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03x09 - Amber

Posted: 10/28/22 18:05
by bunniefuu
JACKSON: Last day of training.

Last day of Tim barking orders.

Last day that they can fire us at a moment's notice.

Last day of them recording every flaw for posterity.

It's kind of bittersweet.


Just sweet.




Guys, stop apologizing.

You guys have finally made it, and I will be right behind you.

Look, the extra month will fly by.

You know it, now Is Tim gonna do anything special to memorialize your last shift together? Not knowingly.

You know, when you move on from an important relationship, there are steps you should take to ensure a healthy parting.

We are going to work through every single one of them.

Uh, how, if he doesn't know you're doing it? Trickery.


That's Yeah.

Who are you gonna ride with today? No idea.

Grey's busy, and Smitty's getting a back tattoo.

- That's - Yeah.

Don't ask.

So, we are out of TOs, and I'm guessing I'm finishing my rookie year at the front desk.

- Huh.

- LOPEZ: Boot.

Where's our gear? Wait, what? We started this journey together.

I think we should end it that way.

- Don't you? - Yeah.

Then let's go.

I thought we were tight.

You did? Um, we are.

That's I mean, why? What? You told your ethics professor she should come for a ride along? - No, we No.

- Mm.

We didn't even, uh, discuss it, but I-I need to pass this class, so It's super important she doesn't get shot today.

No promises.

You ride with me, you ride the roller coaster.

Okay, Nyla, I know that - Hi.

Good morning.

- Good morning.

Uh, Professor Ryan, this is Detective Nyla Harper, my training officer.

I'm told you're gonna be going on a ride along with us today.

I hope that's okay.

I didn't want to put you in an awkward position, by asking you, but your watch commander said that you'd feel cheated, if I didn't ride with you, - so - And he was right.


- Uh, shall we? - Mm.


HARPER: So, you, uh, sign all the paperwork that says that we are not liable if you are maimed or k*lled? I did.

It seemed a bit excessive.


No, it's not.

I mean, we will try our best to protect you, but we cannot guarantee your safety.

You will be exposed, to all the same dangers that we are.

Well, more farmers die yearly than cops do.

I didn't have to sign a liability waiver to go apple picking.

HARPER: That's because you weren't picking them - out of a wood chipper.

- NOLAN: Uh, hey, have you ever seen a body camera up close? - No.

- Well, they're always running, uh, until we actually need them.

We switch them on, then they start recording, and they go back two minutes so we can catch any of that last-minute action.

Oh, yet they're always broken whenever the cops cross the line.

You'd be surprised how many police officers actually want a body camera.

- Oh.

- That way, it makes it easier to disprove complaints.

Okay, then you will not mind if I record the ride along myself as research tool.

No problem.


Just as long as you turn it off when we hit the strip club for the lunch buffet.

She's kidding.

That buffet is terrible at that strip club.

- Whoa, oh, oh, oh - Ready to go? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh I'm gonna win for you like I know you want me to do [CAMERAS BEEPING]

- You got yours on? - Yeah.


It's our last shift together.

It's crazy, huh? Not really.

Come on.

I mean, we've been riding shoulder to shoulder - for over a year now.


And soon, there'll be a new rookie sitting in that seat, annoying the crap out of me for 12 hours a day.

So, you're not gonna miss riding with me at all? It's a job, not happy hour.




- What? - Hmm? Nothing.

So, you teach full time? No.

Just nights and weekends.

My day job is civil rights litigation.

And then there's lecturing, the writing, the cable news hits.

When do you sleep? Sleep? What's that? Oh, is that what you were doing in my class on Monday? - [CHUCKLES]

- What? No.

Uh, no.

Sometimes, I just I hold a blink for a really long time.

You sure lying to your teacher is the way to go here? Actually, now that I hear it out loud, - I'd like to revise my answer.

- Yeah.



- So, uh, given how busy you are, why take the time for a ride along? Well, I'm finishing up a book on the future of policing.

Hey, what would you say is the, uh, biggest challenge you face day to day? Finding a safe bathroom.

Uh, that is that is true.

I mean, we can't use a stall bathroom, for safety reasons.

The door has to go floor to ceiling.

