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03x20 - New Cat In Town/ CatDog's Booty

Posted: 10/28/22 09:30
by bunniefuu
♪ One fine day,
with a woof and a purr ♪

♪ A baby was born
and it caused a little stir ♪

♪ No blue buzzard,
no three-eyed frog ♪

♪ Just a feline, canine,
little catdog ♪

♪ Catdog... ♪

♪ Catdog ♪

♪ Alone in the world
was a little catdog. ♪

♪ Out on the road
or back in town ♪

♪ All kind of critters
putting catdog down ♪

♪ Got to rise above it,
got to try to get along ♪

♪ Got to walk together,
got to sing this song ♪

♪ Catdog... ♪

♪ Catdog ♪

♪ Alone in the world
was a little catdog. ♪

♪ Catdog... ♪

♪ Catdog ♪

♪ Alone in the world
was a little catdog. ♪

( Crowd gasps )

( Heavy thud )


( Screaming; sirens wail )

( Whimpers )

That's one big, scary cat!

It's not real, lube--
it's just a movie.


Hey, you guys-- you know what?

If I saw catzilla,
I'd give him what for

Let me tell you.

Ah, pipe down,

( Muffled screams )

You can push me--
you can poke me--

You can ridicule my ancestors

But you can't dunk me
in stale popcorn

With sticky butter-substitute.

This is the last straw.

Huh, I'm glad we got
rid of that pest.

Now we can enjoy
the movie in peace.

ho, yeah--
he's the man.

Catzilla rules!

( Unintelligible ) now--

Do it-- yeah!

( Meekly ):
hi, guys--
you enjoying the film?

( Punches and screams )

oh, man!

Talk about your v*olence
in the movies.

That movie was
rated "ouch."

My turn-- ooh.

What can we do
about these greaser poundings?

Announcer ( on tv ):
we interrupt this program
for an announcement:

Farburg is being terrorized
by some kind of monster

Who I definitely do not love.

As you can see behind me

This little walnut shop
was nearly demolished

In the wake of this
horrible creature's destruction.

( Heavy thuds )

Whoa, what's that?

I'm receiving word that
the monster has left farburg

And is now
on its way to nearburg.

Nearburg?! Nearburg?!

( Heavy thud )

Can you see it?

What is it, dog,
what is it?

I don't know what it is

But it's coming this way.

( Cat whimpers )

Oh, no-- it's huge and scaryish.

I hate huge and scary.

And it's a cat.

And it's a... What?


Dog, this is just
like catzilla

Only it's real.


Must get greasers!

And he sounds real mad
at the greasers.

What should we do?
What should we do?

Do, dog, old thing?

Why, uh, heh-heh--

Let's go say hello
to our new big buddy.

( Heavy stomping )


Must get greasers!

( Heavy stomping )

Yeah, hey-- great idea.

I love that-- hold that thought.

But, hey, buddy--
pisan, compadre

Welcome, woo-hoo, hey--
meow-- heh, heh.

( Growls )

Hey, make yourself at home--
take a load off.

( Crash )

Aww, boy!

That's okay--
it was from the -cent store.

Must get greasers!

Ohh, we are so
on the same page.

Come-- walk with me,
talk with me.


Oo-hoo, big cat,
my brother--

It's time we made
some changes around here.

Duh, --

Duh, --


( Knock at door )

( Cliff grunts; lube crashes )

Hey, now, this is
what I call respect.

You feed us before we pound you.

( Nails screeching )

make it stop!!

( Grumbling )

( Crashes )

( More grumbling )

( Greasers yelling;
dog panting )

What's wrong, cliff?

You know, you
run like your

I'll have you
know, granny was
a track star.

( Crash )-- oww!

Catdog, you're just
making your pounding
that much poundier.

( Catdog wheezing )

( Catdog whimpering )

( Heavy thudding )

sweet blissful benji.

What's that?

it's catzilla!

thanks for coming.

I'd like you
to meet our new friend.

we call him...

"Big cat," because
he's very husky.

( Growls )

( Screaming )

( Growling )

( Screaming )

( Heavy crash )

( Greasers whimpering )

( Greasers cracking )

so, this is
the old evil lair, huh?

Whoo-- got to tell you

I love what you've done
with this place.

wow, nice homey digs!

( Greasers scream )


I guess there's
only one thing

Left to say
to the greasers now.

nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah!

( Blowing raspberry )

Hey, big guy-- wait up.

So, big cat, you got anything
to eat around here?


Nuts-- what kind of cat
eats nuts?


Eddie!? Eddie?!

Ahh, I knew it
was him.

Ignore that squirrel.

I, uh, ate him for breakfast.

