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04x13 - Fight or Flight

Posted: 10/28/22 18:41
by bunniefuu
Oh, sorry.

Visitors can't park down here.

I-I know.

I'm not.

My dad sent me down to his car to get the coffees he bought for us.


Who's your dad? - Steve Miller.

- Property Crimes? Yeah.

T-That's him.

We don't, uh, get to see each other too often since the divorce.

Mom got full custody.

So he makes me stop by the station for some "father-son" coffee time before school.


That's nice.

After you.


- Four, right? - Huh? Property Crimes? Four? Uh, yeah.




Divorce is tough.

I have a son, a few years older than you.

I remember when his mom and I split up, I wanted to do everything I could just to show him that, I would still be there for him.

You know, still be Dad.

I'm sure your father's just trying to do the same for you.


And this is my stop.

Nice to meet you.

Uh, you, too.


Just wanted to say thank you for the pep talk.

I - I needed it.

- No problem.

We need to figure out how he got access to the roof.



What's happening? Someone stole a police helicopter.

- What? - Nolan.

Sir, I just heard about the airship.

- Do you know who took it? - No.

But you do.

Airship Three, I repeat, do you copy? Sir, in Nolan's defense, a teenager stealing a police helicopter, it's highly unexpected behavior.

We're cops.

"Highly unexpected" is what we do before breakfast.

Hey, kid, I know you can hear me.

See, right now I have the FBI, Homeland Security, and the DOD blowing up my phone, and they're all saying the same thing we should launch fighter jets and blow you out of the sky.

Now, do you copy? This is Airship Three.

Please identify yourself.

Sergeant Wade Grey, LAPD.

'Sup, Wade? Listen, I know they're not gonna blow me out of the sky while I'm over a populated area, so tell them to just save the jet fuel, okay? This is a joy ride, not DEFCON 1.

I'm just gonna have a little fun.

I'll return your helicopter good as new.

Listen here, boy, I If I may.

Hey, this is John Nolan, from the elevator.

Hey! Yeah, yeah.

The divorced dad.

Look, you are super good at bonding, by the way.

I mean, I, I really felt the emotional connection.


Thank you.

Listen, we know Steve Miller's not really your father, so why don't you tell us who you really are, and what you want? Who I really am, is the hero of my own story.

And what I want, is to complete the hero's journey.

Whoa! What is it? What happened? I just saw a cyclist, almost get demolished, by a vehicle.

I mean, this city really needs to add more bike lanes, but, hey, look, this has been fun, but I gotta go because flying a real helicopter is a lot harder than the video-game simulation made it seem.

So, we'll talk soon, okay? No, no, wait, wait, wait.

Hero? Okay, uh, do we believe him? I mean, he seemed like a sweet kid on the elevator.

He's not talking like he's planning - on doing anything violent.

- And he's right.

They won't sh**t him down unless he poses an imminent threat.

So, how do we get him down, with no casualties? We got four hours to figure that out.

That's how much fuel he's got left.

Nolan, get out there, and shadow him the best you can.

Can I take Lucy with me? She'll help me get in his head.


Good idea.

And, Nolan, get him to land before gravity does it for him.

Yes, sir.

- Hey, you ready to roll? - Oh.

Actually, Grey assigned me to ride with Nolan to trail helicopter kid.

Alright, let me know if you need anything.



Guess who's sitting in a holding cell right now? Yeah.

I don't do guessing games.

Your old friend, Dez Robinson.

- What'd he do? - Cabot and Lodge, pulled him over for a traffic violation.

They found a diamond bracelet in his car, that was taken during a home invasion, that left a family dead.

That triple m*rder in Larchmont Village? Yeah.

I'm about to go question him.

- You want in? - Bet your ass I do.

I'm surprised you've stayed out of prison for this long, given that you're dumb enough to drive around with stolen property when you're still on probation.

The bracelet was stolen? I had no idea.