And the location of the bathroom, also very important, so that not a lot of people can see us entering and leaving.


- DISPATCH: 7-Adam-15, residential burglary alarm, 1330 Monrovia.

Hundred bucks it's an accidental trigger.

That is a hard pass.


She's She's kidding.


No way we'd blow off a service call.


- Copy.

- Responding.


LUCY: Do you see yourself as my mentor? No.

I'm your TO.

It's my job to make sure you're not dangerously incompetent when you hit the streets without supervision tomorrow.

You know, when I was a rookie, I couldn't wait to get off probation.

Oh, I am excited.

Believe me.

But I also know the importance of acknowledging your loss when going through something like this.

"Acknowledging your loss"? Hmm.

What is this, some "Intro to Psych" closure BS? It's not BS.

It's a widely used psychological model to help people cope with the end of a relationship.

Relationship? Partnership.


Whatever you want to call it.

Look, I don't want to call it anything.

It's not like you won't see me tomorrow at the station.

You know, what's there to talk about? A lot.

I have a list.

- So - A list? You know, littering is a $250 fine.

Worth it.

What are you smiling about? Well, we were at denial, but now we have moved to anger.

That's more progress.

Thank you.


Gets me out of the office.

I mean, not just for today.

I mean, you could have bounced me from the program after that first day.

I owe you my career.

I confess, don't hate the playa I'd settle for a sandwich.

We're near Phillipe's.

But you just had breakfast.

You questioning the pregnant lady? [CHUCKLING]

No, ma'am.

No, ma'am.

What? You're gonna be a mom.

And? I don't know.

I mean a lot's happened since we started out together.

I knew my TO would be important to my career, but I don't know, I didn't realize how important you'd be to my life.

They might shine, but when they lights go out Lay off the sappy stuff.

I'm nauseous enough as it is.


FIONA: Have you read my work? I have.

I actually follow you on social media.


And? I'd make a lot of the reforms you're pushing for, but some just aren't based in reality.

Well, maybe not your reality.

Look, either you want my opinion or you don't.

If you are just here to confirm your own point of view, then I-I will stop engaging.

No, no, no, no, that's not what I'm looking for.

I-I'm just used to cops taking my head off any time I suggest changing the status quo.

- So - Well, you would be surprised how many cops actually know the system has to change, but just feel powerless to make it happen.



Homeowner set off the alarm accidentally.

- Hundred bucks.

- Just put it on my tab.

So, you two getting along? Huh? My two teachers? - Mm.

- Yeah.

We're bonding by making fun of you.

Oh, outstanding.

Let me get in on that.

Have you noticed how much I've been saying "like" lately? [ALARM BEEPING]

Child abduction.

Suspect is driving a gold Tacoma truck.

Plate number 2-Queen-Robert-Ida-4-4-5.

Victim was kidnapped from City of Angels Hospital.

How old? Uh five hours.

PILOT: Here we go.



Air Three is lifting now.

I'm 10-9-7.

Searching for the suspect vehicle.

Uh, newborn baby girl went missing 20 minutes ago.

The hospital is going over the surveillance footage.

Wait, don't all babies get LoJack these days? Yeah, it was found in the elevator, cut off.

Who owns the Tacoma? Uh, that would be the father Jared Young.

Looks like they're going through a messy divorce.

He was visiting the hospital earlier that day, but security had him leave.

There may have been some kind of threat.

So, what, he went back in and he just took the baby? Jared's got quite an extensive criminal history here.

Lot of narcos, uh, narco possession, possession to sell, under the influence.

Mm, just the guy you want taking care of your newborn.

Well, we got the whole city looking for him.

- He won't get far.

- So, this baby, that the, uh, whole city is mobilized to find Is she by any chance white? We issue plenty of Amber Alerts for children of color, as well.

Do you have a kid? Daughter.

And, uh, you're sure your daughter would get the same attention as his son? From the media? No.

But out here, we We look just as hard.


Young, this is Detective Lopez.

I'm out here searching for your baby.



You have to find her.

Yes, ma'am, we're doing everything we can, but I need your help.

Is there any place your husband might take her? - MRS.

YOUNG: He lives in Bell Gardens.

- Yes, ma'am.

