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06x05 - The Golden Auditorium

Posted: 10/28/22 08:01
by bunniefuu
- ♪ here we go, here we fly

♪ sparkle wings way up high

♪ where the rainbows
and the stars align ♪

♪ fairy friends,
heroes strong ♪

♪ shimmer bright,
hear our song ♪

♪ we're the smile
in your sky tonight ♪

♪ you can feel
the music lift you ♪

♪ off the ground

♪ nothing's gonna stop us now ♪

♪ we are the magic winx

♪ rising up together

♪ we are the magic winx

♪ we are the ones
you believe in ♪

♪ you keep the dream alive

♪ girl power's gonna shine ♪

♪ forever

♪ we are the magical winx

- The dark magic unleashed
onto lynphea college

Forced the winx
to return to alfea.

Everyone took training

Except for nex and roy,

Who concentrated on competing
for aisha's affection.

The crew returned
to lynphea college,

Where flora earned
her bloomix transformation.

However, selina continued

To bring more fabled creatures
to life.

[dramatic music]

- Aisha, come on!

Time to go, now!

- [thinking]
don't worry, guys.

I'll be back!

- Run! Run! Run!

- Aisha!

- Go! Watch out!

- Phew!

That was close!

- No joke!

This is serious!

- And we only have a piece
of the dragon flame.

- Don't forget me, winx.

Together with my bloomix,

We can face those witches

And their little
flying monsters.

- Helia, riven,
there's one right above you.

Throw it off course!

- [groaning]

[electricity zapping]


- I'm ready for you,
big guy!



- Run!

- Musa, any ideas?

- Maybe he'd appreciate
some classic rock.

Let me know
how you like this.


[rock music playing loudly]

- [roaring]

- Or maybe he's into reggae.


- Get away from my friends!


- Oh!

They're everywhere!

- And headed this way!

- What do we do now?

- Do you remember
the triple back flip?

Ha! Yeah!

- I'm ready.

- Then let's do this.

- Hmm.

[both grunting]

- Yeah!


- Way to go, stella.

That was incredible.

- Yeah!


I learned from the best,

- ♪ bloomix

- ♪ bloomix
- ♪ bloomix

♪ bloomix
- ♪ bloomix

- ♪ bloomix

♪ there's a light ♪

♪ brand-new kind of power

♪ burning bright

♪ but brighter
when it's ours ♪

♪ we can share the magic
of the dragon flame ♪

All: ♪ oh-oh, oh-oh

- ♪ one by one

♪ we find the strength
to guide us ♪

♪ to that spark
shimmering... ♪

- Stella,
fairy of the shining sun!

- ♪ yeah,
the magic's on the way ♪

All: ♪ oh-oh, oh-oh-oh

- ♪ bloomix,
call my name ♪

♪ bloomix,
play the game together ♪

♪ bloomix,
take my hand ♪

♪ and get the flame

♪ bloomix takes you high

♪ bloomix fills the sky

- Aisha, fairy of waves!

- ♪ bloomix, come and spread
your wings and fly ♪

- Oh!

[both gasp]

- They've transformed.

- But how?

- Their bravery
and quick thinking

Earned them
their bloomix power.

- Okay.

Get ready, stella.

Here comes another one.

- Right.

I'm on it.

Ray of pure light!


- [gasps]

- Oh!

- You're not going anywhere,

- I know, but you are.

Lilac vortex!

[all grunting]

- I have the coolest sister.

- [growling]

- You better watch yourself,

- Ha-ha.
What a joke.

- Oh, yeah?

Then maybe you'll think
that's funny.

[thunder crashing]

- Hey!

They're going the wrong way!

- Lost your backup, icy?

[all groaning]

- Time to pack it up
and move along.

- I was growing tired
of this place anyway.

- Huh.

- And we're growing tired
of you.

- Fine.

- Later.

- First, let's give them
something to remember us by.


- Morphix cloud!

[zapping and crashing]

- Ooh, aisha,
that was incredible.

- We did it.
- Whoo-hoo!

- [laughs]
- yeah!


- Whoo!
- Yeah!

Uh-huh, uh-huh!

- You saved lynphea college.

- [laughs]

- And saved us
from living rock solid.

- Everybody is to thank.

- We fought together,
and together, we won.

- [laughs]

Oh, flora.

- I'm so proud of you.

- I'm no longer just
your little sister, right?

- Right.

You are also
an incredibly brave fairy!

- [laughs]

- Think we can
do this again soon?

Without all of the fighting

And turning into stone,
of course.

- I'm counting on it.

- Hey, so good to see you.

How've you been?

[indistinct chatter]

- Where's daphne?

This is her class.

- Ever since we left
lynphea college,

All I can think of is...

- That if we all act together,

Then no goal is impossible.

- Yeah, that too,

But even more importantly...

- Yeah?
- Huh?

- That even a battle
can bring inspiration.