I-I bought it from a pawnshop to give to my mother for her, her birthday.

Yeah, which pawnshop? Oh, man, I don't remember that.

I went to like nine of them you know, looking for the perfect gift.

I love my mom.

Do you have the receipt? No.

I don't believe in them.

Thing is, Dez, that bracelet wasn't just stolen.

It was taken from a home invasion two nights ago, where three people were k*lled.

And we believe the same crew is responsible, for two other home invasion murders.

- Oh, wow.

- You guys really don't like to leave any witnesses, do you? I don't know what you're talking about.

Really, I, I was at work two nights ago.

Just check with my boss.

Oh, I will.

Look, Dez you and I we go way back, right? The joy of recidivism.

And while you've never been afraid of a little v*olence, you're not a k*ller.

So I don't think you'd sh**t that family in cold blood.

No, I think, you hooked up with this crew not knowing they were K*llers, and now you're tied to them.

If you tell us who they are, we can make a deal.

If not, we hang the murders around your neck, with the rest of your crew, and you'll die in prison.

All we need is a name.

Adrienne Mount.

Adrienne Mount committed the murders? No.

She's my lawyer.

I'd like to talk to her, please.

Are you wearing makeup? What? No.

Oh, okay, yeah Um I thought that I got that off.

- Hmm.

- Yeah, we had a late-night sh**t, at Club Avalon for my, reality show pilot.

How exactly does partying at a nightclub reset the world's image of you? Well no, we were, like, you know, sh**ting the reenactments of, like, what my life was like before the m*rder.

Which, actually, was pretty cool.

Listen, Hollywood, I will put up with this reality show, as long as it helps to clear your name.

But, if it starts to affect - your performance - It won't, okay? I swear.

And, look, I couldn't be any less "Hollywood.

" Mr.


Good morning sir.

I got you your breakfast.

Who are you? Kenton Scott, Mr.

Thorsen's assistant.

Uh, no.

I mean, yes, but he's only supposed to be assisting me when I'm working on the show.

And right now, I'm at my real job.

And I'm still on probation, so I need you to go now, okay? No.

W-What do you mean, no? You work for me.

Uh, technically, I work for your mother.

And she, scares the hell outta me.

I-In the best way.

She's amazing.

I love her.

But if I make a mistake, she'll catapult me into the sun, so I'm here for you, 24/7.

So should I ride with you, or just follow in my car? Probably my car, so I can run - errands if you - Kenton, Kenton, Kenton, take a breath.

Okay? Uh, assistants get lunch - Right? - Yes.



I'm having this, wild pregnancy craving, for some, uh, bulgogi tacos.

Great, I'm sure I can find that - around here - Yeah.

But not just any bulgogi tacos, they have to be from Apollo Yang's food truck, which is parked at a different location every day.

And the only way to obtain that location, is to text a secret password to a specific short code, which I don't have.

On it.


That'll keep him busy.

I'm so sorry.

That That won't happen again, I'mma talk to my mom about that, - okay? - Mm-hmm.

- You alright? - Yeah.

I think so, I just got uncomfortable all of a sudden.

- It's the baby? - I don't know.

Um, maybe we should, um, stop by my OB's office at the hospital, just to make sure.




They ID'd 'copter kid.

Leo Thomas, age 17.

No priors, Grey's reaching out to the family.

Clearly, there's trouble there.

Well-adjusted kids don't steal police helicopters.

I mean, it could be classic teenage attention-seeking behavior.

You know, trying to stand out, establish their identity.

The whole thing's gotten exponentially worse since social media.

Dying your hair is classic attention seeking.

Stealing a police helicopter is extremely dangerous.

Teenagers don't have fully formed brains.

They don't perceive risk in the same ways that we do.

You remember that age.

I remember working two part-time jobs - to save up for college.

- You never acted out? Not in any substantial way.

Well You know, I don't know why I'm surprised.

Oh, like you were such a rebel.

I'm You have no idea.

