02x01 - The Mutation Situation

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". Aired: September 28, 2012 - November 12, 2017.*
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Computer-animated television series based on characters from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic books by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.
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02x01 - The Mutation Situation

Post by bunniefuu »

The Mutation Situation Whoo-hoo! Unh! Yeah! Yah! Ha ha! Unh.

Yes! Unh.

Whoo-hoo! We are awesome! Yah, hyah, unh! Both: Whoo-hoo! Yes! [laughs]

- And then I took my sai - Whoo! And shortened that Kraangdroid's skull.

Wham! So cool! Sure Raph, but I used my uncanny scientific knowledge to bring down an interdimensional portal.

- Equally as awesome! - What about Master Splinter? Wish I could've seen him take out the Shredder.


And let's not forget cottage cheese demon.

If we didn't stuff him in that microwave, the Earth would be drowned in living cheese! For the 22nd time, Mikey, - there was no cottage cheese demon, ever! - Did you see him? - No! - Then how do you know, huh? What? I that doesn't even make[sighs]

Sure, man.

Cheese demon.

Whatever you say.

- We are awesome! - Ow! - Yes we are! - Yeah, boy! - High three! - Unh, yes! Month long Kraang/Shredder mega-defeat celebration rules! [all hooting and howling]

So are we gonna stop by April's? [brakes screech]

We are 1.

3 blocks and six no, no seven meters away from her apartment.

Yeah that's not weird or anything, Donnie.

Handsome-gram for April o'Neil! Ugh.

Did you really just say that? Guys! Um, great to see you! Yeah, uh, you mind staying on the fire escape? Seems like you've been avoiding us lately, April.

It's not my fault.

Dad's alien abduction nightmares are getting worse.

He's so freaked out, he won't let me out at night.

I'm sorry, April.

It's just what if the Kraang are still out there? Waiting? Lurking? I'll do anything to protect you.



I can take care of myself now.

And and I'll be with the guys! I couldn't be more safe! Trust us, Mr.


Shredder and those little squishy brain-freaks are long gone.

[machinery whirring]

Greetings, one who is called Shredder.

Do you have my shipment? The shipment that is secret will soon be transported to the one called Shredder.

And how will you deal with any complications? Kraang complicates the complication with greater complications.

Ah! Ninja dodge ball! Whoo! [pinball machine clangs]


Missed me again, Leo! - Ha! - Eat this! Hyah! [grunts]

Ah, ha! Stick it in your shell! - Hey! - Hey! And now let's test our bottled friend's organs.

[electricity crackles, heart beating]


Aah! [gasps]

[robot whirrs]

- Ha, you're out, Leo! - It doesn't count on a bounce.

What are you guys doing? [crash]

Playing dodge ball , fool.

Ugh! [groans]

With the Kraang communication orb? This is a rare and fragile piece of alien tech! - You guys can't just - Eh, don't get your shellundies in a tangle, Donnie.

The Kraang are toast! Yeah, lighten up, dude.

This is a party! Wow! Unh! My sons I know you are still joyously reveling in the defeat of our enemies, but a great question remains.

- What if cupcakes could talk? - Are our enemies truly defeated? The Shredder is a crafty and patient foe who bides his time.

But sensei, you said Shredder lost whatever sense of honor he had left.

We'd never see him again.

Yeah, and if he shows up, we got it all taken care of.

Tomaru! You four have become lazy, overconfident.

You shirk your training.

This party ends now! [snap to attention]

- Well that was kinda harsh.

- Maybe Master Splinter's right.

- Maybe we are getting too cocky.

- Ha! It's not cockiness when ya got the skills to kick massive [orb beeping]


- That thing's working again? - It's been quiet for weeks.

It must have received an incoming signal.

Which can mean only one thing.

- Cupcakes can talk! - The Kraang are back.

I guess the party really is over.

[heart beating]

The encryption's tough to crack, but it seems like the Kraang are transporting some kind of cargo.



Using the stealth ship! We've gotta find out what that cargo is.

So how do we track a ship that turns completely invisible? We cover it in honey so it attracts bees.

Then, we follow the bees.

We track it with this.

