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02x03 - Me, Myself & I

Posted: 10/30/22 05:45
by bunniefuu
♪ I know, they know I'm on my way ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ I know, they know I'm on my way ♪

♪ I'm on my way, yeah ♪

♪ I know, they know I'm on my way, way ♪

♪ No sleep, grindin',
been up for days, days ♪

♪ They talk too much,
get out my way, way ♪

♪ You're my enemies,
all of y'all my enemies ♪

♪ I know, they know I'm on my way ♪

♪ No sleep, grindin', been up for days ♪

♪ They talk too much, get out my way ♪

♪ You're my enemies,
all of y'all my enemies ♪

♪ No time for the negative,
get ghosted, ho, let me live ♪

♪ Don't you got kids, why you
sellin' this drama, drama, drama? ♪

♪ Check your etiquette ♪

How was your weekend in Rome?

Rome? Oh, no. He got a little hotep-y,

so he's on time-out right now.

And you gonna tell me
where you were last night?

- In heaven.
- PROFESSOR: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to the first week of classes.

As we are coming off the
Martin Luther King Holiday,

it should come as no surprise

that we're starting this semester off

on the subject of the good reverend.

Your first assignment will focus

not on King but on the men
and women who walked with him,

people whose names aren't
as well-known to history

but without whom the movement
wouldn't have succeeded.

So, yes, we were Kings,

but we were also Cottons,

- Youngs...
- Abernathys.



- J.R., how are you?
- J.R.: Good.

I actually wanted to holla at
you about a joint KEK/PKZ thing.

You can just email me.

Look, that wasn't...
it was just really...

OK, we used to date.

Yeah, I could feel the love.

You're in my T.A.
section for this course,

so here's some extra reading.

Wait. You're in engineering?
I thought you was a singer.

You're in engineering? I
thought you were an athlete.

- You see how that works?

When people think about
the Birmingham bus boycotts,

they think about Rosa
Parks and Dr. King,

but there was a teenage
girl named Claudette Colvin

who refused to leave her
seat months before Parks.

And local activists E.D.
Nixon and Jo Ann Robinson

led the charge to challenge
segregation on those buses in .

So they should be credited for
the boycott's success as well.

I don't know if... [CHUCKLES]

I would actually say it was a success.

It eliminated discrimination
in mass transit

and kicked off the
Civil Rights movement.

But a lot of Black small businesses

couldn't compete once folks would
go to the bigger White-owned stores.

- But that's not what we're talking about.
- Well, maybe you should be.

My family came from Birmingham.

And two years after the boycott,

my great-uncle's car service
business went bankrupt.

So what, you're pro-segregation?

No. Look, I just think

there's a conversation
about whether integration

undercut the unity and financial
stability of the community.

An all-Black environment
has its rewards.

Case in point: the
HBCU we're in right now.

See, not everything is so simplistic.


- No one said anything about simplistic.

good points all around,
but we're out of time.

More to come.

Hey, so, uh, that was fun.

- I'm, um...
- The dude who tried to mansplain me

in front of the entire class?

See, now, what you call mansplaining
I just call healthy debate.

Well, I mean, I'm open
to a healthy debate,

but next time, just leave
your simplistic arrogance

and ego at home.

NATHANIEL: Well, damn. You
didn't have to snatch his wig.

You could've just asked for it.

I am done letting
people walk all over me.

Not Tootie and not anyone else.

And this semester, I am embracing

my inner bad bitch on and off the court.

OKENYO: ♪ Full of knowledge, but
beyond the rights of college ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

Good to be back, man.

Figured out how you gonna handle

having our dad as your new coach?

- Nothing to figure out. He's the coach.
- Hey,

you think you can do that?

J., I'm putting all
the drama to the side.

I just want to pitch, man.

Beating Tennessee
Central's not gonna be easy.

I don't need any distractions.

- ATHLETE: Yeah!
- Ah! I didn't expect a welcome back, man.

