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06x03 - The Flying School

Posted: 10/28/22 08:00
by bunniefuu
- ♪ here we go, here we fly

♪ sparkle wings way up high

♪ where the rainbows
and the stars align ♪

♪ fairy friends,
heroes strong ♪

♪ shimmer bright,
hear our song ♪

♪ we're the smile
in your sky tonight ♪

♪ you can feel
the music lift you ♪

♪ off the ground

♪ nothing's gonna stop us now ♪

♪ we are the magic winx

♪ rising up together

♪ we are the magic winx

♪ we are the ones
you believe in ♪

♪ you keep the dream alive

♪ girl power's gonna shine ♪

♪ forever

♪ we are the magical winx

- At cloud tower,
a new student, selina,

Reads from a mysterious book
that can bring legends to life.

Impressed, the trix aligned
with selina

In order to use her powers

To defeat the winx
once and for all.

The winx battled
the trolls of gloomy wood,

Because, unfortunately,
within a flash,

All of the trolls
and most of the pixies


- Thank you for coming, roxy.

The winx found this crow
outside alfea.

We don't know
what happened to it,

But we believe it's trying
to tell us something.

- There, there.

I'll try to find out
what happened.

- Thank you.

It couldn't be in better hands.

If anyone can help,
it's you, roxy.

- Now that I have shown you
each w*apon's true powers,

It is your turn, students,

To prove your worth.

Your skills will be put
to the test.

You must first select the w*apon
best suited to your strengths.

Now, who's first?


And now a challenger.

- That would be me.

I'll fight sky.

- Hey, sky, who is that guy?

- My cousin, thoren.

- Dude, you have a cousin?

- Long story, but I'm not gonna
let that get in my way.


- These weapons unleash
the wild strength of nature.

Use them with care.

- Oh, bloom,
I'm so worried about the pixies.

- Oh, you'll be back
in your village soon, lockette.

- I really, truly hope
you're right.

- Oh.

- Here.


Don't you worry, chatta.

We'll find all
of the other pixies, trust me.

- But for now,
we know what will cheer you up.

- Music.

Party time.

Whoo! Yeah.


[speakers booming]

Yeah! Whoo!

- Ah!

- Whoa!

- I think that's enough.

Speakers miniaturize.

That's better.
- Whew.

- Pixies, feast your eyes

On my exciting new
morphix gym equipment.

- Ooh.


- Whee!
- Whoo!


- Huh?

- Oh.

- Hmm.

Hi, timmy.

- Hey, tecna.

We're taking an arena
training class

In the linphea college arena.

You and the winx should come
and join us.

- That sounds great.

What do you say, girls?

- Definitely.
- For sure.

- Thanks for the invitation,

- You bet.

See you soon.

- My sister miele

Has just enrolled
at linphea college.

It will be great to see her.

- Sounds like we'll need
to dress for the occasion.

Follow me, winx.

- Let's do this.

- I'm in.
- Sweet.

- [chattering]

- Huh?


- Here we are.

As the winx club
fashion advisor,

I'll make sure that we
represent alfea in style.

Check this out.

Linphea is the magic kingdom
of nature,

So we'll need something wild.

Oh, what about a celebration
of flowers, branches, vines...

I've got it.

- Um.

- We may want to call a gardner.

- Girls, I'm here
to check on the pixies.

- Oh, no.

It's grizelda.

- Yikes.
- Oh, no.

- [gasps]
- hide.

- Stella, are you up there?

- Kiko, down.

- Stella,
what on earth are you doing?

- These plants
are in desperate need of water.

- Seems to me
that studying hard should be

Your main concern,
not gardening.

- Yes, miss grizelda.

- Now, back to your studies.

- Oh, that was close,

But I may have let my creative
juices run a little too wild.

- You think?

- No worries.

I'll sort it out.

- I love it.

- Awesome.
- Whoa.

- Now we look so natural.

- Yeah.
- Whoo-hoo.

- [laughs]
- whoo!

- Oh, linphea.

I've missed it so much.

- Whoo-hoo!

- Here we are.

- Yeah!
- Awesome.

- Flora, this is amazing.

- Cool.

- Hmm.

I wonder where miele is.

I hope she's not in class.

- Look.
- The winx.

- Hey.

All: Hey.

- Winx, I don't know about you,

But I love being famous.

