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03x04 - Wild Horses Couldn't Drag Me Away

Posted: 10/29/22 16:53
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪



Just look at those beauties.

- They seem... frightened.

Can you blame 'em?

Rounded up, separated from
their families, locked in cages.

All in the name of clearing grazing land

for cattle ranchers.


These animals were born free.

Y'all ready to do some good?

- Yeah, yeah.

- Let's do it.
- Yeah.

♪ I can't see where you comin' from ♪

♪ But I know just
what you runnin' from ♪

♪ And what matters
ain't the who's baddest ♪

♪ But the ones who stop you... ♪

Yeah, come on. Hyah!

♪ Baby, and you feel like ♪

♪ You're feelin' now ♪

♪ And doing things... ♪

Pull 'em out!

♪ When I love you ♪

♪ Like the way I love you... ♪

- Go! (GRUNTS)

- (WHOOPING) Go, go!
- Come on, come on!

♪ This ain't no place for no hero ♪

♪ This ain't no place
for no better man ♪

♪ This ain't no place... ♪

Get down!

♪ To call home ♪

♪ This ain't no place for no hero... ♪

Stop. Stop!

Hey... Whoa, oh! (GRUNTS)

♪ No better man ♪

♪ This ain't no place for no hero ♪

♪ To call home. ♪

Hyah, hyah! (WHISTLES)



(WHOOPS) Go, go!

♪ ♪

- WALKER: Morning, Stella.
- STELLA: Morning.

- Morning, Daddy.
- Good morning.

Uh, Mama know you're messing
with her favorite bacon skillet?

She left me in charge. Don't fret.

- Well, it's your...
- Hey!

She got word that some farmer's market

up in Odessa's selling some kind
of a rare chili pepper, so...

The T-Rex Chocolate Chili Pepper.

Melt your damn face off.

What are you doing today,
Uncle Liam... baling hay?


I'm starting equine therapy, actually.

Uh, I found a therapist
that makes house calls.

Or "horse calls", as she puts it. Um,

but we're going over to the Davidson's

- to the pipe corral.
- Hey.

I talked to Colton about it. Uh, hey,

Cordell, I know you've been
doing your own thing,

but, I don't know, maybe

if you have time, you'd want to join me.

- Uh... (SHORT CHUCKLE) Really, I-I'm good.
- AUGUST: Stella.

- You used the last clean towel.
- There's more in the dryer.

- I told you this.
- Ugh. No, you didn't.

Augie is just mad because I have
the bigger room and he wants it.

Okay. You said I could have it
when you left for Sauber.

Yeah. And I never left.
Ergo, the room is still mine.

Back me up, Uncle Liam.

- From a legal point of view...
- WALKER: Stella, Stella.

Stella, I think we're all
just trying to wrap our heads

around this new reality
of you not going off to college.

- Myself included.
- Speaking of which, what do you plan

on doing with yourself
now that it's not Sauber?

Well, I th... I think...

I mean, I mean, like...

You know I-I really like helping people,

so, something like that?

Helping people is great, obviously.

But, um, that's not... a plan.

Lucky for you, I just so happened

to talk to your Aunt Geri
last night, and she agreed

to give you a part-time
shift at the Side Step.

What? No. It's only been a few weeks.

And you said you'd help me
figure this out together.

And that's exactly what we're doing.

We-we are figuring it out together.

It's four hours a day, Stel.

Maybe, uh, you can save enough money

to restore the Mustang
to its former glory.

Amen. That hood scoop's an abomination,

- and those racing stripes?
- WALKER: Ah, ah,

I got to get. I got to get. All right.

Uh, all right, have a great day.
Have a good day.

Geri's expecting you at : .

Well, all right.

Excuse me just a minute.
I'll grab a bag. Y'all,

start eating this food, please,
before it gets cold.

- AUGUST: Will do.
- BONHAM: Cooking for nothing.


A word.



I know, Daddy. Liam.

Can't you see the boy's hurting?

Of course I can that he...
he's hurt-hurting.

Daddy, I-I just...

You just-you just what?

You were a Marine Raider,
for God's sake, Special Ops.