I appreciate it. [CHUCKLES]

MARCUS: I appreciate you all
welcoming me back as assistant coach.

Now, you all ready to win?

- Yes, sir!
- All right!

OK, we got one more
team member to introduce.

I want you all to give a warm welcome

to former Hawkins pitcher
and new Lions starter

Lando Johnson.


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I'm so excited to be here at Bringston.

It's been a dream since I was a kid.

And I promise, I'mma give
everything to this team.


All right, fellas, let's go. Out
to the field. Let's go. Let's go.

So for our first match, we'll be
hosting Willis-Cobb University.

I'm sure you recall they
were supposed to merge

with Bringston last semester,

so there may be some
residual hard feelings.

Rise above. Let's start
with backhand drills.

Ooh. My bad.

Hey. So I've been watching
a ton of Willis-Cobb matches

just to kind of get a sense of
their strengths and weaknesses.

You want to meet up later tonight?

I'm happy to go over it with you guys.

When you say "you guys,"
does that also include them?

SIMONE: Oh, please. Tootie
and her crew made it very clear

that they're not about
this team life, so no.

They will not be getting
any extra help from me.

What the hell do you think you're doing?

So when was you gonna mention
that you recruited another pitcher?

Look, I did what was best for the team.

It was your decision to leave, Damon.

Once he had you, Shaw
agreed to release Lando,

so I scooped him up.

I didn't know you'd come
back at the last minute.

So how is this supposed to work?

Who's pitching this week's opening game?

I made a promise to
Lando when I recruited him

that he'd be Bringston's ace pitcher.

I'm not going back on that.

So he's gonna pitch the opener,

and you will be number .

Number ? What, you want me to
pitch behind Lando because what?

You suddenly decide that you
want to be a person of character?

Have you lost your mind?
I ain't nobody's number ?

I just can't tell if I should be, like,

excited or sick or, I don't know, both.

I have to prove myself
every single day in class,

and I have to re-audition
at the end of the semester

- just to stay a dance major.
- Damn.

But, again, not worried.

You convinced her once.
You'll convince her again.

I'm just glad for now that you
have a schedule you're happy with

'cause mine is trash.

By the time I cleared up
that whole registration mess,

there was only one music
class still open. Look at that.


Now it's you taking musical theater.

Aw. I love it.

- Oh, so you just gonna clown me?
- No.

I'm truly just trying to be supportive.

Oh, you want to be supportive?

- Yeah.
- Huh?

- Yes, I do.
- For real?

- MAN: Cam!

Dad? Wh... what are you doing here?

You won't answer any calls or texts.

Then we get this notification

that you're not enrolled
for the spring semester.

Your mother's at home freaking out,

so I'm here to finish the
conversation we started at Christmas.

Well, I have nothing left to say.

And I cleared up that enrollment stuff,

- so I'm registered now.
- OK. For how long?

What is your plan, Cameron?

Um, um...

Hi. I just want to introduce myself.

I'm... I'm Keisha, Cam's girlfriend.

Nice to meet you, Keisha.

Sorry for barging in like this,

but Cam and I really need to talk.

- Well, I'm...
- Oh, no, no, no.

Your dad's right.

You two should talk, privately.



Mm-mm. You don't want to go in there.

Why not?

If it's about pitching, I should
be part of the conversation.

Trust me, they're not
just talking pitching.

There's a whole bunch of
father-son crap going on as well.

I thought Coach was your dad.

Long story. Coach is his dad as well.

Wait. What?

Hit the showers, boys.
Go on, now. All right?

J.R.: Yes, sir, Coach.

JESSIE: ... eventually...

- But we don't need you as coach.
- Damon,

Damon, don't you have a
class or something to get to?

If this is how you plan
on inspiring team spirit,

you off to one hell of a start, Jessie.

I had a feeling you might come here.

- You know me way too well.

I just thought I'd peek in.

I mean, I love my new job. I do.

But I miss teaching and
being around students.

Well, you got family dinner.

You say the word, and I'll pack
that joint out with more of us.