It's aligned to the radar dishes we placed throughout the city.

It'll create a triangulating pulse English, Professor Brainioff.


It will detect the Kraang spaceship.

April, can you stake out a rooftop and feed us the ship's coordinates? Me? I don't know anything about radar! - What about your dad? - My dad? He barely lets me out of the house anymore.

- He's never gonna go for this.

- Please, April! Your dad's a scientist.

We really need his help! [sighs]

I'll I'll see what I can do.

The bigger question is, how do we stop that ship? We'll need something fast to catch it.

- I call it the T-rawket! - You want us to fly in that? - Where are we going, Jupiter? - Jupiter! But that place is infested with space yeast! Time's up, team.

We'd better move.

- April, you guys in position? - Um, roger.

I think.

It's kind of late for a school project, don't you think? It's, um, extra credit, Dad.

We're we're tracking, uh, pigeon migration! [chuckles]




What is going on here? [shimmering]

Is that the Kraang? Coordinates locked! This is it.

If we explode, I swear I'll slap the green off you.

Launch! All: Yah! - Help! - Whoo-hoo! [screams]

Cool! [all screaming]

[horns honking]


[all screaming]


Whee! [screams]

[all screaming]

[all cheering]

Whoo-hoo! Booyakasha ooh! [metal clangs]

- Unh! - I think we found the ship.

[engine approaching]

Unh! [hatch blows open]


It is the ones who call themselves the turtles.

Kraang! We must alert Kraang! Huh! Three little floating blobs of brains, that's it? We could take these guys in our sleep.

We could take these guys in our sleep and with our eyes closed.

Wha! [deep thrumming]

Aw, sewer apples.

Uh, where's its head? [growls]

[all grunting]

Biotroid, engage.



Okay, maybe we were a little cocky.



Ooh, yeah! [growls]

Uh Unh.

Yike! [grunts]

The shipment! It's mutag unh! [shrieks]

Come on, guys.

Bring it down.



Uh unh! Hyah! Oh! Unh! [grunts]

- This thing's too tough! - Oh, I got this! [shouts]

Ha ha! [pinball bumpers chime]


Oof! [gasps]

[slow motion]

No! All: No! [cat meows]


April! [grunts, groans]

Dad? [shouts]

Dad! [grunts]

No, no, no! [screams]

[heart beating]


[bats shrieking]



Dad oh, no.


No! [roars]

All that mutagen? You two are the biggest screw-ups ever! Well you could've grabbed one single canister! Um, guys, you wanna focus? [roars]

Kraang, the console that is broken must be made unbroken! [thud]

Yah! Hyah! Wha! Yaah! [farts]

Butt cannons? It has butt cannons? Biotroid, engage! [farts]

[powering up]

Aah! [all grunting]


Yah! Hah, ah! [farting]


Hyah! [grunts]

Unh! [grunts]

Little help! [breathing heavily]


Stop! It's me, Dad! April! Unh! [roars]

Please don't ground me, but [grunts]



Sorry, Dad.

- Mikey, drop those Kraang! - Done and done! Throwing star time! Wha! Whoo! Kraang! [screams]

Hyah! Yah! Hyah! [alarms blaring]


[car alarms beeping, dog barking]

Left! [grunts]

Okay! [all screaming, crash]

Hyah! [all screaming, crash]

How about we set a new course? Like the Moon! Yah! [screaming]

[grunting, fighting]


Hyah! We gotta go! [all grunting]

- Whoo, yah! - Unh! [growls]


Let's move! [all shouting]

No! Don't hurt him! [roars]

Unh! [grunts]

April! [grunting]

Argh! Can this night get any worse? Guys.

I think that mutant was Mr.


- How could you tell? - You see many giant red-bearded middle aged bats lately? - We gotta go after her! - But what about all that mutagen? We got canisters spread all over the city! It's gonna have to wait, Raph.

April's dad comes first.

I can't think, I can't think! I'm seriously stressing here! Okay, think calm thoughts.

Think calm thoughts.

You think he's a vampire? Ya think he'll drink her blood and turn her into the undead? Are you trying to freak me out! Sensei, say we're, um, trying to catch a stray pet.

