01x10 - Ghost Bride

Complete collection from season one to five. Aired: September 2005 to May 2010.*
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A newlywed with the ability to communicate with the earthbound spirits of the recently deceased overcomes skepticism and doubt to help send their important messages to the living and allow the dead to pass on to the other side.
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01x10 - Ghost Bride

Post by bunniefuu »

My name is Melinda Gordon. I just got married, just moved to a small town, just opened up an antique shop. I might be just like you. Except from the time that I was a little girl, I knew that I could talk to the dead. It's all right, honey. Earthbound spirits, my grandmother called them, the ones who have not crossed over because they have unfinished business with the living. And they come to me for help. To tell you my story, I have to tell you theirs.

Melinda, so how do you know Lisa?


Sorry. Andrea and I own an antique store in Grandview.

And Lisa's one of our glass suppliers, so we found her a vintage wedding dress.

Oh, great.

Speech, speech!

Okay, okay, okay, okay.

I just want to thank everyone for coming out tonight.

And I especially wanna thank whomever gave me this.

But I'm definitely gonna make good use of it this weekend, I promise you.

And I just want y'all to know that I've got the best friends, and a man who really knows how to love.

I just feel like the luckiest woman on the planet.

What the hell was that?

You know, I'm thinking, that wasn't just a nasty draught.

A ghost in a wedding dress.

And something tells me she is just getting started.

Can you see us?


Oh, it looks beautiful.


I can't believe how well it fits. It's like it was custom-made.

How did you find it? It's exactly what I've been looking for.

Everything is out there if you look hard enough.

Thank you. I love it.

It feels a little tight, though.

Don't worry about that. We can let it out.

Hey, are you okay?

Yeah. Just a little dizzy.

It's strange. Ever since we've got engaged, I've had this sluggish feeling like I'm too tired to do anything.

Sometimes I wonder if it's the cosmos telling me not to get married.

It just feels a little tight. I...

Let's get out of the dress. Yeah?

Yeah, absolutely.

I feel like I can't get a breath.

It's gonna be okay.

I better take you home.

I'm telling you, you have to eat something.

I found cookies. Are you sure you don't want me to make you a sandwich?

I'm fine, really. You're being way too sweet.

Oh, not that sweet. I already had one of these while I was in the kitchen.

Well, then, please, have another one.

Okay, maybe one more.

Stop it.

Stop it. I can see you.

What? Who are you talking to?

Lisa, do you remember how you said that weird things have been happening?

Well, there's a reason for it.

You have a spirit attached to you.

You're saying I'm haunted?

She's the one that started the fire at the party.

She? Melinda, you're freaking me out. Is this a joke?

I wouldn't have mentioned it if she weren't so persistent.

You see her, but I can't.

It's a gift I have, this thing I can do.

Okay, where are the cameras?

You and Mark are trying to punk me, right?

She's wearing a wedding dress.


I can't see her face. She's wearing a veil.

But she's young, and angry.



That's Mark.

Please don't mention anything about this. I'll explain.

Hey, Mark.

Hey! What are you doing home?

Hi. Well, this is my friend Melinda.


She's helping me with the wedding dress.

Wedding. Wedding, wedding. What wedding?

Honey, come on. You're so stressed out.

This is supposed to be fun.

Yeah. You know, sometimes it can seem like chaos, but it's all gonna come together.

I promise.

This is heavier than it looks.

Tell me about it. Oh, by the way, I'm paying full price for that.

Okay? I'm gonna put a cheque in the register tomorrow.

Absolutely not. You'll take it at cost.

I mean, what is the good of having an antique store if you don't get the discounts?

It's not as much fun when you're the one giving yourself the discount.


Yeah. Sorry. Here. Let me take a corner.

Can you help me find someone?

Not now. I'm sorry.

You know, I think the least you could do one of these times is introduce me.

I just feel so guilty when I can't help them.

As if your plate isn't full enough with Lisa.

Hey, did you tell her about the ghost bride?

Yeah. And then I got the usual reaction.

Of course.

Yeah, but then I mentioned that she was in a wedding dress, and that really got her rattled. It meant something to her.

The plot thickens.

I have to get this spirit to cross over before the wedding.