We have officers on the way to his apartment now, but if he's not there, where would he be? MRS.

YOUNG: Out buying dr*gs, if he has any money.

And if he's not? MRS.

YOUNG: Jared will do anything to get a fix, including selling our baby.


Gold pickup, two blocks up.



Texas plates.

Five hours old.

That poor mother must be going out of her mind.

Let me guess you think if the parents had properly worked through their separation, this whole thing could have been avoided? No Mom needs to get as far away from him as possible.

But I do think that having easier access to counseling, and mental health resources could prevent situations like this.


But most guys still wouldn't go.

Yeah, because we stigmatize mental health, treat it as less important than physical health.

It's ridiculous that they teach sex ed in schools, but not how to be in a relationship.

I wish someone taught me how to be in this one.

Oh, so we are in a relationship.

So, what's the focus of your book? Uh, reinventing policing With a more limited mandate.

Amen to that.

You agree with taking resources away from police? If it lessens our load, then yes, absolutely.

Yeah, we complain about it all the time.

Police have become the catch-all for the city's problems.

We're expected to be cops, uh Psychologists, social workers, teachers, mediators.

And they only train us for one of those jobs.

Gold truck.

Two cars ahead.

That's him.

Control, 7-Adam-15.

We have eyes on the Amber Alert suspect vehicle.

Heading west on Pico, passing Westlake.

7-Adam-19, inbound on Olympic, passing Ardmore.

7-Adam-07, coming west from Wilshire and Rimpau moving to intercept from the front.

Air Three responding.

Heading west from Bell Gardens.

ETA to your location approximately six minutes.

Can you parallel suspect until I get eyes on? - Affirmative.

- Parallel? Yeah, we follow on side streets and alleyways.

Oh, so he doesn't spot you - and run? - Exactly.

Last thing we want is him speeding through traffic with a baby in the car, especially since there's no way he's got an infant car seat in there.

No, we'll just wait until we have enough units, and then we'll box him in.

Intersection ahead.

We still have him? Yeah, he's about half a car length ahead, but he's speeding up.

He might've seen us before we made our turn.

7-Adam-19, Maxwell and Pico.

West of target waiting for him to pass.

Suspect just went past.

Speed 50 miles an hour.

We'll move to parallel on the north.

Copy that.

Why not just set up a roadblock? Roadblocks are considered a lethal measure.

- Didn't know that.

- Yeah, there's a strong chance a desperate driver will ram a roadblock.

Clear! We don't use them unless we have no other choice.

- Come on, come on.

- Watch out, watch out! [TIRES SCREECH]

I can't see around the truck.

- Move it! Move! - I got it.

- After this car.

- Hey! - Hold on.

There we go.

- Got it.

- Do you see him? - No.

Well, maybe, maybe he turned around when we got stuck.

7-Adam-19, we've lost visual.

You got eyes on him? Negative, we haven't reacquired visual.

Where the hell is that airship? PILOT: Air Three is overhead.

Arriving on scene.

What's the suspect's 20? We lost visual.

Pico, east of Maxwell.

It's possible he turned off and headed either north or south.

Copy that.

We're gonna orbit.


Suspect vehicle now heading north on Livingston.

Repeat, north on Livingston.


On our way.

Speed is approximately 65.

Looks like he's heading for the freeway.


Hold on.

Suspect just sideswiped another vehicle.

He's lost control.


Tell me that wasn't our guy.

He just TC'd into a telephone pole.

Can you see inside the truck? Negative.




- HARPER: Hands! - NOLAN: Police! HARPER: Show me your hands! - Where is your daughter? - JARED: What? NOLAN: Keep your hands where we can see them.

No kid.

There's no kid in here!' There's no kid! HARPER: Your baby, where is she? At the hospital with her mom.

LUCY: Then why did you run? TIM: g*n and dr*gs.

FIONA: If he doesn't have the baby, who does? [HELICOPTER BLADES WHIRRING]

Never thought I'd be disappointed a meth-head wasn't taking care of a newborn.

But I guess there's still plenty of time for him to mess up this kid's childhood, once we get her back.

If we get her back.


You know, whenever you need Halloween costumes for Lopez Jr.

, my mom has dozens in storage.