Winx, I present to you

My new collection of hats:

Headgear in flight!

- Hey, I can't see.

- I know.

Aren't they outrageous?

- [stuttering]

- I guess you're not ready
for such advanced designs.

- Maybe not, but you are.



- What's going on?

Where is professor daphne?

- Right here!

I'm sorry I'm late,
but I have great news.

- Well, do tell.

We're waiting.

- [clears throat]

I have received
a special invitation

To visit the golden auditorium
with the class.

- The most exclusive
music college

In the whole magic dimension?

- And we get to come?

- Of course!

It will be
a great opportunity

To better explore
the subjects we've covered.

All: Yes!

- No way!

This is the best news ever!

I can't wait!


- [grunts]



- Hey, riven.
It's me, musa.

- Hi.
What's up?

- We've all been invited
to the golden auditorium.

We leave tomorrow.

- That right?

Cool. Cool.

- Yeah, riven.

It's the place I'm always
talking to you about.


- I'm just--just focused
on my training right now.

- [sighs]

- I want to step it up

And be more of a leader
at red fountain.

- Good luck with that.


why do I even try anymore?

- Tecna, what do you think?

Oh, that's so interesting.

Thank you
for such thoughtful input.

Don't worry about me.

I'll just be over here

[gentle strumming]

- Can you not play that now?

- You have got to be
kidding me.

- Musa, I'm trying to solve
a complicated algorithm.

- Well, I'm not a fan
of your alga-thingy.

Why don't you not do that now?

- Because an algorithm
doesn't make any noise.

- And what?

My music is just noise
to you?

- Maybe I don't want
a front row seat

To the musa solo tour
every single day.

- I can't believe
you just said that.

Singing is like breathing
to me.

- Guys, what's going on?

- I have to study
for a technomagic exam,

And she's putting on
this tortured artist routine.


- The only thing tortured
is your inability to relax.

- I've never seen you two
like this before.

- Luckily, we're going to
the golden auditorium tomorrow.

That will cheer me up.

- That fight was so loud.

- Come on, guys.

We need to do something.

[delicate piano music]

- Wow.
This place is amazing.

There is so much to look at,
and we just got here.

- I'm hungry.
You want to hit the cafeteria?

[indistinct conversations]

- Hey, there.

- Hi.

- Wow.
Check out those statues.

That's conductor silamandro,

And that's lafobus,
a famous violinist,

One of the first.

- Very good, musa.



- It's been ages.

Oh, hello, daphne.

- Winx, this is deletta,

The auditorium's headmistress.

- Welcome, winx.

We are honored to have you here
in our school.

May I speak to you

- Of course.

Go ahead and start exploring.

I'll meet up with you
when we're through.

- Okay, daphne.

- Let's go.

There's so much to see.

- I heard what happened
at lynphea college.

- The trix--they're back.

- With even darker magic.

Something seems off to me.

- I agree,
and we need to figure it out

Before they attack again.

[thunder crashing]

- Poof!

And out of nowhere,

Some of those winx
just got a new power.

What's the deal with that


I need you to step it up
for our next story time.

And make it interesting.

- I can do that.

- The legendarium is still
no match for the winx.

on to the next magic college.

- Hmm...



- I'm watching you, selina.

You're getting stronger.

- Asheron!

I promise I will not
let you down.

- Stella, follow me!



- This piano is so sleek.

- That's the golden grand piano
of the mallorix fairies.

- [laughs]

[keys striking]

- See?

Each sound is a spring color.

- What about this violin?

- Try it, and you'll see.

It's a magi-violin.

[vibrant orchestral music]

- Bravo!

How lovely!

- I'm so glad you like it,

- Why was the auditorium built

So far away
from everything?

- Legend has it that
deep underground,

There is a cave system...

- Allegedly.

Just saying.

- Where the pandemonium sprites

- Who are they?

- Mischievous creatures

Whose loud shrieks
could break glasses.

- [chuckles]


Once upon a time,
evil sprites

Were trapped in
an elaborate system of caves,

And every night,
they would try to escape.



- [cackling]

- Pandemonium sprites,

You are now free
to drown out the winx

With your terrible screams.


- Whoa.
Check this out.

- Tecna,
I would appreciate it

If you took more of an interest
in this place.

- Good grief!

Who says I'm not, musa?

- Me. I am.

You have yet to enjoy yourself

- My current mood
does not lend itself

To the pleasantries
of enjoyment.

- Yeesh.

So it continues.

- I have an idea.

[organ chord plays]

[cheerful tune playing]

- What are you doing, cara?

- be careful.

- Whoa!

- [gasps]

She's been sucked
into the keyboard!

- We have to go help her!

[rumbling and clattering]

[all screaming]

- Ooh!


[distant cackling]

- What is that sound?

- More rare instruments?

- I'm afraid that's not it,

[evil laughter]


It's the pandemonium sprites!

[sprites hissing and cackling]

[all shouting]

- Get out of here!