Why? Do you think she might mess with the ceremony?

Well, seeing as how she almost set the bachelorette party on fire...

I got to tell you, I didn't realise that spirits were this, I don't know, like, interactive, I guess.

Earthbound spirits usually are not.

But there's definitely something going on out there.

It's like they're getting stronger.



Coming to bed?

In a minute. I'm checking my reservations.

So you really want to stay in a hotel that night?

I don't wanna wake up in your bed on my wedding day.

It sucks all the romance out of it.

Hey, nothing can suck the romance out of our wedding.

I'll just be relieved when the ceremony is over and we are safely on our honeymoon.

I know. I know.

Don't stay up too late.

I won't.




What? What? What is it?



There was a message on the screen.

It was right there, I swear. It was right there.

Hey, hey, hey, that's it. Hey, honey, honey. Come on, come on.

Come on, go to bed. You need some rest. Come on.


What if it's Serena?


You know how weird things that have been happening and what if Serena is causing them?

What... How could she be?

I don't know.

Hey, listen. This is nerves, okay? Come here.

It's nerves and it's just some bad luck.

You love me, right?

Like I've never loved anybody.

Now, come on.


Hi. I hope you don't mind. I wasn't sure what time you opened.

No, no, no. No problem. You okay?

This ghost. I think her name's Serena.

She's Mark's late wife.

She died on their wedding day. In a car accident leaving the church.

Mark was the only survivor.

He does not like to talk about it. I know he was devastated, but...

How do you get over something like that?

I don't know if you ever do. Just learn to live with it, I guess.

The day we moved in together, weird stuff started happening.

Like what?

Electrical things. Lights are flickering all the time.

Computers go crazy.

And what about you? What do you feel?

That's the thing.

Sometimes I feel really tired, drained. Other times, depressed.

That's because spirits feed off our energy.

And I feel...



I know that sounds weird, but I feel this hatred coming at me like someone's always watching and waiting.

Like someone wants to hurt me.

She's not gonna let me have Mark.

So Mark has no idea his fiancée's being haunted by his late wife?

No. Now, she doesn't wanna tell him.

Well, she's gonna have to tell him eventually or you're gonna have to get the ghost to cross over before the wedding.

I don't know if I can.

I can't make a spirit go if they don't wanna go.

Man. Lisa is bumming.

Well, the last thing she wants is Mark thinking about Serena on their wedding day.

You know, she just wants to start with a clean slate.

Yeah, but you never start with a clean slate.

I mean, people always make comparisons to past relationships.

Yeah, I know, but that's not something you want thrown in your face.

You know, I know that it bugs me when Jim talks about his exes.


I just don't like the idea of thinking about him with another woman, even though I know he wasn't a monk before he met me.

Oh, but come on, you have to be curious.

I am curious. I just like to keep them in the abstract.

You know, okay, so he went out with a bunch of other women.

But it wasn't Elke, the long-legged Swedish supermodel.

Jim dated a supermodel?

Not unless you know something I don't.

I bet you Jim did date a supermodel. Maybe two.

I'm totally kidding.

So do you keep in contact with any of your ex-girlfriends?

Did you find a blonde hair on one of my uniforms?

You know, there's a perfectly reasonable explanation.

I'm serious.

Am I currently in touch with one of my ex-girlfriends?



Yeah. Stephanie from Connecticut. Remember?

She e-mails me pictures of her little boys once in a while.

And I'm 99% sure neither of them are mine.


Look, I keep in touch with her ex-husband, too.

He doesn't e-mail you, though.

What is going on?

Nothing. It's just you never mentioned Stephanie.

Yes, I did. Remember? The lawyer from Danbury?

Made me nervous because she had a subscription to Bride magazine.

I just never had her name.

So she's an attorney. She must be really smart.

Yes, she is.

One time she finished the New York Times crossword puzzle

in under two hours and then bragged about it for about a week.

Did you ever think about, I don't know, getting married?

She talked. I listened.

Well, you loved her. I mean, you did live with her, right?

I think I'm falling into a giant marital bear trap where I'm gonna have to chew off my leg to get out.

Not at all. Just curious.

I thought about it, Mel.

For about a minute. And then... You know? I took an aspirin.