You were trained to handle
captivity, t*rture and pain.

William was not.

And look, I...

I understand where
you're coming from, I do.

There were things that I saw
over there, things that I did...

Hell, I didn't like talking
about 'em, either, but...

there's got to be some wiggle room.

- He's your brother, Cordell.

Yes, sir. Uh, uh, yes, sir.

I understand.

♪ ♪

- JAMES: Yeah.
- Hey.

- Hey.
- Oh. New vision board?

- I love all the different colors.

- Sorry. You wanted to see me?
- Yeah, uh,

- it's, uh, it's about Walker.
- What's wrong?

Why do you automatically
assume something's wrong?

Oh, 'cause he's Walker.

Okay. Fair.

No, I've just been,

you know, thinking,

after the Rodeo Kings, after Emily,

I probably put him back
in the field too soon then.

And I just... I don't want
to make the same mistake

here, you know?

Abby kind of put the fear of God
into me when he went missing.

She has a way of doing that.

Yeah, look, just keep your antennae up.

All right? See something, say something.

- Heard.
- Thank you, ma'am.


All right, good morning, good morning.

First order of business:

let's all welcome back
Ranger Cordell Walker.

- Yes. Glad to hear it.

Uh, let's also officially
welcome to the morning brief...

Come on.

... for his final week of instruction...

Ranger Trainee Trey Barnett.

- Yeah. Yeah.

Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you, everyone.

Thank you, Cap.

I really appreciate you
sticking your neck out for me.

Hey. Hey. Look, y'all know

I've been trying
to shake things up a bit.

You know, modernize,
reform. It's been...

it's been a process.

But in getting to know Trey here,

it very quickly became a question of,

how many times does he have

to save my life
before I offer him a job?

So, I got DPS to waive the
seven-year trooper requirement.

They're gonna use Trey's
military experience instead.

It's the first time they've ever
done anything remotely

like this, which is why
your training's been

so unconventional, why there's
been such a spotlight on it.

It's also why, if this doesn't work out,

I'm not gonna be able
to pull it off again.

But, you know, no pressure.

So, in order to make sure you
get all the required training,

Captain James had
to find the perfect case.

Yes. Serial horse thieves.

- Trey?
- Sir.

Get out of the way.

Oh, I'm sorry, Cap.

They just hit their
fourth federal facility,

almost took out a barn hand
in the process.

Um, one of our CIs has implicated

the two bozos in the packet
as the ringleaders.

WALKER: Okay, Cap, judging

by what you're saying, we don't
have probable cause yet.

- That is correct.
- Guess that means

we just got to catch 'em in the act.

That is also correct,
but here's the thing.

The crimes all took place
on federal land,

so we're gonna be sharing
jurisdiction with FBI, A*F, DHS.

You're gonna have to figure out
how to effectively collaborate

with all the different agencies.
It's a vital skill

all Rangers need to master,
so, you're running point.

Wait, me?

- You-you serious?
- Ranger Walker,

Ranger Perez and myself
will be there as backup,

but it's your case, man.

Oh, okay.

WALKER: By the end of this week,

you will be a Texas Ranger.

Or you will wash out
and I'll be out of a job.

- But again, no pressure.

Yes, sir. You can count on me.

- I'm good to go, Cap.

- Look at that.
- Oh, yeah.

- Oh, let's go!
- WALKER: All right then.

- Let's do this thing.
- Let's do it. - Let's do it.

Hey, my man. My man.



Okay, okay. I got this.


Cap, you weren't kidding.

There's a whole lot of Feds here.

All right. Lots of new friends
for you to play with, Trey.

Question is who do you invite
into the sandbox first?

I'll start with the FBI agent.

- You sure about that?
- Case file says that

the FBI was first
to arrive on the scene,

so, stands to reason that they would

have the most relevant info.

- Huh. - Huh.
- Hmm.

(LAUGHING) Y'all are ridiculous.

You know that, right?


- FBI was the right call.
- Yeah.

- He's batting . so far.
- Mm-hmm.

Yeah, but I got a feeling
he's about to strike out.

What? Are you kidding?

Trey might very well be
the most charming man on Earth.