Aw. Not unless you all learn
how to do more than boil rice.

You know we beat your rice.

- Mm.
- Dr. Patterson.

I've been looking for you.

Oh. Uh, well, you found me, Mister... ?

Nico Logan,

president of the Student
Government Association.

I've been trying to
set a meeting with you

to discuss SGA business.

Oh, it's been a busy time.

Traditionally, Student Government meets

with the president a
week before classes start.

We're behind schedule.

I thought the student
body was important to you.

Um, excuse me.

My aunt said what she said.

She's busy, and she is
with a student... me.

So why don't you make your appointment

and let us finish our conversation?

Someone's feeling feisty today.

No. I'm sensitive to
disrespect these days.

Things aren't getting better
with Tootie and the girls?

I'm standing my ground.

I'm not gonna let them distract me

or drive me away from what I love.

Remember, the way we carry ourselves

has consequences.

CAM: So this was the
remaining total, and so

I applied for a grant that's
covering most of my tuition,

and I got a work-study job
with President Patterson.

That plus odd jobs are
covering everything else.

Does this grant cover
you for all years?

- No.
- Cam...

look, your mom and I have been talking.

And if football truly is over for you,

then we think it's best
that you move back to L.A.

Bringston is where I belong.

And I even found something
that I love as much as football.

What's that?

I want to pursue music.

[CHUCKLING] You have got to be kidding!

That's not a future.

And that's exactly why I
don't return your calls.

I don't need your
sarcasm or your criticism.

Look, I got to get to work.

- This conversation's not over.
- It is for me.

Cameron Shemar Watkins,

walk out on me again
and see what happens.

Look, I got classes this afternoon

and then practice with
the ATLs after that.

- How long are you in town for?
- A couple days.

How about dinner, tomorrow night?

But, Dad, you got to be
willing to at least hear me out.


MARCUS: I'm sorry, Damon. It's his call.

- You just have to accept it.
- What?

But it was supposed to be me and you,

and now we both playing backup?

We'll both just have to adjust, OK?

Try being more gracious.

Maybe you should reach out to Lando

and welcome him on the team.

- What?
- Or just ignore him.


Hmm, where is Nate hiding,

and why is she so slow
to respond to my texts?

Don't ask me. So how did it go?

DAMON: Coach wants me

to welcome Lando into
my spot with open arms,

- so there's that.
- That sucks. I'm sorry.

What is up with these
funky new transfer students?

Like, this one fool in
my American History class,

he really tried to play me
in front of the whole class.

Lo and behold.

LANDO: Mind if I join you?

Look, um, Lando, I might have
to accept you on the team,

but don't get it twisted.
We not about to be boys.

Wait. This is Lando?


Actually, I was talking to her.

I thought we could finish
our debate from class.

KEISHA: You know,
handsome young brothers

are always welcome, so... [TAPS TABLE]

Actually, n-no. The seat is taken.



Y'all enjoy your day.

We will.

Mm-mm, no. You all rude as hell.

This cutthroat, athletic energy
is harshing my artistic vibe,

so I'm gonna go meet my
daddy and then go to class.

[EXHALES] Honestly, Damon,

no shade to Coach
Marcus, but he's wrong.

You don't have to accept
being second to him.

This is your team and your spot,

so fight for it.

OK, then. [CHUCKLES]

I guess the "bad bitch"
Simone rumors are true, huh?

Hey. We got to do what
we got to do, right?

♪ Clap, clap, clap, clap... ♪

DAMON: Lando.

Listen, my bad for how
I came at you earlier.

Nah, I get it. I've been
in your position literally.

All right. Cool.

'cause I just think that if
we're gonna be working together,

we should be completely
honest. You know?

So real talk, I think the
coach only made you starter

because there's some personal
stuff going on between us.

- That's it.
- I'm here to play ball, all right,

not get caught up in your daddy issues.

But if the decision was
based purely on talent,

I'd be starting, and
everybody on the team knows it.

All right.

