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04x10 - Heart beat

Posted: 10/28/22 18:40
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Rookie" TIM: Your dad is a hell of a guy.

Maybe, you and I could grab dinner sometime.

That'd be great.


I bet your lovely wife is out there listening, too, isn't she? I'm gonna report your husband to the California state bar.

I'm gonna have his law license revoked for betraying the trust of a client.

LUCY: Oh, my God.

Are you going to propose? I'm in love with you.

Thank God, 'cause I'm in love with you, too.

- Bailey.

- Jason.

I'm John Nolan, her boyfriend.

- And you are? - Uh.

Her husband.


Uh, you mean ex-husband.

Uh, I do not.


Long time, babe.

I guess she didn't mention me, huh? I mean, I get it.

You know, it's It's embarrassing.

A husband in prison.


- Bailey? - You're weren't supposed to get out - for another two years.

- Good behavior.

- I-I can hardly believe it myself.


Look, uh Clearly I'm interrupting here.

Um, I'm sorry.

I didn't realize you were seeing someone.

Uh, it's nice to meet you, John.

You, uh, be good to her, huh? My wife deserves the best.

It's good to see you.


So you're married.

And you didn't tell me.


I-I have to go.





Smells great.

- Salmon? - And eggs.

I'm not really a breakfast person.

I know.

It's for Kojo.

Excuse me.

Salmon and eggs.

For your dog.

Well, not everyday.

I have to watch his cholesterol.



- Oh! - There he is! Who's a good dog? Who's the bestdog? Tricia will be here at 11:00 to give you a walk.

Ready to go? - [DOG BARKING]


Whoa! Hey! Kojo, knock it off.

He's just a little territorial around his food.

- How long have you had him? - A year.

He was Lucy's, but, she couldn't keep him.




Kojo! - Unh-unh! - [MONITOR BEEPS]

VOICE: Armed and 'stay'.

Exit now.


- Kojo! Hey, hey, hey! I am I'm sorry.

Look, it's your first time sleeping over, and he's just not used - to you being here.


Here, why don't you just put your hand out? It's okay.

The alarm is about to set.

We can do it another day.


- Sure.


Be good.

Alright? [DOOR CLOSES]

NOLAN: Why didn't Bailey just tell me? I mean, if it's complicated, just say so.

I'll understand.

Is it because of the ex-con thing and I'm a cop? Who doesn't have a criminal in their family? It does not get much more embarrassing than Pete.

- Mm.

- And I'm, oh I'm spinning out.

- I-I'm gonna stop.

- Well, of course you're spinning out.

I mean, she's been lying to you this whole time.

And technically I didn't ask if she was married.

Yeah, but she knows you were serious about her.

Every day that she did not tell you about her husband is a day that she lied to you.

Do you know whyhe was in jail? - No.

No clue.

- Alright.

Call my skip tracer, have him run this Jason guy.


You got a lot of questions.

You need to start getting answers.

RANDY: Skip tracer Randy! - Whoa, hey, - That's me, what can I do you for? Randy.

It's, uh, John Nolan.

I need you to run a name for me.

When's Wesley gonna hear back from the state bar? Ugh.

Any day now.

He hasn't slept the last few nights.

What happened? They suspended my license.

I can't practice law for six months.


That's insane! You were under duress.

They have to take that into account.

Can you appeal it? Look.

It won't make a difference.

I broke client confidentiality.

The state bar takes that very seriously.

I-It's not even about the suspension itself.

I'm on a list now of lawyers who have embezzled from their clients, taken bribes.

For the rest of my career, whenever somebody looks me up, they'll see that I have been censured.

I'm sorry.





Alright, thanks.

I'll be in touch.

What did his parole officer say? Same thing He got out on good behavior.

Unless he violates parole, he's a free man.

- And you don't believe it? - Oh, I believe it.

