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02x25 - The Invasion Part 1

Posted: 10/29/22 06:50
by bunniefuu
You have done well, my daughter.

You have made me proud.

Karai! Master Shredder, the hour grows late.

Have you made your decision? They are dangerous allies.

But they have provided us with much technology, asking little in return.

They will betray you.

You know this.

They care nothing for the human race.

Nor do I.

Leave me, Tiger Claw.

Kraang Prime.

One called Shredder.

Kraang must have your decision.

If I help you, will you uphold your end of the bargain? Kraang will deliver the ones called Splinter and the Turtles.

And once I find Karai, you will mutate her back to normal? Kraang agrees to this.

But in return, Shredder must then help Kraang conquer the city known as New York City.

And then the world! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power here we go, it's a lean, green, ninja team on the scene, cool teens doing ninja things so extreme, out the sewer like laser beams get rocked with the shellshocked pizza kings can't stop these radical dudes the secret of the ooze, made the chosen few emerge from the shadows to make their move the good guys win, and the bad guys lose Leonardo's the leader in blue does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is the fellow who has a way with machines Raphael's got the most attitude on the team Michelangelo, he's one of a kind and you know just where to find him when it's party time Master Splinter taught 'em every single skill they need to be one lean, mean, green, incredible team Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power It's just that, why can't you introduce me to your secret friends, April? I don't get it.

One of these days, Irma.




They're really good, uhm, people.

Anyway, what I wanna know is, how can you go out in this weather without a coat? Eh, I hardly ever notice the cold.

But seriously, if we're friends, friends should introduce friends to friends and Footbots! These aren't the types of friends I meant! Move, Irma! Run! No! Who are these freaks, April? Doesn't matter! Run! Where are you? You gotta be out there somewhere.

Casey! We're supposed to be looking for Karai! What are you doing, man? I'm just taking a break, peeping some awesome art.

Check it out! That is so metal! Yeah, great.

Come on, Casey.

Let's move.

So hold up, Raph.

Uh, got a question for ya.

So, uhm, April ever talk about me? Like ever? It doesn't matter.

You know how Donnie feels about her.

Yeah, yeah, it's cool.

When you've got that man/woman thing going on in a team, it just screws everything up.

I'm not that into her anyway.


Ah! I'm so worried, I can't even eat.

Me too, totally.

You have a right to be concerned.

The Kraang invasion is imminent.

What plans have you devised to stop it? I give you my latest invention the Turtle Mech! It's fully armed with rockets, flame throwers, and an electro harpoon.

Guaranteed to stop a massive Kraang invasion army, or your money back.

Giant robots are awesome! I vote Turtle Mech! But that thing's not even ready.

It could damage New York more than help it.

It's ready enough.

There's gotta be another way.

We need to establish a second base outside the city.

There is no time for that, Leo.

The Turtle Mech is solid.

- If I were leader, I'd - But you're not leader, Donnie! I am.

- Oh, snap.

- Enough! Your egos fight one another when we should be preparing to fight the Kraang.

Faster, Irma! Move those little legs! I'm moving! I'm moving! This way! A dead end! It's the end and we're dead.

Not yet.


Down here.

You're not serious.

Oh, you are serious.

Ugh, the smell is making my sinuses melt.

Aw, sweet.

This is so cool.

Casey, I see her! Karai! She's slithering across the stree Great.

Eh,can I help you, officers? You're loitering, kid.

You know what that means? Loitering? Seriously? Don't you got real criminals to bust? Or a donut shop to go to? We'll figure out a charge later, Casey Jones.

How do you know my name? Hey, get off of me! I got rights! Let me go! Leo, the Turtle Mech is our only answer! Be reasonable! I am being reasonable! We need a second base, Donnie.


Guys! I'm sorry about this.

But but but Footbots were after us, and and Irma here is really good at keeping secrets, and, um April, you have brought a stranger? here? Don't worry, Master Splinter.

She's cool.

Right, Irma? Irma? Tttturtles? What up, dog? Turtles derp Miss, I know we look kind of different and all, but I promise, we're not gonna hurt you.

Holy chalupa! Turtles, Turtles, Turtles.

Turtles! Turtles! April, you gotta, like, pick your friends more carefully.

Oh, my gosh! Irma was a Kraang! Lowly insects, kneel before the genius of Kraang sub-Prime, greatest Kraang spy in all of dimension X! The discovery of the lair was the final component, needed to launch full scale invasion! Oh, no! This can't be good.

Back off of me, man! Get in that car now, punk! Casey, what have you done? Kraang! Give me that stick! Oops.

Whoa! They're already infiltrating! They're here! Raph, what the heck is going on? The invasion's started! Back to the lair! The signal was correct.

