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03x23 - The Fourfold Trap

Posted: 10/30/22 06:51
by bunniefuu
Where am I? Fuzzy.

I can't remember.

How did I get here? No doors or windows.

Huh? What? Hello? Aah! Ah! Hot! It's just getting hotter.

There's no way out.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroes in a half shell, turtle power Here we go, it's a lean, green, ninja team On the scene, cool teens doing ninja things So extreme, out the sewer like laser beams Get rocked with the shell-shocked pizza kings Can't stop these radical dudes The secret of the ooze, made the chosen few Emerge from the shadows to make their move The good guys win, and the bad guys lose Leonardo's the leader in blue Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is the fellow who has a way with machines Raphael's got the most attitude on the team Michelangelo, he's one of a kind And you know just where to find him when it's party time Master Splinter taught 'em every single skill they need To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroes in a half shell, turtle power How's it going, Donnie? Any luck? I've been able to synthesize the neurotoxin from the brain worm based on your blood sample.

Ooh, pretty.

You think it'll work on Karai? We're about to find out.

Ohh! Donnie, you tried your best, brah, even if it totally sucked.

Aah! It's useless.

I'm not even close! I can't do it.

This brain worm is impossible.

Sensei, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do.

I know how hard you have tried, Donatello.

Some things are simply not meant to be.

At least I have four wonderful sons.

Donnie, you know how much this means to Sensei.

- Leo, I'm trying as hard as I can.

- Well, try harder.

Try harder? I always have to find the solution! You're leader, Leo! You find the answer! Or what about Raph? I got the answer for you! Karai's a lost cause! Don't say that, dude.

Hey, April.

Not the best time.

Donnie, I really have to talk to you, alone.

It's important.

I need you to meet me.

Shizukani! What is the problem here? Nothing, Sensei.

I'm heading out.

April needs me.

You're needed here now, Donnie.

Donnie! Donnie! My sons, you cannot drive each other apart.

In times like these, unity is important.

Do not forget the most basic lesson.

An effective team thinks as one.

- Donnie.

- April.

The Kraang are back.

- We got to contact the guys.

- There's no time.

They're about to get away.

We got to move.

April, wait! What the? Sensei, I just want you to know I'm not gonna give up on Karai, no matter what.

Could maybe the ancient scrolls work on her? The healing hands? Mm.

It is possible.

But I am not certain that even I have the ability.

All right, Ice Cream Kitty.

I'll beat your Chippyshmoo with my Beebobim.

No fair! Where'd you get a Gallopup? Cheater, cheater, frozen yogurt eater! Give me that card! D, what up, dude? Where you been? Hey, Mikey, meet me at Murakami's.

He's made this special pizza gyoza that you got to try, dude.

Now listen, you can't tell the others.

He only has a sample for you and me.

That kind of makes me feel bad.

Okay, I'm over it.

See you soon.

Mikey, meeting in the dojo in Can't.

Got stuff to do, brah.

Sometimes being leader is completely meaningless.


Murakami, what up? Greetings, Michelangelo.

These are for you.

Each has a unique mixture of cheeses and delicate flav Oh, yeah.

That was aweso What's happening? Poison.

Do not worry, Michelangelo.

It is not poison, simply chemicals to give you a nice little nap.


Delicious, but evil.

Hey, guys.

Hey, guys.

Hey, guys? Hey, April.

Where's Donnie? Um, I don't know.

I just got here.

He said he was meeting you.

I haven't spoken to him all day.

It's from Mikey.

He says he spotted a Kraang and trailed him back to an old warehouse on Hobard.

- No way.

- What? It must be a Kraang sleeper cell.

Well, then let's tuck them in and say good night.

Doesn't this whole thing seem weird? April is right.

If she did not call Donatello, then who did? I was thinking the same thing.

It could be a trap.

Okay, April, you stay here.

Stay here? Forget that.

I'm coming with.


Just stay close.

Be diligent.

I sense something dire on the horizon.

Mikey, Donnie! Guys, thank goodness.

Hurry! Get us out of here! Hold on, dude.

We got you.

Wait, guys, don't! Well, I was expecting only Leonardo, but having the rest of you here makes it so much easier.

- Karai? - Cool, right? With just a little clever staging, I captured you all.

Baxter Stockman managed to hack into your T-Phone signal, and then he loaned me his mousers.

It was my idea to use their holograms.

Now that I have all of you, Splinter will have no choice but to fight me for your lives.

Free our brothers now.

I'm afraid that's not happening, Raphael.

My friends won't allow it.


- Ahh! - Hee-hee! This is gonna be fun.

Greetings, little ones.