Eddie, baby!

Building a giant robot
to crush the greasers
was genius.

I don't care about
the greasers anymore.

They're nothing--
just gum on my shoe.

Are they strawberry-

Silence, mortals!

Mortals? Mortals?

I got a new plan now.

I'm going to use
my superpower to...

To turn nearburg
into a giant walnut orchard.

Now, don't take this
the wrong way, eddie

But that sounds
kind of ( blabbering ).

If you're not with me,
you're against me.

Whoa, look at the time.

Well, you know what--
we'll just be going to...

Stay for a while.

Big cat:
that's it-- tear it all down,
or feel my wrath.

More walnut trees, more walnuts.

All for me-- nut paste time.

Whoa, that's good.

Hey, you over there--
put your back into it.

Yeah, I'm talking to you,

Eddie was always high-strung,
but this is ridiculous.

Yeah, well--
him and his high strings

Are going to destroy
the entire town.

Dog, we've got to do something.

I never thought I'd say this,
but cat's right.

Well, first of all--

We should probably take
these silly things off.

yeah, they're uncomfortable.

Okay, now, I think...

If we all just stop running
at the same time, we'll be fine.


( Screaming )

( Train whistle toots )

Well, we're free,
aren't we?

You, plant faster!

You, dig faster!

You, stand on one foot!

You, wear this silly hat!

( Laughing maniacally )

You're all under my control...

My control...

( Laughing evilly )

Ahem-- people of nearburg!

Have no fear--

Big cat is really
eddie the squirrel.

the squirrel?

Aw, man--

We'll let anyone
frighten us
into servitude.

Why, you!


( Crash )

( Whimpering )

( Heavy footfalls )

You think
you're screaming, now--

Wait till I feed you
into my nut-cruncher

And eat you.

Here they come.

( Screams )

( Crash )


Um-- ( whistles ),



You're not getting away
that easy... Whoa.

( Screams )

Quick, lube,
get on my shoulders.

That's it,
easy does it.

Now you, cliff.

Now, shriek.

Okay, dog-- now you.

Okay, everybody-- hold on.


( Screams )

( Splash )


You didn't beat me,
and I really scared you

Especially cliff,
because he's always like

( Deep voice ):
"hey, I'm cliff,
and I'm big and strong."

Ha-ha, he was crying
like a little...

Uh-oh, so...

Can I be a greaser, now?

Well, I'll let you guys
think it over for a while.

yeah, you better...

a long time ago,
in the days of pirates...

A ferocious sea battle

Took place in nearburg cove.

Give it to 'em
again, laddies.

( Blasts )

( Explosions )

Avast ye scurvy scum,
run up your white flag!

White flag,
white flag.

( Squawks )

What are you, nuts?

Pirate cliff:

I order you to
give up your treasure!

never! ( Laughs )

We shall see
about that, orangebeard.

Fire old betsy!

Uh... Betsy, you're fired!

( Crying )

( Smacks )

The cannon, you mullet-head!


( Blasts )

Oh, how I hate
when that happens!

By thunder, I'll see ye
in davy jones's locker!

But I still got's
me treasure--

I still got's me treasure...

( Blubbering in water )

and so, orangebeard
went down with his ship

And the treasure sank to
the bottom of nearburg cove.

( Yawns )

Night-night, sleep tight.

Is the treasure
still there, cat?

Aye-- many a man
has tried to find it

( Yawning ):
but none have succeeded.

Let's go find it!

( Echoing catdog argument )

don't think I haven't
thought about it

But it's , leagues
under the sea!

And if a genius like myself

Can't figure out a way
down there, nobody can.

Ah, but what if...

Dog-- only a crazy

Would try to find
that treasure.

I am going to try
and find the treasure!

we saw that coming, didn't we?

Good luck.

( Magnet clangs )

( Hyperventilating )

I found it!

( Straining )

( Cliff laughs evilly )

( Cat gasps )

( Squeaking )

Hola, catdog!

Hole-ah, lola!


I'm studying the
egg-laying capabilities

Of the rare,
humpbacked sea snail.

Nice bathysphere.

Oh, thank you-- and she's
good down to , leagues.

Really tho--

, Leagues?

That's low enough
to find the--

( Laughing nervously )

Uh, lola--

Uh, could you, uh,
use some assistance?

Uh, you know,
we'd love to
help you find...

Uh-- what was it?

Sea snails.

Yeah, I can sniff 'em out!

Oi, muchas gracias,
mis amigos, come aboard.

( Growling )


( Buzzing )

When are you going
to tell her about
the treasure?


( Whispering ):
it will be
a surprise.

okay, cat, as always,
I trust you percentages.