Kraang has discovered the place of turtle hiding.

This is so messed up! My best friend for the past year was a Kraang? Fooled you! Fooled you all! Yaha! Oh, yeah! Ow! Ah! Hwah! Bagel slicer slicing time robot! Destroy the Turtles! Wipe out the lair! But the rat comes with us.

Ow, ow, ow, ow! Sorry, D! Aah! Take that, you filthy rat! Look out! Whoa! Crosstown traffic! What the heck? Oh, snap.

Move it! Run! There's too many of them, Raph! Just keep going! Go! Go! Run! Go! Escape! I will hold them off.

We're not leaving you! I have a plan! Go now! Come on! Head for the Shellraiser! You'll go nowhere! My baby! Aah! Everyone, follow me! This way.

This is all my fault! I led them straight to the lair.

Don't blame yourself, April.

You were just trying to help a friend.

- Uhoh.

- Which way? Left! That'll lead us to the Turtle Mech.

No! We gotta find Raph and Casey first.

- We can find them in the Mech! - It's too slow! You're the one who's too slow.

You're leading us into disaster.

I'm doing what Splinter would want us to do.

It is the one called "the Turtles".

Aah! Booyakasha! Run! Take April and Donnie to safety.

I'll lead them away.

Dude, we can't leave you too! Just do it! Come on, Kraang! This way.

Woo! Yeah! Follow me! Come on! Over here! I don't like this.

Coast is clear.

Okay, now the coast is clear.

Ow, ow, it hurts so bad.

You'll be all right, Donnie.

I'll get you fixed up.

Leo, you there? Come on, bro.

Poke your head out of your shell and pick up! He's not answering.

It's my fault.

Man, I shouldn't have argued with Leo.

Now he's gone.

I don't think they saw us.

Leo was right.

We should've gotten out of the city while we had a chance.

Not without my dad and the others.

Come on, guys.

Dude, this is worse than that giant technodrome thing last year! It's totally crazy! Mikey, where are you? On the way to April's apartment.

Meet us there, dude! - Roger that.

- Raph, look out! Aah! Kraang, still no sign of Turtles.

Hurry, Kraang.

We must obtain the Turtles for the one called "Shredder".

Shredder? The city's overrun.

What are we, what is anyone going to do? Ow.

No, I'm okay.

April, now that it's the end of the world and all, again, I figured I'd better just tell you, kind of, how I feel ow! Oh, sorry, Donnie! You should stop talking.

It just makes things hurt more.

We're doomed! Doomed! Oh, my poor sweet April.

Don't worry, Mr.


This whole alien invasion thing is really no big deal.


Oh never mind.

Oh, boy.

Huh? Wha The city is ours, Master Shredder.

Since I was a boy, I have seen this very vision.

The world in chaos.

Master Shredder, the Kraang have sent word.

Leonardo is not far from here.

They're leading him straight to us.


Then it is the beginning of the end.

Now I've got you cornered, you monstrous rat! Corner a rat and see what happens! Ooh! Ow! Ow! Ooh! Kraang shall dominate the Earth! You and your kin will be destroyed! Kraang will be back! ow! Don't stand here like a fool, Yoshi.

Find your family.

Huh? He fights bravely.

He is young, overconfident, foolish.

Do not take chances with him, Master.

We should destroy him quickly! Archers.

Fire! Oh, no.

Just a little further to April's place! Yes! Kraang Prime returns to Earth! You got some kind of plan to fight that? Uh, not really, no.

People of Earth, the Kraang forming of your world is about to begin! No! Now that is really messed up.

Invasion! That's right, folks.

The aliens are back! Robots are emerging from portals! UFOs are everywhere! A giant alien brain is stomping through the east village! - Yeah, I'd say we're basically doomed.

- This is all my fault.

- If I hadn't brought Irma to the lair - you can't blame yourself, April.

Yeah, we can do that for you.

I'm gonna fix this.

I'm gonna find your brothers and Casey.

You can't go out there, April! You have to stay with me.

I'm scared.

Whoa! Raph just sent me a text.

"On our way, being chased by Kraang Prime.

Frowny face.

" Oh, guess they'll be a few minutes late.

You cannot run, earthlings! Your entire planet will transform! Raph, what is going on? The Kraang perfected the mutagen! They want to turn Earth into dimension X! - Wicked! - Wicked? Are you crazy? Aah! Goodbye, lower lifeforms.

Aah! What? Earth Protection Force, move! Get into formation.

Flanking maneuver.

Go, go, go! - Team two, cover quad four! - Hut, hut, hut! Pathetic humans.

Fire! Aah! Now's our chance! Run! But it was just getting awesome.

