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03x06 - Split Decision

Posted: 10/28/22 17:22
by bunniefuu
Hey, there's George.

Our favorite Scotch, our favorite manager.

Come here, you.

I gotta get loaded to hug him too.

- What's going on? - We finally landed that defense contract.

We are building the landing gear for the B-2 bomber.

- We beat the big boys? - You betcha.

We are looking at five years of solid production.

Finally there's enough w*r to go around for everyone.

- Amen to that.

- Hey.

How about we take the rest of day off, celebrate at Thirsty's? I'll tell the workers.


I've got an announcement.

We're going to Thirsty's to celebrate.

- Whoo! - Wait! Let me tell you why.

We just landed the biggest government contract in company history.

And this is all thanks to your hard work and the devotion of all the people around the world who wanna k*ll us.

Yeah! Now let's go to Thirsty's.

Man, this is a hell of a party.


Yeah, it's crazy.

All of us here having a beer an hour before we normally would.

Scoot over, sad daytime drunk.

Yeah, make room for bitter nighttime drunk.

- George, come have a drink with us.

- Yeah, sure.

Hey, George.

Slide on in.

To the defense contract.

To Powers Brothers Aviation.

To George, best damn manager we ever had.

It is great to have someone get the work done so that we can enjoy our lives.

Hey, that's what I do.

I do all the hard work while you guys golf and go to Vegas.

I didn't go to Vegas.

You know you're not supposed to gamble, Mel.

- How much you lose this time? - I wasn't gambling.

No, it's true.

Mel told me he went to Vegas with a woman.


Paying some bimbo to watch you gamble doesn't "qualify" as being with a woman.

- Hey, she wasn't a bimbo.

- Yeah? Who else goes to Vegas with an alcoholic gambler? Your ex-wife.

Could you slide out? I need to use the restroom.

You never could get anything on your own, could you? Even as a little kid, you had to lick my plate when I was done with it.

Yeah, who said you were done with it? You slept with my wife while we were still married? Seriously, guys, I got the bladder of a toddler.

You make me sick.

When I look at you, Mel, I don't see a brother.

- I see a worthless, backstabbing Judas.

- Oh, yeah? What do you see now? You wouldn't recognize that, would you? That's the face Janet makes when she's been satisfied.

Oh - Damn.

- You son of a Man, I wish I had my video camera.

I could sell this as Crackers Gone Wild.

Enjoy the fancy bottled water.

If I get fired tomorrow, you'll be drinking from the neighbor's hose.

What did you do? What did you do? I shot my mouth off and I got the Powers brothers in a fistfight.

- What? - It was ugly, Angie.

One minute, they're toasting the new contract, all happy the next thing I know, they're rolling around on the floor, biting each other.

Jack's powerful, but Mel's got those pointy teeth.

Well, what were they fighting about? I let it slip that Mel went to Vegas.

But he went there to: Jack's ex-wife.

And it wasn't the first time they: Man, it's like a soap opera, but with ugly people.

I've spent 16 years working my butt off at that factory and I say one stupid thing, and it could all be over.

You think they're gonna fire you because of this? They've fired people for less.

They fired a guy one time, Angie, for calling them the Bowers brothers.

He had just had a root canal, and his face was all numb.

And he kept saying, "Bow could they boo this to be?" Hello, everyone.

- Hey.

- Hey.

I had the greatest time with Claire's family.

We went to this fancy restaurant and they told me I could order whatever I wanted.

I ate escargots.

That's snails.

If you want escargots, put your mouth on the rain gutters and suck some snails.

- Carmen.

Give us a minute, okay? - Sure.

Hey, Claire's family invited me to go skiing with them next weekend.

I can go, right? Carmen, we're Latino, we don't ski.

If we're going down a mountain it's usually because we can see San Diego in the distance.

But they have a house in Vail.

I only need money for ski stuff.

- How much? - Oh.

Well, it shouldn't be more than, like, 500.

Five hundred dollar? Okay, then, how about you don't get me anything for Christmas? You're still $480 short.


Carmen, just because you're at Allendale doesn't mean you're gonna be able to do everything your rich friends can.

For example, those teeth that's as white as they're gonna get.

This sucks.

