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04x20 - Enervo

Posted: 10/28/22 17:34
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Rookie"...

- And he had an accent.
- He was Russian.

We've been hearing
rumors about

a potential terror attack
for weeks.

- Who are you?
- Simone Clark.

You're the only one
in that room

who actually knows
our Mr. Freemont.

- Miss Clark, is that you?
- Yes, honey.

Give me a real reason
why you're doing this.

Daddy, Black women make up
less than 1% of the FBI.

We need a voice
on the inside.

Suspect says
he'll only talk to you.

I'm in real trouble, huh?

I'm afraid you are.

He paid you to build a b*mb
for him?

Just the detonators.

What did he steal
from my armory?

200 kilos
of C-4 expl*sives.

Quickest way to cr*pple this
city -- take out the freeways.

It's vital that you follow
your driving route exactly.

I need a chopper at my location
in two minutes.

Harper and Lopez
have something.

Uh, so, we did a deep dive
on the Trevor Gurin alias.

He rented five box trucks yesterday.

So he made five truck bombs with
GPS triggers and stolen C-4?

Yeah, according to
the rental place,

the trucks are each decorated
with a different state --

Alaska, Florida,
Kentucky, Idaho, and Utah.

We gotta
shut the city down.

Shut down all the traffic
in Los Angeles?

She's right. Better to overreact
than under.

You know, car rental places
put GPS trackers

in a lot of
their rental vehicles.

we asked about that.

The manager said that
all the trucks are wired

but the data is collected
in a central hub out of state,

so we're gonna need
a federal warrant to access it.

- I'm on it.
- In the meantime,

get out county-wide BOLOs
on the trucks

and mobilize
the b*mb squad.

everybody with a pulse,

get in your car
and hit the streets.

Find those trucks.

Tell units to proceed
with extreme caution, okay?

We don't know who's driving
these things or whether

they're part of a terror cell.

There's my ride. I'm going up
to provide overwatch.

I'll come with you.

- Wanna ride with me?
- I thought you'd never ask.

How the hell
are we gonna find them?

And prayer.

Oh, no!

Control, we got an expl*si*n

south of
the Staples Center.

Mobilize fire and rescue.

Sirs, do you want us
to divert to the scene?

That's a negative. We need to
find the other trucks now!

Roger that.

7-Adam-13 arriving on scene.

Freeway has partially collapsed
at West 12.

There are multiple vehicles
crushed in the wreckage.

I need help here. What happened?

He just blew up a section
of the 110.

we need to focus.

If we are assuming
that he is targeting

all the major freeways,

we need units on the 10,
the 405, and the 101.

But at which spots?
L.A. has 500 miles of freeway.

How is this real?

Two days ago,
I was being lectured

on the proper way
to do paperwork in the FBI.

That's the way
this job works.

The daily swing
between tedium and tragedy

will give you whiplash.

don't get me wrong.

Being a guidance counselor
was the same way.

One minute, you're helping a kid
do a college essay.

And the next, you're talking
someone off a ledge --


It's like I said.

That's the experience
that'll give you a leg up

over your fellow trainees.

We may not have the speed
or endurance those kids have,

but we have a hell of a lot more
life experience.

I wish we could use
that experience to stop a b*mb.

We can try.

You want me to think
like a t*rror1st?

No. Like a commuter.


Where in the city is traffic
the biggest pain in the ass?

The bottlenecks,
the choke points. The --

You got something?

Yep. Head north.

There's Florida.

7-Adam-100 in pursuit
of Truck Florida.

Heading south on Crenshaw.

- Get your hands
outside the vehicle!
- Whoa, whoa!

I want you to open the door
from the outside

- and get out of the truck!
- Okay!

Let's go!

- Put your hands on the hood!
- What the hell's happening?!

- Where are the trucks headed?
- What? I don't know.

- Is there a manual trigger
for your b*mb?
- What b*mb?

What the hell's
going on here?

We don't have time for this.
Where are the three other
trucks heading?

I don't know.

The guy said it was
a traffic study, okay?

He paid us each 100 bucks
to drive a precise route!

Control, 7-Adam-100.

We stopped the Florida truck,
one in custody.

He seems to have no clue
there's a b*mb on his truck.

Does he know anything
about the other targets?

It seems the other trucks

are being driven by innocents,
so even if we stop them,

we won't be able to
stop the bomber.


All units,
I have eyes on Truck Idaho

heading west on Olympic,
two blocks east of the 405.