Stop hiding behind your Footbots! - Face me, Shredder! - You are beneath me, turtle.

You should let me finish him, Master.

Not yet.

I want to see him suffer.


It is the rodent known as "Splinter".



Kraang! That is enough! Enough! Leatherhead, my thanks.

Great Splinter, where are your sons? Lost in this madness.

Will you help me find them? Anything for my friends.

Then let us hurry! Now you may finish him.

They wait for him in the girl's home.

Bait them out and destroy them.

Where is my son? I take him like I took your child so many years ago.

I just had the worst dream.

The Kraang were trying to invade.

Don't worry, Mr.


Reality is way worse than your nightmare.

We gotta move.

Kraang Prime is stomping this way.

Raph! Aw, I missed you too, little brother.

Casey! Oh, I was scared I'd lost you forever.

No worries, red.

Your man is here.

Uh, not to break this up, but Leo is still out there! What? Long story, bro.


Leo! Leo! He's still breathing.

Dude, his shell is cracked! Come out, Turtles! We know you're in there! This way! This is for my brother! Hurry, this way! What the heck is that? It's my old party wagon from back in my hipster days.


- Aah! - Kirby! - Not again! - April, move! Floor it, Jones! I'll get you all! You grow tired.

Your skills have become weak.

Yet I am stronger than ever.

Fueled by anger, by rage! Rage is a fuel that burns quickly.

Always the wise one.

What wisdom do you have now? - My friend, are you hurt? - Look out! This looks like a safe spot.

Come on.

We gotta find Splinter! No way! What about Leo? We shouldn't move him.

He can stay with me.

- I'm going back to search for my family.

- Okay, but we meet back at this spot.

You got it, red.

Sensei, you in here? He's not here.

I don't sense him.

We gotta move.

Everyone gather one meaningful thing you want to take with you.

First we find Splinter, and then we get out of town.

Wherever you are, I hope you're safe, Spike.

We'll be back, Timothy.

And if we don't make it, you should defrost in about 70 years or so.

Hopefully the world is a better place by then.

I know this is your home.

You know we have to leave, ice cream kitty.

Now come on, kitty, kitty.

Easy, easy.

Just squeeze in there between the frozen pizzas.

Ah, my head! April, what is it? Master Splinter.

I can sense him.

Aah! He's close.

Let's go! This way.

Now I will tear you to pieces! - Sensei! - Go! Leave this place! Fitting that your sons are here to see you fall.

You can do it, Master Splinter! Splinter, take him down! Take him down! Now, quickly, we must find a way to get out of here.

Sensei! No, no, no! Don't do it! Splinter! No! Master Splinter! You! You monster! That's enough, Raph.

Enough! It's okay, bro.

Sensei's a Master ninja.

He's gonna be just fine.

It's gonna be all right.


We're not running, Donnie.

We're gonna put an end to this.

Oh, yeah! Turtle Mech power! April, pull that lever to your left.

Hit the pedal! Dude, this is the coolest thing ever! All my Super Robo Mecha fantasies come true! Run, Kraang! Kraang, run! There it is Shredder's lair! Let's get him! Um, guys I think we're in trouble.

We won't stand a chance in this thing! We can do this! Super Robo Mecha Force fought way bigger enemies.

Booyakasha! Lowly insects! Do you think Kraang can be stopped? It was Kraang who found your planet millions of years ago.

It was Kraang who used mutagen on the monkeys, turning them into lowly humans.

And it is Kraang who now transforms your world! And it will be Kraang who gets kicked in the shin.

Ha! Grappling hooks! Is everyone okay? - Sort of.

- Not really.

Barely functioning.

Donnie! Donnie! Get this thing moving, Donnie! Kraang has had enough games.

Dude, weapons are down! We got one last trick left, but it might fry the Mech.

I don't think we have a choice.

Readying electro harpoon.

First, we tap into the city's power grid.

Then we fire! Goodbye, Turtles! Gah! Gotta shut down the system.

Yes! That's what I'm talking about! We did it! Kraang Prime is toast! Um, not really.

Donnie, make this thing move! I can't.

It's fried! Abandon ship! Abandon ship! You will all suffer! This is so metal! You guys need a lift? I'm sorry, Leo.

You were right.

If we'd just left the city when you said, the Kraang would never have found the lair and started the invasion.

None of this would have happened.

I have a place we can go upstate.

My old family home.

We used to go there every summer.

We can stay as long as we want.

No one's around for miles.

Upstate, eh? Sounds good to Casey Jones.

Did you find your dad and little sister? No sign of 'em.

They probably got kraangitized.

What's gonna happen now, Raph? For the first time in my life, I have no idea, little brother.

I miss Master Splinter.