Get one thing straight, all right?

You're not better than me.

Maybe you had more
opportunity, more shine,

but more talent?


Well, if you really believe that,

there's one way you could prove it.

♪ We got the goods, yeah, I know... ♪

♪ We got the goods, yeah... ♪

A pitch-off?

Yeah, we talked, and we
both agree it's the best way.

Fellas, the subject is closed.

Reopening it will only cause
more confusion for the team.

Actually, I think it
would unite the team.

It'll certainly legitimize the choice

of starting pitcher in their eyes.

The choice isn't theirs.

- It's mine.
- I'm not scared, sir.

I know what I got, and
I'm happy to prove it.

Fine. Pitch-off, tomorrow
morning before practice.

Now, get your asses out of my office.

Thank you, Coach.

- Actually, I think this will be good...
- Don't ever do that again.

- Wait. Excuse me.
- You're not the coach anymore, Marcus.

When I make a decision,

I don't need you undermining
me in front of my players.

I didn't sign up to be your yes-man.

Do you know I fought to
get you back on this team?

I had parents who
didn't believe you were

stable enough to be here.

So when I make a decision,
I expect you to back me

- like I backed you.
- This is me backing you, man.

I know Damon, and he would never accept

second spot to anyone
unless he felt it was earned.

You're dismissed.

And if you ever tell me
how to coach my son again,

you're fired.

Mr. Watkins,

late for class?

No, sir. I, um...

Wait. [CHUCKLES] Hold up. You
ain't the president no more.

Do I have to answer that question?

Had you shook for a second there.

How you doing, son?

Honestly, I've had better days.

You waiting on Keisha?

Apparently, she had to meet
with her dance teacher early,

so now I'm enjoying
scaring former students

- on their way to class instead.
- Well, I should get going, then.

- It's good to see you, sir.
- You know, um,

I'm not Keisha, but

I've got some time.

We could talk about why it's
not one of those better days.

Uh, my dad's in town.

He and my mom want me
to move back to L.A.

I'm sorry to hear that.

We're supposed to have dinner
tomorrow night to talk it out,

but we gonna need some kind of
buffer, so I'm hoping Keisha can come.

What if I came, too?

Excuse me?

Who better to convince your dad about

this university's brilliance
than its president emeritus?

I mean, if you wouldn't mind,
sir, that would actually be great.

Done. Keisha and I will
be there tomorrow night.

OK. Thank you. Bet.


You know, Keisha was
right about you, man.

You're different. A little more chill.

It's amazing what letting go
of a high-pressure job will do.

Yeah. Or it's the secret girlfriend
Keisha thinks you're hiding,

something about goofy
smiles when you text

and whispered phone calls.

You'd better get to class, son.

Oh, yeah. I better. [ZEKE CHUCKLING]

Hey, J.R.

Good luck against
Tennessee Central this week.

Thanks. [CHUCKLES]

Nice fit.

Appreciate it. Yeah.

Yo, what the hell is going on?

- You tell me.
- Oh, I'm sorry. I thought...

- Look, all these girl... never mind.
- Oh. Oh.

You mean all the "Hey, J.R.s."

Aren't you some big baseball star now?

- I guess.
- You guess?

OK. Whatever. You trying to tell me

that girls aren't sliding into your DMs?

It's ho season.

Look, I am not embracing
any kind of ho season.

I am a relationship kind of brother.

Oh, right, right. That...
that was your ex who gave you

the Heisman in class today, no?

I mean, I'm just glad to see
that the relationship thing's

- working out for you.
- Damn!

I'm just saying.

- Whoa.
- OK!

Hand on chest, hand on waist.

Need to take some notes.

So how about we go out Saturday night,

celebrate surviving the
first week of classes?

I'd love to, but I have
family dinner, remember?

Family dinner... with President Amara.

- That's really a thing?
- It's the best thing.

I got class. I'll call you later?

J.R.: Somebody got a sneaky link...

♪ Hey, somebody got... ♪

I don't know what you're talking about.

