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02x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 10/28/22 17:53
by bunniefuu
Hakim, we'll need to
distribute the g*ns tomorrow,

and guard them for now.

Marco, Medhi, you're staying.

Basem will call you first thing.

I'll stay too. Not a problem.

Get the
f*ck out of here.

Do it like
Uncle Basem. Go on.

Let's go.



The f*ck are you doing?

Check this.

You putting it back together?

No? Don't think

Wow, wow, wow.

Stay seated.


I see you Algerians are busy so
this will take only a few minutes.

One of you can walk away. Okay?

Off, you can go.

Who sold you this?

No? Okay.

Swallow, please.




Swallow. Yes?

Again, please.


Just one more.


It's okay. It's okay.

Ask him if he knows
who sold you the g*ns.

No answer, you sh**t.
You go free. I promise.

We don't know anything...
I swear we don't!

So sh**t. Three...

- We don't know anything!
- Two...


Look, I'm here to make the rules
now and secrets are a bad thing.

A really very, very bad thing.

Go tell Uncle Basem.

Tell him Koba says so. Mm?




This is my city.

This is my city.

This is my city.

This is my city. I was born on
these streets. They're inside me.

I've seen them change
from year to year

and I know this city's
heartbeat because it's here.

I feel it.

Your startup is looking
for 100 million.

My competitors will
offer you the moon.

Some will throw in a few stars

but I'm the only one that
can join this... to this.

Plus... a buy-in of 200 million.

Thank you for your trust.

Thank you.

2 minutes. Help yourselves
to drinks, yeah?

I'm early.

Abdullah Shafak, one of my
clients, was k*lled in Turkey last night.

Were you aware?

The 200 million you laundered
for Shafak wasn't his to give,

nor was it yours to
invest elsewhere.

Our investors would like it back.
Does it give you any trouble?

Nothing I can't handle.

You're worried your new friends
will see who they're dealing with.

They're dealing with Dumani
Finances. Clean funds all the way.

- Ignorance is bliss.
- And I don't like surprises,

so next time something like this needs
to happen, how about you tell me?


Remember, though,
everyone thought

that the Wallaces would
take you down with them.

I never doubted you.

I remember everything.

Let me know when you've
transferred the funds.


Alex... Help me.

Oh, excuse me.

Can you fix this, Ed?

It's a bit late for
that, don't you think?

Can you fix it?

I appreciate
your presence here

so that we can sort out
this unnecessary mess.

Who chose this sh*thole?

I think you all know
his name by now.


Don't forget why he
was invited to London.

If the bodies were not
piling up on the streets,

if you would have
listened to the warnings,

there would be no need for Koba.

I've given them my word.

The Investors asked for order

and order is what
I'm giving them.

I expect you all
to fall in line.

Would you mind standing, please?

Some of you
may know Mr Soudani.

You haven't seen
them round this table

but today he's here to help.

Who sold you this?

It was a blind deal.

Ooh! Exciting.
Tell me about that.

Er... No names, no faces. And
er... payment was off-shore.

Good. Very good.

Exactly what I would do, if
I wanted to insult Mr Afridi.

If I wanted to
make a fool of me.

That's what I would do.

Boss here said this.

Nobody sells g*ns in
this city except me.

Which bit of that was fuzzy?
Which bit didn't add up?

You owe a debt to myself,
to Mr Afridi. Yes?

But that's for later.

Business has rules.

I see they are followed.

Our friend here made a
mistake. He knows that.

But whoever sold these
g*ns doesn't want rules.

They think they are special.

Shall I tell you who else
thought they were special?

Finn Wallace.

His lunatic son.

Do they sit with us now?

Ed Dumani knows what
I'm talking about.

Did he make mistakes
back then? Maybe so.

But he understands
things had to change.

There's a future for
you, right, Edward?

And your son, Alex.

Somebody here wants
to start a w*r.

One they cannot win.

I gave Mr Afridi my word.

I will find you.

And you will make amends.

He doesn't know the
first thing about this city.

Why do you
think I chose him?

No affiliations.

- He's a clean skin.
- He's a wind-up.

Help me find out
who's behind the g*ns.

These people still listen
to Ed Dumani... don't they?

Such a tragedy.
His family is waiting.

Blessings be upon you.
Marco was a good boy.

