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05x05 - The Fugitive

Posted: 10/28/22 18:44
by bunniefuu
NOLAN: All right. Now turn right.


Are you sure you were born in March?

Oh, I think she knows what month

she was born in.

[SLURRING] Who are you, little one?

Are you here of your own free will,

or are you a droid locked in servitude?

She doesn't even know

what planet she's on.

Okay, that's fair.

But the state of California

did require her to show

her birth certificate

when she got that driver's license.

Yeah, yeah. I'm just saying

You know, Pisces are normally

way too gentle

to go on a drunken vandalism spree.

There's nothing normal about

the people we interact with.

You are destined for more

than this, little one.

Do you want to know a secret?

I'm not really Danielle Vonderclomp.

My parents adopted me

from a Lithuanian orphanage

when I was 2.

My history, shrouded in darkness.

I believe that I am secretly a princess

destined to go back home

one day to rule.

Okay, I'm sorry.

Your Highness, are you saying your

parents just made up a birthday for you?

Well, duh.


- I told you so.

- Please don't.

- She's a Leo, for sure.

- I said don't.

Have you seen my hair tie?


[SCOFFS] I swear I looked here.

[SIGHS] So, today's the day?

It is. And?

And great.

You think I'm going

back to work too soon?

I voiced my opinion,

and I respect your decision.

Right. It's just that

Well, technically, you were dead.

I mean, you were gone,

and they brought you back.

I just think maybe it might

take you more than a week

to get past that.

Yeah, but it's not like

that's the first time.

Sure, but Whoa, wait. What?

You've been dead before?

LOPEZ: I knew this was a bad idea.

We should've used a service

to cover Justine's vacation.

Your mom just wants

to spend more time with Jack.

Why hire a temp nanny

when he's got family?

Because a nanny would be on time.

[SIGHS] I have to go.

Can you stay until she shows?

Yeah. Go.




Call 911!

We should let Marshall

pick every restaurant

for all the sergeant's meetings.

Did you try that breakfast sandwich?

No. Ashley's got me on

this Whole30 thing.

No bread.

Oh, you're missing out. Hey, Smitty.

Yeah, Sarge?

You can't park your

personal vehicle in spots

designated for marked units.

The RV isn't my vehicle, it's my house.


You can't park your house

in marked spots either.


Any chance he retires soon?

You aren't that lucky.


DR. GREEN: Okay.

She needs a couple stitches,

and I'd like to admit her,

get a CAT scan to make sure

nothing more serious presents.

Of course.

Thank you, Doctor.

Are you single?

- Mom!

- Because I have four sons.

One's a priest,

but the others could use

a successful, young,

beautiful woman like yourself.

That's sweet, but I'm engaged.

Oh, congratulations.

You let me know if it doesn't work out.

Sure thing. [CHUCKLES]


- I need you to tell me what happened.

- I'm fine.

- Where's my grandbaby?

- At home with Wesley.

Well, let's go see them.

The doctors are overreacting.

You're not leaving until they clear you.

I once worked an eight-hour

shift with a broken wrist.

Last time I heard that story,

it was a six-hour shift with a sprain.

Point is, I'm tougher than I look.

I know how tough you are,

but I need you to tell me what happened.


I don't want to freak you out.

I'm a cop. Nothing

freaks me out. [SIGHS]

I was on my way to see you

when a big man grabbed me.

I whacked him with my purse.

He threw me down.

What aren't you telling me?


- I'm sure it's a misunderstanding.

- Mom.

"Tell your son he's out of time."

Out of time for what?

I don't know. That's all he said.

- Which son?

- I don't know!

It has to be a misunderstanding.

Your brothers are all such good boys.

My brothers used to

stuff me in a pillowcase

and drag me around the neighborhood.

And look how tough it made you.

They did you a favor.

What's with all these diets

Ashley has you on?

Her dad's having heart trouble.


Burglary. 10:00.


Control, 7-Adam-100,

we got a burglary in progress.

4-9-1-9-2 Figueroa.

Send additional units. [SIREN WAILS]

I wish I was tornado, but

I guess I'm just some Play-Doh ♪

AARON: Hey! Show me your hands!

Foot pursuit. White adult male.

Black hoodie, jeans, headed south.

You told me I was pretty, but

that you could never touch me ♪

'Cause to touch me would mean

you would have to feel ♪

Get off of me!