That's west on Olympic,
two blocks east of the 405.

They got him. Thank God.

Hey, Sarge, it's Smitty.
We just stopped a truck, too.

Truck Utah,
driver in custody.


I take back every negative
thing I've ever said about you.

What? You've said negative
things about me?

We might just
pull this off.

All units, the fourth truck
has safely been stopped.

That leaves Truck Kentucky
in play.

Given the previous targets,
our best guess is

that he's headed
for the 101.

Sir, I got the GPS feed.

The final truck is heading north
on Tujunga.

They're only a block away
from the freeway.


We're on intercept course,
approaching the freeway now.

♪ Pop the trunk,
got the axe and a shovel ♪

♪ Black supremacists

You realize
if this guy doesn't stop,

we're gonna have to
ram him.

You want to ram a truck
full of expl*sives?

C-4 requires a detonator
to explode.

But fuel
only needs a spark.

If you have a better idea,
I'm all ears.

♪ Blood clot, all my...
There he is!

♪ If you ill,
jump in the mosh pit ♪

♪ Point 'em out

♪ If you see a real playa,
point 'em out ♪

Don't move.

You okay?

I think so.

That was so stupid.

She's pretty judgy
for a first responder.

Oh, it's because
she actually lives with me.

- Cute. You did good.
- Oh, trust me, I know.

Did either of you lose
consciousness in the crash?


What about pain?
Oh, yeah.

But closer to a tequila hangover
than natural childbirth.

- Thank God.
- Sir, Nolan and Clark are
conscious and ambulatory.

Good. Get them out of there and
fall back to a safe distance.

That b*mb could still go off.

We need to shut down
the 101 from the 170 to Laurel.

Coordinate with CHP,
Sheriff's Department.

Hell, mobilize the postal
police if you have to.

Just get that roadway

As awful as it is,
it could've been a lot worse.

Still could be.

Who knows what this guy
is planning next?

I think I'm gonna pay the CIA
a visit.

You want me
to drop you off?

Hell no.
Let's go jack 'em up.

The death toll is estimated
at 17

with at least two dozen

and that number is
expected to rise

as rescue crews dig through
the wreckage

of that fallen overpass.

Hey, Tim sent me back to help.
What can I do?

We just got a photo of our guy
from the rental place.

Harper is running it now
through VICAP,

and we just sent it
to Fox

to run through
the federal databases.

Are they gonna release that
to the public?

That was my recommendation,

but the feds want to study
the issue first.

In the meantime, we're sending
every available officer

to roust their C.I.s
and show them the picture.

I need you running
our Command Center.

All intel, all leads, all data
filters through you.

CC the FBI on everything,
but don't give out anything

to patrol
without my say so.

Yep. You've got it.

Um, where's Grey?

Paying a visit to the CIA.

Sorry to keep you waiting.
Bill August.

Matthew Garza.
This is Wade Grey.

Hey. You're
the station chief?

Why don't we save the specifics
until we get into the SCIF?

Follow me.

Fair enough.


We can talk freely
in here.

How can I help?

We think our terror suspect
might have ties to the CIA.

- Why?
- When we ran his fingerprints,

they came back as classified --
out of Groom Lake.

That's unsettling. I mean,
there's a million reasons

why something gets classified
inside the agency.

Honestly, it's kind of
a default action.

You recognize this man?

Is that your suspect?

- Mm-hmm.
- And according to witnesses,
very Russian.

Well, again, unsettling,

but I'm not sure
how I can help you.

I'm sure being a station chief
seems like a big deal,

and it is in Moscow or Seoul,
but in L.A.,

it's a sign of
a senior officer on the margins,

so... That's very humble of you.

Oh, I'm anything but humble, Sergeant.

Just trying
to set expectations.

So that when you're not helpful,
we won't hold it against you?

Hold on, Matt.

Let's give the guy a chance
to be a team player.

What do you know
about Enervo?

What is it?

Well, current thinking is
it's an Agency Black Op.

Based on what evidence?

Suspect had it written down
in his house.

Look, gentlemen, I know
you're trying to get this guy.

And I respect that.

He committed a heinous
t*rror1st act on your watch.

But I resent you
coming down here

and trying to hang it
on the Agency.

We're not looking
to assign blame.

We need to catch this guy
before he kills anyone else.

We're hoping
you can help us.

Of course.

I'll look into
the fingerprint classification.