I'm sure he was charming, knew all the guards' birthdays, asked after their kids, made everyone handcrafted gifts at Christmas.

Ah, he sounds awful? It's all roses and trips to Paris until you dare disagree with him, and then This is how it was.

I would try and tell people who he really was they guy they never saw And I'd sound insane.


Well, you know, it's all behind you now.

You got to focus on the future.

First up, get that divorce.

I tried! For two years! He would go along with it, pretending to engage in the negotiations, and then he'd cut off contact for months.

And just when I had given up, he would come back with some new demand, and we would start this process all over again.



Fraud alert? Someone just charged $2,000 on my credit card.


It's Jason.

Or it's more likely that some rando cloned your card, don't you think? No.


I-I-I-I-I don't - I don't know, maybe - Hey.

Hey! Do not spin out.

You go into shock inside of a burning building, people die.

Right now your house is a little on fire.

So focus up.

What's your plan? Okay.

Uh Call Jason to the station.

My turf, surrounded by my friends.

Show him that I'm not afraid anymore.

Tell him I want a divorce.

So, how's it going with Ashley? Good.

Although there was some weirdness this morning.

I don't think she likes Kojo.

So you broke up with her? That's That's too bad.

- I liked her.

- Since when? Last time we talked about her, you gave me grief because she's a lifeguard.



I've never really considered lifeguarding a career.


You see, and that is what's called - "Baywatch" based implicit bias.


What?! Ashley went through rigorous training at the fire academy to become a lifeguard.


My bad.

But you know what? It is a moot point because she doesn't like Kojo, first of his name, king of canines, destroyer of chew toys.

So, clearly, Ashley has got to go.


Check out Mister Dollar Sign.

Hand-to-hand transfer.

Classic 11-532.


Hey, you are way too young to be throwing your life away dealing dr*gs.

Show me your hands.

- Hey.

No! - Hey! Stop! Control, 7-Adam-100.

We got a foot pursuit southbound, Citrus at Olympic.

Black male.

Green pants.

Black hoodie.

Hey! Get back here! [GRUNTS]

- Put your hands behind your head.

- Okay.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.



What the hell? 7-Adam-100.

We've got a possible Code 1000.

Repeat Code 1000.

Single-engine fixed wing in distress, headed [CRASH AND expl*si*n IN DISTANCE]



A plane is down.

1200 block of Langston.

Send fire and RAs.


Blurry vision, can't see Heavy breathing And it's standing right in front of me I can't move, I can't stand I gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, Gotta, gotta get away Get away I gotta get away [GASPS]

You take the car.


Get away - Hey.

- Get me out of here, please.

- Get me out of here.

- Just relax, relax.

Right now I just need you to breathe.

- What's your name? - Jade.

Okay, Jade.

Help is on the way, alright? Bailey, this is Jade.

Bailey's gonna help you out.

She's one of the best.


We're gonna get you out of there in no time, Jade.

- Tell me, are you having trouble breathing? - No.

Did you hit your head when you crashed? - I think so.

- Okay.

Come on.




What's the situation? HARPER: We're still assessing.

The driver got the worst of it.

The flipped cars were empty.

- And the pilot? - I don't know.

There's no pilot.

Explains why it crashed.

MAN: Control, this is Air 7.

We're on scene at that fixed-wing code 1000.

Requesting restricted air space with half-a-mile perimeter.

Whoever was flying this plane must've left prints.

I will dust and run them on my Mobile ID.



Uh guys? There's gold back here.

Like a couple dozen Fort Knox-size bars.


And it gets weirder.

The fingerprints I just pulled match a Levi Lincoln, who is currently an inmate at the California Correctional Facility.

So an escaped convict stole a plane, and crashed it in the middle of Mid-Wilshire? Don't forget the 200 pounds of gold.

I'll call the warden.

Levi Lincoln? Why does that name sound familiar? [GASPS]

Oh, wait! Uh Uh.

That millionaire, who k*lled his wife.

