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01x10 - Escape from the Deep End/The Collector

Posted: 10/28/22 10:06
by bunniefuu
♪ One fine day
with a woof and a purr ♪

♪ a baby was born
and it caused a little stir ♪

♪ no blue bug
and no three-eyed frog ♪

♪ just a feline, canine,
little catdog ♪

♪ catdog... catdog... ♪

♪ alone in the world
was a little catdog ♪

♪ out on the road
or back in town ♪

♪ all kind of critters
putting catdog down ♪

♪ got to rise above it,
got to try to get along ♪

♪ got to walk together,
got to sing this song ♪

♪ catdog... catdog... ♪

♪ alone in the world
was a little catdog ♪

♪ catdog... catdog... ♪

♪ alone in the world
was a little catdog. ♪

( Both yelping... )

( Trash cans falling )

( Barking, screeching )

Stay on 'em!

They're getting away!

( Loud crunching )

Hey, hey, wait for me!

( Greasers grumbling )

( Panting... )

( Out of breath )

( Knocking on door )

Stomp you later, catdog.

( Mean laughter )

Oh, gee,
that was fun.


You call
being chased

and beaten for
six miles fun?

You are one
weird dog, dog.

Speaking of weird

did you ever
notice how shriek

always goes easy on dog?

What do you mean?

Well, think
about it.

She never
pounds him.


( All grunting

how are things

( Bone crunching )


Hmm... some more.

And the way shriek
looks at dog

with those
goo-goo eyes.

Goo-goo eyes?

She likes him.

Boy, what a couple they'd make.

Shriek and dog?

A couple?

Shriek and dog, a couple.

It's genius.

Our problems would be over.

No more chasing.

No more pounding.

No more pain.

It's time
to play cupid.

( Cackles )

( Crickets chirping )

( Dog snores loudly... )

"My dearest, darling shrieky."

( Shudders )
I never thought
I'd write those words.

"When i think of you

my dogular heart beats
like a big, b*ating... thingy."

Yeah, that's pretty good.

She'll buy that.

"My love for you overflows

like a thousand bowls
of oozing dog food."

"And so, my canine cutie

"meet me
at the footbridge, : sharp.

Love, your secret admirer."

Secret admirer?

Who could it be?

What should i wear?

What the heck is a footbridge?!

( Birds tweeting )

So what are we doing here, cat?

We're launching
my brilliant plan.

The days of being pounded
by the greasers

will soon be over.

Just do exactly
as i say.

Okey-dokey, cat.

While we wait...
( Yawning )

I'll take a little
cat nap in the sun.

You just wake me up
when you see somebody coming.

( Snores softly )

Dog ( Yells ):

Here comes that somebody!

( Birds twittering )

( Shrieking )

Dog is my secret admirer?

Oh, heart be still.

My dream has come true.

( Giggling )

Um, hiya, shriek.

Quiet, dog.

If cliff and lube
saw us together

they'd bust us
up good.

( Barks )

What's he doing here?

Oh, i was
just leaving.

I think I'll leave
you two kids alone.

Um, gee, shriek,
you look...

I look what?
Spit it out!

Dog, just tell her

"your hair is a crown
of golden wheat.

Your eyes are
lovely pools of light."

"Your hair is a clown
of moldy meat."


"Your eyes are ugly
pools of fright."

No, no, no.

What are you yapping about?

What am i
yapping about?

Forget it.

Just say, "i like you."

"I like you."

You do?

I do?

I do.

I do!

I do, i like you!

Um, I'm dizzy.

I'm falling!

Catch me,
you big galoot.

( Crunching, gulping )

( Tearfully ):
Oh, dog.

I can't go
on like this.

What's the matter,
my little poodly pie?

Why must we
hide our love?

I want to tell
the world!

Tell the world what?

( Both gasp )

What's going on here?

None of your beeswax,
but I'll tell you anyway.

I love dog and he loves me.
Got it?

( Whimpering )

Aw, put her there, pal.


Couldn't have happened
to a nicer guy.

No more pounding,
no more pain.

No more...

So, when's the wedding?


You're going to make
an honest dog out of her

ain't you?


( Groans )

( Wedding bells chiming )

( Panting )


( Winslow laughing... )

I, i always cry at, uh, at
these, these kind of things.


Okay, preach.

Let her rip!

Do you, dog, take shriek?

( Baying... )

Oh, down, boy.

And do you, shriek, take dog?

You'd better believe it, buster.

Someone's got to have a reason
why these mutts

shouldn't be joined together.

Funny you should ask.

As a matter of fact i...


( Grunting )

Never mind.

I now pronounce you
dog and wife.

You may slobber
all over the bride.

( Party hubbub )

I can't believe it,

I want to toast
the happy couple.

We ain't loosing
a greaser

we're getting
a house!

'Cause the greasers
will all be moving in

with dog and
his lovely bride.


I'm sorry, did he say moving in?

Looking forward
to it

punching bag-in-law.

( Howling... )

( Thunder rumbling )

This is the life,
ain't it, pal?

You said it, cliff.

Hey, yeah,
he said it.

Yo, cat, give me another can,
on the double.


Someone needs
their diapers changed.

( Barking shrilly )

Way to go, cupid.

Hey, looky what time it is.

It's cat-pounding time.

Oh, no.

( Screeching )

No, no, no, no, no!

No, no!

It was a dream.

It was all a dream.

Oh, thank goodness.


Oh, boy.

Dog, you're not going
to believe this.