You give me a copy
of that photo,

I'll kick it to D.O.,
see if it rings any bells.

- Thank you.
- You bet.



Get the band warmed up.

Why aren't you
in a hospital bed?

Because I'm fine, Daddy.

John, Bailey,
this is Cutty.

It's a pleasure
to meet you, sir.

You're palling around
with the LAPD now?

Forgive him.
He's mad at me, not you.

We're in the middle
of a thing

because he's unhappy
with my career choice.

But deep down inside,

he's just afraid that
something is gonna happen to me.

But he should stop being mad
and give me a hug

because I was really scared
I was gonna die today

and leave my babies all alone
with a grumpy old grandpa

who doesn't know how to read
the emotional room.

Come here.

Ah, I gotta get down
to the truck.

We're headed
to the freeway collapse.

But listen, I need you
to stop almost dying.

I'll stop taking risks
when you do.

- You don't fight fair.
- Later.

Doc released you already?

Yeah, ready to go
back to work.

Ooh, me too.

No, no, no.
Wait a minute.

You're a trainee.

They shouldn't be putting you
in harm's way.


Actually, sir,
your daughter has been vital

to the progress we've made
on the case so far.

If you're up for it,

I was about to head into the
office to start crunching data,

combing through
the tip-line records.

Sounds safe.
I-I approve.

Of course you do.

Come on.

Thank you for that.

No problem. I've been there
with my parents.

I picked you up
some fresh clothes.

Just guessed
at your sizes.

Looking out for me
and checking me out?


what's the next step?

Grey struck out
with the station chief.

Asked me to make contact

with one of my old pals
in Operations.

You think he'll know
something about Enervo?

She. Kate Hill.

She ran Operations
for the CIA

in Northern Iraq
when I was there.

Let's see
what she has to say.

It's starting to sink in,
isn't it?

It's just
low blood sugar.

Probably need to
get something to eat.

Don't do that.
Trust me.

The harder you push it down,
the harder it comes back up.

You almost died.

No one walks away
from that unchanged.

I thought I was gonna be blown
into a million little pieces.

Nothing even left
for my twins to bury.

You got kids?

Ha! I have cats.

Who'd miss me for, what,
10, 20 seconds, tops?

You gotta have somebody
outside this job.

I mean, other than
your judgy parents.

There was a girl I picked up
at a bar last week.

Okay! Now we talking.
What's her name?

I don't remember.

One-night stands
are kind of my specialty.

Keeps me focused
on the job.

Well, was it good
at least?


Damn, okay!

My last boyfriend broke up
with me when he found out

that I sometimes
have girlfriends.

And my last girlfriend
broke up with me

when I joined the FBI, so...

She was smart.

This job's a straight-up
serial k*ller

when it comes
to relationships.

Maybe for you.

But I know how to balance
my work and personal life.

Oh, really?

Yeah, you were,

when you were a high-school
guidance counselor.

Hours were, what,
8:00 to 4:00?

And you had summers off.

has no set schedule,

no agent development days
where the criminals stay home.

Once you clock in,
you never really clock out.

Thank you
for meeting us.

I almost didn't.
Can't be a coincidence

that the first time I hear
from you in years is today.

No. We think our suspect might
be connected to the Agency.

That's above my pay grade.
Go talk to a GS-14.

My boss did.
He's getting the runaround.

And you expect me to stick
my neck out for you

'cause we hooked up once
under the rockets' red glare?

No. Because innocent people
are dead.

What do you know
about Enervo?


What does it mean?

It means
you just nuked me.

That's a little dramatic,
don't you think?

He called me at work.

And I would bet money that
somebody used the "E" name

on an unsecured cellphone

where it was captured
by an NSA keyword program

that triggered an immediate
tactical response.

Hell, there's probably
a predator drone

- up there right now.
- Kate. It --

Damn it!

Yeah, don't do that.

You lose a sh**ting w*r
10 times out of 10.

Hi, Kate.

I didn't say anything.

I'm sure you didn't,

but we still need to
go talk about it.

Who are you?
Kate's ride to work.

Well, she doesn't
want to go with you.

Yeah, no one ever does, but this
is a national security matter,

so go ahead and step back

and allow her
to get in the vehicle.

I know you think
you're protecting her,

but you're only
making it worse.

It's okay.

Have a nice day, Officers.

And you're sure
they were CIA?

Yes, sir.
There were eight of them,

plain clothes, no credentials.
Kate knew them.