Yeah, that narrows it down less than you'd think.


Uh, no.

I remember.

Yeah, it was a particularly brutal m*rder, but Levi's lawyer, got the charges knocked down to manslaughter.

Yeah, looks like he only got 10 years.

This makes no sense.

How does an inmate, at a maximum security prison, break out - with a plane full of gold? - He didn't.

Prison says Levi Lincoln's still there.

Why are his prints in the plane? Harper, Nolan, go to the prison.

Find out what the hell's going on.


Uh, give me a minute? Yeah.

WOMAN: Yes, sir.

I know you're angry with me.

Oh, I haven't really gotten to angry yet.

I think I'm still in shock.

I am so sorry.

I It was a nightmare marriage.

I tried to divorce him, but Jason fought me on it.

Then he got arrested and went to prison - Bailey.

- I was so tired of fighting him that I just walked away.

Bailey, stop.

I'm not angry because you're married.

I'm I mean, yes, I am.

Of course I am.

I'm just more upset that you didn't trust me enough to be honest about something this important.


And I just don't Know how to move forward from this.

I got I got to go.

You got to give him time.

I mean, he just found out.

I know.

But I can't lose him over this.


Uh Thanks for reaching out.

Look, we are not reconnecting here.

I want a divorce.

I get that you're pissed at me, alright? And you you deserve to be.

But listen, ever since I got out, I-I've been trying to find you so that I could apologize for the man that I was.

And could I Could I buy you lunch, and we could talk about it? No, Jason.

We're talking here, because this is where I feel safe.

Of course.






Uh, I'm I'm Jason.

Also known as the worst husband in recorded history.

I'm Sharon.

It's nice to meet you.

So, what are you doing here i-in L.


? What do you want? For you to be happy.

Um What's that? Divorce papers.

I'm sorry.

I was so stubborn.

I-I thought that I could make you love me again, but I, uh, ruined everything, didn't I? Anyway, uh, legally, 'cause I'm your spouse, I-I can't hand these to you directly.

So Uh, Sharon, if you would be so kind.

Um I'll see you around.

Well, he's giving you everything you want.


James, hey.

- What are you doing here? - Ugh.

A kid I mentor just got arrested.

Hey, uh, maybe you could represent him.


Look, I-I wish I could, but, my license just got suspended for six months because of the Elijah Stone thing.

That's tough, man.

I'm I'm I'm sorry.


So So what are you gonna do? Well, right now I'm debating which bar to get drunk at.

Well, you should not do that alone.

Text me when you decide, and I'll come meet you after this.


Hey, I-I heard what happened.

I'm so sorry.

I appreciate that.

I'll text you.

So, where's Tyler? Processing.

I couldn't get ahold of his mother, so when he said he knew you, I-I-I thought it was worth a shot.


Tyler's in a bad situation at home.

His father's incarcerated, and his mother She has problems of her own.

So you caught him dealing? Yeah, I'm afraid so.


What the hell was he thinking? You know, I have a little bit of leeway here.

I can cite him, on a JCR, which would mean he would go home today, until his court date.

That would be huge.

I mean, I [SIGHS]

I just started working with this kid, he's He's veering close to the edge, but if we lose him to the system now, he's lost forever.


Yeah, I'll cite him out.


I hate this prison.

Are there prisons you don'thate? All the ones I haven't almost died in.

At least we're not here to see Oscar.

Why? Why? Why do you always jinx us? I-It's like a compulsion with you.


I Levi Lincoln.

I am Detective Harper.

This is Officer Nolan.

We have some questions for you.

- About what? - Have you ever flown a Cessna, tail number N97741? How the hell would I know? I own a lot of planes.

Okay, well, this particular plane crashed this morning with your fingerprints inside.


- Well, that's impossible.

- You got that right.

You've been incarcerated for 36 months, and those fingerprints are fresh.