Hey, save that for Christmas morning when you unwrap your shampoo.

Aw I ruined her gift.

- Are the Powers brothers here yet? - No, still no sign.

Hey, but word on the floor is they're shaking things up around here.

- Oh, man.

Any word on me? - Yeah.

Chuck the welder thinks you look good in turtlenecks.

Listen up, people.

- I got an announcement to make.

- Jack, about what happened yesterday Save it, George.

Whatever you're gonna say, it's not gonna change my mind.

All right.

Most of you saw my brother and I got into a little altercation.

Well, everything's been resolved except that there will be one small change in management.

Oh, he's gonna regret this.

I know where they're cutting corners in the health plan.

Mel's out.

We're splitting the company in two.

Forget what I said.

Just drink some tequila and cut your own moles off.

Mel is starting a new company with the design team and I'm keeping this plant and Manufacturing.

We may not able to hang on to the B-2 contract but you'll all keep your jobs.

Keep up the good work, don't get distracted and Mel experimented with Jimmy Hawkins at summer camp.


Are you sure? Is it worth losing the defense contract because Mel slept with your wife? George, don't panic.

We'll get new contracts.

Besides, come on.

You're my guy.

You'll be managing this place till you die.

Can I get the day off to be buried? Let's see how that week's going.

Oh, Mel, I'm so sorry.

You know, when I sit at this desk, you know what I see through that window? I see the past.

I see people toiling away at dead-end jobs no hopes, no dreams, nothing.

Just a bunch of zombies.

At the Christmas party, you said we were family.

Yeah, and I was so drunk woke up the next morning, I thought I'd cut a woman in half.

It turns out I took home two of the elves.

Head over here, feet over there.

You can imagine.

I want you to come to my company.

I want you to be my partner.

You will have everything that Jack had.

You're not gonna hit on my wife, are you? What am I saying? She's disgusted by you.

No, I'm serious, George.

I need somebody who knows about manufacturing.

Who could be my liaison to all the factories.

And you'll get stock options, profit sharing.

George, if this thing takes off, you will be set for life.

Oh, man, that's a great offer.

But, Mel, Jack wants me to stay here.

Well, it's your call.

You can stay here and play nickel slots for the next 20 years or you can throw your dice with a high roller.

- You think about it.


- I will.

And by the way, Jack likes to tuck it and dance naked.


Come to bed.

I can't stop thinking about this.

I mean, like, I feel like I owe Jack.

He hired me.

On the other hand Mel's giving me a great shot at something here.

I just don't know what to do.

I say we make a pro-and-con list.


Pro-and-con lists don't work.

Last time we made one, we ended up having Carmen.


George, listen.

We gotta talk.


Shouldn't you be in a window in Amsterdam? Shouldn't you be in a medical journal with a question mark next to you? What do you want, Mom? Listen, George.

I've been sitting at my house thinking.

You can't go with Mel.

It's too chancy.

What if things don't work out? How are you gonna support your family? You want me to stay at the factory so your job will be safe.

Well, yeah.

That's part of it.

But, you know, I also think that the factory should have the best damn manager it can.

And you are the only guy I'm sorry.

You know what? I just can't pull it off when it's too ridiculous.

Look with you out of the picture, they are gonna phase me out.

- A lot of people over there don't like me.

- No.

They confuse my sense of humor with cruelty.

I'm not gonna stay there just to cover your butt.

Oh, come on.

Who are you kidding? The plant's all you know.

If you go with Mel, you're gonna fall on your face.

You don't know that.


Did it ever occur to you that I could get out of the plant, huh? And maybe make some big money? Enough to afford my dream of someday buying an island? - Is that your dream? - Not for us.

I'm putting her on it.

Don't worry, I'll get you a volleyball to talk to.

George, you do what you want.

But if you go with Jack, we'll both have a job.

If you go with Mel I'm gonna be out on the street in a week.

Hey, let me help you out.

- Your first can.

Let's go.

- Oh I could manage the plant for the rest of my life and we could cover all the bills.

But? But I think I could do something better.

George, there's no guarantee Mel's company's even gonna make it.

I might never get a chance like this again.

If you believe in this, then you should do it.


