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03x19 - Turtles in Time

Posted: 10/30/22 06:49
by bunniefuu
Give it up, Leo.

There's nothing we can do.

It's been weeks since we last saw her.

When she poisoned us! Yeah, Leo.

If I can't find a cure, we might have to let Karai go.

It's not that easy, Donnie.

You should know.

'Cause you're still hung up on April.

Just a guess.

Sometimes you don't have a choice.

You think about someone.

A lot.

Dudes, I'm never gonna have a crush on a girl.


No way, no sir.

This turtle's dedicated to one thing and one thing only.


Oh, yeah! Yo, Mikey.

I got a little ninja-ing for you right here.

Whoa! Raph! Shell soaker! Aah! All right.

Hey! Look at you.

Go back into your shell.

- Whoa.

- Huh? Whoa! Aah! Whoa, are you okay? Huh? Whoa.

The leader, Leonardo.

The warrior, Raphael.

The inventor, Donatello.

And the cute one, Michelangelo! Well, that's me.

She knows us, dudes! I found you.

I actually found you.

The Turtle Warriors of Legend.

This is so grokking cold! Us? Legends? What the heck are you talking about? Nobody even knows we exist.

Nobody knows.


But I come from the future, and wow.

You guys are, like, so famous.

Meeting you is way more interesting than meeting Genghis Khan or Billy the Kid or Socrates! Please.

You're saying you're from the future, and we're important enough to be in history books? You expect us to believe that? Yes.

You save the world.

Many times.

Awesome! High-three! Hey, there.

The name's Michelangelo.

But you can call me Mikey.

Angelo is my middle name.

What's yours? Let me guess.

Future Girl? Amazonian Princess? Wonder Warrior? Uh, nope.

My name's Renet.

I'm a Time Master.

Oh! Aah! Oh! Okay.

Assistant Time Master in training.

More to the point, Headdress.

Prove to us you're from the future.

Oh, right.

Almost forgot why I came.

I was kind of followed by an evil freak from the future who wants to control all of time and space.

Uh, wait a minute.

What did you just say? It's him.

Savanti Romero.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroes in a half shell, turtle power Here we go, it's a lean, green, ninja team On the scene, cool teens doing ninja things So extreme, out the sewer like laser beams Get rocked with the shell-shocked pizza kings Can't stop these radical dudes The secret of the ooze, made the chosen few Emerge from the shadows to make their move The good guys win, and the bad guys lose Leonardo's the leader in blue Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is the fellow who has a way with machines Raphael's got the most attitude on the team Michelangelo, he's one of a kind And you know just where to find him when it's party time Master Splinter taught 'em every single skill they need To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Heroes in a half shell, turtle power How droll.

The early 21st century.

Why would you pick this era? Oh, I see.

The Turtle Warriors.

Of course.

But you must realize they can't defeat me.

Your history is wrong.

Give me the time scepter and I shall let you live.

Ninjas, let's welcome this freak New York-style Aah! Give it to me, girl.

Not this time! No! Whew.


That was like, the most evil Time Master ever, right? No worries.

I sent him I think I speak for us all when I say we have no idea what is going on! Oh, right.

Yeah, sorry.

Let me explain everything.

In the future, we Time Masters are the protectors of time, space, and reality itself.

I'm apprentice to the top guy in our order, Lord Simultaneous.

Last night, someone tried to steal the Time Scepter, a piece of tech so advanced it can not only control time, it can bend reality itself.

It was Savanti Romero, the evil mutant Time Master.

With the scepter, he could rule all of reality, changing history to suit his cruel whims.

So I took it from him, and I used to to lure him to the one era he could be defeated in: Now, by the famous Turtle Warriors.

But we didn't defeat him.

You did.

So history was totally wrong.

Oh, grok.

This isn't good.

Savanti is making changes in the past.

He's trying to wipe us out in the present.

He can do that? Oh, yeah.

That happens a lot.

I guess I should have let you guys defeat him like history said.

Can you help me? Help you? We don't even know you.

Come on, guys.

One day we're going to be famous for doing great things.

This is one of them.

Renet! Lord Simultaneous? Aw, man.

I'm so busted.

Foolish child, what have you done? We gotta get out of here.

Lord S is gonna k*ll me! - Renet, wait for me! - Mikey! Booyakasha! Renet, you cannot escape me.

I will find you.

Aah! Where the heck are we? More like when are we? Avalon.


The Tower of the Demon? This is not good.

Um, guys? Look.

We're in Medieval times! England in the year 980 A.


That is so cold, right? Isn't that what you say in your time? Cold? It's actually "cool.

" And no, this is not cool.

At all.

Um, well, I meant to send him back 100 million years.

You have to help me stop him.

It looks like we have no choice, guys.

We gotta save history.

Yes! You guys are such groovy daddy-Os.

Oh, snap.

Renet, I got a rad idea.

Check this out.


The scepter can do that.

It's just a little quantum manipulation.

Oh, not again with the costumes.

Come on! We need to blend in, dude.

Plus, I wanted to look extra sweet for Renet.

It's the elf ears.

Chicks dig 'em.

Halt, strangers.

This land belongs to the King.

What business have you here? By my blessed horse, I think the little green ones are orcs.