Aah! Oh!

It's okay. I got it, I got it.

- Are you all right?

- Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.

Just, uh, tweaked my back

on the takedown.



- You're not fine. You're in agony.

- Oh!

We're taking you to the hospital.




What happened?

He must have been going at least 70.

Lost control, hit a couple

parked cars, flipped.

Several deep lacerations.

Possible internal bleeding.

Uh, don't move.

GREG: It's stuck again.

Here. I'll pinch.

You lift.


three, up!

All right.

Headed to Saint Stephen.

All right.

And what do we do next?

We, uh, wait for backup

to secure the scene,

- then head to the hospital.

- Why?

Well, a death investigation

triggers different protocols.

We go with the victim in case he dies.

Nicely done.

HARPER: How's your mom?

Okay, I think.

She keeps going on about

how it was a misunderstanding.

Uh, you think one of

your brothers is in trouble?

It wouldn't be the first time.

If one of them is a reason

for Mom's attack,

I will rain down hell's own fury.

Okay. So, technically,

this can't be your case.

I know. It's your case.

I'm not even here.

Good, because it's

a major conflict of interest

for you to investigate

your own brothers.

I know. Plus, if I do it,

I might end up k*lling one of them.


And here they come now.

That's Damian, my oldest brother.

Also known as Father Lopez or Father D.

Amen to that.

He started a nonprofit teaching

job skills to former g*ng members,

so he's got just as many friends

as he does enemies.

And that's Benjamin "Benny" Lopez.

Second oldest.

He was Gordon Gekko for

Halloween from the time he was 3.

When he was 12,

he opened an investment account

using lawnmower earnings and

our abuelita's Social Security number.

Her portfolio is better than mine.

And that's Cruz. Middle child.

In and out of rehab since he was 18.

Just can't seem to get it together.

When I became a cop, my mom made

me promise to never arrest him.

I thought you had four brothers.

Bruno's the youngest,

but he's been in New York since college.

I really don't think he's involved.

Angela, what's going on?

Mom's in the hospital.

- She okay?

- Wait. What happened?

Well, why didn't you have us meet there?

Your mother was att*cked this morning

on her way to Angela's house.

She suffered a blow to the head.

The doctors are running some tests.

Who would attack Mom?

Hold on. Is that why we're here?

What, you think it's our fault?

The assailant said, "Tell your

son he's running out of time."

So, yeah, I think one of you

is at fault,

and no one's leaving

until I get answers.

All right, if one of you

wants to make this easy

and just confess, that would be awesome.

All right, then. Hard way it is.

Come on.



What is this?


I'm just gonna move you real fast.


That's an exit wound.

Control, Engine 53.

Advise Saint Stephen

we have a g*nsh*t victim.

ETA six minutes,

and advise PD we have a GSW.

[GASPS] Oh! Calm down, buddy.

- We're almost at the hospital.

- Oh!

It's gonna be okay.




[SIGHS] I thought I fixed it.

It's fine. You hold pressure.

I'll go get another gurney.











What happened?

- Our patient must've att*cked him.

- Why?

I found a g*nsh*t wound

when I was cleaning him up.

He would know the hospital

would have to report

that g*nsh*t to the police.

He's gone inside the hospital.

We need to lock it down now.


Security guard.

Hi. John Nolan.

Jasper Lee. Hospital's locked down.

All incoming calls are being rerouted.

Okay, we're gonna have to

post up at all the exits,

check everyone's I.D. before they leave.

Does that mean you've got

an I.D. on this guy?

Rob Lukasey.

He left his wallet in the car.

A laundry list of priors.

Uh, Celina, can you get

him a photo to distribute?

Will do.

He's in bad shape.

His first priority will be

patching himself up.

Well, we can put extra security

on the pharmacy and storage rooms.

But the truth is,

there's medical supplies

everywhere in here.

I got more officers coming to help,

but I'm sure I don't have to tell

you what a big job this is gonna be.

8 floors, 600 beds, 34 operating rooms.

In our simulations, a thorough search

takes five hours.

- Hmm.

- Well, let's get to it. Let's do it.


TIM: Agh. Nolan. [GRUNTS]

You all right?

Yeah, uh, fine.

What What's the lockdown status?

Uh, we got, uh, everything

checked off the list, but

No, call Grey and tell him

Tim is not here as a supervisor.

He's here as a patient.