Clearly, they're afraid
we'll get her to talk,

which means whatever she knows
is bad for the Agency.

We need to
get her back, now.

Sir, I slipped my mobile
into her jacket pocket.

We can use that
to track her.

Great work, Nolan.

Alright, stand by while
we get a trace going.

Elena. Six things. Ready?
One, call Senator "Smith."

Tell him "The Postman
walked the dog."

Two, notify the state's
attorney's office.

I need Dr. Reaser here now.

Three, track
and activate a cell

for LAPD officer John Nolan, badge...


Four, I need an AWAX
above 20,000 feet.

Tell them Senator Smith
authorized it.

Five, move Polaris 11 to
longitude 34.052 degrees north

and 118.24 degrees west.

Finally, mobilize HRT
for a hostage rescue.

Get all that? Good.
Love you.


You say "love you" when ending
calls with your assistant?

All that cool stuff
I just said

and that's what
you're interested in?

My assistant happens
to be my niece.

Oh, come on, like there's
no nepotism in the LAPD.

I'm not saying anything.
I'm just driving.

Damn it.
Turn around.

Come out of the car!

Hands where I can see them.

Because you lose this
sh**ting w*r 10 times out of 10.

Kate, you can
come out, too.

You're interfering with
a national security operation.

Is that right? Maybe you could
come down to the station,

tell us all about it?

That's what I thought.

You really screwed me.

That wasn't my intention.

But you can yell at me
all the way back to the station.

Have a nice day, citizens.

After we're gone, wait five
minutes, then let them go.

I'm Simone Clark.

They're busy.

Pull up a terminal.

We need any tips relating to
a man with a Russian accent.

There's no telling how long
he's been planning this,

so go back
at least a year.

Yes, ma'am.

That's a lot.

The key is
to keep organized.

I assign a system of letters
and numbers to separate the tips

based on the details
of the call,

then I apply a color scale
rating to each tip

as it's corroborated
or challenged

by other tips
of similar reliability.

That's really
how your brain works?

You'll get it.
Just takes a minute.

And that's what
all these people are doing?

Running searches
on various databases?

They didn't cover this
in Quantico?

It's different when you actually
see it on its feet.

Your system is impressive
and useful, I'm sure.

Maybe not the best
for my skills.

I'm more of
a people person.

You were a people person.
Now you're an FBI agent.

And this is
how we solve cases.

But that doesn't
make any sense.

Shouldn't they encourage us
to use

our innate interests
and abilities

instead of trying to force
everybody into the same mold?

The Bureau doesn't think
like that.

Well, they should.

Hell, if I could change my life
at this age,

the Bureau could change
some things, too.

You sound like Garza.

Really? The boss wants to
shake things up?

I shouldn't have said anything.
Spill it.

He's talking about
trying to launch a new unit,

one that spends more time
on the street and less in here.

Ding, ding. Okay.

- Sign me up.
- Slow your roll, trainee.

Let's focus on
the task at hand.

Right. Yes.

But I need to go
to the bathroom.

Unless I need to get approval
for that in triplicate.

Only for number two.

Down the hall
on the right.

Excuse me.

Is there
a Lost and Found here?

Thank you.

Miss Clark.

Hey, Zeke.
How they treating you?

Better than I deserve.

You talk to that lawyer
my daddy got for you?

She seems nice.

I got you something. Boom.

I know how the headphones help
with your sensory issues.

Now, it's not the unlimited
playlist you're used to,

but hopefully
it'll do the trick

until I can get you
something better.

Thank you.

We a long way from
Claybourne High School, huh?

I heard the agents talking.

They said there was
an expl*si*n.

With the detonators
I made?


How many people
were k*lled?


And twice that
in the hospital.

Oh, God.
I just want to die.

But you're gonna live.
Pick your head up.

Even incarcerated,
you can still do some good.

You got a big debt
on you now,

one you'll never be
able to pay back,

but you can spend the rest
of your life trying.

Did they catch
that Russian yet?

No. And that's what
I need your help with.

I already told you
all I know.

No, you didn't.

You told me what you thought
was important.

Let me be the judge of that.
Close your eyes.

Come on.
Now I need you to think.

Think about every moment
you spent with this man,

from the first time you saw him
to the last.

Is there anything
that stands out?

A-A behavior, actions?



He reminded me a little
of Coach Taylor.

