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04x04 - Red Hot

Posted: 10/28/22 17:29
by bunniefuu
This is amazing.

Where did you learn to
cook like this?

Let me guess -- you're also
a Michelin-star chef.

I wish.

We rotate kitchen duty
at the firehouse.

Gets pretty competitive.

Well, it must be nice
to have a job

that gives you
so much free time like that.


You know, this
cop-versus-firefighter thing

is getting old.

We need to settle this
once and for all.

Arm wrestling.

Pittsburgh Steelers
trivia contest.

w*r story showdown.

Whoever tells the best story
tonight at dinner wins.

Oh, I've so got this.

I once ran into a fire,
carried out a woman in labor,

delivered the baby,

and then went back in
to rescue one of my crew.

And that's
my fourth-best story.

Okay, m-maybe
I don't got this.

Oh, you know what?

I gotta get out of here.

It's Lopez's first day back
from maternity leave...

...and I'm supposed to pick up
some champagne from all of us.

Champagne for a nursing mom?

I said flowers.

You heard champagne?
That's so weird.

- Aww.
- Yeah!

Oh, and this one's
my favorite.

How does so much snot come out
of such a little nose?


Sergeant Caradine.

Great to see you.

I was just sharing
a few pictures.

Cute kid.

We got a backlog
of open cases.

Can't wait to
get started.

Great. I'm assigning you
23 through 60.

That's 37 cases.

Don't worry. At least
four of them are non-workers.

And by the way, we cleared out
a maintenance closet

for your, uh,
you know --


Thanks. I'll use
the women's locker room.

Suit yourself.

Was there something else
you wanted to say?

"Get to work"?

I was looking for
"Welcome back."

That too.

And finally,

next month, we'll be voting
for our new union rep.

Per the MOA, all candidates
are given the opportunity

to address the troops.

So, please help me welcome

your first, your last,
your only candidate,


Thank you, Sarge.

Look, I don't want to bore you
with a long speech.

I've been union rep
since 2006.

You know me.

You love me.

Vote Smitty!

I'm not really
taking questions.

Just a-a quick one
about the next round

of union negotiations --

W-What do you think about
pushing for a change to the MOA

where county mental health
is dispatched alongside us

for all calls involving
mental illness?

Great question.

And I assure you
that I have your back.

Have a button.

Color me inspired.

Alright, that's it.

Let's get to it.
Be safe out there.

You ready to roll,

Yes, sir.

What would you like this
"Go-fer" to go for first?

A tainted coffee?

A moldy donut?

I'm sensing a lack of
fear of my authority.

- Yes, sir.
- Hmm.

So, Bradford.

So, I'm gonna need you to catch
any 100 calls

that come in
for the next hour or so.

I'm gonna pay
Elijah Stone a visit.

You need back-up?

No, I can handle delivering
a simple message.

Let me guess --

"Hire another sn*per
to sh**t up our streets,

and we'll drop
a Bearcat on you"?

Well, I was thinking about
promising something

a little more --


Alright, you do you,

but we'll roll in heavy
if you need us.

I have no doubt.

Spot check.

Let's see
your evidence kit.

Just a second.

Alright, we got
fingerprint cards,
brush, powder.

What is this?

That's my snack.

You said that we should
carry one on hand

just in case we get stuck
at the scene or miss lunch.

Oh, and soybeans
are high in protein,

and they're low in f--They are also

a mold-fest in waiting.

You have no idea how long
this is gonna live

in your kit
before you need it,

so pack something
with preservatives.


If it can be used
as compost,

it's not a snack.

Get your gear squared away
and meet me at the shop.

Yes, ma'am.

Nothing like
starting your morning off

being made to feel like
an idiot.

I can handle it.

I mean, yeah,
Harper is tough, but fair.

It's an honor to train
under someone like her.


Well, hey, that is a perfect
answer for anyone else,

but you can be
honest with me.

Rookies talk crap about
their T.O.s all the time.

It's expected.

With all due respect,
you're not a rookie.

I'm the only probationary
employee at the station.

Fair enough.