- I told you, I'm fine. Agh!

- Oh, my God.

Ohh, okay.

Okay, I'm not fine.

Get me a doctor.

"Tell your son he's out of time."

Any idea what that means?

No. No. If I did, I would tell you.

Ask him about his record.

I was getting to that.

So, you got a couple arrests

for public intoxication

- and multiple DUIs.

- Ancient history.

I've been sober for one year

and 47 days today.


Whoa. What are you doing here?

I'm representing my client.


Hey, Ange.

You're not even a

defense attorney anymore.

Look, I know.

This is my chance to get one

of your brothers to like me.

They're never gonna like you.

Objection Argumentative.

Your mother-in-law is

in the hospital right now

- because of him.

- Objection speculation.

All right. Enough.

- You, sit down.

- Yeah.

You, go back inside.

All right.


That was dope. Yeah.

Can we get back on track?

- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Look, I've been trying to tell you,

that last DUI was the best thing

to happen to me.

I've been clean and sober ever since.

I understand you work with

a lot of ex-cons.

Guilt by association. Really, Detective?

[CHUCKLES] It's all right.

My mission is to help people

get out of the g*ng life.

What if one of the gangs

got tired of you interfering

and decided to send a message?

By attacking my mother?


The people that I work with,

they might not always agree with me,

but they respect the collar.

Even if they didn't,

they know my sister's a cop.

So if it's not because of you,

which brother do you think

I should be focused on?


Uh, sorry.

I just need to respond to



As I was saying [CELLPHONE CHIMES]



A thousand apologies. Uh [LAUGHS]


[CHUCKLES] It never ends. Uh


- Sorry.

- No, you're not.

Uh, what exactly is

your business, Mr. Lopez?


- I

- Okay.


Hey, while I have you here,

Angela's been dragging her feet.

We really gotta get baby Jack baptized.

No, you know, I just

I don't really want to get in the

middle of of what you guys have

Well, I know.

I know you're not Catholic.

What's your denomination?



I don't know. Is that even an option?



- I'm gonna go with Episcopalian.

- Sure.

Look, I get it. Your line of work,

there is a lot of money at stake.

Might drive a person to v*olence.

The guys I work with, they're not

gonna beat up someone's mom.

That's too kind.

They'll just sue you to death.


- Can I just answer that one

- Mnh-mnh.

Ask him about his credit report.

I was getting to that.

So, we ran your credit report,

and we saw that

you took out a $15,000 loan.

You wanna tell us about that?

You don't have to answer that.

Yes, he does.

The loan is for college classes.

I'm getting my bachelor's in accounting.

I didn't want to say anything in case

I couldn't hack it

because I know what you think of me.

And I know I screwed up a lot.

I know you have no reason to trust me.

But whatever's going on, it's not me.


MAN: [OVER RADIO] Clear on floor two.

Floor three clear. Heading to four.

Okay. Thank you.

Well, our suspect

k*lled a woman this morning.

Home invasion in West Hollywood.

The victim's husband

managed to get the g*n

away from the suspect

and sh**t him as he escaped.

Okay, so he's looking at

life in prison if we catch him.

When we catch him.

God, I hate hospitals.

Doesn't everyone?

Yeah, I guess.

Hey. How's your partner?

Shattered cheekbone.

Plastic surgeon's on his way in.

You're going back to work?

- I'll wait until he's out of surgery.

- Right.

I just found out this morning

Bailey has been dead more than once.

I know.

I felt it when I first met her.

One had something to do with,

uh, flying?

Wow. Yeah.

A-A-A halo jump went sideways.


This is Nolan, fourth floor west.

We just found

the suspect's bloody clothes.

Looks like he tried to patch

himself up best he could.

Right, and then changed

into some scrubs.

He'll still need an I.D.

in order to exit the building.

Well, if he can break into a house,

he can steal a staff I.D.

I'll run down all the g*ng members

who work for Father Lopez.

Cruz agreed to a drug test,

so we should have those results

in a couple hours.

For the first time in his life,

I actually think he's innocent.

I've always been so hard on him.

Maybe if I had been more supportive,

- he would have gotten clean sooner.

- You know better.

Addicts only get clean

when they are ready.


Oh. There you are.

Uh, you okay?

- You're looking a little shiny.

- Yeah.

Yeah, I'm I'm fine.

I just feel a little warm.