Second most, maybe. Trust me.

Uh, that FBI agent is gonna
give him a run for his money.

Right, Cap?

- What do you mean?
- Oh, come on.

Tell me you don't remember him.

JAMES: His face isn't
ringing any bells, no.

Killjoy. FBI Special Agent Kilbourne

from that Galveston thing.
Picture him with facial hair.

- He had one of those silly, little...
- Oh, my God.

- Yes. Yes.
- That's him.

- Kilbourne ran point

on this bank robber case
we worked, like, years ago.

We had another nickname for him.

- Killjoy, the Hairy Brick Wall.
- The hair... (LAUGHS)

Yeah, yeah. Get it. Ooh. Ah.

- Poor Trey. - WALKER: Yeah.
- JAMES: Looks like

hell week might be a little
more fun than I thought.




You haven't uttered a single
word this entire car ride.

Okay. What do you want me to say?

You know, you've single-handedly
ruined my entire junior year.

I-I just... I-I thought that
whenever you went to college,

it'd finally be my year.

But you stayed home
and I get nothing, as usual.

Okay, wow, that was... kind of harsh.

But you do make a point.

What is this, some kind
of, like, Jedi mind trick,

- reverse psychology thingie? What are you...
- No.

It's the truth.

I didn't really consider how
any of this would affect you.

Or me, for that matter.

I made this crazy,

last-minute decision to ditch college,

and I have no idea what I want
to do with the rest of my life,

and that is pretty terrifying.

So, maybe you could try

just cutting me a little slack

while I figure things out.

- Whatever.

I'm late for homeroom.


So, how much experience

do you have working with horses, Liam?

- Well, um, I grew up on the ranch next door.
- Mm-hmm.

My daddy had us riding pretty
much since we could walk.

When you say "us", you
mean you and your brother,

Cordell? That's the one
you were held c*ptive with?


What we do here

is called EAP.

That's equine assisted psychotherapy.

See, Liam, horses have a way of...

putting people at ease

and helping 'em open up.

There's something mystical
about a horse.


this here's Ol' Kenny.

Now, before you come over
and introduce yourself,

I want you to take a couple

of deep, cleansing breaths,

try to clear out
all that negative energy.

Okay. I'm fine, Chelsea.

- I've actually been around horses my whole life.
- Okay.


- Wh-Whoa, whoa!

- Whoa, baby. Hey. Hey, now. That's okay.

- What'd I do?
- A horse can sense a person's energy.

And yours is just...

(CLICKS TONGUE) just "meh", right?

What do you say?

You want to try this again?


Wow, that FBI agent...

I swear, talking to that man is like...

- Talking to a brick wall?
- Yeah.

Wh... You know the guy?



I see what this is. Y'all set me up.

- Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
- Sw-Swear. No.

We had no idea he was gonna
be here. Just dumb luck.

Dumb, bad luck.

But if charisma is your superpower,

- then that man is your kryptonite.

I don't know why y'all
find this so damn funny.

- I got nothing.
- JAMES: That's not true.

You learned a valuable lesson.

Feds don't always play by the rules.

A Ranger has to learn how to adapt.

- You know? Pivot.
- Yeah.

All right, what's the next move,
Trainee Barnett?

The plan is to catch
these people in the act, right?

I've reviewed all the files,

and there are four federal
corrals within a -mile radius

of Austin that they haven't hit yet.

If I could convince the Feds

to play nice and pool our resources,

we'd have enough agents
to stake out each one.

I mean, who knows.
Maybe we get lucky, right?

All right, Barnett. Stakeout it is.

Uh, snacks are on me, but
you're buying the energy drinks.

I got you.


You realize we could
all be home right now

instead of chasing
a bunch of criminals who...

I mean, let's face it... didn't actually

do anything all that criminal.

Last time I checked,
destruction of federal property

was still fairly criminal.

Okay, sure, but,

I mean, they were freeing
a bunch of mustangs

who otherwise would have
gone to slaughter.

I mean, is that so terrible?

Look, these people know the law.

They're intentionally breaking it.

They could have gone through
legitimate channels.

They didn't.