Hey! Stop that.

You... What is wrong with you? Why are you doing this, Serena?

How do you know my name?

It's not my first barbecue, you know.

Careful you don't get burnt.

Serena, wait. I can help you.

I'm just looking. Thanks.

Thanks for coming.

No problem.

Mark thinks that I'm losing my mind from stress.

He may be right.

You're not. Believe me.

But having Mark believe that is exactly what Serena wants.

We're supposed to meet our minister here to go over the ceremony.

I thought if we came here early, you could talk to him first.

What are you doing here?

Trying to help.

She's here?

So, what, are you two having some kind of shared hallucination?

Mark, please just try to be open.

I don't blame you for not believing, but it's true. She's with us.

Serena is haunting us.

She is going to try to destroy our wedding.

She's not as dumb as I thought.

Honey, listen to yourself, okay? Do you realise what you're saying?

Tell him I appreciate the irony, getting married in the same church as we did.

She's upset because you're getting married again in the same church.

Is this the same church?

Is it?

Honey, you know this is my family church. I was baptised here.

That book better not be what I think it is.

She's asking about the book.

What about the book?

It's nothing. I was just gonna use a poem for the ceremony.

I was gonna show the minister.

You know where he got that book? Me.

I gave it to him because I wanted to use a poem for our wedding.

Oh, but at the time, that was too corny.

What's happening?

It's the book of poetry she gave you.

How did you know that?

She just told me.


Serena gave you that book?

I didn't even read it till she was dead.

Tell him he better not dare use one of those poems.

Tell him!

Oh, my God.

Lisa. Hey, wait. Where are you going?

Does he really think he can forget me that easily?


How's Lisa? Is she okay?

She's all right. She's seriously freaked out.

So am I. What am I supposed to do?

Just stay calm.

Serena gets stronger if you're scared or anxious.

What does she want?

I'm not sure.

But I know what she doesn't want, you to marry Lisa.

I don't understand. I mean, Lisa's the best. She's wonderful.

She has a great heart. I mean, even Serena's parents love Lisa.

Some people just can't let go. Living or dead.

Can I talk to her?

She's not here. I'm sorry. I really wish that I could help you.

No. I know. You're trying. Thank you.

You know, I thought... When I lost Serena, I thought...

I thought I'd never be happy again.

Maybe I was right.

Stop interfering.

Why are you doing this to them?

This isn't your business.

I'm trying to help. Them and you.

I don't need your help, Gidget.

How can you call this an antique store when half the items are new?

Look, I know that you've been through a lot. Mark has, too.

Don't you think that he at least deserves a shot at happiness?

Happiness. That's relative, don't you think?

Weren't you happy?

I remember being happy on my wedding day.

The ceremony was beautiful. Everything was perfect.

It's a little overwhelming to feel all that love from your family, and friends, and of course your husband.

Then, on the way to the reception, Mark was driving.

I was in the front seat, and Mark's best man Josh was in back.

It all happened so quickly.

One second we were all talking, and the next...


You still wondering why I'm so angry?

That's a horrible way to die. I understand.

You need to understand something else.

I can't have you interfering any more. If you do, there will be repercussions.

And what is that supposed to mean?

Trust me. You don't want to find out.

Oh, I'm gonna have to switch with Bobby and work the graveyard shift.

Is that gonna be all right?


You and Stephanie, do you e-mail each other a lot?



Once every couple of months and then maybe...

Can I ask you to stop?


Can't I ask you to do something without there having to be a reason?

Yes, you can. I'm just... I'm not sure where this is coming from.

You're not?

You are e-mailing your genius ex-girlfriend who is recently single and hunting for a new father for her kids.

I'm just supposed to be okay with that?

No. But it just seems...

Like a perfectly normal request. I'll do it.

Thank you.

Honey, I got to say, you seem to be channelling some weird ghost energy, or...

It's not always about ghosts, Jim.

This is so above and beyond the call of duty.

It's about honouring her memory.

Maybe she'll see that I'm not trying to eradicate her.
Good to see you again.

It's so nice of you to come.

It would mean so much to Serena if she knew you were here.

Thank you.

Somebody please remove those hideous flowers.

Thank you, Daddy.

She'd be happy you're moving on, Mark.