I'll have to hang out
with y'all more often.

You messier than my soaps.

OK, since you two want to be nosy,

Nico is my ex.

Things rekindled over the holiday.

OK. So why haven't you
introduced any of us to this Nico?

Because last year in my grief,

I may have overshared, so
now Keisha despises him.

And I really don't
want to hear her mouth,

- so can you two keep this on the low?
- I know nothing.


Keisha will find out eventually.

Isn't it best coming from you?



You showed up outside your old class

- at the start of the day, didn't you?
- No.

Maybe. Yes. [CHUCKLES]

But Simone was there to help me let go,

and then she got in a thing
with our SGA president,

so there was no time to mourn
not being a teacher anymore.

Ah, yes, Nico Logan.

I get the sense he's
not ecstatic about me.

Three bits of advice on
presidential politics:

first, people will be
looking for you to fail.

- Learned that.
- Second, you'll make sacrifices,

and you still won't be able
to make everybody happy.

- Learning that.
- And, last,

Nico Logan will always
be a pain in your ass.



Do you miss it, Zeke?

Certain aspects,

but I'm enjoying getting
back to medicine much more.


when I was president,

I had to keep everyone at arm's length.

Couldn't even tell the woman I
liked that I had feelings for her.

Well, that woman is
grateful you shot your shot

during Christmas break.

And even though we are
keeping it to ourselves,

you are definitely one good
thing that's come out of all this.

- There'll be more.

You got this...

- President Patterson.

Funny. It doesn't feel
like I've got this.

"Is Bringston's new president showing

favoritism towards her
niece and her friends?"

"I hear you can get a hook-up

if you get in on her family dinners."

[SIGHS] Freaking Nico.

JERIKA: This analysis of
Willis-Cobb is b*mb, Simone.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

SIMONE: OK, so Linda Miller.

OK. Whatever.

- Good luck tomorrow.
- We don't need your luck.

Damn. You're really that chick.

And what is that supposed to mean?

You got the whole mean
girl thing on lock, huh?

- Boy, you don't know me.
- Yeah.

I'm starting to think
that's a good thing.


COACH HINDS: OK, Lions, ignore them.

Huddle up.

COACH HINDS: On . , , .

- Bringston...
- ATHLETES: Lions, let's go!

SIMONE: To beat your opponent,

you got to really know them...

♪ When they speaking over
drip, how you feelin' with it? ♪

♪ All I ever knew, stay true to... ♪

SIMONE: Think like them.

♪ Keep a smile in my pocket for two ♪

♪ More reasons to love and
another two reasons... ♪

SIMONE: Know that she
tracks the ball really well

when you hit her deep sh*ts,

but she struggles with short balls.

♪ ... With the girls,
I'm in love with you all ♪

♪ I'm in love with this phase in life ♪

♪ I'm in love when
my feelings is right ♪

♪ Well, it's love when
you blinded with all ♪

♪ When it's life without love... ♪


♪ Said we're gonna dance... ♪

SIMONE: Don't get in
a comfort zone, though,

'cause just when you think
you got it all wrapped up...

♪ Stars alight, yo,
dance with the devil... ♪

SIMONE: ... that's when they'll attack.


ATHLETE: Maybe it's a
good thing we didn't merge

if this is the quality of
talent we'd be playing with.


♪ In my heyday, I
would never say Mayday ♪

♪ 'Cause no one ever come to save me ♪

♪ Hey, yo, let's go... ♪

SIMONE: Find their weakness...


SIMONE: ... before they find yours.

Force them into a vulnerable position.

Vary your spin so they
can't get into rhythm.

♪ Dance with the devil
in the pale moonlight ♪

♪ Yeah, the dangerous
things that's all delight ♪

♪ Yo, dance with the devil
on the darkest days... ♪

SIMONE: They may be good...

but you know we're better.

♪ Yo, dance with the devil ♪

♪ On the darkest days... ♪

♪ It's all fun and games, hey! ♪

♪ Yo, dance with the devil... ♪

SIMONE: Return hard, and
just keep attacking...