♪ ♪

Well, sometimes...

people ignore legitimate channels

when conditions on the ground suggest

a different approach might be needed.

Wait. Are you agreeing with me?


I don't know. I-I think I'm just...

Uh, it was just... Overtired.


Oh, look. It's my new BFF,
Agent Kilbourne.

No activity at any
of the other corrals, either.

- I'm sorry, Cap.

All right, it's nearly sunup.

- My butt hurts.
- Ugh. Yeah.

Let's pull up stakes and head home.

WALKER: Yeah, let's head home.

Uh, but that means, uh, hey, new boss,

we're gonna need a different plan.


- Copy.

♪ Walk in town on a Sunday, child ♪

♪ Oh, you walk in town at night ♪

♪ Wake up on a street corner ♪

♪ But you know something ain't right ♪

♪ Oh, yes, you do now ♪

- ♪ Oh, yes, you do ♪
- ♪ You do want to be front-page news ♪


♪ When you can't find the path, then ♪

♪ You call on faith
to see you through... ♪


- You good?
- Uh, yeah.

I'm doing great, Aunt G.
I'll be done here in a second.

Oh, uh, just real quick before I forget.

Um, I might have to cut
some of Augie's weekend hours

in order to make room
in the schedule for yours.

Yeah. Your dad, he kind
of made me promise him

to make you work
at least one weekend shift.

- So, sorry about that.
- Great.

So he's officially treating me
like a five-year-old.

As if making me work here wasn't enough.

- Not that I don't love working here.
- No. I get it.

Bussing tables isn't your dream job.

I mean, I'm , and I just
graduated from high school.

How could I possibly know what
my dream job is supposed to be?

You can't, and that's okay.

Yeah, tell that to my dad.
He had no clue what he wanted

to do after high school.

And Uncle Liam said
he always wanted to be a lawyer,

but now even he's changed his mind.

I wish there were some Walker footsteps

that I actually wanted to follow in.

Well, Stel, you are forgetting

about one very important Walker.

- Your mom.
- Well, she was a social worker, right?

- That was her dream job?
- It didn't start out that way.



He can be a stubborn ass sometimes.

Reminds me of somebody.

See, this is another
thing I wish I could

talk to my brother about.

You know?

You know, he, um...

he went undercover a couple years back.

He was gone for, you know, ten months.

And, uh, when he came back,

he had to recertify with the Rangers,

and he was really struggling
with this...

basic equestrian course.

He had to overcome this emotional block

that he had with...


I just wish that I could, uh...

wish that I could talk
to my brother about this

and not a horse.

Didn't you tell me
your brother didn't want

to have anything to do with this?

Isn't that kind of
the whole reason you're here?

- Yep.
- Yeah.

Hey, Chelsea, um,

you wouldn't happen to have a...

- a sugar cube or something?


Open heart. And grateful.

Good job.


Sorry to barge in, but...

- See something, say something?

Yeah. That thing Walker said last night,

and that weird look on his face?

Yeah, I noticed it, too.

Should we be worried?
I mean, Walker usually...

Hey, guys, I think I found something.

I finally convinced the Feds
to pool all their evidence

- and share it with me.
- Really?

Now there's not a ton to go on,

but there's two different receipts

for the same coffee drink...

a chocolate chip ice blended
with light whip

from two different
Jaxon Java coffee trucks

on two different days.

Now, one of the coffee trucks
was parked over here.

The other one, over here.

Both of them are only
a few miles from two

of the federal corrals
that our crew already hit.

JAMES: Interesting.
Okay, so your theory is

every time these guys hit a k*ll pen,

they go to a nearby Jaxon's Java

and get an ice-blended coffee?

I know this is thin,
but there are two more

Jaxon Java coffee trucks
in this area right here,

which is only a few miles
from this corral over here,

which they have not hit yet.

This right here... this
could be their next target.

- Could be.
- A-All right, look, Cap.

You're always saying that a Ranger's got

to trust his gut, right?

Using my own words against me.

- Nice. Nice.
- Mm.

So if I don't listen,
it's like I'm a hypocrite.