- Hello? - How's Harper doing? Still waiting to hear, sir, but, the doctor didn't seem worried.


Keep me updated.

In the meantime, I have an assignment for you.

- Yes, sir.

- A riot broke out at Men's Correctional this morning.

There were dozens injured, and one prisoner airlifted to Shaw, for emergency surgery Langston Bryant.

So I need you, to relieve, the sheriff's deputy that accompanied him.

- And, Thorsen - Sir? Langston's 18 years into a life sentence, for k*lling a cop, for a routine traffic stop.

He did it once, he could certainly do it again.

Watch yourself.

Yes, sir.

Nurse Howard to 2 West, please.

Hey, I'm here to relieve you.

Great, I gotta get back to the prison.

Damn, man, are you okay? Not even close.

The prisoner in there He's as dangerous as they come, so Be smart.

Yes, sir.

I've been briefed.

Good morning, Los Angeles! This is Airship Three, coming to you live, and in the sky.

Looks like there's gonna be traffic on All of the roads.

And I'm actually taking a poll, about where I should go patrol next.

Um, you know, I could take a trip over to Santa Monica, maybe see what'll be underwater when all the glaciers melt.

Hey, there, Leo.

Divorced Dad here.

- How's it going up there? - Me? Can't complain.

You know where the bathroom is in this thing? Listen, Leo What you are doing, is really dangerous.

Your family is worried sick about you.

Yeah, that's not gonna work and I'm disappointed you thought it would.

So, see ya.



Hang on.

Hang on.

Hang on.

Just Did you really learn to fly from video games? And a few ClipTalk tutorials.

- Ugh.

- Wow.

That's Hats off, man, wow.

I mean, I I love me some video games, but that's You know, uh, "Breath of the Wild" consumed my life, for about four months.

I beat Ganon - Twice.

- Impressive.

I-I bet you're feeling a little bit like Link and his glider, flying around up there, don't you? A little, yeah.

But, even Link couldn't fly forever.

Right? He had to land sometime, save Zelda, - right? - That's right.

- The hero always has a purpose.

- Great.

We're gonna find you a nice, open place to land.

And he can also use help from his allies.

Are you an ally, Mr.

Nolan? Yes, I am.


So here's the deal.

In order to help me complete my hero's journey I need you to complete three quests.

If you succeed, I'll give myself up.

This is not a video game, Leo.


It's something deeper.

Games, fantasy novels, they're all built on the same architecture The hero's journey.

A universal story so central to our identities, it's as if it's written in our DNA.

- He's been reading Joseph Campbell.

- Ah.

You're the mentor, an older, wiser figure like, an Obi-Wan or a Dumbledore.

They usually die, towards the end to signify, the hero's true coming into himself.

Who knows? Maybe you'll pull through.

Leo, this isn't a myth.

This is real life, and you are in real danger.

I can't play along with this quest nonsense.

Why not? Why not slay dragons for a kid I think is increasingly delusional? Look, often the best way The only way, to deal with people, who are in a crisis situation, is to accept their reality.

I mean, it's either this or we drive around all day, looking up.


What are the quests? I'm not gonna give you all of them up front.

It doesn't work that way.

What do we have to lose? Lives? A helicopter? Fine, what is the first quest? Okay.

9412 Orange.

It's been empty for over a year.

Persistent 911 calls about drug activity.

Let's take a look.

This is a quest based in tragedy.

A bunch of kids from my school, they started hanging out at this abandoned house.

They'd party, make a mess Just the typical rebellion of youth.

And some hardcore guys, saw a market, and they moved in.

They started selling some hardcore dr*gs, and a raven-haired girl OD'd.

A young princess, the hero liked from afar.

You can't save the princess, but you can stop the monsters who hurt her.

Running! Turn around.

Put your hands on your head, fingers interlaced.

Don't move.

- You got him? - Yeah.

Control, 7-ADAM-15.