300 pounds with --

with a Boston accent so thick,
you could smell the chowder?

Nah. Do you remember
those energy bars

Coach was eating
all the time?

Ooh, always smacking
with his mouth open

like he ain't had
no damn home training.

Yeah, well, the Russian guy
ate the same way.

Same bar?

The label was in Russian
and had a weird design on it.

And it smelled bad.

Fox is looking for me.

I gotta go, baby,
but if I can get them

to bring you some paper,

you think you could draw me
a picture of it?

Find somewhere else
to be.

Things are about
to get hot.

I just saw the bomber
from the news.

Parked a red car
off an alley on 7th.

Walked away.


Okay, detectives,
so, Becky here

was able to sweep every part
of the vehicle

for expl*sives,
except the inside.

That honor is mine.

No trip wires visible.

I'm lifting the driver's side
door now.

We're clear!

Hey, ladies.

My favorite detectives fighting
crime and looking good doing it.

- b*mb squad just cleared the car.
No expl*sives.
- I'm jealous.

You guys are watching
"Hurt Locker"

and I'm reading
about paranoid shut-ins

who think Russian spies
are their neighbors.


It's not up to us which aspect
of our investigation

we share with local law.

What did I share?
It's not classified intel.

We're working a tip line.
Why wouldn't I share that?

Because it's FBI policy.

Hey, guys,
you need to hear this.

The 911 call of the guy
who called in the car.

I just saw the bomber
from the news.

Parked a red car
off an alley on 7th.

Walked away.

That's got to be him.
He wanted us to find the car.

Which would make sense
if he booby-trapped the car

to blow us up, but w-why call
it in if he wasn't doing that?



Our suspect left you
a little something

on the steering column.

That's weird.

- That's weird, right?
- Yeah, very.

Here, get this
into the office.

I'll call the lab and get them
to put a rush on it.

Look, I'm sorry
how today went down.

Oh, which helps me
not at all.

And you are crazy if you think
I'm gonna reveal

classified intel
in a police station

where the whole world
is listening.

Okay, you are in this mess
because your Agency

would rather guard
their precious little secrets

than help us bring a t*rror1st
to justice.

So if you know something that
might help us catch this guy

and you refuse to share it,
I'll arrest you

for accessory after the fact
to terrorism.

Your friend sucks.

Oh, I'm just getting
warmed up.

The CIA isn't
taking you back.

Not what you want to hear,

I know,
but it's the reality.

So you have got a choice
to make --

the right one...
or the wrong one.

Look, dozens are dead, but the
goal was hundreds, thousands.

Now, I know you joined the
Agency to protect this country,

so it's time to step up
and do it.

What's Enervo?

- It's an answer.
- To what question?

How can the CIA destabilize
a foreign city

without ever firing a shot?

Enervo was a black op

where foreign assets were
recruited and trained

to create chaos
in their home countries.

So the CIA could keep their
fingerprints off of it all.

Who authorized
this operation?

- I don't know.
- You're lying!

Why would I at this point?

I have no idea
who ran the program.

Rumor is it was never
officially sanctioned.

You recognize him?

Yes. Ilya Sokurov.

He was a foreign asset.

I heard he was recruited
for Enervo.

But the Russians captured him
in 2018,

accused him of being a spy,
and sent him to a penal colony.

Where the CIA
abandoned him.

It's SOP.
Sokurov knew the risks.

But apparently
he escaped.

And now he's using what
we taught him against us.

Hey, any update?

Not yet.

Same as when you last asked --
five minutes ago.

You would think that someone
would come up with

a faster way
to get DNA results.

Well, maybe you can
go do that.

There you are.
Prisoner in holding

wanted me
to give you this.

Good man, Zeke.

Anyone in this building
a Russia expert?

I mean, not like
Russia Russia,

but where somebody might go
to buy a weird energy bar?

Mm, I doubt it.
But you can take it to CID.

They can source
the manufacturer,

chase down
the distributor network,

come up with
a list of stores.

Probably get an answer
in a couple days.

I don't have
a couple of days.

I'm gonna call my father.

He used to play jazz
with some Russians,

and I bet you
he still keeps in touch.

This is Cutty.
Leave a message.

Why do I even bother?!

This man never
answers his phone.

What's the good
in having a cellphone

if he never answers?

This really sounds
like a conversation

you should have with him.

Boom. I'm going to.

Call Fox
with the results.

Will do.

Uh, Mrs. Franklin.