That's good, man. You're
learning. All right, look,

you guys go ahead, I'll grab
Walker, we'll meet you there.

- All right?
- Yes, sir.

- Let's bring it in.
- Mm.

Rangers on three. One, two, three.

- Rangers!
- Come on, dude.

- Wha... Are you serious?
- I told you he'd do it.

- You did.
- I told you he'd do it.

- You said he would do it.
- That's dirty. Oh.

WALKER (ON COMMS): All right,
folks, Ranger Walker here

with a friendly reminder. We got a BOLO

for a late-model pickup, dark in color.

May or may not still be hitched
to a stock trailer.

No sign of 'em over here
at the coffee truck.

Oh, it's like finding
a needle in a stack of needles.

JAMES: All right, just
take it slow, people.

If they're nearby, I don't
want you guys to miss 'em.

Roger that, Cap. Slow is smooth.

And smooth is fast.

♪ Because the blood they're spilling ♪

♪ Floods like a crimson tide... ♪

Hold up. I think I might have something.

It's a silver pickup.

Late model.

Horse trailer's already hitched up.

Okay, what kind of trailer... gooseneck,

bumper pull... and how big?

Gooseneck trailer.

No living quarters.
It's approximately...

- feet long.
- Means it could carry

at least a dozen horses.

Which must be what

- our suspects are using.
- JAMES: Okay. Trey,

we're gonna need a positive ID
before we move in.

Can you confirm?

It's a busted side-view mirror.

The police report stated

that the suspects
sideswiped a barn hand,

and nearly broke his shoulder.

This has to be it. This is
their truck. We got 'em.

Good work, Trey. Uh, we're en route.




Well, it looks like

somebody has finally
taken a shine to you.

- Well,

carrots definitely helped.

So does your attitude.

- You've made

some good progress, Liam.

Should be proud of yourself.

You know? There you go.

- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.

Is everything, uh, all right, Chelsea?


And... (SIGHS) no.

See, my partner got

the career opportunity of her lifetime.

But the catch is
it's way up in Michigan.


I'm gonna be moving on here pretty soon,

along with Ol' Kenny and
the rest of my therapy animals.

As in...

this is it?

Now, look, I'm gonna give you the name

of some other equine
therapists you can call.

And please,

just find a way to keep doing this.

This is clearly doing you good.

GERI: All right, one order
of disco fries coming up.

Wow. (LAUGHS) Okay.

♪ Night ferry crashing
through my life... ♪

- Right?
- Oh, my God.

You know, I thought
that was gonna be gross,

but that might be the greatest thing

I've ever eaten in my entire life.

- Oh, it's so good.
- Oh, wow.

It was our favorite after-school
snack back in high school.

- Your mom...
- Mm-hmm.

... your dad and Hoyt...
we would all ditch class,

and we'd meet up
at that old diner on th.

Wait a minute. I knew my dad
and Uncle Hoyt were crazy,

but Mom was, too?

Your mom? Oh, my God, yeah.

She was just a lot smarter
about it than the guys.

- She never got caught.

It's so hard to picture
you guys as teenagers,

or even, like, normal human beings.

Yeah, your mom was just...

She was just kind of good
at everything, you know?

Which put a lot of pressure on her.

And her dad... he really
wanted her to go to law school.

So, she thought that
that's what she wanted.

I cannot picture Mom as a lawyer at all.

What happened?

/ happened.

Changed everything.

It made her take stock.

She realized that corporate law
wasn't her dream

because it wasn't her passion.

And I feel like it, you know,

took a few years for her
to figure out what was.

It's weird. I've... I've
literally never thought

about what my parents lives
were like at my age.

The world is full of opportunities.

Incredible opportunities, Stella.

You just... you have
to give yourself enough time

and enough space to find the right one.

For you.

But it's out there.

Promise you that.

Suspects are getting into their vehicle.

What's your , Rangers?

Yeah, coming to you.

Wait for us to get back, Trey.

Gonna be a minute.

- Don't have a minute.

We need to catch 'em in the act, Cap.

Hey, you heard me. You're
not a Ranger yet. Wait.

They're taking off, man.


Get in. Let's go.

All right, y'all load 'em up.

