01x25 - Showdown Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". Aired: September 28, 2012 - November 12, 2017.*
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Computer-animated television series based on characters from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic books by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.
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01x25 - Showdown Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Kraang, a message from Kraang's glorious leader Kraang prime! Kraang! Kraang! Kraang! Kraang! Kraang! The invasion that is known as the invasion of Earth begins now! Kraang! Kraang! Kraang! Kraang! Kraang! Kraang! Kraang! Kraang! Prepare the Technodrome.

Holy toledo! What's with the alarm, Donnie? The Kraang communication orb's going haywire, Which means those little brain-blobs are up to something big.

What is this? Alien language? Can you decode this stuff? I guess we're about to find out.

Translating now.

Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power! Here we go, it's the lean green ninja team on the scene, cool teens doing ninja things so extreme, out the sewer like laser beams get rocked with the shell shock pizza kings can't stop these radical dudes the secret of the ooze made the chosen few emerge from the shadows to make their move the good guys win and the bad guys lose.

Leonardo's the leader in blue does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is the fellow has a way with machines Raphael's got the most attitude on the team Michelangelo, he's one of a kind and you know just where to find him when it's party time.

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need to be one lean mean green incredible team! Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power! And now, the final episode of Space Heroes.

Captain, the destructinators are on our tail! - We're lost.

- I've got an idea.

It's crazy.

It defies all logic.

It's illegal in 16 solar systems and my mother would most assuredly not approve.

But it just might work.

Nope! Abandon ship.

Huh? Captain, aren't you coming? A true captain goes down with his ship.

- Sir, it's been a privilege - Just go.

Well, old girl, it's just you and me.

- What a hero.

- What are you doing? That's the final episode of Space Heroes! I've got something a little more important.

April and I have been sifting through all this Kraang chatter, and, well, listen to what we translated.

The final phase of the plan known as Kraang's invasion shall commence in the unit of time that is six hours.

The Technodrome shall arrive from Dimension X through the portal.

Are you sure this is the translated version? They said in six hours, something called the Technodrome is coming through that portal.

This is the final phase of the Kraang invasion.


But I thought April was the key to the Kraang plot, and they don't have her.

If that Technodrome comes through that portal, well, it sounds like the end of the world.

- So what do we do? - Guys we've gotta find a way to shut that portal down.

It's up to us.

- To save the world? - Leonardo is right.

When you first went up to the surface, I feared you were not ready.

But I have come to realize that you are not only ready to become heroes, it was your destiny.

And if the fate of the world must rest in somebody's hands, I am grateful it is yours.

Leonardo, a moment, please.

With the world at stake, the only thing of importance - is that you complete your mission.

- Yes, Sensei.

No matter what you have to sacrifice or who.

Gentlemen, let's save the world.

Um, Sensei, do you mind if I ask you a question? Of course not.

- Why aren't you going with them? - Why do you ask? The turtles are out there risking their lives.

Don't you think they could use your help? I am their teacher.

My role is to prepare them for the challenges they face.

But, Sensei, you said yourself that this time the fate of the world is Damare! I do not have to explain myself to a child! All right, guys, we're gonna keep it simple.

We go to TCRI and we use the micro-fission omni-disintegrator, which Donnie calculates is powerful enough to destroy the portal with a single shot.

Well, then, why didn't we use it last time? Because we didn't have it last time.

You have an answer for everything, don't you, Donnie? Yes, I do.

Good one, Donnie.

Speaking of "good one," are you sure this plan will work, Leo? It has to work.

Hey, April.

Where is everybody? The Kraang are making their move.

The turtles are on their way to TCRI.

- TCRI? Oh, no.

- What's wrong? The Kraang know that the turtles are coming for them.

- How do you know this? - Don't! The Kraang have cracked the T-phones' encryption.

We've got to warn the turtles in person.

- Uh - I'm your father, April.

You have to trust me.

Come on.

April, where are you going? The turtles are in trouble.

I've gotta go warn them.

But you know it's dangerous for you to be on the surface.

Well, some of us can't just sit around and do nothing! Dad, what are you doing? This isn't the way to TCRI.

Dad, what's going on? Unh uhh help! Hey there, princess.

- Miss me? - Yeah, actually.

Last time I saw you, I forgot to give you this! You've done well.

Now take the message to Splinter.

Dad? Dad? Dad! What are you doing? Dad! Unh! You brainwashed him! I know.

Pretty cool, right? Booyakasha! Meet Metalhead! I see you! Whoo-hoo! Ow! - Nice work, Donnie.

- You know what it's time for? The world's first-ever midair high three! Yeah! This is awesome! Turtles were born to fly! All right, guys, let's do this.


It is quiet.

Precisely the correct amount of quiet.

Hey, Kraang.

Nah nah nah nah nah.

This is going to leave that which is known as a mark.


The turtles are out there risking their lives.

Don't you think they could use your help? Some of us can't just sit around and do nothing.

Hm? Stop.

Where is April? Master Shredder wanted you to have this message.

Master Shredder? Nani? So, Hamato Yoshi, you thought you could hide from me forever.

I have April o'Neil.

And if you value her life, you will come and face me like a man.

We will finish what we started all those years ago.

We gotta take out that portal.

- I forgot about him.

- Don't worry.

We'll be gone before that rock monster even knows we're here.

Okay, guys, this all ends in three, two, one.

What? There's a force field.

Why didn't you tell me? Well, because I wanted us to fail.

Obviously I didn't know! Anyone got a plan "B"? So how good is this so-called ninja master anyway? One of the best.

He trained in the same ninja clan as master Shredder.

They used to be like brothers until Hamato Yoshi betrayed him.

Let me put it to you this way.

He's as skilled as master Shredder, but he doesn't have the stomach to finish the fight.

Donnie, how's that plan "B" coming? - I'm thinking.

- Think faster.

I can probably hack into the Kraang system if you'd give me enough time! Great, do that.

Eh? What was that? He's here.

April, it is me.

Do not make a sound.

I will have you out in a moment.

Hando? Hamato Yoshi.

I am so glad you accepted my invitation.

What have you done with April? Now that you are here, miss o'Neil is no longer any use to me.

I gave her to my new friends, the Kraang.

You fool! Do you have any idea what you've done? Yes.

I took your family away, and now I can put an end to you, once and for all.

What? A rat? I see you are as hideous as those turtles that surround you.

How fitting.

You are a rat who has been caught in my trap.

Look closely at this face, Shredder, for it is the last thing you'll ever see! Come on, come on! This thing's running out of juice.

And, guys, look! The portal! Whatever's coming through the portal is gonna be here soon.

When's that force field coming down, Donnie? I'm working on it.

Oh Whoa! Yuuuh! Eww.

- Uh, I forgot he could do that.

- Not good.

Guys, I think I got it.

Yes! All hail me! Oh.

Guys? Holy giant floating shippy-ship.

Huh? Leo, do the zippy-zappy thing now! Come on, baby.

Come on, baby.

Come on, baby! Yes! Say good night, Kraang.

- What the heck happened? - I think the batteries died.

And we'll be joining 'em unless someone thinks of something! What's plan "C", Leo? Donnie, what would happen if I ruptured the power cell? The whole place would go up with us in it! Go! Whoa, Leo.

You're not thinking what I think you're thinking! He's thinking it! Gotcha! Yeah! Whoo! - In your face, gravity! - Oh, thanks, Raph.

Anytime, buddy.

I can't believe it.

We saved the world.

Yeah! That wasn't so hard, was it? Whoa! Uh I gotta stop saying stuff like that.
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