But, hey, listen, if you ever
want to talk, let me know,

and I'd be happy to dust off
my P1 cone of silence.

Thanks, but, really

it's going great.


Wrong way.

♪ Money still stacking,
still stacking to the ceiling ♪

This is chess, baby,
not checkers.

I'm-a do
a little bit of that.


♪ Yeah, I'm wit the...
wit the...♪

Uh, give me a minute.

♪ I know you ain't 'bout that♪

♪ So I don't even talk back♪

Wesley Evers.

How's my favorite
prodigal lawyer doing today?

Better than your sn*per.



I'm working legal strategy,
but I gotta tell you,

it does not look good.

Well, the ballistics didn't
match the r*fle in his house,

and no one can ID him
at the scene.

I mean, that sounds like
reasonable doubt to me.

He threatened police
with a live grenade.

He had a dozen more
in his bedroom.

He's doing jail time.

Then I need you to get him
released on bail.

So you can help him

Never mind.
It's better if I don't know.

Eh, you see? Now you're
getting the hang of this.

- Can I go out the back?
- Yeah.

What can I do for you?

The kitchen's closed,
but I'm sure we could, uh,

you know, whip you up
a little somethin'-somethin'.

I didn't come to eat.

So I figured since
you were determined

to step out the shadows,
I should be there to greet you.

I don't know
what you mean.

Yeah, you do.
We got a sh**t sitting

in the holding cell
waiting to be transferred

to the Twin Towers.

And I know
he belongs to you.

I just can't prove it --

So you should consider
a different path

while you still can,

'cause the one
you're walking

puts you on
a collision course with me.

None of what
just happened here is okay.

No, no, no.
I know what I saw.

She was trying to
get away from you.

You don't know
what you're talking about.

What's the problem?

I-I saw a woman come running
out of his house.

He and this other guy
were trying to get her,

- but she got away.
- It is nothing, Officer.

That "other guy" is
our home health aide, Carson.

My wife is bipolar.

She's having
a paranoid episode.

We're trying to
help her.

That is not
what it looked like.

You need to mind
your own business.

Sir, what's your name?

Daniel Charles.

My wife is Linda.
This is all getting out of hand.

My wife needs her meds,
not the police.

So you can leave.

Actually, I can't.
Which way did she go?

She ran through
the neighbor's yard.

Control, I need units
circulating on the lookout

for a missing and endangered
female named Linda Charles.

Last seen wearing...

Gray sweatshirt,
white pants.

Thank you.
Gray sweatshirt, white pants.

Last seen northbound
on Glen Grove.

Officer, please.

Carson and I
should handle this.

My wife is not well.
You're going to scare her --

make things
ten times worse.

Sorry, sir.
That's no longer an option.

I'm gonna need to see some ID
from you and your aide,

and then I'm gonna go
find your wife.

What about nuts?

What about them?

For a snack in my kit.

I mean, they're healthy,
and they don't go bad.

Just buy
a damn candy bar.

Oh, my God. Aaron?!

Is that you?

Leah, hey!

It's been forever!

Santos said that
you were at the Academy,

but I didn't believe it.

You're really a cop.
This is amazing.

- Yeah.
- Uh, he still has to
finish his training.

True. Um...

I-I should go,
but really great seeing you.


I just wanted to say

that I never thought
you were guilty.

And that's what I told
the press.

Every reporter
who came around, I said,

"There is no way
that he k*lled Patrick."

Yeah, I-I saw the clips.

That really meant a lot.

I think you're the only one
that stood by me.

Um, I-I should
get back to it.

Of course!

Uh, but, hey,
we should hang.

Are tonight?

Yeah, I am!

Um, I'll ca--
I'll text you.


That was my --

7-L-15, show me 10-6
on a possible

with my missing
endangered female.

Oak at Fuller in the alley.


My name's John.


Nyet Policza...

Uh, 7-L-15, I got her. ...ya-ne Linda.

She's 5150
or high on 11-3.

Send me a mental health expert
and start an ambulance.

Did your husband
hurt you?

Is he even your husband?

Oh, boy.
Do you speak English?


Okay, Linda,
let me help you.