♪ Devil, devil... ♪

until she runs out of steam.

♪ Dev ♪


♪ Yo, dance with the devil... ♪

JERIKA: Girl! Yay, Simone!

♪ Yo, dance with the
devil on the darkest days ♪

♪ All fun and games... ♪

All right, fellas.

That was impressive by both of you,

but fair is fair.

Damon Sims will pitch the
opener at Tennessee Central.

- Congratulations.

- DAMON: Let's go, baby!
- Go get it.

Come on, man. I'm back, baby. I'm back.

Yes, sir!

Six, you're supposed
to be cheering Jade on,

not over here snacking.

First off, get my name right.

And besides, Jade didn't
show me an ounce of support

during my game, so I'm
gonna keep that same energy.

So the real Simone Hicks comes out.

Under that "Let's be friends" front,

you're just a selfish
bitch, like everybody else.

Call me a bitch one more
time and see what happens.

Ah, ladies, need I remind you

who your actual opponents are here?

Please remember who and where you are

and conduct yourselves accordingly.

PRINCE O: ♪ Wetin dey go happen to me ♪

♪ Happen to me ♪

♪ Late at night, I crave your body ♪

♪ I crave your body ♪

♪ All the things she doin' to me... ♪

PACE: And , , , .

All right. [CLAPPING]

That's it for today. Decent class.

You had very good energy
on the routine this evening.

- Thank you.
- But your form is lacking.

You were sluggish on your dégagé,

and your shoulders are far
too stiff for the Gwara Gwara.

OK. Thank you. Appreciate it.

Uh, let's see it.

Right now?

I want to see how you
make the adjustments.

Do you have somewhere else
more important to be, Keisha?


No. I just... I have this thing.

No. I'm ready. I'm ready.


Is your girlfriend
gonna be joining us soon?


Looks like she got
caught up in dance class.

She can't make it.

Ha ha. So she's into dance,

and now you're into music.

I think I'm seeing the
root of this problem.

What is that?


do you know how many wannabe musicians

are bagging groceries back in Crenshaw?

You need to pursue
something more practical.

ZEKE: Lucius, if I may,
I had the same concerns

when my daughter switched
from premed to dance.

But at some point, we got to let
our kids pursue their passion.

- My family can't afford half-baked dreams.
- Dad!

CAM: Why don't you just come
to the baseball game tomorrow

and hear me sing with the ATLs?

See for yourself.

I have to catch a flight in the morning,

so you have fun with
your barbershop quartet.

But come the end of this semester,

you're moving home and going in state.


I'm not leaving Bringston.

I'll make it work here with
or without your support.






- Uh, I want to explain what happened earlier.
- Not now, Hicks.

There's only so much
disappointment I can handle.

Well, I apologized for the argument,

- but...
- It's not just that.

Those Willis-Cobb ladies came in
here with chips on their shoulders,

and rather than band together,
you let them school us.

Coach, I did my part.

You told me to step up my game,
and that's exactly what I did.

Congrats. You won.

But it doesn't matter if you win
individually if we lose as a team.

We needed unity today.

And I've tried to bring unity,

and it gets shoved back in my face.

Everyone just needs to accept
the fact that this is not a team.

It's just a bunch of people
pursuing the same sport.

And, honestly, at this point,
I don't see a problem with it.

Too bad you didn't share
your Willis-Cobb analysis

with all your teammates.

And the fact that you
don't think that's a problem

is the problem.

J.R.: Hey, Aqueelah, can I sit here?

I just want to say I'm sorry

for the way things ended between us,

for thinking that you cheated,

not knowing that Kevin
had taken advantage of you.

I hurt you,

and I let a really good thing slip away.

I'm sorry.

Thank you.

But, real talk, I can't be mad at you

for not knowing about something
I wasn't willing to share

until just a couple months ago.