So what the hell? I mean, that sounds like a "you" problem.

No, no.

I think I think something funny is going on.

- I think it's him.

- I agree.

Um, what is your wife's name? Linda I'm not married.

And I need to see a lawyer.

Sir, you're a federal inmate, and I have every right to inspect your person, so Plastic-surgery scars.

How much did Levi Lincoln pay you to do his time? $5 million up front and $5 million upon the completion of his sentence.

Oh, you you should've held out for more.

The guy's loaded.

Prisoners are fingerprinted upon arrival, so someone here, had to have helped you and Levi pull this off.

Who was it? If I tell you that, I'll be dead by sundown.

I'm not saying another thing till I see a lawyer.


You think the guards were in on it? Or the warden.

Or both.

You know who would know Oh, absolutely not.

This is his prison.

He's been helpful in the past.

This is because you jinxed us.


It's my favorite law-enforcement officers! Wait.

Don't tell me.

I have a son.


I always wanted a boy.

This isn't about you.

Oh, you're seeing other criminals.

I'm hurt.

What the hell happened to you? Well, it turns out that you snitch on one lifer too many, everybody turns on you.

It's like junior high school all over again.

Oscar, are you familiar with an inmate named Levi Lincoln? I am And I know some rather shocking things about Mr.

Lincoln, but it'll cost you.

He's paying a double to serve his time for him.

We know.

What we don't know is who helped him.

Well, I'll tell you everything I know but you have to get me out of this prison.

- Forget it.

- Given who I've pissed off, I'm looking at spending the rest of my life here, in protective custody, alone, with no one to talk to but myself.

I am concerned for my sanity.

So you want a prison transfer.

A letter of support from a cop would go a long way.


- I'll write a letter.

- Oh, that is so sweet, but weren't you arrested for trying to m*rder another police officer? I was exonerated! You know that! I know, but still.

Detective Harper? Sure.

Where do I send it? I know you know because [CELLPHONE RINGING]

Hello? RANDY: Hey! It's skip tracer Randy! Randy, I know you're a skip tracer.

You don't have to tell me every time.

You never know.

People are forgetful.

Did you get any information on Jason Wyler? Yes, sir, I did.

Born in Chicago, 1984.

Married Bailey Nune, 2016.

Convicted of embezzlement, 2019.

He served two and a half years of a six-year sentence at Lompoc, - and was paroled last week.

- That's it? No other arrests or complaints against him? I gave you all I've got.

I'll invoice you for my services.

Randy out! [CLICK, BEEPING]


- Who's Jason Wyler? - None of your business.

I can help you a lot more than "skip tracer Randy.

" You want the real scoop on this Jason character come holla at your boy.

"Oscar Hutchinson has provided limited assistance to the LAPD on several cases.

" Oh, that's sweet.

Now, which prison personnel did Levi pay to pull off this switch? The warden.

And four guards Morrison, Clark, Hobson, and Lane.

Thank you.


Oh, and, uh, I faxed this to our station, not your lawyer.


That's just mean! The guy in jail is a fake.

Levi paid him to do his time.

Well, we got several 911 calls about a man parachuting near Echo Park, but he was gone by the time the police got there.

Any idea where he went? No.

We're pulling footage, but no hits yet.

I tracked the Cessna's flight path.

It took off from Sonoma, home to, among other things, one of Levi's many estates.

Local police checked it out, found the back yard dug up.

That's where he got the gold bars.

So he hires someone to do his time, heads south of the border, finds an out-of-the-way place where no one will recognize him.

But he runs out of money, and he knows he has gold stashed at the Sonoma house.

And he knows he can't board a commercial flight, so he flies the Cessna, has engine trouble, and here we are.

The rich, they live just like us.

So you're Levi.

Where to next? Well, he still needs money.

So if he hid gold bricks in his vacation home, what are we gonna find in his mansion in L.


? - Check it out.

- On it.



- TIM: Police.