Faz, help me get
this down... Faz?

They're saying
it's a car accident?

Wasn't that, was it?


What's going on? Huh? What?

- You knew, innit?
- What you talking about?

You knew Koba was coming. That's
why you didn't want me there.

All right. Let's go and tell Marco's
little daughters what happened.

That big man Faz blew Marco's f*cking
brains out to save his own skin.

Look at me. Basem doesn't
know what day it is.

He's got us in the
wrong f*cking sight.

Now we got to cover for
that Albanian prick.

We just arrived.

Yeah, the removal
guys are here too.

Okay, come tonight.
We'd love to see you.

No problem, no.

No socks on the shiny stairs.

We just arrived.

From Saranda. They're
coming over this afternoon.

But we said tomorrow, right?

What, so I say don't
come? She's too excited.

Zamir's bringing his guitar.

My sweetheart.

My sister-in-law made that.

Thank you.

Nice place.

Thank you.

Basem did a fantastic
cover-up job.

What are you talking

Luan, I know you
sold him those g*ns.

- And who am I talking to?
- I'm here to help you.

Help me... or yourself?

You choose sides so fast.

That kind of weaponry
is unprecedented.

My partners need to
defend themselves.

I need to defend myself.

So you're plotting a w*r?

I know how volatile things are right now
but that's not good for anyone's business.

Heroin is my business now.

I've always used
my own suppliers.

Trusted, productive
people from back home.

Now Koba wants me
to buy from Asif.

Only him.

Do you know why?

So he can control me.

I won't do it.

Because next time he's
gonna come around,

it's not my supply he'll
want. It's my profit.

And he already got
his boot on my neck.

This is not how we do business

in this city.

What if I offer
you reassurances?

From Koba?

- Bullshit.
- From the Investors.

I'm not gonna lay down
and beg like the others.

Then you're going to have to
give something in return, Luan.

Who supplied those g*ns?

First things first.

Talk to the Investors.
I need guarantees.

I'm glad you're listening.

Thinking about all this.

All this is why I fight.

going on Elliot?

You were told to hit Mr
Shafak on arrival in his car.

You were late. You were drunk.
You drew undue attention to us.

We plan these things.
You follow the plan.

Or there are consequences.

We own you and your
father, Elliot.

Do you have a problem with that?



The fee has been released
to the usual accounts.

Wait one second...

Did you receive the itinerary?

Been a while, hasn't it?

I've let our contacts
know you'll be arriving.

The order of things has shifted
since you were last there.


I know when you left
it was difficult

but don't get
distracted by the past.

Signature there.

Don't tell my family
anything. Understood?

Cop k*ller!

Espresso, please.

So Luan is distributing the g*ns.
I wish I could say I was surprised.

It's a play for leverage. He
needs peace to run his business.

He wants to maintain his own supply.
He doesn't want to buy from you.

- It's a good price.
- For now.

But Luan's not stupid.

He has a major stake
in this town now.

Manpower. Allies. He's
not to be underestimated.

What would he settle for?

A guarantee from the Investors.

A degree of independence
in return for his loyalty.

And all this nonsense
with g*ns... stops?

And he will tell us
who supplied them.

He will. Trust me.

Of course. I'll instruct
Koba to hold off for now.

But until he gives us his
supplier, Luan is on thin ice.

Thank you for
looking into this, Ed.

You know, Finn Wallace
was an old fool.

But he was smart...
when he chose you.

Oh, f*ck.

- Bye.
- Bye, Danny.

Here, I'll carry it.
How was football.?

- Mum?
- Hey. Hi!

Sorry. Excuse me? Ms Dumani?


Mr Dumani. Your
daughter, she's taken Danny.

Thank you, Jamya.

What should I do? She just...

I'll take it from here.

Shannon's out.

I spoke to her lawyer.

The police messed up
evidence procedures.

Her case would have
fallen apart at trial.

That's the best news.

She told her lawyer not
to contact the family.

I told her I would get her
out once things had calmed down.

She k*lled a cop, Alex. I
don't have a magic wand.

She knew my hands were tied.

She told you she understood.
She told me she understood.

That's what we wanted to hear.


She k*lled that
cop to protect us.

Our lives carried on as usual.

Look... She'll come home.

We should celebrate.

I did everything in my power.

- You did.
- What a day.

She's back.

