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05x04 - The Choice

Posted: 10/28/22 17:38
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Rookie"...

Hello, John. Rosalind.

You know,
I follow Bailey on Instagram.

Rosalind is out of pocket.

Repeat, Rosalind has escaped.

But I just wanted to make sure
someone checked on Lucy.

What have you done?

He still has a pulse.

that's been helping me more.

An online group
that's hunting Rosalind.

"Don't give Rosalind
the satisfaction.

She eats her victim's pain
like a five-star meal."

I reviewed all of
TruthHunter's messages.

The forensic linguistics
are a match to Rosalind Dyer.

Sgt. Grey:
Their cyber crime people

traced the web
of Rosalind's I.P. addresses

to a house outside Seattle.

♪ I'm the best

♪ Every time I say it,
I say it with my chest ♪

♪ When I step out, man,
yeah, I dress ♪

possible medical distress,

1888 Elmwood Lane.
R.A. is 10 out.


You know, just once,
I'd love a quiet,

kitten-in-a-tree kind of day.

No, you wouldn't.
You're an adrenaline junkie.

I don't know about junkie.

♪ Every time I dress,
know I dress to impress ♪

♪ I don't jest,
ain't no contest ♪

♪ Frankly, simply,
I'm the best ♪

Fire department!
Anybody here?!

Check upstairs.

Go around back.

Look, if there's
any squatters in here,

that doesn't matter to us.

We got a call about
a medical emergency.


Help me.

Is anyone in here?


What the...



So, what time were you born?

Uh, I have no idea.

All I know is that the birth
was exhausting and traumatic,

and I hear the story
every time my mom wants money.

This for an astrology thing?


It's for an astrology thing.

Listen, we ride together.

If you suffer trauma,
so do I, okay?

I should be checking
your chart daily.

I'm so glad you're sharing your
beliefs more openly these days.

Yeah, it's nice, right?


Hey. I-I-I'm in trouble.

Bailey, where are you?
What happened?

I fell into some kind of trap.
I think it's Rosalind.


I'm down here!


Hold on. Hold on.

We're gonna try
and get this grate open.

No, no, no, no! Wait!

Marlon, stop!

Bailey, what happened?

Oh, my God.

Sgt. Grey:
Harper, Lopez.

This doesn't sound good.

We think that Rosalind
has Bailey

in a house in the valley.

A firefighter has
been electrocuted.

Get there.
Take point.

What do you mean trapped?
Is Rosalind on site?

I don't know.
It just happened.

I guess it was too much to hope
we'd never see her again.


Start a perimeter.

Are you sure it's Rosalind?

I'm not sure of anything yet.

Is he alright?
Yeah, we got him stabilized,

but he's got third-degree burns.

Bailey's over here.

Has the house been cleared?

Yeah. 911 call was a setup.

You don't want to touch the lid.

There's at least 5,000 volts
running through it.

Hey. You alright?

I'm okay. I twisted my ankle
when I landed,

but it's not too bad.

Okay, we're gonna get you
out of there.

I know.

Electrified or not, we can still
cut through this grate

so long as we're not grounded.

No, I wouldn't do that.

I don't think this is
the only booby trap.


What the hell are those?

It could be packed
with expl*sives.

Or spiders.

I mean, I'm not saying
it's likely... but yuck.

Whatever it is, we can't tell
what they are

without examining them
more closely,

and we can't do that with this
electrified grate in the way.

Well, I'd offer to come up
and help, but there's no way.

DWP's working on cutting
the power to the house.

Uh, alright, Bailey,

I just need, uh, Tim
for a minute,

and I'll be right back.


I'll stay here with her.

Yeah, me too.


What are we doing?
We have to assume

the entire house
is bugged with cameras,

and anything we do
to try to get her out

will provoke a reaction.

From what I can tell,
there's some kind of steel t*nk

under the floor
of the living room.

I didn't see
a basement door anywhere.

I bet she walled it off
so we couldn't get down there.

We need to get access
to that basement.