Come on.

I got you.
Come this way.

you're gonna be --

Oh. You okay?

Easy, now.

Alright, come on.

It's okay.
It's okay.

I'm not gonna
let them hurt you.

Just get inside.


You found her!
Thank God.

I need additional units

and a supervisor
at my location.

No, no,
there's no need for that.

Thank you
for finding her.

She just needs
her medication.

We'll take it from here.

Stay where you are
and show me your hands.


Your wife is going to
a hospital,

where she'll be questioned
without you present.

Now, I'll say it again --
show me your damn hands.

Get down!

Hey, don't!

7-L-15, two sh**t escaping
in a gold sedan.

License plate

Heading west on Fuller.

Female also fled
southbound on foot.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

Code 4 at the scene.

All units, be on the lookout
for suspects.

Want is a 245 on a PO
with a*t*matic weapons.

How'd your missing woman
turn into this?

I don't know.

I knew the guy was lying
from the jump,

but I thought
it was domestic abuse.

And when I finally caught up
with the wife,

it was clear
she'd been drugged,

and I think
she was speaking Russian.

Human trafficking?

Maybe. Let's go check out
the house.

Show yourselves now!


Bedroom's clear.
Coming out.

Guys, does this place
seem strange to you?

All the frames have
stock photos in them.

And there are no dishes
or food in the kitchen.

Like it's been staged,
but no one lives here.

And it feels a lot smaller
on the inside.

Like a reverse TARDIS.

I don't only watch sports.

be advised, suspect vehicle

was found abandoned in flames.

No sign of the occupants
or the missing woman.

Copy that.

These are 500 MCM wires.

They're running
400 amp service here.

Mm-hmm. I know
what that means,

but, uh, you might have to
explain it for Tim.

Well, a typical household
runs 100 to 200 amps.

With that, you can power your
lights, your appliances, AC.

You could run a pool
on 200 amps.

Wait, what could
they be running

that's bigger than
an AC or a pool?

I don't know.
There's a security panel here,

but I've never seen
the design before.

- What does it say?
- I couldn't tell you.

The writing's in Cyrillic.

"I don't know what the button
says, so I'll just push it"?

Definitely rethinking
that decision right now.


What is this?

You can monitor the whole
neighborhood from here.

Are human traffickers
usually this sophisticated?

It's a safehouse.

Like, for spies?

I've been in one before --

although it was in
a different country.

When? Where?

It's classified.

So, the security panel
is in Cyrillic.

The victim spoke Russian.

Both the sh**t
spoke Russian.

Okay, so, this is
a Russian safehouse

in Los Angeles
three miles from the station.

Yes! I win.

B-Bailey and I
had a bet that --

...that doesn't matter.

Why don't you try
and get us out of here?

Try to get us
out of here.

I knew it felt smaller.



Interrogation room.

Looks like they were
waterboarding your girl

before she escaped.

The minute
you drove away,

they knew this place
was burned.

They destroyed everything they
could before they abandoned it.

Well, I don't understand.
You said she spoke Russian.

So aren't they
on the same side?

Maybe she turned against them
or was trying to defect.

Why hasn't she called

Shouldn't we be calling
the State Department?

We will, but once we do,
we got 15 minutes

before the feds show up
and ice us out,

so let's make it count.

I want pictures
of everything.

7-Adam-19 to dispatch.

Show us responding to
Auto versus Bicycle

at East Third and Boyd.

So, you, uh,
going out to dinner

with that girl tonight,
- huh?

I've been pretty nervous

about seeing some
of my old friends, though.

I mean, after I got arrested,
nobody called.

After I got home,
nobody visited.

And most of them sold interviews
to the highest bidder.

But at least Leah
had nice things to say,

so it would be nice to salvage
at least one friendship.



I mean,
if she never came around,

is she really a friend?

It took you
long enough.

Were you the one who called
about the accident, sir?

Yeah, I was, uh --
I was down the street,

and I saw a car plow
into this guy on a bike.

Uh, he couldn't walk.

Looked like his legs
were broken.

Heard the guy in the car --
the driver --

he said something about
a-a hospital.