- This is awesome.
- No way.

- I'll catch up with you later.

I'm going to surprise miele.


- Did timmy tell you
where the course is?

- In the arena,
which is right over there.

- Now we just need
to find a way to get there.

- Oh, how about this?

It's perfect.

- Sweet.
We'll be there in no time.

Hop on.

- Oh, wow.

- Awesome.

- There it is.

- All right, gentlemen,
let's practice that again.

Positions and begin.

- Hey, look,
it's sky and thoren.

- I have got to see this.

- [grunts]

[all gasping]

- [grunts]

- Ah!


- Sky's being more
aggressive than usual.

- Hey, brandon, we're here!

- Who, may I ask, is releasing
such a barbaric yell?

- Uh, my girlfriend, sir.

- Hey, ladies.

When it's my turn,
I'll give those guys

A run for their money.

- Ugh.
- Huh?

Excuse me, helia.

- No sweat.

- Hey, let's see
what you've got.

- Bring it.


- [grunts]

- Huh?

- Whoa.

- Where's flora?

- She'll be here soon.

She's visiting someone
she hasn't seen in a while.

- Oh.

- Miele.

- Huh?

- Flora?
- Hi.

[both laughing]

- Flora, it's so good
to see you.

- Could this really be
my little sister?

- I've missed you so much.

- Allow yourselves to become one
with nature's magical energies.

[both grunting]

- Huh?


- [gasps]

Roy, watch out!

- [growls]

- Ah!

- Humph.

- Easy.

This is a civilized training
session, not a cage fight.

- Looks like you two need
to cool off a bit.

This course is a chance
to learn from each other

And perfect new skills,

But the only skill
you've perfected so far

Is how to get a big head.

- Wow, she's no joke.

- And that's where I took
my plant healing course.

- Well done.

I couldn't be more proud of you,

This is such a special place,

And I'm so happy
that you're here

Learning all
about nature's true powers.

- Me too, flora.

All around us are the treants,
the human trees.

Aren't they wonderful?
- Mmm.

Yes, they are.

It's amazing.

There's so much life
in just a single touch.

- I hope to become as
talented as you, flora.

- Hello?

Headmistress faragonda,
I'm back.

Do you have a moment?
- Hmm?

- I managed to use
my vocalization spells,

And I got it to speak.

- Hmm.

- [caws] threat.


- Misfortune?

- Cloud tower.

Ambush. Trix.


- There, there, sweetheart.

So it's the trix.

They must be back
at cloud tower.

That can't be good.

- You're right, roxy,
and that must be griffin.

[thunder cracking]

- [gasps]

Flora, look.

Isn't that cloud tower?

- Yes, yes, it is.
And it's flying?

Something's not right.
Come on.

We've got to tell everyone else.

Let's go, miele.

- Soon we'll conquer
all the colleges

In the magic dimension,

And nobody will be able to
compete with us.

- First stop, linphea.

Selina, got any good stories
to tell?

- Hmm, why, yes.

Everybody on linphea knows
the legend of the treants,

The ancient knights who took
the shape of huge trees.

- Hmm.

- Legendarium, wake up
the treants from torpor

And unleash them
against linphea!

- Everyone, stop.

Something is terribly wrong.

Look, up in the sky.

- The witches.

They've managed
to make cloud tower fly?

- Whoa.
- Check that out.

[treants growling]

- Oh, no.
The treants.

What's happening to them?

- [growls]

- Look out!

- But the treants are good.

[all growling]

- Watch it, branch.

Don't be fresh.

- Winx, we need to transform.

All: Magic winx sirenix!

- ♪ I feel the power
of the ocean ♪

♪ connecting with the deepest
part of me ♪

- Bloom,
fairy of the dragon flame.

- ♪ sirenix underwater motion

- Flora, fairy of nature.

- Aisha, fairy of waves.

- Stella,
fairy of the shining sun.

- Tecna, fairy of technology.

- Musa, fairy of music.

[all growling]

- Miele, take cover.

I'll take care of them.

- Don't worry about me, flora.

I've got this.

- Wow.

- [growling]

- Spring flower!

- [groans]

- [laughs]
nice work, miele.

- Specialists,
get ready to fight.

- Hey, sky,
don't forget about us.

Just let us take
the first swing.