I dreamed that you...

( Birds twittering... )

Hi, shriek,
you sure look...

( Screaming... )

Dog, you've got
to tell her

"you've got a voice
like a... ( Whispers )"


Cat says you've got
a voice like a car alarm.

Your breath stinks
like sour goat cheese.

You're stupid, ugly, pimply,
and really short.

( Growls ferociously )

How's you plan
working out, cat?

( Cat grunting, groaning )

Like a dream, pal.

It's wonderful.

Like a beautiful dream.

I'm dreaming. ( Cackles )

♪ kavity krunch, kavity krunch ♪

♪ eat it for breakfast,
munch it for lunch ♪

♪ dinnertime, too,
'cause i got a hunch ♪

♪ you'll love kavity krunch! ♪

( whirring )

( Squirting... )

( Sputtering wheezily... )

( All slurping... )

Take it easy,
fellow box-licker.

It's only our first day.

Sorry, cat.

I feel inspired to greatness.

Oh, come on.

That stupid

The number one

Number one, number one,
number one...

Number one...

Number one... number one...

Number one...

( Frantically ):
Number one...

Number one... number one...

Number one!
Number one!

( Shouting maniacally ):
Number one!

I can't take it anymore!

( Screams giddily )

( Muffled shouting... )

There's something
you don't see every day.

Rancid rabbit:
What's with all
the standing around?

What, what, what?

Why, i ought to fire
the whole lot of you.

( Slurping )

( Slurping vigorously... )

Hmm, i like his flair.

Son, you're now
a prize-stuffer.

No, i couldn't possibly...

I'm not worthy...

Now that you're in good
with the boss

i can slack off
all i want.

( Snickers )

Congratulations, cat.

( Yelps )

( Tumbling down stairs,
plates crashing )

A feast fit for a...

( Slaps )

For a prize-stuffer only.

Your food is over there...


Oh, what a cut of meat.

Boy, is that a delmonico?

I don't know
if i can eat all that.

( Gulps )

( Burps loudly )

( Bitterly imitating
dog's tone )

( Humming enthusiastically... )

( Buzzes )

I enjoy your work.

I think you can be
number one.

Number one?!

Numero uno.

But there's only one thing
standing in your way.

One thing standing in your way.

( Clangs )

One thing standing
in your way...

( Yawns )

( Snoring )

What is it?

I was thinking.

Maybe you could lick
more boxes

if, uh, you know,
if you were... awake.

Hey, you do your job
and I'll do mine.

( Yawns )

( Laughs nervously )

You're lucky
you're attached to dog.

No breaks
for a month!

Sorry, cat.

It's best
for kavity krunch.

( Tearing cardboard )

( Alarm buzzing )

Rabbit ( On megaphone ):

kavity krunch employees

may i present
the new number one.

( Sighs queasily )

Son, i present you
with the finger.


( Applause )


( Cheering )

Back to work!

( Greedily gulping )

Clean them up
and move them out!

Number one...

Number one....
Number one....

Number one... number one...

( Growling )

Hold on a minute!

Who's not licking their weight
back there?


( Cat pretending
to cower )

( Mockingly ):

( Softly ):


Saliva: Pass.

( Cash register bell rings )


You can do better.

Your licking days
are over, dunglap.

You're fired!

Hey, hey, hey,
you can't fire dunglap.

He's our best friend.

Oh, yeah...

You're fired, too.

That's it.

Us box-lickers
have had it.

If they think we're
so revolting

then let's revolt.

Are you with me?

Revolt, let's revolt.

Power to the lickers.

Prize-stuffers stink!

Aw, who needs you?

I'm number one.

Attention number one,
huge order.

We need a thousand boxes stuffed
and licked, pronto.

Come on, come on,
you heard the rabbit.

Get licking.

Box lickers.

Well, wish i could,
but I've been canned.

Who needs you?

I can do it all
by myself.

( Chuckles )

Number one... number one...
Number one... number one...

( More quickly ):
Number one... number one...

( Frantically ):
Number one... number one...
Number one...

( Machine clanks, stops )

( All laughing... )

Number one, number one...

Number one,
number one...

( All continue laughing )



Now, come on, dog,
let me help.

I don't need
your help.

( Machine starts )

( Both yelping )

( Screaming... )

( Machines sputtering )

( Yelling )

( Truck engine starts )

( Tires squealing )

( Cat sighs )

I never want to look

at another box
of kavity krunch

as long as i live.

Some kavity krunch?

Yes, please!

Hey, I'm sorry about
how i acted, cat.

Yeah, well, no sweat, buddy.

I know how tough it can be
at the top.

Mmm, honey-baked goodness
in every bowl.

( Snapping )


This has even more
crunchy goodness
than usual!

How can they keep
making it crunchier
and gooder?

They keep doing it!

( Cat shrieks... )

♪ One fine day
with a woof and a purr ♪

♪ a baby was born
and it caused a little stir ♪

♪ no blue bug
and no three-eyed frog ♪

♪ just a feline, canine ♪

♪ little catdog ♪

♪ catdog... catdog... ♪

♪ alone in the world
was a little catdog ♪

♪ out on the road
or back in town ♪

♪ all kind of critters
putting catdog down ♪

♪ got to rise above it,
got to try to get along ♪

♪ got to walk together,
got to sing this song ♪

♪ catdog... catdog... ♪

♪ alone in the world
was a little catdog... ♪

♪ Alone in the world
was a little catdog. ♪