- Pull an R.

- A.


We got a drug-addled victim, unconscious but breathing.



You're that guy.

Yo, man, come here.

Officer, I need some help.

- You need something? - That uniform threw me off.

You're that guy that got railroaded in France for k*lling your buddy.

Hold on.

Slow down.


Come on.

I really do need some help.

I'm dying of thirst.

Cruel and unusual, know what I'm saying? Thank you.

Thought I was done for sure.

- What, the riot? - Yeah.

Just another day in paradise.

You a cop now? - Are you done? - Ah.

You and me? We're the same.

No, man, not even close.

I'm innocent.

You k*lled a cop.


And you see me chained up, tatted, you figure I fit the bill.

This isn't who I was.

It's who I had to become, - to stay alive.

- Yeah.

Yo, hold on.

You could spare me a few moments of your time, brother.

I'll be outside.

You're sure that's my Leo? Yes, ma'am.

- Is he okay? - For now.

We're just, trying to make sure he doesn't hurt himself, or others.

So, he hasn't contacted you? No, he wasn't there this morning when I got home.

I work graveyard.

I called and texted, but he never responded.

Is that typical for your son? Things have been tough for him, ever since Go on.

You can say it.

Since his father passed.

Guy was a deadbeat while he was alive.

Suddenly now, he's a superhero.

- Brian - No I'm sorry.

I try to do right by that kid.

We both do, but he makes it impossible.

He barely talks to us.

He spends all of his time reading these fantasy books, playing video games.

Did manage to get himself kicked out of school.

Leo's not in school? I teach him at home.

It's-It's just hard, uh With my hours.

I'm always tired.

I can't lose him.

And then after my conviction, I found out that there were two eyewitnesses, both who said the k*ller was a short bald guy, who looked nothing like me.

Okay, so, where was your lawyer on all this? Drunk off his ass.

Court appointed, and he couldn't give a damn.

Now you see what I'm saying? Look, you need to file for a retrial.

I mean, that's what I did.

I don't have your kind of money, my brother, and I can't get a lawyer to take me on pro bono.

I'm sorry.

I don't need your sorry, but, I could use your help.

You did two years for a crime you didn't commit I'm going on 18.

Officer, you have to wait out here.

Surgery should take an hour.

There's no other exits.

- Hey.

- Hey.

- Is everything okay? - Uh, yeah.

Ultrasound came back clear.

Doctor thinks that it was just some heartburn.

So, they're gonna run some blood tests, just to be safe.

He getting his shattered arm set? Yeah.

What's wrong? I think he could be innocent.

Don't even go there.

Look, he talked to me about his case, - and I think - Who told you to talk to him? That's not your job.

He is a cop k*ller, okay? So just shut up and guard him, okay? Bulgogi tacos.

I didn't know what style you liked, so I got two of each.

Kenton, how did you find these? I tapped into the LA assistant hive mind.

The truck was on location in Santa Clarita, serving a movie crew.

I drove over, put on my headset, and walked right up like I was part of the crew.

So your tacos are courtesy of the director of "m*rder Dance Party: Part Three".

- Damn, you are good.

- Mm-hmm.


I'm the best.

- Oh.

- Ooh! Hmm.

Cocky, too.


I like that.

But, what I have for you now is It's, next level.

Are you up for it? Bring it, Detective.

Alright, um, I have been looking, for this doll that I had, when I was a little girl, to give to my daughter.

But I can't remember what it was called, and I haven't been able to find it anywhere.

But, she was the first doll that I ever saw, that had hair and skin tone, that was just like mine.

And she had this, um, French-sounding name with a pink parasol Or was it yellow? I'm on it.

Watch me do my thing.

What? Here.

I-I can't have these.


So, Grey talked to Leo's mom.

His home life sounds like a real mess.

His parents aren't divorced.

His father died two years ago.

- That's rough.

- Hey, here's the weird thing he's been homeschooled, for over a year.