Put him in the back seat,
and they drove off.

Did you get a good look
at the driver?

Can you describe
the vehicle?

Maybe give us
a license plate number?

Eh, no, I didn't get
the license plate.

But it was a silver Civic,
for sure.

Alright, here's my card in case
you think of anything else.

Okay, thanks.

Nearest hospital's
a few blocks away.

Should we head there?

Yeah, as soon as
you document the scene.

On it.

Is that
your city-issued phone?

Oh, no, I -- it's back
in the w*r Bags.

Okay, uh, I'm gonna ask you
a question,

and I cannot
emphasize enough

how much I do not want
you to answer it.

What is the most embarrassing
photo you have in your phone?

Well, I have, uh --

Ah, ah-ah-ah.

Don't answer it.
Just hold it in your head.

Now, picture it
being entered into evidence

because it's on
the same hard drive

as these
crime scene photos.

I'm gonna get
the digital camera.

That's a good choice.


No. No!

It's an oven in there!

How long has the fridge
been broken?

It's broken?

The break room fridge

We need a new one ASAP.

For your...

Breast milk? Yes.

Okay. Okay.

Get a general services
request form

from the front desk.

Fill it out and bring it by
for my signature.

So, we'll have it by...?

Hard to say.

Has to be approved by a manager
and the manager's manager.

The city solicits three bids.

And at that point,
Jack won't need breast milk.

He'll need liquor
for his wedding.

Just getting bail
will be an uphill battle.

I'm hearing
a lot of problems.

I'm not hearing
any solutions.

Look, if you want to walk
out of prison before you're 60,

take a deal.

Testify against Elijah.

I'm not
gonna betray my boss.

Loyalty above all.

You can write that down.

This is not a test, okay?

I-I'm not reporting
back to him.

then that's way worse.

You're dumb enough to make
a move against Elijah?

He'll m*rder everyone
you've ever talked to.

Not if his assets are seized

and he's in prison
for the rest of his life.

The world is lousy with people
that were untouchable --

until they weren't.

That's a really nice

But I'm not buying it.

Tell Elijah he can count
on my silence.

I got your 911.
What's wrong?

These are good at room temp
for one more hour.

I need you to take this home
to our fridge ASAP.

The fridge here died.

I was in a meeting
with a client.

It's my first day back.

I can't afford to
be running home
every 2 to 3 hours.

What, and I can?

Your clients are in lockup.

They're not going anywhere.

Plus, you owe me.

For what?

How about
the 12 hours of labor?

Why are you
so pissy today?

I'm trying to feed
your son.

I'm sorry.

Just a...difficult client.

I'll stop by the house.

Thank you.

Here we go.


Sergeant Bradford, right?

You're not from
the State Department.


Mike Weston.
Good to meet you.

The CIA has a field office
in West Hollywood.

They throw a surprisingly fun
holiday party.

But they're not allowed to
operate domestically.

Not without a supervising
federal agency.

FBI agent Walter Reynolds
over there, he's in charge.


This man would like to see
some ID.

It's his case.

I'm just helping out
where I can.

Great, so do we liaise
with him or you?

Uh, neither.

We're taking over the scene --
and the case.

You mean the case
where two Russian spies
tried to m*rder me?

Oh, now, let's not
go throwing around the "S" word.

Suffice it to say,
we will move heaven and earth

to get these bad people
off the streets.

So if you'll just turn over
whatever evidence

you've collected --Uh, actually,

Sergeant Bradford advised us
that federal law enforcement

would be doing
the collecting,

so we just secured
the scene.

Smart man.

Agent Reynolds' card
for your report.

Let's go, folks!

So, that's it?
We're out?

You know, Linda stumbled
and touched the hood of my shop.

I bet her fingerprints
are still on it.

We can get a true ID --

solve this thing before Weston
knows what hit him.

This rust-bucket
is our loaner fridge?

Did you bring it here
from the 1950s?

Take it back.

Why is pumping so hard?

Uh, paranoid me thinks
it is a society-wide plot

to push us out of
the work force.

And not-paranoid you?