Well, it should be simple enough
to cut through the floor,

but we have to be able
to cover the cameras

without letting on that
we know that they're there.


We're assuming Rosalind
bugged the house?

We know that she likes to watch.

We're taking point
on the investigation.

W-What's going on?
Is... Is Bailey okay?

Yeah, for now.

Look, Rosalind did not buy
this trap at Home Depot.

Way too much time,
effort, and material

went into the construction.

She didn't do this alone.

She doesn't have the skill set

to pull off
something this elaborate.

Another acolyte... great.

It would be helpful
if you could put together

a list of building materials.

If we can source them,
we might have

a shot at identifying
who bought them.

Yeah, I can do that.


I've been doing some thinking,
and Rosalind is not

the construction type, so
she must have a new acolyte...

Someone she recruited
through Beth or Caleb.


Did you guys figure
this out already?

Yeah. We're gonna need
to check out the scene

and then head back to the
station and start digging in...

See if we can find any other
cases that have a similar M.O.

Can we take Aaron
to run down leads?

Of course.
I'll stay here and run point.

I'd like to stay, too,
and make sure that Bailey's

never down there by herself.

Thank you.


Let's go.

Alright. It's getting
a little crowded in here.

Authorized personnel only.

And we need more light to work.

I'll be out front. Alright.

Having fun yet?

I feel like an animal in a zoo.

You get blueprints
for this house yet?

Yeah. Permits is pulling
the plans right now.

Well, a lot of this work
wasn't permitted.

It's not gonna be in
the county records.

Unless we're needed here, we...

No, no, we're good.

You and Lopez have enough
on your plate.

Just find out who built this.

On it.
Bailey, hang in there, okay?

Half the city is trying
to get you out of there.

Alright. Thanks.

There. You got a 10-foot
blind spot right there.


What is it?

I-I don't know.
Something's happening.

Spikes! There are spikes
coming out of the ground!

Stop, stop! Stop cutting!
Stop cutting!

You okay?
Yeah, I'm great.

Just... great.

Do you think Rosalind
saw us cutting?

No, I think more than likely

there's a motion sensor,
probably under the floor.

Where we can't get at it.

No, we can. We can.

We just have to take the floor
apart more carefully.

You mean "slowly."

Alright, guys.
DWP is here.

They're cutting the power.

No. No, that could
trigger something else.

Shh, shh.

The lights are still on.

There's got to be
a generator, then.


Something else is happening.

What is it?

John, something else is

Can you block it?

Water is filling up the t*nk.

I can't stop it!

How long until
the t*nk fills up?

At this rate, a few hours, max.



Hello, John.

Alert anyone that I'm on
the phone and Bailey dies.


It's Grey.

Bailey, I'll be right back.


Cute trick with the work
lights, but it won't matter.

Nothing they can do
will get to her in time.

You're the only one
who can save Bailey.


Hand yourself over to me.

So you can k*ll us both?
I don't think so.

It's the only way she survives.

A trade... you for her.

And the offer expires
in five seconds.

Four, three...


I'm coming.

Smart choice.

Take off your body cam.
Put it in your pocket.

Where do I go?

Walk down the driveway
and make a left.

As long as you do
exactly as I say,

Bailey has a chance to survive.

Why are you doing this?

You got away.

Coming back to L.A.
was a bad move.

Goes to show how much
I missed you.

You should be flattered.

Blue station wagon.

Time to strip.

Take off your belt, badge,
and weapons.

Turn your pockets inside out.

I'm not leaving my g*n here
for some kid to find.

I thought you'd be more focused
than this.

Find a way.

And your backup piece.

Say hello to Creepy Bear.

Now you have someone to talk to.

Very good.
See how intuitive you are?

Now throw your old phone
out the window.

The Bluetooth
in your friendly bear

should kick in any...

...second now.

See? Perfect. Now drive.

Excuse me?

I did something for you.
I did what you wanted.

Now you give me something.

Hmm, I do love a bargain.

Fine. There's an app
on your phone. Open it.