Open up.

Can I help you? We're looking for the homeowner, Mr.



Lincoln's in prison.

I'm taking care of his house while he's away.


Is Is he here? [WHISPERING]

Back yard.

He's got Alfredo.


Ma'am, come here.

Step outside.

MAN: Let's go.

Come on.

Dig! Faster! Let's go, idiot! Hurry up! Come on! Get the damn bag out.

Come on.

Faster! [g*nshots]


sh*ts fired at our location.

Send backup and airship.



Control, 7-Adam-100.

Suspect is escaping on a black motorcycle, headed east on Acorn.

Levi got away, but we know he's still desperate for money.

We've compiled a list of all of his acquaintances and potential money sources across L.



Anywhere he might possibly show up.

We should put a unit on everyone.

Squeeze him out.


- Alright.

Send me that list.

I'll use it to brief the midnight shift.

I'm sorry.

Uh, excuse me.

Hello? Lucy, it's Ashley McGrady.

We met at my father's retirement party.

Is this a good time? Uh, yeah.


- What's going on? - I have a problem.

I like Tim.


A lot.

But, his dog makes me super nervous, and I-I know he was yours first, so Why did you give him away? Was he too aggressive? No! Not at all.

I-I mean, my living situation just wasn't suited to having a pet.

Uh, but Kojo is the sweetest guy.

I mean, do you do you not like dogs? I had a bad experience when I was a kid.

I-I totally get it.


Think about it this way.

Kojo is just like Well, I-I mean, he's kind of just like Tim.

He's big, gruff, a whole lot of bark, but, you know, underneath all of it, he's a he's a sweetheart.

You know, you should, um, you should tell Tim how you feel.

No way.

Never ask a man to choose between his dog and his girlfriend.

There's a whole genre of country songs that warn about that.


- Anyway, I'm sorry to vent.

- No.

I'll let you go back to your night.

Thank you.


- Oh.


Are you Officer Chen? Uh, yeah, I am.


Chris Sanford, DA's office.

Did you cite out a drug dealer named Tyler Stent earlier today? Yes, I did.

But Tyler is a juvenile on his first defense, so I wouldn't just label him a "drug dealer.

" I know.

Your arrest report detailed his tale of woe at length.

Honestly, it's a good thing this isn't going to trial.

You pretty much just handed the defense their case.

I handed them the truth.


You're not really that naive.

No, I'm not.

I'm trying to protect this city.

And because of you, a criminal who was selling dangerous substances is back on our streets.

Really? So you think putting a 16-year-old into juvie for a nonviolent offense is gonna turn the tide in the w*r on dr*gs? - Nowwho's being naive? - [SCOFFS]

How long have you been on the job, Chris? - Four months.

- Mm.

- But that's not relevant.

- Okay.

So, tell you what.

Let's give it a year and a half, and then you can come and criticize my work.

Alright? Nice to meet you, Chris.

- Good night.

Get some sleep.

- Thanks.

Get home safe.








Just what I need.










Hello? I'm sorry for reaching out.

I just I didn't know who else to call.

- You alright? - Yeah.

I'm fine.

It's just been a day.

I know I'm the last person you want to hear from right now, but I feel, like if you and I just sat down, I could explain.

I really hope that's true, but, um I can't do it tonight.

I just need a little time to get on top of how I feel.

You, um broke my heart a little.


I know.

I would do anything to take it back.

I'll call you.





- Hey, guys.


Your husband cannot hold his liquor.

Uh, I am fine.

Don't listen to him.

Is James staying over for dinner? Oh! We're gonna get pizza.


Ah, and and some garlic knots.


And garlic knots! - Yep, yep, yep.


So, what are you gonna do with yourself, for the next six months? I don't know.

S-Spend more time with Jack.

Maybe get rid of the nanny.

Over your dead body.



Well, I could always use your help, over at the community center.