Aw, sewer apples.

Oh, yeah! It's on like ping-pong.

April, there's too many of them.

Get out of here.

You've got to warn Master Splin ugh! Teenager go squishies! Aah! Ah! Come on, girl.

What are you gonna do? Ow, My piggy nose! You just hit me in my piggy nose! If it isn't the little wannabe Kunoichi, always trying.

April! Now I remember.

Greetings, Turtles.

It's time for us to play a game.

Each of you has been placed inside a room with a unique trap.

Doesn't seem like your style, Karai.

Oh, we all had input.

Isn't that right, Xever? I helped design yours personally, Raphael.

Everyone loves baked turtle.

- I'll bake my foot up your - Raphael, you're inside the first trap, aptly called the Hot Head.

Can you figure a way out? - Hello, Leonardo.

- Karai? Welcome to the Courage Slayer.

To save your brothers, you'll have to face ninja blades as skilled as your own, which isn't all that formidable.

So I cranked up the speed to 100.

Good one, Karai.

Donatello, are you smart enough to beat the Brain Boggler? Connect the pieces as they appear on the game grid.

Make a mistake and you get zapped.

Get zapped enough times and then you'll truly know what it feels like to be brain fried.

Ah, yes, Karai, another excellent villain pun.

Stop kissing butt.

Last, we have the Flush-O-Matic.

Once the tanks are full, the flush valve will open and dump mutagen all over your poor, little Michelangelo.

First up, gross.

Second, who came up with the lame name? Me and Rocksteady I mean, Steranko.

- Yo, that name is tight.

- Figures.

You guys have no imagination.

I mean, if I were an evil villain, I'd at least try to come up with something cool, like the Flush of Fear, the Toilet of Terror.

Ooh, the Dump of Doom.

Now, that's got sparkle to it.

I told you that name needed some work! Kind of liking the Dump of Doom.

Is nice.

Good luck, Turtles, and good riddance.

Let them go, Karai! You're under the control of a brain worm! Shredder's using you! Lies! The only thing greater than watching the Turtles' demise is to watch Splinter bear witness to it, right before I finish him off.

- Moshi, moshi.

- Splinter! April? What is wrong? The Turtles are in a trap, but so are you! Hello, Splinter.

Miwa? - Karai, please talk to me! Karai! - She's not gonna talk to you! Raph! You can hear me? Sounds like you're above me.

- Aah! - Donnie! Leo! I can hear you through the vents.

I'm in some kind of trap.

Dudes, I'm on my back! I don't know where anyone is! We got to help each other.

Work together.

Oh, that's not good.

Oof! So you're the sensei rat master supreme, huh? Not so tough.

Karai, he is coming.

He is Leo, what do we do? We need some serious science-y stuff, Donnie.

Can't think.

I got to focus.

If I make another mistake, I'm gonna get zapped again.

Oh! Ow! Yah! I'm about to double mutate! I'm scared of what I'm gonna turn into! Aah! Get me out of here! Karai.

Welcome, Splinter.

It's been a long time.

Do not make me fight you, - my daughter.

- Never call me that! The only way to free your pathetic Turtles is to fight me to the bitter end.

Now you will pay.

Eh? Hyah! Miwa, listen to me.

I am your father, Hamato Yoshi.

Your mother was the love of my life.

Don't you dare desecrate her memory! Hyah! Hyah! I'm finished, guys.

I'm baked turtle.

It's impossible, dudes! I don't even have a way out.

Guys, listen up! There's a good chance all of the mechanical and electronic circuits of these traps are tied to each other! Got it.

Raph! Are you okay? You can do it, Master Splinter! Please, do not make me fight you.

You have no choice.


- What the? - Guys, help me! Mikey! Aah! We've got to get to Donnie! No! - I'll cut you loose.

- No! The helmet is totally wired.

If you try to free me, you'll fry me.

Chillax, I got this.

I've got, like, Mikey! Mikey, you're awesome.


I was born with a naturally rare awesomeness.

Surrender, my daughter.

You are defeated.

- My sons are free.

- I'll never surrender to you! Never! Miwa.

Rin, poh, toh, sha.

Rin, poh, toh, sha.

Rin, poh, toh, shaaa! I love you, Miwa.

Miwa! No! Your victory has come at a price, Yoshi-san.

- Sensei! - April! I trust that you are all unharmed.

- Sensei? - What happened? She forced me into combat, but the Healing Hands I used on her were meant to help her, not harm her.

I fear that we will never see Miwa again.

Never give up hope.

That was the greatest lesson you taught me as a kid, Sensei.

Come, let us go home.