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03x05 - In Dreams

Posted: 10/30/22 06:42
by bunniefuu
Wait how did I get here? Something's out there.

But what? Aah! Aah! Aah! Uh? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power here we go, it's a lean, green, ninja team on the scene, cool teens doing ninja things so extreme, out the sewer like laser beams get rocked with the shell-shocked pizza kings can't stop these radical dudes the secret of the ooze made the chosen few emerge from the shadows to make their move the good guys win, and the bad guys lose Leonardo's the leader in blue does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is the fellow who has a way with machines Raphael's got the most attitude on the team Michelangelo, he's one of a kind and you know just where to find him when it's party time Master Splinter taught 'em every single skill they need to be one lean, mean, green, incredible team Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power Yah! Wah! Hyuh! Uh! So is Donnie coming down or what? I couldn't wake him up, so I put some dirty underwear on his face.

Gah! Huh? Hyuh! Nice.

Looking good, Leo.

You're really coming along.

Hey, guys? We're heading down to the store.

Any requests? Ooh, ooh, ooh! I need some spicy gummy worms.

Need! Yeah, he's not going to have that.

That store is tiny, Mikey.

It's the kind of place that has peanut butter or jelly.

Be back in a few.

Okay, let's do this.

Aah! Leo, you were hurt bad, bro.

You gotta give yourself time to heal.

Yeah, but how long? This is taking forever.

I'm fine! I'm fine! I'm just Just gonna take a minute.


Some rest should help.

Aah! Sleeping isn't gonna help.

Guys? I'm going for a walk.

Rock on, bro! Ah, taking forever.

I'm never gonna get better.

What? Uhh uhh! Whoa! Aaaaahhhhh! Uh! Uhhh! Weird.

That didn't hurt.

And my leg my leg doesn't hurt either.

I feel fine! In fact I feel great! Hey, there! Name's Bernie.

I just bought this place.

On purpose? Finding everything you need? You got any spicy gummy worms? Is that bait? You mean bait? It's candy.

Ho-ho! I got candy! What kind? Brown.

But it used to be yellow.

Ob obturaculum som Somniorum? Nobody touches that book.

Understand? Hey, I got what we need.

Should last a few days.

So, I thought nobody lived around here.

Why would you buy a store where you thought nobody lives? Eh I like my alone time.

The amount of stuff you're buying must be for five or six people.

Uh, just two.

Us two.

The two of us.


Tell me.

You been tired lately? Real tired? Nope.

We're fine.

Maybe it won't happen this time.

Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Check me out! I am a super Hyuh! Hero! What does every superhero need? Who's there? Dire Beaver! I'm everything you've ever feared in one convenient, horrifying package.

And I'm gonna teach you something about pain! Aah! Man, he must've been tired.

He looks good, though.


Nice work.

You know I'm pretty tired myself.

A little shut-eye wouldn't hurt anything, right? Me too.

don't even think about it.

Naps are nature's hugs.

We're out taking care of business and what are they doing? Squat.

Donnie must be on lookout.

Or not.

Those weird teeth of his make him whistle! Wait, something's not right.

Donnie? Donnie! Donnie! Peekaboo! I see you! Aah! I am Dark Beaver.

May I eat you? You look salty.

Aah! This can't be real.

I must be dreaming.

I just have to wake up.

That's it.

Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! No! Still here! Still going to eat you, my salty, salty friend.

Come on, dude, wake up already! That's not gonna work! It was worth a try.

Plus, I've always kind of wanted to do that.

I don't understand it.

They won't wake up.

It's like they're trapped.

Trapped in their dreams.

I am Dread Beaver! And your soul is mine! Aah! Whoa! Aah! Ha ha! Hee hee hee! I'm Dave Beaver.

I'ma 'sposed ta scare you.

Really? Then I guess you should've left your adorable buck teeth at home, Dave.

They are adorable, aren't they? And check out your widdle paddle tail! You wanna play ping-pong? - I kinda do, yeah! - Sweet! Mikey actually kinda looks okay.

Yeah, but his pulse is getting weaker.

They all are.

So, they're sick? None of them has a fever, but I feel something strange.

Like, something is draining the life out of them.

Can you get through to them somehow? - I can try.

- Wait! That Bernie guy asked if we'd been feeling tired.

And that book he had Somniorum.

It's Latin for "dreams," or "of the dreams," I think.

I'll go see what's in that book.

You do what you can here.

No! Wait.

Is that April? Wake up! Aah! Well, aren't you going to answer? Okay.

Leo! You have to wake up.

Wake up! I am awake.

I got super powers from a meteor, and now I'm fighting a giant beaver.