Yes, this is Cutty.
I have some good news.

I've tracked down Jace.
Ah, he's fine.

His work evacuated
after the expl*si*n.

He left his phone behind.

It's my pleasure.

Let me know if
I can do anything for you.


So this is why you're not
returning my calls.

I'm kind of busy.

We're helping the families
that lost people today.

Wilkins is on board.

He's going to get food donations
from all the local restaurants.

Simone Clark.

James Murray.

Met your new bride
over at the station.

You work fast.

Hey, when you know,
you know.

Wesley, this is Cutty's daughter
Simone, my first crush.

She was a few grades
ahead of me at school,

and I was heartbroken
when she went away to college.

That's me, a trail of broken
hearts in my wake.

Well, it's good
to meet you.

I heard you're working
the bombing case.

I am, which is the reason
why I stopped by.

do you still play chess

with your Russian jazz buddies
in the park?

The Redfellas?

I haven't missed a game
in 10 years.

Do you think one of them could
translate this for me?

It's some sort of
a Russian energy bar,

but I've been looking it up online

and can't find it anywhere.

That's 'cause
you spelled it wrong.

- You speak Russian?
- Know a little.

But I've seen a bunch of
these candy wrappers.

My buddy Pavel, well,
he loves these.


And it's not
an energy bar.

It's a Soviet-era candy bar
made with cow's blood.

- Okay, that's nasty.
- Mm-hmm.

Uh, but where would one buy
this Soviet blood candy?

Only place I can think is...
over by the Aquarium.

There's a Russian deli there.


Boom! Found it.
Thank you.

Wait, wait, wait,
hold up.

You promised me that you would
stay inside where it's safe.

I did no such thing.

But if it'll make you feel
better, I'll call backup.

Hey, what's up?

See how he answers his phone
when I call?

John, you ever had
a pierogi?

I've never had them. Me either.

But why don't you meet me

over at the Russian deli
near the Aquarium?

We're gonna follow up
on a lead.

What kind of lead? It's a long shot,

but the good news is
you can buy me dinner.

I'm three minutes away.

He's here.

I'm in the car outside the deli,
and he's walking towards me.

Okay, stay in your car.

We'll lose him.

You're still a trainee.
You don't have a w*apon.

Stay in your car.

I can't.


Excuse me.

My boyfriend --
Okay, that's a lie.

He's not my boyfriend --

just this cute guy named John
that I've been seeing --

asked me to meet him
at the Aquarium,

and then I got turned around
'cause I dropped my phone

and now everything's
in German.

And I don't speak German, so...

Hell, you looking at me like
I don't speak English.


Is that how you talk
to a lady?

I know your mama raised you
better than that.

All I'm asking you to do is tell
me which way the Aquarium is.


- You okay?
- No.

Embarrassed he got
on top of me so fast.

- See which way he went?
- That way.


Bombing suspect last seen
heading south on Chestnut

towards the Aquarium.

Go, go, go!

Oh, sh**t.

I think I'm in trouble.

Hey, I was just getting ready
to call you.

Where the hell are you?

You were supposed to
hang with the DNA.

Anders said
you ran out of there

talking about
Russian candy bars.

What had happened was

I went back down
to see Zeke earlier

when I told you
I was going to the bathroom,

and he remembered something.

Long story short,
I found Ilya and I lost him.

But I'm with Nolan now,
and we're on the hunt.

We're gonna have
a long conversation about this

- when this is over.
- Looking forward to it,

but right now, we gotta
run down a t*rror1st.

Tell me.

Cops have a possible
location on Ilya.

Near the Aquarium.
We're heading there now.
What do you want us to do?

Get there first
and put him down.

It could get messy.

Messy I can clean.

If Ilya isn't dead
before the cops get there,

we're all
going to prison.

I expect you're here
to apologize.

- For what?
- For what?

with company business,

abducting a case officer.

I want Kate Hill back,
by the way.

Kate Hill? She's the least
of your problems.

We found a hairbrush
in Ilya Sokurov's car --

the car he directed us to
by calling 911.

We ran the hair for DNA.
And it was yours.

Only question is
why was it yours?

What's your relationship
with Ilya?

Look, I don't know
what you're talking about.

I think you do. In fact, I think
you're Ilya's real target.

I mean, why else would he plant
your DNA in his car?

To hang himself
around your neck

because he blames you
for something.

Which means you lied to us earlier.