So he was making up that whole story about the princess classmate who OD'd? I don't know.

Okay, Leo.

Quest one complete.

How about we call this a victory, and you land? The hero's journey never ends after the first quest.

I was afraid you'd say that.

What's next? You're a gamer.

You know it's not all easy stuff.

Eventually you get to a boss battle.

A great beast you will struggle to defeat.

Leo, how about we cut out the windup and you just go straight for the pitch? How do you feel about alligators? - Hey, thanks for coming in.

- Yeah.

- I just want to verify a few things.

- Mm-hmm.

Uh, Dez Robinson He works for you, is that correct? - From time to time, yeah.

- Okay.

He said he worked, two nights ago.

Yeah, sounds about right.

We had a construction job down in Hawthorne.

Picked up the night shift for a few extra bucks.

Any chance he checked in and then maybe, ducked out for a few hours? Nah, I was there.

I would've seen that.

You sure? Because, uh, Dez, is suspected in a triple m*rder that happened that night, so anyone who helps him, would be considered an accessory.


Hold on.

I had no idea about that.

I want no parts of that, alright? I thought he was just out here cheating on his girlfriend.

I didn't know he was out here k*lling people.

Does that mean you want to amend your statement? Hell yeah.

I'm gonna amend my statement.

Dez paid me 500 bucks, to clock him in on the nights that he needed an alibi.

Okay, so to be clear, Dez did notshow up to work - two nights ago? - Right.

Oh, and He paid me yesterday, to clock him in for tonight.

Hey, Dez's alibi fell apart.

Nice work.

So when his lawyer lands, - here's the plan - We don't have time for a plan.

The crew has another target lined up for tonight.

If we don't figure out where they're hitting, they're gonna drop more bodies.

Let's never do that again.

You're gonna need a much bigger leash than that.

And tranquilizers, lot Lots of tranquilizers.

Cupcake is a sweetheart.

Cupcake ate my Taser.

- Thank you.

- Okay, Leo.

Quest two is complete.

Funny coincidence Aside from a reptile, straight out of "Jurassic Park" We found a bunch of fentanyl in the house.

Two quests.

Two drug arrests.

We're starting to sense a pattern here.

Alligator guy had dr*gs? It's a good thing you caught him.

Do you wanna tell us what these quests are really about? - Not right now.

- Leo Relax, you'll get your third quest soon enough.

Officer Webb.

Find anything? The stuff of nightmares.

Man lives like a pig.

So no g*n? Nah.

We need more leverage.

Something that ties this guy definitively to the home invasions.

The only way we stop this crew in time, is if Dez flips.

What have you searched so far? We're going full DEAR system.

You're off to a good start.

Eliminating things we don't have to search again.

What's next? - You know what F.



s are? Yeah, Field Sobriety Tests.

Yeah, and when searching a house, - F.



stands for something else.

First, you get all the guys from the outside, to come search inside, and vice versa.

Fresh set of eyes.

Alright? L-100, I need all units from the outside to come inside for a sec.

Then you do a Systematic grid search.


So Systematic search is the "S.

" What's the "T"? Alright, everyone, listen up.

I want everyone who was searching outside to swap with people on the inside.

Then I want a three-foot search grid.

And, there's a $100 gift card, for the first officer who finds evidence linking this guy to our 2-11.

Got it? Alright, let's go! The "T" is for Treat it like a contest.

Cops love to compete, and they'll push themselves even harder if they know there's something to win.

- What are you doing here? - Um, why didn't you tell me you were seeing your OB? I-I didn't want to worry you if it was nothing, and, and it was.

It was just a little aggressive heartburn.

I don't care.

If you burp funny, I wanna know.

He called you here, didn't he? And it wasn't about me.

Yes, ma'am.

I, um I called them about Langston.

Are you trying, to get everyone in the LAPD, to hate you? Because that is what is gonna happen if you advocate, for a convicted cop k*ller.