I'm talking cop uniforms for every age.

You never really wanted to be anything else? Astronaut? Ninja? - Ninja astronaut? - [CHUCKLES]

I mean, that'd be cool, but Mnh-mnh.


I guess I just wanted to be my dad.

It was like my way of feeling close to him when he wasn't around.

- Was that a lot? - Yeah.

I mean, he was a detective when I was born, trying to make a name for himself.

Lot of long hours.

But you were close.

Yeah, eventually.

Mom was kind of on her own until I was 12.

And that's when he moved up, got more stable hours.


I mean, I always loved him don't get me wrong even when he wasn't around.

I have a lot of great memories, - you know? - Of course.

You know, you and Wesley are going to be awesome parents.

I know.

It's just We both get so wrapped up in our cases, we barely make time to have dinner together.

How are we supposed to make time for a kid? Wesley is loaded.

You get yourself a nanny.

Or three.

So a stranger can raise my child? I mean, it won't be a stranger when you get to know them, you know? Look You are not the first detective to have to balance work with a kid.

Talk to Harper, about how she did it.

LOPEZ: Harper, can you ten-three to a backup channel? Sure, go to 11.

Don't record this.


I need you to give me the reals on something.

How difficult was it to go back to work after Lila was born? Honestly, I barely remember.

I almost died giving birth, so But, uh, that's -that's not gonna happen to you.

G-Giving birth can be a wonderful experience, I've been told.

Definitely get the epidural.

Don't worry.

I'm not a lunatic.

I'm thinking of scheduling a C, but I'm worried that the stitches and everything will keep me off work even longer.

I worried about the same thing, but you know what? I got stitches anyway, just, not in my stomach.


Change us back to channel one.

Wh-I-I I think I want to hear this.

Tell me the truth Am I gonna poop myself? And I'm out.



I wish I could say no.

Why can't we just do that twilight sleep thing they did back in the '50s? [CHUCKLES]

I asked.

Apparently it is "grossly unethical.

" SGT.

GREY: Detectives, are you done? BOTH: Yes, sir.

We must seem callous, joking while a kid is missing.

No, I get it.

I'm sure it's hard to work these kinds of cases.

Calls involving kids are the worst.

You can't help but think, what if they were mine? Mm.

Yeah, I don't have kids, but I feel the same way every time another Black kid gets shot by police.



Hospital sent the video of the kidnapping.

You can't see her face.

LOPEZ: That is just terrifying.

A stranger snatching your baby when you're not there to protect them.

Don't worry, I will personally stand watch over your kid until you leave the hospital.

You better.

Do they have an ID on the kidnapper? - Not yet.

- Listen to me.

We're gonna find her, alright? And that baby's gonna be fine.

You'll see.


We don't have time for this.

Every minute we waste waiting for an ID on this woman, is a minute she could be hurting this kid Or worse.

Look, you need to get your head right in case this goes bad.

I'm squared away.

The fact that you just said that means you're not.

Look, you've been lucky on the job so far.



I'm sorry.

That That came out wrong.

You've been through Hell stuff that would've broken a lot of veteran cops.

But a dead kid is different.

A dead kid Changes you forever.


I really hope our last shift together doesn't end with that.


Me too.


Okay, so what's next on your list? [INHALES SHARPLY]


"Surround yourself with people" "who support, value, and energize you," which May have to wait until later.

Then, uh, "Reflect on the lessons learned" "Both the good and the bad" And "express gratitude.

" Okay.

So, what have I taught you that you're grateful for? Um hmm.

Not to second-guess myself.

Yeah, early on, one look from you could send me into a tailspin.

- Plain Clothes Day.

- Mm-hmm.

But I've learned to trust my instincts, even if they go against what you would do, which will be crucial for undercover work.

You serious about being UC? Yeah.

Why? Do you not think I'm tough enough? No, it's not about being tough.

I mean, look, you're as tough as they come.

It's just, you're Sensitive.


- You are! Look what happened with Tamara.

You gave her your car, for crying out loud.

And today Today, this whole need to relive the last year, talk about our feelings.

I happen to think that caring about people, connecting with them, is what makes me a good cop.

It does.

Just not a good UC.