Guys, what's your ETA?

Trey, we're four minutes out.

- All right, listen up, man.
- I'm sorry,

Cap, but I had to do something.

I couldn't just let these guys

take off and get away.

I know I put my promotion
at risk, but...

We'll talk about that later.
Right now, I want you

to keep this line open
and listen to my orders.

- Roger that, Cap.
- WALKER: Hey, Trey,

- can you stall them?
- There's no time.

These guys are about
to hightail it right now, Cap.

What do you want me to do?

One second.

Cap, it's your call, obviously.

But for the record,
I think he can handle it.

- I second that.
- TREY: Cap?

- All right.
- Cap?

All right, Trey, listen up.

It's still your case, so it's your call.

If it looks like they're going
to get away, you think

you can stop 'em, then do it.
Don't wait for us. Clear?

Yes, sir. Crystal.


That's all of 'em, boys. Let's get.

Texas Rangers. Stay in the vehicle.

- Stay in there.

Get in the trailer.

- Get.

Hey. Hey!

Damn it.

Get off the horse.

Go on.

All right, buddy. Let's go for a ride.


♪ There's a wicked wind blowing ♪

♪ I feel it in my bones ♪

♪ Everybody gonna know it ♪

♪ I'm about to hit the danger,
danger zone ♪

- ♪ Got me like ♪
- ♪ Whoa ♪

- ♪ I can feel it now ♪
- ♪ Whoa ♪

- ♪ Taking over ♪
- ♪ Whoa ♪

♪ I just touched down ♪

♪ They're never gonna forget my name ♪

- ♪ Here comes trouble ♪
- ♪ Trouble, trouble ♪

- ♪ Yeah, here comes trouble ♪
- ♪ Trouble, trouble ♪

♪ Here comes no good good times ♪

♪ Tie me up on the double ♪

♪ Whoa, yeah, here comes trouble ♪

♪ Whoa... ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ Whoa... ♪

Right up ahead.

Cut him off. Let's go!

♪ Trouble ♪

♪ Trouble... ♪

Hey, get off and get your hands
behind your back!

♪ Trouble ♪

♪ Trouble ♪

♪ Yeah, here comes trouble. ♪

CASSIE: Get down.

You disobeyed a direct order

when you jumped in the back
of that trailer, Barnett.

- Now, Captain...
- No, no, no.

Insubordination is
a cardinal sin, you know that.

Ranger trainees have
washed out for far less.

I don't know what to tell you, man.

A Ranger needs to know intuitively

when and when not to push the envelope.

I mean, look, Walker, Perez,
they're two of my best.

And I can tell you right now...

they would have done the exact
same thing you did.

So I guess what I'm trying to say

is welcome to the team, Ranger Barnett!



- Finish the job. Let's go.
- Yeah, y-yes, sir.

All right, get up.


BONHAM: Good Lord, Cordell.

What the hell you thinking?

We don't have any more
stall space for ponies.

Uh, don't you worry, Daddy,
they're not for you.

They're for Liam.

(SCOFFS) You're kidding, right?

No, I'm serious.

You know, I've seen just how much

equine therapy has been helping you,

and I figured maybe a few
more ponies couldn't hurt.

You have no idea
how perfect this is, the timing.

I mean, my-my therapist
is getting ready to move,

but with these new horses, I mean,

I could start a therapy program
at the Davidson's barn.

That's a hell of a lot
to take on, a lot to...

a lot to learn.

It's worth a shot, right? I mean...

- surrounded by experts.
- Well...

And, Stella, you have experience
with a rescue horse. I mean,

you could be a part of this, too.

We could be Walker Rescues.

Gale Davidson said she was
gonna start a horse rescue.

Why not make good on that promise?

I got to go check the smoker.

Hey, stinker, uh, hang back a sec.


- Hey.
- Hey.

Cordi, thank you.

- Truly, I...
- You're welcome.

- I don't know what I...
- No, you don't-you don't

have to... you don't have to...
you don't have to say anything.

You don't have to do anything.
I want to say something.

I, um...

I want to help you.

Of course I do.

I just don't always know how.

You know?