- [growling]

- Sky, we'll fly up
to cloud tower.

That's got to be the source
of all this craziness.

I just know it.

- Good luck.

We'll take care of the treants
down here.

- Come on, winx.

We have to get
to the bottom of this.

Through there.

I feel a powerful negative
energy in here.

- uh-oh.

- Let's move.

We need to get closer.

- [gasps] winx, look who it is.

- Huh?
- Humph.

- The trix.

Why am I not surprised?

- Oh, please.

Did you ever really think
you'd get rid of us?

We like to keep things
interesting around here.

- The only interesting thing
I see is the new costume change.

Is that all you got?

- Just you wait, princess.

We'll be keeping you
on your pretty little toes.

Time to get down to business.

Witches, after them!

- Petal hurricane!

- Deafening chord!

[all groaning]

- Your turn, trix.

Lava jab!

- Naiad's attack!

- [laughs] yah!

- Hah!

- Light diamond!

- That's so last year, blondie.

- I cannot let anyone
get to the legendarium.

- Get back!

[treants growling]

- I've got them
in my sights.

- [grunts]

- Take that.

These new weapons rock.

- Yeah, but we're outnumbered.

- This ought to do it.

[all growling]

- Party's over.

[all moaning]

- We're surrounded.

- What now?

[thunder cracking]

- The source of negative energy
is inside that magic bubble.

- Let's destroy it.

- Come on, winx.

- [gasps]

All: Sirenix convergence!



All: Sweet.

- [moans]

- [gasps]


- Huh?

the winx are in danger.

Let's go.

- I can't reach them.

I'm so weak.

- Got you.

- Easy does it.

- Whoa.

- Thanks, sky.

You've always had a knack
for good timing.


I've got to get back to cloud
tower and stop the trix.

- Not on your own, bloom.

Your friends need to rest
and so do you.

- What happened?

[treants growling]

- Thoren, it's time to retreat.

- Are you kidding me?
Not yet.

- The witch's magic
is too strong.

- And we've lost our powers.

- Ugh.


- Miele, come with us, please.

- You go.

I must protect my friends here,

But I know you'll
find a way to help us.

I have faith in you
and that you'll be back

With a brand-new pair of wings.

- I'll see you soon, miele,

And together we'll save
linphea college.

I promise.

Good-bye, miele.
- Good-bye, flora.

- Specialists, full speed.

[all growling]

- Oh, no.

What are we gonna do?

- Linphea college conquered

And linphea's fairies and
warriors at our beck and call.

- I could get used to this.

- Winx, we heard
the trix are back.

- They are.

Their dark magic is too strong,

And they conquered
linphea college.

- [gasps] but, aisha,

What happened to your powers?

- We don't know, headmistress.

- At cloud tower,

A witch was enveloped
by a magic barrier

From which a powerful energy
was coming.

- And when we
tried to fight it...

- We lost our powers.

All of us except bloom.

- What kind of magic
could be that strong?

- And why didn't
I lose my powers?

- It's easy, bloom.

Your power comes

From the inextinguishable
dragon flame,

The source
of the magic universe.

- Huh?

- Take these.

They're a part
of my dragon flame

That will give you strength.

- Whoa.

- Oh.

- [laughs]

- Winx, you must protect
these magical flames.

Soon, they will spark
a whole new power within.

- But how?

- Through good and brave actions
worthy of a fairy.

Thanks to bloom's dragon flame,

You'll each have
a touch of magic

Until you've earned
a new transformation.

- Thank you, bloom.

- We'll use the dragon flame...
- To sustain our strength...

- Defeat the trix...
- And save linphea.


- The trix have a strong hold
over linphea college

As the treants continue
to overwhelm the students,

flora's younger sister, miele.

With limited powers,

The winx are forced
to retreat to alfea,

Where they focus on increasing
their inner strength,

Enlisting the help
of the specialists and paladins.

- ♪ winx, we're
living the magic ♪

♪ and day by day, we will
light up your world ♪

♪ winx, together we'll make it ♪

♪ your power
will make you shine ♪

♪ and we will fly
in the sky ♪

♪ winx, we're living the magic ♪

♪ sing that song, we'll be
friends till the end ♪

♪ winx, together
we'll make it ♪

♪ love is all around us

♪ it's the wonderful world
of winx ♪