole Generator in the Cosmic Ocean of Varuna.

The final fragment is on the lost world of Magdomar at the very edge of the known cosmos.

Thank you, Utrom.

We're gonna make sure this w*apon is finally destroyed once and for all.

So, um, if we're ever on the same planet again, you wanna go out sometime? "Go out" where? To space? Uhhh I'll go with you anywhere, Raphael.

Rokka Rokka! I totally get mutants like Karai but alien lizards? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, bro.

What are you waiting for? Now's the time for kissy-nose! Uh Oh Oh - Mmm - Ah