Look, I thought you should know,

hospital's locked down

while they search

for a homicide suspect.

I'm heading over to supervise.

There's a k*ller in the hospital

with my mother?

Relax. She's fine.

I assigned Thorsen to watch her door.

- Hi, ma'am. I'm Officer Aaron Thorsen.

- Hm?

I've been assigned to keep you safe,

and I just want to let you know

that there's nothing to worry about.

You are handsome.

Thank you.

Do you have any sisters?

- No, I'm an only child.

- Cousins?

My second eldest son, Benny,

he is successful, sweet,

- goes to church on Sundays.

- Mm.

But he needs a woman

to settle down with.

Are you asking me to set up one

of my cousins with your son?

And in return, I will set you up

with my niece, Isabella.

She's a professional dancer.

- You got a picture?

- Mm-hmm.

Oh, yeah. Mm-hmm. [LAUGHS]

It's probably just a muscle spasm.

You didn't have to clock out.

Of course I did.

Oh, hey. I'm just

searching for bad guys.

All clear here.

Wait, so Nolan's leaving

someone on every floor?

Yes. We've been cops

for more than 10 seconds.

We can handle this.

Hey, Doc, what's the word?

When we took that b*llet out

a few years back,

there was a-a fragment that was

too complicated to remove.

- I remember.

- b*llet?

I was shot. It wasn't a big deal.

I saved his life first day on the job.

It was a huge deal.

Back to the fragment.

The pain you're experiencing

is because the fragment

has migrated closer

to your spinal column

and is pressing up against a nerve.

We'll need to do surgery to remove it.

Okay. Uh, when?

Well, I mean, hold on.

Wh-What are the risks?

Well, we are talking about

the spine, so

yes, it's risky.

But it's laparoscopic.

So if all goes well,

he'll be home by dinner.


I know it's scary,

but leaving the fragment

in place is much riskier.

Well, then we do surgery.

Thank you.


I'm gonna get back to the search.

South wing is clear. Headed to north.


Sir. Are you?

Oh, my Oh!

I I need help over here!

Ah, good thing I was

on the Whole30 diet.

That food poisoning is no joke.


Marshall can never pick

the breakfast place again.


[GROANS] Oh, no.

This is kind of fun.

It's like a sleepover.

[GROANS] Oh, God.

Should I call the nurse?

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

You need to get back

to the station immediately.

What? Why?

Because if we're both

out of commission

Based on seniority

Smitty's in charge.

- Oh. Yeah.

- You're still standing there.

- Go.

- Yeah.

Hey, man. All right, bro.


Smitty. Smitty!

Hey! Wha What's going on?

Acting Sergeant Smitty.

Right. Why is Casey Curtis

leaving the station?

End of shift time off.

When you're in charge,

you can let all your friends

go home early.

But we're short today.

You know how many units are attached

to the hospital event, right?

Self-care is important.



- Get out!

- All right!

LUCY: What the hell is going on?

We caught the guy who beat up

Father Lopez's mother.

We heard what happened

to your mom and wanted to help.

So you abducted a man?

It was a citizen's arrest.

On what evidence?

He's been talkin' smack about

Father Lopez for weeks!

The whole hood heard him.

He's lucky that's all I did.

Hypocrite's sleeping with my wife.

With me, now.


You're sleeping with his wife?

You're a priest.

I know.

I know.

Been struggling with my vows recently.

Are you kidding me?

Jumping to adultery

is more than just struggling.

We all fall short of the glory of God.

But I really don't think Carmody

had anything to do with Mom.


I have to look into it.

You never know

what people are capable of.

I didn't know you were capable of this.


ASHLEY: You know, with your injury,

you could retire right now

if you wanted.

She's right.

Are you trying to get rid of me?

It's not a crazy idea.

My dad waited too long to call it quits.

He can't do any of

the things he planned on.

It's a good deal.

Disability pay is the average of

your last three years of income,

50% salary plus overtime.

That's about 60%

of your current take home.

And that's tax free, right?

Yes, it is.

Plus, my dad gets

a cost-of-living adjustment.

That's a 3% raise every year, for life.

I never really did the math before.

Just think. We both love to travel.

I always did want to see a game

at every Major League stadium.

W-We could even move out of L.A.

I mean, I can be a lifeguard anywhere.

Right? So long as there's a beach.

I hear Bali has a bunch of those.

That's true.