Look at all this neat stuff!

never mind that

We're looking for sea snails.

And pirate ships

Yeah, but we can still
look for snails, right?

'Cause I want to make you happy

But I also want to
make lola happy.

I want to make everybody happy!

I'll be happy
when you stop
blabbing, joy-boy.

( Ringing )

we're, uh-- we're not
going down deeper?

No way--

Snails never go that deep.

Uh, hey, um

I... Think I see one who
may be in the "family way."

Where, where?

Where, where?

Oh, way-way-way-way
way down there.

( Ringing )

I've never been down
this far before

We've got to be very careful.

Tell me when you
see that sea snail, cat.

Don't worry, i--

( Gasps )

Thar she blows!

You see something?

Yeah, i, uh, it's, uh, ooh--

A humpbacked sea snail, yes

And I think she's
about to lay eggs!

But we need to get closer.

hey, careful, ay--

whoa, whoa!

( Thuds )

You big jerk--
you almost
k*lled us!

Oh, uh, sorry.

Okay, let's
get out there and get 'em!

Cat, you're going to
go in the water?

No problemo.

Sea snails,
here we come!

Hey, some big ship.

Wow, who'd a thunk it?

Nice discovery, lola cousteau!

( Laughs ):
let's check it out.

But what about
the snails?

We came down here for science.

That is also true.

Who is up for a

( Gasps ):
pregnant snail at six o'clock!

ay-yi-yi-yi-yi-- here we go.

Now, where did
you see these
snails, cat?

Over there.

( Gasps )

Wait a minute-- that's
not a humpbacked sea snail

That's a pirate ship!

It is?

Oh, darn-- I always get
those two things confused!

Well, since we're here, want
to check for treasure aboard?

( Braying )

Of course there is,
it's orangebeard's
pirate ship!

( Shushing )

There's a treasure
chest, and it's a
big surprise!

( Laughing nervously )


( Growling )


( Jaws snap )

( All screaming )

( Panting )

You tricked me, cat!

I came here for
the snails!

Snails, shmails,
I want the

oh, uh, couldn't we get both?

I want to get both.

Oh, stop being so wishy-washy!

He's not wishy-washy!

Wait a minute,
I think you're both right.

Phew, that
was close.



( Screaming )

( Screaming )


So you're going to
blame me for this, too!

No, I think you're both
partially responsible.

( Together ):
stop it!

Stop it!

We've got to get out
of here before we
run out of air!

Let's not fight, lola,
let's, let's get rich instead!

Uh, we'll split
the treasure, - !

( Gasping )

- !


Excuse me, but
what about
mr. Grabby?

Uh, dog, I want you to think of
the gasiest soda you ever drank

And the meltiest cheese
you ever melted!

Okay, I'm done-- now what?


( Grunting )

( Breaks wind )

( Sniffs )


let's get rich!


It's orangebeard!

still protecting
his bounty in the briny deep.

A ghostly guard, that--

We don't have
all day here,

( Straining )

To the bathysphere!

( Burbling )

( Splashing )


( Panting )

( All exclaim )

( Gasps )

ah, unbelievable!

cheese and

Now, that's what
I call a treasure chest.

We're rich, rich-- rich!

And unlike all
those other times
we suddenly got rich

Nothing could ruin this!

( Horn blowing )

I order youse
to give up your treasure!

I... Got a big mouth!

thanks for bringing it up for
us, cat, now hand it over!

Never, you lily-livered lubbers!

Duh, is my liver
showing again?

You want the

Come and get it!

Let the battle... Begin!

have at you!

( Clashing of weapons )

The treasure!

( Gasping )

( Screaming )

No, no, no, no!

( Splashes )

( Screaming )

Uh, bye-bye,
pretty booty.


I found a humpbacked snail!

( Wet smacking )

way to go, amigo!

And she's pregnant!

Well, we're poor again, but at
least we can still pound catdog!

Oh, yeah?

Full throttle!

captain cat!

( Crashes )

Ah-- what the--?


Help, help!

( Blubbering into water )

have a nice swim!

( Catdog, lola laughing )

( Greasers screaming )

( Yelling for help )

hi-ho diggity!

♪ ...just a feline, canine,
little catdog ♪

♪ Catdog... ♪

♪ Catdog ♪

♪ Alone in the world
was a little catdog. ♪

♪ Out on the road
or back in town ♪

♪ All kind of critters
putting catdog down ♪

♪ Got to rise above it,
got to try to get along ♪

♪ Got to walk together,
got to sing this song ♪

♪ Catdog... ♪

♪ Catdog ♪

♪ Alone in the world
was a little catdog. ♪

♪ Catdog ♪

♪ Catdog... ♪