- Like a cat.

- A cat? Or maybe a-a parrot? Um, what's the best strategy? [sighs]

Food, of course.

Any animal can be lured by food.

So, what is this truly about? - Uh, trying to - Um, nothing sensei.

Just talking about parrots like we usually do.

Food! It's so simple, it's brilliant! What do bats eat? Rodents and other small invertebrates.

Oh yeah, and bugs.

The bigger the better.

So where are we gonna find a huge bug? Dress up some sorry sucker in a giant fly costume? I kinda feel like bait.

Oh, don't think of yourself as bait, Mikey.

This is your new superhero costume.

You could call yourself, um Turflytle! Tur-fly-tle.

Oh, yeah, I love it! Too awesome.

- What are my powers? - Um, you can - hang from a rope.

- This is sweet! [groans]

Where am I? [gasps]

This is a dream.

Gotta be.

How did I get here? [roars]





Unh! [growls, sniffs]



[chokes, retches]


Ugh, sick! You expect me to eat that? Now go! Go get me some real food! You go, Dad! Go! [growls]



Bought myself some time.


There's gotta be a way off this stupid ledge.

Turflytle is on the patrol, buzz, buzz.

His bug eyes spy every crime, buzz, buzz.

Will you stop saying "buzz, buzz" after every sentence? I could do that, buzz, buzz, but I probably won't, buzz, buzz.


Whoa, dude! Be kind to insects, buzz buzz! - Donnie, any sign of Kirby? - Nothing yet.

Raph, shake Mikey around a bit more.

He needs to mimic a fly's flight pattern.


No problem.

Whoo, yeah, buzz, buzz! [laughs]



Kirby at 4:00! [roars]

Unh! He's heading straight for Mikey.

Pull up, pull up! [grunting]

Whoa! [roars]

He's coming around again! Whoa-ho-ho! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Time for Turflytle to take out his arch nemesis, Wing-nut! [grunts]

You are not giving Mr.

o'Neil a monster name! Whoo-hoo! [grunts]


Unh! Mr.

o'Neil! Kirby! [roaring]

We don't wanna hurt you! We wanna help! [roars]

Guys! Over here! [grunts]

[growling, roaring]



Stick to the plan! Both: There's a plan? The warehouse! We trap him in the warehouse! [growls]


Donnie! [screams]


Unh! [wobbly spring noise]

Donnie! Up here! I'm over here! April, hold on! [grunts]

[grunting, fighting]

We're coming up on the warehouse! [grunts]

[both grunting]

[both shouting]

[both grunting]



Leo! [grunts]

[cat screeches]

- The warehouse! - Aah! Yah! [all screaming]




Sorry, Kirby.

It's only temporary.

[breathing heavily]

Yo, we did it, Don! We caught the Kirby bat! Ha! - Oh! - Mikey! [breathing heavily]

Dad! [growling]


What are we gonna do with him? I mean, keep him caged forever? Feed him a steady diet of mice and flies? Actually, bats love moths and spiders too, so [gasps]

- Sorry.

- This is all my fault.

If I hadn't lied to Dad Listen, don't blame yourself, April.

It was our fault.

We spilled the mutagen.

We'll fix it.

What? You guys you guys spilled the mutagen?! Yeah.

We accidentally unleashed all that mutagen all over the city, but don't worry.

We'll get it back.

You you [roars]

I swear by Darwin's beard, we'll cure him.

You mutated my father! [roars]

What? No! [roars]

[all screaming]



Hai-yah! [grunts]


Dad! [growls]

- Uh - Don't! Don't touch me! You keep away from me! I never wanna see your faces, ever again! - April! - Let her go, man.

Give her some space.

Where is my mutagen, creature? The complications became overly complicated.

The ones known as the turtles stopped the shipment.

Kraang will make amends.

These creatures are useless.

It is time to expand my army, on my own.

This is all very grave news.

Very grave, indeed.

I can't believe this is happening.

Poor April.

Do not dwell on the past.

You must find every last canister of mutagen.

You must search every street, every park and playground, every building and rooftop, before we have even more mutants on our hands.

[dramatic music]
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