Look, to work undercover, you have to be able to lie to someone's face Make them believe you're their best friend, and then s*ab them in the back.

I just don't think you have that k*ller instinct.


I'm sorry.

But it's better you hear it now.


You're right.

And I appreciate your honesty.

You always tell me the truth, no matter how painful it's gonna be, and you deserve the same from me.

I've been struggling, with being honest with you all day.

I've been hiding behind this stupid closure checklist, trying to get up the courage to tell you something.


What? I have feelings for you.

- Uh, like f - Look, we've been through a lot this year, I mean You saved my life.

And I didn't want to say anything before because I didn't want to put you in a weird position.

But now, I mean, I think I think the reason why you're so protective of me and And why you don't want me to be an undercover cop is because Because you have feelings for me, too.

- Lucy, I - No, listen, I-I know it's complicated.

You're my TO.

You're responsible for me.

I know that you would never cross that line, but Starting tomorrow, I guess You're not, and I Uh Eh First of all I-I just, like Thank you.

Um You're Look, Lucy, I'm I'm flattered.

I am.

You're a great girl.



And I Um [SIGHS]


- Listen.


Are you kidding me?! I'm sorry! - Are you kidding me? - Wait, I'm sorry.

- Oh, you're sorry.

- Wait.

Just wait.

Lie to your face Check.

Make you think I've fallen for you Double check.

Oh, and s*ab you in the back when you think we're best friends Triple check.

Look me in the face - Nope.

- And tell me you don't think, I have the k*ller instinct to do undercover work.

Look me in my face.


It's weird now, isn't it? Nope.

I was just making a point.

And you're undermining it by feeling guilty.

HARPER: You're out of your mind.

You want to try the Camden Experiment in Los Angeles? I'm sorry.

What's the Camden Experiment? Uh, fire all police officers, make them reapply for their jobs.

Oh, just that? [CHUCKLES]

Well, you're both good cops.

You'd be back on the force in no time.

But, running new background checks on every single officer, most especially combing through their social media posts That'll get rid of most of the problem.

We'd be coming back to a gutted force.

I mean, you would be down 10%.

Maybe 20%.

But you would be coming back to a better force.

And what about the kid that goes missing the day we're all fired? I mean, it wouldn't happen overnight.

It would happen gradually, in stages.

But without major action, things will never get better.


GREY: 7-Adam-15, we have a possible suspect ID on the Amber Alert.

Last name Cissane, first name Rita.

Suspect's husband called 911.

Make contact to take his statement.

Address is being sent to your box.

Copy that, we got it.

On our way.

ETHAN: Yeah, if, uh I-if she reaches out, um, please, please, please, please call me.

Um okay.

Yeah, no.

I-I gotta go.


Cissane, I'm Detective Harper.

This is Officer Nolan.

I understand that your wife, Rita, was here with a baby? Yeah, I-I don't I don't know where she is.

I-I tried calling everyone that I know.

I-I tried to stop her from leaving, but she was holding that baby, and it was Just so little.

I know.

They can look so fragile at that age.

Uh, tell us about your wife.

Is there anything that could have precipitated this? You don't know? W-We lost our daughter, Casey, this morning to SIDS.

Rita went into the nursery to check on her, and then I heard screaming, so I ran in, and she was so still S-so cold.

I am so sorry.

Sir, h-how old was she? [CRYING]

Two months.

That's why your wife was at the hospital today? Yeah, we -we raced Casey to the Emergency Room, hoping that they could do something, but it was It was too late.

And then there was so many, uh, questions and And forms.

It took me a while to realize that, um, that Rita had left.

She wasn't answering her cell, so I thought maybe s-she, she came home, but she wasn't here, and then she just showed up like nothing had happened, and she was just Holding this little baby, and calling her Casey and saying that everything had been a big mistake.


- Okay, uh, we're gonna have to initiate Child Death Protocol.

Treat the place like a crime scene.

Notify Homicide The District Attorney, and CPS.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

We didn't k*ll our daughter.

It was -It was It was SIDS.

Yes, sir.

I understand.

I'm not saying that we believe that you harmed your child, but we do have protocols we have to follow.

Eh, sir, it's The hard fact is, what most people consider to be SIDS is actually, accidental suffocation, from soft bedding or a toy.