You know exactly who he is
'cause he used to work for you.

You ran Enervo
as an unsanctioned operation,

'cause why else would you be
so desperate to hide it?

We're done.
I'm late for dinner.

You're missing dinner.

Suspect's going into
the Aquarium.

We're in foot pursuit.

Game faces on, gentlemen.

We're one minute out.

I assume you're


This place is creepy
at night.

Feels like these fish got
something against me.

Like they know something
they're not telling me.

It's not the fish
I'm worried about.

Is it the mass-murdering


Show me your hands.

It's over.

That's right, it is.

So show me
your damn hands.

I need you
to hear my story,

so that when they k*ll me,
it won't die with me.

And I need to
put cuffs on you.

So put your hands
on your head,

nice and slow.

Does your story include
why you planted a man's
hairbrush in your car?

He's not a man.

He's a monster.

And he promised
he would take care of them

if anything happened to me.

Take care of who?

My wife.

My li--

My little girls.

But when I was arrested,

Bill August walked away.

He shut down
the Enervo program,

and he left them.

To be rounded up
and k*lled.

I feel for you.

But that doesn't make
what you did right.

All those people you k*lled --
they have families, too.

It was necessary.

After what he did to me --

the innocents he destroyed?

I had to tear him down.

Burn everything he built.

k*lling him
wouldn't have done that.

We need to move, now.

Get down!

We are seriously


Over there, over there.

Hands up!

Drop the g*n!

- Do it now!
- Get up! Drop it!

Get up! Hands in the air!
Turn around!

I'm gonna need
those cuffs back.

Let me guess.

Don't tell me I need to do
some more exercise.

That's just basic science,
but what do you say, uh,

maybe we get drunk

Now you're talkin'.

You are the worst
new Agent trainee

in the history
of the Bureau.

Yes, sir.

You're unconventional,
you're stubborn,

and you -- you -- you --
you possess a --

an almost pathological inability
to follow protocol.

Yes, sir. But I did help
catch a t*rror1st,

a rogue CIA agent,
and his evil-ass hit squad,

so it should kind of
balance itself out, right?

This time.

Thank you, sir.

And it was an honor
to work for you.

I'll be keeping tabs
on you.

I mean, I'm not gonna put
my thumb on the scale

with the Academy,
but if you do manage

to make it through,
who knows?

Maybe you'll come
work for me again, hmm?

In your new unit?

My --

Loose lips, Agent Fox?

Yes, sir.
Sorry, sir.

♪ Hey, hey, hey
You can't really blame her.

I'm kind of hard to resist.

♪ It's gonna be a good day
See you in a couple months.

Agent Fox.

Trainee Clark.

♪ It's gonna be a good day

♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey,
it's gonna be a good day ♪

Hey, what are you
doing here?

When have I ever not driven you
to the airport

after a visit, hmm?

Ah. Seeing you
wear that seal is...

just never gonna
feel right.

Well, get used to it, Daddy,
'cause this is who I am now.

Come on.

I make this uniform
look cute.

♪ They can't help it,
that's just the way it feels ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
it's gonna be a good day ♪

Thought you might need a ride
to the airport.

That's sweet of you,
but my daddy's gonna take me.

Nice to see you again, sir.

My daughter said
you saved her life.

And she saved mine.

♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey,
it's gonna be a good day ♪

♪ Somebody asked me
how I'm doing today ♪

I'll pull the car around.

♪ Told 'em everything's
gonna be just fine ♪


We know the real reason
you stopped by.

You wanted to get one last look
before I go.

I'd be a fool not to.

Excited to get back
to the Academy?

I'm kind of scared, actually.

I mean, I've wanted this
my whole life,

and now that I got
a taste of it --

working a case,
making a difference...

It's addictive,
isn't it?

Like nothing
I've ever felt before.

I want to let you in
on a little secret.

That feeling
never goes away.

That's what scares me. What if
I don't survive Quantico?

You will.
But if I don't.

Come on. If you don't
survive Quantico?

I think you mean if Quantico
can survive you.

Simone Clark,
you are a force of nature.

Words of affirmation.

How'd you know
that's my love language?

Lucky guess.

♪ Gonna be a good,
gonna be a good ♪

See you around, handsome.

I hope so.

♪ It's gonna be a good,
gonna be a good ♪

Let's ride.

♪ Good day, oh

♪ Gonna be a good,
gonna be a good ♪

♪ Gonna be a good, good day