I don't listen to her.
She's too naive.

Uh, I have
a case file for you.

Driver hits a guy on a bicycle,

scoops him up
to take him to the hospital,

but they never make it
to the hospital.

Which makes it
a missing-persons.

Yeah, or an abduction.

Silver Civic,
the most common car in L.A.

Sure, I can add
"wild goose chase"
to my to-do list.

Look, the boot and I will do
all the leg work.

You just tell us
what you need.

Thank you.
You're welcome.

Heard you had some excitement
today. You okay?

Yeah, uh, though getting shot at
never stops being upsetting.

Yeah. Weird how
that happens, huh?

Am I the only one
who thinks that's insane?

I mean, our delegate helps
decide what goes into the MOA.

They shape policy.

Yeah, but they also shape
our benefits package,

and no one is more focused
on benefits than Smitty.

Right, but they could
help shape policy.

I mean, the right person
with a stellar reputation

who understands the issues,
who believes in reform --

No, no, no, no, no.

No chance at all.
Come on.

You would be so great at it,

and everybody
would vote for you.

- Running means campaigning.
- Yeah.

And campaigning means
being nice to people.

- What was I thinking?
- You weren't.

- Glad you're okay.
- Thank you.

Nolan, we just got
a partial print off your shop.

Linda's real name
is Katerina Antonov.

She's a Russian citizen
here on an NGO visa.

Perfect cover
for a Russian FSB agent.

We get any hits off VICAP that
could lead us to her?

No, but I did do
an Internet photo search,

and I ended up
on the Instagram page

of an Air Force major
named Lyle Marks.

Apparently, he and Katerina had
been dating for a few months.

And by "dating,"
you mean she was using him

to steal
top-secret intelligence.


But, yeah,
there's no way

a spy would just happen to fall
for an Air Force major.

Look, Lyle worked at
Drone Command.

Didn't show up
for work today.

- Do we loop in Weston?
- No.

If we're on to something,
he'll find us.

Major Marks, police!


I got a body!

His skin is cool.

He's been dead
at least an hour.

So, we have a Russian spy
who was tortured

and held c*ptive
by her own people.

Now her boyfriend ends up
tortured and k*lled.

Probably the same guys
who tried to k*ll Katerina,

thinking he knew
where she was.

Maybe he did. Maybe they're
going after her right now.

What a treat.

Twice in one day.

I take that back.

What the hell
are we in the middle of?

And don't give me any of this
"national security" BS.

It's not BS.

You of all people
should know that.

And you should know
that a m*rder*d soldier

means you can't keep this
in the shadows any longer.

These people need to be caught
before they hurt anyone else,

and you need our help
to do it.


But we need a secure place to
finish this conversation.

Luckily, I bring one with me
wherever I go.

This is a giant
Faraday cage?

Exactly. No electronic signals
can get in or out.

So, tell us
about Katerina.

Our belief is that Ms. Antonov
is an FSB case officer

who was in this country to
recruit intelligence assets

and that she went rogue.

Which is why two guys
grabbed her

and took her to
- a safehouse.
- Yep.

Oriel Stanislov
and Vladik Ziven.

FSB spec ops officers.

They arrived in this country
a week ago under assumed names.

But why try and k*ll her
once she escaped?

So she wouldn't end up
in the hands of the CIA.

Did you know she was in
a relationship with Major Marks?

Obviously not.

Otherwise, we would have
stepped in weeks ago.

Well, maybe we were
too cynical earlier.

Maybe she really did
fall in love with Marks

and the FSB found out
she was going to defect,

they k*ll him
and grabbed her.

Espionage isn't a romance novel,
Officer Chen.

I mean,
how would you know?

You didn't even know
there was a Russian safehouse

in Los Angeles.

Fair point,

but I've read
Katerina's file.

She's no hopeless romantic.

Do you at least know
why she targeted Marks?

He was in charge of

the Air Force's West Coast
Drone Command.

He had the keys
to the entire program.

So, if she wasn't stealing
secrets from Russia

and she wasn't in love with
Marks and planning to defect,

then what the hell
was she doing?

I don't know.