And I know this may not be
what you wanted

from me, but I'm-I'm hoping
it's what you needed.

Just do me a favor and take it slowly.

Last thing you need
is more stress right now.

I-I know you're still, uh...

I know you're still
struggling, little brother.

Thank you, big brother.

I, uh, I do need this.

I can't keep relying on you
to make me feel better.


So, how was school?

It was school. Now, can you just

drive me home, please?

No, actually, I can't.

Uh, yeah, Stella,
there-there's cars behind us.

We kinda have to go.

Yeah, why-why... why do we
need Dad's bobblehead?

Because Mom gave it to him

when she taught him
to drive stick in this car,

and Dad did the same when he taught me.

It's kind of like
a Walker family tradition.

And now, since it's your turn...

Wait, do I get to drive the car?

Slide over.

Just remember to slowly
ease off the clutch,

- like I showed you.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

And no, you still can't have my room.

Okay, cool. For sure.




- CASSIE: Hey.
- Cass, hey.

God, you're still here.
You must have missed me.

All right.

You were right.

Okay. Well, there are
a multitude of subjects

that could apply to,
so you're gonna have to be

a tad more specific.

The other night
at the... at the stakeout.

Cass, I-I saw that look

between you and James.

Okay, Walker, look, I just...

And I know that you're concerned.

But you don't need to be.

I mean, am I-am I struggling
with some things? Sure.

But I'm not...

consumed by them.

Cass, I will always

be cards-up with you, okay?

And I'll always have
your back. I promise.

Thank you for sharing that.

- I know th...
- I'd like to show you something.



This belonged

to a fellow Marine.

Uh, this...

... belonged to Gunnery Sergeant
Clay Cooper.

Um, Coop...

was, uh...

... was my mentor.

Coop was my, uh...

he was my best friend.

Coop was k*lled in action,

uh, which is ultimately why

I, uh, traded in my dog tags

for a badge.

I've never told anyone that.
Not even my family.

I just kind of tamped it down,
you know, just, uh...

just compartmentalized it.


I think, uh... (CLEARS THROAT)

I think captivity

just brought it all back to the surface.

CASSIE: I know you probably
don't want to hear this right now,

but if this flag means this much to you,

just think about what it could mean

to your buddy's family.

Cass, it's complicated.

No, it's-it's really not.
It's actually pretty simple.

You just

drive over there and knock on the door.



I got your back, partner.

Ma'am, uh...

My name is, uh, Cordell Walker,

a-and I, uh...

I served with your son.

Oh, I'm sorry, I'm not Mrs. Cooper.

Unfortunately, she hasn't been
feeling very well lately.

But I can go upstairs and check.

- Come on in.
- Sure. Uh, thanks.



Make yourself comfortable.
I'll be right back.

♪ It's a long way coming down ♪

♪ And you try to be so smart ♪

♪ But there's a hammer on your chest ♪

♪ And it's bound to break your heart ♪

♪ Where's the version of yourself ♪

♪ The one who knew which way was up? ♪

♪ You're about to drink up tomorrow ♪

♪ With all the wrong things
in your cup ♪

♪ But for tonight ♪

♪ You customize that ride ♪

♪ Then you roll it down the trail ♪

♪ How many times you lost control ♪

♪ You get surprised
right off the rails? ♪

♪ How you used to be so free ♪

♪ Of broken bones and wear and tear ♪

♪ Ah, soon you're gonna meet
your old friends again ♪

♪ In the graveyard of repairs ♪

♪ But for tonight ♪

♪ So you go looking for the truth ♪

♪ Where your parents hid the gold ♪

♪ But you found it wasn't there ♪

♪ Now, you might get wise
if you get old ♪

♪ You can't k*ll your enemies ♪

♪ While you're running from yourself ♪

♪ And soon all your favorite records ♪

♪ Are gonna be calling you
from the shelf... ♪

So, uh, how'd it go?


Yeah, um, it wa-it was good.

Good to, um...

Good to talk with her.

Thank you for suggesting this.


Anyway, I don't know about you,

but I am famished.

Want to grab a bite?


- Oh, yeah.
- All right.


Let's do it.