Hey, you know, if Kevin
wouldn't have got expelled,

I'd have kicked his ass for you, right?

Then it's a good thing he did.

Can't have superstar Lions
outfielder Jessie Raymond Jr.

risking damage to his hand.

Don't believe the hype, all right?

- OK. All right. Believe it. Believe it a little bit.
- OK. OK. Ha ha.

- So, um...
- What, you got to go?

Yeah. Yeah. [CHUCKLES]

Um, you want to come to my game later?

That was closure, J.R.,

not a new beginning.

I'll see you around.

TOOTIE: No, I know it's not an excuse.

But, look, no. I almost had the match.

I went through everything.
I went through everything.

They had something up on us,

and you know it wasn't my fault.

Y... yes.

Yes, ma'am.

- Damn. What'd you do to make her cry?
- TOOTIE: Yes, ma'am...

Did you pull her hair,

body-check her with a
tennis ball? [CHUCKLES]

Damon, shut up. It's not funny.

- Have I gotten that bad?

You tell me. How you sleeping at night?

Fine. I get it. I've
become the devil, but...

Whoa, whoa. Whoa. I didn't say that.

Well, you didn't have to.

Lando and Coach Hinds
already said it for you.

Thea and Tootie have been
giving my teammates crap

since day one. Now, all of a
sudden, I'm the team disappointment?

Well, maybe your coach has
higher expectations for you.

Simone, you're a natural leader,

all right? You're the one
who brings people together.

Just look at family dinner.

Well, now my aunt's
getting judged for it.

The point is the bar is higher for you

because you're a better person.

Trust me. I hate saying this,

but Lando's right.

You're not the mean girl.

There's a point in
between doormat and bitch,

where you still get to be Simone.

Just find it.

All right. I got to go. Game time.

- You coming to the game, right?
- Yeah.

I just got to take
care of something first.

All right. You better be there.

- I will.

KEISHA: Thank you for
being there for Cam.

I can't believe that I couldn't make it.

How's he doing?

- Hurt but determined.
- Mm-hmm.

Honey, I know it took me a second

to get on board the dance train, but

I hope you know how proud of you I am.

I do.

And you're the reason why I have hope

that Cam's dad will come
around at some point,

however long that takes.

Anything is possible.


KEISHA: Hey, stranger. Where you been?

Oh, you know. Crazy first
week, pre-law classes.

- Hey, Dr. Allen.
- ZEKE: Hey.

KEISHA: OK. Let's go.

Cam sings in minutes.

- Oh.
- So you can tell me where you've been all week

on the way.

How you doing, son?

- You got this?
- I was gonna ask you the same thing, Coach.

We got this.

Thanks for everything, man.

All right.

♪ Lift every voice ♪

♪ And sing ♪

♪ Until earth and heaven ring ♪

ATLS: ♪ Ring with the harmonies ♪

CAM: ♪ Of Liberty ♪

ATLS: ♪ Let our rejoicing rise ♪

♪ High as the listening skies ♪

CAM: ♪ Let it ♪

ATLS: ♪ Resound ♪

CAM: ♪ Loud as the ♪

ATLS: ♪ Rolling sea ♪


Play ball!

Damon, make sure you
throw breaking balls.

I know fastballs are your thing,

but the scouting report on
this first batter says...

Look, I know what it says, all right?

Look, I don't need you
to coach me, all right?

I need you to stay out my way.

DAMON: Let's go, baby. Yes, sir.

Ah, man.

J.R.: There we go. I'm proud
of you, boy. Welcome back, baby.

Hey, Damon, let me holla
at you for a minute.

- What's up?
- I just wanted to say congratulations

on the win today.

Thanks, bro. Appreciate it.

Hey, I told you I wanted
to come to Bringston, right?

Yeah. Um, something about family legacy.

My dad, his dad,

a couple of uncles,

my older brother,

all Lions.

I want to add to their legacy.

But why are you telling me this?

'Cause I know legacy's
important to you, too.