And hey, am I dreaming you? Not a chance! Uh! Aah! Aah! Raph! You have to wake up! Now! Huh? Pardon me.

Man, this ping-pong is really wearing me out.

That's because I'm draining your life force! - Hee hee hah hah hah! - Oh, right.

Psst, hey, Mikey! April says you should wake up.


I know better than to listen to a giant talking lollipop.

Ha! I learned that one the hard way.

Ow! Ugh.


They sent you, didn't they? Who? Them! The Dream Beavers! Nobody sent Did you just say Dream Beavers? Didn't I tell you nobody touches the book? Whoa! Dude, are you insane? That book is the only thing standing between this world and total destruction.

Aah! You dirty beatnik! Aah! April she's trying to tell me something You have to wake up! Wake up! This is a dream! So, you figured it out, eh? Very clever.

Clever, salty boy! Aah! Whoa.

What's going on? I'm having the weirdest dream.

You can't be dreaming.

I'm here.

- 'Cause I'm dreaming you! - Maybe I'm dreaming you.

But you're not dreaming me.

Aw, man.

Where'd all the candy go? Hang on.

Guys I think we're all in the same dream.

- That's impossible.

- Nothing's impossible For the Dream Beavers! I'm sorry, did you just say Dream Beavers? Olly-Olly-oxen-free! You think you are alone in your dreams.

But no! For years, we have lurked in this dream dimension, stealing the life force of humans.

- Draining them dry and - But dudes! We're not human! That is precisely what makes your life force so delicious.


Human life force, every meal, for thousands of years.

Then one day, Turtles! I like chocolate chip cookies.

Shut up, Dave! We're gonna drain you dry and spit out the shells! Aah! Aah! Would you Knock it off? I'm just trying to Help my - Aah! Friends! - What? I can't hear you over The chainsaw.

Give me a minute, here.

Ow! What is wrong with you? Ah, I'm sorry.

I'm a little high-strung.

I haven't slept in 40 years.

Because of the Dream Beavers.

What are Dream Beavers? They're beings of pure evil from another dimension.

- You see, it all began 40 years ago.

- Nobody asked, dude.

I was a physicist trying to prove my theory that our dreams take place in a dimension of their own When a defective portal projector short circuited and I lost consciousness.

The Dream Beavers had been about to break through into our reality, but instead, they materialized in the dream dimension In my dream.

When I awoke, they remained trapped in the world of dreams, unable to return As long as this device remains operating.

Device? It's a book, Bernie! Obturaculum somniorum means "dream plug.

" For 40 years, I have protected the plug to ensure that the Dream Beavers remain trapped.

For 40 years, I have remained awake so that they cannot drain my life force.

But they are always near.

They attack anyone close to me and drain the life from them when they sleep.

That's why I came out here, far away from everyone.

Not far enough.

They're draining my friends right now.

And you're gonna do something about it! Destroy them! Now you see me.

Now you don't! Uhh! This isn't working.

Aah! Hold still, Dave.

I gotta chuck ya! Ooh! Uh Aah! Wah! Hee hee hee hee.

Ah hee hee hee hee hee! Aah! Aah! - You said that wouldn't work.

- I don't know what else to do! I can barely find their pulses anymore.

If we can't wake them up, they won't make it! Ah! Oh, my gosh! Is that TV set an Astroview? Really? Not, "oh my gosh, giant Turtles?" You see them too? Bernie! The Dream Beavers are sucking out their life force! - How can we wake them up? - You can't.

The Obturaculum keeps the beavers trapped in the dream realm, and as long as they're there their dream powers are unbeatable.

That's why I don't sleep! Got any coffee, by the way? He's not breathing.

Donnie's not breathing! So this is what keeps them in the dream realm? Yeah! Wait, what are you No! What's this? The barrier is broken! We are free! Free! You're okay! Muah! The Obturaculum is broken! The beavers are free! Free to destroy our world! All is lost! All is Aah! Wait a second Aw, dang.

Hi, Dave.

Hi, Mikey! Shut up, Dave! This is it? This is what I've been protecting the Earth from for 40 years? Plush toys? If I were you guys, I'd be Leaving.

My thoughts exactly.

Come, beavers! Let us leave this world for one that is All right, we're going.

Big bully.

April, Casey, giant talking Turtles, I've been awake for 40 years for no good reason.

So If you'll excuse me Well, who wants to help me carry him back home? I know that was terrifying and we nearly bought it and everything, but my leg really feels a lot better.

See! I told you some rest would help.

Wait a second.

Did Did April kiss me a while back? Dream on, Donnie.

Dream on.