And that's what scares
the hell out of me.

What's going on?

It's the end of the day,

you haven't even cleared
the non-workers.

Because I spent
most of my day drowning

in a "Brazil"-style
bureaucratic hellscape.

Oh, is this about the, uh --
the, you know -- the --

Breast milk? Yes.

Just say it.
It's not a swear word.

It's not a magic curse
that will bring forth a demon.

It's a word.


You know, I think
I'll check back in the morning.


A token of thanks

to the fine men and women
at Mid-Wilshire.

It's gorgeous.
Thank you.


Hey, I'm really sorry
about earlier.

We've both been under
a lot of stress.

Thank you for not being part

of the massive,
society-wide conspiracy.

Don't mention it.


- I'll see you at home?
- Yeah.

I got an ID on
your missing biker --

Ken Haverfield.

I just got off the phone
with his boyfriend.

Ken just got out of rehab.

The boyfriend
didn't report Ken missing

because he just assumed
Ken relapsed.

Well, he didn't fall off
the wagon.

He got hit by a car
and abducted by some psycho.

The victim in
Nolan's dope house arson

was a recovering addict,

and he had a fractured pelvis

consistent with
being hit by a car.

You think that
your serial k*ller

is the same guy
that hit Ken?

It's a great way to
incapacitate a victim,

force them to rely on you
for help.

If it is the same k*ller,

there's gonna be
another fire tonight --

tomorrow at the latest.

And our only lead
is that he drives

the most popular car
in L.A. --

and we don't have
a plate number.

Okay, so, no one is ever
100% successful, right?

This guy must have targeted
a victim at some point

who insisted on waiting
for an ambulance.

At which point
he would have fled,

and the responding officer would
have filed a hit-and-run.

I could run a search,
but there's going to be dozens,

maybe hundreds
of initial hits.

I will do it.

Are you sure?

Yes, I'm sure.

I will split it
with the midnight shift.

We'll start running down
some leads.

You go home to Jack.

He misses his mama.

You're welcome.

I thought we were going
for dinner.

Yeah, the club has apps.

Yeah, and like
a million people.

And more than
a few paparazzi.

You're right.
We should get our own exclusive.

No, I'm --
I'm not doing that.


Come on!

Just relax.
We're gonna have fun.

You didn't bring me out
to reconnect.

This is just so you can get
more followers.


Well, I mean, yeah,
we could both benefit, but --

Nah, I'm out.

Aaron, wait.

This quiet community
was rocked

by the suspicion that fell
on the Gallagher home.

Police ex*cuted
a search warrant,

removing several items,
including clothes...

Hello? Hey, it's Aaron.

Yeah, can I speak to
P1 Lucy?

I got a rookie situation
I need to discuss.

Yeah, yeah, sure thing.

Hold on.

Um, okay, here she comes.

Talk to me.

So, I just tried to go
out with an old friend

from before my life
got turned upside down,

and it was like
talking to an alien.

Yeah, becoming a cop
is isolating enough

with no one but other cops

able to understand
the experience.

It must be so much harder
for you.

I mean,
how did you handle it?

The -- The isolation.

I made new friends
with the only people

who could relate --
the rookies I came up with.

Yeah, my Academy classmates
call me "No Biz,"

as in, "You have no business
being a cop."

Oof, I'm sorry.

I can't imagine
doing this alone.

There were three of us
in our class,

and we were inseparable.

Yeah, it was you, Nolan,
and -- and who was the third?



Uh, sorry.
The -- The guy who, uh --



Sneaks up on you,
doesn't it?

I mean,
I'll just be going along,

talking about whatever,

and then something
reminds me of Patrick

just lying there
dead on the floor,

and -- bam.

It's like being
hit by a truck.

I-I-I'm sorry.

I shouldn't
be bringing this up.

I sh-- I should go.

No, no.

No need to apologize.

I-I'm --
I'm glad you called.

Yeah, me too.

You know,
I spent the last two years

feeling completely alone,
so it's --

it's nice to have
someone to talk to.

Well, good. Good.

You should probably
get some sleep.