This is so exciting.

No, I haven't decided anything.

No, I know, but

Free money?

You'd be crazy not to, right?


Anybody else hungry?

Probably not the best time, right?

I'll pass.

I'm just gonna grab something

from the cafeteria.


Just think about it.



WOMAN: Have they been assessed



Here's the thing.

Melody she's wonderful.

I love her to death.

She's my favorite cousin.


But I-I don't think

she's right for Cruz.

You know, he needs someone who's solid

and is gonna call him on his B.S.

You're thinking Tara.

You're not wrong.


Okay, Angela just sent me

a photo of this guy Carmody.

Is this the man that att*cked you?


- No?

- Mnh-mnh.


Okay, I told her that they're

gonna be releasing you soon,

so she should be on her way.

Oh, hey, did you set up

Wesley and Lopez?

[LAUGHS] No. She never needed my help.

She was born knowing her own mind.

Yeah, that sounds like Lopez. [CHUCKLES]


Can I see Isabella one more time?

- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah.

- Wow!

- Yeah, I'm telling you.

Very flexible.


You know, cops spend an awful

lot of time in hospitals.

Whatever your aversion is,

you're gonna have to deal with it.

I know.

I have to ask

You don't see dead people?


I mean, who doesn't feel

a presence from time to time?

Me. Most everyone I know.

Yeah, but I'm not crazy.

- I don't see dead people.

- Good.

It's just that hospitals

remind me of my sister.

When they found her,

she was in bad shape.

She, uh, held out for two weeks,

and I visited every day.

I'm sorry.

Next floor?





She's one of the best

surgeons in the country.

I'm not worried.

It's okay if you are.

Eh, it's just a little

spinal surgery, you know?

Might be fine.

Might be paralyzed for life.

Excited to find out which.

[SIGHS] I'm gonna go stretch

my legs while I still can.


That's the spirit.






- Hey.

- Hey.





Agh. Agh!






It was the sh**t.

- Don't try to move.

- I can't.

What happened?

The fragment must've shifted

towards Tim's spinal cord,

and that's what's causing his paralysis.

Can you tell my sister, please?


Hey, do not tell Chen.

She's got enough on her plate.

We need to get you into surgery stat.




- If you two hit it off

- Mm-hmm.

I expect you to name

your firstborn after me.

[CHUCKLES] Okay, that's a deal.

- Mom, are you setting up Aaron?

- Yes.

Don't you think he'd be perfect

for Isabella?

Izzie's way out of his league.

No offense.

No, I agree.

- Any news on Tim?

- No.

He's still in surgery

for about two more hours.


Go join the manhunt.


Your brothers texted me

to say you interrogated them at

the station like common criminals.

You know I don't like it when

you fight with your brothers.

Mom, you were assaulted.

- Aw.

- You're lucky you're okay.

But one of your sons

is in serious danger.

And if there's something you're not

telling me, you're not protecting them.

You're leaving them at risk.

I told you everything.

Tell me again.

I went outside to wait for my rideshare.

Out of nowhere, a man att*cked me.

I hit him with my purse.

- He said, "Tell your son"

- Back up.

Rideshare? What happened to your car?

I gave it to Benny.

What do you mean, you gave it to Benny?

He said he needed it.

I didn't ask.


[DIALING] You've reached Benjamin Lopez.

Leave a message. [SIGHS]


Hey, how's Tim?

Still in surgery.

Is Benny still at the station?

No. He went to work. Why?

He lied. He's having money problems.

I tried to call him,

but he's not answering.

We ran his credit report.

We didn't see any outstanding loans.

An enforcer going after family?

That's off-the-books debt.

He's into a loan shark.

We need to find him so I can k*ll him

before somebody else does.



Where's everybody going?

Pool party at Mario's.


Uh, we don't have the staff for that.

Y-You have to stay.

Well, Acting Sergeant Smitty

says we don't.



Oh. Can you talk to them?

I believe it was Tim and Grey

who sent you back to rein in Smitty.

They don't respect me, but

- What are you talking about?

- You just saw. I

Yeah, that's because

Smitty told them to go home.

You just have to tell them

something different.


After everything you have been through,

how often you have proven yourself,

there is not a cop in here

who would not have your back

if you asked.


Uh, hey, guys, listen up.

I need your help.

We have two sergeants out of commission

in the hospital right now

and a m*rder suspect on the loose.