I mean, people come in with legal questions, all the time.

Just yesterday, a lady came in, didn't know whether her sister should take a plea deal.

Oh, man.

Do not get me started on plea deals how they disproportionately affect people in marginalized communities.


Exactly! I know.



What's up? LOPEZ: Your boyfriend is at my house.

- What? - Yeah.

He and Wesley went out drinking together.

See? That That's what I'm saying! - I know! A hundred percent! - That's what I'm saying! Are they watching a game? Mm, no.

Fixing the judicial system.

Luckily, Jack is at my mom's.

We're ordering some pizzas.

Want to come over? - [ALARM BEEPS, DOOR OPENS]

- On my way.

LUCY: Tim! Hold up a second.

Hey, did something come in on Levi? Uh, no.

Uh, you know that call I took earlier? It was It was Ashley.

Why is my girlfriend calling you? She wanted to know if Kojo was a dangerous dog, 'cause you told her he used to be mine.


That's ridiculous.

I mean, he growled at her a few times, but he's just getting used to her.

I-It's not a big deal.

W It is to her.

And you're so concerned about my love life because? Because I don't want to drive around on patrol with you while you are moping about screwing this up.

Look, if you like this girl, you should listen to her.

When have I ever moped? - I don't even know how.

- Mm-hmm.



- Hello? - Johnny? It's Oscar.

Calling a cop, on a contraband cellphone is not the smartest.


I could just hang up rather than tell you what I found out about your boy Jason.

What did you find out? First things first.


I need a letter faxed to my lawyer's office by 8:00 a.


supporting my appeal to change prisons for my safety.

I thought I wasn't good enough.

Beggars can't be choosers.

Do we have a deal? Yeah.

Now tell me what you found.


I talked to a couple of buddies of mine in Lompoc.

Apparently, Jason Wyler is the most charming man on the planet, and he's a cold-blooded manipulator.

Yeah, but is he dangerous? I mean, he's serving time for embezzlement.

He wasn't violent.

From what I've heard, he doesn't have to be.

He whispers in all the right ears, and whoever is his enemy ends up on the wrong end of a shank with no way to trace it back to him.









So, alright.

Here's where we're at.

So, we had eyes on Lincoln's business associates and possible money sources all last night, but Levi never showed.

Well, maybe he left town, without getting his hands on any money.

That doesn't seem likely.

There's a certain standard of living he likes to uphold.

So we keep watching his rich friends and hope for the best.

You know, there is one rich friend we're notwatching.

His double Lamar Sheff.

Lincoln paid Sheff $5 million up front to do the time, and there's no way the double's family could spend it without throwing up red flags.

Sheff's wife lives in Whittier.

Harper, Nolan, go check it out.

First thing we have to do is take your felony off the table.

A felony conviction can be a life sentence to poverty.

It'll affect your future job opportunities, applying for loans.

Oh, man, so I'm screwed, aren't I? Not if we use Prop 47.


But that's for personal drug use only.

Yeah, but it's harder to prove a sales case.

And don't forget, we have a friendly arresting officer.

This will get knocked back to a misdemeanor possession, which means no jail time for you.

For real? So I'm I'm good? Ha! Not even close.

That's the easy part.

Now comes the hard.

From this day on, you are here every day after school, okay? We're gonna review your homework, and if there's anything that you want to talk about, - we'll do that, too.


And you're getting a job.




How you doing? Me? I'm alright.

I'll be a whole lot better once Lil' Man hollers at me outside.

Anything you want to say to Tyler, you can tell us.

- And who's "us"? - I'm part of Tyler's legal team.

Legal team.



For real? Okay.


So, check this out, lawyer.

Your client here entered a verbal commitment with me over the sale of certain items.

Those items are now lost.

He owes me restitution.

He's getting a job, but he'll need some time to pay you back.

With interest.

By tomorrow.

Thirty days.

No interest.

Excuse me? Curtis, do not make this a thing.