How do I look? Where did you get all that? I told Claire I couldn't go on the trip because I didn't have the stuff.

So her mom took me shopping.

Isn't that great? Now I can go.

- You're not going anywhere.

- What? You're giving that back.

We're not a charity case.

Why do you wanna ruin my life? Hey, if I wasn't paying for private school, we could all go on a ski trip.

You can go back to public school where the girls are calling you a whore, and we'll meet you on the slopes.

Are you mad because they paid for all this, or are you mad because you can't afford to? Get out of here.

I don't wanna see you.


Quietly! - I'm gonna go talk to her.

- Angie, tell the truth.

You drank during your pregnancy, didn't you? - Uhn.

- Where do you come off being so disrespectful to your father? I thought he'd be happy to get rid of me for a weekend.

Of course, he would.

We all would.

But that's not the point.

- Whatever.

- We said no.

And you went behind our backs.

Now, we have never spoiled you and we are not about to let some other family do it.

This is all about Dad's stupid pride.

I knew it.

He has reason to be proud.

How many other daughters of factory workers get to go to private school, huh? Your father gives up so much for you.

He works nights and weekends.

He doesn't have time to garden with me which he used to love to do when we were dating.


Okay, so just because Dad's done a lot for me, I can't take anything from anyone? What if Harvard wants to give me a scholarship, I can't take it? No, you can't.

You'll have to raise Max because your father and I will have died from shock.

Carmen we may not be able to give you all the material things that you want but we can give you something more important.

Our values.

Well, right now, I would really value going skiing.

Two glasses of wine in nine months.

Hey, George.

Hey, Jack, I'm glad you're here.

This is the hardest decision I've ever had to make.

But I'm going with Mel.

I can't believe you.

Whatever happened to loyalty, George? I hired you.

I promoted you.

I treated you like a son.

For the first five years, you called me Señor Pumpkinhead.

There you are.

So did you tell him? No, I didn't have a chance to.

George, guess what.

We're not splitting up.

What? That's right.

We're keeping the company together, Señor Pumpkinhead.

But what about Vegas? And Janet and? The bond between two brothers can't be broken over one infidelity.

And if it takes an accountant to tell us we're gonna go broke by splitting up the company to help us realize we love each other, so be it.

This is great.

I mean, really.

I was hoping you guys would work this out.

No hard feelings, huh, Jack? Hey.

What's he talking about? He picked you over me.

Really? Wow.

Hey, thanks a lot, George.

You know, that means a lot to me.

But what a s*ab in the back to my brother.

Jack, I'm sorry.

Believe me, there was nothing personal about it.

Hey, now I know.

Now I know.

I know now.

Pop quiz.

When do I know what I know? Now.

Jack, come on.

- Did you hear the news? - Not now.

No, George.

George, they just announced it.

A Skyhawk commuterjet crashed.

- Two people died.

- What happened? They're not sure.

Something went wrong during the final approach.

They think the landing gear might have failed.


That's our landing gear.

I didn't hear from you.

What happened with the Powers brothers? They made up.

The company's staying together.

That's okay.

There'll be other opportunities.

Look, Angie, there was a plane crash and two people were k*lled and one of our parts might be responsible.

Oh, God.

Hey, Dad? - Carmen, now's not a good time.

- Wha I Well, I just wanted to say that I feel bad about the way I acted.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry too.

Go on the ski trip.

Is this some kind of test? No.

Sometimes you just have to have fun when you can.

Thank you so much.

I gotta get ready.

- I don't know what's gonna happen, Angie.

- George, it'll be okay.

We'll get through this.

We got through Max's dyslexia.

And Carmen having to switch schools.

- Your uncle dying.

- Hmm.

My parents getting a divorce.

Your father throwing you in jail.

The garage burning down.

Why does everything happen to us? Are we cursed? Did you cut off a voodoo priest in traffic? Way to keep it together, baby.

Honey, we haven't done this in forever.

Let me get my gloves.

I'll help you.

This stuff needs to be cut way back.

Well, I haven't had any help in a while.

It's been just me gardening.

Gosh, remember when we were first dating, you used to love gardening? You know, maybe now that we're going through such a tough time gardening can be one of those things that brings us together again, huh? Got it.

Did you say something?