I told you, to drop this.

All due respect, if there is even a sliver of a chance, that he is innocent, it needs to be investigated.

Yeah, look.

That hardcore dude in there is unrecognizable from the guy that went in 18 years ago.

He's been institutionalized.

I've seen it a thousand times.

A nice haircut and a cute smile does not mean he is innocent.

Yeah, and a conviction doesn't mean that he's guilty.

Either, I mean, I'm proof of that.

If I'd have stayed in prison, that's how I would've ended up.

And now that I have a platform to help people who are wrongfully accused, I mean, I have to use it.

I thought you were trying to "rebrand" yourself.

To-To reclaim your identity, separate, from your conviction.

I-If you tie yourself to Langston, you will undo all of that.

Alright, look, there is no reason to go right to the worst-case scenario.

Let James and I talk to him, just, see what kind of impression we get.

Just to see if there's any merit.

Alright, you got 15 minutes.


Still waiting on that third quest, Leo.

Unless you want to just skip it, and land? You still up there, Leo? Yeah.

Yeah, I'm here, just enjoying the view.

It's peaceful up here.

You know, we did a little digging, after our last conversation.

Turns out Murray, the guy with the alligator, one of his known associates, is Brian Johst, your mom's boyfriend.

I'm guessing they have a little distribution racket running? Yeah, and we'd bet money that one of the dealers they sell to, is the guy we arrested in Quest One.

That's quite an epic tale.

Look, let's cut out this fantasy crap, shall we, Leo? We know you didn't send us to that house, to avenge a classmate.

There is no classmate, but I think there is a princess, you need us to save.

Your mom She has a history of drug abuse, but, it seems like she'd been clean for a while? She relapsed after my dad died.

Then she rallied, got herself clean.

It was good, like before.

Then she met Brian.

You have to get her away from him.

He's k*lling her.

That's your third quest.

Leo out.

We have no evidence tying Brian to the fentanyl.

We can't arrest him.

And Leo's got 40 minutes before he runs out of fuel.

- Yeah.

- Tell me you found something.

Some old gloves, possible burglary tools, impact weapons.

Nothing that's gonna help us.

What's going on? Dez is about to walk out of here with his lawyer.

Right now, all I can charge him with is possession of stolen property.

- Can you stall them? - 20 minutes.

Sorry, Sarge.

We've turned this place upside down.

These tools here are all we could find.

- 'Cause you're only human.

- Excuse me? L-100, I need 8706 at my location, Code 3.

- Copy that.

- 8706? Uh, why the hell do we need him here? You'll see.

Okay, taking your statement into consideration And the few online articles, - that we read about your case - Come on, just You can just tell me straight.

- Can you get me outta here? - Way too early to tell.

But, what I've read, has definitely triggered some alarms.

I mean, it's clear, there were several investigative discrepancies, and clearly, you were not given adequate counsel.

So what do I do? Let me make some calls.

There are a few lawyers I would trust to take your case.

- Pro bono? - Pro bono.

That's great.

But there are no guarantees here, okay? There's no promises, just a little hope.

That's all I can handle.

This will be the hardest fight of your life.

I'm ready.

I appreciate you both.

You You listened.

It's been a long time since anybody's done that.

Thank you.

See, b*mb sniffing dogs don't look for bombs, they look for b*mb ingredients, like gunpowder, from an illegal firearm.

Come on, boy, you got this.

Are you kidding me? Did you really just get distracted by a squirrel? Do you realize how clichéd that is? He found something.


Got him.

Oh, hey, you just missed James.

He and Wesley went down to the cafeteria to make some calls.

They're gonna get Langston an attorney.

I'll text them and tell them not to waste their time, 'cause a retrial isn't gonna matter.

Why? Sheriff's Department combed through security footage from the prison riot.

Your innocent man here, stomped a guard.

- Is he okay? - No.

He is paralyzed from the waist down.

They are charging Langston with attempted m*rder of a peace officer.