Lisa's a good woman.

Oh, she's got you totally snowed.

Why are you even here trying to score points with my parents?

You can't replace me, ladybug. Give up.

Honey, you okay?

I'm sorry. I just feel a little queasy.

I think I should go back to the car, if that's okay.

She's a lovely girl, Mark. You're lucky. Twice blessed.

I know. I can never forget Serena.

You won't.

Leave. You don't belong here.


There you are. Your dress is ready, and I just need you to try it on one more time, okay?

Look, I...

I really appreciate all the trouble you've gone to.

And I'm gonna pay for it, of course.

What are you talking about?

There's not going to be a wedding.

It's just so obvious that Mark has never gotten over Serena.


What would make you think that?

We visited her grave together.

If you could've seen his face.

The love, the... I don't know, the grief. It was heartbreaking.

He's in love with her, not me.

I knew that I could never compare to her.

But I love him. So much.

I guess I was dumb to think that that would be enough.

Why don't you postpone the ceremony?

Okay? For just like, a few weeks.

You know, take some time. Really think about this.

It's not about a few weeks or a few months.

Serena is never gonna let him go.

Thank you both so much for everything.

Don't you want your dress?

Keep it.

You just don't listen, do you?

He's very handsome, your husband.

Masculine. I like that.

Stay away from him, Serena.

You stay away from mine, I'll stay away from yours.

Well, I just had the weirdest dream.

Didn't I?

I wish that's all it was.

What are you doing?

Oh, it's nothing. Plumbing problem.

Oh, I'm sorry. No offence, but I'm calling a real plumber this time.

This is ridiculous.


No, you should not have to spend your time on this.

I left out one small important detail.


I misplaced my wedding ring.

I took it off when I was taking a shower.

I put it on the sink. It must've fallen in. Don't panic. I will get it.

You did not misplace it.

Serena, give him his ring back!

What? Look, I hate to ask this, but who is Serena?


I don't know where Lisa is, Mark, honest.

She just packed a bag and she left.

Well, was she mad the last time you saw her?

Mad? No. I would say resigned.

This is all about Serena, isn't it?

She doesn't think it's really over. And she's hurt that you asked her to be alone at Serena's grave yesterday.

No, no, no. No, it's... It's not what she thinks.

Well, then, what?

I didn't wanna upset Serena's parents with what I had to say.

I got a chance here to be happy, happy in a way that you and I never really were.

Lisa and I, we're soul mates.

If you really love me, you'll know this is true.


Serena. Let me have that, Serena.

Did you love Serena?

I thought I did.

I swear.

We were a couple since high school. We went to college together.

It was just always the two of us. You know?

Marriage seemed like the next logical step.

And then Serena got pregnant.

I didn't know that she was pregnant.

There's a little more to the story.

So, he's got to be back by Tuesday.


Have you seen Serena?

Yeah, yeah. She's over here.

Hey. Hey.


Should you be drinking?

Oh. You're right. You're right. I'm sorry.

What's going on, Serena? That's not like you.

You wouldn't take a chance like that.

I miscarried a week ago.

Are you... What, you're just telling me this now?

Mark, chill. It's her wedding day, man.

Hey, it's mine, too, Josh.

I knew you'd be upset, and I didn't wanna ruin everything.

All our plans.

Hey, we're gonna try again.

I wasn't trying to trick you.

I just didn't want this day to be depressing.

I just don't understand you. How you can think it's okay to completely lie to me.

Hey, Mark. Come on. She miscarried, man.

Think of what she went through. What she must've felt...

At least you're still together, and you have your whole lives to...


I woke up a day later in the hospital.

My wife and my best friend were dead.

And I kept going over that last conversation, what Josh had said about the miscarriage and what she must have gone through.

It was like he understood her better than I did.

I mean, he was looking out for her.

And I was thinking about myself.

If you don't know if you were in love with Serena, how do you know that you love Lisa?

I don't know how to describe it.

Being with her, it's like finding a perfect match, like meeting someone who knows everything about you, good and bad.

Someone you never have to hide who you are from.

Someone that makes you feel...



I had a lot of things with Serena. I did.

But nothing like that.

She's here?

Not any more.