That search has us spread pretty thin.

We need all hands on deck right now.

I'm sorry, but the pool party,

it has to wait.


- You got it, Chen.

- MAN: All right.

Let's go, guys.

- WOMAN: She needs us.

- You heard her.

Thank you, thank you.

Thank you!

So, does this mean you're in charge now?


Yeah, I guess so.

Cool. I'll be in the breakroom.

Being in charge is exhausting.





He cut the wire so the alarm

wouldn't go off.

Nice catch. I'll cover.


I see blood.


Should we split up?

Well, proper procedure says

we stay within 40 feet of each other,

hearing distance,

just in case anything goes wrong.

If you'd rather stick together

No. I can handle it.

We got to find this guy fast.

All right.

I'll go left. You go right.

We'll meet up back here.







Jasper. [g*n COCKS]

Not a sound, or I'll blow your head off.




7-Adam-15, I have an officer

down and another one missing.





7-Adam-15, I have priority traffic.

Be smart.

Just keep moving

and everything will be fine.

NOLAN: I can't raise

Officer Juarez on the radio.

She may have been 2-0-7'd

but still in the hospital.

I need additional units to help search.

Turn that off.

- I said turn it off!

- CELINA: I did.

Where are we going?

To the ambulance bay?

Just shut up and keep moving.


Okay. Okay.

Get in. Get in.




Just give me a minute.

Look, there's no happy endings here.

- You know that, right?

- Shut up.

You need to get your wounds treated.

You should have kidnapped a doctor.

Shut up.

I just need to catch my breath.

Let me at least take a look

at your wounds.

Nice try.


police officers have a sworn

responsibility to render aid,

even to people trying to k*ll them.

Lift your shirt. Okay.


All righty.


[MUFFLED] Okay. Uh

Listen. You need this.

Okay? These are antibiotics.

You can see the label right there.

Oh, forget it. We gotta go.

It'll just take two seconds.

And your wounds are definitely

infected by this point.

Just let me do this.

Okay. Okay.

Come on. Okay.

- Let's go.

- Okay.

Let me see.



Now you're gonna drive us out of here.

Let's go.

Okay. All righty.


[g*nsh*t RICOCHETS]

Aah! Whoa!


What are you doing?

Just give it a second.

Give what a second?

How did you manage that?

I showed him the antibiotic,

but then with a little

sleight of hand, morphine.


My sister and I used to do

these little magic shows.

I'll bet they were amazing.

It was.

Should be good to go.


Am I under arrest?

Depends. You got a permit?


Back at the house.

What are you doing here, Benny?

Are you asking as a cop or as my sister?

I'm asking as a sister.

I'm listening as a cop.

I bought some stocks on a margin.

The stocks went south.

Margin got called.

I didn't have it.

How much?

500 grand. Hmm.

I sold everything

I could get my hands on.

I was still a hundred short.

So you went to a loan shark?

I know I screwed up. I can fix it.


You're gonna let us handle it.

What is this loan shark's name,

and where can we find him?


Anyone ever tell you

not to lend to a guy

whose sister is a cop?

[CHUCKLES] Detectives.

I haven't done anything illegal.

Just a legitimate loan

to a guy who's down on his luck.

Well, your legitimate collection agent

landed my mom in the hospital.

Emilia wasn't kidding when she said

she got you with her purse.

You are under arrest for as*ault,

with an enhancement for elder abuse.

Don't mess with the Lopez women.

It doesn't end well.


The doctor said they got

the b*llet fragment.

There's nothing to worry about.

That's great.


I never thought I'd be so happy

to feel pain in my life.

You okay?


There's something I have to tell you.


I spent my whole life

worrying about my dad.

If he was late getting home,

Mom would pretend everything was fine,

but I know she was terrified.

When I saw you wheeled into surgery,

I realized

I can't do that again.

Are Are y-you breaking up with me?

I'm sorry.

I just got out of surgery.

I know.

I thought I'd get it in

before the anesthesia wore off.


I still love you.

I'll probably be in love with

you for longer than I'd like.

And if there was any chance

you were going to retire


I know. [SIGHS]

Can I get you anything?



Okay. I'll go, then.





So, now how do you feel about hospitals?

I love them. [CHUCKLES]

- Nah, today was great.

- NURSE: You're good to go.

- Thank you very much.

- Thank you.