That's a 20-to-life sentence.

Which is why a retrial is pointless.

He's Not getting out of prison.

Yo, this system is a joke.

I mean, if Langston wasn't wrongfully convicted in the first place, he wouldn't have spent half his life stuck in prison, wouldn't have been caught up in that riot, thinking the only way to survive was to stomp a guard.

What are you doing? I'm gonna tell him that it's over.

How's Cupcake? - The alligator? - Yeah.


You, on the other hand, are screwed, my friend.

My officers found a stockpile of fentanyl in your house.

- Where'd you get it? - H-Has she seen a vet yet? They She swallowed a Taser.

Hey, you are in a lot of trouble, Murray.

You need to focus on the dr*gs.

Now, we know, you've been selling to high school kids.

- Who are you working with? - No one, man.

Look, this is important, okay? Cupcake has a very specific diet.

I-I can write it down for you.

Okay, I'll do you one better.

I'll let you talk to the people taking care of Cupcake and make sure she's all right.

But first, you need to name your accomplices.



Murray flipped.

We got a warrant on Brian Johst.

- You want to serve it? - Yes, sir.

Thank you very much.

Attention, Airship Three, I have a quest for you.

What is it? Can you see your house from up there? Hold on.

- Thank you very much.

- Come on, let's go.

Hey, Young Hero, are you seeing this? Every second.


The quest is over.

I think it's time to come down now.

Oh, thank God, 'cause I have been air-sick for the past three hours, and I Uh-oh.

What? What's wrong? I'm out of gas.

Come on, come on.


That was Oh, wow.

- Hi.


- Hey, hey, hey, hey.


That was, uh - That was intense.

- Never do that again.

Yeah, the, um, hero's journey is Over.

- Oh.

- Not yet.

What? You stole a police helicopter, Leo.

You're under arrest.

- What'd he give us? - Everything.

Every job, every guy on his crew.

And the location of tonight's robbery? Yeah, and they're supposed to hit the house within the hour.

Give me the keys and phone.

You know, nobody takes pride in their work anymore.

Used to be a getaway driver was hyper-alert during a robbery.

I blame social media.

Look, I don't know what this is about, - but you got the wrong guy.

- No, we don't.

Dez told us you'd be parked right here, keeping a look-out.

He also said there's three guys inside robbing the place.

Is he right? Is there three men inside? Answer quick, because if they start k*lling people, those murders are on you.


It's three guys, supposed to be in and out in 30 minutes, and they're 28 minutes in.

So, what was the plan going in? Where are we gonna find 'em? Master bedroom's upstairs.

That's where the safe is.

Don cracks the safe, while Terry loots the rest of the bedrooms.

Stosh's job is to keep a g*n on the family downstairs.

Get out.

Come on.

Go that way.

We can't go in hot with a guy hovering over the family with a w*apon.

So we go in a different way.

Alpha team set.

Someone's here.

Delivery guy.

I'll get rid of him.

We didn't order anything! Go away! Get down! Get down! Get down on the ground! Don't move.

Clear! - All clear! - Clear! Hostages secure.

Ugh! Give me a bang! Ugh! You okay? You know it.


Sheriff Department's here to transport Langston back to prison.

So we're free to go, if you're ready.

I am.

Bloodwork came back clear.

That's great news.

No way! Told you I was no joke.

What?! I have not seen one of these since I was 10.

Wh-Where did you find this? You can get anything on the dark web.


Thank you.

You really are the best assistant ever.

You don't lose him.

Actually, I have to tender my resignation.

Hulu just bought my pilot! What? That's great.

- Congratulations.

- Thanks.

Guess I need my own assistant now.

Good luck with the show.

- And your baby.

- Thank you.

- Hmm.

- Hmm.

Don't touch it.


I'll go pull the shop around.

So everything is fine.

Best bloodwork she's ever seen.

I knew it would be.

Listen, I-I am sorry.