Do you know why
they blindfold prisoners

in the electric chair?


Because when the executioner
sends 2,000 volts

into a prisoner,

their eyes pop out
of their heads.

Now drive.
Bailey's running out of time.

Hey. Any sign
of the generator?

No. DWP thinks it's buried somewhere.

They're bringing in
ground-penetrating radar.

Even if we find it,
how can we be sure

that shutting it off won't
trigger some other booby trap?

We can't.

Have you seen Nolan?

No. He's not answering
his phone or his radio.

W... That's...
Nolan would never leave Bailey.

Something's not right.

7-Adam-15, what's your status?

7-Adam-15, what's your status?

7-Adam-15, please report.

7-Adam-15, please report.

I think I hear his radio.
Can you do that again?

7-Adam-15, are you there?
7-Adam-15, are you there?

Nolan. 7-Adam-15.
Nolan. 7-Adam-15.

Hey, where are you?
Hey, where are you?

7-Adam-15, report.
7-Adam-15, report.

Okay. Okay, hey, can you guys
just please shut up

and turn off your radios?!

7-Adam-15, what's your status?

7-Adam-15, what's your status?

7-Adam-15. Nolan.
7-Adam-15. Nolan.

Nolan, this is Lucy.
Nolan, this is Lucy.

We're trying to locate you.
We're trying to locate you.

Are you there?
Are you there?

Nolan, please answer.
Nolan, please answer.

I don't understand. Why would
he just leave all his gear?

Nolan is on his way
to see Rosalind.

He took a call.
It had to have been from her.

She's using Bailey
to get Nolan to go see her.

How long has he been gone?

I mean, it can't be more
than like 10, 15 minutes.

Alright. I'll alert Grey.
Nolan's smart.

He'll think of a way
to signal us.

You're doing great, John.

Make a left at the stop sign.

So this is how you spend
your time out of prison,

planning all this?

Why not just tan
on a beach in Fiji?

I'm not really a sun person.

Besides, solitary confinement
gave me all the time I needed

to think this through,

down to disabling
the hazard lights.

This wasn't all you.

You had help.

I did. He's very clever.

A cut above the blunt
instruments I've used before.

I got a problem... a road rager.

This guy just cut me off.

'Cause you brake checked him...
What the hell, man?!

...trying to alert your friends without
me noticing. What are you doing?

I'm disappointed in you, John.
Come on, let's go! Now!

Now Bailey is going
to be punished.

No, no, wait.
No, no, no. I'm sorry.

Uh, guys,
one of the boxes is opening.

Okay. Okay. Stop, stop.

Potassium amide,
a chemical that hates water.

Get out of the car!

A few flakes
is a fun party trick,

but there's enough in there
to blow the whole t*nk.

I'm sorry. I won't do it again.
I promise.

Let's go!
Get rid of that guy.

But you do anything
to alert him,

and I'll cook her to death.

Now you wanna be a tough guy,
huh? You want to throw down?

Let's go. What are you gonna do?
What are you gonna do? Nothing.

You happy?

I just assaulted that guy.

Hmm, it was self-defense,
and it's your own damn fault.

Now drive.
You're running late.

You okay, Bailey?

Yeah. This isn't the first time
I've singed my eyebrows.

They grow back.

Is John there?

Lucy, where's John?

He's outside with the engineers,
looking for the generator.

Putting that construction
knowledge to good use.

You held your breath
for a long time.

Well, death by fire
is a great motivator.

Plus, I did some competitive
diving in my youth.

Of course you did.

I wish I could say
that was the last time

you were gonna need
to use that skill.


What's the longest anyone's
ever held their breath?

Yeah, let's check.
Uh, let's see.

24 minutes and 37 seconds.
But he cheated.

I mean, he took in pure oxygen
before getting in the water.

Let's do a test

to see how long
I can hold my breath for, okay?

Sgt. Grey:
Yeah. Alright.

We just got a Nolan sighting.

Smitty responded
to a road-rage incident.