You know, you gotta bring your
A-game every day with Harper.

Tell me about it.

I'll see you tomorrow.


Dispatch, this is
Detective Nyla Harper,

badge number 56464.

I might have eyes
on a possible kidnapping vehicle

at 9223 Sherman Drive.

License plate matches
a hit and run from August.

Get me marked units and
notify Detective Lopez ASAP.

Dispatch, Detective Harper.

Possible suspect and possible
kidnapping victim inside.

Send all units Code 3.

I'm making entry.


Come out with your hands up!

I have a white male that-

Show me your hands!

Even with all
the smoke inhalation,

Harper's probably fine,

She wasn't in
the building long.

She should be okay.

At this point, I think we can
skip the w*r stories

and agree --

firefighters are better
than cops.

Why else
would you and Harper

insist on running
into burning buildings?

You're jealous.

Oh, y-yeah, no.

It's just as police,
we can't simply stand by

and do nothing when we know
we could be helping.

Okay, well, I guess we do have
to do the w*r story contest.

Agreed. You go first.

Okay, last year,

I got caught alone
in the canyon

as a fire was racing
up the hill behind me.

You can't outrun it,

so I had to light up
the brush around me.

I'm sorry, you --
you're stuck in a wildfire,

so you lit a fire?

The brush burns away --

along with half
my eyebrows --

and I wrap myself
in a fire blanket

in the middle of
the burnt-out patch.

I go fetal.

Wildfire lighting up
all around me,

burning at 1,200 degrees.

But because it's not
right on top of me,

I only parboil
as the fire pushes past me.

The doctor said
we can see her now.



You just had to try
and one-up me, didn't you?


she's alright.

Did you catch the guy?

No. By the time
back-up landed,

he was gone.

What about the car?

Uh, can we track it?

He drove it a couple miles out
and torched it.

Burned up any DNA
that would have been inside.

We ran the VIN number,
but the car was as stolen

as the license plate
he put on it.

So, we are
back at square one.

What about the guy
Harper pulled out of the fire?

Can he ID him?

Ken's still in surgery.

The doctor said he has a chance,
but he lost a lot of blood.


Hey, we'll get out of
your burned hair.

You guys go.

I just need to get down
a few details

while her memory's fresh.

- Glad you're okay.
- Me too.

Hmm, thank you.

You feel better?

Yeah, I do.
Thank you.

I'd say this was
another stellar date.

Wouldn't you?

At least we finally put

"cops versus firefighters"
to bed.

Ah, heh, no.
No, we haven't.

You think
you can beat my story?

Two words --
"Russian safehouse."

Unless "safehouse"
is two separate words.

In which case,
I have three words --

"Russian safe house."

just this very morning,

I uncovered
a Russian FSB safehouse

when two Russian agents
tried to k*ll me

for helping
a third Russian agent

that they were sent after to
capture who had gone rogue.

Only no one could figure out
what kind of rogue she had gone

because the Air Force major
that she was sleeping with

turned up m*rder*d.

Now, we don't know
whether she was using him

or actually in love with him

or whether the two agents
that k*lled him

did so
to tie up a loose end,

or if they were just using him
to try to capture her again.

Damn it, you win.

And now we know.

Cops are better
than firefighters.

Oh, I can't.

Forget w*r stories.

Let's spar for the title.

- Okay, we're doing this.
- Uh-huh.

Okay, I'm -- Oh, hold on.

Come on.

You scared?

Definitely, but, um,

Katerina had something
in her left fist

when I found her.

I'm not following.

The third spy --

the one the other two
were trying to k*ll --

she had something
in her left hand

when I put her in the shop.

But afterwards --
after they tried to k*ll us --

I remember pulling her
out of the shop.

Stay low!

Her hands were empty.

And you think
she left it in there --

whatever "it" is.

One way to find out.


You take me
to all the best places.

That's a lot of security
for a bunch of busted-up cars.

That's to keep the chain
of custody secure.

My shop hasn't been
processed yet,

so if Katerina
left anything behind... will
still be in there.

Here we go.

You were in this thing?

Well, a-adjacent.

What's wrong?