Uh, right now, we have to focus on your wife.

Is there anywhere you think she might have gone? I don't know, I've reached out to everyone I can think of, but she's not really herself right - Right now.

- Has she been depressed lately? Yeah.

I mean, she hasn't been eating or sleeping.

The doctor said she had, um PPD, but Rita refused any help.

Uh, has she been drinking a lot? - Any dr*gs or medication? - No.

No, the doctor prescribed antidepressants, but Rita wouldn't take them.

I'm just so scared that - Thank you, sir.

- Okay, thank you.

Please don't hurt her.

- She's not herself right now.


You have to promise me that you won't hurt her, please.



Updated Amber Alert.

New suspect vehicle is a green Ford Fiesta.

License plate 3-Paul-Charles-Ida-0-2-6.

Suspect is Rita Cissane.

31-year-old white female, who lost her baby to SIDS.

This case is all the nightmares in my closet combined.

I know.


How am I ever gonna let my kid out of my sight? With all the things we see on the job, the-the things I know about people Look, the things we see are outliers.

Look, every day, we show up on people's worst day.

We see the exception, not the rule.

I know that up here - But - Look, whether the kid is with you or Wesley or a nanny, they'll be fine, okay? It's just so different from the way I grew up.

Wesley was raised by a nanny.

But, when my mom went to work, she put me in the back room, and the other women would check in on me.

Can't exactly drop off Lopez Jr.

in Holding every morning.


I don't know.

Smitty is surprisingly maternal.


That is the most horrifying idea I've ever heard And I want it to be a reality show so bad.

Right? I would watch the hell out of that.

Rita is negative on any previous 5150 holds, and there are no registered firearms in her name.

If this woman's doctor couldn't get through to her, how will you? I-I mean, this woman is in crisis.

She needs a psychiatrist.

Yeah, but the baby needs a cop.

The honest truth is we don't have enough information, to know what we're dealing with.

But that's every call.

It's a constant struggle to figure things out, before it's too late.

Uh, 7-Adam-19, go to channel nine.

Go for 7-Adam-19.

Did you study postpartum depression - in your psych major? - Yeah.

PPD is fairly common, affects 1 in 8 new moms.

In most cases, they feel tired, alone, guilty.

Some feel a lack of attachment and then guilt, for not feeling attached.

Some are overwhelmed by paranoia Visions of horrible things, happening to their own child.

I see Rita turned down treatment.

That tells me she's probably dealing with shame, trying to cope alone, isolating.

Now add to that the trauma of finding her child unresponsive.

That could precipitate a mental break.

If it's an extreme case of PPD, which is rare, she could be thinking about harming herself or her baby.


Green Fiesta.

Plates match.

That's our car.

Nolan, we found Rita's car.

21000 block of Manningham.

On our way.

Let's go.

LUCY: Control, 7-Adam-19, we've located the Fiesta from the revised Amber Alert.

21000 block of Manningham.


- No sign of suspect or child.

It's still hot.

She must have just ditched it.

MAN: Hey.

You looking for the driver? TIM: Yeah, you see where she went? Nah.

I was walking by when she parked on the curb.

- LUCY: How long ago? - About five minutes.

Enough time for Butch and I to circle the block.

- Did she have a baby with her? - No idea.

I just watched her totally demolish that parking spot.


Reminded me of my ex-wife.

Uh, yes, sir.

Please call us - if you remember anything else.

- Okay.

Control, 7-Adam-19, I got the vehicle, unoccupied.

Witness says the suspect here less than five minutes ago.

She's on foot.

We need backup and an airship to secure a 10-block radius for a grid search.

I don't like this.

She wouldn't have abandoned the car unless she stopped for a reason.

Odds are it won't be a good one.

We gotta find her fast.

FIONA: Is this crazy? There's no way we find her and the baby in time.

We've got multiple units and an airship searching.

- We will find them.

- How? - They could be anywhere.

- No.

On foot with a newborn and a five-minute head start, she's definitely within our grid.

Someone will have seen her.

Just Pray we find her before she does something rash.

Up on the right.


Not her.

Can I make a suggestion? - Of course.