Said a guy in a Porsche
got knocked out by a guy

in an old blue station wagon.

He left Nolan's
business card behind.

I've got
an airship heading to the area

and all available units
looking for the station wagon.

Now, now,
don't be mad at Creepy Bear.

He's trying to help you.

I'm not mad. I'm tense.

It would help me relax a little
if you'd just let Bailey go.

I promise I'll still meet
with you wherever you want.

Ah, so brave. So willing.
So late.

You better hurry, John.

The next hoop
you have to jump through

is half a mile north.

What is it?

I'm not going to tell you that.

But if you're not there
in one minute,

Bailey is going to suffer.


I have a visual
on the blue station wagon.

Make a right into that parking
garage with the blue sign.

The target is entering parking
garage at Sixth and Ocean.

I'm losing visual.

I need all available units,
parking garage,

Sixth and Ocean.

We're looking for an older
blue station wagon.

♪ I know you're not okay,
but qué bonita ♪

♪ I know you're not okay, suh,
suh, suh, suh, suh, suh, suh ♪

♪ A Joan of Arc archetype,
but the e-version ♪

Come on, John.
A little faster.

Bailey's depending on you.

♪ And you came to cause
a disturbance ♪

Here. This one.
Fifth floor.

♪ Shoulder high,
the black wave that's comin' ♪

Go all the way to the back.
Park by the stairs.

♪ Coming to swallow you whole

♪ Suh, suh, suh,
suh, suh, suh, suh ♪

What now?
You have 30 seconds

to get to the seventh floor.
Take the bear.

I'll be waiting.

♪ Tick, tock

♪ Don't ask to stay

John, run.

♪ I went about it
in my own way ♪

♪ Don't ask to stay

♪ I was right there,
but lost my way ♪

15 seconds, John.
One more flight.

Come on, you can do it.

♪ You were right,
I might not be able ♪

The work van, John. Run.

♪ To keep the fire
from your stable ♪

Keys in the cup holder, John.
Bear goes on the dash.

♪ From your table

♪ To keep your demons at bay

What the hell was the point
of all that?

Oh, my enjoyment.

I'm a psychopath.
You should know that by now.

Come on. Get moving.
Bailey's running out of time.

♪ Tock

Control, Airship-2.

Still no sign
of a blue station wagon.

♪ Don't ask to stay

♪ I went about it
in my own way ♪

♪ Don't ask to stay

Sarge, I'm on the scene.

No sign of Nolan.

♪ I was right there,
but lost my way ♪

♪ You were right

That's the motion sensor.
I can freeze it,

then we can finish cutting through.

Do it.

2 minutes, 37 seconds.

That's crazy impressive.

I think that's
the best I can do.

Lucy, I know you're lying to me.

Something's happened to John.

I'm sorry. Um...

We haven't seen Nolan

since he took a call
an hour ago.

We think... We think he went
to see Rosalind.

To save me.

Well, you have to find him.

She will k*ll him.

We're trying.


I'm gonna go back under.

Time me.


I'll go down.


There may be more traps.
It's too dangerous.

Just be ready to follow
if it's clear.


Alright, it's clear.

Okay. Now what?

I don't know.

I was hoping the waterline
would be above ground

so we could cut it or cap it,
but it's under solid cement.

We're losing time.

At the rate
that it's filling up,

she's got an hour, tops.

I found something.

Johnson County Sheriff's report
on an abduction two years ago.

Johnson County, California?


we have an unidentified female

in need of assistance.

Tracy Urteaga said that
a man knocked on her door

claiming he'd lost his dog.

Next thing she knew,

she woke up in some kind
of container,

water up to her waist.

She managed to escape,
but she couldn't

remember anything about
where she was held.

That sounds like our trap maker.

What did the investigation
turn up?

Nothing. As far as I can tell,
they closed the case.

The detective said they didn't
have enough to go on.

I think he just
didn't believe her.

Yeah, we should re-interview.
It's hard to remember anything

when people are treating you
like you're crazy.

How did you escape the t*nk?

I got lucky.