I should've called you earlier.

But To tell you the truth, I was terrified.

And I needed to pretend that it was nothing and if I called you, I would have to admit that it could be something.

And I-I get that, but, you shouldn't deal with these things alone.

Look, trust me, fear Is the worst thing to have to go through by yourself.

Uh There's, uh, something I haven't told you.

Um I was diagnosed with placenta previa when I had Lila, and I started hemorrhaging, late in the pregnancy.

Which is why you freaked out about a little heartburn.

I should be happy, you know, planning her nursery, and buying clothes, but, I'm just terrified something's gonna happen.

Maybe we can take this one day at a time.

You know, whatever, we'll-we'll We'll deal with it Together.

I'm good with that.

So, what is the deal with the creepy old doll? - She's not creepy.

- Oh, no.

All dolls are inherently creepy.

Spoken like the father of two boys.

Here, hold her.

- Oh, I-I really don't want to.

- Hold her! Look at how cute this is.

Come on.

- Got all your stuff? - Yeah.

- And your court summons? - Yeah.

But they took my police ID, though.

The one you stole to access the roof? Not surprised.

Where did you get that, anyway? I lifted it off some cop.

Uh, S-S-Smith? Schmitt? Smitty? Yeah.

You know him? Yeah.

Well, look.

- Thank you.

- Not a problem.

Listen, if ever you have a problem, before you go stealing any aircraft, just call me.

- Just aircrafts? - Any vessel.

Any wheeled vehicle.

Or animal Basically anything, - you could ride in or on.

- Deal.

What if I have another epic quest to go on? Try the bus.

Okay, yeah.

that makes sense.

Okay, I got it.


Yeah, look, so, um, just give me some time, and I'll get everything you need over to you.

Yeah, hey, look, man, I-I really appreciate this, and so does Mr.




What are you doing? Wesley, gave me a name of a lawyer, willing to take Langston's case.

Why? I thought we agreed that it was over for that guy.

He-He paralyzed a guard.


And he should be punished for that.

But, he may not have k*lled that cop 18 years ago, and we owe it to that officer's family, to find the truth.

Because if Langston's innocent, then that means there's someone out there, right now, who got away with m*rder.

Who gets to sleep in his bed every night, gets to walk out of his front door, a free man every morning.

I can't imagine how hard it must have been for you.

I was locked in a cell for 541 days, in a prison that was built in the 1800s And, trust me, it hadn't gotten nicer with age.

My best friend was dead.

I thought my life was over.

But you know what? I got lucky, I got out, and I got a second chance.

But, the person who m*rder*d Patrick he's still out there.

And-And no one, is looking for him, because they still think that I did it.

You need a little help? No.

I need lots of help.

I don't - I don't know what I'm doing.

- Okay.

Show me what you got.


Ready to go? Yeah.

Can't wait to get horizontal.

It's been a long day.

I've been doing some thinking I've warned you about that.

I helped Aaron out today, just looking at a case.

I heard.

- You think he's innocent? - Maybe.

I don't know for sure.

You know, what I do know is, he had a terrible lawyer.

I think when I get my license back, I might want to You want to do even more pro bono work.

Am I that predictable? Yes, you are.

I always know you're gonna do the selfless thing, because, that's the kind of man you are.

- And you're okay with that? - Why? Because you're gonna make even less money? Why would I have a problem with that? Yeah.


You walked Leo out? Yeah, just left him with his mom.

What you got there? It's for completing your quests.

Hey! - But you completed them with me.

- I know.

I made a trophy for myself, too.

Anyone else have a crazy day? You have no idea.

You know what? Let's get changed, - grab a drink.

- Yes.

- On Nolan.

- Whoa.

We're good for one, then we need to spring the nanny.

Sorry, hold up.

I'm authorizing all overtime.

There was an accident at Animal Control, and they need all the help they can get.

What's going on? Cupcake broke free.

Who's Cupcake?