It's too late for all that, James.

Now, listen.

I came in here alone out of respect.

In here, this is your world.

Out there, that's mine.

I'll be seeing you, Lil' Man.


We got to find a place for him to lay low while we work this out.

I can, uh I can take him to his aunt's place in Covina.




It's gonna be okay.

But you got to go to ground, okay? Stay off your phone.

Don't tell anyone where you are.

You got it? [SOFTLY]



You okay? Yeah.

Well, n-no.




I talked to Oscar last night.

What the hell for? He got intel on Jason.

The real, from inside the prison.

And it turns out this guy's as much of a nightmare as Bailey hinted at.

Well, it doesn't excuse her not telling you, but it does explain it.

She probably still hasn't dealt with the trauma.

So what do I do? Do I just Let it slide? If If Jason is as dangerous as he says, then he could go back after Bailey.

Yeah, but Bailey's not exactly a damsel in distress.

I mean, you remember what she did to that Russian spy.

If he does make a move, my money's on Bailey.




What a, uh, nice surprise.

Uh, I'm sorry.

I'm - I'm all sweaty.

Is - I know what you're doing.


Mowing the lawn? Just stop with the games.

Charming my co-workers, pretending you want a divorce? I'm not buying it, not for one second.

You were in my house! What? No, I wasn't.

But you're right about one thing, I don't want a divorce.

I want things to go back to the way they were.

Uh, which part? The part where you shamed me, belittled me, tried to control everything in my life? Okay.


I-I admit that I wasn't perfect.

But you you needed help, guidance, okay? E-Everything that I did, I did for you.

You abused me, Jason! Oh, come on.

I never laid a finger on you! You didn't have to! You isolated me from my family and friends! You made me think it was all my fault! You gaslit me to the point of a breakdown! [HUSHED]

Could we talk about this later? Hell no! We are talking about it now! When I left, I was in pieces.

And then I moved out here and I rebuilt my entire life from scratch.

I am not the same person anymore.

And neither am I! Shut up and listen to me.

When I say I am not the same person anymore, I mean it.

And if you push me, I will push back harder than you can imagine.

Do you understand? Yeah.

I understand.


Stay away from me.



- How much farther? - About five minutes.

MAN: 7-Adam-15, be advised, Whittier police responded to a 911 call about your suspect, Levi Lincoln.


Go ahead.

On-scene detectives confirm that suspect Levi Lincoln forced his way into a home at gunpoint, forced a female victim, Linda Sheff, to wire $4 million to a Cayman Islands account.


That's Lamar's wife.

Cayman Islands means he's fleeing the country.

There's a private airfield somewhere around here.

Take your next right.

It's about a half-mile east.

Control, notify local PD.

We believe suspect is headed for Whittier Airstrip.

Have them send backup, and notify Sgt.



- HARPER: Black motorcycle.

- NOLAN: Someone's at the plane.


- It's Levi.



Control, taking handgun fire from the suspect at Whittier Airstrip.

We're pursuing on foot.


[g*nshots, b*ll*ts RICOCHETING]

What's your plan, Levi? You're trapped, and we got backup on the way.

One problem at a time.

All I got to do is get rid of you two, and get in my plane.

I hate to break it to you, but law enforcement has airplanes, too and this thing called radar.

Plus, getting rid of us is gonna be a tall order.


I've overcome bigger obstacles.

[g*nf*re, b*ll*ts RICOCHETING]

You do realize you're gonna spend twice as much time in prison as you originally were.

Was three years of freedom worth the 10 extra? [g*nf*re, b*ll*ts RICOCHETING]


TIM: 7-Adam-15.

7-Adam-100 arriving on scene.

What's your status? We have the suspect pinned down inside.

We could use backup at the side entrance.


[g*nf*re, b*ll*ts RICOCHETING]



Drop the g*n.


Control, suspect in custody.

We're Code 4.