Couple days later,
there was a power outage,

and the camera went out,
so he couldn't see me.

Took me an hour to open
the door, and then I just ran.

I guess he learned
from that mistake.

Is there anything about the trap
you can remember?

It was in the basement.

When I climbed out,
I fell into his dirty laundry.

I almost threw up.

What do you mean?

The clothes had a rotten smell,
like trash or sewage.

It was coveralls, you know,
like a worker's uniform.

I think they were gray or green.

Could be a sanitation worker,
water treatment,

road maintenance.

He took someone else, didn't he?

In Los Angeles.

That's why you're
asking me about this.

And we're trying to save her.

Uh, thank you for your time, Tracy.

Tell me you found something.

We combed the federal database
looking for similar victims.

A woman's body was found
near Boulder in 2020,

lungs filled with water,
in an empty parking lot.

Another body was found
in Riverside last year,

marked with chemical burns
consistent with potassium amide.

Exactly what kind of sicko
are we dealing with here?

Profile is male, white,
30s to 40s, socially isolated.

I know.
Aren't they all?

Not a lot to go on.

Well, we can be sure
of a moderate

to high degree of psychopathy...

Likely a history of abuse
resulting in aberrant behaviors,

including lack of remorse,
no feelings of guilt,

a need for control,
and predatory behavior.

K*llers like this,
they don't stop.

They are stopped.

I got him.
So, I've been running down

purchases of materials
our guy needed

to build this trap, right?

And I found a clerk
in Sun Valley

who remembers selling a water
t*nk and welding equipment

to a guy with a skin-graft scar
on his arm.



Tracy said our guy
wore coveralls,

and everyone who works
for the city has to register

tattoos, marks, and scars
when they start working.

Yeah, most cities
have the same policy.

I'll call to get a warrant,

see if we can get access
to their database,

try to get an ID
to go with the photo.

Great. While you're doing that,
we should head downtown.


Because I got an address

where all the building materials
were delivered to.

We got a name out
of Denver Sanitation...

Jeffrey Boyle.

He worked there
until November 2020.

Local agents are mobilizing
to hit his last known address,

but it's clear "Jeffrey Boyle"
is an alias.

You guys good
to breach through the back?

Boyle's into booby traps.
We should wait for SWAT.

No, we can't. Bailey is
literally running out of time.

You and your boot
can stay out here if you want,

but we're going in.

Screw that.

We'll go in around back. Go.




She's been in there a while.

Police! Stop!

Hands over your head!

Do it now!

Let's go, go!

He came out this way.
Did you see him?

No, we were too busy
bailing out.

We need to call Tim.
I saw the plans.

I know where the generator
is buried.

You alright?

Hello, John.

L.A. traffic really
is the worst, isn't it?

I was afraid our food was gonna
get cold before you got here.

A little on the nose,
even for you, Rosalind...

Feeding me a last meal
before you k*ll me.

Oh, you misunderstood.

The last meal isn't for you.

You're not here
so I can k*ll you, John.

You're here to m*rder me.

Are the owners dead somewhere?

No, it's a rental.

I knew I was going to be here
a while,

and bodies start
to smell fairly quickly.

You need to let her go now.

I know you're in a hurry, John,

but this is my moment,
not yours.

Change for dinner.
There's a suit in the bag.

No. I'm not playing
your little game anymore.

I held up my end of the bargain.
I'm here. Now let her go.

Don't test me.
I will k*ll you if I have to,

and sit down to watch
Bailey die while I eat fillet.

I don't want to do that,
but I'm in control.

There's no bargaining anymore.
There's only compliance.

So put on the damn suit.

I went with a classic

Inseam might be a little bit
off. I had to eyeball it.

They found the generator
where Harper said it would be.

They're digging it out now.

Great. And when
they cut the power,

those chemicals
are gonna release,

triggering an expl*si*n
and a flash fire.

Well, meaning what?
Don't cut the power?

No, we have to. Otherwise
Bailey floats to the top

and the grate electrocutes her.