I thought I'd find you here.

I've always loved it here. It's so peaceful.

I'm sorry.

Do you know what hurts the most?

He's right.

We didn't get married because we were madly in love.

We got married because there didn't seem to be any reason not to.

But it's important to know the truth. It's part of the reason you're still here.

I've been a raging witch, haven't I?

I think you should just try and be happy for him.

I wasn't always this way.

Josh used to say we were the happiest couple he knew.

Best man Josh?

He used to joke with me that he was just waiting for me to get tired of Mark and then he was gonna sweep me away.

Don't be so sure he was joking.


Yeah, you know?

Sometimes you want what's in front of you to work so bad that you don't see what's right there beside you.

What am I supposed to do now?

Do you know where Lisa is?


Maybe you should send her a signal, try to make amends.

Speaking of making amends... Your husband's ring.

It's in the left pocket of that ratty bathrobe of his.

Thank you.

Oh, thank you, spirit worid. Thank you. Wait. Is she here?

Just you and me.

Are we okay?

Not completely.

There's something I need to talk to you about.

Do you remember that guy that I told you I dated in college?

Yeah. Kevin somebody.

Kevin Bacall.

It was a little more serious than dating.

You know, you don't need to do this.

I do.

Kevin and I were really close.

We talked about the future, which city we wanted to live in, how many kids we wanted to have.

Okay. See, this is when I think maybe sharing everything is not...

I am not finished.

I trusted him. More than anyone else.

And then I told him about my...

What I can do, and he didn't believe it.

Broke your heart.

He did.

Then I met you, and I learnt what love is supposed to be.

You never doubted anything I told you. You just...

You just accepted it right away, you know?

You're my best friend, and you made me feel really safe.


And I really liked your body.

Why do you always have to joke?

The flight's scheduled to arrive just before noon.

Mom, you don't need to pick me up.

O'Hare's crazy this time of year. I'll find a cab.

Of course I still love him. It's just that he's not ready right now.

See you tomorrow. Love you.

All right already! You won and you can stop it now!


It's for you.

Of course.


I'll be right there.

Thought I'd go out with a bang just because I can.

I feel her. Why is she still here?

I was trying to apologise. In my way.

She wants to give you a message.

You know what to tell her.

She knows how much you love Mark, and she's sorry about the way that she acted, and she's gonna stop now.

She's gonna cross over.

That doesn't change one thing.

Mark is still seriously hung up on her.

No, he isn't. Not the way you think.

You didn't see him at the cemetery.

He told me about the cemetery.

He asked Serena to let him go.

He told her how much he loved you, how much he wanted to make you happy.

Is she here?

Can I ask a question?


Why did you do this to me, to us? What was the point?

Because you have your whole life with Mark, all that time to make it perfect, and I don't.

She just wanted more time with him. She felt cheated.

I'm sorry for everything that's happened, for everything that she's been through.

Tell her I tried to show her a poem for the wedding.


She found you a poem for the wedding. It's on the night table.

Thank you so much, Melinda.

"Thank you, Melinda"?

Maybe you should thank Serena, too.


Thank you, Serena.

All I can say is you better not blow it. He is a pretty good catch, all in all.

She says good luck on your wedding.

I have to call Mark.

Excuse me.

Done my duty. Where's my light?

Hello. Where's my light?

I don't know.

You know, if you can't see it, maybe you're not ready.

What kind of answer is that? Where the hell is my light?

"Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, "but bears it out even to the edge of doom.

"I never writ, nor no man ever loved."

This poem was suggested by a trusted and treasured guest.

Now may I kiss my bride?

Kiss her!

Cranberry juice, please.

Can you help me find someone?

You're Josh, aren't you?


Come with me.


Someone's been looking for you.

Josh. Are you all right?

I've been looking everywhere for you.

Are you all right?


I think I am.

I can't believe I found you.

What is up with you? You've been, like, super giddy.

Well, I'll explain later.

Wait a minute. Serena's gone.

She's gone.

Peace at last.

I just think it's wonderful, you know, when people can find their perfect match, you know?

The one they're supposed to be with.


I'm just wondering. She must be here somewhere.

Oh, yeah. That's right. There she is.

Oh, yeah. Here I am.
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