I'm just used to being the one
that gets worried about,

not the one who's worrying.

Oh, you don't have to worry
about me.

Yeah, famous last words.

Oh, that's dark.


Let's see what we got.

I got something.

It's a flash drive.

Give me the drive,
and I'll let her go.

No one needs to get hurt.

What's on it
that's so important?

A list of men
involved in a drone strike.

Why do you care?

My brother was in
the building they hit.

He was a doctor.

He didn't deserve
to die.

So, Marks launched
the strike.

You k*lled him,
stole the drive,

but Oriel and Vladik
grabbed you

before you could do
anything with it.

And you're planning on

the rest of the men
on the list.

That's justice, no?

Isn't that what your badge
stands for?


give me the drive,
and she lives.

Come -

Come on!

Flat on your stomach!
Hands and legs out!

Spread 'em, now!

You okay?

She's got some skills.

She's not the only one.

Here, cuff her up
nice and tight.

You're under arrest.

Officer Nolan.

Let me guess --
tracking me through my phone?

I'm not really
at liberty to say.

And now you just expect me
to hand her over to you?

No, not to me --

to Agent Reynolds.

Lieutenant Nune,
how are you tonight?

- Do I know you?
- Uh, no,

but any friend of
Officer Nolan's.

Hey, w-wait, what about, uh,
the other two?

What about, uh,
Oriel and what's-his-name?

Oh, we picked them up
an hour ago.

Thanks for your help
with this.

Agent Reynolds will coordinate
with your sergeant

on the paperwork.


I told you I was in
the Army Reserve.

Yeah, but you didn't say

Well, yeah.

Thank you
for your service.


We should really have
a normal date.


I'm doing everything I can,

but as of now,
I think Aiden's best chance

is a forgiving jury.

Oh, you can stop working
on his case.

Yeah, the prison's
about to call --

just as soon as they find
Aiden's body in his cell.

You had him k*lled?

- Why?!
- Word on the street was,

he was talking like
he was gonna turn on me.

Look, as far as I know,
he was completely loyal to you.

10 years of service.

One meeting with you,
and he gets squirrelly.

No, we --
we talked legal strategy.

That's it.


I know that you have a reason
to be nervous, okay?

But I won't do anything
to endanger my family.

That you can count on.

Final warning.

How did you get that fridge
for the break room?

That brand
costs more than my car.

Wesley bought it,

so I guess, technically,
I bought it.

So, that's the solution?
To pay out of pocket?

There really has to be somebody
who could've helped with that.

I thought about asking
my union delegate to step in,

but he once asked me,

"Why do women need tampons?

Can't they just hold it?"


Someone should
really run against him.

You could.

I am barely on the other side
of being a rookie,

and it was a rough ride.

No one would vote for me.

I would.

Mainly to spite Smitty,
but, hey, a vote's a vote.

Did you stop by
for something specific?

Yeah, I wanted an update
on the arson case.

I know I'm not part of
the investigation,

but I would love to be kept
in the loop.

If you hadn't brought the first
victim to my attention,

I would have never made
the connection,

so it's your case
as much as mine.

I should warn you,
if the k*ller's smart,

he's long gone.

This case could haunt us
into our retirement.

You sure you want to
do this?

Yes, I do.



You know you can't go out
on patrol without your TO.

Oh, uh,
Harper's on her way in.

She just wanted me to make sure
I had the shop ready to go.

You know, it turns out,
saving a guy's life

while barely escaping
a pyro-serial k*ller

doesn't even rate
a sick day.

Yeah, she sets
a pretty high bar.

Speaking of,
from your friend P1 Lucy,

for your evidence kit.

This is the cockroach
of protein bars.

Guaranteed to stay edible
until long after we're gone.


Uh, I will cherish it

'cause there's no way
I'm putting this in my body.

You're welcome.

Hey. Finished making
your statement?

Yes, and I might have
referred to you

as "hunky" at one point.

I appreciate that.

- What's this?
- Open it.

It's a little, uh,

for your exemplary
police work last night.

Thank you.

You ready?

Yeah. One last thing.

Now I'm ready.