Whoa! Aye, that's a right ugly one right there, it is.

Who you calling ugly? And look at this one.

The fiercest of the lot.

I bet he eats children for dinner, he does.

I don't eat people, dude.

I'm a pizzatarian.

Do not fret, maiden fair.

We will free you of your evil orc captors.


Attack the pizzatarians! Hyah! Aah! Yah! Attack! - Oh! - Yah! Hoo-yah! Yah! Aw, man.

He's got, like, 50 armor class.

Oh! It's cool, little brother.

Let's take this guy.

Oh! Ugh! Whoo! Looking good, Renet! Foul goblin! Yeah.

Hee-yah! - I got this! - And now you shall perish! - Aah! - Aah! I hate orcs.

Whoa! What magic is this? Please, sir knights.

You must understand.

These turtles are not orcs.

They are friendly goblins from the uh, Western Realms.

Oh, I see.

Friendly goblin, will you live in my cellar and make shoes? I can make your face into a shoe.

Good sir, we are trying to find the tower of Savanti Romero.

Egad! You do not want to go there.

You don't even want to speak his name, lest you summon him.

Who? Savanti Romero? That punk? Please.

I can take that horn-headed freak in my sleep.

He's chump change.

A crump snatcher.

I'm not scared of him in the he's right behind me, isn't he? Fools! No! Ugh! Finally, the scepter is mine! - 'Tis the Demon of the Tower! - Run away! Run away! The Time Scepter will never stop the Turtles! So maybe you'll give it back? Never! You shall be forever stuck in the confines of time! Get him! You shall be forever stuck in the confines of time! Get him! You shall be forever stuck in the confines of time! What the heck is going on? Yeah, didn't this just happen? Savanti must have stuck us in some kind of time loop.

You shall be forever stuck in the confines of time! Dudes, I'm starting to think we'll be forever stuck in the confines of time.

Well, Headdress, you got us into this.

- You shall be forever stuck in the con - Aah! Oh! Ugh.

You punched out the time loop? That is awesome! Come on, we have to find Savanti.

Aw, man.

Turtles on horses? This is just so weird.

Aah! Let's try that way.

Come on! Ah, easy fella! Aah! Aah! So now we're riding a horse together.

Is this our first date? Mikey, aren't you a little old for me? I haven't even been born yet.

How will I go about controlling all of time and space? Hmm, so many possibilities for evil.

Perhaps I'll dominate the present age, so the future will never exist.

What? Renet broke the time loop? Well played, girl, well played.

But Savanti Romero has other plans.

Savanti's tower is just past this uber-creepy cemetery.

Can't we go, like, around the uber-creepy cemetery? Big bad elven prince scared? Aah! Fools! Do you think you can sneak up on the greatest Time Master ever? Savanti Romero rules everything, even death.

Oh, no.

Aah! Dudes, this is like my worst nightmare times ten.

Even worse than a world without pizza? Okay, second worst.

Hoo-yah! Heads up! Hyeah! Well, my Energy Knuckles have burned out.

I grok the only w*apon I have left is a single entropy dart.

One last resort to destroy the scepter.

Destroy the scepter? But we'll be trapped here forever.

Hyah! Ha! Come on, Turtle Warriors of Legend! Let's ride! Ai yai yai yai yai yai yai! Hm, I suppose I could conquer the 25th century fairly easily.

But really I want to see the look on the other Time Masters' faces when I neutralize them.

Come on, attack.

I haven't got all the time in the world.

Most of it, yes.

Toys are such fun.

Okay, guys.

We'll sneak across on that chandelier chain and wait, didn't we just do this? Aw, no.

He's messing with time again.

Get him! You make it all so easy.

Hmm, shall I freeze you in time forever? Devolve you back into four little sea dinosaurs and a monkey? Ooh! Or, perhaps, primal sludge.

Primal sludge doesn't sound so bad.

Primal sludge is real bad, Mikey.

At least I have my entropy dart.

I think I'll simply wipe you out of existence.

Don't use it.

We'll never get home.

- Whoa! - Whoa.

What? Ugh.

Aw, yeah! No! Ugh.

Oh, no! Aah! Forget it, freakjob! Wah! Oh! Ha! Hyah! Aah! He's invulnerable! Whoo! Aah! Renet! Aah! Oh, come on.

Ugh! Hunh! Oh! We just need to ugh! Need to do this! Oh, dear.

Hyah! Aah! It's the blue button, Donatello! Oh! Let's see how this thing works.

Turtle, let's talk before you make any rash decisions.

Oh! No! So, are you sure this time? - Is he gone for good? - Absolutely.

Sort of.

Renet! You must come back to the future now.

You are grounded.

Oh, grok.

On my way, Lord Simultaneous.

Just got to drop off the Turtles first.

Oh! The Turtle Warriors of Legend.

Very cold.

Okay, everybody.

Let's go home.

Renet, um, can we kick it in the future together? Just you and me? For a little while? Aw, I would love that, Mikey.

Maybe someday.

Wah! Let's go home, Turtle heroes.

Cowabunga! Oh, no! Time interference! Something's wrong.

Guys! Oh, no.


Where the heck are we now? The time stream must have been messed with.

Now we're in Japan? Well, at least we're back in modern times.



I think we're in deep trouble.