You know, that, uh,

morphine move was very smart.

I would not have thought of that.

Thank you. Uh

What is it?

Oh, you're gonna think I'm crazy.

No, never.

It was my sister's idea.

Oh. Mm.

As in you saw her or?


I can't really explain it.

I-I feel like she was with me.

It's weird.

Oh, well, I think that's

a a lovely thought,

as long as there were no, you know,

auditory hallucinations

No. I had to ask.




Uh, Watch Commander's office.

Sergeant Grey is unavailable.

End of shift is denied and


SGT. GREY: Hey, there you are.

I was just calling.


So, how'd it go?

It was great.


I just spoke with

the Communications Supervisor.

Said you did a masterful job

managing calls

with half the normal staff.

Hmm. [EXHALES SHARPLY] Thank you.

I am so ready to give you your job back.



- Good night, sir.

- Good night.

Oh, uh, how was Tim's laparoscopic?

Yeah. Um

He ended up needing

emergency spinal surgery.




Are you okay?

Uh, why didn't anyone tell me?

No, I'm I'm good. I'm good.

Doctor said I'm gonna

make a full recovery.

And I told everyone

to keep you in the dark.


I didn't want you to worry.

So, just to be clear

You thought you might be paralyzed,

but you were worried about me?

You know what? Slow your roll, Chen.


Clearly, I misspoke.

I was worried about the station.

And I knew you'd be

too concerned about me

to take over for Smitty.


I heard you saved the day, though.

Being sergeant's not so hard.

I don't know why

you're always complaining.

Really? Just smooth sailing?

No. It was awful.

How do that many things

go wrong in one day?

That wasn't even a particularly bad day.


Where's Ashley?

Yeah, I-I, uh I sent her home.

She was exhausted.

Okay. Hm.


What are you doing?

I'm keeping you company.


You don't have to do that.

I know.


LOPEZ: Okay, okay. [LAUGHTER]

- Oh, okay.

- Just open it.

- Sure. Okay.

- He's fine. He's fine.

Okay, so and then the door

opens, and Wesley walks in

to represent me. [ALL CHUCKLING]

All of us.

I thought Angela's head

was going to explode.


Good man, looking out for

your brothers-in-law.

Whoa. Good man?

- Brave man.

- WESLEY: No, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no. Not Not so brave.

I knew that she would understand.

Angela believes in tough love, sure.

But no one is more protective

of the people she cares about.



I have something to say.

- Mom, you don't have to.

- Yes, I do.

It's something I should have

said a long time ago to you.

I know you always thought

I didn't pay you

enough attention growing up,

that all my focus went to your brothers.

I always denied it, but you were right.

It's not because

I didn't love you as much.

You're my daughter, my only daughter,

and I love you in a way

that is only for you.

Yeah, I don't care now ♪

But you didn't need me as much as much.

Not the way they did. [CHUCKLES]

Since you could crawl,

you took care of yourself.

And when you could walk,

you took care of your brothers,

even though they were older than you.

And I relied on you.

I came to expect it.


But as strong as you were,

I should have realized that

you still needed your mother.

The world got cold ♪

I love you, mija.

And I'm sorry.

I'm less afraid ♪

To Angela.

Come on, come on, come on, come on.

- To Angela.

- Salud.


Mom, I love you. [CHUCKLES]

Go tumbling ♪

Thank you.

Let the ghost get loud ♪

Are you still worried

I went back too soon?

No. Actually, you seemed

pretty amazing today.


I guess the only question left

is, are you ever gonna fill me in

on the whole "I was dead before" thing?

Well, there's not much to tell.

You already know about

the second time

My oxygen regulator

malfunctioned on a halo jump.

Luckily, the other guys noticed,

pulled my ripcord,

and brought me back to life

on the ground.

That is so badass. [CHUCKLES]

And the first time?

Two words Big Foot.

See, I don't even know why I bother.


- 'Cause you love me.

- Fair enough.


You know, the first two times

I was brought back to life,

I was scared, but only a little.

And I moved on pretty quickly.

But this This last time,

all I could think about was losing you.

I've never been happier

or felt more seen or loved.

And the thought of losing a second

of whatever time we have left

was heartbreaking.

So here's my question.

John Nolan

will you marry me?

As long as you're with me ♪

As long as you're with me ♪

Try and stop me.

As long as you're with me ♪

Not scared of no trouble ♪