But all this...

family issues you got
going on with Coach

- is getting in the way of that.
- Whoa, whoa. Whoa.

Coach Raymond is not my family.

I watched you two.

I see how you get
under each other's skin.

Only family can do that.

So, yeah, you had a good game today,

but eventually,

all this family mess
is gonna bleed over.

It's gonna bring this team down.

Now, you supposed to be a
leader around here, right?

I know I wouldn't want
it to be my legacy.




I'm really proud of you

for fighting for your new dream

and for k*lling it at the game today.


It's a shame my dad
doesn't feel the same.

You know, I can't believe he
didn't come hear me sing today.

Actually, he did.

My dad saw him for a second.

He left right after
you got done singing.

- For real?
- Yes.

Cam, that's progress.


- Hey.
- Hey.

Thank you for coming.

Uh, thank you for the invite,

though I'm still not
sure this ain't no setup.


SIMONE: Being new, it can get lonely.

And I know that all too well.

And I also didn't give you
the warmest of welcomes, so

consider this a do-over.

Appreciate that.

And where it may not have
been the warmest of welcomes,

it was a fun one.

Well, I do love a good debate,

but you were right.

The girl you met this
week, it wasn't quite me,

so hi.

Simone Hicks.

Lando Johnson.

AMARA: Lando, come on in.
You are on dumplings duty.

Yes, ma'am. OK. [CHUCKLES]

Simone, can I talk to you real quick?

Uh, yeah.

What's up?

What the hell are you doing?

I'm finding my middle
ground and I'm making amends.

I was rude as hell to Lando,

and, honestly, he didn't deserve that.


You know, it's funny 'cause

Lando reminded me tonight that

I'm supposed to be a leader, too.

I think it's time I, uh,

I make some amends of my own,

at least my share of it.

Well, there's no time like the present.

[CHUCKLES] Not with Lando.

I mean with my family.

♪ ... Me again ♪

♪ Remember ♪

♪ Remember ♪

♪ Remember my name... ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh... ♪


Hey, what's up, man?

It's been a long day. Um,
something I can do for you?

Yeah. Uh...

I need to know my son.

Could you...


could you tell me about Damon, please?



KEISHA: You're on fire... [LAUGHTER]


KEISHA: Don't. Look at
how he's eating right now.


Sorry. Look, I hate to eat
and run, but I got a date.

CAM: Uh-oh. That mean somebody
embracing ho-ing season?

That mean Gabby got a big mouth.

And maybe... yes to
a little ho-ing season.




Actually, before you leave, J.R.,

I have an announcement to make.

LANDO: Oh, uh, y'all want me to leave?

[CHUCKLES] No. That's OK.

I love these dinners with you guys.

- You know I do. They're special.
- KEISHA: Hear! Hear!

And screw whoever that nosy narc was

talking smack about us on Yard Yack.

It had to be Nico Logan, right, Auntie?

I mean, think about it.

He overheard us talking
about family dinner,

and then he got pissed when
I told him to wait his turn.

Why does that not surprise me?

Nate, I'm so happy you
dumped his toxic ass.

NATHANIEL: You don't
know that it was him.

Maybe you shouldn't spread
rumors without receipts.

AMARA: OK, it doesn't
matter. The point...

I'm sorry, Dr. P. Nate,
why are you defending him?

- He broke your heart.
- DAMON: Yo, who is this Nico guy?

- What's going on now?
- Nico was m...


Nico is my boyfriend.

- We're back together.
- Wait. And you...

you kept that from me?

Nate, he's a narcissist.

He made you cry for weeks.
What are you doing...

- CAM: Keisha, chill.
- KEISHA: Don't talk to me.

- CAM: What?
- SIMONE: Keisha.

You don't got to date him.

You gonna answer my question?

AMARA: OK, enough. Enough!


Whether it was Nico or not,

the person was right about one thing:

these dinners give
you unfair access to me

as Bringston's president.

Wait, wait. What are you saying, Dr. P.?

Tonight was our last family dinner.

Greg, move your head.