[all groaning]

- Magic winx!

- ♪ I feel the power
of the ocean ♪

♪ connecting with
the deepest part of me ♪

- Bloom,
fairy of the dragon flame.

All: Magic winx!

- ♪ there's a light ♪

♪ brand-new kind of power

- Flora, fairy of nature.

- ♪ but brighter
when it's ours ♪

♪ we can share the magic

- Stella,
fairy of the shining sun!

All: ♪ oh-oh, oh-oh-oh

- Aisha, fairy of waves.

- Get these little guys
out of here.


[sprites chittering]

[wavering tones]

[all groaning]

- They're sh**ting sound waves.

- Water bolt!

[wavering tones]

- Ohh!

It didn't work.

[sprites shrieking]

[wavering tones]

- Yikes!

All: Whoa!

- The pandemoniums' scream
knocked them out.

- It's just you and me now.

We have no choice
but to avoid their att*cks.

[wavering tones]

[both groaning]

- We must get rid of them
as soon as possible.

- Any ideas?

- We'll use music as a bait.

[sprites shrieking
and chattering]

[hypnotic flute solo]

- Follow me!


It's working, musa!

- We need to get as far
as the pandemonium cave.


- According to
the depth scanner,

There is a place that meets
the topographic requirements.

- Break it down for me,

- The cave is that way!

- [gasps]
I see it!

What would I do without you,

You and your depth thingy.


- Oh!

- Ooh...

- Check it out.

- Oh, wow, look.

The pandemonium cave.

- Columns and stalactites
hold sounds

That have been trapped
for centuries.

- [gasps]

Here come those
tone-deaf terrors.

- They know better
than to go back in there.

- So now what?

[wavering tones]

[crystals clinking and rattling]

- Well, they're in the cave now,
and so are we!

- If only there was a way
to overpower them.

- What about my voice?

- Yes!

And these acoustics

Will make your voice
even louder.


- Let me just savor that request
for a sec.



- That was amazing, musa!

- Thanks for believing in me,

- [gasps]

- Whoa.

- [laughs]

- ♪ there's a light ♪

♪ brand-new kind of power

♪ burning bright

♪ but brighter
when it's ours ♪

♪ we can share the magic
of the dragon flame ♪

All: ♪ oh-oh, oh-oh

- ♪ one by one

♪ we find the strength
to guide us ♪

♪ to that spark...

- Musa, fairy of music!

- ♪ winx by winx, yeah

♪ the magic's on the way ♪

All: ♪ oh-oh, oh-oh

- ♪ bloomix, call my name

♪ bloomix,
play the game together ♪

♪ bloomix,
take my hand ♪

♪ and get the flame

♪ bloomix takes you high

- Tecna, fairy of technology!

- ♪ to the sky forever

♪ bloomix, come and spread
your wings and fly ♪

- Tecna, musa!

You have the bloomix power!


- Sweet!

Now let's start
turning the volume down

On this racket.

- If you sing again,

I can use my new powers
to make it even louder.


Harmony blast!

Crystal voice!

- [vocalizing]

- We did it, musa!

- [laughs]

- Winx,
we are eternally grateful.

Thank you so much
for saving our college.

Musa and tecna,
you discovered the only way

To defeat
the pandemonium sprites.


And in doing so,
you composed a beautiful song

That will forever echo
through our halls.

- I can't believe
you two came up with this

In the midst of such

- Well, it was tecna's idea.

- No, it was all you, musa.

- Now, that's arguing
I can handle.


- Yeah!

- Great job, winx!

- Musa, you better not
play the guitar.

- Oh, not again.

- I know,
not until you plug it...

- Into the amplifier
I created for you.


- For sure!

I can't wait
to hear how it sounds

Through my headphones.

[thunder crashing]

[bats chittering]

[thunder crashes]

- The winx can have
the golden auditorium.

This attack will be far more

[electricity zapping]

- [squeals]

- Hmm, look at them run.

- Like little ants in the rain.


[all shrieking]

- Eraklyon students,

Obey all
that is cloud tower.


Who dares to challenge
our power?


- I'm not here
to challenge your power.

I'm here to make it stronger.

I want in.

- That's music to my ears.


- Hmm...

- Preparations
for the celebration of daphne,

The crown princess
of domino,

Are in full swing,

And bloom is very happy
for her sister.

However, a familiar face

To aid in the fight
against the winx.

Meanwhile, all eyes
are on the battle

For bloom's powerful
dragon flame.

- ♪ winx,
we're living in magic ♪

♪ and day by day,
we will light up your world ♪

♪ winx, together we'll make it ♪

♪ your power
will make it shine ♪

♪ and we will fly in the sky

♪ winx, we're living in magic ♪

♪ sing that song

♪ we'll be friends
till the end ♪

♪ winx, together we'll make it ♪

♪ love is all around

♪ this is the wonderful world
of winx ♪