- Would it be helpful, to have Rita's husband brought down here for For when she's found? That could be dangerous.

We don't know what the situation was like at the house, and even if the baby's death truly was accidental, there could have been marital issues that added to Rita's PPD.

We'd be introducing a wildcard to an already tenuous situation.

Wait, so it's all on you? I mean No matter what you find when you get to her, you have to be ready to deal with it? What-What if you make a mistake? We have to live with it.

If we can.

PILOT: All units, Air Three has eyes on the suspect.

Fourth Street Bridge.

Repeat Fourth Street Bridge.

She has the baby.

She's standing at the railing.

Possible jumper.

Repeat, possible jumper.

Here we go.

Control, advise Fire we have a possible jumper on Fourth Street Bridge.

See if they have a crash pad available.

We'll also need RA and backup units, Code 2 high.



Maybe I should stay back.

Uh, it's up to you, but, a friendly face not in uniform, might actually calm the situation.

How do you want to play this? - You go talk to her.

- You sure? Yeah, I'll step in if I need to.

W-Why Why Nolan? He has a way of connecting with people, in crisis situations.

Hi, Rita.

- I'm John.


How do you know my name? Uh, Ethan told me.

He's very worried about you.

I'm fine.

Who's that you got there? Casey.

This is Casey.


Casey looks a little bit cold.

Why don't we bring her inside, off the bridge? No.

She's fine with her mama.

Do you mind if I just make sure? - Stay back.

- Okay, yeah.

I'll stay back.

We-we can just talk.

LUCY: How's she doing? Uh, it's touch and go.

- What do you need? - Keep them back.

- We don't want to spook her.

- Okay.

NOLAN: No, I know it can feel isolating, being a parent to a newborn She's not looking at the baby.

NOLAN: so much to learn.


- You never feel like - what you're doing - She's trying to convince herself that it's her baby she's holding.


Deep down inside, she knows it's not.

What happens when she figures out the truth? It's hard to say for sure.

It could break the spell or it could send her over the edge, literally.

Control, what's the ETA on Fire? DISPATCH: Three minutes.

Might as well be three hours.

NOLAN: Are you thirsty, Rita? I can get you some water.


Can I talk to her? Hey, Rita, I'm gonna introduce you to my friend, Angela, okay? Okay.

Hi, Rita.

I'm here to help.

Is this Casey? Yes.

LOPEZ: I love that name.

My fiancé and I can't agree on a name, for our baby.

How did you choose? I don't know.

When she was born, she just looked like a Casey.


How far along are you? 14 weeks.

I'm already scared about giving birth.

The pain.

Don't worry about the pain.

Once they put your baby in your arms And you look down into those beautiful eyes, it was all worth it.

I heard all newborns have blue eyes.

Not Casey.

Dark brown, right from the start.

The most amazing head of hair.

LOPEZ: I hope if I have a daughter, she's born with hair.

My cousin's little girl, she was, bald, for like the first 18 months.

Everyone thought she was a boy.

I love putting Casey's hair in little pigtails.

She always fights me, but she looks so cute.

Rita Can you do something for me? Can you look at Casey? Just look in those pretty, brown eyes.


- No.

- LOPEZ: Please, Rita.

I need you to look in her eyes.



It's not Casey, is it? [VOICE BREAKING]



LOPEZ: Here.

I got her.

I'll get her back to her mother, okay? Tell her [SNIFFLES]

I'm sorry.

NOLAN: Thank you, Rita.

That was a very brave thing you did, and now I need you to come with me, okay? My baby died.

I know.

I'm so sorry.


Come on.

Come on.


Well, thank you for today.

This is an experience I will not forget.

Well, we should schedule another one of these little ride alongs so that we can continue the conversation.

Oh, that won't be necessary.


The book's already written, isn't it? I sent it to my publisher last week.

- Mm.

- What? Then what was today about, then? Just, an anecdote for the book tour? No, I didn't know the day was gonna end up the way it did.

But how do you write a book about policing without having seen it up close? Oh, I have seen it.

Believe me.

Today may have been my first ride along, but it was not my first time sitting in the back seat of a cop car.