We got her back.

This means we can
be a family again.

- Uncle Alex.
- How you doing, big man? Hey!

Danny, um, I need to speak to
Uncle Alex. Take this for me.

Your lawyer told
me you were here.

Oh, you paid her? That's nice.

I had to see you. I'm sorry.
You can beat me up if you like.

No, don't. Don't. I'm
not doing it like that.

- I'll do it however you like.
- I want to be with Danny.

So you can go back to your tower
and do... whatever it is you do.


You and Dad decided it's a f*ck
sight more important than my life.

- Look...
- That was the deal you made.

You're right. We gave in.

The people I work
for, the Investors,

they didn't want a Dumani
walking free on a cop k*lling.

I'm bad for the brand.

I'm getting us out.
Out of all of this.

And I'm so close, Shannon.

Soon I'll have us out of this
whole f*cking world. I promise.

No more laundering.
No more Investors.

I'll take care of all of us.

Everything I'm doing...

I can make this right.

Better than right, I swear.

It's on me now.

I'll sort myself out.

If you do want to
help... leave us alone.

I hear you're meeting
with the Investors tonight

about your start-up
financing scheme.

Do you really think that's wise?

Look, like I said before,

this model is completely compatible
with what I do for the Investors.

The more it thrives, the better partner
I can be for them and their business.

For how long?

Looking at the direction
of your travel,

is your plan to escape
from them completely?

You need that 200 million for
your new business, don't you?

I'm told the Investor concerned
would like it passed over to him.

Don't make him wait.

I've made more money for them
than anyone in this city.

We were att*cked today, Alex. It's
not a good time for negotiations.

Pretty sure I know
how they think.

Maybe even better than
you. All due respect.

Forgive me.

You think clean money
means a clean soul?

What happened to Sean, to your
family... it was just business.

f*ck you.

You've bitten the
hand that feeds you.

Don't be surprised
if it bites you back.

You should have
let me handle this.

Good luck with your meeting.

Hold off on the next delivery.
There is an issue on my end.

Everything is okay.

I'll share details later.

Please confirm no delivery.
I'll wait for a call.



Save me a slice, yeah?

Uh, I'm expecting guests
so send them up to the terrace.



The Investors have
made it clear.

Anyone who acts out of
line is to be dealt with.

Zero tolerance.

I'm sorry but my hands are tied,

Luan. What's wrong?

Who are we talking about?

Just put it down and we'll talk.


You're working for them?

That's almost funny.


You k*lled Sean for
them? You f*cking snake.

- I didn't have a choice.
- Poor Elliot.

You know, you're only here
because they wanted you here.

And now they don't. Too
much of a liability.

What the f*ck are
you waiting for?

Our bosses. Years
of incrimination.

Years of wrongdoing.
It's all there.

- Sean gave you this?
- Can't go to the police.

Courts. Media. The
Investors own it all.

But with you, this...

this is how we get out.

You want to blackmail
the Investors?

And you'll know how.
Better than anyone.

I can't do this by
myself, Alex. I've tried.

But you know who to
contact. Make a deal.

Think about it.

My father. Your
family. Both of us.

This will keep us
safe, all right?

Was there anything
I could have done...

to save Sean?



Open your laptop.
Look at these files.

Please, Alex.

They'll find me.
They'll k*ll my family.

I can't allow that to happen.

Go to Shannon. She needs you.


Watch over my father.

No, Alex! Stop!

You can't beat them.

No! No! No... Alex!

You have
no new messages.

Zeus. What's up, my boy?

You want some cheese?

Come. Come.


Wanna pee?

Come. Get out.

Wake up, girls. Quick...


What's happened?

- What's happening?
- Nothing.

- What's happening?
- Go inside.

- Something's wrong.
- Get the girls in first.

Go, babe, go.

Mummy loves you.

Tell me what's going on.

Quiet, take your sister.
What's happening?

- Nothing.
- Don't tell me it's nothing...

- Listen to me.
- What's going on?

- What's the code to the safe?
- The code?

It's your birthday. But
tell me what's happen...

Everything's okay.
Stay with the girls.




Too... late...

Mirlinda... Mirlinda!

Where's Mum? Where's Mum?

This is Luan Dushaj. I can't
get to the phone right now.

Please leave a message and I'll
return your call. Thank you.