Fun fact It's gonna be a lot harder to buy your way out of this - with no money.


Tell me about it.

Being broke sucks.





Thank you.


That should be everything.

Officer Chen.


You're back.

Has it been a year and a half already? Tyler Stent was just arrested for armed robbery.

He pointed a g*n at an elderly store owner, who then suffered a heart attack.

If she dies, I'm charging your kid with m*rder.

If you hadn't cited him out, this wouldn't have happened.


Do you remember sounds of autumn singing? [SIREN CHIRPING]

But we have been dropping like the flies we are Driver, turn off your car and place both hands out of the window.



Driver, open the door from the outside.

Step out with your hands above your head.


- Step away from the vehicle.

- What is going on? Ma'am, step away from the vehicle! I haven't done anything wrong.


We'll tell you what's going on in a second.

Step away from the vehicle, ma'am.

I-I didn't give you permission to search my car.

What is happening? Why am I [DOWN-TEMPO MUSIC PLAYS]

- Wait.

That isn't mine.

- You have a right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you.

It was my husband.

He's framing me.



You got two minutes.

Thank you.

You okay? No.

I'm pissed.

Jason set me up.


I know.

I know.

His fragile little ego never could handle being challenged.

I should have seen this coming.

This is not your fault.

I confronted him at work.

I embarrassed him.

I knew he'd retaliate, but I didn't care.

I just wanted to show him that I wasn't scared.


I was so stupid.

- No.

You were right to stand up to him.

There's no winning.

I run.

He tracks me down.

I fight back.

He takes my career.

If I'm convicted on a drug charge, they'll throw me off the job.

And he knows it.

He's taking everything that matters to me.

It's what he does.

He thinks if I'll get low enough, I'll go back to him.


Well, that's never gonna happen.

How much is my bail? I can pay you back.


Well, it's not quite that simple.

The amount of cocaine they found in your car They're gonna charge you with a felony.

That means you're gonna have to wait for a judge - to set your bail.


And how long will that take? Hopefully a day, maybe two.

But don't worry.

While you're in here, I'm going to fix it.

I can't ask you to do that.

You don't have to.

I'm doing it because I love you.

Still? Yes.


But that doesn't get us anywhere near to good.

But nobody screws with you and gets away with it.

I hear the drizzle of the rain Like a memory Tyler, what happened? We had a deal.

I had to get Curtis his money.


We were coming up with a plan.

Why didn't you just listen to us? I'm sorry.

I panicked.

I Is the lady gonna be alright? We don't know yet.

Come on.

Move it along.

And from the shelter of my mind Through the window of my eyes I gaze beyond VOICE: Disarm system now.


- Hey, buddy.


to England, where my heart lies [MONITOR BEEPS]

- Disarmed.

Ready to arm.



This is a terrible idea.


It's gonna be great, okay? I want you to feel as comfortable here as you do at home.

Look, Carl from the K9 unit said that dogs respond positively to people who display control, okay? They're pack animals.

They know when they see a leader.

I know this is scary, but I'm right here with you.

And I promise you, you're gonna you're gonna love him, if you just give him a chance.


There but for the grace of you go I Sit.


Too nice.

Just boss him around a little.




Hey, hey.


That's my job.

Okay, Kojo.


One step at a time.


It's, uh, John, right? Good to see you again.

No need for the act.

You planted those dr*gs.

What? dr*gs? Wh Uh, whoa, whoa.

Uh, rewind.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Yeah, you do.

Bailey's sitting in a jail cell right now because of you.

She is? Oh, God.

That's, uh, horrible.


It's exactly what you wanted.

Well, of course it isn't, but.

You know, I got to say, hearing that she's finally facing some consequences for her actions, well It does well for my spirit.

You really can't let her be happy, can you? Couldn't stand that she didn't need you anymore.

Well Well, your time is over.

I know who you are now.

And I'm coming for you.