Look, LAFD is standing by
ready to cut the grate

the second the chemical reaction finishes.

Bailey just needs to
hold her breath long enough

to make it through.

She's cold.
She's exhausted.

Everything has to go perfectly
in order for us to save her.

What's really going on here,

You don't want me to m*rder you.

You're way too narcissistic
for su1c1de.

It's not su1c1de.
It's legacy.

There's no future for me
on the outside.

I'm too famous.
The world has gotten too small.

I'll get caught, and I'm not
going back to prison.

So that leaves me
with one question.

What is my legacy?

My victims, of course.

My acolytes.

And you.

I don't understand.

What does the monster
want with a villager?

A middle-aged cop
just trying to live life

with some kind of meaning?

I don't fully understand it myself,

but I find you fascinating.

Even after all the mayhem
I caused,

you quite literally
risked your life

to save mine the day we met.

And you mourned for Armstrong
after he died,

even though he betrayed you.

You're just so damn noble.

And what? That makes you want
to remake me in your image?

You could never be me.

I'm a unicorn.
And you're a saint.

But I believe that anyone can be
turned into a m*rder*r,

even a saint.

And I'm betting I found
just the right button

to push to break you.

And how does k*lling you
save Bailey?

Is there some kind
of shut-off switch here

that once you're dead,
it'll suddenly appear?

No, no, there's no controls
in this house.

I couldn't stop her death
even if I wanted to.

Only Jeffrey can.
He's watching us right now.

Once he sees you m*rder me
in cold blood,

then he will unlock the trap
and release Bailey.

And you expect me to believe

he's a serial k*ller
of his word?

He is, actually.

He was very excited
when I pitched him the idea.

He loved the artistry of it.

And between you and me,
I think he wants my crown.

It's time.

I'm ready.

Um, excuse me. Bailey.

Okay. They're about
to take out the generator,

so once the chemicals fall...

I won't be able to surface.

I know.
Okay, here we go.

I'll see you on the other side.

Cut the power now.

She's dying, John.

k*ll me.

I can't just sh**t you.

Then she dies,

and you drove all this way
for nothing,

and it will haunt you
for the rest of your life.

Because if you'd just
stayed with her,

you might have figured out
a way to save her...

Used your everyman,
blue-collar skills

to deconstruct
what Jeffrey built, hmm?

But you let me push you
to leave her behind,

to come here to confront me
because you need to be the hero.

The better man.
The martyr.

In the same way that I am driven
to pay at slaughter.

So be the hero, John.

Sacrifice your morality
to save her.

Take the shot.

Then Jeffrey empties the t*nk.
You can still save her.


Get in there.

Damn it.

She loves you.

She thinks
you're going to save her.

So come on, John.
Do it.

I'm a k*ller.
She's a hero.

You couldn't possibly choose
my life over hers,

so take the shot.

k*ll me.

I can't.

Oh, John.

What have you done?

We're through.

Grab her!

Come on, Bailey.

Come on, Bailey!

Come on!


Come on.

Oh, come on.


Oh, my God.

How long was that?


4 minutes and 20 seconds.

New record.

Where's John?

This is Officer John Nolan.

I have Rosalind Dyer in custody.

I need units at my address,
101 Briar wood...

♪ I've been left out a while

♪ I sold the family plot
for time ♪

♪ Sold the only thing I liked

♪ So I could taste it

♪ You've been drinking
all night ♪

♪ We both know
when you're drunk ♪

♪ The future rewinds

♪ It happens every time

♪ But you erase it

♪ All that I really


♪ Wanted to do
was to leave it all ♪

♪ All that I really wanted to do
was to leave it all ♪

Doesn't seem real.

Sgt. Grey:
It is. She's done.

She only seemed
larger than life.

Do you think she did this
as a backup on purpose?

Doesn't matter. All it means
is that we can focus

on catching her accomplice
before he kills anyone else.

Here comes the feds to help.

I thought you were dead.

I was for a minute.

I couldn't save you.

It's okay.
You saved yourself.