I see, but if you're going to fix an engine, don't you think it would be helpful to look under the hood? That is a flawed analogy, Officer Nolan, because a car is not actively trying to keep you from fixing it.

Uh, excuse me.

Look I get that the path to real change seems almost impossible.

I mean, police departments are pros at circling the wagons, when public opinion turns against them.

But I promise you, the only way things really will change, is if cops get on board.

I agree.

But cops only act when activists make so much noise, they cannot be ignored.

Like in Camden.

Look, you're talking to, two police officers, who would like to see things change, and we're not the only ones at the station that feels this way.

I just think that Uh, maybe you could benefit from some of our insights.


- You sold me.

- Great.

I'll tell Sergeant Grey.

I'm sure he'd love to be part of the conversation.

Oh, thank you.

And thank you both, for the ride along.

I will see you in class.

Looking forward.

I think that went well, all things considered.

Oh, yeah.

No, she's definitely gonna give you an "A.

" - You think? - No.

She is gonna make you earn it in class, like the rest of her students.

- Fair enough.

- Yeah.

You have any plans for the rest of the night? Hugging my daughter, until she is sick of it, - and then hugging her some more.

- Sounds nice.


- I'll see you tomorrow.

- Alright.

- Sir.

- Well? How'd it go with Professor Ryan? Good, I think.

She's gonna be calling you to talk about, uh, police reform - For her book.


You point her my way to get back at me for the ride along? No, sir, no.

I just know how committed you are to making things better.

Even if it does mean having to admit you're wrong to do it.


Uh, I'm sorry? When was I ever wrong? Well Nothing comes to mind off hand.

I guess there was that one time you said, if I succeeded, your house would be "Flooded with middle-aged losers, looking for" "an 'Eat Pray Love' path to reinvention.

" I wrote it down.

You haven't succeeded yet, Officer Nolan.

Yes, sir.

- Good night, sir.

- Good night.

LOPEZ: Can't wait to get out of this uniform.

Hey, thanks again for riding with me.

Are you kidding me? I wouldn't have missed it for the world.

And now It's end of shift, and you are no longer a rookie.


- How does it feel? Unreal.

I mean, everything in my life, has been geared towards getting me to this moment, and Now it's here.

Kinda can't believe it, to be honest.

Well, congratulations.

- You earned it.

- I couldn't see the forest for the trees Too many empties on the side But I kept trading all my cigarettes for sunsets Now I'm getting richer all the time We did it.


You did it.

What's this? It's a copy of your final evaluation.

I wrote it before our shift today.

Like Plain Clothes Day.

Only this time, I didn't have to rewrite it.


- I'll be young before I die - "Officer Chen impressed me," "with every decision she made today.

" - "I will miss riding with her.

" - I'll be wrong before I'm right I keep filling up my crowded heart, yeah You don't let anyone ever tell you you can't do something.

Not even me.

Now all I see is the beauty - of the thunderstorm - Yes, sir.

- Let it wash it all away - [INHALES DEEPLY]

Step five Acceptance.

Our checklist is complete.


Um I have a gift for you.

It's a thank-you.

For every lesson I had to learn.

Uh, should I open it now? Absolutely.

- Mm-hmm.

- Okay.

I'll be dumb before I'm wise [POP]

- I'll be wrong before I'm right - [CHUCKLES]



It's been a blast, sir.

I'll see you tomorrow Lucy.

- See you tomorrow, Tim.


- I will laugh - [DOOR CLOSES]

- and I will cry - [CHUCKLES]

- Ready to celebrate? - You know it.


So, yeah.

It was the perfect way to end the year.


- Exactly.

- HARPER: Where you going? Uh, home.

No, you're not.

You are coming to dinner with Lila and me.

Uh, that's-that's very nice of you, - but I'm okay.

- No, you're not.

You feel like a failure, because they're moving on, and you're not.

But you will.

I appreciate that, but you, uh, certainly don't have to take me to dinner out of pity.

It's not pity when you're paying.

I'll keep filling up W-Well, how can I say no to that? You can't.

I'm gonna go pick up Lila.

Reservation is under my name at Mercado.

And I expect a skinny margarita waiting when I get there.

- Yes, ma'am.

- HARPER: Mm-hmm.

And, um Thank you.

You're welcome.